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{% import_yaml "SETASIDE/account-base.yml" as account_base_record %}
{% set accounts = {'accounts':account_base_record.users} %}
{{ accounts | yaml }}
TL;DR: how can I make a pillar file, containing a jinja template, seeded from
another pillar file that isn't visible to my minion? So far I haven't been
able to make one that outputs any data at all.
Grand mal:
I have two minions, "minion-a" and "minion-b".
Two pillars (under ext_pillar): "admins.yml" and "customers.yml".
TL;DR: is there some way to have a set of pillar data appear under differentent
names depending on the context? So:
minion-X gets a pillar titled "users:";
but minion-Y gets the same data, titled, oh, "user_record:"