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-export([empty/0, insert/3, lookup/2]).
-export([construct/2, construct_test/0]).
empty() -> {node, 'nil'}.
insert(Key, Val, {node, 'nil'}) ->
{node, {Key, Val, {node, 'nil'}, {node, 'nil'}}};
insert(NewKey, NewVal, {node, {Key, Val, Smaller, Larger}}) when NewKey < Key ->
{node, {Key, Val, insert(NewKey, NewVal, Smaller), Larger}};
insert(NewKey, NewVal, {node, {Key, Val, Smaller, Larger}}) when NewKey > Key ->
{node, {Key, Val, Smaller, insert(NewKey, NewVal, Larger)}};
insert(Key, Val, {node, {Key, _, Smaller, Larger}}) ->
{node, {Key, Val, Smaller, Larger}}.
lookup(_, {node, 'nil'}) ->
lookup(Key, {node, {Key, Val, _, _}}) ->
{ok, Val};
lookup(Key, {node, {NodeKey, _, Smaller, _}}) when Key < NodeKey ->
lookup(Key, Smaller);
lookup(Key, {node, {_, _, _, Larger}}) ->
lookup(Key, Larger).
construct(InOrder, PreOrder) ->
construct(InOrder, PreOrder, empty()).
construct([], [], Tree) ->
construct(InOrder, PreOrder, Tree) ->
[Root | RestPO] = PreOrder,
%% Find Left and Right values of the root
case find_sides(Root, InOrder) of
{[], []} ->
insert(Root, Root, Tree);
{Left, Right} ->
{LPO, RPO} = lists:split(length(Left), RestPO),
LeftNode = construct(Left, LPO, Tree),
RightNode = construct(Right, RPO, Tree),
{node, {Root, Root, LeftNode, RightNode}}
find_sides(Root, InOrder) ->
case lists:splitwith(fun(Elem) ->
Elem =/= Root
end, InOrder) of
{Left, []} ->
{Left, []};
{Left, [Root | Right]} ->
{Left, Right}
construct_test() ->
construct(["D", "B", "E", "A", "F", "C"],
["A", "B", "D", "E", "C", "F"]).
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