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Created August 26, 2018 07:36
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Little Script for get ets4 efs file to integrate in home assistant
import datetime
import csv
import yaml
tags = None
namecount = dict()
class KNXDeviceManager(yaml.YAMLObject):
yaml_tag = u'!KNXDeviceManager'
def __init__(self,listing= []):
self.Devices = listing
self.ETS_NAME = "test"
def filtertype(self,markedtype):
sublist = []
for dev in self.Devices :
tainted = False
for entry in dev.xadresses :
if (( hasattr(,"type")) and ( getattr(,"type") == markedtype)):
tainted = True
if tainted:
return sublist
def filtertags(self,tag):
sublist = []
for dev in self.Devices:
tainted = False
for entry in dev.xadresses :
contain = False
for tg in tag:
for tags in
if (tags == tg):
contain = True
for tags in dev.removed_tags:
if (tags == tg):
contain = True
if contain:
tainted = True
if tainted:
return sublist
def addAddress(self,Object):
tmp = KNXEntry(Object)
merge = None
for dev in self.Devices:
if ( ==
dev.xadresses.append( tmp )
def lenunknow(self):
i = 0
tmp = []
for dev in self.Devices :
tainted = False
for entry in dev.xadresses :
if not hasattr(,"type") :
i += 1
tainted = True
if tainted:
return tmp
def dump_save(self):
i = 0
tmp = []
for dev in self.Devices :
if hasattr(,"type") :
i += 1
return KNXDeviceManager(tmp)
class KNXName(yaml.YAMLObject):
yaml_tag = u'!KNX_Name'
def __init__(self,strInput):
self.originalName = strInput # Keep original for debug output
self.removed_tags = list() # keep the known tag for some manipulation = list() # Device Name
self.mountPoint = "unknown_typ" # is used for key value of home assistant config. normaly group_address or group_address_state
for index, tag in enumerate(strInput):
if (tag != ""):
if (namecount.get(tag)):
namecount[tag] +=1
namecount[tag] =1
if (tags.get(tag)):
tmptag = tags.get(tag)
self.mountPoint = tmptag.get("mountPoint")
self.type = tmptag.get("type")
class KNXEntry(yaml.YAMLObject):
yaml_tag = u'!KNXEntry'
def __init__(self, Object):
_, self.knx_address = Object[0].rsplit(".",1) # This is the */*/* address, the named group addresses are no us till now = KNXName(Object[1].split(' '))
# Don't have use for these values jet, commenting out helps readability
#self.typeName = Object[2]
#self.significantBit = Object[3]
#if (Object[4]!= ""):
# self.accessed_by = Object[4].split(' ')
class KNXDevice(yaml.YAMLObject):
yaml_tag = u'!KNX_Device'
def __init__(self,entry): =[:] # [:] copys the value so that there is no linking in the yaml
self.xadresses = list() # can't be a dict, because we don't know that the input data is sane and no overwrites happen
# lazy version for a pretty string for home assistant
def homeassistantconfigout(iDevices):
outputstr = "#KNX Config\n\n"
for dev in iDevices :
outputstr +="- platform: knx\n"
outputstr += " name: " +" ".join( +"\n"
for entry in dev.xadresses :
outputstr += " " + + " : " + entry.knx_address +"\n"
outputstr += "\n"
return outputstr
# Reads known tags from external file for categorisation
# Example test.yaml
# E/A:
# mountPoint: group_address
# type: switch
# RM:
# mountPoint: group_address_state
# type: switch
with open("tags.yaml", 'r') as stream:
tags = yaml.load(stream).get("tags")
except yaml.YAMLError as exc:
# Reading the efs file as csv with european encoding
with open("test.csv", "r", encoding="ISO-8859-1") as csvfile:
reader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter='\t')
config = KNXDeviceManager()
# First line is a title, so spezial treatment
length = 0
for indexR, row in enumerate(reader):
if (indexR == 0):
config.ETS_NAME= row[0]
length = indexR
# Some examples and tests
# print(yaml.dump(config.lenunknow(),default_flow_style=False,allow_unicode=True))
# print(len(config.Devices))
# print(homeassistantconfigout(config.filtertype("switch")))
# print(yaml.dump(config.Devices,default_flow_style=False,allow_unicode=True))
# Prints every tag and how many time it accures. Helps pick tags for categorisation by name
for key, value in sorted(namecount.items(), key=lambda x: x[1]):
print('%s: %s' % (key, value))
# makes a version name like Fellmann_EFH_08.26.18.yaml
savename = config.ETS_NAME.replace(' ','_') + "_" +"%x").replace('/','.') + ".yaml"
with open(savename,"w+") as yaml_file:
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