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Last active December 10, 2015 16:59
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Save twolfson/4464886 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
View concept -- because templates and views are the same.
// Set up of dependencies and bindings
// // Specify any dependencies (e.g. partials must be defined)
// 'require': ['mvc!v/nav!v/main'],
// Backbone style event bindings -- INSIDE the view/template markup
// I like this because it is so fool-proof and quite portable
'events': {
'submit .validate-form': 'submit',
'click .submitBtn': 'submit'
// Backbone style methods
'submit': function (e) {
// Prevent normal submission
// Run validation
var isValid = this.validate();
// If it is valid, emit an event
// TODO: This could be updating a model based on MVC implementation but that starts to over-blend
// TODO: We could also emit to Sauron (global mediator) like a boss
if (isValid) {
// Semantic helper for jQuery plugin
'validate': function () {
return this.$elt.validateForm();
// Note the two line breaks to separate JSON from content; using technique from toto;
// Hyphened-classes are for CSS, camelCased are for JS
label(for="name") Name
input#name.validate(type="text", placeholder="John Doe")
// Once processed by Builder, returns a jQuery collection with bindings from JSON at start AS WELL AS build chain bindings (e.g. validateForm)
// Set up of dependencies and bindings
// Specify any dependencies (e.g. partials must be defined)
'require': ['mvc!v/nav!v/home']
// Still have the two line breaks
// Very simple markup since this is a wrapper view
// You can also skip over the JSON declaration
h1 Home
p Welcome to the website!
// The n_home is to force order among gist files
'events': {
'click .nav-item': 'navigateTo'
'navigateTo': function (e) {
// Stop the default action
// Determine where we want to go
var $target = $(,
$a = $target.find('a'),
href = $a.attr('href');
// If we are not on the same page, emit the request
if (this.currentPage !== href) {
this.emit('navigate', href);
a(href="#home") Home
a(href="#about") About
a(href="#contact") Contact

This gist challenges keeping template and logic separate.

From my perspective, there are two sets of logic that exist in user interfaces:

  • Interactive (the kind of bindings that perform things like animations and validation)
  • Business (updating data and talking to servers)

My current and past beliefs are that views are the content and controllers are the business logic. Content should be interactive not static -- if I click on X, then Y should happen. This binding does not belong in a controller; it is part of the markup.


Back when our UI's were generating content on the server-side, all views were static HTML going downstream. However, once they made it to the client side, we had a single endpoint where JavaScript bindings would take place. This has since changed with client side UI's, we now have many end-points since we render and bind every view. This means we need to modularize all of those interactions with the content itself.


  • No longer maintaining two files for one view/template combination


  • Attaching events onto partials gets interesting but it always does
  • Goodbye linting =(
    • The caveat for this is that if anything can be abstracted to a jQuery plugin, it should be (and thus instantiated via Builder)
    • Otherwise, it will be a sad one-off fashion that cannot be linted

If you are asking, but what about using a template for two views? (in the backbone sense) My response is nothing has changed -- the only difference is instead of being a template/view difference, they are now both views. Just load the common view as a partial, problem solved.

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