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Last active August 28, 2020 00:58
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Exploration of polygon boundaries
# Node.js dependencies
# Parcel files


Exploration of polygon boundaries


  • See npm run for commands
//- Define common variables
- let canvasSize = 200;
- let pixelSize = 10;
//- Define our page content
doctype html
//- Define meta tags
meta(name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, shrink-to-fit=no")
//- Use Bootstrap for pretty content
link(rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha384-JcKb8q3iqJ61gNV9KGb8thSsNjpSL0n8PARn9HuZOnIxN0hoP+VmmDGMN5t9UJ0Z" crossorigin="anonymous")
title gist-polygon-boundary
//- Set up page styles
canvas {
border: 1px solid black;
//- Set up an empty script for our HMR hook
h1 gist-polygon-boundary
p Exploration of polygon boundaries
| Today it clicked that polygon boundaries are mostly a combination of line boundaries
| which are mostly > or < comparisons
| so we're coding up some examples for ourselves, then double checking what we've read before long ago
//- Define common setup
window.assert = function (val, msg) {
if (!val) {
throw new Error(msg || 'Expected value to be `true` but it was ' + val);
window.drawOnCanvas = function (canvasEl, pxCallback) {
// Resolve our context
window.assert(canvasEl, 'Missing canvas element');
let ctx = canvasEl.getContext('2d');
// Draw our pixels
// DEV: Technically using a callback is inefficient in drawing as it's constantly adding to the stack
// but this is more for demo/learning purposes
// Also JIT compilation should kick in if needed
let pxSize = window.pixelSize;
for (let x = 0; x < window.canvasSize; x += pxSize) {
for (let y = 0; y < window.canvasSize; y += pxSize) {
pxCallback(ctx, x, y, pxSize);
// Return our context for customization
return ctx;
= 'window.canvasSize = ' + canvasSize + ';'
= 'window.pixelSize = ' + pixelSize + ';'
h2 Checkboard test pattern
canvas#canvasCheckerboard(width=canvasSize height=canvasSize)
(function () {
let canvasCheckerboardEl = document.getElementById('canvasCheckerboard');
window.drawOnCanvas(canvasCheckerboardEl, function (ctx, x, y, pxSize) {
ctx.fillStyle = (x % (pxSize * 2) ^ y % (pxSize * 2)) ? '#fff' : '#000';
ctx.fillRect(x, y, pxSize, pxSize);
h2 Boundary line pattern
canvas#canvasBoundaryLine(width=canvasSize height=canvasSize)
(function () {
// Fill in pixels for our line
let canvasBoundaryLineEl = document.getElementById('canvasBoundaryLine');
let yIntercept = window.canvasSize * 0.6;
let slope = -0.5;
let ctx = window.drawOnCanvas(canvasBoundaryLineEl, function (ctx, x, y, pxSize) {
let yBoundary = x * slope + yIntercept;
ctx.fillStyle = (y > yBoundary) ? '#fff' : '#000';
ctx.fillRect(x, y, pxSize, pxSize);
// Draw the line itself
ctx.moveTo(0 /* x */, yIntercept);
let endY = window.canvasSize * slope + yIntercept;
ctx.lineTo(window.canvasSize, endY);
ctx.lineWidth = 2;
ctx.strokeStyle = '#00f';
| Note how the line is above the hard boundary.
| I guess this is because we're using the upper-left corner of pixels, than the pixel center
| Correction: Centroid, center is for circles only apparently,
h2 Triangle
| The following example is overbuilt, apparently we can just use cross products and dot products
| The issue though is that while I understand how to calculate these values, I'm getting overwhelmed at remembering what they actually do
| I might come back to this later, I might not
| Kind of frustrated that there's no explainer which does what I do that I can find early on =/
canvas#canvasTriangle(width=canvasSize height=canvasSize)
(function () {
// Define our setup
let canvasTriangleEl = document.getElementById('canvasTriangle');
let trianglePoints = [
{x: 0, y: 90},
{x: 180, y: 40},
{x: 200, y: 200},
// Verify our triangle is right handed chiral
// DEV: This is required for orientation to work, otherwise our comparisons are off
// Though, I'm still uncertain
// DEV: Right hand chiral would mean... at least 1 line from (0,0)-ish to (1,1)-ish
let isRightHanded = trianglePoints.some((startVertex, i) => {
// Resolve our next adjacent point
let endVertex = trianglePoints[(i + 1) % trianglePoints.length];
console.log(startVertex.x, endVertex.x, startVertex.y, endVertex.y);
console.log(startVertex.x < endVertex.x, startVertex.y < endVertex.y);
return (startVertex.x < endVertex.x && startVertex.y < endVertex.y);
if (!isRightHanded) {'Reversing triangle');
// Calculate lines eagerly
// For each of our adjacent triangle points, verify our point is within their line
// This line is infinitely extended
let triangleLines =, i) => {
// Resolve our next adjacent point
let endVertex = trianglePoints[(i + 1) % trianglePoints.length];
// Determine our infinitely extended line info
// DEV: slope = rise/run
let slope = (endVertex.y - startVertex.y) / (endVertex.x - startVertex.x);
// DEV: yIntercept via `y = mx + b (yIntercept)` -> `b = y - mx`
let yIntercept = startVertex.y - (slope * startVertex.x);
// Determine our line's orientation
// DEV: We have startVertex -> endVertex always
// but the line is ignorate of that vector so we need to persist how that went
// If the slope is positive and starting from a "lower" position (assuming 0,0 is lower left)
// then, boundary is positive
// If slope is negative and start "low", then boundary negative
// If slope is positive and start "high", then boundary negative
// If slope is negative and start "high", then boundary positive
let orientation = (slope >= 0) ^ (endVertex.y > startVertex.y);
// Return our info
return { slope, yIntercept, orientation };
// Perform our triangle drawing
let ctx = window.drawOnCanvas(canvasTriangleEl, function (ctx, x, y, pxSize) {
// Verify this point is in all our lines
let inTriangle = triangleLines.every((lineInfo) => {
// Determine if our point is above or below the line
let yBoundary = x * lineInfo.slope + lineInfo.yIntercept;
let underLine = y < yBoundary;
// Use line orientation to determine how to compare line boundary
return lineInfo.orientation ? underLine : !underLine;
ctx.fillStyle = inTriangle ? '#fff' : '#000';
// Draw our pixel
ctx.fillRect(x, y, pxSize, pxSize);
// Draw lines using our equations
triangleLines.forEach((lineInfo) => {
ctx.moveTo(0 /* x */, lineInfo.yIntercept);
let endY = window.canvasSize * lineInfo.slope + lineInfo.yIntercept;
ctx.lineTo(window.canvasSize, endY);
ctx.lineWidth = 2;
ctx.strokeStyle = '#00f';
"name": "gist-polygon-boundary",
"version": "1.0.0",
"description": "Exploration of polygon boundaries",
"main": "index.js",
"scripts": {
"start": "parcel index.pug --port 5000",
"test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
"author": "Todd Wolfson <> (",
"license": "Unlicense",
"dependencies": {},
"devDependencies": {
"parcel": "~1.12.4",
"pug": "~3.0.0"
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