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Last active August 4, 2019 14:32
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  • Save twome/57875263bfd30713060eea9394f9afe3 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save twome/57875263bfd30713060eea9394f9afe3 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Nah, yeah, yeah, nah, nah, nah, yeah, nah, nah, yeah, yeah, nah, yeah, nah, nah, yeah, nah, yeah, yeah, nah, yeah, yeah, yeah, nah, nah, yeah, yeah, nah, nah, yeah, yeah, yeah, nah, yeah, yeah, nah, nah, nah, yeah, nah, nah, yeah, yeah, nah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, nah, yeah, yeah, nah, yeah, yeah, yeah, nah, nah, yeah, yeah, nah, nah, yeah, yea…
#!/usr/bin/env node
const uintToBitString = int => {
if (!(int >= 0 && int <= 127)) throw Error('ASCII only, hun.')
let bitString = ''
function f(num){
if (num == 0) return
let rem = num % 2
let div = Math.floor(num / 2)
bitString += rem.toString() // Because this happens after the stack has fully extended, the string will be appended to in reverse order.
return bitString
const leftPad8 = bitString => '0'.repeat(8 - bitString.length) + bitString
let input = process.argv[2]
if (!input) throw Error('Huh?')
let ascii = ''
for (let i = 0; i < input.length; i += 1){
let charCodeInt = input.codePointAt(i)
let bitString = leftPad8(uintToBitString(charCodeInt))
ascii += bitString
let translated = ascii.replace(/1/g,'yeah, ').replace(/0/g, 'nah, ')
// Grammar
translated = translated.replace(/^y/, 'Y').replace(/^n/, 'N').substring(0, translated.length - 2) + '.'
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