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Created July 19, 2011 22:08
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Manos.MySql API proposals
public static void Proposal1(Context context)
// Old school C# style!
// Has the ability to actually remove those events afterwards!.
MySqlConnector.Connect(context, "test", "test", "password", (stream) => {
var cmd = stream.Query("SELECT name, surname FROM people where city = 'Aachen'");
cmd.OnRow += (row) => {
Console.WriteLine("{0} {1}",, row[1]);
cmd.OnEnd += () => {
Console.WriteLine("End of data!");
public static void Proposal2(Context context)
// Manos style
MySqlConnector.Connect(context, "test", "test", "password", (stream) => {
stream.Query("SELECT name, surname FROM people where city = 'Aachen'", (row) => {
Console.WriteLine("{0} {1}",, row[1]);
}, () => {
Console.WriteLine("End of data!");
public static void Proposal3(Context context)
// Using a return object and functions to add
// delegates, javascript style
MySqlConnector.Connect(context, "test", "test", "password", (stream) => {
stream.Query("SELECT name, surname FROM people where city = 'Aachen'").OnRow((row) => {
Console.WriteLine("{0} {1}",, row[1]);
}).OnEnd(() => {
Console.WriteLine("End of data!");
public static void Proposal4(Context context)
// naming arguments
MySqlConnector.Connect(context, "test", "test", "password", (stream) => {
stream.Query("SELECT name, surname FROM people where city = 'Aachen'"),
onRow: (row) => {
Console.WriteLine("{0} {1}",, row[1]);
onEnd: () => {
Console.WriteLine("End of data!");
public static void Proposal5(Context context)
// This solution lets one create very imperative looking async style code
MySqlConnector.Connect(context, "test", "test", "password", (stream) => {
stream.Query("SELECT name, surname FROM people where city = 'Aachen'"),
Read: (rows) => {
while (!rows.End) {
Row row;
while (!row.Read(out row))) {
// the driver will fire up this event only
// if it has some stuff to read again
yield return false;
Console.WriteLine("{0} {1}",, row[1]);
Console.WriteLine("End of data!");
// indicate that we finished reading, no need to
// call the enumerator again
yield return true;
public static void Proposal6(Context context)
// Don't know if it is possible, since I have not much experience
// with await
MySqlConnector.Connect(context, "test", "test", "password", (stream) => {
stream.Query("SELECT name, surname FROM people where city = 'Aachen'"),
Read: (rows) => {
Row row;
while ((row = await rows.Read()) != null) {
Console.WriteLine("{0} {1}",, row[1]);
Console.WriteLine("End of data!");
public static void AllInOne(Context context)
// It is possible to use them all!
MySqlConnector.Connect(context, "test", "test", "password", (stream) => {
var cmd = stream.Query("SELECT name, surname FROM people where city = 'Aachen'", (row) => {
Console.WriteLine("{0} {1}",, row[1]);
onEnd: () => {
Console.WriteLine("End of data!");
}).OnEnd(() => {
}).OnRow((row) => {
Console.WriteLine("Nice, isn't it?");
cmd.EndEvent += () => {
Console.WriteLine("Another event!");
cmd.RowEvent += () => {
Console.WriteLine("yeah, another one...");
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