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Last active August 29, 2015 14:27
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diff --git a/Bridge/Resources/bridge.js b/Bridge/Resources/bridge.js
index 3d92710..0da0eb1 100755
--- a/Bridge/Resources/bridge.js
+++ b/Bridge/Resources/bridge.js
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
* @version : 1.8.0 - Bridge.NET
* @author : Object.NET, Inc.
* @date : 2015-08-17
@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@
* @license : See license.txt and
// @source Core.js
(function () {
@@ -2432,7 +2431,62 @@ Bridge.define("Bridge.CultureInfo", {
// @source Integer.js
+/*(function() {
+ var createIntType = function(name, min, max) {
+ var type = Bridge.define(name, {
+ inherits: [Bridge.IComparable, Bridge.IFormattable],
+ statics: {
+ min: min,
+ max: max,
+ instanceOf: function (instance) {
+ return typeof(instance) === 'number' && Math.round(instance, 0) == instance && instance >= min && instance <= max;
+ },
+ getDefaultValue: function () {
+ return 0;
+ },
+ parse: function(s) {
+ return Bridge.Int.parseInt(s, min, max);
+ },
+ tryParse: function(s, result) {
+ return Bridge.Int.tryParseInt(s, result, min, max);
+ },
+ format: function(number, format, provider) {
+ return Bridge.Int.format(number, format, provider);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ Bridge.Class.addExtend(type, [Bridge.IComparable$1(type), Bridge.IEquatable$1(type)]);
+ };
+ createIntType('Bridge.Byte', 0, 255);
+ createIntType('Bridge.SByte', -128, 127);
+ createIntType('Bridge.Int16', -32768, 32767);
+ createIntType('Bridge.UInt16', 0, 65535);
+ createIntType('Bridge.Int32', -2147483648, 2147483647);
+ createIntType('Bridge.UInt32', 0, 4294967295);
+ createIntType('Bridge.Int64', -9223372036854775808, 9223372036854775807);
+ createIntType('Bridge.UInt64', 0, 18446744073709551615);
+ createIntType('Bridge.Char', 0, 65535);
+ Bridge.Char.tryParse = function (s, result) {
+ var b = s && s.length === 1;
+ result.v = b ? s.charCodeAt(0) : 0;
+ return b;
+ };
+ Bridge.Char.parse = function(s) {
+ if (!Bridge.hasValue(s)) {
+ throw new Bridge.ArgumentNullException('s');
+ }
+ if (s.length !== 1) {
+ throw new Bridge.FormatException();
+ }
+ return s.charCodeAt(0);
+ };
Bridge.define('Bridge.Int', {
inherits: [Bridge.IComparable, Bridge.IFormattable],
@@ -3018,7 +3072,7 @@ Bridge.define('Bridge.Int', {
Bridge.Class.addExtend(Bridge.Int, [Bridge.IComparable$1(Bridge.Int), Bridge.IEquatable$1(Bridge.Int)]);
+/* decimal.js v4.0.2 */
!function (e) { "use strict"; function n(e) { for (var n, r, t = 1, i = e.length, o = e[0] + ""; i > t; t++) { for (n = e[t] + "", r = y - n.length; r--;) n = "0" + n; o += n } for (i = o.length; 48 === o.charCodeAt(--i) ;); return o.slice(0, i + 1 || 1) } function r(e, n, r, t) { var i, o, s, c, u; for (o = 1, s = e[0]; s >= 10; s /= 10, o++); return s = n - o, 0 > s ? (s += y, i = 0) : (i = Math.ceil((s + 1) / y), s %= y), o = E(10, y - s), u = e[i] % o | 0, null == t ? 3 > s ? (0 == s ? u = u / 100 | 0 : 1 == s && (u = u / 10 | 0), c = 4 > r && 99999 == u || r > 3 && 49999 == u || 5e4 == u || 0 == u) : c = (4 > r && u + 1 == o || r > 3 && u + 1 == o / 2) && (e[i + 1] / o / 100 | 0) == E(10, s - 2) - 1 || (u == o / 2 || 0 == u) && 0 == (e[i + 1] / o / 100 | 0) : 4 > s ? (0 == s ? u = u / 1e3 | 0 : 1 == s ? u = u / 100 | 0 : 2 == s && (u = u / 10 | 0), c = (t || 4 > r) && 9999 == u || !t && r > 3 && 4999 == u) : c = ((t || 4 > r) && u + 1 == o || !t && r > 3 && u + 1 == o / 2) && (e[i + 1] / o / 1e3 | 0) == E(10, s - 3) - 1, c } function t(e, n, r) { var t = e.constructor; return null == n || ((m = 0 > n || n > 8) || 0 !== n && (t.errors ? parseInt : parseFloat)(n) != n) && !u(t, "rounding mode", n, r, 0) ? t.rounding : 0 | n } function i(e, n, r, t) { var i = e.constructor; return !(m = (t || 0) > n || n >= A + 1) && (0 === n || (i.errors ? parseInt : parseFloat)(n) == n) || u(i, "argument", n, r, 0) } function o(e, t) { var i, o, s, c, u, l, f, h = 0, g = 0, p = 0, m = e.constructor, d = m.ONE, v = m.rounding, N = m.precision; if (!e.c || !e.c[0] || e.e > 17) return new m(e.c ? e.c[0] ? e.s < 0 ? 0 : 1 / 0 : d : e.s ? e.s < 0 ? 0 : e : 0 / 0); for (null == t ? (w = !1, u = N) : u = t, f = new m(.03125) ; e.e > -2;) e = e.times(f), p += 5; for (o = Math.log(E(2, p)) / Math.LN10 * 2 + 5 | 0, u += o, i = c = l = new m(d), m.precision = u; ;) { if (c = a(c.times(e), u, 1), i = i.times(++g), f =, i, u, 1)), n(f.c).slice(0, u) === n(l.c).slice(0, u)) { for (s = p; s--;) l = a(l.times(l), u, 1); if (null != t) return m.precision = N, l; if (!(3 > h && r(l.c, u - o, v, h))) return a(l, m.precision = N, v, w = !0); m.precision = u += 10, i = c = f = new m(d), g = 0, h++ } l = f } } function s(e, r, t, i) { var o, s, c = e.constructor, u = (e = new c(e)).e; if (null == r ? t = 0 : (a(e, ++r, t), t = i ? r : r + e.e - u), u = e.e, o = n(e.c), 1 == i || 2 == i && (u >= r || u <= c.toExpNeg)) { for (; o.length < t; o += "0"); o.length > 1 && (o = o.charAt(0) + "." + o.slice(1)), o += (0 > u ? "e" : "e+") + u } else { if (i = o.length, 0 > u) { for (s = t - i; ++u; o = "0" + o); o = "0." + o } else if (++u > i) { for (s = t - u, u -= i; u--; o += "0"); s > 0 && (o += ".") } else s = t - i, i > u ? o = o.slice(0, u) + "." + o.slice(u) : s > 0 && (o += "."); if (s > 0) for (; s--; o += "0"); } return e.s < 0 && e.c[0] ? "-" + o : o } function c(e) { var n = e.length - 1, r = n * y + 1; if (n = e[n]) { for (; n % 10 == 0; n /= 10, r--); for (n = e[0]; n >= 10; n /= 10, r++); } return r } function u(e, n, r, t, i) { if (e.errors) { var o = new Error((t || ["new Decimal", "cmp", "div", "eq", "gt", "gte", "lt", "lte", "minus", "mod", "plus", "times", "toFraction", "pow", "random", "log", "sqrt", "toNearest", "divToInt"][v ? 0 > v ? -v : v : 0 > 1 / v ? 1 : 0]) + "() " + (["number type has more than 15 significant digits", "LN10 out of digits"][n] || n + ([m ? " out of range" : " not an integer", " not a boolean or binary digit"][i] || "")) + ": " + r); throw = "Decimal Error", m = v = 0, o } } function l(e, n, r) { var t = new e(e.ONE); for (w = !1; 1 & r && (t = t.times(n)), r >>= 1, r;) n = n.times(n); return w = !0, t } function f(e, t) { var i, o, s, c, l, h, g, p, m, d, v, N = 1, E = 10, x = e, b = x.c, y = x.constructor, O = y.ONE, S = y.rounding, D = y.precision; if (x.s < 0 || !b || !b[0] || !x.e && 1 == b[0] && 1 == b.length) return new y(b && !b[0] ? -1 / 0 : 1 != x.s ? 0 / 0 : b ? 0 : x); if (null == t ? (w = !1, g = D) : g = t, y.precision = g += E, i = n(b), o = i.charAt(0), !(Math.abs(c = x.e) < 15e14)) return x = new y(o + "." + i.slice(1)), g + 2 > M.length && u(y, 1, g + 2, "ln"), x = f(x, g - E).plus(new y(M.slice(0, g + 2)).times(c + "")), y.precision = D, null == t ? a(x, D, S, w = !0) : x; for (; 7 > o && 1 != o || 1 == o && i.charAt(1) > 3;) x = x.times(e), i = n(x.c), o = i.charAt(0), N++; for (c = x.e, o > 1 ? (x = new y("0." + i), c++) : x = new y(o + "." + i.slice(1)), d = x, p = l = x = P(x.minus(O),, g, 1), v = a(x.times(x), g, 1), s = 3; ;) { if (l = a(l.times(v), g, 1), m =, new y(s), g, 1)), n(m.c).slice(0, g) === n(p.c).slice(0, g)) { if (p = p.times(2), 0 !== c && (g + 2 > M.length && u(y, 1, g + 2, "ln"), p = y(M.slice(0, g + 2)).times(c + ""))), p = P(p, new y(N), g, 1), null != t) return y.precision = D, p; if (!r(p.c, g - E, S, h)) return a(p, y.precision = D, S, w = !0); y.precision = g += E, m = l = x = P(d.minus(O),, g, 1), v = a(x.times(x), g, 1), s = h = 1 } p = m, s += 2 } } function a(e, n, r, t) { var i, o, s, c, u, l, f, a, h = e.constructor; e: if (null != n) { if (!(f = e.c)) return e; for (i = 1, c = f[0]; c >= 10; c /= 10, i++); if (o = n - i, 0 > o) o += y, s = n, u = f[a = 0], l = u / E(10, i - s - 1) % 10 | 0; else if (a = Math.ceil((o + 1) / y), a >= f.length) { if (!t) break e; for (; f.length <= a; f.push(0)); u = l = 0, i = 1, o %= y, s = o - y + 1 } else { for (u = c = f[a], i = 1; c >= 10; c /= 10, i++); o %= y, s = o - y + i, l = 0 > s ? 0 : N(u / E(10, i - s - 1) % 10) } if (t = t || 0 > n || null != f[a + 1] || (0 > s ? u : u % E(10, i - s - 1)), t = 4 > r ? (l || t) && (0 == r || r == (e.s < 0 ? 3 : 2)) : l > 5 || 5 == l && (4 == r || t || 6 == r && (o > 0 ? s > 0 ? u / E(10, i - s) : 0 : f[a - 1]) % 10 & 1 || r == (e.s < 0 ? 8 : 7)), 1 > n || !f[0]) return f.length = 0, t ? (n -= e.e + 1, f[0] = E(10, n % y), e.e = -n || 0) : f[0] = e.e = 0, e; if (0 == o ? (f.length = a, c = 1, a--) : (f.length = a + 1, c = E(10, y - o), f[a] = s > 0 ? (u / E(10, i - s) % E(10, s) | 0) * c : 0), t) for (; ;) { if (0 == a) { for (o = 1, s = f[0]; s >= 10; s /= 10, o++); for (s = f[0] += c, c = 1; s >= 10; s /= 10, c++); o != c && (e.e++, f[0] == b && (f[0] = 1)); break } if (f[a] += c, f[a] != b) break; f[a--] = 0, c = 1 } for (o = f.length; 0 === f[--o]; f.pop()); } return w && (e.e > h.maxE ? e.c = e.e = null : e.e < h.minE && (e.c = [e.e = 0])), e } var h, g, p, m, d = e.crypto, w = !0, v = 0, N = Math.floor, E = Math.pow, x = Object.prototype.toString, b = 1e7, y = 7, O = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ$_", S = {}, D = 9e15, A = 1e9, F = 3e3, M = "2.3025850929940456840179914546843642076011014886287729760333279009675726096773524802359972050895982983419677840422862486334095254650828067566662873690987816894829072083255546808437998948262331985283935053089653777326288461633662222876982198867465436674744042432743651550489343149393914796194044002221051017141748003688084012647080685567743216228355220114804663715659121373450747856947683463616792101806445070648000277502684916746550586856935673420670581136429224554405758925724208241314695689016758940256776311356919292033376587141660230105703089634572075440370847469940168269282808481184289314848524948644871927809676271275775397027668605952496716674183485704422507197965004714951050492214776567636938662976979522110718264549734772662425709429322582798502585509785265383207606726317164309505995087807523710333101197857547331541421808427543863591778117054309827482385045648019095610299291824318237525357709750539565187697510374970888692180205189339507238539205144634197265287286965110862571492198849978748873771345686209167058"; S.absoluteValue = S.abs = function () { var e = new this.constructor(this); return e.s < 0 && (e.s = 1), a(e) }, S.ceil = function () { return a(new this.constructor(this), this.e + 1, 2) }, S.comparedTo = S.cmp = function (e, n) { var r, t = this, i = t.c, o = (v = -v, e = new t.constructor(e, n), e.c), s = t.s, c = e.s, u = t.e, l = e.e; if (!s || !c) return null; if (r = i && !i[0], n = o && !o[0], r || n) return r ? n ? 0 : -c : s; if (s != c) return s; if (r = 0 > s, !i || !o) return u == l ? 0 : !i ^ r ? 1 : -1; if (u != l) return u > l ^ r ? 1 : -1; for (s = -1, c = (u = i.length) < (l = o.length) ? u : l; ++s < c;) if (i[s] != o[s]) return i[s] > o[s] ^ r ? 1 : -1; return u == l ? 0 : u > l ^ r ? 1 : -1 }, S.decimalPlaces = S.dp = function () { var e, n, r = null; if (e = this.c) { if (r = ((n = e.length - 1) - N(this.e / y)) * y, n = e[n]) for (; n % 10 == 0; n /= 10, r--); 0 > r && (r = 0) } return r }, S.dividedBy = S.div = function (e, n) { return v = 2, P(this, new this.constructor(e, n)) }, S.dividedToIntegerBy = S.divToInt = function (e, n) { var r = this, t = r.constructor; return v = 18, a(P(r, new t(e, n), 0, 1, 1), t.precision, t.rounding) }, S.equals = S.eq = function (e, n) { return v = 3, 0 === this.cmp(e, n) }, S.exponential = S.exp = function () { return o(this) }, S.floor = function () { return a(new this.constructor(this), this.e + 1, 3) }, S.greaterThan = = function (e, n) { return v = 4, this.cmp(e, n) > 0 }, S.greaterThanOrEqualTo = S.gte = function (e, n) { return v = 5, n = this.cmp(e, n), 1 == n || 0 === n }, S.isFinite = function () { return !!this.c }, S.isInteger = S.isInt = function () { return !!this.c && N(this.e / y) > this.c.length - 2 }, S.isNaN = function () { return !this.s }, S.isNegative = S.isNeg = function () { return this.s < 0 }, S.isZero = function () { return !!this.c && 0 == this.c[0] }, S.lessThan = = function (e, n) { return v = 6, this.cmp(e, n) < 0 }, S.lessThanOrEqualTo = S.lte = function (e, n) { return v = 7, n = this.cmp(e, n), -1 == n || 0 === n }, S.logarithm = S.log = function (e, t) { var i, o, s, c, l, h, g, p, m, d = this, N = d.constructor, E = N.precision, x = N.rounding, b = 5; if (null == e) e = new N(10), i = !0; else { if (v = 15, e = new N(e, t), o = e.c, e.s < 0 || !o || !o[0] || !e.e && 1 == o[0] && 1 == o.length) return new N(0 / 0); i = e.eq(10) } if (o = d.c, d.s < 0 || !o || !o[0] || !d.e && 1 == o[0] && 1 == o.length) return new N(o && !o[0] ? -1 / 0 : 1 != d.s ? 0 / 0 : o ? 0 : 1 / 0); if (l = i && (c = o[0], o.length > 1 || 1 != c && 10 != c && 100 != c && 1e3 != c && 1e4 != c && 1e5 != c && 1e6 != c), w = !1, g = E + b, p = g + 10, h = f(d, g), i ? (p > M.length && u(N, 1, p, "log"), s = new N(M.slice(0, p))) : s = f(e, g), m = P(h, s, g, 1), r(m.c, c = E, x)) do if (g += 10, h = f(d, g), i ? (p = g + 10, p > M.length && u(N, 1, p, "log"), s = new N(M.slice(0, p))) : s = f(e, g), m = P(h, s, g, 1), !l) { +n(m.c).slice(c + 1, c + 15) + 1 == 1e14 && (m = a(m, E + 1, 0)); break } while (r(m.c, c += 10, x)); return w = !0, a(m, E, x) }, S.minus = function (e, n) { var r, t, i, o, s = this, c = s.constructor, u = s.s; if (v = 8, e = new c(e, n), n = e.s, !u || !n) return new c(0 / 0); if (u != n) return e.s = -n,; var l = s.c, f = e.c, h = N(e.e / y), g = N(s.e / y), p = c.precision, m = c.rounding; if (!g || !h) { if (!l || !f) return l ? (e.s = -n, e) : new c(f ? s : 0 / 0); if (!l[0] || !f[0]) return s = f[0] ? (e.s = -n, e) : new c(l[0] ? s : 3 == m ? -0 : 0), w ? a(s, p, m) : s } if (l = l.slice(), t = l.length, u = g - h) { for ((o = 0 > u) ? (u = -u, r = l, t = f.length) : (h = g, r = f), (g = Math.ceil(p / y)) > t && (t = g), u > (t += 2) && (u = t, r.length = 1), r.reverse(), n = u; n--; r.push(0)); r.reverse() } else for ((o = t < (i = f.length)) && (i = t), u = n = 0; i > n; n++) if (l[n] != f[n]) { o = l[n] < f[n]; break } if (o && (r = l, l = f, f = r, e.s = -e.s), (n = -((i = l.length) - f.length)) > 0) for (; n--; l[i++] = 0); for (g = b - 1, n = f.length; n > u;) { if (l[--n] < f[n]) { for (t = n; t && !l[--t]; l[t] = g); --l[t], l[n] += b } l[n] -= f[n] } for (; 0 == l[--i]; l.pop()); for (; 0 == l[0]; l.shift(), --h); for (l[0] || (l = [h = 0], e.s = 3 == m ? -1 : 1), e.c = l, u = 1, n = l[0]; n >= 10; n /= 10, u++); return e.e = u + h * y - 1, w ? a(e, p, m) : e }, S.modulo = S.mod = function (e, n) { var r, t, i = this, o = i.constructor, s = o.modulo; return v = 9, e = new o(e, n), n = e.s, r = !i.c || !n || e.c && !e.c[0], r || !e.c || i.c && !i.c[0] ? r ? new o(0 / 0) : a(new o(i), o.precision, o.rounding) : (w = !1, 9 == s ? (e.s = 1, t = P(i, e, 0, 3, 1), e.s = n, t.s *= n) : t = P(i, e, 0, s, 1), t = t.times(e), w = !0, i.minus(t)) }, S.naturalLogarithm = S.ln = function () { return f(this) }, S.negated = S.neg = function () { var e = new this.constructor(this); return e.s = -e.s || null, a(e) }, = function (e, n) { var r, t = this, i = t.constructor, o = t.s; if (v = 10, e = new i(e, n), n = e.s, !o || !n) return new i(0 / 0); if (o != n) return e.s = -n, t.minus(e); var s = t.c, c = e.c, u = N(e.e / y), l = N(t.e / y), f = i.precision, h = i.rounding; if (!l || !u) { if (!s || !c) return new i(o / 0); if (!s[0] || !c[0]) return t = c[0] ? e : new i(s[0] ? t : 0 * o), w ? a(t, f, h) : t } if (s = s.slice(), o = l - u) { for (0 > o ? (o = -o, r = s, n = c.length) : (u = l, r = c, n = s.length), (l = Math.ceil(f / y)) > n && (n = l), o > ++n && (o = n, r.length = 1), r.reverse() ; o--; r.push(0)); r.reverse() } for (s.length - c.length < 0 && (r = c, c = s, s = r), o = c.length, n = 0, l = b; o; s[o] %= l) n = (s[--o] = s[o] + c[o] + n) / l | 0; for (n && (s.unshift(n), ++u), o = s.length; 0 == s[--o]; s.pop()); for (e.c = s, o = 1, n = s[0]; n >= 10; n /= 10, o++); return e.e = o + u * y - 1, w ? a(e, f, h) : e }, S.precision = = function (e) { var n = null, r = this; return e != n && e !== !!e && 1 !== e && 0 !== e && u(r.constructor, "argument", e, "precision", 1), r.c && (n = c(r.c), e && r.e + 1 > n && (n = r.e + 1)), n }, S.round = function () { var e = this, n = e.constructor; return a(new n(e), e.e + 1, n.rounding) }, S.squareRoot = S.sqrt = function () { var e, r, t, i, o, s, c = this, u = c.c, l = c.s, f = c.e, h = c.constructor, g = new h(.5); if (1 !== l || !u || !u[0]) return new h(!l || 0 > l && (!u || u[0]) ? 0 / 0 : u ? c : 1 / 0); for (w = !1, l = Math.sqrt(+c), 0 == l || l == 1 / 0 ? (r = n(u), (r.length + f) % 2 == 0 && (r += "0"), l = Math.sqrt(r), f = N((f + 1) / 2) - (0 > f || f % 2), l == 1 / 0 ? r = "1e" + f : (r = l.toExponential(), r = r.slice(0, r.indexOf("e") + 1) + f), i = new h(r)) : i = new h(l.toString()), t = (f = h.precision) + 3; ;) if (s = i, i = g.times(, s, t + 2, 1))), n(s.c).slice(0, t) === (r = n(i.c)).slice(0, t)) { if (r = r.slice(t - 3, t + 1), "9999" != r && (o || "4999" != r)) { (!+r || !+r.slice(1) && "5" == r.charAt(0)) && (a(i, f + 1, 1), e = !i.times(i).eq(c)); break } if (!o && (a(s, f + 1, 0), s.times(s).eq(c))) { i = s; break } t += 4, o = 1 } return w = !0, a(i, f, h.rounding, e) }, S.times = function (e, n) { var r, t, i = this, o = i.constructor, s = i.c, c = (v = 11, e = new o(e, n), e.c), u = N(i.e / y), l = N(e.e / y), f = i.s; if (n = e.s, e.s = f == n ? 1 : -1, !((u || s && s[0]) && (l || c && c[0]))) return new o(!f || !n || s && !s[0] && !c || c && !c[0] && !s ? 0 / 0 : s && c ? 0 * e.s : e.s / 0); for (t = u + l, f = s.length, n = c.length, n > f && (r = s, s = c, c = r, l = f, f = n, n = l), l = f + n, r = []; l--; r.push(0)); for (u = n - 1; u > -1; u--) { for (n = 0, l = f + u; l > u;) n = r[l] + c[u] * s[l - u - 1] + n, r[l--] = n % b | 0, n = n / b | 0; r[l] = (r[l] + n) % b | 0 } for (n ? ++t : r[0] || r.shift(), l = r.length; !r[--l]; r.pop()); for (e.c = r, f = 1, n = r[0]; n >= 10; n /= 10, f++); return e.e = f + t * y - 1, w ? a(e, o.precision, o.rounding) : e }, S.toDecimalPlaces = S.toDP = function (e, n) { var r = this; return r = new r.constructor(r), null != e && i(r, e, "toDP") ? a(r, (0 | e) + r.e + 1, t(r, n, "toDP")) : r }, S.toExponential = function (e, n) { var r = this; return r.c ? s(r, null != e && i(r, e, "toExponential") ? 0 | e : null, null != e && t(r, n, "toExponential"), 1) : r.toString() }, S.toFixed = function (e, n) { var r, o = this, c = o.constructor, u = c.toExpNeg, l = c.toExpPos; return null != e && (e = i(o, e, r = "toFixed") ? o.e + (0 | e) : null, n = t(o, n, r)), c.toExpNeg = -(c.toExpPos = 1 / 0), null != e && o.c ? (r = s(o, e, n), o.s < 0 && o.c && (o.c[0] ? r.indexOf("-") < 0 && (r = "-" + r) : r = r.replace("-", ""))) : r = o.toString(), c.toExpNeg = u, c.toExpPos = l, r }, S.toFormat = function (e, n) { var r = this; if (!r.c) return r.toString(); var t, i = r.s < 0, o = r.constructor.format, s = o.groupSeparator, c = +o.groupSize, u = +o.secondaryGroupSize, l = r.toFixed(e, n).split("."), f = l[0], a = l[1], h = i ? f.slice(1) : f, g = h.length; if (u && (t = c, c = u, g -= u = t), c > 0 && g > 0) { for (t = g % c || c, f = h.substr(0, t) ; g > t; t += c) f += s + h.substr(t, c); u > 0 && (f += s + h.slice(t)), i && (f = "-" + f) } return a ? f + o.decimalSeparator + ((u = +o.fractionGroupSize) ? a.replace(new RegExp("\\d{" + u + "}\\B", "g"), "$&" + o.fractionGroupSeparator) : a) : f }, S.toFraction = function (e) { var r, t, i, o, s, l, f, a, h = this, g = h.constructor, p = r = new g(g.ONE), d = l = new g(0), x = h.c, b = new g(d); if (!x) return h.toString(); for (i = b.e = c(x) - h.e - 1, b.c[0] = E(10, (f = i % y) < 0 ? y + f : f), (null == e || (!(v = 12, s = new g(e)).s || (m = s.cmp(p) < 0 || !s.c) || g.errors && N(s.e / y) < s.c.length - 1) && !u(g, "max denominator", e, "toFraction", 0) || (e = s).cmp(b) > 0) && (e = i > 0 ? b : p), w = !1, s = new g(n(x)), f = g.precision, g.precision = i = x.length * y * 2; a = P(s, b, 0, 1, 1), t =, 1 != t.cmp(e) ;) r = d, d = t, p = = p)), l = t, b = s.minus(a.times(t = b)), s = t; return t = P(e.minus(r), d, 0, 1, 1), l =, r =, l.s = p.s = h.s, o = P(p, d, i, 1).minus(h).abs().cmp(P(l, r, i, 1).minus(h).abs()) < 1 ? [p + "", d + ""] : [l + "", r + ""], w = !0, g.precision = f, o }, S.toNearest = function (e, n) { var r = this, i = r.constructor; return r = new i(r), null == e ? (e = new i(i.ONE), n = i.rounding) : (v = 17, e = new i(e), n = t(r, n, "toNearest")), e.c ? r.c && (e.c[0] ? (w = !1, r = P(r, e, 0, 4 > n ? [4, 5, 7, 8][n] : n, 1).times(e), w = !0, a(r)) : r.c = [r.e = 0]) : r.s && (e.s && (e.s = r.s), r = e), r }, S.toNumber = function () { var e = this; return +e || (e.s ? 0 * e.s : 0 / 0) }, S.toPower = S.pow = function (e, t) { var i, s, c, u, h = this, g = h.constructor, p = h.s, m = (v = 13, +(e = new g(e, t))), d = 0 > m ? -m : m, x = g.precision, b = g.rounding; if (!h.c || !e.c || (c = !h.c[0]) || !e.c[0]) return new g(E(c ? 0 * p : +h, m)); if (h = new g(h), i = h.c.length, !h.e && h.c[0] == h.s && 1 == i) return h; if (t = e.c.length - 1, e.e || e.c[0] != e.s || t) if (s = N(e.e / y), c = s >= t, !c && 0 > p) u = new g(0 / 0); else { if (c && F > i * y * d) { if (u = l(g, h, d), e.s < 0) return g.ONE.div(u) } else { if (p = 0 > p && 1 & e.c[Math.max(s, t)] ? -1 : 1, t = E(+h, m), s = 0 != t && isFinite(t) ? new g(t + "").e : N(m * (Math.log("0." + n(h.c)) / Math.LN10 + h.e + 1)), s > g.maxE + 1 || s < g.minE - 1) return new g(s > 0 ? p / 0 : 0); w = !1, g.rounding = h.s = 1, d = Math.min(12, (s + "").length), u = o(e.times(f(h, x + d)), x), u = a(u, x + 5, 1), r(u.c, x, b) && (s = x + 10, u = a(o(e.times(f(h, s + d)), s), s + 5, 1), +n(u.c).slice(x + 1, x + 15) + 1 == 1e14 && (u = a(u, x + 1, 0))), u.s = p, w = !0, g.rounding = b } u = a(u, x, b) } else u = a(h, x, b); return u }, S.toPrecision = function (e, n) { var r = this; return null != e && i(r, e, "toPrecision", 1) && r.c ? s(r, 0 | --e, t(r, n, "toPrecision"), 2) : r.toString() }, S.toSignificantDigits = S.toSD = function (e, n) { var r = this, o = r.constructor; return r = new o(r), null != e && i(r, e, "toSD", 1) ? a(r, 0 | e, t(r, n, "toSD")) : a(r, o.precision, o.rounding) }, S.toString = function (e) { var r, t, i, o = this, c = o.constructor, l = o.e; if (null === l) t = o.s ? "Infinity" : "NaN"; else { if (e === r && (l <= c.toExpNeg || l >= c.toExpPos)) return s(o, null, c.rounding, 1); if (t = n(o.c), 0 > l) { for (; ++l; t = "0" + t); t = "0." + t } else if (i = t.length, l > 0) if (++l > i) for (l -= i; l--; t += "0"); else i > l && (t = t.slice(0, l) + "." + t.slice(l)); else if (r = t.charAt(0), i > 1) t = r + "." + t.slice(1); else if ("0" == r) return r; if (null != e) if ((m = !(e >= 2 && 65 > e)) || e != (0 | e) && c.errors) u(c, "base", e, "toString", 0); else if (t = h(c, t, 0 | e, 10, o.s), "0" == t) return t } return o.s < 0 ? "-" + t : t }, S.truncated = S.trunc = function () { return a(new this.constructor(this), this.e + 1, 1) }, S.valueOf = S.toJSON = function () { return this.toString() }, h = function () { function e(e, n, r) { for (var t, i, o = [0], s = 0, c = e.length; c > s;) { for (i = o.length; i--; o[i] *= n); for (o[t = 0] += O.indexOf(e.charAt(s++)) ; t < o.length; t++) o[t] > r - 1 && (null == o[t + 1] && (o[t + 1] = 0), o[t + 1] += o[t] / r | 0, o[t] %= r) } return o.reverse() } return function (n, r, t, i, o) { var s, c, u, f, a, h, g = r.indexOf("."), p = n.precision, m = n.rounding; for (37 > i && (r = r.toLowerCase()), g >= 0 && (r = r.replace(".", ""), h = new n(i), f = l(n, h, r.length - g), h.c = e(f.toFixed(), 10, t), h.e = h.c.length), a = e(r, i, t), s = c = a.length; 0 == a[--c]; a.pop()); if (!a[0]) return "0"; if (0 > g ? s-- : (f.c = a, f.e = s, f.s = o, f = P(f, h, p, m, 0, t), a = f.c, u = f.r, s = f.e), g = a[p], c = t / 2, u = u || null != a[p + 1], 4 > m ? (null != g || u) && (0 == m || m == (f.s < 0 ? 3 : 2)) : g > c || g == c && (4 == m || u || 6 == m && 1 & a[p - 1] || m == (f.s < 0 ? 8 : 7))) for (a.length = p, --t; ++a[--p] > t;) a[p] = 0, p || (++s, a.unshift(1)); else a.length = p; for (c = a.length; !a[--c];); for (g = 0, r = ""; c >= g; r += O.charAt(a[g++])); if (0 > s) { for (; ++s; r = "0" + r); r = "0." + r } else if (g = r.length, ++s > g) for (s -= g; s--; r += "0"); else g > s && (r = r.slice(0, s) + "." + r.slice(s)); return r } }(); var P = function () { function e(e, n, r) { var t, i = 0, o = e.length; for (e = e.slice() ; o--;) t = e[o] * n + i, e[o] = t % r | 0, i = t / r | 0; return i && e.unshift(i), e } function n(e, n, r, t) { var i, o; if (r != t) o = r > t ? 1 : -1; else for (i = o = 0; r > i; i++) if (e[i] != n[i]) { o = e[i] > n[i] ? 1 : -1; break } return o } function r(e, n, r, t) { for (var i = 0; r--;) e[r] -= i, i = e[r] < n[r] ? 1 : 0, e[r] = i * t + e[r] - n[r]; for (; !e[0] && e.length > 1; e.shift()); } return function (t, i, o, s, c, u) { var l, f, h, g, p, m, d, w, v, E, x, O, S, D, A, F, M, P, R, q = t.constructor, L = t.s == i.s ? 1 : -1, I = t.c, U = i.c; if (!(I && I[0] && U && U[0])) return new q(t.s && i.s && (I ? !U || I[0] != U[0] : U) ? I && 0 == I[0] || !U ? 0 * L : L / 0 : 0 / 0); for (u ? (g = 1, f = t.e - i.e) : (u = b, g = y, f = N(t.e / g) - N(i.e / g)), P = U.length, F = I.length, v = new q(L), E = v.c = [], h = 0; U[h] == (I[h] || 0) ; h++); if (U[h] > (I[h] || 0) && f--, null == o ? (L = o = q.precision, s = q.rounding) : L = c ? o + (t.e - i.e) + 1 : o, 0 > L) E.push(1), p = !0; else { if (L = L / g + 2 | 0, h = 0, 1 == P) { for (m = 0, U = U[0], L++; (F > h || m) && L--; h++) D = m * u + (I[h] || 0), E[h] = D / U | 0, m = D % U | 0; p = m || F > h } else { for (m = u / (U[0] + 1) | 0, m > 1 && (U = e(U, m, u), I = e(I, m, u), P = U.length, F = I.length), A = P, x = I.slice(0, P), O = x.length; P > O; x[O++] = 0); R = U.slice(), R.unshift(0), M = U[0], U[1] >= u / 2 && M++; do m = 0, l = n(U, x, P, O), 0 > l ? (S = x[0], P != O && (S = S * u + (x[1] || 0)), m = S / M | 0, m > 1 ? (m >= u && (m = u - 1), d = e(U, m, u), w = d.length, O = x.length, l = n(d, x, w, O), 1 == l && (m--, r(d, w > P ? R : U, w, u))) : (0 == m && (l = m = 1), d = U.slice()), w = d.length, O > w && d.unshift(0), r(x, d, O, u), -1 == l && (O = x.length, l = n(U, x, P, O), 1 > l && (m++, r(x, O > P ? R : U, O, u))), O = x.length) : 0 === l && (m++, x = [0]), E[h++] = m, l && x[0] ? x[O++] = I[A] || 0 : (x = [I[A]], O = 1); while ((A++ < F || null != x[0]) && L--); p = null != x[0] } E[0] || E.shift() } if (1 == g) v.e = f, v.r = +p; else { for (h = 1, L = E[0]; L >= 10; L /= 10, h++); v.e = h + f * g - 1, a(v, c ? o + v.e + 1 : o, s, p) } return v } }(); if (g = function () { function e(e) { var n, r, t, i = this, o = "config", s = i.errors ? parseInt : parseFloat; return e == r || "object" != typeof e && !u(i, "object expected", e, o) ? i : ((t = e[n = "precision"]) != r && ((m = 1 > t || t > A) || s(t) != t ? u(i, n, t, o, 0) : i[n] = 0 | t), (t = e[n = "rounding"]) != r && ((m = 0 > t || t > 8) || s(t) != t ? u(i, n, t, o, 0) : i[n] = 0 | t), (t = e[n = "toExpNeg"]) != r && ((m = -D > t || t > 0) || s(t) != t ? u(i, n, t, o, 0) : i[n] = N(t)), (t = e[n = "toExpPos"]) != r && ((m = 0 > t || t > D) || s(t) != t ? u(i, n, t, o, 0) : i[n] = N(t)), (t = e[n = "minE"]) != r && ((m = -D > t || t > 0) || s(t) != t ? u(i, n, t, o, 0) : i[n] = N(t)), (t = e[n = "maxE"]) != r && ((m = 0 > t || t > D) || s(t) != t ? u(i, n, t, o, 0) : i[n] = N(t)), (t = e[n = "errors"]) != r && (t === !!t || 1 === t || 0 === t ? (m = v = 0, i[n] = !!t) : u(i, n, t, o, 1)), (t = e[n = "crypto"]) != r && (t === !!t || 1 === t || 0 === t ? i[n] = !(!t || !d || "object" != typeof d) : u(i, n, t, o, 1)), (t = e[n = "modulo"]) != r && ((m = 0 > t || t > 9) || s(t) != t ? u(i, n, t, o, 0) : i[n] = 0 | t), (e = e[n = "format"]) != r && ("object" == typeof e ? i[n] = e : u(i, "format object expected", e, o)), i) } function n(e) { return new this(e).exp() } function r(e) { return new this(e).ln() } function t(e, n) { return new this(e).log(n) } function o(e, n, r) { var t, i, o = 0; for ("[object Array]" ==[0]) && (n = n[0]), t = new e(n[0]) ; ++o < n.length;) { if (i = new e(n[o]), !i.s) { t = i; break } t[r](i) && (t = i) } return t } function s() { return o(this, arguments, "lt") } function c() { return o(this, arguments, "gt") } function l(e, n) { return new this(e).pow(n) } function f(e) { var n, r, t, o = 0, s = [], c = this, l = new c(c.ONE); if (null != e && i(l, e, "random") ? e |= 0 : e = c.precision, r = Math.ceil(e / y), c.crypto) if (d && d.getRandomValues) for (n = d.getRandomValues(new Uint32Array(r)) ; r > o;) t = n[o], t >= 429e7 ? n[o] = d.getRandomValues(new Uint32Array(1))[0] : s[o++] = t % 1e7; else if (d && d.randomBytes) { for (n = d.randomBytes(r *= 4) ; r > o;) t = n[o] + (n[o + 1] << 8) + (n[o + 2] << 16) + ((127 & n[o + 3]) << 24), t >= 214e7 ? d.randomBytes(4).copy(n, o) : (s.push(t % 1e7), o += 4); o = r / 4 } else u(c, "crypto unavailable", d, "random"); if (!o) for (; r > o;) s[o++] = 1e7 * Math.random() | 0; for (r = s[--o], e %= y, r && e && (t = E(10, y - e), s[o] = (r / t | 0) * t) ; 0 === s[o]; o--) s.pop(); if (0 > o) s = [r = 0]; else { for (r = -1; 0 === s[0];) s.shift(), r -= y; for (o = 1, t = s[0]; t >= 10;) t /= 10, o++; y > o && (r -= y - o) } return l.e = r, l.c = s, l } function g(e) { return new this(e).sqrt() } function p(i) { function o(e, n) { var r = this; if (!(r instanceof o)) return u(o, "Decimal called without new", e), new o(e, n); if (r.constructor = o, e instanceof o) { if (null == n) return v = 0, r.s = e.s, r.e = e.e, r.c = (e = e.c) ? e.slice() : e, r; if (10 == n) return a(new o(e), o.precision, o.rounding); e += "" } return b(o, r, e, n) } return o.precision = 20, o.rounding = 4, o.modulo = 1, o.toExpNeg = -7, o.toExpPos = 21, o.minE = -D, o.maxE = D, o.errors = !0, o.crypto = !1, o.format = { decimalSeparator: ".", groupSeparator: ",", groupSize: 3, secondaryGroupSize: 0, fractionGroupSeparator: " ", fractionGroupSize: 0 }, o.prototype = S, o.ONE = new o(1), o.ROUND_UP = 0, o.ROUND_DOWN = 1, o.ROUND_CEIL = 2, o.ROUND_FLOOR = 3, o.ROUND_HALF_UP = 4, o.ROUND_HALF_DOWN = 5, o.ROUND_HALF_EVEN = 6, o.ROUND_HALF_CEIL = 7, o.ROUND_HALF_FLOOR = 8, o.EUCLID = 9, o.config = e, o.constructor = p, o.exp = n, o.ln = r, o.log = t, o.max = s, o.min = c, o.pow = l, o.sqrt = g, o.random = f, null != i && o.config(i), o } var b = function () { var e = /^-?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+)(e[+-]?\d+)?$/i, n = String.prototype.trim || function () { return this.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "") }; return function (r, t, i, o) { var s, c, l, f, g, p; if ("string" != typeof i && (i = (f = "number" == typeof i || "[object Number]" == && 0 === i && 0 > 1 / i ? "-0" : i + ""), g = i, null == o && e.test(i)) t.s = 45 === i.charCodeAt(0) ? (i = i.slice(1), -1) : 1; else { if (10 == o) return a(new r(i), r.precision, r.rounding); if (i =^\+(?!-)/, ""), t.s = 45 === i.charCodeAt(0) ? (i = i.replace(/^-(?!-)/, ""), -1) : 1, null != o ? o != (0 | o) && r.errors || (m = !(o >= 2 && 65 > o)) ? (u(r, "base", o, 0, 0), p = e.test(i)) : (s = "[" + O.slice(0, o = 0 | o) + "]+", i = i.replace(/\.$/, "").replace(/^\./, "0."), (p = new RegExp("^" + s + "(?:\\." + s + ")?$", 37 > o ? "i" : "").test(i)) ? (f && (i.replace(/^0\.0*|\./, "").length > 15 && u(r, 0, g), f = !f), i = h(r, i, 10, o, t.s)) : "Infinity" != i && "NaN" != i && (u(r, "not a base " + o + " number", g), i = "NaN")) : p = e.test(i), !p) return t.c = t.e = null, "Infinity" != i && ("NaN" != i && u(r, "not a number", g), t.s = null), v = 0, t } for ((c = i.indexOf(".")) > -1 && (i = i.replace(".", "")), (l = > 0 ? (0 > c && (c = l), c += +i.slice(l + 1), i = i.substring(0, l)) : 0 > c && (c = i.length), l = 0; 48 === i.charCodeAt(l) ; l++); for (o = i.length; 48 === i.charCodeAt(--o) ;); if (i = i.slice(l, o + 1)) { if (o = i.length, f && o > 15 && u(r, 0, g), t.e = c = c - l - 1, t.c = [], l = (c + 1) % y, 0 > c && (l += y), o > l) { for (l && t.c.push(+i.slice(0, l)), o -= y; o > l;) t.c.push(+i.slice(l, l += y)); i = i.slice(l), l = y - i.length } else l -= o; for (; l--; i += "0"); t.c.push(+i), w && (t.e > r.maxE ? t.c = t.e = null : t.e < r.minE && (t.c = [t.e = 0])) } else t.c = [t.e = 0]; return v = 0, t } }(); return p() }(), "function" == typeof define && define.amd) define(function () { return g }); else if ("undefined" != typeof module && module.exports) { if (module.exports = g, !d) try { d = require("crypto") } catch (R) { } } else p = e.Decimal, g.noConflict = function () { return e.Decimal = p, g }, Bridge.$Decimal = g }(this);
(function () {
@@ -6247,7 +6301,14 @@ Bridge.define('Bridge.PropertyChangedEventArgs', {
Bridge.Array = array;
+ * linq.js - LINQ for JavaScript
+ * ver 3.0.4-Beta5 (Jun. 20th, 2013)
+ *
+ * created and maintained by neuecc <>
+ * licensed under MIT License
+ *
+ *------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
(function (root, undefined) {
// ReadOnly Function
@@ -6852,7 +6913,7 @@ Bridge.define('Bridge.PropertyChangedEventArgs', {
// Extension Methods
+ /* Projection and Filtering Methods */
// Overload:function(func)
// Overload:function(func, resultSelector<element>)
@@ -7299,7 +7360,7 @@ Bridge.define('Bridge.PropertyChangedEventArgs', {
+ /* Join Methods */
// Overload:function (inner, outerKeySelector, innerKeySelector, resultSelector)
// Overload:function (inner, outerKeySelector, innerKeySelector, resultSelector, compareSelector)
@@ -7373,7 +7434,7 @@ Bridge.define('Bridge.PropertyChangedEventArgs', {
+ /* Set Methods */
Enumerable.prototype.all = function (predicate) {
predicate = Utils.createLambda(predicate);
@@ -7789,7 +7850,7 @@ Bridge.define('Bridge.PropertyChangedEventArgs', {
+ /* Ordering Methods */
Enumerable.prototype.orderBy = function (keySelector, comparer) {
return new OrderedEnumerable(this, keySelector, comparer, false);
@@ -7884,7 +7945,7 @@ Bridge.define('Bridge.PropertyChangedEventArgs', {
+ /* Grouping Methods */
// Overload:function(keySelector)
// Overload:function(keySelector,elementSelector)
@@ -8000,7 +8061,7 @@ Bridge.define('Bridge.PropertyChangedEventArgs', {
+ /* Aggregate Methods */
// Overload:function(func)
// Overload:function(seed,func)
@@ -8108,7 +8169,7 @@ Bridge.define('Bridge.PropertyChangedEventArgs', {
return this.sum(selector);
+ /* Paging Methods */
Enumerable.prototype.elementAt = function (index) {
var value;
@@ -8437,7 +8498,7 @@ Bridge.define('Bridge.PropertyChangedEventArgs', {
return result;
+ /* Convert Methods */
Enumerable.prototype.asEnumerable = function () {
@@ -8526,7 +8587,7 @@ Bridge.define('Bridge.PropertyChangedEventArgs', {
+ /* Action Methods */
// Overload:function(action<element>)
// Overload:function(action<element,index>)
@@ -8606,7 +8667,7 @@ Bridge.define('Bridge.PropertyChangedEventArgs', {
+ /* Functional Methods */
Enumerable.prototype.letBind = function (func) {
func = Utils.createLambda(func);
@@ -8692,7 +8753,7 @@ Bridge.define('Bridge.PropertyChangedEventArgs', {
+ /* Error Handling Methods */
Enumerable.prototype.catchError = function (handler) {
handler = Utils.createLambda(handler);
@@ -8741,7 +8802,7 @@ Bridge.define('Bridge.PropertyChangedEventArgs', {
+ /* For Debug Methods */
// Overload:function()
// Overload:function(selector)
diff --git a/Bridge/Resources/bridge.min.js b/Bridge/Resources/bridge.min.js
index 36940e6..f4de96f 100755
--- a/Bridge/Resources/bridge.min.js
+++ b/Bridge/Resources/bridge.min.js
@@ -1,761 +1,7300 @@
- * @version : 1.8.0 - Bridge.NET
- * @author : Object.NET, Inc.
- * @date : 2015-08-17
- * @copyright : Copyright (c) 2008-2015, Object.NET, Inc. ( All rights reserved.
- * @license : See license.txt and
- */
-(function(){var core={global:(function(){return this;})(),emptyFn:function(){},property:function(scope,name,v){scope[name]=v;var rs=name.charAt(0)=="$",cap=rs?name.slice(1):name;scope["get"+cap]=(function(name){return function(){return this[name];};})(name);scope["set"+cap]=(function(name){return function(value){this[name]=value;};})(name);},event:function(scope,name,v){scope[name]=v;var rs=name.charAt(0)=="$",cap=rs?name.slice(1):name;scope["add"+cap]=(function(name){return function(value){this[name]=Bridge.fn.combine(this[name],value);};})(name);scope["remove"+cap]=(function(name){return function(value){this[name]=Bridge.fn.remove(this[name],value);};})(name);},clone:function(obj){if(Bridge.isArray(obj)){return Bridge.Array.clone(obj);}
-if(,Bridge.ICloneable)){return obj.clone();}
-return null;},copy:function(to,from,keys,toIf){if(typeof keys==='string'){keys=keys.split(/[,;\s]+/);}
-for(var name,i=0,n=keys?keys.length:0;i<n;i++){name=keys[i];if(toIf!==true||to[name]===undefined){if([name],Bridge.ICloneable)){to[name]=Bridge.clone(from[name]);}
-return to;},ns:function(ns,scope){var nsParts=ns.split('.');if(!scope){;}
-for(i=0;i<nsParts.length;i++){if(typeof scope[nsParts[i]]=='undefined'){scope[nsParts[i]]={};}
-return scope;},ready:function(fn){var delayfn=function(){setTimeout(function(){fn();},1);};if(typeof!=='undefined'){;}else{if(document.readyState=="complete"||document.readyState=="loaded"){delayfn();}
-else{Bridge.on('DOMContentLoaded',document,delayfn);}}},on:function(event,elem,fn){var listenHandler=function(e){var ret=fn.apply(this,arguments);if(ret===false){e.stopPropagation();e.preventDefault();}
-var attachHandler=function(){var,;if(ret===false){;;}
-else{elem.attachEvent("on"+event,attachHandler);}},getHashCode:function(value,safe){if(Bridge.isEmpty(value,true)){if(safe){return 0;}
-throw new Bridge.InvalidOperationException('HashCode cannot be calculated for empty value');}
-if(Bridge.isFunction(value.getHashCode)){return value.getHashCode();}
-if(Bridge.isBoolean(value)){return value?1:0;}
-if(Bridge.isDate(value)){return value.valueOf()&0xFFFFFFFF;}
-if(Bridge.isNumber(value)){value=value.toExponential();return parseInt(value.substr(0,value.indexOf('e')).replace('.',''),10)&0xFFFFFFFF;}
-if(Bridge.isString(value)){var hash=0,i;for(i=0;i<value.length;i++){hash=(((hash<<5)-hash)+value.charCodeAt(i))&0xFFFFFFFF;}
-return hash;}
-if(value.$$hashCode){return value.$$hashCode;}
-if(typeof value=="object"){var result=0,removeCache=false,len,i,item,cacheItem,temp;if(!Bridge.$$hashCodeCache){Bridge.$$hashCodeCache=[];Bridge.$$hashCodeCalculated=[];removeCache=true;}
-for(i=0,len=Bridge.$$hashCodeCache.length;i<len;i+=1){item=Bridge.$$hashCodeCache[i];if(item.obj===value){return item.hash;}}
-cacheItem={obj:value,hash:0};Bridge.$$hashCodeCache.push(cacheItem);for(var property in value){if(value.hasOwnProperty(property)){temp=Bridge.isEmpty(value[property],true)?0:Bridge.getHashCode(value[property]);result=29*result+temp;}}
-cacheItem.hash=result;if(removeCache){delete Bridge.$$hashCodeCache;}
-if(result!=0){return result;}}
-return value.$$hashCode||(value.$$hashCode=(Math.random()*0x100000000)|0);},getDefaultValue:function(type){if(Bridge.isFunction(type.getDefaultValue)){return type.getDefaultValue();}
-else if(type===Boolean){return false;}
-else if(type===Date){return new Date(0);}
-else if(type===Number){return 0;}
-return null;},getTypeName:function(obj){var str;if(obj.$$name){return obj.$$name;}
-var results=(/function (.{1,})\(/).exec(str);return(results&&results.length>1)?results[1]:"Object";},is:function(obj,type,ignoreFn,allowNull){if(typeof type=="string"){type=Bridge.unroll(type);}
-if(ignoreFn!==true){if(Bridge.isFunction(type.$is)){return type.$is(obj);}
-if(Bridge.isFunction(type.instanceOf)){return type.instanceOf(obj);}}
-if((obj.constructor==type)||(obj instanceof type)){return true;}
-if(!type.$$inheritors){return false;}
-var inheritors=type.$$inheritors;for(var i=0;i<inheritors.length;i++){if(,inheritors[i])){return true;}}
-return false;},as:function(obj,type,allowNull){return,type,false,allowNull)?obj:null;},cast:function(obj,type,allowNull){if(obj===null){return null;}
-var,type,allowNull);if(result==null){throw new Bridge.InvalidCastException('Unable to cast type '+Bridge.getTypeName(obj)+' to type '+Bridge.getTypeName(type));}
-return result;},apply:function(obj,values){var names=Bridge.getPropertyNames(values,false);for(var i=0;i<names.length;i++){var name=names[i];if(typeof obj[name]=="function"&&typeof values[name]!="function"){obj[name](values[name]);}
-return obj;},merge:function(to,from){var object,key,i,value,toValue,fn;if(Bridge.isArray(from)&&Bridge.isFunction(to.add||to.push)){fn=Bridge.isArray(to)?to.push:to.add;for(i=0;i<from.length;i++){fn.apply(to,from[i]);}}
-else{for(key in from){value=from[key];if(typeof to[key]=="function"&&typeof value!="function"){if(key.match(/^\s*get[A-Z]/)){Bridge.merge(to[key](),value);}
-else{var setter="set"+key.charAt(0).toUpperCase()+key.slice(1);if(typeof to[setter]=="function"&&typeof value!="function"){to[setter](value);}
-else if(value&&value.constructor===Object&&to[key]){toValue=to[key];Bridge.merge(toValue,value);}
-return to;},getEnumerator:function(obj,suffix){if(typeof obj==="string"){obj=Bridge.String.toCharArray(obj);}
-if(suffix&&obj&&obj["getEnumerator"+suffix]){return obj["getEnumerator"+suffix].call(obj);}
-if(obj&&obj.getEnumerator){return obj.getEnumerator();}
-if(('[object Array]')||(obj&&Bridge.isDefined(obj.length))){return new Bridge.ArrayEnumerator(obj);}
-throw new Bridge.InvalidOperationException('Cannot create enumerator');},getPropertyNames:function(obj,includeFunctions){var names=[],name;for(name in obj){if(includeFunctions||typeof obj[name]!=='function'){names.push(name);}}
-return names;},isDefined:function(value,noNull){return typeof value!=='undefined'&&(noNull?value!=null:true);},isEmpty:function(value,allowEmpty){return(value==null)||(!allowEmpty?value==='':false)||((!allowEmpty&&Bridge.isArray(value))?value.length===0:false);},toArray:function(ienumerable){var i,item,len,result=[];if(Bridge.isArray(ienumerable)){for(i=0,len=ienumerable.length;i<len;++i){result.push(ienumerable[i]);}}
-return result;},isArray:function(obj){return'[object Array]';},isFunction:function(obj){return typeof(obj)==='function';},isDate:function(obj){return'[object Date]';},isNull:function(value){return(value===null)||(value===undefined);},isBoolean:function(value){return typeof value==='boolean';},isNumber:function(value){return typeof value==='number'&&isFinite(value);},isString:function(value){return typeof value==='string';},unroll:function(value){var d=value.split("."),[d[0]],i;for(var i=1;i<d.length;i++){if(!o){return null;}
-return o;},equals:function(a,b){if(a&&Bridge.isFunction(a.equals)){return a.equals(b);}
-else if(Bridge.isDate(a)&&Bridge.isDate(b)){return a.valueOf()===b.valueOf();}
-else if(Bridge.isNull(a)&&Bridge.isNull(b)){return true;}
-else if(Bridge.isNull(a)!==Bridge.isNull(b)){return false;}
-if(typeof a=="object"&&typeof b=="object"){return(Bridge.getHashCode(a)===Bridge.getHashCode(b))&&Bridge.objectEquals(a,b);}
-return a===b;},objectEquals:function(a,b){Bridge.$$leftChain=[];Bridge.$$rightChain=[];var result=Bridge.deepEquals(a,b);delete Bridge.$$leftChain;delete Bridge.$$rightChain;return result;},deepEquals:function(a,b){if(typeof a=="object"&&typeof b=="object"){if(Bridge.$$leftChain.indexOf(a)>-1||Bridge.$$rightChain.indexOf(b)>-1){return false;}
-var p;for(p in b){if(b.hasOwnProperty(p)!==a.hasOwnProperty(p)){return false;}
-else if(typeof b[p]!==typeof a[p]){return false;}}
-for(p in a){if(b.hasOwnProperty(p)!==a.hasOwnProperty(p)){return false;}
-else if(typeof a[p]!==typeof b[p]){return false;}
-if(typeof(a[p])=="object"){Bridge.$$leftChain.push(a);Bridge.$$rightChain.push(b);if(!Bridge.deepEquals(a[p],b[p])){return false;}
-else{if(!Bridge.equals(a[p],b[p])){return false;}}}
-return true;}
-else{return Bridge.equals(a,b);}},compare:function(a,b,safe){if(!Bridge.isDefined(a,true)){if(safe){return 0;}
-throw new Bridge.NullReferenceException();}
-else if(Bridge.isNumber(a)||Bridge.isString(a)||Bridge.isBoolean(a)){return a<b?-1:(a>b?1:0);}
-else if(Bridge.isDate(a)){return,b.valueOf());}
-if(safe&&!a.compareTo){return 0;}
-return a.compareTo(b);},equalsT:function(a,b){if(!Bridge.isDefined(a,true)){throw new Bridge.NullReferenceException();}
-else if(Bridge.isNumber(a)||Bridge.isString(a)||Bridge.isBoolean(a)){return a===b;}
-else if(Bridge.isDate(a)){return a.valueOf()===b.valueOf();}
-return a.equalsT(b);},format:function(obj,formatString){if(Bridge.isNumber(obj)){return Bridge.Int.format(obj,formatString);}
-else if(Bridge.isDate(obj)){return Bridge.Date.format(obj,formatString);}
-return obj.format(formatString);},getType:function(instance){if(!Bridge.isDefined(instance,true)){throw new Bridge.NullReferenceException('instance is null');}
-try{return instance.constructor;}catch(ex){return Object;}},isLower:function isLower(c){var s=String.fromCharCode(c);return s===s.toLowerCase()&&s!==s.toUpperCase();},isUpper:function isUpper(c){var s=String.fromCharCode(c);return s!==s.toLowerCase()&&s===s.toUpperCase();},coalesce:function(a,b){return Bridge.hasValue(a)?a:b;},fn:{call:function(obj,fnName){var,2);obj=obj||;return obj[fnName].apply(obj,args);},bind:function(obj,method,args,appendArgs){if(method&&method.$method==method&&method.$scope==obj){return method;}
-var fn=null;if(arguments.length===2){fn=function(){return method.apply(obj,arguments)};}
-else{fn=function(){var callArgs=args||arguments;if(appendArgs===true){,0);callArgs=callArgs.concat(args);}
-else if(typeof appendArgs=='number'){,0);if(appendArgs===0){callArgs.unshift.apply(callArgs,args);}
-else if(appendArgs<callArgs.length){callArgs.splice.apply(callArgs,[appendArgs,0].concat(args));}
-return method.apply(obj,callArgs);};}
-fn.$method=method;fn.$scope=obj;return fn;},bindScope:function(obj,method){var fn=function(){var,0);callArgs.unshift.apply(callArgs,[obj]);return method.apply(obj,callArgs);};fn.$method=method;fn.$scope=obj;return fn;},$build:function(handlers){var fn=function(){var list=arguments.callee.$invocationList,result,i,handler;for(i=0;i<list.length;i++){handler=list[i];result=handler.apply(null,arguments);}
-return result;};fn.$invocationList=handlers?,0):[];if(fn.$invocationList.length==0){return null;}
-return fn;},combine:function(fn1,fn2){if(!fn1||!fn2){return fn1||fn2;}
-var list1=fn1.$invocationList?fn1.$invocationList:[fn1],list2=fn2.$invocationList?fn2.$invocationList:[fn2];return Bridge.fn.$build(list1.concat(list2));},remove:function(fn1,fn2){if(!fn1||!fn2){return fn1||null;}
-var list1=fn1.$invocationList?fn1.$invocationList:[fn1],list2=fn2.$invocationList?fn2.$invocationList:[fn2],result=[],exclude,i,j;for(i=list1.length-1;i>=0;i--){exclude=false;for(j=0;j<list2.length;j++){if(list1[i]===list2[j]||((list1[i].$method&&(list1[i].$method===list2[j].$method))&&(list1[i].$scope&&(list1[i].$scope===list2[j].$scope)))){exclude=true;break;}}
-result.reverse();return Bridge.fn.$build(result);}}};if(!Object.create){Object.create=function(o,properties){if(typeof o!=="object"&&typeof o!=="function"){throw new TypeError("Object prototype may only be an Object: "+o);}
-else if(o===null){throw new Error("This browser's implementation of Object.create is a shim and doesn't support 'null' as the first argument");}
-if(typeof properties!="undefined"){throw new Error("This browser's implementation of Object.create is a shim and doesn't support a second argument");}
-function F(){}
-F.prototype=o;return new F();}}
-(function(){var nullable={hasValue:function(obj){return(obj!==null)&&(obj!==undefined);},getValue:function(obj){if(!Bridge.Nullable.hasValue(obj)){throw new Bridge.InvalidOperationException("Nullable instance doesn't have a value.");}
-return obj;},getValueOrDefault:function(obj,defValue){return Bridge.Nullable.hasValue(obj)?obj:defValue;},add:function(a,b){return Bridge.hasValue(a)&&Bridge.hasValue(b)?a+b:null;},band:function(a,b){return Bridge.hasValue(a)&&Bridge.hasValue(b)?a&b:null;},bor:function(a,b){return Bridge.hasValue(a)&&Bridge.hasValue(b)?a|b:null;},and:function(a,b){if(a===true&&b===true){return true;}
-else if(a===false||b===false){return false;}
-return null;},or:function(a,b){if(a===true||b===true){return true;}
-else if(a===false&&b===false){return false;}
-return null;},div:function(a,b){return Bridge.hasValue(a)&&Bridge.hasValue(b)?a/b:null;},eq:function(a,b){return!Bridge.hasValue(a)?!Bridge.hasValue(b):(a===b);},xor:function(a,b){return Bridge.hasValue(a)&&Bridge.hasValue(b)?a^b:null;},gt:function(a,b){return Bridge.hasValue(a)&&Bridge.hasValue(b)&&a>b;},gte:function(a,b){return Bridge.hasValue(a)&&Bridge.hasValue(b)&&a>=b;},neq:function(a,b){return!Bridge.hasValue(a)?Bridge.hasValue(b):(a!==b);},lt:function(a,b){return Bridge.hasValue(a)&&Bridge.hasValue(b)&&a<b;},lte:function(a,b){return Bridge.hasValue(a)&&Bridge.hasValue(b)&&a<=b;},mod:function(a,b){return Bridge.hasValue(a)&&Bridge.hasValue(b)?a%b:null;},mul:function(a,b){return Bridge.hasValue(a)&&Bridge.hasValue(b)?a*b:null;},sl:function(a,b){return Bridge.hasValue(a)&&Bridge.hasValue(b)?a<<b:null;},sr:function(a,b){return Bridge.hasValue(a)&&Bridge.hasValue(b)?a>>b:null;},sub:function(a,b){return Bridge.hasValue(a)&&Bridge.hasValue(b)?a-b:null;},bnot:function(a){return Bridge.hasValue(a)?~a:null;},neg:function(a){return Bridge.hasValue(a)?-a:null;},not:function(a){return Bridge.hasValue(a)?!a:null;},pos:function(a){return Bridge.hasValue(a)?+a:null;},lift:function(){for(var i=1;i<arguments.length;i++){if(!Bridge.hasValue(arguments[i])){return null;}}
-return null;if(arguments[0].apply==undefined)
-return arguments[0];return arguments[0].apply(null,,1));},lift1:function(f,o){return Bridge.hasValue(o)?(typeof f==='function'?f.apply(null,,1)):o[f].apply(o,,2))):null;},lift2:function(f,a,b){return Bridge.hasValue(a)&&Bridge.hasValue(b)?(typeof f==='function'?f.apply(null,,1)):a[f].apply(a,,2))):null;},liftcmp:function(f,a,b){return Bridge.hasValue(a)&&Bridge.hasValue(b)?(typeof f==='function'?f.apply(null,,1)):a[f].apply(a,,2))):false;},lifteq:function(f,a,b){var va=Bridge.hasValue(a),vb=Bridge.hasValue(b);return(!va&&!vb)||(va&&vb&&(typeof f==='function'?f.apply(null,,1)):a[f].apply(a,,2))));},liftne:function(f,a,b){var va=Bridge.hasValue(a),vb=Bridge.hasValue(b);return(va!==vb)||(va&&(typeof f==='function'?f.apply(null,,1)):a[f].apply(a,,2))));}};Bridge.Nullable=nullable;Bridge.hasValue=Bridge.Nullable.hasValue;})();
-(function(){var char={charCodeAt:function(str,index){if(str==null)
-throw new Bridge.ArgumentNullException();if(str.length!=1)
-throw new Bridge.FormatException("String must be exactly one character long");return str.charCodeAt(index);},isWhiteSpace:function(value){return/\s/.test(value);},isDigit:function(value){if(value<256){return(value>=48&&value<=57);}
-return new RegExp("[0-9\u0030-\u0039\u0660-\u0669\u06F0-\u06F9\u07C0-\u07C9\u0966-\u096F\u09E6-\u09EF\u0A66-\u0A6F\u0AE6-\u0AEF\u0B66-\u0B6F\u0BE6-\u0BEF\u0C66-\u0C6F\u0CE6-\u0CEF\u0D66-\u0D6F\u0E50-\u0E59\u0ED0-\u0ED9\u0F20-\u0F29\u1040-\u1049\u1090-\u1099\u17E0-\u17E9\u1810-\u1819\u1946-\u194F\u19D0-\u19D9\u1A80-\u1A89\u1A90-\u1A99\u1B50-\u1B59\u1BB0-\u1BB9\u1C40-\u1C49\u1C50-\u1C59\uA620-\uA629\uA8D0-\uA8D9\uA900-\uA909\uA9D0-\uA9D9\uAA50-\uAA59\uABF0-\uABF9\uFF10-\uFF19]").test(String.fromCharCode(value));},isLetter:function(value){if(value<256){return(value>=65&&value<=90)||(value>=97&&value<=122);}
-return new RegExp("[A-Za-z\u0061-\u007A\u00B5\u00DF-\u00F6\u00F8-\u00FF\u0101\u0103\u0105\u0107\u0109\u010B\u010D\u010F\u0111\u0113\u0115\u0117\u0119\u011B\u011D\u011F\u0121\u0123\u0125\u0127\u0129\u012B\u012D\u012F\u0131\u0133\u0135\u0137\u0138\u013A\u013C\u013E\u0140\u0142\u0144\u0146\u0148\u0149\u014B\u014D\u014F\u0151\u0153\u0155\u0157\u0159\u015B\u015D\u015F\u0161\u0163\u0165\u0167\u0169\u016B\u016D\u016F\u0171\u0173\u0175\u0177\u017A\u017C\u017E-\u0180\u0183\u0185\u0188\u018C\u018D\u0192\u0195\u0199-\u019B\u019E\u01A1\u01A3\u01A5\u01A8\u01AA\u01AB\u01AD\u01B0\u01B4\u01B6\u01B9\u01BA\u01BD-\u01BF\u01C6\u01C9\u01CC\u01CE\u01D0\u01D2\u01D4\u01D6\u01D8\u01DA\u01DC\u01DD\u01DF\u01E1\u01E3\u01E5\u01E7\u01E9\u01EB\u01ED\u01EF\u01F0\u01F3\u01F5\u01F9\u01FB\u01FD\u01FF\u0201\u0203\u0205\u0207\u0209\u020B\u020D\u020F\u0211\u0213\u0215\u0217\u0219\u021B\u021D\u021F\u0221\u0223\u0225\u0227\u0229\u022B\u022D\u022F\u0231\u0233-\u0239\u023C\u023F\u0240\u0242\u0247\u0249\u024B\u024D\u024F-\u0293\u0295-\u02AF\u0371\u0373\u0377\u037B-\u037D\u0390\u03AC-\u03CE\u03D0\u03D1\u03D5-\u03D7\u03D9\u03DB\u03DD\u03DF\u03E1\u03E3\u03E5\u03E7\u03E9\u03EB\u03ED\u03EF-\u03F3\u03F5\u03F8\u03FB\u03FC\u0430-\u045F\u0461\u0463\u0465\u0467\u0469\u046B\u046D\u046F\u0471\u0473\u0475\u0477\u0479\u047B\u047D\u047F\u0481\u048B\u048D\u048F\u0491\u0493\u0495\u0497\u0499\u049B\u049D\u049F\u04A1\u04A3\u04A5\u04A7\u04A9\u04AB\u04AD\u04AF\u04B1\u04B3\u04B5\u04B7\u04B9\u04BB\u04BD\u04BF\u04C2\u04C4\u04C6\u04C8\u04CA\u04CC\u04CE\u04CF\u04D1\u04D3\u04D5\u04D7\u04D9\u04DB\u04DD\u04DF\u04E1\u04E3\u04E5\u04E7\u04E9\u04EB\u04ED\u04EF\u04F1\u04F3\u04F5\u04F7\u04F9\u04FB\u04FD\u04FF\u0501\u0503\u0505\u0507\u0509\u050B\u050D\u050F\u0511\u0513\u0515\u0517\u0519\u051B\u051D\u051F\u0521\u0523\u0525\u0527\u0561-\u0587\u1D00-\u1D2B\u1D6B-\u1D77\u1D79-\u1D9A\u1E01\u1E03\u1E05\u1E07\u1E09\u1E0B\u1E0D\u1E0F\u1E11\u1E13\u1E15\u1E17\u1E19\u1E1B\u1E1D\u1E1F\u1E21\u1E23\u1E25\u1E27\u1E29\u1E2B\u1E2D\u1E2F\u1E31\u1E33\u1E35\u1E37\u1E39\u1E3B\u1E3D\u1E3F\u1E41\u1E43\u1E45\u1E47\u1E49\u1E4B\u1E4D\u1E4F\u1E51\u1E53\u1E55\u1E57\u1E59\u1E5B\u1E5D\u1E5F\u1E61\u1E63\u1E65\u1E67\u1E69\u1E6B\u1E6D\u1E6F\u1E71\u1E73\u1E75\u1E77\u1E79\u1E7B\u1E7D\u1E7F\u1E81\u1E83\u1E85\u1E87\u1E89\u1E8B\u1E8D\u1E8F\u1E91\u1E93\u1E95-\u1E9D\u1E9F\u1EA1\u1EA3\u1EA5\u1EA7\u1EA9\u1EAB\u1EAD\u1EAF\u1EB1\u1EB3\u1EB5\u1EB7\u1EB9\u1EBB\u1EBD\u1EBF\u1EC1\u1EC3\u1EC5\u1EC7\u1EC9\u1ECB\u1ECD\u1ECF\u1ED1\u1ED3\u1ED5\u1ED7\u1ED9\u1EDB\u1EDD\u1EDF\u1EE1\u1EE3\u1EE5\u1EE7\u1EE9\u1EEB\u1EED\u1EEF\u1EF1\u1EF3\u1EF5\u1EF7\u1EF9\u1EFB\u1EFD\u1EFF-\u1F07\u1F10-\u1F15\u1F20-\u1F27\u1F30-\u1F37\u1F40-\u1F45\u1F50-\u1F57\u1F60-\u1F67\u1F70-\u1F7D\u1F80-\u1F87\u1F90-\u1F97\u1FA0-\u1FA7\u1FB0-\u1FB4\u1FB6\u1FB7\u1FBE\u1FC2-\u1FC4\u1FC6\u1FC7\u1FD0-\u1FD3\u1FD6\u1FD7\u1FE0-\u1FE7\u1FF2-\u1FF4\u1FF6\u1FF7\u210A\u210E\u210F\u2113\u212F\u2134\u2139\u213C\u213D\u2146-\u2149\u214E\u2184\u2C30-\u2C5E\u2C61\u2C65\u2C66\u2C68\u2C6A\u2C6C\u2C71\u2C73\u2C74\u2C76-\u2C7B\u2C81\u2C83\u2C85\u2C87\u2C89\u2C8B\u2C8D\u2C8F\u2C91\u2C93\u2C95\u2C97\u2C99\u2C9B\u2C9D\u2C9F\u2CA1\u2CA3\u2CA5\u2CA7\u2CA9\u2CAB\u2CAD\u2CAF\u2CB1\u2CB3\u2CB5\u2CB7\u2CB9\u2CBB\u2CBD\u2CBF\u2CC1\u2CC3\u2CC5\u2CC7\u2CC9\u2CCB\u2CCD\u2CCF\u2CD1\u2CD3\u2CD5\u2CD7\u2CD9\u2CDB\u2CDD\u2CDF\u2CE1\u2CE3\u2CE4\u2CEC\u2CEE\u2CF3\u2D00-\u2D25\u2D27\u2D2D\uA641\uA643\uA645\uA647\uA649\uA64B\uA64D\uA64F\uA651\uA653\uA655\uA657\uA659\uA65B\uA65D\uA65F\uA661\uA663\uA665\uA667\uA669\uA66B\uA66D\uA681\uA683\uA685\uA687\uA689\uA68B\uA68D\uA68F\uA691\uA693\uA695\uA697\uA723\uA725\uA727\uA729\uA72B\uA72D\uA72F-\uA731\uA733\uA735\uA737\uA739\uA73B\uA73D\uA73F\uA741\uA743\uA745\uA747\uA749\uA74B\uA74D\uA74F\uA751\uA753\uA755\uA757\uA759\uA75B\uA75D\uA75F\uA761\uA763\uA765\uA767\uA769\uA76B\uA76D\uA76F\uA771-\uA778\uA77A\uA77C\uA77F\uA781\uA783\uA785\uA787\uA78C\uA78E\uA791\uA793\uA7A1\uA7A3\uA7A5\uA7A7\uA7A9\uA7FA\uFB00-\uFB06\uFB13-\uFB17\uFF41-\uFF5A\u0041-\u005A\u00C0-\u00D6\u00D8-\u00DE\u0100\u0102\u0104\u0106\u0108\u010A\u010C\u010E\u0110\u0112\u0114\u0116\u0118\u011A\u011C\u011E\u0120\u0122\u0124\u0126\u0128\u012A\u012C\u012E\u0130\u0132\u0134\u0136\u0139\u013B\u013D\u013F\u0141\u0143\u0145\u0147\u014A\u014C\u014E\u0150\u0152\u0154\u0156\u0158\u015A\u015C\u015E\u0160\u0162\u0164\u0166\u0168\u016A\u016C\u016E\u0170\u0172\u0174\u0176\u0178\u0179\u017B\u017D\u0181\u0182\u0184\u0186\u0187\u0189-\u018B\u018E-\u0191\u0193\u0194\u0196-\u0198\u019C\u019D\u019F\u01A0\u01A2\u01A4\u01A6\u01A7\u01A9\u01AC\u01AE\u01AF\u01B1-\u01B3\u01B5\u01B7\u01B8\u01BC\u01C4\u01C7\u01CA\u01CD\u01CF\u01D1\u01D3\u01D5\u01D7\u01D9\u01DB\u01DE\u01E0\u01E2\u01E4\u01E6\u01E8\u01EA\u01EC\u01EE\u01F1\u01F4\u01F6-\u01F8\u01FA\u01FC\u01FE\u0200\u0202\u0204\u0206\u0208\u020A\u020C\u020E\u0210\u0212\u0214\u0216\u0218\u021A\u021C\u021E\u0220\u0222\u0224\u0226\u0228\u022A\u022C\u022E\u0230\u0232\u023A\u023B\u023D\u023E\u0241\u0243-\u0246\u0248\u024A\u024C\u024E\u0370\u0372\u0376\u0386\u0388-\u038A\u038C\u038E\u038F\u0391-\u03A1\u03A3-\u03AB\u03CF\u03D2-\u03D4\u03D8\u03DA\u03DC\u03DE\u03E0\u03E2\u03E4\u03E6\u03E8\u03EA\u03EC\u03EE\u03F4\u03F7\u03F9\u03FA\u03FD-\u042F\u0460\u0462\u0464\u0466\u0468\u046A\u046C\u046E\u0470\u0472\u0474\u0476\u0478\u047A\u047C\u047E\u0480\u048A\u048C\u048E\u0490\u0492\u0494\u0496\u0498\u049A\u049C\u049E\u04A0\u04A2\u04A4\u04A6\u04A8\u04AA\u04AC\u04AE\u04B0\u04B2\u04B4\u04B6\u04B8\u04BA\u04BC\u04BE\u04C0\u04C1\u04C3\u04C5\u04C7\u04C9\u04CB\u04CD\u04D0\u04D2\u04D4\u04D6\u04D8\u04DA\u04DC\u04DE\u04E0\u04E2\u04E4\u04E6\u04E8\u04EA\u04EC\u04EE\u04F0\u04F2\u04F4\u04F6\u04F8\u04FA\u04FC\u04FE\u0500\u0502\u0504\u0506\u0508\u050A\u050C\u050E\u0510\u0512\u0514\u0516\u0518\u051A\u051C\u051E\u0520\u0522\u0524\u0526\u0531-\u0556\u10A0-\u10C5\u10C7\u10CD\u1E00\u1E02\u1E04\u1E06\u1E08\u1E0A\u1E0C\u1E0E\u1E10\u1E12\u1E14\u1E16\u1E18\u1E1A\u1E1C\u1E1E\u1E20\u1E22\u1E24\u1E26\u1E28\u1E2A\u1E2C\u1E2E\u1E30\u1E32\u1E34\u1E36\u1E38\u1E3A\u1E3C\u1E3E\u1E40\u1E42\u1E44\u1E46\u1E48\u1E4A\u1E4C\u1E4E\u1E50\u1E52\u1E54\u1E56\u1E58\u1E5A\u1E5C\u1E5E\u1E60\u1E62\u1E64\u1E66\u1E68\u1E6A\u1E6C\u1E6E\u1E70\u1E72\u1E74\u1E76\u1E78\u1E7A\u1E7C\u1E7E\u1E80\u1E82\u1E84\u1E86\u1E88\u1E8A\u1E8C\u1E8E\u1E90\u1E92\u1E94\u1E9E\u1EA0\u1EA2\u1EA4\u1EA6\u1EA8\u1EAA\u1EAC\u1EAE\u1EB0\u1EB2\u1EB4\u1EB6\u1EB8\u1EBA\u1EBC\u1EBE\u1EC0\u1EC2\u1EC4\u1EC6\u1EC8\u1ECA\u1ECC\u1ECE\u1ED0\u1ED2\u1ED4\u1ED6\u1ED8\u1EDA\u1EDC\u1EDE\u1EE0\u1EE2\u1EE4\u1EE6\u1EE8\u1EEA\u1EEC\u1EEE\u1EF0\u1EF2\u1EF4\u1EF6\u1EF8\u1EFA\u1EFC\u1EFE\u1F08-\u1F0F\u1F18-\u1F1D\u1F28-\u1F2F\u1F38-\u1F3F\u1F48-\u1F4D\u1F59\u1F5B\u1F5D\u1F5F\u1F68-\u1F6F\u1FB8-\u1FBB\u1FC8-\u1FCB\u1FD8-\u1FDB\u1FE8-\u1FEC\u1FF8-\u1FFB\u2102\u2107\u210B-\u210D\u2110-\u2112\u2115\u2119-\u211D\u2124\u2126\u2128\u212A-\u212D\u2130-\u2133\u213E\u213F\u2145\u2183\u2C00-\u2C2E\u2C60\u2C62-\u2C64\u2C67\u2C69\u2C6B\u2C6D-\u2C70\u2C72\u2C75\u2C7E-\u2C80\u2C82\u2C84\u2C86\u2C88\u2C8A\u2C8C\u2C8E\u2C90\u2C92\u2C94\u2C96\u2C98\u2C9A\u2C9C\u2C9E\u2CA0\u2CA2\u2CA4\u2CA6\u2CA8\u2CAA\u2CAC\u2CAE\u2CB0\u2CB2\u2CB4\u2CB6\u2CB8\u2CBA\u2CBC\u2CBE\u2CC0\u2CC2\u2CC4\u2CC6\u2CC8\u2CCA\u2CCC\u2CCE\u2CD0\u2CD2\u2CD4\u2CD6\u2CD8\u2CDA\u2CDC\u2CDE\u2CE0\u2CE2\u2CEB\u2CED\u2CF2\uA640\uA642\uA644\uA646\uA648\uA64A\uA64C\uA64E\uA650\uA652\uA654\uA656\uA658\uA65A\uA65C\uA65E\uA660\uA662\uA664\uA666\uA668\uA66A\uA66C\uA680\uA682\uA684\uA686\uA688\uA68A\uA68C\uA68E\uA690\uA692\uA694\uA696\uA722\uA724\uA726\uA728\uA72A\uA72C\uA72E\uA732\uA734\uA736\uA738\uA73A\uA73C\uA73E\uA740\uA742\uA744\uA746\uA748\uA74A\uA74C\uA74E\uA750\uA752\uA754\uA756\uA758\uA75A\uA75C\uA75E\uA760\uA762\uA764\uA766\uA768\uA76A\uA76C\uA76E\uA779\uA77B\uA77D\uA77E\uA780\uA782\uA784\uA786\uA78B\uA78D\uA790\uA792\uA7A0\uA7A2\uA7A4\uA7A6\uA7A8\uA7AA\uFF21-\uFF3A\u01C5\u01C8\u01CB\u01F2\u1F88-\u1F8F\u1F98-\u1F9F\u1FA8-\u1FAF\u1FBC\u1FCC\u1FFC\u02B0-\u02C1\u02C6-\u02D1\u02E0-\u02E4\u02EC\u02EE\u0374\u037A\u0559\u0640\u06E5\u06E6\u07F4\u07F5\u07FA\u081A\u0824\u0828\u0971\u0E46\u0EC6\u10FC\u17D7\u1843\u1AA7\u1C78-\u1C7D\u1D2C-\u1D6A\u1D78\u1D9B-\u1DBF\u2071\u207F\u2090-\u209C\u2C7C\u2C7D\u2D6F\u2E2F\u3005\u3031-\u3035\u303B\u309D\u309E\u30FC-\u30FE\uA015\uA4F8-\uA4FD\uA60C\uA67F\uA717-\uA71F\uA770\uA788\uA7F8\uA7F9\uA9CF\uAA70\uAADD\uAAF3\uAAF4\uFF70\uFF9E\uFF9F\u00AA\u00BA\u01BB\u01C0-\u01C3\u0294\u05D0-\u05EA\u05F0-\u05F2\u0620-\u063F\u0641-\u064A\u066E\u066F\u0671-\u06D3\u06D5\u06EE\u06EF\u06FA-\u06FC\u06FF\u0710\u0712-\u072F\u074D-\u07A5\u07B1\u07CA-\u07EA\u0800-\u0815\u0840-\u0858\u08A0\u08A2-\u08AC\u0904-\u0939\u093D\u0950\u0958-\u0961\u0972-\u0977\u0979-\u097F\u0985-\u098C\u098F\u0990\u0993-\u09A8\u09AA-\u09B0\u09B2\u09B6-\u09B9\u09BD\u09CE\u09DC\u09DD\u09DF-\u09E1\u09F0\u09F1\u0A05-\u0A0A\u0A0F\u0A10\u0A13-\u0A28\u0A2A-\u0A30\u0A32\u0A33\u0A35\u0A36\u0A38\u0A39\u0A59-\u0A5C\u0A5E\u0A72-\u0A74\u0A85-\u0A8D\u0A8F-\u0A91\u0A93-\u0AA8\u0AAA-\u0AB0\u0AB2\u0AB3\u0AB5-\u0AB9\u0ABD\u0AD0\u0AE0\u0AE1\u0B05-\u0B0C\u0B0F\u0B10\u0B13-\u0B28\u0B2A-\u0B30\u0B32\u0B33\u0B35-\u0B39\u0B3D\u0B5C\u0B5D\u0B5F-\u0B61\u0B71\u0B83\u0B85-\u0B8A\u0B8E-\u0B90\u0B92-\u0B95\u0B99\u0B9A\u0B9C\u0B9E\u0B9F\u0BA3\u0BA4\u0BA8-\u0BAA\u0BAE-\u0BB9\u0BD0\u0C05-\u0C0C\u0C0E-\u0C10\u0C12-\u0C28\u0C2A-\u0C33\u0C35-\u0C39\u0C3D\u0C58\u0C59\u0C60\u0C61\u0C85-\u0C8C\u0C8E-\u0C90\u0C92-\u0CA8\u0CAA-\u0CB3\u0CB5-\u0CB9\u0CBD\u0CDE\u0CE0\u0CE1\u0CF1\u0CF2\u0D05-\u0D0C\u0D0E-\u0D10\u0D12-\u0D3A\u0D3D\u0D4E\u0D60\u0D61\u0D7A-\u0D7F\u0D85-\u0D96\u0D9A-\u0DB1\u0DB3-\u0DBB\u0DBD\u0DC0-\u0DC6\u0E01-\u0E30\u0E32\u0E33\u0E40-\u0E45\u0E81\u0E82\u0E84\u0E87\u0E88\u0E8A\u0E8D\u0E94-\u0E97\u0E99-\u0E9F\u0EA1-\u0EA3\u0EA5\u0EA7\u0EAA\u0EAB\u0EAD-\u0EB0\u0EB2\u0EB3\u0EBD\u0EC0-\u0EC4\u0EDC-\u0EDF\u0F00\u0F40-\u0F47\u0F49-\u0F6C\u0F88-\u0F8C\u1000-\u102A\u103F\u1050-\u1055\u105A-\u105D\u1061\u1065\u1066\u106E-\u1070\u1075-\u1081\u108E\u10D0-\u10FA\u10FD-\u1248\u124A-\u124D\u1250-\u1256\u1258\u125A-\u125D\u1260-\u1288\u128A-\u128D\u1290-\u12B0\u12B2-\u12B5\u12B8-\u12BE\u12C0\u12C2-\u12C5\u12C8-\u12D6\u12D8-\u1310\u1312-\u1315\u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new RegExp("[\uD800-\uDBFF]").test(String.fromCharCode(value));},isLowSurrogate:function(value){return new RegExp("[\uDC00-\uDFFF]").test(String.fromCharCode(value));},isSurrogate:function(value){return new RegExp("[\uD800-\uDFFF]").test(String.fromCharCode(value));},isSymbol:function(value){if(value<256){return([36,43,60,61,62,94,96,124,126,162,163,164,165,166,167,168,169,172,174,175,176,177,180,182,184,215,247].indexOf(value)!=-1);}
-return new RegExp("[\u20A0-\u20CF\u20D0-\u20FF\u2100-\u214F\u2150-\u218F\u2190-\u21FF\u2200-\u22FF\u2300-\u23FF\u25A0-\u25FF\u2600-\u26FF\u2700-\u27BF\u27C0-\u27EF\u27F0-\u27FF\u2800-\u28FF\u2900-\u297F\u2980-\u29FF\u2A00-\u2AFF\u2B00-\u2BFF]").test(String.fromCharCode(value));},isSeparator:function(value){if(value<256){return(value==32||value==160);}
-return new RegExp("[\u2028\u2029\u0020\u00A0\u1680\u180E\u2000-\u200A\u202F\u205F\u3000]").test(String.fromCharCode(value));},isPunctuation:function(value){if(value<256){return([33,34,35,37,38,39,40,41,42,44,45,46,47,58,59,63,64,91,92,93,95,123,125,161,171,173,183,187,191].indexOf(value)!=-1);}
-return new RegExp("[\u0021-\u0023\u0025-\u002A\u002C-\u002F\u003A\u003B\u003F\u0040\u005B-\u005D\u005F\u007B\u007D\u00A1\u00A7\u00AB\u00B6\u00B7\u00BB\u00BF\u037E\u0387\u055A-\u055F\u0589\u058A\u05BE\u05C0\u05C3\u05C6\u05F3\u05F4\u0609\u060A\u060C\u060D\u061B\u061E\u061F\u066A-\u066D\u06D4\u0700-\u070D\u07F7-\u07F9\u0830-\u083E\u085E\u0964\u0965\u0970\u0AF0\u0DF4\u0E4F\u0E5A\u0E5B\u0F04-\u0F12\u0F14\u0F3A-\u0F3D\u0F85\u0FD0-\u0FD4\u0FD9\u0FDA\u104A-\u104F\u10FB\u1360-\u1368\u1400\u166D\u166E\u169B\u169C\u16EB-\u16ED\u1735\u1736\u17D4-\u17D6\u17D8-\u17DA\u1800-\u180A\u1944\u1945\u1A1E\u1A1F\u1AA0-\u1AA6\u1AA8-\u1AAD\u1B5A-\u1B60\u1BFC-\u1BFF\u1C3B-\u1C3F\u1C7E\u1C7F\u1CC0-\u1CC7\u1CD3\u2010-\u2027\u2030-\u2043\u2045-\u2051\u2053-\u205E\u207D\u207E\u208D\u208E\u2329\u232A\u2768-\u2775\u27C5\u27C6\u27E6-\u27EF\u2983-\u2998\u29D8-\u29DB\u29FC\u29FD\u2CF9-\u2CFC\u2CFE\u2CFF\u2D70\u2E00-\u2E2E\u2E30-\u2E3B\u3001-\u3003\u3008-\u3011\u3014-\u301F\u3030\u303D\u30A0\u30FB\uA4FE\uA4FF\uA60D-\uA60F\uA673\uA67E\uA6F2-\uA6F7\uA874-\uA877\uA8CE\uA8CF\uA8F8-\uA8FA\uA92E\uA92F\uA95F\uA9C1-\uA9CD\uA9DE\uA9DF\uAA5C-\uAA5F\uAADE\uAADF\uAAF0\uAAF1\uABEB\uFD3E\uFD3F\uFE10-\uFE19\uFE30-\uFE52\uFE54-\uFE61\uFE63\uFE68\uFE6A\uFE6B\uFF01-\uFF03\uFF05-\uFF0A\uFF0C-\uFF0F\uFF1A\uFF1B\uFF1F\uFF20\uFF3B-\uFF3D\uFF3F\uFF5B\uFF5D\uFF5F-\uFF65\u002D\u058A\u05BE\u1400\u1806\u2010-\u2015\u2E17\u2E1A\u2E3A\u2E3B\u301C\u3030\u30A0\uFE31\uFE32\uFE58\uFE63\uFF0D\u0028\u005B\u007B\u0F3A\u0F3C\u169B\u201A\u201E\u2045\u207D\u208D\u2329\u2768\u276A\u276C\u276E\u2770\u2772\u2774\u27C5\u27E6\u27E8\u27EA\u27EC\u27EE\u2983\u2985\u2987\u2989\u298B\u298D\u298F\u2991\u2993\u2995\u2997\u29D8\u29DA\u29FC\u2E22\u2E24\u2E26\u2E28\u3008\u300A\u300C\u300E\u3010\u3014\u3016\u3018\u301A\u301D\uFD3E\uFE17\uFE35\uFE37\uFE39\uFE3B\uFE3D\uFE3F\uFE41\uFE43\uFE47\uFE59\uFE5B\uFE5D\uFF08\uFF3B\uFF5B\uFF5F\uFF62\u0029\u005D\u007D\u0F3B\u0F3D\u169C\u2046\u207E\u208E\u232A\u2769\u276B\u276D\u276F\u2771\u2773\u2775\u27C6\u27E7\u27E9\u27EB\u27ED\u27EF\u2984\u2986\u2988\u298A\u298C\u298E\u2990\u2992\u2994\u2996\u2998\u29D9\u29DB\u29FD\u2E23\u2E25\u2E27\u2E29\u3009\u300B\u300D\u300F\u3011\u3015\u3017\u3019\u301B\u301E\u301F\uFD3F\uFE18\uFE36\uFE38\uFE3A\uFE3C\uFE3E\uFE40\uFE42\uFE44\uFE48\uFE5A\uFE5C\uFE5E\uFF09\uFF3D\uFF5D\uFF60\uFF63\u00AB\u2018\u201B\u201C\u201F\u2039\u2E02\u2E04\u2E09\u2E0C\u2E1C\u2E20\u00BB\u2019\u201D\u203A\u2E03\u2E05\u2E0A\u2E0D\u2E1D\u2E21\u005F\u203F\u2040\u2054\uFE33\uFE34\uFE4D-\uFE4F\uFF3F\u0021-\u0023\u0025-\u0027\u002A\u002C\u002E\u002F\u003A\u003B\u003F\u0040\u005C\u00A1\u00A7\u00B6\u00B7\u00BF\u037E\u0387\u055A-\u055F\u0589\u05C0\u05C3\u05C6\u05F3\u05F4\u0609\u060A\u060C\u060D\u061B\u061E\u061F\u066A-\u066D\u06D4\u0700-\u070D\u07F7-\u07F9\u0830-\u083E\u085E\u0964\u0965\u0970\u0AF0\u0DF4\u0E4F\u0E5A\u0E5B\u0F04-\u0F12\u0F14\u0F85\u0FD0-\u0FD4\u0FD9\u0FDA\u104A-\u104F\u10FB\u1360-\u1368\u166D\u166E\u16EB-\u16ED\u1735\u1736\u17D4-\u17D6\u17D8-\u17DA\u1800-\u1805\u1807-\u180A\u1944\u1945\u1A1E\u1A1F\u1AA0-\u1AA6\u1AA8-\u1AAD\u1B5A-\u1B60\u1BFC-\u1BFF\u1C3B-\u1C3F\u1C7E\u1C7F\u1CC0-\u1CC7\u1CD3\u2016\u2017\u2020-\u2027\u2030-\u2038\u203B-\u203E\u2041-\u2043\u2047-\u2051\u2053\u2055-\u205E\u2CF9-\u2CFC\u2CFE\u2CFF\u2D70\u2E00\u2E01\u2E06-\u2E08\u2E0B\u2E0E-\u2E16\u2E18\u2E19\u2E1B\u2E1E\u2E1F\u2E2A-\u2E2E\u2E30-\u2E39\u3001-\u3003\u303D\u30FB\uA4FE\uA4FF\uA60D-\uA60F\uA673\uA67E\uA6F2-\uA6F7\uA874-\uA877\uA8CE\uA8CF\uA8F8-\uA8FA\uA92E\uA92F\uA95F\uA9C1-\uA9CD\uA9DE\uA9DF\uAA5C-\uAA5F\uAADE\uAADF\uAAF0\uAAF1\uABEB\uFE10-\uFE16\uFE19\uFE30\uFE45\uFE46\uFE49-\uFE4C\uFE50-\uFE52\uFE54-\uFE57\uFE5F-\uFE61\uFE68\uFE6A\uFE6B\uFF01-\uFF03\uFF05-\uFF07\uFF0A\uFF0C\uFF0E\uFF0F\uFF1A\uFF1B\uFF1F\uFF20\uFF3C\uFF61\uFF64\uFF65]").test(String.fromCharCode(value));},isNumber:function(value){if(value<256){return([48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,178,179,185,188,189,190].indexOf(value)!=-1);}
-return new RegExp("[\u0030-\u0039\u00B2\u00B3\u00B9\u00BC-\u00BE\u0660-\u0669\u06F0-\u06F9\u07C0-\u07C9\u0966-\u096F\u09E6-\u09EF\u09F4-\u09F9\u0A66-\u0A6F\u0AE6-\u0AEF\u0B66-\u0B6F\u0B72-\u0B77\u0BE6-\u0BF2\u0C66-\u0C6F\u0C78-\u0C7E\u0CE6-\u0CEF\u0D66-\u0D75\u0E50-\u0E59\u0ED0-\u0ED9\u0F20-\u0F33\u1040-\u1049\u1090-\u1099\u1369-\u137C\u16EE-\u16F0\u17E0-\u17E9\u17F0-\u17F9\u1810-\u1819\u1946-\u194F\u19D0-\u19DA\u1A80-\u1A89\u1A90-\u1A99\u1B50-\u1B59\u1BB0-\u1BB9\u1C40-\u1C49\u1C50-\u1C59\u2070\u2074-\u2079\u2080-\u2089\u2150-\u2182\u2185-\u2189\u2460-\u249B\u24EA-\u24FF\u2776-\u2793\u2CFD\u3007\u3021-\u3029\u3038-\u303A\u3192-\u3195\u3220-\u3229\u3248-\u324F\u3251-\u325F\u3280-\u3289\u32B1-\u32BF\uA620-\uA629\uA6E6-\uA6EF\uA830-\uA835\uA8D0-\uA8D9\uA900-\uA909\uA9D0-\uA9D9\uAA50-\uAA59\uABF0-\uABF9\uFF10-\uFF19\u0030-\u0039\u0660-\u0669\u06F0-\u06F9\u07C0-\u07C9\u0966-\u096F\u09E6-\u09EF\u0A66-\u0A6F\u0AE6-\u0AEF\u0B66-\u0B6F\u0BE6-\u0BEF\u0C66-\u0C6F\u0CE6-\u0CEF\u0D66-\u0D6F\u0E50-\u0E59\u0ED0-\u0ED9\u0F20-\u0F29\u1040-\u1049\u1090-\u1099\u17E0-\u17E9\u1810-\u1819\u1946-\u194F\u19D0-\u19D9\u1A80-\u1A89\u1A90-\u1A99\u1B50-\u1B59\u1BB0-\u1BB9\u1C40-\u1C49\u1C50-\u1C59\uA620-\uA629\uA8D0-\uA8D9\uA900-\uA909\uA9D0-\uA9D9\uAA50-\uAA59\uABF0-\uABF9\uFF10-\uFF19\u16EE-\u16F0\u2160-\u2182\u2185-\u2188\u3007\u3021-\u3029\u3038-\u303A\uA6E6-\uA6EF\u00B2\u00B3\u00B9\u00BC-\u00BE\u09F4-\u09F9\u0B72-\u0B77\u0BF0-\u0BF2\u0C78-\u0C7E\u0D70-\u0D75\u0F2A-\u0F33\u1369-\u137C\u17F0-\u17F9\u19DA\u2070\u2074-\u2079\u2080-\u2089\u2150-\u215F\u2189\u2460-\u249B\u24EA-\u24FF\u2776-\u2793\u2CFD\u3192-\u3195\u3220-\u3229\u3248-\u324F\u3251-\u325F\u3280-\u3289\u32B1-\u32BF\uA830-\uA835]").test(String.fromCharCode(value));},isControl:function(value){if(value<256){return(value>=0&&value<=31)||(value>=127&&value<=159);}
-return new RegExp("[\u0000-\u001F\u007F\u0080-\u009F]").test(String.fromCharCode(value));}};Bridge.Char=char;})();
-(function(){var string={isNullOrWhiteSpace:function(value){return value===null||value.match(/^ *$/)!==null;},isNullOrEmpty:function(value){return Bridge.isEmpty(value,false);},fromCharCount:function(c,count){if(count>=0){return String(Array(count+1).join(String.fromCharCode(c)));}
-else{throw new Bridge.ArgumentOutOfRangeException("count","cannot be less than zero");}},format:function(format){var me=this,_formatRe=/(\{+)((\d+|[a-zA-Z_$]\w+(?:\.[a-zA-Z_$]\w+|\[\d+\])*)(?:\,(-?\d*))?(?:\:([^\}]*))?)(\}+)|(\{+)|(\}+)/g,,1),fn=this.decodeBraceSequence;return format.replace(_formatRe,function(m,openBrace,elementContent,index,align,format,closeBrace,repeatOpenBrace,repeatCloseBrace){if(repeatOpenBrace){return fn(repeatOpenBrace);}
-if(repeatCloseBrace){return fn(repeatCloseBrace);}
-if(openBrace.length%2==0||closeBrace.length%2==0){return fn(openBrace)+elementContent+fn(closeBrace);}
-return fn(openBrace,true)+me.handleElement(index,align,format,args)+fn(closeBrace,true);});},handleElement:function(index,alignment,formatStr,args){var value;index=parseInt(index,10)
-if(index>args.length-1){throw new Bridge.FormatException("Input string was not in a correct format.");}
-return Bridge.String.alignString(value.toString(),alignment);},decodeBraceSequence:function(braces,remove){return braces.substr(0,(braces.length+(remove?0:1))/2);},alignString:function(str,alignment,pad,dir){if(!alignment){return str;}
-if(!pad){pad=" ";}
-alignment=Math.abs(alignment);if(alignment+1>=str.length){switch(dir){case 2:str=Array(alignment+1-str.length).join(pad)+str;break;case 3:var padlen=alignment-str.length,right=Math.ceil(padlen/2),left=padlen-right;str=Array(left+1).join(pad)+str+Array(right+1).join(pad);break;case 1:default:str=str+Array(alignment+1-str.length).join(pad);break;}}
-return str;},startsWith:function(str,prefix){if(!prefix.length){return true;}
-if(prefix.length>str.length){return false;}
-prefix=Bridge.String.escape(prefix);return str.match("^"+prefix)!==null;},endsWith:function(str,suffix){if(!suffix.length){return true;}
-if(suffix.length>str.length){return false;}
-suffix=Bridge.String.escape(suffix);return str.match(suffix+"$")!==null;},contains:function(str,value){if(value==null){throw new Bridge.ArgumentNullException();}
-if(str==null){return false;}
-return str.indexOf(value)>-1;},indexOfAny:function(str,anyOf){if(anyOf==null){throw new Bridge.ArgumentNullException();}
-var startIndex=(arguments.length>2)?arguments[2]:0;if(startIndex<0){throw new Bridge.ArgumentOutOfRangeException("startIndex","startIndex cannot be less than zero");}
-var length=(arguments.length>3)?arguments[3]:str.length-startIndex;if(length<0){throw new Bridge.ArgumentOutOfRangeException("length","must be non-negative");}
-if(length>str.length-startIndex){throw new Bridge.ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Index and length must refer to a location within the string");}
-var s=str.substr(startIndex,length);for(var i=0;i<anyOf.length;i++){var c=String.fromCharCode(anyOf[i]);var index=s.indexOf(c);if(index>-1){return index+startIndex;}}
-return-1;},indexOf:function(str,value){if(value==null){throw new Bridge.ArgumentNullException();}
-var startIndex=(arguments.length>2)?arguments[2]:0;if(startIndex<0||startIndex>str.length){throw new Bridge.ArgumentOutOfRangeException("startIndex","startIndex cannot be less than zero and must refer to a location within the string");}
-var length=(arguments.length>3)?arguments[3]:str.length-startIndex;if(length<0){throw new Bridge.ArgumentOutOfRangeException("length","must be non-negative");}
-if(length>str.length-startIndex){throw new Bridge.ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Index and length must refer to a location within the string");}
-var s=str.substr(startIndex,length);var index=(arguments.length==5&&arguments[4]%2!=0)?s.toLocaleUpperCase().indexOf(value.toLocaleUpperCase()):s.indexOf(value);if(index>-1){if(arguments.length==5){return(,s.substr(index,value.length),arguments[4])==0)?index+startIndex:-1;}
-else{return index+startIndex;}}
-if(arguments.length>=3){if(!Bridge.isBoolean(arguments[2])){switch(arguments[2]){case 1:return strA.localeCompare(strB,Bridge.CultureInfo.getCurrentCulture().name,{sensitivity:'accent'});break;case 2:return strA.localeCompare(strB,;break;case 3:return strA.localeCompare(strB,,{sensitivity:'accent'});break;case 4:return(strA===strB)?0:((strA>strB)?1:-1);break;case 5:return(strA.toUpperCase()===strB.toUpperCase())?0:((strA.toUpperCase()>strB.toUpperCase())?1:-1);break;case 0:default:break;}}
-if(arguments.length==4){return strA.localeCompare(strB,arguments[3].name);}}}
-return strA.localeCompare(strB);},toCharArray:function(str,startIndex,length){if(startIndex<0||startIndex>str.length||startIndex>str.length-length){throw new Bridge.ArgumentOutOfRangeException("startIndex","startIndex cannot be less than zero and must refer to a location within the string");}
-if(length<0){throw new Bridge.ArgumentOutOfRangeException("length","must be non-negative");}
-var arr=[];for(var i=startIndex;i<startIndex+length;i++){arr.push(str.charCodeAt(i));}
-return arr;},escape:function(str){return str.replace(/[\-\[\]\/\{\}\(\)\*\+\?\.\\\^\$\|]/g,"\\$&");},replaceAll:function(str,a,b){a=Bridge.String.escape(a);var reg=new RegExp(a,"g");return str.replace(reg,b);}};Bridge.String=string;})();
-(function(){var initializing=false;var base={cache:{},initCtor:function(){var value=arguments[0];if(this.$multipleCtors&&arguments.length>0&&typeof value=='string'){value=value==="constructor"?"$constructor":value;if((value==="$constructor"||Bridge.String.startsWith(value,"constructor$"))&&Bridge.isFunction(this[value])){this[value].apply(this,,1));return;}}
-if(this.$constructor){this.$constructor.apply(this,arguments);}},createAccessors:function(cfg,scope){var name,config;config=Bridge.isFunction(cfg)?cfg():cfg;if({for(name in{,name,[name]);}}},initConfig:function(extend,base,cfg,statics,scope){var initFn,isFn=Bridge.isFunction(cfg),fn=function(){var name,config;config=Bridge.isFunction(cfg)?cfg():cfg;if(extend&&!statics&&base.$initMembers){base.$initMembers.apply(this,arguments);}
-if(config.fields){for(name in config.fields){this[name]=config.fields[name];}}
-if({for(name in{,name,[name]);}}
-if({for(name in{Bridge.event(this,name,[name]);}}
-if(config.alias){for(name in config.alias){if(this[name]){this[name]=this[config.alias[name]];}}}
-if(c){return c;}
-obj=prop.apply(null,args.slice(1));obj.$cacheName=name;c=Bridge.define(name,obj);return c;};return Bridge.Class.generic(className,gscope,fn);}
-prop=prop||{};var extend=prop.$inherits||prop.inherits,statics=prop.$statics||prop.statics,base,cacheName=prop.$cacheName,prototype,nameParts,scope=prop.$scope||,i,v,ctorCounter,isCtor,ctorName,name,fn;if(prop.$inherits){delete prop.$inherits;}
-else{delete prop.inherits;}
-else if(prop.$statics){delete prop.$statics;}
-else{delete prop.statics;}
-if(prop.$cacheName){delete prop.$cacheName;}
-function Class(){if(!(this instanceof Class)){var,0),object=Object.create(Class.prototype),result=Class.apply(object,args);return typeof result==='object'?result:object;}
-base=extend?extend[0].prototype:this.prototype;initializing=true;prototype=extend?new extend[0]():new Object();initializing=false;if(statics){var staticsConfig=statics.$config||statics.config;if(staticsConfig&&!Bridge.isFunction(staticsConfig)){Bridge.Class.initConfig(extend,base,staticsConfig,true,Class);if(statics.$config){delete statics.$config;}
-else{delete statics.config;}}}
-var instanceConfig=prop.$config||prop.config;if(instanceConfig&&!Bridge.isFunction(instanceConfig)){Bridge.Class.initConfig(extend,base,instanceConfig,false,prop);if(document.readyState=="complete"||document.readyState=="loaded"){Bridge.Class.createAccessors(instanceConfig,prototype);}
-if(prop.$config){delete prop.$config;}
-else{delete prop.config;}}
-prop.$$initCtor=Bridge.Class.initCtor;ctorCounter=0;for(name in prop){v=prop[name];isCtor=name==="constructor";ctorName=isCtor?"$constructor":name;if(Bridge.isFunction(v)&&(isCtor||Bridge.String.startsWith(name,"constructor$"))){ctorCounter++;isCtor=true;}
+* @version : 1.8.0 - Bridge.NET
+* @author : Object.NET, Inc.
+* @date : 2015-08-17
+* @copyright : Copyright (c) 2008-2015, Object.NET, Inc. ( All rights reserved.
+* @license : See license.txt and
+(function () {
+var core = {
+global: (function () { return this; })(),
+emptyFn: function () { },
+property : function (scope, name, v) {
+scope[name] = v;
+var rs = name.charAt(0) == "$",
+cap = rs ? name.slice(1) : name;
+scope["get" + cap] = (function (name) {
+return function () {
+return this[name];
+scope["set" + cap] = (function (name) {
+return function (value) {
+this[name] = value;
+event: function (scope, name, v) {
+scope[name] = v;
+var rs = name.charAt(0) == "$",
+cap = rs ? name.slice(1) : name;
+scope["add" + cap] = (function (name) {
+return function (value) {
+this[name] = Bridge.fn.combine(this[name], value);
+scope["remove" + cap] = (function (name) {
+return function (value) {
+this[name] = Bridge.fn.remove(this[name], value);
+clone: function (obj) {
+if (Bridge.isArray(obj)) {
+return Bridge.Array.clone(obj);
+if (, Bridge.ICloneable)) {
+return obj.clone();
+return null;
+copy: function (to, from, keys, toIf) {
+if (typeof keys === 'string') {
+keys = keys.split(/[,;\s]+/);
+for (var name, i = 0, n = keys ? keys.length : 0; i < n; i++) {
+name = keys[i];
+if (toIf !== true || to[name] === undefined) {
+if ([name], Bridge.ICloneable)) {
+to[name] = Bridge.clone(from[name]);
+else {
+to[name] = from[name];
+return to;
+ns: function (ns, scope) {
+var nsParts = ns.split('.');
+if (!scope) {
+scope =;
+for (i = 0; i < nsParts.length; i++) {
+if (typeof scope[nsParts[i]] == 'undefined') {
+scope[nsParts[i]] = { };
+scope = scope[nsParts[i]];
+return scope;
+ready: function (fn) {
+var delayfn = function () {
+setTimeout(function () {
+}, 1);
+if (typeof !== 'undefined') {;
+} else {
+if (document.readyState == "complete" || document.readyState == "loaded") {
+else {
+Bridge.on('DOMContentLoaded', document, delayfn);
+on: function (event, elem, fn) {
+var listenHandler = function (e) {
+var ret = fn.apply(this, arguments);
+if (ret === false) {
+var attachHandler = function () {
+var ret =,;
+if (ret === false) { = false; = true;
+return (ret);
+if (elem.addEventListener) {
+elem.addEventListener(event, listenHandler, false);
+else {
+elem.attachEvent("on" + event, attachHandler);
+getHashCode: function (value, safe) {
+if (Bridge.isEmpty(value, true)) {
+if (safe) {
+return 0;
+throw new Bridge.InvalidOperationException('HashCode cannot be calculated for empty value');
+if (Bridge.isFunction(value.getHashCode)) {
+return value.getHashCode();
+if (Bridge.isBoolean(value)) {
+return value ? 1 : 0;
+if (Bridge.isDate(value)) {
+return value.valueOf() & 0xFFFFFFFF;
+if (Bridge.isNumber(value)) {
+value = value.toExponential();
+return parseInt(value.substr(0, value.indexOf('e')).replace('.', ''), 10) & 0xFFFFFFFF;
+if (Bridge.isString(value)) {
+var hash = 0,
+for (i = 0; i < value.length; i++) {
+hash = (((hash << 5) - hash) + value.charCodeAt(i)) & 0xFFFFFFFF;
+return hash;
+if (value.$$hashCode) {
+return value.$$hashCode;
+if (typeof value == "object") {
+var result = 0,
+removeCache = false,
+if (!Bridge.$$hashCodeCache) {
+Bridge.$$hashCodeCache = [];
+Bridge.$$hashCodeCalculated = [];
+removeCache = true;
+for (i = 0, len = Bridge.$$hashCodeCache.length; i < len; i += 1) {
+item = Bridge.$$hashCodeCache[i];
+if (item.obj === value) {
+return item.hash;
+cacheItem = { obj: value, hash: 0 };
+for (var property in value) {
+if (value.hasOwnProperty(property)) {
+temp = Bridge.isEmpty(value[property], true) ? 0 : Bridge.getHashCode(value[property]);
+result = 29 * result + temp;
+cacheItem.hash = result;
+if (removeCache) {
+delete Bridge.$$hashCodeCache;
+if (result != 0) {
+return result;
+return value.$$hashCode || (value.$$hashCode = (Math.random() * 0x100000000) | 0);
+getDefaultValue: function (type) {
+if (Bridge.isFunction(type.getDefaultValue)) {
+return type.getDefaultValue();
+else if (type === Boolean) {
+return false;
+else if (type === Date) {
+return new Date(0);
+else if (type === Number) {
+return 0;
+return null;
+getTypeName: function (obj) {
+var str;
+if (obj.$$name) {
+return obj.$$name;
+if ((obj).constructor == Function) {
+str = (obj).toString()
+else {
+str = (obj).constructor.toString();
+var results = (/function (.{1,})\(/).exec(str);
+return (results && results.length > 1) ? results[1] : "Object";
+is: function (obj, type, ignoreFn, allowNull) {
+if (typeof type == "string") {
+type = Bridge.unroll(type);
+if (obj == null) {
+return !!allowNull;
+if (ignoreFn !== true) {
+if (Bridge.isFunction(type.$is)) {
+return type.$is(obj);
+if (Bridge.isFunction(type.instanceOf)) {
+return type.instanceOf(obj);
+if ((obj.constructor == type) || (obj instanceof type)) {
+return true;
+if (Bridge.isArray(obj)) {
+return, type);
+if (!type.$$inheritors) {
+return false;
+var inheritors = type.$$inheritors;
+for (var i = 0; i < inheritors.length; i++) {
+if (, inheritors[i])) {
+return true;
+return false;
+as: function (obj, type, allowNull) {
+return, type, false, allowNull) ? obj : null;
+cast: function (obj, type, allowNull) {
+if (obj === null) {
+return null;
+var result =, type, allowNull);
+if (result == null) {
+throw new Bridge.InvalidCastException('Unable to cast type ' + Bridge.getTypeName(obj) + ' to type ' + Bridge.getTypeName(type));
+return result;
+apply: function (obj, values) {
+var names = Bridge.getPropertyNames(values, false);
+for (var i = 0; i < names.length; i++) {
+var name = names[i];
+if (typeof obj[name] == "function" && typeof values[name] != "function") {
+else {
+obj[name] = values[name];
+return obj;
+merge: function (to, from) {
+var object,
+if (Bridge.isArray(from) && Bridge.isFunction(to.add || to.push)) {
+fn = Bridge.isArray(to) ? to.push : to.add;
+for (i = 0; i < from.length; i++) {
+fn.apply(to, from[i]);
+else {
+for (key in from) {
+value = from[key];
+if (typeof to[key] == "function" && typeof value != "function") {
+if (key.match(/^\s*get[A-Z]/)) {
+Bridge.merge(to[key](), value);
+else {
+else {
+var setter = "set" + key.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + key.slice(1);
+if (typeof to[setter] == "function" && typeof value != "function") {
+else if (value && value.constructor === Object && to[key]) {
+toValue = to[key];
+Bridge.merge(toValue, value);
+else {
+to[key] = value;
+return to;
+getEnumerator: function (obj, suffix) {
+if (typeof obj === "string") {
+obj = Bridge.String.toCharArray(obj);
+if (suffix && obj && obj["getEnumerator" + suffix]) {
+return obj["getEnumerator" + suffix].call(obj);
+if (obj && obj.getEnumerator) {
+return obj.getEnumerator();
+if (( === '[object Array]') ||
+(obj && Bridge.isDefined(obj.length))) {
+return new Bridge.ArrayEnumerator(obj);
+throw new Bridge.InvalidOperationException('Cannot create enumerator');
+getPropertyNames: function (obj, includeFunctions) {
+var names = [],
+for (name in obj) {
+if (includeFunctions || typeof obj[name] !== 'function') {
+return names;
+isDefined: function (value, noNull) {
+return typeof value !== 'undefined' && (noNull ? value != null : true);
+isEmpty: function (value, allowEmpty) {
+return (value == null) || (!allowEmpty ? value === '' : false) || ((!allowEmpty && Bridge.isArray(value)) ? value.length === 0 : false);
+toArray: function (ienumerable) {
+var i,
+result = [];
+if (Bridge.isArray(ienumerable)) {
+for (i = 0, len = ienumerable.length; i < len; ++i) {
+else {
+i = Bridge.getEnumerator(ienumerable);
+while (i.moveNext()) {
+item = i.getCurrent();
+return result;
+isArray: function (obj) {
+return === '[object Array]';
+isFunction: function (obj) {
+return typeof (obj) === 'function';
+isDate: function (obj) {
+return === '[object Date]';
+isNull: function (value) {
+return (value === null) || (value === undefined);
+isBoolean: function (value) {
+return typeof value === 'boolean';
+isNumber: function (value) {
+return typeof value === 'number' && isFinite(value);
+isString: function (value) {
+return typeof value === 'string';
+unroll: function (value) {
+var d = value.split("."),
+o =[d[0]],
+for (var i = 1; i < d.length; i++) {
+if (!o) {
+return null;
+o = o[d[i]];
+return o;
+equals: function (a, b) {
+if (a && Bridge.isFunction(a.equals)) {
+return a.equals(b);
+else if (Bridge.isDate(a) && Bridge.isDate(b)) {
+return a.valueOf() === b.valueOf();
+else if (Bridge.isNull(a) && Bridge.isNull(b)) {
+return true;
+else if (Bridge.isNull(a) !== Bridge.isNull(b)) {
+return false;
+if (typeof a == "object" && typeof b == "object") {
+return (Bridge.getHashCode(a) === Bridge.getHashCode(b)) && Bridge.objectEquals(a, b);
+return a === b;
+objectEquals: function (a, b) {
+Bridge.$$leftChain = [];
+Bridge.$$rightChain = [];
+var result = Bridge.deepEquals(a, b);
+delete Bridge.$$leftChain;
+delete Bridge.$$rightChain;
+return result;
+deepEquals: function (a, b) {
+if (typeof a == "object" && typeof b == "object") {
+if (Bridge.$$leftChain.indexOf(a) > -1 || Bridge.$$rightChain.indexOf(b) > -1) {
+return false;
+var p;
+for (p in b) {
+if (b.hasOwnProperty(p) !== a.hasOwnProperty(p)) {
+return false;
+else if (typeof b[p] !== typeof a[p]) {
+return false;
+for (p in a) {
+if (b.hasOwnProperty(p) !== a.hasOwnProperty(p)) {
+return false;
+else if (typeof a[p] !== typeof b[p]) {
+return false;
+if (typeof (a[p]) == "object") {
+if (!Bridge.deepEquals(a[p], b[p])) {
+return false;
+else {
+if(!Bridge.equals(a[p], b[p])) {
+return false;
+return true;
+else {
+return Bridge.equals(a, b);
+compare: function (a, b, safe) {
+if (!Bridge.isDefined(a, true)) {
+if (safe) {
+return 0;
+throw new Bridge.NullReferenceException();
+else if (Bridge.isNumber(a) || Bridge.isString(a) || Bridge.isBoolean(a)) {
+return a < b ? -1 : (a > b ? 1 : 0);
+else if (Bridge.isDate(a)) {
+return, b.valueOf());
+if (safe && !a.compareTo) {
+return 0;
+return a.compareTo(b);
+equalsT: function (a, b) {
+if (!Bridge.isDefined(a, true)) {
+throw new Bridge.NullReferenceException();
+else if (Bridge.isNumber(a) || Bridge.isString(a) || Bridge.isBoolean(a)) {
+return a === b;
+else if (Bridge.isDate(a)) {
+return a.valueOf() === b.valueOf();
+return a.equalsT(b);
+format: function (obj, formatString) {
+if (Bridge.isNumber(obj)) {
+return Bridge.Int.format(obj, formatString);
+else if (Bridge.isDate(obj)) {
+return Bridge.Date.format(obj, formatString);
+return obj.format(formatString);
+getType: function (instance) {
+if (!Bridge.isDefined(instance, true)) {
+throw new Bridge.NullReferenceException('instance is null');
+try {
+return instance.constructor;
+} catch (ex) {
+return Object;
+isLower: function isLower(c) {
+var s = String.fromCharCode(c);
+return s === s.toLowerCase() && s !== s.toUpperCase();
+isUpper: function isUpper(c) {
+var s = String.fromCharCode(c);
+return s !== s.toLowerCase() && s === s.toUpperCase();
+coalesce: function (a, b) {
+return Bridge.hasValue(a) ? a : b;
+fn: {
+call: function (obj, fnName){
+var args =, 2);
+obj = obj ||;
+return obj[fnName].apply(obj, args);
+bind: function (obj, method, args, appendArgs) {
+if (method && method.$method == method && method.$scope == obj) {
+return method;
+var fn = null;
+if (arguments.length === 2) {
+fn = function () {
+return method.apply(obj, arguments)
+else {
+fn = function () {
+var callArgs = args || arguments;
+if (appendArgs === true) {
+callArgs =, 0);
+callArgs = callArgs.concat(args);
+else if (typeof appendArgs == 'number') {
+callArgs =, 0);
+if (appendArgs === 0) {
+callArgs.unshift.apply(callArgs, args);
+else if (appendArgs < callArgs.length) {
+callArgs.splice.apply(callArgs, [appendArgs, 0].concat(args));
+else {
+callArgs.push.apply(callArgs, args);
+return method.apply(obj, callArgs);
+fn.$method = method;
+fn.$scope = obj;
+return fn;
+bindScope: function (obj, method) {
+var fn = function () {
+var callArgs =, 0);
+callArgs.unshift.apply(callArgs, [obj]);
+return method.apply(obj, callArgs);
+fn.$method = method;
+fn.$scope = obj;
+return fn;
+$build: function (handlers) {
+var fn = function () {
+var list = arguments.callee.$invocationList,
+for (i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
+handler = list[i];
+result = handler.apply(null, arguments);
+return result;
+fn.$invocationList = handlers ?, 0) : [];
+if (fn.$invocationList.length == 0) {
+return null;
+return fn;
+combine: function (fn1, fn2) {
+if (!fn1 || !fn2) {
+return fn1 || fn2;
+var list1 = fn1.$invocationList ? fn1.$invocationList : [fn1],
+list2 = fn2.$invocationList ? fn2.$invocationList : [fn2];
+return Bridge.fn.$build(list1.concat(list2));
+remove: function (fn1, fn2) {
+if (!fn1 || !fn2) {
+return fn1 || null;
+var list1 = fn1.$invocationList ? fn1.$invocationList : [fn1],
+list2 = fn2.$invocationList ? fn2.$invocationList : [fn2],
+result = [],
+i, j;
+for (i = list1.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+exclude = false;
+for (j = 0; j < list2.length; j++) {
+if (list1[i] === list2[j] ||
+((list1[i].$method && (list1[i].$method === list2[j].$method)) && (list1[i].$scope && (list1[i].$scope === list2[j].$scope)))) {
+exclude = true;
+if (!exclude) {
+return Bridge.fn.$build(result);
+if (!Object.create) {
+Object.create = function (o, properties) {
+if (typeof o !== "object" && typeof o !== "function") {
+throw new TypeError("Object prototype may only be an Object: " + o);
+else if (o === null) {
+throw new Error("This browser's implementation of Object.create is a shim and doesn't support 'null' as the first argument");
+if (typeof properties != "undefined") {
+throw new Error("This browser's implementation of Object.create is a shim and doesn't support a second argument");
+function F() { }
+F.prototype = o;
+return new F();
+Bridge = core;
+(function () {
+var nullable = {
+hasValue: function (obj) {
+return (obj !== null) && (obj !== undefined);
+getValue: function (obj) {
+if (!Bridge.Nullable.hasValue(obj)) {
+throw new Bridge.InvalidOperationException("Nullable instance doesn't have a value.");
+return obj;
+getValueOrDefault: function (obj, defValue) {
+return Bridge.Nullable.hasValue(obj) ? obj : defValue;
+add: function (a, b) {
+return Bridge.hasValue(a) && Bridge.hasValue(b) ? a + b : null;
+band: function (a, b) {
+return Bridge.hasValue(a) && Bridge.hasValue(b) ? a & b : null;
+bor: function (a, b) {
+return Bridge.hasValue(a) && Bridge.hasValue(b) ? a | b : null;
+and: function (a, b) {
+if (a === true && b === true) {
+return true;
+else if (a === false || b === false) {
+return false;
+return null;
+or: function (a, b) {
+if (a === true || b === true) {
+return true;
+else if (a === false && b === false) {
+return false;
+return null;
+div: function (a, b) {
+return Bridge.hasValue(a) && Bridge.hasValue(b) ? a / b : null;
+eq: function (a, b) {
+return !Bridge.hasValue(a) ? !Bridge.hasValue(b) : (a === b);
+xor: function (a, b) {
+return Bridge.hasValue(a) && Bridge.hasValue(b) ? a ^ b : null;
+gt: function (a, b) {
+return Bridge.hasValue(a) && Bridge.hasValue(b) && a > b;
+gte: function (a, b) {
+return Bridge.hasValue(a) && Bridge.hasValue(b) && a >= b;
+neq: function (a, b) {
+return !Bridge.hasValue(a) ? Bridge.hasValue(b) : (a !== b);
+lt: function (a, b) {
+return Bridge.hasValue(a) && Bridge.hasValue(b) && a < b;
+lte: function (a, b) {
+return Bridge.hasValue(a) && Bridge.hasValue(b) && a <= b;
+mod: function (a, b) {
+return Bridge.hasValue(a) && Bridge.hasValue(b) ? a % b : null;
+mul: function (a, b) {
+return Bridge.hasValue(a) && Bridge.hasValue(b) ? a * b : null;
+sl: function (a, b) {
+return Bridge.hasValue(a) && Bridge.hasValue(b) ? a << b : null;
+sr: function (a, b) {
+return Bridge.hasValue(a) && Bridge.hasValue(b) ? a >> b : null;
+sub: function (a, b) {
+return Bridge.hasValue(a) && Bridge.hasValue(b) ? a - b : null;
+bnot: function (a) {
+return Bridge.hasValue(a) ? ~a : null;
+neg: function (a) {
+return Bridge.hasValue(a) ? -a : null;
+not: function (a) {
+return Bridge.hasValue(a) ? !a : null;
+pos: function (a) {
+return Bridge.hasValue(a) ? +a : null;
+lift: function () {
+for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
+if (!Bridge.hasValue(arguments[i])) {
+return null;
+if (arguments[0] == null)
+return null;
+if (arguments[0].apply == undefined)
+return arguments[0];
+return arguments[0].apply(null,, 1));
+lift1: function (f, o) {
+return Bridge.hasValue(o) ? (typeof f === 'function' ? f.apply(null,, 1)) : o[f].apply(o,, 2))) : null;
+lift2: function (f, a, b) {
+return Bridge.hasValue(a) && Bridge.hasValue(b) ? (typeof f === 'function' ? f.apply(null,, 1)) : a[f].apply(a,, 2))) : null;
+liftcmp: function (f, a, b) {
+return Bridge.hasValue(a) && Bridge.hasValue(b) ? (typeof f === 'function' ? f.apply(null,, 1)) : a[f].apply(a,, 2))) : false;
+lifteq: function (f, a, b) {
+var va = Bridge.hasValue(a), vb = Bridge.hasValue(b);
+return (!va && !vb) || (va && vb && (typeof f === 'function' ? f.apply(null,, 1)) : a[f].apply(a,, 2))));
+liftne: function (f, a, b) {
+var va = Bridge.hasValue(a), vb = Bridge.hasValue(b);
+return (va !== vb) || (va && (typeof f === 'function' ? f.apply(null,, 1)) : a[f].apply(a,, 2))));
+Bridge.Nullable = nullable;
+Bridge.hasValue = Bridge.Nullable.hasValue;
+(function () {
+var char = {
+charCodeAt: function (str, index) {
+if (str == null)
+throw new Bridge.ArgumentNullException();
+if (str.length != 1)
+throw new Bridge.FormatException("String must be exactly one character long");
+return str.charCodeAt(index);
+isWhiteSpace: function (value) {
+return /\s/.test(value);
+isDigit: function (value) {
+if (value < 256) {
+return (value >= 48 && value <= 57);
+return new RegExp("[0-9\u0030-\u0039\u0660-\u0669\u06F0-\u06F9\u07C0-\u07C9\u0966-\u096F\u09E6-\u09EF\u0A66-\u0A6F\u0AE6-\u0AEF\u0B66-\u0B6F\u0BE6-\u0BEF\u0C66-\u0C6F\u0CE6-\u0CEF\u0D66-\u0D6F\u0E50-\u0E59\u0ED0-\u0ED9\u0F20-\u0F29\u1040-\u1049\u1090-\u1099\u17E0-\u17E9\u1810-\u1819\u1946-\u194F\u19D0-\u19D9\u1A80-\u1A89\u1A90-\u1A99\u1B50-\u1B59\u1BB0-\u1BB9\u1C40-\u1C49\u1C50-\u1C59\uA620-\uA629\uA8D0-\uA8D9\uA900-\uA909\uA9D0-\uA9D9\uAA50-\uAA59\uABF0-\uABF9\uFF10-\uFF19]").test(String.fromCharCode(value));
+isLetter: function (value) {
+if (value < 256) {
+return (value >= 65 && value <= 90) || (value >= 97 && value <= 122);
+return new RegExp("[A-Za-z\u0061-\u007A\u00B5\u00DF-\u00F6\u00F8-\u00FF\u0101\u0103\u0105\u0107\u0109\u010B\u010D\u010F\u0111\u0113\u0115\u0117\u0119\u011B\u011D\u011F\u0121\u0123\u0125\u0127\u0129\u012B\u012D\u012F\u0131\u0133\u0135\u0137\u0138\u013A\u013C\u013E\u0140\u0142\u0144\u0146\u0148\u0149\u014B\u014D\u014F\u0151\u0153\u0155\u0157\u0159\u015B\u015D\u015F\u0161\u0163\u0165\u0167\u0169\u016B\u016D\u016F\u0171\u0173\u0175\u0177\u017A\u017C\u017E-\u0180\u0183\u0185\u0188\u018C\u018D\u0192\u0195\u0199-\u019B\u019E\u01A1\u01A3\u01A5\u01A8\u01AA\u01AB\u01AD\u01B0\u01B4\u01B6\u01B9\u01BA\u01BD-\u01BF\u01C6\u01C9\u01CC\u01CE\u01D0\u01D2\u01D4\u01D6\u01D8\u01DA\u01DC\u01DD\u01DF\u01E1\u01E3\u01E5\u01E7\u01E9\u01EB\u01ED\u01EF\u01F0\u01F3\u01F5\u01F9\u01FB\u01FD\u01FF\u0201\u0203\u0205\u0207\u0209\u020B\u020D\u020F\u0211\u0213\u0215\u0217\u0219\u021B\u021D\u021F\u0221\u0223\u0225\u0227\u0229\u022B\u022D\u022F\u0231\u0233-\u0239\u023C\u023F\u0240\u0242\u0247\u0249\u024B\u024D\u024F-\u0293\u0295-\u02AF\u0371\u0373\u0377\u037B-\u037D\u0390\u03AC-\u03CE\u03D0\u03D1\u03D5-\u03D7\u03D9\u03DB\u03DD\u03DF\u03E1\u03E3\u03E5\u03E7\u03E9\u03EB\u03ED\u03EF-\u03F3\u03F5\u03F8\u03FB\u03FC\u0430-\u045F\u0461\u0463\u0465\u0467\u0469\u046B\u046D\u046F\u0471\u0473\u0475\u0477\u0479\u047B\u047D\u047F\u0481\u048B\u048D\u048F\u0491\u0493\u0495\u0497\u0499\u049B\u049D\u049F\u04A1\u04A3\u04A5\u04A7\u04A9\u04AB\u04AD\u04AF\u04B1\u04B3\u04B5\u04B7\u04B9\u04BB\u04BD\u04BF\u04C2\u04C4\u04C6\u04C8\u04CA\u04CC\u04CE\u04CF\u04D1\u04D3\u04D5\u04D7\u04D9\u04DB\u04DD\u04DF\u04E1\u04E3\u04E5\u04E7\u04E9\u04EB\u04ED\u04EF\u04F1\u04F3\u04F5\u04F7\u04F9\u04FB\u04FD\u04FF\u0501\u0503\u0505\u0507\u0509\u050B\u050D\u050F\u0511\u0513\u0515\u0517\u0519\u051B\u051D\u051F\u0521\u0523\u0525\u0527\u0561-\u0587\u1D00-\u1D2B\u1D6B-\u1D77\u1D79-\u1D9A\u1E01\u1E03\u1E05\u1E07\u1E09\u1E0B\u1E0D\u1E0F\u1E11\u1E13\u1E15\u1E17\u1E19\u1E1B\u1E1D\u1E1F\u1E21\u1E23\u1E25\u1E27\u1E29\u1E2B\u1E2D\u1E2F\u1E31\u1E33\u1E35\u1E37\u1E39\u1E3B\u1E3D\u1E3F\u1E41\u1E43\u1E45\u1E47\u1E49\u1E4B\u1E4D\u1E4F\u1E51\u1E53\u1E55\u1E57\u1E59\u1E5B\u1E5D\u1E5F\u1E61\u1E63\u1E65\u1E67\u1E69\u1E6B\u1E6D\u1E6F\u1E71\u1E73\u1E75\u1E77\u1E79\u1E7B\u1E7D\u1E7F\u1E81\u1E83\u1E85\u1E87\u1E89\u1E8B\u1E8D\u1E8F\u1E91\u1E93\u1E95-\u1E9D\u1E9F\u1EA1\u1EA3\u1EA5\u1EA7\u1EA9\u1EAB\u1EAD\u1EAF\u1EB1\u1EB3\u1EB5\u1EB7\u1EB9\u1EBB\u1EBD\u1EBF\u1EC1\u1EC3\u1EC5\u1EC7\u1EC9\u1ECB\u1ECD\u1ECF\u1ED1\u1ED3\u1ED5\u1ED7\u1ED9\u1EDB\u1EDD\u1EDF\u1EE1\u1EE3\u1EE5\u1EE7\u1EE9\u1EEB\u1EED\u1EEF\u1EF1\u1EF3\u1EF5\u1EF7\u1EF9\u1EFB\u1EFD\u1EFF-\u1F07\u1F10-\u1F15\u1F20-\u1F27\u1F30-\u1F37\u1F40-\u1F45\u1F50-\u1F57\u1F60-\u1F67\u1F70-\u1F7D\u1F80-\u1F87\u1F90-\u1F97\u1FA0-\u1FA7\u1FB0-\u1FB4\u1FB6\u1FB7\u1FBE\u1FC2-\u1FC4\u1FC6\u1FC7\u1FD0-\u1FD3\u1FD6\u1FD7\u1FE0-\u1FE7\u1FF2-\u1FF4\u1FF6\u1FF7\u210A\u210E\u210F\u2113\u212F\u2134\u2139\u213C\u213D\u2146-\u2149\u214E\u2184\u2C30-\u2C5E\u2C61\u2C65\u2C66\u2C68\u2C6A\u2C6C\u2C71\u2C73\u2C74\u2C76-\u2C7B\u2C81\u2C83\u2C85\u2C87\u2C89\u2C8B\u2C8D\u2C8F\u2C91\u2C93\u2C95\u2C97\u2C99\u2C9B\u2C9D\u2C9F\u2CA1\u2CA3\u2CA5\u2CA7\u2CA9\u2CAB\u2CAD\u2CAF\u2CB1\u2CB3\u2CB5\u2CB7\u2CB9\u2CBB\u2CBD\u2CBF\u2CC1\u2CC3\u2CC5\u2CC7\u2CC9\u2CCB\u2CCD\u2CCF\u2CD1\u2CD3\u2CD5\u2CD7\u2CD9\u2CDB\u2CDD\u2CDF\u2CE1\u2CE3\u2CE4\u2CEC\u2CEE\u2CF3\u2D00-\u2D25\u2D27\u2D2D\uA641\uA643\uA645\uA647\uA649\uA64B\uA64D\uA64F\uA651\uA653\uA655\uA657\uA659\uA65B\uA65D\uA65F\uA661\uA663\uA665\uA667\uA669\uA66B\uA66D\uA681\uA683\uA685\uA687\uA689\uA68B\uA68D\uA68F\uA691\uA693\uA695\uA697\uA723\uA725\uA727\uA729\uA72B\uA72D\uA72F-\uA731\uA733\uA735\uA737\uA739\uA73B\uA73D\uA73F\uA741\uA743\uA745\uA747\uA749\uA74B\uA74D\uA74F\uA751\uA753\uA755\uA757\uA759\uA75B\uA75D\uA75F\uA761\uA763\uA765\uA767\uA769\uA76B\uA76D\uA76F\uA771-\uA778\uA77A\uA77C\uA77F\uA781\uA783\uA785\uA787\uA78C\uA78E\uA791\uA793\uA7A1\uA7A3\uA7A5\uA7A7\uA7A9\uA7FA\uFB00-\uFB06\uFB13-\uFB17\uFF41-\uFF5A\u0041-\u005A\u00C0-\u00D6\u00D8-\u00DE\u0100\u0102\u0104\u0106\u0108\u010A\u010C\u010E\u0110\u0112\u0114\u0116\u0118\u011A\u011C\u011E\u0120\u0122\u0124\u0126\u0128\u012A\u012C\u012E\u0130\u0132\u0134\u0136\u0139\u013B\u013D\u013F\u0141\u0143\u0145\u0147\u014A\u014C\u014E\u0150\u0152\u0154\u0156\u0158\u015A\u015C\u015E\u0160\u0162\u0164\u0166\u0168\u016A\u016C\u016E\u0170\u0172\u0174\u0176\u0178\u0179\u017B\u017D\u0181\u0182\u0184\u0186\u0187\u0189-\u018B\u018E-\u0191\u0193\u0194\u0196-\u0198\u019C\u019D\u019F\u01A0\u01A2\u01A4\u01A6\u01A7\u01A9\u01AC\u01AE\u01AF\u01B1-\u01B3\u01B5\u01B7\u01B8\u01BC\u01C4\u01C7\u01CA\u01CD\u01CF\u01D1\u01D3\u01D5\u01D7\u01D9\u01DB\u01DE\u01E0\u01E2\u01E4\u01E6\u01E8\u01EA\u01EC\u01EE\u01F1\u01F4\u01F6-\u01F8\u01FA\u01FC\u01FE\u0200\u0202\u0204\u0206\u0208\u020A\u020C\u020E\u0210\u0212\u0214\u0216\u0218\u021A\u021C\u021E\u0220\u0222\u0224\u0226\u0228\u022A\u022C\u022E\u0230\u0232\u023A\u023B\u023D\u023E\u0241\u0243-\u0246\u0248\u024A\u024C\u024E\u0370\u0372\u0376\u0386\u0388-\u038A\u038C\u038E\u038F\u0391-\u03A1\u03A3-\u03AB\u03CF\u03D2-\u03D4\u03D8\u03DA\u03DC\u03DE\u03E0\u03E2\u03E4\u03E6\u03E8\u03EA\u03EC\u03EE\u03F4\u03F7\u03F9\u03FA\u03FD-\u042F\u0460\u0462\u0464\u0466\u0468\u046A\u046C\u046E\u0470\u0472\u0474\u0476\u0478\u047A\u047C\u047E\u0480\u048A\u048C\u048E\u0490\u0492\u0494\u0496\u0498\u049A\u049C\u049E\u04A0\u04A2\u04A4\u04A6\u04A8\u04AA\u04AC\u04AE\u04B0\u04B2\u04B4\u04B6\u04B8\u04BA\u04BC\u04BE\u04C0\u04C1\u04C3\u04C5\u04C7\u04C9\u04CB\u04CD\u04D0\u04D2\u04D4\u04D6\u04D8\u04DA\u04DC\u04DE\u04E0\u04E2\u04E4\u04E6\u04E8\u04EA\u04EC\u04EE\u04F0\u04F2\u04F4\u04F6\u04F8\u04FA\u04FC\u04FE\u0500\u0502\u0504\u0506\u0508\u050A\u050C\u050E\u0510\u0512\u0514\u0516\u0518\u051A\u051C\u051E\u0520\u0522\u0524\u0526\u0531-\u0556\u10A0-\u10C5\u10C7\u10CD\u1E00\u1E02\u1E04\u1E06\u1E08\u1E0A\u1E0C\u1E0E\u1E10\u1E12\u1E14\u1E16\u1E18\u1E1A\u1E1C\u1E1E\u1E20\u1E22\u1E24\u1E26\u1E28\u1E2A\u1E2C\u1E2E\u1E30\u1E32\u1E34\u1E36\u1E38\u1E3A\u1E3C\u1E3E\u1E40\u1E42\u1E44\u1E46\u1E48\u1E4A\u1E4C\u1E4E\u1E50\u1E52\u1E54\u1E56\u1E58\u1E5A\u1E5C\u1E5E\u1E60\u1E62\u1E64\u1E66\u1E68\u1E6A\u1E6C\u1E6E\u1E70\u1E72\u1E74\u1E76\u1E78\u1E7A\u1E7C\u1E7E\u1E80\u1E82\u1E84\u1E86\u1E88\u1E8A\u1E8C\u1E8E\u1E90\u1E92\u1E94\u1E9E\u1EA0\u1EA2\u1EA4\u1EA6\u1EA8\u1EAA\u1EAC\u1EAE\u1EB0\u1EB2\u1EB4\u1EB6\u1EB8\u1EBA\u1EBC\u1EBE\u1EC0\u1EC2\u1EC4\u1EC6\u1EC8\u1ECA\u1ECC\u1ECE\u1ED0\u1ED2\u1ED4\u1ED6\u1ED8\u1EDA\u1EDC\u1EDE\u1EE0\u1EE2\u1EE4\u1EE6\u1EE8\u1EEA\u1EEC\u1EEE\u1EF0\u1EF2\u1EF4\u1EF6\u1EF8\u1EFA\u1EFC\u1EFE\u1F08-\u1F0F\u1F18-\u1F1D\u1F28-\u1F2F\u1F38-\u1F3F\u1F48-\u1F4D\u1F59\u1F5B\u1F5D\u1F5F\u1F68-\u1F6F\u1FB8-\u1FBB\u1FC8-\u1FCB\u1FD8-\u1FDB\u1FE8-\u1FEC\u1FF8-\u1FFB\u2102\u2107\u210B-\u210D\u2110-\u2112\u2115\u2119-\u211D\u2124\u2126\u2128\u212A-\u212D\u2130-\u2133\u213E\u213F\u2145\u2183\u2C00-\u2C2E\u2C60\u2C62-\u2C64\u2C67\u2C69\u2C6B\u2C6D-\u2C70\u2C72\u2C75\u2C7E-\u2C80\u2C82\u2C84\u2C86\u2C88\u2C8A\u2C8C\u2C8E\u2C90\u2C92\u2C94\u2C96\u2C98\u2C9A\u2C9C\u2C9E\u2CA0\u2CA2\u2CA4\u2CA6\u2CA8\u2CAA\u2CAC\u2CAE\u2CB0\u2CB2\u2CB4\u2CB6\u2CB8\u2CBA\u2CBC\u2CBE\u2CC0\u2CC2\u2CC4\u2CC6\u2CC8\u2CCA\u2CCC\u2CCE\u2CD0\u2CD2\u2CD4\u2CD6\u2CD8\u2CDA\u2CDC\u2CDE\u2CE0\u2CE2\u2CEB\u2CED\u2CF2\uA640\uA642\uA644\uA646\uA648\uA64A\uA64C\uA64E\uA650\uA652\uA654\uA656\uA658\uA65A\uA65C\uA65E\uA660\uA662\uA664\uA666\uA668\uA66A\uA66C\uA680\uA682\uA684\uA686\uA688\uA68A\uA68C\uA68E\uA690\uA692\uA694\uA696\uA722\uA724\uA726\uA728\uA72A\uA72C\uA72E\uA732\uA734\uA736\uA738\uA73A\uA73C\uA73E\uA740\uA742\uA744\uA746\uA748\uA74A\uA74C\uA74E\uA750\uA752\uA754\uA756\uA758\uA75A\uA75C\uA75E\uA760\uA762\uA764\uA766\uA768\uA76A\uA76C\uA76E\uA779\uA77B\uA77D\uA77E\uA780\uA782\uA784\uA786\uA78B\uA78D\uA790\uA792\uA7A0\uA7A2\uA7A4\uA7A6\uA7A8\uA7AA\uFF21-\uFF3A\u01C5\u01C8\u01CB\u01F2\u1F88-\u1F8F\u1F98-\u1F9F\u1FA8-\u1FAF\u1FBC\u1FCC\u1FFC\u02B0-\u02C1\u02C6-\u02D1\u02E0-\u02E4\u02EC\u02EE\u0374\u037A\u0559\u0640\u06E5\u06E6\u07F4\u07F5\u07FA\u081A\u0824\u0828\u0971\u0E46\u0EC6\u10FC\u17D7\u1843\u1AA7\u1C78-\u1C7D\u1D2C-\u1D6A\u1D78\u1D9B-\u1DBF\u2071\u207F\u2090-\u209C\u2C7C\u2C7D\u2D6F\u2E2F\u3005\u3031-\u3035\u303B\u309D\u309E\u30FC-\u30FE\uA015\uA4F8-\uA4FD\uA60C\uA67F\uA717-\uA71F\uA770\uA788\uA7F8\uA7F9\uA9CF\uAA70\uAADD\uAAF3\uAAF4\uFF70\uFF9E\uFF9F\u00AA\u00BA\u01BB\u01C0-\u01C3\u0294\u05D0-\u05EA\u05F0-\u05F2\u0620-\u063F\u0641-\u064A\u066E\u066F\u0671-\u06D3\u06D5\u06EE\u06EF\u06FA-\u06FC\u06FF\u0710\u0712-\u072F\u074D-\u07A5\u07B1\u07CA-\u07EA\u0800-\u0815\u0840-\u0858\u08A0\u08A2-\u08AC\u0904-\u0939\u093D\u0950\u0958-\u0961\u0972-\u0977\u0979-\u097F\u0985-\u098C\u098F\u0990\u0993-\u09A8\u09AA-\u09B0\u09B2\u09B6-\u09B9\u09BD\u09CE\u09DC\u09DD\u09DF-\u09E1\u09F0\u09F1\u0A05-\u0A0A\u0A0F\u0A10\u0A13-\u0A28\u0A2A-\u0A30\u0A32\u0A33\u0A35\u0A36\u0A38\u0A39\u0A59-\u0A5C\u0A5E\u0A72-\u0A74\u0A85-\u0A8D\u0A8F-\u0A91\u0A93-\u0AA8\u0AAA-\u0AB0\u0AB2\u0AB3\u0AB5-\u0AB9\u0ABD\u0AD0\u0AE0\u0AE1\u0B05-\u0B0C\u0B0F\u0B10\u0B13-\u0B28\u0B2A-\u0B30\u0B32\u0B33\u0B35-\u0B39\u0B3D\u0B5C\u0B5D\u0B5F-\u0B61\u0B71\u0B83\u0B85-\u0B8A\u0B8E-\u0B90\u0B92-\u0B95\u0B99\u0B9A\u0B9C\u0B9E\u0B9F\u0BA3\u0BA4\u0BA8-\u0BAA\u0BAE-\u0BB9\u0BD0\u0C05-\u0C0C\u0C0E-\u0C10\u0C12-\u0C28\u0C2A-\u0C33\u0C35-\u0C39\u0C3D\u0C58\u0C59\u0C60\u0C61\u0C85-\u0C8C\u0C8E-\u0C90\u0C92-\u0CA8\u0CAA-\u0CB3\u0CB5-\u0CB9\u0CBD\u0CDE\u0CE0\u0CE1\u0CF1\u0CF2\u0D05-\u0D0C\u0D0E-\u0D10\u0D12-\u0D3A\u0D3D\u0D4E\u0D60\u0D61\u0D7A-\u0D7F\u0D85-\u0D96\u0D9A-\u0DB1\u0DB3-\u0DBB\u0DBD\u0DC0-\u0DC6\u0E01-\u0E30\u0E32\u0E33\u0E40-\u0E45\u0E81\u0E82\u0E84\u0E87\u0E88\u0E8A\u0E8D\u0E94-\u0E97\u0E99-\u0E9F\u0EA1-\u0EA3\u0EA5\u0EA7\u0EAA\u0EAB\u0EAD-\u0EB0\u0EB2\u0EB3\u0EBD\u0EC0-\u0EC4\u0EDC-\u0EDF\u0F00\u0F40-\u0F47\u0F49-\u0F6C\u0F88-\u0F8C\u1000-\u102A\u103F\u1050-\u1055\u105A-\u105D\u1061\u1065\u1066\u106E-\u1070\u1075-\u1081\u108E\u10D0-\u10FA\u10FD-\u1248\u124A-\u124D\u1250-\u1256\u1258\u125A-\u125D\u1260-\u1288\u128A-\u128D\u1290-\u12B0\u12B2-\u12B5\u12B8-\u12BE\u12C0\u12C2-\u12C5\u12C8-\u12D6\u12D8-\u1310\u1312-\u1315\u1318-\u135A\u1380-\u138F\u13A0-\u13F4\u1401-\u166C\u166F-\u167F\u1681-\u169A\u16A0-\u16EA\u1700-\u170C\u170E-\u1711\u1720-\u1731\u1740-\u1751\u1760-\u176C\u176E-\u1770\u1780-\u17B3\u17DC\u1820-\u1842\u1844-\u1877\u1880-\u18A8\u18AA\u18B0-\u18F5\u1900-\u191C\u1950-\u196D\u1970-\u1974\u1980-\u19AB\u19C1-\u19C7\u1A00-\u1A16\u1A20-\u1A54\u1B05-\u1B33\u1B45-\u1B4B\u1B83-\u1BA0\u1BAE\u1BAF\u1BBA-\u1BE5\u1C00-\u1C23\u1C4D-\u1C4F\u1C5A-\u1C77\u1CE9-\u1CEC\u1CEE-\u1CF1\u1CF5\u1CF6\u2135-\u2138\u2D30-\u2D67\u2D80-\u2D96\u2DA0-\u2DA6\u2DA8-\u2DAE\u2DB0-\u2DB6\u2DB8-\u2DBE\u2DC0-\u2DC6\u2DC8-\u2DCE\u2DD0-\u2DD6\u2DD8-\u2DDE\u3006\u303C\u3041-\u3096\u309F\u30A1-\u30FA\u30FF\u3105-\u312D\u3131-\u318E\u31A0-\u31BA\u31F0-\u31FF\u3400-\u4DB5\u4E00-\u9FCC\uA000-\uA014\uA016-\uA48C\uA4D0-\uA4F7\uA500-\uA60B\uA610-\uA61F\uA62A\uA62B\uA66E\uA6A0-\uA6E5\uA7FB-\uA801\uA803-\uA805\uA807-\uA80A\uA80C-\uA822\uA840-\uA873\uA882-\uA8B3\uA8F2-\uA8F7\uA8FB\uA90A-\uA925\uA930-\uA946\uA960-\uA97C\uA984-\uA9B2\uAA00-\uAA28\uAA40-\uAA42\uAA44-\uAA4B\uAA60-\uAA6F\uAA71-\uAA76\uAA7A\uAA80-\uAAAF\uAAB1\uAAB5\uAAB6\uAAB9-\uAABD\uAAC0\uAAC2\uAADB\uAADC\uAAE0-\uAAEA\uAAF2\uAB01-\uAB06\uAB09-\uAB0E\uAB11-\uAB16\uAB20-\uAB26\uAB28-\uAB2E\uABC0-\uABE2\uAC00-\uD7A3\uD7B0-\uD7C6\uD7CB-\uD7FB\uF900-\uFA6D\uFA70-\uFAD9\uFB1D\uFB1F-\uFB28\uFB2A-\uFB36\uFB38-\uFB3C\uFB3E\uFB40\uFB41\uFB43\uFB44\uFB46-\uFBB1\uFBD3-\uFD3D\uFD50-\uFD8F\uFD92-\uFDC7\uFDF0-\uFDFB\uFE70-\uFE74\uFE76-\uFEFC\uFF66-\uFF6F\uFF71-\uFF9D\uFFA0-\uFFBE\uFFC2-\uFFC7\uFFCA-\uFFCF\uFFD2-\uFFD7\uFFDA-\uFFDC]").test(String.fromCharCode(value));
+isHighSurrogate: function (value) {
+return new RegExp("[\uD800-\uDBFF]").test(String.fromCharCode(value));
+isLowSurrogate: function (value) {
+return new RegExp("[\uDC00-\uDFFF]").test(String.fromCharCode(value));
+isSurrogate: function (value) {
+return new RegExp("[\uD800-\uDFFF]").test(String.fromCharCode(value));
+isSymbol: function (value) {
+if (value < 256) {
+return ([36, 43, 60, 61, 62, 94, 96, 124, 126, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 172, 174, 175, 176, 177, 180, 182, 184, 215, 247].indexOf(value) != -1);
+return new RegExp("[\u20A0-\u20CF\u20D0-\u20FF\u2100-\u214F\u2150-\u218F\u2190-\u21FF\u2200-\u22FF\u2300-\u23FF\u25A0-\u25FF\u2600-\u26FF\u2700-\u27BF\u27C0-\u27EF\u27F0-\u27FF\u2800-\u28FF\u2900-\u297F\u2980-\u29FF\u2A00-\u2AFF\u2B00-\u2BFF]").test(String.fromCharCode(value));
+isSeparator: function (value) {
+if (value < 256) {
+return (value == 32 || value == 160);
+return new RegExp("[\u2028\u2029\u0020\u00A0\u1680\u180E\u2000-\u200A\u202F\u205F\u3000]").test(String.fromCharCode(value));
+isPunctuation: function (value) {
+if (value < 256) {
+return ([33,34,35,37,38,39,40,41,42,44,45,46,47,58,59,63,64,91,92,93,95,123,125,161,171,173,183,187,191].indexOf(value) != -1);
+return new RegExp("[\u0021-\u0023\u0025-\u002A\u002C-\u002F\u003A\u003B\u003F\u0040\u005B-\u005D\u005F\u007B\u007D\u00A1\u00A7\u00AB\u00B6\u00B7\u00BB\u00BF\u037E\u0387\u055A-\u055F\u0589\u058A\u05BE\u05C0\u05C3\u05C6\u05F3\u05F4\u0609\u060A\u060C\u060D\u061B\u061E\u061F\u066A-\u066D\u06D4\u0700-\u070D\u07F7-\u07F9\u0830-\u083E\u085E\u0964\u0965\u0970\u0AF0\u0DF4\u0E4F\u0E5A\u0E5B\u0F04-\u0F12\u0F14\u0F3A-\u0F3D\u0F85\u0FD0-\u0FD4\u0FD9\u0FDA\u104A-\u104F\u10FB\u1360-\u1368\u1400\u166D\u166E\u169B\u169C\u16EB-\u16ED\u1735\u1736\u17D4-\u17D6\u17D8-\u17DA\u1800-\u180A\u1944\u1945\u1A1E\u1A1F\u1AA0-\u1AA6\u1AA8-\u1AAD\u1B5A-\u1B60\u1BFC-\u1BFF\u1C3B-\u1C3F\u1C7E\u1C7F\u1CC0-\u1CC7\u1CD3\u2010-\u2027\u2030-\u2043\u2045-\u2051\u2053-\u205E\u207D\u207E\u208D\u208E\u2329\u232A\u2768-\u2775\u27C5\u27C6\u27E6-\u27EF\u2983-\u2998\u29D8-\u29DB\u29FC\u29FD\u2CF9-\u2CFC\u2CFE\u2CFF\u2D70\u2E00-\u2E2E\u2E30-\u2E3B\u3001-\u3003\u3008-\u3011\u3014-\u301F\u3030\u303D\u30A0\u30FB\uA4FE\uA4FF\uA60D-\uA60F\uA673\uA67E\uA6F2-\uA6F7\uA874-\uA877\uA8CE\uA8CF\uA8F8-\uA8FA\uA92E\uA92F\uA95F\uA9C1-\uA9CD\uA9DE\uA9DF\uAA5C-\uAA5F\uAADE\uAADF\uAAF0\uAAF1\uABEB\uFD3E\uFD3F\uFE10-\uFE19\uFE30-\uFE52\uFE54-\uFE61\uFE63\uFE68\uFE6A\uFE6B\uFF01-\uFF03\uFF05-\uFF0A\uFF0C-\uFF0F\uFF1A\uFF1B\uFF1F\uFF20\uFF3B-\uFF3D\uFF3F\uFF5B\uFF5D\uFF5F-\uFF65\u002D\u058A\u05BE\u1400\u1806\u2010-\u2015\u2E17\u2E1A\u2E3A\u2E3B\u301C\u3030\u30A0\uFE31\uFE32\uFE58\uFE63\uFF0D\u0028\u005B\u007B\u0F3A\u0F3C\u169B\u201A\u201E\u2045\u207D\u208D\u2329\u2768\u276A\u276C\u276E\u2770\u2772\u2774\u27C5\u27E6\u27E8\u27EA\u27EC\u27EE\u2983\u2985\u2987\u2989\u298B\u298D\u298F\u2991\u2993\u2995\u2997\u29D8\u29DA\u29FC\u2E22\u2E24\u2E26\u2E28\u3008\u300A\u300C\u300E\u3010\u3014\u3016\u3018\u301A\u301D\uFD3E\uFE17\uFE35\uFE37\uFE39\uFE3B\uFE3D\uFE3F\uFE41\uFE43\uFE47\uFE59\uFE5B\uFE5D\uFF08\uFF3B\uFF5B\uFF5F\uFF62\u0029\u005D\u007D\u0F3B\u0F3D\u169C\u2046\u207E\u208E\u232A\u2769\u276B\u276D\u276F\u2771\u2773\u2775\u27C6\u27E7\u27E9\u27EB\u27ED\u27EF\u2984\u2986\u2988\u298A\u298C\u298E\u2990\u2992\u2994\u2996\u2998\u29D9\u29DB\u29FD\u2E23\u2E25\u2E27\u2E29\u3009\u300B\u300D\u300F\u3011\u3015\u3017\u3019\u301B\u301E\u301F\uFD3F\uFE18\uFE36\uFE38\uFE3A\uFE3C\uFE3E\uFE40\uFE42\uFE44\uFE48\uFE5A\uFE5C\uFE5E\uFF09\uFF3D\uFF5D\uFF60\uFF63\u00AB\u2018\u201B\u201C\u201F\u2039\u2E02\u2E04\u2E09\u2E0C\u2E1C\u2E20\u00BB\u2019\u201D\u203A\u2E03\u2E05\u2E0A\u2E0D\u2E1D\u2E21\u005F\u203F\u2040\u2054\uFE33\uFE34\uFE4D-\uFE4F\uFF3F\u0021-\u0023\u0025-\u0027\u002A\u002C\u002E\u002F\u003A\u003B\u003F\u0040\u005C\u00A1\u00A7\u00B6\u00B7\u00BF\u037E\u0387\u055A-\u055F\u0589\u05C0\u05C3\u05C6\u05F3\u05F4\u0609\u060A\u060C\u060D\u061B\u061E\u061F\u066A-\u066D\u06D4\u0700-\u070D\u07F7-\u07F9\u0830-\u083E\u085E\u0964\u0965\u0970\u0AF0\u0DF4\u0E4F\u0E5A\u0E5B\u0F04-\u0F12\u0F14\u0F85\u0FD0-\u0FD4\u0FD9\u0FDA\u104A-\u104F\u10FB\u1360-\u1368\u166D\u166E\u16EB-\u16ED\u1735\u1736\u17D4-\u17D6\u17D8-\u17DA\u1800-\u1805\u1807-\u180A\u1944\u1945\u1A1E\u1A1F\u1AA0-\u1AA6\u1AA8-\u1AAD\u1B5A-\u1B60\u1BFC-\u1BFF\u1C3B-\u1C3F\u1C7E\u1C7F\u1CC0-\u1CC7\u1CD3\u2016\u2017\u2020-\u2027\u2030-\u2038\u203B-\u203E\u2041-\u2043\u2047-\u2051\u2053\u2055-\u205E\u2CF9-\u2CFC\u2CFE\u2CFF\u2D70\u2E00\u2E01\u2E06-\u2E08\u2E0B\u2E0E-\u2E16\u2E18\u2E19\u2E1B\u2E1E\u2E1F\u2E2A-\u2E2E\u2E30-\u2E39\u3001-\u3003\u303D\u30FB\uA4FE\uA4FF\uA60D-\uA60F\uA673\uA67E\uA6F2-\uA6F7\uA874-\uA877\uA8CE\uA8CF\uA8F8-\uA8FA\uA92E\uA92F\uA95F\uA9C1-\uA9CD\uA9DE\uA9DF\uAA5C-\uAA5F\uAADE\uAADF\uAAF0\uAAF1\uABEB\uFE10-\uFE16\uFE19\uFE30\uFE45\uFE46\uFE49-\uFE4C\uFE50-\uFE52\uFE54-\uFE57\uFE5F-\uFE61\uFE68\uFE6A\uFE6B\uFF01-\uFF03\uFF05-\uFF07\uFF0A\uFF0C\uFF0E\uFF0F\uFF1A\uFF1B\uFF1F\uFF20\uFF3C\uFF61\uFF64\uFF65]").test(String.fromCharCode(value));
+isNumber: function (value) {
+if (value < 256) {
+return ([48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 178, 179, 185, 188, 189, 190].indexOf(value) != -1);
+return new RegExp("[\u0030-\u0039\u00B2\u00B3\u00B9\u00BC-\u00BE\u0660-\u0669\u06F0-\u06F9\u07C0-\u07C9\u0966-\u096F\u09E6-\u09EF\u09F4-\u09F9\u0A66-\u0A6F\u0AE6-\u0AEF\u0B66-\u0B6F\u0B72-\u0B77\u0BE6-\u0BF2\u0C66-\u0C6F\u0C78-\u0C7E\u0CE6-\u0CEF\u0D66-\u0D75\u0E50-\u0E59\u0ED0-\u0ED9\u0F20-\u0F33\u1040-\u1049\u1090-\u1099\u1369-\u137C\u16EE-\u16F0\u17E0-\u17E9\u17F0-\u17F9\u1810-\u1819\u1946-\u194F\u19D0-\u19DA\u1A80-\u1A89\u1A90-\u1A99\u1B50-\u1B59\u1BB0-\u1BB9\u1C40-\u1C49\u1C50-\u1C59\u2070\u2074-\u2079\u2080-\u2089\u2150-\u2182\u2185-\u2189\u2460-\u249B\u24EA-\u24FF\u2776-\u2793\u2CFD\u3007\u3021-\u3029\u3038-\u303A\u3192-\u3195\u3220-\u3229\u3248-\u324F\u3251-\u325F\u3280-\u3289\u32B1-\u32BF\uA620-\uA629\uA6E6-\uA6EF\uA830-\uA835\uA8D0-\uA8D9\uA900-\uA909\uA9D0-\uA9D9\uAA50-\uAA59\uABF0-\uABF9\uFF10-\uFF19\u0030-\u0039\u0660-\u0669\u06F0-\u06F9\u07C0-\u07C9\u0966-\u096F\u09E6-\u09EF\u0A66-\u0A6F\u0AE6-\u0AEF\u0B66-\u0B6F\u0BE6-\u0BEF\u0C66-\u0C6F\u0CE6-\u0CEF\u0D66-\u0D6F\u0E50-\u0E59\u0ED0-\u0ED9\u0F20-\u0F29\u1040-\u1049\u1090-\u1099\u17E0-\u17E9\u1810-\u1819\u1946-\u194F\u19D0-\u19D9\u1A80-\u1A89\u1A90-\u1A99\u1B50-\u1B59\u1BB0-\u1BB9\u1C40-\u1C49\u1C50-\u1C59\uA620-\uA629\uA8D0-\uA8D9\uA900-\uA909\uA9D0-\uA9D9\uAA50-\uAA59\uABF0-\uABF9\uFF10-\uFF19\u16EE-\u16F0\u2160-\u2182\u2185-\u2188\u3007\u3021-\u3029\u3038-\u303A\uA6E6-\uA6EF\u00B2\u00B3\u00B9\u00BC-\u00BE\u09F4-\u09F9\u0B72-\u0B77\u0BF0-\u0BF2\u0C78-\u0C7E\u0D70-\u0D75\u0F2A-\u0F33\u1369-\u137C\u17F0-\u17F9\u19DA\u2070\u2074-\u2079\u2080-\u2089\u2150-\u215F\u2189\u2460-\u249B\u24EA-\u24FF\u2776-\u2793\u2CFD\u3192-\u3195\u3220-\u3229\u3248-\u324F\u3251-\u325F\u3280-\u3289\u32B1-\u32BF\uA830-\uA835]").test(String.fromCharCode(value));
+isControl: function (value) {
+if (value < 256) {
+return (value >= 0 && value <= 31) || (value >= 127 && value <= 159);
+return new RegExp("[\u0000-\u001F\u007F\u0080-\u009F]").test(String.fromCharCode(value));
+Bridge.Char = char;
+(function () {
+var string = {
+isNullOrWhiteSpace: function (value) {
+return value === null || value.match(/^ *$/) !== null;
+isNullOrEmpty: function (value) {
+return Bridge.isEmpty(value, false);
+fromCharCount: function (c, count) {
+if (count >= 0) {
+return String(Array(count + 1).join(String.fromCharCode(c)));
+else {
+throw new Bridge.ArgumentOutOfRangeException("count", "cannot be less than zero");
+format: function (format) {
+var me = this,
+_formatRe = /(\{+)((\d+|[a-zA-Z_$]\w+(?:\.[a-zA-Z_$]\w+|\[\d+\])*)(?:\,(-?\d*))?(?:\:([^\}]*))?)(\}+)|(\{+)|(\}+)/g,
+args =, 1),
+fn = this.decodeBraceSequence;
+return format.replace(_formatRe, function (m, openBrace, elementContent, index, align, format, closeBrace, repeatOpenBrace, repeatCloseBrace) {
+if (repeatOpenBrace) {
+return fn(repeatOpenBrace);
+if (repeatCloseBrace) {
+return fn(repeatCloseBrace);
+if (openBrace.length % 2 == 0 || closeBrace.length % 2 == 0) {
+return fn(openBrace) + elementContent + fn(closeBrace);
+return fn(openBrace, true) + me.handleElement(index, align, format, args) + fn(closeBrace, true);
+handleElement: function (index, alignment, formatStr, args) {
+var value;
+index = parseInt(index, 10)
+if (index > args.length - 1) {
+throw new Bridge.FormatException("Input string was not in a correct format.");
+value = args[index];
+if (value == null)
+value = "";
+if (formatStr &&, Bridge.IFormattable)) {
+value = Bridge.format(value, formatStr);
+else {
+value = "" + value;
+if (alignment) {
+alignment = parseInt(alignment, 10);
+if (!Bridge.isNumber(alignment)) {
+alignment = null;
+return Bridge.String.alignString(value.toString(), alignment);
+decodeBraceSequence: function (braces, remove) {
+return braces.substr(0, (braces.length + (remove ? 0 : 1)) / 2);
+alignString: function (str, alignment, pad, dir) {
+if (!alignment) {
+return str;
+if (!pad) {
+pad = " ";
+if (!dir) {
+dir = alignment < 0 ? 1 : 2;
+alignment = Math.abs(alignment);
+if (alignment + 1 >= str.length) {
+switch (dir) {
+case 2:
+str = Array(alignment + 1 - str.length).join(pad) + str;
+case 3:
+var padlen = alignment - str.length,
+right = Math.ceil(padlen / 2),
+left = padlen - right;
+str = Array(left + 1).join(pad) + str + Array(right + 1).join(pad);
+case 1:
+str = str + Array(alignment + 1 - str.length).join(pad);
+return str;
+startsWith: function (str, prefix) {
+if (!prefix.length) {
+return true;
+if (prefix.length > str.length) {
+return false;
+prefix = Bridge.String.escape(prefix);
+return str.match("^" + prefix) !== null;
+endsWith: function (str, suffix) {
+if (!suffix.length) {
+return true;
+if (suffix.length > str.length) {
+return false;
+suffix = Bridge.String.escape(suffix);
+return str.match(suffix + "$") !== null;
+contains: function (str, value) {
+if (value == null) {
+throw new Bridge.ArgumentNullException();
+if (str == null) {
+return false;
+return str.indexOf(value) > -1;
+indexOfAny: function (str, anyOf) {
+if (anyOf == null) {
+throw new Bridge.ArgumentNullException();
+if (str == null || str == "") {
+return -1;
+var startIndex = (arguments.length > 2) ? arguments[2] : 0;
+if (startIndex < 0) {
+throw new Bridge.ArgumentOutOfRangeException("startIndex", "startIndex cannot be less than zero");
+var length = (arguments.length > 3) ? arguments[3] : str.length - startIndex;
+if (length < 0) {
+throw new Bridge.ArgumentOutOfRangeException("length", "must be non-negative");
+if (length > str.length - startIndex) {
+throw new Bridge.ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Index and length must refer to a location within the string");
+var s = str.substr(startIndex, length);
+for (var i = 0; i < anyOf.length; i++) {
+var c = String.fromCharCode(anyOf[i]);
+var index = s.indexOf(c);
+if (index > -1) {
+return index + startIndex;
+return -1;
+indexOf: function (str, value) {
+if (value == null) {
+throw new Bridge.ArgumentNullException();
+if (str == null || str == "") {
+return -1;
+var startIndex = (arguments.length > 2) ? arguments[2] : 0;
+if (startIndex < 0 || startIndex > str.length) {
+throw new Bridge.ArgumentOutOfRangeException("startIndex", "startIndex cannot be less than zero and must refer to a location within the string");
+if (value == "") {
+return (arguments.length > 2) ? startIndex : 0;
+var length = (arguments.length > 3) ? arguments[3] : str.length - startIndex;
+if (length < 0) {
+throw new Bridge.ArgumentOutOfRangeException("length", "must be non-negative");
+if (length > str.length - startIndex) {
+throw new Bridge.ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Index and length must refer to a location within the string");
+var s = str.substr(startIndex, length);
+var index = (arguments.length == 5 && arguments[4] % 2 != 0) ? s.toLocaleUpperCase().indexOf(value.toLocaleUpperCase()) : s.indexOf(value);
+if (index > -1) {
+if (arguments.length == 5) {
+return (, s.substr(index, value.length), arguments[4]) == 0) ? index + startIndex : -1;
+else {
+return index + startIndex;
+return -1;
+compare: function (strA, strB) {
+if (strA == null) {
+return (strB == null) ? 0 : -1;
+if (strB == null) {
+return (strA == null) ? 0 : 1;
+if (arguments.length >= 3) {
+if (!Bridge.isBoolean(arguments[2])) {
+switch (arguments[2]) {
+case 1:
+return strA.localeCompare(strB, Bridge.CultureInfo.getCurrentCulture().name, { sensitivity: 'accent' });
+case 2:
+return strA.localeCompare(strB,;
+case 3:
+return strA.localeCompare(strB,, { sensitivity: 'accent' });
+case 4:
+return (strA === strB) ? 0 : ((strA > strB) ? 1 : -1);
+case 5:
+return (strA.toUpperCase() === strB.toUpperCase()) ? 0 : ((strA.toUpperCase() > strB.toUpperCase()) ? 1 : -1);
+case 0:
+else {
+if (arguments[2]) {
+strA = strA.toLocaleUpperCase();
+strB = strB.toLocaleUpperCase();
+if (arguments.length == 4) {
+return strA.localeCompare(strB, arguments[3].name);
+return strA.localeCompare(strB);
+toCharArray: function (str, startIndex, length) {
+if (startIndex < 0 || startIndex > str.length || startIndex > str.length - length) {
+throw new Bridge.ArgumentOutOfRangeException("startIndex", "startIndex cannot be less than zero and must refer to a location within the string");
+if (length < 0) {
+throw new Bridge.ArgumentOutOfRangeException("length", "must be non-negative");
+if (!Bridge.hasValue(startIndex)) {
+startIndex = 0;
+if (!Bridge.hasValue(length)) {
+length = str.length;
+var arr = [];
+for (var i = startIndex; i < startIndex + length; i++) {
+return arr;
+escape: function(str) {
+return str.replace(/[\-\[\]\/\{\}\(\)\*\+\?\.\\\^\$\|]/g, "\\$&");
+replaceAll: function (str, a, b) {
+a = Bridge.String.escape(a);
+var reg = new RegExp(a, "g");
+return str.replace(reg, b);
+Bridge.String = string;
+(function () {
+var initializing = false;
+var base = {
+cache: { },
+initCtor: function () {
+var value = arguments[0];
+if (this.$multipleCtors && arguments.length > 0 && typeof value == 'string') {
+value = value === "constructor" ? "$constructor" : value;
+if ((value === "$constructor" || Bridge.String.startsWith(value, "constructor$")) && Bridge.isFunction(this[value])) {
+this[value].apply(this,, 1));
+if (this.$constructor) {
+this.$constructor.apply(this, arguments);
+createAccessors: function (cfg, scope) {
+var name,
+config = Bridge.isFunction(cfg) ? cfg() : cfg;
+if ( {
+for (name in {, name,[name]);
+initConfig: function (extend, base, cfg, statics, scope) {
+var initFn,
+isFn = Bridge.isFunction(cfg),
+fn = function () {
+var name,
+config = Bridge.isFunction(cfg) ? cfg() : cfg;
+if (extend && !statics && base.$initMembers) {
+base.$initMembers.apply(this, arguments);
+if (config.fields) {
+for (name in config.fields) {
+this[name] = config.fields[name];
+if ( {
+for (name in {, name,[name]);
+if ( {
+for (name in {
+Bridge.event(this, name,[name]);
+if (config.alias) {
+for (name in config.alias) {
+if (this[name]) {
+this[name] = this[config.alias[name]];
+if (config.init) {
+initFn = config.init;
+if (!isFn) {
+scope.$initMembers = function () {
+if (isFn) {
+if (initFn) {
+initFn.apply(this, arguments);
+define: function (className, gscope, prop) {
+if (!prop) {
+prop = gscope;
+gscope =;
+if (Bridge.isFunction(prop)) {
+fn = function () {
+var args =,
+name = Bridge.Class.genericName.apply(null, args),
+c = Bridge.Class.cache[name]
+if (c) {
+return c;
+obj = prop.apply(null, args.slice(1));
+obj.$cacheName = name;
+c = Bridge.define(name, obj);
+return c;
+return Bridge.Class.generic(className, gscope, fn);
+prop = prop || {};
+var extend = prop.$inherits || prop.inherits,
+statics = prop.$statics || prop.statics,
+cacheName = prop.$cacheName,
+scope = prop.$scope ||,
+if (prop.$inherits) {
+delete prop.$inherits;
+else {
+delete prop.inherits;
+if (Bridge.isFunction(statics)) {
+statics = null;
+else if (prop.$statics) {
+delete prop.$statics;
+else {
+delete prop.statics;
+if (prop.$cacheName) {
+delete prop.$cacheName;
+function Class() {
+if (!(this instanceof Class)) {
+var args =, 0),
+object = Object.create(Class.prototype),
+result = Class.apply(object, args);
+return typeof result === 'object' ? result : object;
+if (!initializing) {
+if (this.$initMembers) {
+this.$initMembers.apply(this, arguments);
+this.$$initCtor.apply(this, arguments);
+scope = Bridge.Class.set(scope, className, Class);
+if (extend && Bridge.isFunction(extend)) {
+extend = extend();
+base = extend ? extend[0].prototype : this.prototype;
+initializing = true;
+prototype = extend ? new extend[0]() : new Object();
+initializing = false;
+if (statics) {
+var staticsConfig = statics.$config || statics.config;
+if (staticsConfig && !Bridge.isFunction(staticsConfig)) {
+Bridge.Class.initConfig(extend, base, staticsConfig, true, Class);
+if (statics.$config) {
+delete statics.$config;
+else {
+delete statics.config;
+var instanceConfig = prop.$config || prop.config;
+if (instanceConfig && !Bridge.isFunction(instanceConfig)) {
+Bridge.Class.initConfig(extend, base, instanceConfig, false, prop);
+if (document.readyState == "complete" || document.readyState == "loaded") {
+Bridge.Class.createAccessors(instanceConfig, prototype);
+else {
+setTimeout(function () {
+Bridge.Class.createAccessors(instanceConfig, prototype);
+}, 0);
+if (prop.$config) {
+delete prop.$config;
+else {
+delete prop.config;
+else {
+prop.$initMembers = extend ? function () {
+base.$initMembers.apply(this, arguments);
+} : function () { };
+prop.$$initCtor = Bridge.Class.initCtor;
+ctorCounter = 0;
+for (name in prop) {
+v = prop[name];
+isCtor = name === "constructor";
+ctorName = isCtor ? "$constructor" : name;
+if (Bridge.isFunction(v) && (isCtor || Bridge.String.startsWith(name, "constructor$"))) {
+isCtor = true;
+prototype[ctorName] = prop[name];
+if (isCtor) {
+(function (ctorName) {
+Class[ctorName] = function () {
+var args =;
+if (this.$initMembers) {
+this.$initMembers.apply(this, args);
-Class.prototype=prototype;Class.prototype.constructor=Class;Class.$$name=className;if(statics){for(name in statics){Class[name]=statics[name];}}
-return Class;},addExtend:function(cls,extend){Array.prototype.push.apply(cls.$$inherits,extend);for(i=0;i<extend.length;i++){scope=extend[i];if(!scope.$$inheritors){scope.$$inheritors=[];}
-scope.$$inheritors.push(cls);}},set:function(scope,className,cls){var nameParts=className.split('.'),name,key,exists;for(i=0;i<(nameParts.length-1);i++){if(typeof scope[nameParts[i]]=='undefined'){scope[nameParts[i]]={};}
-name=nameParts[nameParts.length-1];exists=scope[name];if(exists){for(key in exists){if(typeof exists[key]==="function"&&exists[key].$$name){cls[key]=exists[key];}}}
-scope[name]=cls;return scope;},genericName:function(){var name=arguments[0];for(var i=1;i<arguments.length;i++){name+='$'+Bridge.getTypeName(arguments[i]);}
-return name;},generic:function(className,scope,fn){if(!fn){fn=scope;;}
-Bridge.Class.set(scope,className,fn);return fn;}};Bridge.Class=base;Bridge.define=Bridge.Class.define;})();
-Bridge.define('Bridge.Exception',{constructor:function(message,innerException){this.message=message;this.innerException=innerException;this.errorStack=new Error(); Bridge.Dictionary$2(Object,Object)();},getMessage:function(){return this.message;},getInnerException:function(){return this.innerException;},getStackTrace:function(){return this.errorStack.stack;},getData:function(){return;},toString:function(){return this.getMessage();},statics:{create:function(error){if(,Bridge.Exception)){return error;}
-if(error instanceof TypeError){return new Bridge.NullReferenceException(error.message,new Bridge.ErrorException(error));}
-else if(error instanceof RangeError){return new Bridge.ArgumentOutOfRangeException(null,error.message,new Bridge.ErrorException(error));}
-else if(error instanceof Error){return new Bridge.ErrorException(error);}
-else{return new Bridge.Exception(error?error.toString():null);}}}});Bridge.define('Bridge.ErrorException',{inherits:[Bridge.Exception],constructor:function(error){Bridge.Exception.prototype.$,error.message);this.errorStack=error;this.error=error;},getError:function(){return this.error;}});Bridge.define('Bridge.ArgumentException',{inherits:[Bridge.Exception],constructor:function(message,paramName,innerException){Bridge.Exception.prototype.$,message||"Value does not fall within the expected range.",innerException);this.paramName=paramName;},getParamName:function(){return this.paramName;}});Bridge.define('Bridge.ArgumentNullException',{inherits:[Bridge.ArgumentException],constructor:function(paramName,message,innerException){if(!message){message='Value cannot be null.';if(paramName){message+='\nParameter name: '+paramName;}}
-Bridge.ArgumentException.prototype.$,message,paramName,innerException);}});Bridge.define('Bridge.ArgumentOutOfRangeException',{inherits:[Bridge.ArgumentException],constructor:function(paramName,message,innerException,actualValue){if(!message){message='Value is out of range.';if(paramName){message+='\nParameter name: '+paramName;}}
-Bridge.ArgumentException.prototype.$,message,paramName,innerException);this.actualValue=actualValue;},getActualValue:function(){return this.actualValue;}});Bridge.define('Bridge.CultureNotFoundException',{inherits:[Bridge.ArgumentException],constructor:function(paramName,invalidCultureName,message,innerException){if(!message){message='Culture is not supported.';if(paramName){message+='\nParameter name: '+paramName;}
-if(invalidCultureName){message+='\n'+invalidCultureName+' is an invalid culture identifier.';}}
-Bridge.ArgumentException.prototype.$,message,paramName,innerException);this.invalidCultureName=invalidCultureName;},getInvalidCultureName:function(){return this.invalidCultureName;}});Bridge.define('Bridge.KeyNotFoundException',{inherits:[Bridge.Exception],constructor:function(message,innerException){Bridge.Exception.prototype.$,message||"Key not found.",innerException);}});Bridge.define('Bridge.ArithmeticException',{inherits:[Bridge.Exception],constructor:function(message,innerException){Bridge.Exception.prototype.$,message||"Overflow or underflow in the arithmetic operation.",innerException);}});Bridge.define('Bridge.DivideByZeroException',{inherits:[Bridge.ArithmeticException],constructor:function(message,innerException){Bridge.ArithmeticException.prototype.$,message||"Division by 0.",innerException);}});Bridge.define('Bridge.OverflowException',{inherits:[Bridge.ArithmeticException],constructor:function(message,innerException){Bridge.ArithmeticException.prototype.$,message||"Arithmetic operation resulted in an overflow.",innerException);}});Bridge.define('Bridge.FormatException',{inherits:[Bridge.Exception],constructor:function(message,innerException){Bridge.Exception.prototype.$,message||"Invalid format.",innerException);}});Bridge.define('Bridge.InvalidCastException',{inherits:[Bridge.Exception],constructor:function(message,innerException){Bridge.Exception.prototype.$,message||"The cast is not valid.",innerException);}});Bridge.define('Bridge.InvalidOperationException',{inherits:[Bridge.Exception],constructor:function(message,innerException){Bridge.Exception.prototype.$,message||"Operation is not valid due to the current state of the object.",innerException);}});Bridge.define('Bridge.NotImplementedException',{inherits:[Bridge.Exception],constructor:function(message,innerException){Bridge.Exception.prototype.$,message||"The method or operation is not implemented.",innerException);}});Bridge.define('Bridge.NotSupportedException',{inherits:[Bridge.Exception],constructor:function(message,innerException){Bridge.Exception.prototype.$,message||"Specified method is not supported.",innerException);}});Bridge.define('Bridge.NullReferenceException',{inherits:[Bridge.Exception],constructor:function(message,innerException){Bridge.Exception.prototype.$,message||"Object is null.",innerException);}});
-Bridge.define('Bridge.IFormattable',{statics:{$is:function(obj){if(Bridge.isNumber(obj)){return true;}
-if(Bridge.isDate(obj)){return true;}
-return,Bridge.IFormattable,true);}}});Bridge.define('Bridge.IComparable');Bridge.define('Bridge.IFormatProvider');Bridge.define('Bridge.ICloneable');Bridge.Class.generic('Bridge.IComparable$1',function(T){var $$name=Bridge.Class.genericName('Bridge.IComparable$1',T);return Bridge.Class.cache[$$name]||(Bridge.Class.cache[$$name]=Bridge.define($$name));});Bridge.Class.generic('Bridge.IEquatable$1',function(T){var $$name=Bridge.Class.genericName('Bridge.IEquatable$1',T);return Bridge.Class.cache[$$name]||(Bridge.Class.cache[$$name]=Bridge.define($$name));});Bridge.define('Bridge.IPromise');Bridge.define('Bridge.IDisposable');
-Bridge.define("Bridge.DateTimeFormatInfo",{inherits:[Bridge.IFormatProvider,Bridge.ICloneable],statics:{$allStandardFormats:{"d":"shortDatePattern","D":"longDatePattern","f":"longDatePattern shortTimePattern","F":"longDatePattern longTimePattern","g":"shortDatePattern shortTimePattern","G":"shortDatePattern longTimePattern","m":"monthDayPattern","M":"monthDayPattern","o":"roundtripFormat","O":"roundtripFormat","r":"rfc1123","R":"rfc1123","s":"sortableDateTimePattern","S":"sortableDateTimePattern1","t":"shortTimePattern","T":"longTimePattern","u":"universalSortableDateTimePattern","U":"longDatePattern longTimePattern","y":"yearMonthPattern","Y":"yearMonthPattern"},constructor:function(){this.invariantInfo=Bridge.merge(new Bridge.DateTimeFormatInfo(),{abbreviatedDayNames:["Sun","Mon","Tue","Wed","Thu","Fri","Sat"],abbreviatedMonthGenitiveNames:["Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec",""],abbreviatedMonthNames:["Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec",""],amDesignator:"AM",dateSeparator:"/",dayNames:["Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday"],firstDayOfWeek:0,fullDateTimePattern:"dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy h:mm:ss tt",longDatePattern:"dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy",longTimePattern:"h:mm:ss tt",monthDayPattern:"MMMM dd",monthGenitiveNames:["January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December",""],monthNames:["January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December",""],pmDesignator:"PM",rfc1123:"ddd, dd MMM yyyy HH':'mm':'ss 'GMT'",shortDatePattern:"M/d/yyyy",shortestDayNames:["Su","Mo","Tu","We","Th","Fr","Sa"],shortTimePattern:"h:mm tt",sortableDateTimePattern:"yyyy'-'MM'-'dd'T'HH':'mm':'ss",sortableDateTimePattern1:"yyyy'-'MM'-'dd",timeSeparator:":",universalSortableDateTimePattern:"yyyy'-'MM'-'dd HH':'mm':'ss'Z'",yearMonthPattern:"MMMM, yyyy",roundtripFormat:"yyyy'-'MM'-'dd'T'HH':'mm':'ss.uzzz"});}},getFormat:function(type){switch(type){case Bridge.DateTimeFormatInfo:return this;default:return null;}},getAbbreviatedDayName:function(dayofweek){if(dayofweek<0||dayofweek>6){throw new Bridge.ArgumentOutOfRangeException("dayofweek");}
-return this.abbreviatedDayNames[dayofweek];},getAbbreviatedMonthName:function(month){if(month<1||month>13){throw new Bridge.ArgumentOutOfRangeException("month");}
-return this.abbreviatedMonthNames[month-1];},getAllDateTimePatterns:function(format,returnNull){var f=Bridge.DateTimeFormatInfo.$allStandardFormats,formats,names,pattern,i,result=[];if(format){if(!f[format]){if(returnNull){return null;}
-throw new Bridge.ArgumentException(null,"format");}
-for(f in formats){names=formats[f].split(" ");pattern="";for(i=0;i<names.length;i++){pattern=(i==0?"":(pattern+" "))+this[names[i]];}
-return result;},getDayName:function(dayofweek){if(dayofweek<0||dayofweek>6){throw new Bridge.ArgumentOutOfRangeException("dayofweek");}
-return this.dayNames[dayofweek];},getMonthName:function(month){if(month<1||month>13){throw new Bridge.ArgumentOutOfRangeException("month");}
-return this.monthNames[month-1];},getShortestDayName:function(dayOfWeek){if(dayOfWeek<0||dayOfWeek>6){throw new Bridge.ArgumentOutOfRangeException("dayOfWeek");}
-return this.shortestDayNames[dayOfWeek];},clone:function(){return Bridge.copy(new Bridge.DateTimeFormatInfo(),this,["abbreviatedDayNames","abbreviatedMonthGenitiveNames","abbreviatedMonthNames","amDesignator","dateSeparator","dayNames","firstDayOfWeek","fullDateTimePattern","longDatePattern","longTimePattern","monthDayPattern","monthGenitiveNames","monthNames","pmDesignator","rfc1123","shortDatePattern","shortestDayNames","shortTimePattern","sortableDateTimePattern","timeSeparator","universalSortableDateTimePattern","yearMonthPattern","roundtripFormat"]);}});Bridge.define("Bridge.NumberFormatInfo",{inherits:[Bridge.IFormatProvider,Bridge.ICloneable],statics:{constructor:function(){this.numberNegativePatterns=["(n)","-n","- n","n-","n -"];this.currencyNegativePatterns=["($n)","-$n","$-n","$n-","(n$)","-n$","n-$","n$-","-n $","-$ n","n $-","$ n-","$ -n","n- $","($ n)","(n $)"];this.currencyPositivePatterns=["$n","n$","$ n","n $"];this.percentNegativePatterns=["-n %","-n%","-%n","%-n","%n-","n-%","n%-","-% n","n %-","% n-","% -n","n- %"];this.percentPositivePatterns=["n %","n%","%n","% n"];this.invariantInfo=Bridge.merge(new Bridge.NumberFormatInfo(),{nanSymbol:"NaN",negativeSign:"-",positiveSign:"+",negativeInfinitySymbol:"-Infinity",positiveInfinitySymbol:"Infinity",percentSymbol:"%",percentGroupSizes:[3],percentDecimalDigits:2,percentDecimalSeparator:".",percentGroupSeparator:",",percentPositivePattern:0,percentNegativePattern:0,currencySymbol:"$",currencyGroupSizes:[3],currencyDecimalDigits:2,currencyDecimalSeparator:".",currencyGroupSeparator:",",currencyNegativePattern:0,currencyPositivePattern:0,numberGroupSizes:[3],numberDecimalDigits:2,numberDecimalSeparator:".",numberGroupSeparator:",",numberNegativePattern:0});}},getFormat:function(type){switch(type){case Bridge.NumberFormatInfo:return this;default:return null;}},clone:function(){return Bridge.copy(new Bridge.NumberFormatInfo(),this,["nanSymbol","negativeSign","positiveSign","negativeInfinitySymbol","positiveInfinitySymbol","percentSymbol","percentGroupSizes","percentDecimalDigits","percentDecimalSeparator","percentGroupSeparator","percentPositivePattern","percentNegativePattern","currencySymbol","currencyGroupSizes","currencyDecimalDigits","currencyDecimalSeparator","currencyGroupSeparator","currencyNegativePattern","currencyPositivePattern","numberGroupSizes","numberDecimalDigits","numberDecimalSeparator","numberGroupSeparator","numberNegativePattern"]);}});Bridge.define("Bridge.CultureInfo",{inherits:[Bridge.IFormatProvider,Bridge.ICloneable],statics:{constructor:function(){this.cultures=this.cultures||{};this.invariantCulture=Bridge.merge(new Bridge.CultureInfo("en-US",true),{englishName:"English (United States)",nativeName:"English (United States)",numberFormat:Bridge.NumberFormatInfo.invariantInfo,dateTimeFormat:Bridge.DateTimeFormatInfo.invariantInfo});this.setCurrentCulture(Bridge.CultureInfo.invariantCulture);},getCurrentCulture:function(){return this.currentCulture;},setCurrentCulture:function(culture){this.currentCulture=culture;Bridge.DateTimeFormatInfo.currentInfo=culture.dateTimeFormat;Bridge.NumberFormatInfo.currentInfo=culture.numberFormat;},getCultureInfo:function(name){if(!name){throw new Bridge.ArgumentNullException("name");}
-return this.cultures[name];},getCultures:function(){var names=Bridge.getPropertyNames(this.cultures),result=[],i;for(i=0;i<names.length;i++){result.push(this.cultures[names[i]]);}
-return result;}},constructor:function(name,create){;if(!Bridge.CultureInfo.cultures){Bridge.CultureInfo.cultures={};}
-if(Bridge.CultureInfo.cultures[name]){Bridge.copy(this,Bridge.CultureInfo.cultures[name],["englishName","nativeName","numberFormat","dateTimeFormat"]);}else{if(!create){throw new Bridge.CultureNotFoundException("name",name);}
-Bridge.CultureInfo.cultures[name]=this;}},getFormat:function(type){switch(type){case Bridge.NumberFormatInfo:return this.numberFormat;case Bridge.DateTimeFormatInfo:return this.dateTimeFormat;default:return null;}},clone:function(){return new Bridge.CultureInfo(;}});
-Bridge.define('Bridge.Int',{inherits:[Bridge.IComparable,Bridge.IFormattable],statics:{instanceOf:function(instance){return typeof(instance)==='number'&&isFinite(instance)&&Math.round(instance,0)==instance;},getDefaultValue:function(){return 0;},format:function(number,format,provider){var nf=(provider||Bridge.CultureInfo.getCurrentCulture()).getFormat(Bridge.NumberFormatInfo),decimalSeparator=nf.numberDecimalSeparator,groupSeparator=nf.numberGroupSeparator,match,precision,groups,fs;if(!isFinite(number)){return Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY==number?nf.negativeInfinitySymbol:nf.positiveInfinitySymbol;}
-if(!format){return this.defaultFormat(number,0,0,15,nf,true);}
-match=format.match(/^([a-zA-Z])(\d*)$/);if(match){fs=match[1].toUpperCase();precision=parseInt(match[2],10);precision=precision>15?15:precision;switch(fs){case"D":return this.defaultFormat(number,isNaN(precision)?1:precision,0,0,nf,true);case"F":case"N":if(isNaN(precision)){precision=nf.numberDecimalDigits;}
-return this.defaultFormat(number,1,precision,precision,nf,fs=="F");case"G":case"E":var exponent=0,coefficient=Math.abs(number),exponentPrefix=match[1],exponentPrecision=3,minDecimals,maxDecimals;while(coefficient>=10){coefficient/=10;exponent++;}
-if(fs=="G"){if(exponent>-5&&(!precision||exponent<precision)){minDecimals=precision?precision-(exponent>0?exponent+1:1):0;maxDecimals=precision?precision-(exponent>0?exponent+1:1):10;return this.defaultFormat(number,1,minDecimals,maxDecimals,nf,true);}
-return this.defaultFormat(coefficient,1,minDecimals,maxDecimals,nf)+exponentPrefix+this.defaultFormat(exponent,exponentPrecision,0,0,nf,true);case"P":if(isNaN(precision)){precision=nf.percentDecimalDigits;}
-return this.defaultFormat(number*100,1,precision,precision,nf,false,"percent");case"X":var result=Math.round(number).toString(16);if(match[1]=="X"){result=result.toUpperCase();}
-return result;case"C":if(isNaN(precision)){precision=nf.currencyDecimalDigits;}
-return this.defaultFormat(number,1,precision,precision,nf,false,"currency");case"R":return""+number;}}
-if(format.indexOf(",.")!==-1||Bridge.String.endsWith(format,",")){var count=0,index=format.indexOf(",.");if(index==-1){index=format.length-1;}
-return this.customFormat(number,format,nf,!format.match(/^[^\.]*[0#],[0#]/));},defaultFormat:function(number,minIntLen,minDecLen,maxDecLen,provider,noGroup,name){name=name||"number";var nf=(provider||Bridge.CultureInfo.getCurrentCulture()).getFormat(Bridge.NumberFormatInfo),str,decimalIndex,negPattern,roundingFactor,groupIndex,groupSize,groups=nf[name+"GroupSizes"],decimalPart,index,done,startIndex,length,part,sep,buffer="";roundingFactor=Math.pow(10,maxDecLen);str=""+(Math.round(Math.abs(number)*roundingFactor)/roundingFactor);decimalIndex=str.indexOf(".");if(decimalIndex>0){decimalPart=nf[name+"DecimalSeparator"]+str.substr(decimalIndex+1);str=str.substr(0,decimalIndex);}
-else if((decimalPart.length-1)>maxDecLen){decimalPart=decimalPart.substr(0,maxDecLen+1);}}
-if(number<0){negPattern=Bridge.NumberFormatInfo[name+"NegativePatterns"][nf[name+"NegativePattern"]];return negPattern.replace("-",nf.negativeSign).replace("%",nf.percentSymbol).replace("$",nf.currencySymbol).replace("n",buffer);}
-else if(Bridge.NumberFormatInfo[name+"PositivePatterns"]){negPattern=Bridge.NumberFormatInfo[name+"PositivePatterns"][nf[name+"PositivePattern"]];return negPattern.replace("%",nf.percentSymbol).replace("$",nf.currencySymbol).replace("n",buffer);}
-return buffer;},customFormat:function(number,format,nf,noGroup){var digits=0,forcedDigits=-1,integralDigits=-1,decimals=0,forcedDecimals=-1,atDecimals=0,unused=1,c,i,f,endIndex,roundingFactor,decimalIndex,isNegative=false,name,groupCfg,buffer="";name="number";if(format.indexOf("%")!==-1){name="percent";}
-else if(format.indexOf("$")!==-1){name="currency";}
-for(i=0;i<format.length;i++){c=format.charAt(i);if(c=="'"||c=='"'){i=format.indexOf(c,i+1);if(i<0){break;}}else if(c=="\\"){i++;}else{if(c=="0"||c=="#"){decimals+=atDecimals;if(c=="0"){if(atDecimals){forcedDecimals=decimals;}else if(forcedDigits<0){forcedDigits=digits;}}
-f=endIndex;}else if(c=="\\"){buffer+=format.charAt(f+1);f++;}else if(c=="#"||c=="0"){groupCfg.buffer=buffer;if(i<integralDigits){if(i>=0){if(unused){this.addGroup(number.substr(0,i),groupCfg);}
-this.addGroup(number.charAt(i),groupCfg);}else if(i>=integralDigits-forcedDigits){this.addGroup("0",groupCfg);}
-unused=0;}else if(forcedDecimals-->0||i<number.length){this.addGroup(i>=number.length?"0":number.charAt(i),groupCfg);}
-buffer=groupCfg.buffer;i++;}else if(c=="."){if(number.length>++i||forcedDecimals>0){buffer+=nf[name+"DecimalSeparator"];}}else if(c!==","){buffer+=c;}}
-return buffer;},addGroup:function(value,cfg){var buffer=cfg.buffer,sep=cfg.sep,groupIndex=cfg.groupIndex;for(var i=0,length=value.length;i<length;i++){buffer+=value.charAt(i);if(sep&&groupIndex>1&&groupIndex--%3==1){buffer+=sep;}}
-cfg.buffer=buffer;cfg.groupIndex=groupIndex;},parseFloat:function(str,provider){if(str==null){throw new Bridge.ArgumentNullException("str");}
-var nfInfo=(provider||Bridge.CultureInfo.getCurrentCulture()).getFormat(Bridge.NumberFormatInfo),result=parseFloat(str.replace(nfInfo.numberDecimalSeparator,'.'));if(isNaN(result)&&str!==nfInfo.nanSymbol){if(str==nfInfo.negativeInfinitySymbol){return Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;}
-if(str==nfInfo.positiveInfinitySymbol){return Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY;}
-throw new Bridge.FormatException("Input string was not in a correct format.");}
-return result;},tryParseFloat:function(str,provider,result){result.v=0;if(str==null){return false;}
-var nfInfo=(provider||Bridge.CultureInfo.getCurrentCulture()).getFormat(Bridge.NumberFormatInfo);result.v=parseFloat(str.replace(nfInfo.numberDecimalSeparator,'.'));if(isNaN(result.v)&&str!==nfInfo.nanSymbol){if(str==nfInfo.negativeInfinitySymbol){result.v=Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;return true;}
-if(str==nfInfo.positiveInfinitySymbol){result.v=Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY;return true;}
-return false;}
-return true;},parseInt:function(str,min,max,radix){if(str==null){throw new Bridge.ArgumentNullException("str");}
-if(!/^[+-]?[0-9]+$/.test(str)){throw new Bridge.FormatException("Input string was not in a correct format.");}
-var result=parseInt(str,radix||10);if(isNaN(result)){throw new Bridge.FormatException("Input string was not in a correct format.");}
-if(result<min||result>max){throw new Bridge.OverflowException();}
-return result;},tryParseInt:function(str,result,min,max,radix){result.v=0;if(!/^[+-]?[0-9]+$/.test(str)){return false;}
-result.v=parseInt(str,radix||10);if(result.v<min||result.v>max){return false;}
-return true;},trunc:function(num){if(!Bridge.isNumber(num)){return null;}
-return num>0?Math.floor(num):Math.ceil(num);},div:function(x,y){if(!Bridge.isNumber(x)||!Bridge.isNumber(y)){return null;}
-if(y===0){throw new Bridge.DivideByZeroException();}
-return this.trunc(x/y);},mod:function(x,y){if(!Bridge.isNumber(x)||!Bridge.isNumber(y)){return null;}
-if(y===0){throw new Bridge.DivideByZeroException();}
-return x%y;},check:function(x,type){if(Bridge.isNumber(x)&&!type.instanceOf(x)){throw new Bridge.OverflowException();}
-return x;},sxb:function(x){return x|(x&0x80?0xffffff00:0);},sxs:function(x){return x|(x&0x8000?0xffff0000:0);},clip8:function(x){return Bridge.isNumber(x)?Bridge.Int.sxb(x&0xff):null;},clipu8:function(x){return Bridge.isNumber(x)?x&0xff:null;},clip16:function(x){return Bridge.isNumber(x)?Bridge.Int.sxs(x&0xffff):null;},clipu16:function(x){return Bridge.isNumber(x)?x&0xffff:null;},clip32:function(x){return Bridge.isNumber(x)?x|0:null;},clipu32:function(x){return Bridge.isNumber(x)?x>>>0:null;},clip64:function(x){return Bridge.isNumber(x)?(Math.floor(x/0x100000000)|0)*0x100000000+(x>>>0):null;},clipu64:function(x){return Bridge.isNumber(x)?(Math.floor(x/0x100000000)>>>0)*0x100000000+(x>>>0):null;}}});Bridge.Class.addExtend(Bridge.Int,[Bridge.IComparable$1(Bridge.Int),Bridge.IEquatable$1(Bridge.Int)]);
-!function(e){"use strict";function n(e){for(var n,r,t=1,i=e.length,o=e[0]+"";i>t;t++){for(n=e[t]+"",r=y-n.length;r--;)n="0"+n;o+=n}for(i=o.length;48===o.charCodeAt(--i););return o.slice(0,i+1||1)}function r(e,n,r,t){var i,o,s,c,u;for(o=1,s=e[0];s>=10;s/=10,o++);return s=n-o,0>s?(s+=y,i=0):(i=Math.ceil((s+1)/y),s%=y),o=E(10,y-s),u=e[i]%o|0,null==t?3>s?(0==s?u=u/100|0:1==s&&(u=u/10|0),c=4>r&&99999==u||r>3&&49999==u||5e4==u||0==u):c=(4>r&&u+1==o||r>3&&u+1==o/2)&&(e[i+1]/o/100|0)==E(10,s-2)-1||(u==o/2||0==u)&&0==(e[i+1]/o/100|0):4>s?(0==s?u=u/1e3|0:1==s?u=u/100|0:2==s&&(u=u/10|0),c=(t||4>r)&&9999==u||!t&&r>3&&4999==u):c=((t||4>r)&&u+1==o||!t&&r>3&&u+1==o/2)&&(e[i+1]/o/1e3|0)==E(10,s-3)-1,c}function t(e,n,r){var t=e.constructor;return null==n||((m=0>n||n>8)||0!==n&&(t.errors?parseInt:parseFloat)(n)!=n)&&!u(t,"rounding mode",n,r,0)?t.rounding:0|n}function i(e,n,r,t){var i=e.constructor;return!(m=(t||0)>n||n>=A+1)&&(0===n||(i.errors?parseInt:parseFloat)(n)==n)||u(i,"argument",n,r,0)}function o(e,t){var i,o,s,c,u,l,f,h=0,g=0,p=0,m=e.constructor,d=m.ONE,v=m.rounding,N=m.precision;if(!e.c||!e.c[0]||e.e>17)return new m(e.c?e.c[0]?e.s<0?0:1/0:d:e.s?e.s<0?0:e:0/0);for(null==t?(w=!1,u=N):u=t,f=new m(.03125);e.e>-2;)e=e.times(f),p+=5;for(o=Math.log(E(2,p))/Math.LN10*2+5|0,u+=o,i=c=l=new m(d),m.precision=u;;){if(c=a(c.times(e),u,1),i=i.times(++g),,i,u,1)),n(f.c).slice(0,u)===n(l.c).slice(0,u)){for(s=p;s--;)l=a(l.times(l),u,1);if(null!=t)return m.precision=N,l;if(!(3>h&&r(l.c,u-o,v,h)))return a(l,m.precision=N,v,w=!0);m.precision=u+=10,i=c=f=new m(d),g=0,h++}l=f}}function s(e,r,t,i){var o,s,c=e.constructor,u=(e=new c(e)).e;if(null==r?t=0:(a(e,++r,t),t=i?r:r+e.e-u),u=e.e,o=n(e.c),1==i||2==i&&(u>=r||u<=c.toExpNeg)){for(;o.length<t;o+="0");o.length>1&&(o=o.charAt(0)+"."+o.slice(1)),o+=(0>u?"e":"e+")+u}else{if(i=o.length,0>u){for(s=t-i;++u;o="0"+o);o="0."+o}else if(++u>i){for(s=t-u,u-=i;u--;o+="0");s>0&&(o+=".")}else s=t-i,i>u?o=o.slice(0,u)+"."+o.slice(u):s>0&&(o+=".");if(s>0)for(;s--;o+="0");}return e.s<0&&e.c[0]?"-"+o:o}function c(e){var n=e.length-1,r=n*y+1;if(n=e[n]){for(;n%10==0;n/=10,r--);for(n=e[0];n>=10;n/=10,r++);}return r}function u(e,n,r,t,i){if(e.errors){var o=new Error((t||["new Decimal","cmp","div","eq","gt","gte","lt","lte","minus","mod","plus","times","toFraction","pow","random","log","sqrt","toNearest","divToInt"][v?0>v?-v:v:0>1/v?1:0])+"() "+(["number type has more than 15 significant digits","LN10 out of digits"][n]||n+([m?" out of range":" not an integer"," not a boolean or binary digit"][i]||""))+": "+r);throw"Decimal Error",m=v=0,o}}function l(e,n,r){var t=new e(e.ONE);for(w=!1;1&r&&(t=t.times(n)),r>>=1,r;)n=n.times(n);return w=!0,t}function f(e,t){var i,o,s,c,l,h,g,p,m,d,v,N=1,E=10,x=e,b=x.c,y=x.constructor,O=y.ONE,S=y.rounding,D=y.precision;if(x.s<0||!b||!b[0]||!x.e&&1==b[0]&&1==b.length)return new y(b&&!b[0]?-1/0:1!=x.s?0/0:b?0:x);if(null==t?(w=!1,g=D):g=t,y.precision=g+=E,i=n(b),o=i.charAt(0),!(Math.abs(c=x.e)<15e14))return x=new y(o+"."+i.slice(1)),g+2>M.length&&u(y,1,g+2,"ln"),x=f(x,g-E).plus(new y(M.slice(0,g+2)).times(c+"")),y.precision=D,null==t?a(x,D,S,w=!0):x;for(;7>o&&1!=o||1==o&&i.charAt(1)>3;)x=x.times(e),i=n(x.c),o=i.charAt(0),N++;for(c=x.e,o>1?(x=new y("0."+i),c++):x=new y(o+"."+i.slice(1)),d=x,p=l=x=P(x.minus(O),,g,1),v=a(x.times(x),g,1),s=3;;){if(l=a(l.times(v),g,1),,new y(s),g,1)),n(m.c).slice(0,g)===n(p.c).slice(0,g)){if(p=p.times(2),0!==c&&(g+2>M.length&&u(y,1,g+2,"ln"), y(M.slice(0,g+2)).times(c+""))),p=P(p,new y(N),g,1),null!=t)return y.precision=D,p;if(!r(p.c,g-E,S,h))return a(p,y.precision=D,S,w=!0);y.precision=g+=E,m=l=x=P(d.minus(O),,g,1),v=a(x.times(x),g,1),s=h=1}p=m,s+=2}}function a(e,n,r,t){var i,o,s,c,u,l,f,a,h=e.constructor;e:if(null!=n){if(!(f=e.c))return e;for(i=1,c=f[0];c>=10;c/=10,i++);if(o=n-i,0>o)o+=y,s=n,u=f[a=0],l=u/E(10,i-s-1)%10|0;else if(a=Math.ceil((o+1)/y),a>=f.length){if(!t)break e;for(;f.length<=a;f.push(0));u=l=0,i=1,o%=y,s=o-y+1}else{for(u=c=f[a],i=1;c>=10;c/=10,i++);o%=y,s=o-y+i,l=0>s?0:N(u/E(10,i-s-1)%10)}if(t=t||0>n||null!=f[a+1]||(0>s?u:u%E(10,i-s-1)),t=4>r?(l||t)&&(0==r||r==(e.s<0?3:2)):l>5||5==l&&(4==r||t||6==r&&(o>0?s>0?u/E(10,i-s):0:f[a-1])%10&1||r==(e.s<0?8:7)),1>n||!f[0])return f.length=0,t?(n-=e.e+1,f[0]=E(10,n%y),e.e=-n||0):f[0]=e.e=0,e;if(0==o?(f.length=a,c=1,a--):(f.length=a+1,c=E(10,y-o),f[a]=s>0?(u/E(10,i-s)%E(10,s)|0)*c:0),t)for(;;){if(0==a){for(o=1,s=f[0];s>=10;s/=10,o++);for(s=f[0]+=c,c=1;s>=10;s/=10,c++);o!=c&&(e.e++,f[0]==b&&(f[0]=1));break}if(f[a]+=c,f[a]!=b)break;f[a--]=0,c=1}for(o=f.length;0===f[--o];f.pop());}return w&&(e.e>h.maxE?e.c=e.e=null:e.e<h.minE&&(e.c=[e.e=0])),e}var h,g,p,m,d=e.crypto,w=!0,v=0,N=Math.floor,E=Math.pow,x=Object.prototype.toString,b=1e7,y=7,O="0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ$_",S={},D=9e15,A=1e9,F=3e3,M="2.3025850929940456840179914546843642076011014886287729760333279009675726096773524802359972050895982983419677840422862486334095254650828067566662873690987816894829072083255546808437998948262331985283935053089653777326288461633662222876982198867465436674744042432743651550489343149393914796194044002221051017141748003688084012647080685567743216228355220114804663715659121373450747856947683463616792101806445070648000277502684916746550586856935673420670581136429224554405758925724208241314695689016758940256776311356919292033376587141660230105703089634572075440370847469940168269282808481184289314848524948644871927809676271275775397027668605952496716674183485704422507197965004714951050492214776567636938662976979522110718264549734772662425709429322582798502585509785265383207606726317164309505995087807523710333101197857547331541421808427543863591778117054309827482385045648019095610299291824318237525357709750539565187697510374970888692180205189339507238539205144634197265287286965110862571492198849978748873771345686209167058";S.absoluteValue=S.abs=function(){var e=new this.constructor(this);return e.s<0&&(e.s=1),a(e)},S.ceil=function(){return a(new this.constructor(this),this.e+1,2)},S.comparedTo=S.cmp=function(e,n){var r,t=this,i=t.c,o=(v=-v,e=new t.constructor(e,n),e.c),s=t.s,c=e.s,u=t.e,l=e.e;if(!s||!c)return null;if(r=i&&!i[0],n=o&&!o[0],r||n)return r?n?0:-c:s;if(s!=c)return s;if(r=0>s,!i||!o)return u==l?0:!i^r?1:-1;if(u!=l)return u>l^r?1:-1;for(s=-1,c=(u=i.length)<(l=o.length)?u:l;++s<c;)if(i[s]!=o[s])return i[s]>o[s]^r?1:-1;return u==l?0:u>l^r?1:-1},S.decimalPlaces=S.dp=function(){var e,n,r=null;if(e=this.c){if(r=((n=e.length-1)-N(this.e/y))*y,n=e[n])for(;n%10==0;n/=10,r--);0>r&&(r=0)}return r},S.dividedBy=S.div=function(e,n){return v=2,P(this,new this.constructor(e,n))},S.dividedToIntegerBy=S.divToInt=function(e,n){var r=this,t=r.constructor;return v=18,a(P(r,new t(e,n),0,1,1),t.precision,t.rounding)},S.equals=S.eq=function(e,n){return v=3,0===this.cmp(e,n)},S.exponential=S.exp=function(){return o(this)},S.floor=function(){return a(new this.constructor(this),this.e+1,3)},,n){return v=4,this.cmp(e,n)>0},S.greaterThanOrEqualTo=S.gte=function(e,n){return v=5,n=this.cmp(e,n),1==n||0===n},S.isFinite=function(){return!!this.c},S.isInteger=S.isInt=function(){return!!this.c&&N(this.e/y)>this.c.length-2},S.isNaN=function(){return!this.s},S.isNegative=S.isNeg=function(){return this.s<0},S.isZero=function(){return!!this.c&&0==this.c[0]},,n){return v=6,this.cmp(e,n)<0},S.lessThanOrEqualTo=S.lte=function(e,n){return v=7,n=this.cmp(e,n),-1==n||0===n},S.logarithm=S.log=function(e,t){var i,o,s,c,l,h,g,p,m,d=this,N=d.constructor,E=N.precision,x=N.rounding,b=5;if(null==e)e=new N(10),i=!0;else{if(v=15,e=new N(e,t),o=e.c,e.s<0||!o||!o[0]||!e.e&&1==o[0]&&1==o.length)return new N(0/0);i=e.eq(10)}if(o=d.c,d.s<0||!o||!o[0]||!d.e&&1==o[0]&&1==o.length)return new N(o&&!o[0]?-1/0:1!=d.s?0/0:o?0:1/0);if(l=i&&(c=o[0],o.length>1||1!=c&&10!=c&&100!=c&&1e3!=c&&1e4!=c&&1e5!=c&&1e6!=c),w=!1,g=E+b,p=g+10,h=f(d,g),i?(p>M.length&&u(N,1,p,"log"),s=new N(M.slice(0,p))):s=f(e,g),m=P(h,s,g,1),r(m.c,c=E,x))do if(g+=10,h=f(d,g),i?(p=g+10,p>M.length&&u(N,1,p,"log"),s=new N(M.slice(0,p))):s=f(e,g),m=P(h,s,g,1),!l){+n(m.c).slice(c+1,c+15)+1==1e14&&(m=a(m,E+1,0));break}while(r(m.c,c+=10,x));return w=!0,a(m,E,x)},S.minus=function(e,n){var r,t,i,o,s=this,c=s.constructor,u=s.s;if(v=8,e=new c(e,n),n=e.s,!u||!n)return new c(0/0);if(u!=n)return e.s=-n,;var l=s.c,f=e.c,h=N(e.e/y),g=N(s.e/y),p=c.precision,m=c.rounding;if(!g||!h){if(!l||!f)return l?(e.s=-n,e):new c(f?s:0/0);if(!l[0]||!f[0])return s=f[0]?(e.s=-n,e):new c(l[0]?s:3==m?-0:0),w?a(s,p,m):s}if(l=l.slice(),t=l.length,u=g-h){for((o=0>u)?(u=-u,r=l,t=f.length):(h=g,r=f),(g=Math.ceil(p/y))>t&&(t=g),u>(t+=2)&&(u=t,r.length=1),r.reverse(),n=u;n--;r.push(0));r.reverse()}else for((o=t<(i=f.length))&&(i=t),u=n=0;i>n;n++)if(l[n]!=f[n]){o=l[n]<f[n];break}if(o&&(r=l,l=f,f=r,e.s=-e.s),(n=-((i=l.length)-f.length))>0)for(;n--;l[i++]=0);for(g=b-1,n=f.length;n>u;){if(l[--n]<f[n]){for(t=n;t&&!l[--t];l[t]=g);--l[t],l[n]+=b}l[n]-=f[n]}for(;0==l[--i];l.pop());for(;0==l[0];l.shift(),--h);for(l[0]||(l=[h=0],e.s=3==m?-1:1),e.c=l,u=1,n=l[0];n>=10;n/=10,u++);return e.e=u+h*y-1,w?a(e,p,m):e},S.modulo=S.mod=function(e,n){var r,t,i=this,o=i.constructor,s=o.modulo;return v=9,e=new o(e,n),n=e.s,r=!i.c||!n||e.c&&!e.c[0],r||!e.c||i.c&&!i.c[0]?r?new o(0/0):a(new o(i),o.precision,o.rounding):(w=!1,9==s?(e.s=1,t=P(i,e,0,3,1),e.s=n,t.s*=n):t=P(i,e,0,s,1),t=t.times(e),w=!0,i.minus(t))},S.naturalLogarithm=S.ln=function(){return f(this)},S.negated=S.neg=function(){var e=new this.constructor(this);return e.s=-e.s||null,a(e)},,n){var r,t=this,i=t.constructor,o=t.s;if(v=10,e=new i(e,n),n=e.s,!o||!n)return new i(0/0);if(o!=n)return e.s=-n,t.minus(e);var s=t.c,c=e.c,u=N(e.e/y),l=N(t.e/y),f=i.precision,h=i.rounding;if(!l||!u){if(!s||!c)return new i(o/0);if(!s[0]||!c[0])return t=c[0]?e:new i(s[0]?t:0*o),w?a(t,f,h):t}if(s=s.slice(),o=l-u){for(0>o?(o=-o,r=s,n=c.length):(u=l,r=c,n=s.length),(l=Math.ceil(f/y))>n&&(n=l),o>++n&&(o=n,r.length=1),r.reverse();o--;r.push(0));r.reverse()}for(s.length-c.length<0&&(r=c,c=s,s=r),o=c.length,n=0,l=b;o;s[o]%=l)n=(s[--o]=s[o]+c[o]+n)/l|0;for(n&&(s.unshift(n),++u),o=s.length;0==s[--o];s.pop());for(e.c=s,o=1,n=s[0];n>=10;n/=10,o++);return e.e=o+u*y-1,w?a(e,f,h):e},{var n=null,r=this;return e!=n&&e!==!!e&&1!==e&&0!==e&&u(r.constructor,"argument",e,"precision",1),r.c&&(n=c(r.c),e&&r.e+1>n&&(n=r.e+1)),n},S.round=function(){var e=this,n=e.constructor;return a(new n(e),e.e+1,n.rounding)},S.squareRoot=S.sqrt=function(){var e,r,t,i,o,s,c=this,u=c.c,l=c.s,f=c.e,h=c.constructor,g=new h(.5);if(1!==l||!u||!u[0])return new h(!l||0>l&&(!u||u[0])?0/0:u?c:1/0);for(w=!1,l=Math.sqrt(+c),0==l||l==1/0?(r=n(u),(r.length+f)%2==0&&(r+="0"),l=Math.sqrt(r),f=N((f+1)/2)-(0>f||f%2),l==1/0?r="1e"+f:(r=l.toExponential(),r=r.slice(0,r.indexOf("e")+1)+f),i=new h(r)):i=new h(l.toString()),t=(f=h.precision)+3;;)if(s=i,i=g.times(,s,t+2,1))),n(s.c).slice(0,t)===(r=n(i.c)).slice(0,t)){if(r=r.slice(t-3,t+1),"9999"!=r&&(o||"4999"!=r)){(!+r||!+r.slice(1)&&"5"==r.charAt(0))&&(a(i,f+1,1),e=!i.times(i).eq(c));break}if(!o&&(a(s,f+1,0),s.times(s).eq(c))){i=s;break}t+=4,o=1}return w=!0,a(i,f,h.rounding,e)},S.times=function(e,n){var r,t,i=this,o=i.constructor,s=i.c,c=(v=11,e=new o(e,n),e.c),u=N(i.e/y),l=N(e.e/y),f=i.s;if(n=e.s,e.s=f==n?1:-1,!((u||s&&s[0])&&(l||c&&c[0])))return new o(!f||!n||s&&!s[0]&&!c||c&&!c[0]&&!s?0/0:s&&c?0*e.s:e.s/0);for(t=u+l,f=s.length,n=c.length,n>f&&(r=s,s=c,c=r,l=f,f=n,n=l),l=f+n,r=[];l--;r.push(0));for(u=n-1;u>-1;u--){for(n=0,l=f+u;l>u;)n=r[l]+c[u]*s[l-u-1]+n,r[l--]=n%b|0,n=n/b|0;r[l]=(r[l]+n)%b|0}for(n?++t:r[0]||r.shift(),l=r.length;!r[--l];r.pop());for(e.c=r,f=1,n=r[0];n>=10;n/=10,f++);return e.e=f+t*y-1,w?a(e,o.precision,o.rounding):e},S.toDecimalPlaces=S.toDP=function(e,n){var r=this;return r=new r.constructor(r),null!=e&&i(r,e,"toDP")?a(r,(0|e)+r.e+1,t(r,n,"toDP")):r},S.toExponential=function(e,n){var r=this;return r.c?s(r,null!=e&&i(r,e,"toExponential")?0|e:null,null!=e&&t(r,n,"toExponential"),1):r.toString()},S.toFixed=function(e,n){var r,o=this,c=o.constructor,u=c.toExpNeg,l=c.toExpPos;return null!=e&&(e=i(o,e,r="toFixed")?o.e+(0|e):null,n=t(o,n,r)),c.toExpNeg=-(c.toExpPos=1/0),null!=e&&o.c?(r=s(o,e,n),o.s<0&&o.c&&(o.c[0]?r.indexOf("-")<0&&(r="-"+r):r=r.replace("-",""))):r=o.toString(),c.toExpNeg=u,c.toExpPos=l,r},S.toFormat=function(e,n){var r=this;if(!r.c)return r.toString();var t,i=r.s<0,o=r.constructor.format,s=o.groupSeparator,c=+o.groupSize,u=+o.secondaryGroupSize,l=r.toFixed(e,n).split("."),f=l[0],a=l[1],h=i?f.slice(1):f,g=h.length;if(u&&(t=c,c=u,g-=u=t),c>0&&g>0){for(t=g%c||c,f=h.substr(0,t);g>t;t+=c)f+=s+h.substr(t,c);u>0&&(f+=s+h.slice(t)),i&&(f="-"+f)}return a?f+o.decimalSeparator+((u=+o.fractionGroupSize)?a.replace(new RegExp("\\d{"+u+"}\\B","g"),"$&"+o.fractionGroupSeparator):a):f},S.toFraction=function(e){var r,t,i,o,s,l,f,a,h=this,g=h.constructor,p=r=new g(g.ONE),d=l=new g(0),x=h.c,b=new g(d);if(!x)return h.toString();for(i=b.e=c(x)-h.e-1,b.c[0]=E(10,(f=i%y)<0?y+f:f),(null==e||(!(v=12,s=new g(e)).s||(m=s.cmp(p)<0||!s.c)||g.errors&&N(s.e/y)<s.c.length-1)&&!u(g,"max denominator",e,"toFraction",0)||(e=s).cmp(b)>0)&&(e=i>0?b:p),w=!1,s=new g(n(x)),f=g.precision,g.precision=i=x.length*y*2;a=P(s,b,0,1,1),,1!=t.cmp(e);)r=d,d=t,,l=t,b=s.minus(a.times(t=b)),s=t;return t=P(e.minus(r),d,0,1,1),,,l.s=p.s=h.s,o=P(p,d,i,1).minus(h).abs().cmp(P(l,r,i,1).minus(h).abs())<1?[p+"",d+""]:[l+"",r+""],w=!0,g.precision=f,o},S.toNearest=function(e,n){var r=this,i=r.constructor;return r=new i(r),null==e?(e=new i(i.ONE),n=i.rounding):(v=17,e=new i(e),n=t(r,n,"toNearest")),e.c?r.c&&(e.c[0]?(w=!1,r=P(r,e,0,4>n?[4,5,7,8][n]:n,1).times(e),w=!0,a(r)):r.c=[r.e=0]):r.s&&(e.s&&(e.s=r.s),r=e),r},S.toNumber=function(){var e=this;return+e||(e.s?0*e.s:0/0)},S.toPower=S.pow=function(e,t){var i,s,c,u,h=this,g=h.constructor,p=h.s,m=(v=13,+(e=new g(e,t))),d=0>m?-m:m,x=g.precision,b=g.rounding;if(!h.c||!e.c||(c=!h.c[0])||!e.c[0])return new g(E(c?0*p:+h,m));if(h=new g(h),i=h.c.length,!h.e&&h.c[0]==h.s&&1==i)return h;if(t=e.c.length-1,e.e||e.c[0]!=e.s||t)if(s=N(e.e/y),c=s>=t,!c&&0>p)u=new g(0/0);else{if(c&&F>i*y*d){if(u=l(g,h,d),e.s<0)return g.ONE.div(u)}else{if(p=0>p&&1&e.c[Math.max(s,t)]?-1:1,t=E(+h,m),s=0!=t&&isFinite(t)?new g(t+"").e:N(m*(Math.log("0."+n(h.c))/Math.LN10+h.e+1)),s>g.maxE+1||s<g.minE-1)return new g(s>0?p/0:0);w=!1,g.rounding=h.s=1,d=Math.min(12,(s+"").length),u=o(e.times(f(h,x+d)),x),u=a(u,x+5,1),r(u.c,x,b)&&(s=x+10,u=a(o(e.times(f(h,s+d)),s),s+5,1),+n(u.c).slice(x+1,x+15)+1==1e14&&(u=a(u,x+1,0))),u.s=p,w=!0,g.rounding=b}u=a(u,x,b)}else u=a(h,x,b);return u},S.toPrecision=function(e,n){var r=this;return null!=e&&i(r,e,"toPrecision",1)&&r.c?s(r,0|--e,t(r,n,"toPrecision"),2):r.toString()},S.toSignificantDigits=S.toSD=function(e,n){var r=this,o=r.constructor;return r=new o(r),null!=e&&i(r,e,"toSD",1)?a(r,0|e,t(r,n,"toSD")):a(r,o.precision,o.rounding)},S.toString=function(e){var r,t,i,o=this,c=o.constructor,l=o.e;if(null===l)t=o.s?"Infinity":"NaN";else{if(e===r&&(l<=c.toExpNeg||l>=c.toExpPos))return s(o,null,c.rounding,1);if(t=n(o.c),0>l){for(;++l;t="0"+t);t="0."+t}else if(i=t.length,l>0)if(++l>i)for(l-=i;l--;t+="0");else i>l&&(t=t.slice(0,l)+"."+t.slice(l));else if(r=t.charAt(0),i>1)t=r+"."+t.slice(1);else if("0"==r)return r;if(null!=e)if((m=!(e>=2&&65>e))||e!=(0|e)&&c.errors)u(c,"base",e,"toString",0);else if(t=h(c,t,0|e,10,o.s),"0"==t)return t}return o.s<0?"-"+t:t},S.truncated=S.trunc=function(){return a(new this.constructor(this),this.e+1,1)},S.valueOf=S.toJSON=function(){return this.toString()},h=function(){function e(e,n,r){for(var t,i,o=[0],s=0,c=e.length;c>s;){for(i=o.length;i--;o[i]*=n);for(o[t=0]+=O.indexOf(e.charAt(s++));t<o.length;t++)o[t]>r-1&&(null==o[t+1]&&(o[t+1]=0),o[t+1]+=o[t]/r|0,o[t]%=r)}return o.reverse()}return function(n,r,t,i,o){var s,c,u,f,a,h,g=r.indexOf("."),p=n.precision,m=n.rounding;for(37>i&&(r=r.toLowerCase()),g>=0&&(r=r.replace(".",""),h=new n(i),f=l(n,h,r.length-g),h.c=e(f.toFixed(),10,t),h.e=h.c.length),a=e(r,i,t),s=c=a.length;0==a[--c];a.pop());if(!a[0])return"0";if(0>g?s--:(f.c=a,f.e=s,f.s=o,f=P(f,h,p,m,0,t),a=f.c,u=f.r,s=f.e),g=a[p],c=t/2,u=u||null!=a[p+1],4>m?(null!=g||u)&&(0==m||m==(f.s<0?3:2)):g>c||g==c&&(4==m||u||6==m&&1&a[p-1]||m==(f.s<0?8:7)))for(a.length=p,--t;++a[--p]>t;)a[p]=0,p||(++s,a.unshift(1));else a.length=p;for(c=a.length;!a[--c];);for(g=0,r="";c>=g;r+=O.charAt(a[g++]));if(0>s){for(;++s;r="0"+r);r="0."+r}else if(g=r.length,++s>g)for(s-=g;s--;r+="0");else g>s&&(r=r.slice(0,s)+"."+r.slice(s));return r}}();var P=function(){function e(e,n,r){var t,i=0,o=e.length;for(e=e.slice();o--;)t=e[o]*n+i,e[o]=t%r|0,i=t/r|0;return i&&e.unshift(i),e}function n(e,n,r,t){var i,o;if(r!=t)o=r>t?1:-1;else for(i=o=0;r>i;i++)if(e[i]!=n[i]){o=e[i]>n[i]?1:-1;break}return o}function r(e,n,r,t){for(var i=0;r--;)e[r]-=i,i=e[r]<n[r]?1:0,e[r]=i*t+e[r]-n[r];for(;!e[0]&&e.length>1;e.shift());}return function(t,i,o,s,c,u){var l,f,h,g,p,m,d,w,v,E,x,O,S,D,A,F,M,P,R,q=t.constructor,L=t.s==i.s?1:-1,I=t.c,U=i.c;if(!(I&&I[0]&&U&&U[0]))return new q(t.s&&i.s&&(I?!U||I[0]!=U[0]:U)?I&&0==I[0]||!U?0*L:L/0:0/0);for(u?(g=1,f=t.e-i.e):(u=b,g=y,f=N(t.e/g)-N(i.e/g)),P=U.length,F=I.length,v=new q(L),E=v.c=[],h=0;U[h]==(I[h]||0);h++);if(U[h]>(I[h]||0)&&f--,null==o?(L=o=q.precision,s=q.rounding):L=c?o+(t.e-i.e)+1:o,0>L)E.push(1),p=!0;else{if(L=L/g+2|0,h=0,1==P){for(m=0,U=U[0],L++;(F>h||m)&&L--;h++)D=m*u+(I[h]||0),E[h]=D/U|0,m=D%U|0;p=m||F>h}else{for(m=u/(U[0]+1)|0,m>1&&(U=e(U,m,u),I=e(I,m,u),P=U.length,F=I.length),A=P,x=I.slice(0,P),O=x.length;P>O;x[O++]=0);R=U.slice(),R.unshift(0),M=U[0],U[1]>=u/2&&M++;do m=0,l=n(U,x,P,O),0>l?(S=x[0],P!=O&&(S=S*u+(x[1]||0)),m=S/M|0,m>1?(m>=u&&(m=u-1),d=e(U,m,u),w=d.length,O=x.length,l=n(d,x,w,O),1==l&&(m--,r(d,w>P?R:U,w,u))):(0==m&&(l=m=1),d=U.slice()),w=d.length,O>w&&d.unshift(0),r(x,d,O,u),-1==l&&(O=x.length,l=n(U,x,P,O),1>l&&(m++,r(x,O>P?R:U,O,u))),O=x.length):0===l&&(m++,x=[0]),E[h++]=m,l&&x[0]?x[O++]=I[A]||0:(x=[I[A]],O=1);while((A++<F||null!=x[0])&&L--);p=null!=x[0]}E[0]||E.shift()}if(1==g)v.e=f,v.r=+p;else{for(h=1,L=E[0];L>=10;L/=10,h++);v.e=h+f*g-1,a(v,c?o+v.e+1:o,s,p)}return v}}();if(g=function(){function e(e){var n,r,t,i=this,o="config",s=i.errors?parseInt:parseFloat;return e==r||"object"!=typeof e&&!u(i,"object expected",e,o)?i:((t=e[n="precision"])!=r&&((m=1>t||t>A)||s(t)!=t?u(i,n,t,o,0):i[n]=0|t),(t=e[n="rounding"])!=r&&((m=0>t||t>8)||s(t)!=t?u(i,n,t,o,0):i[n]=0|t),(t=e[n="toExpNeg"])!=r&&((m=-D>t||t>0)||s(t)!=t?u(i,n,t,o,0):i[n]=N(t)),(t=e[n="toExpPos"])!=r&&((m=0>t||t>D)||s(t)!=t?u(i,n,t,o,0):i[n]=N(t)),(t=e[n="minE"])!=r&&((m=-D>t||t>0)||s(t)!=t?u(i,n,t,o,0):i[n]=N(t)),(t=e[n="maxE"])!=r&&((m=0>t||t>D)||s(t)!=t?u(i,n,t,o,0):i[n]=N(t)),(t=e[n="errors"])!=r&&(t===!!t||1===t||0===t?(m=v=0,i[n]=!!t):u(i,n,t,o,1)),(t=e[n="crypto"])!=r&&(t===!!t||1===t||0===t?i[n]=!(!t||!d||"object"!=typeof d):u(i,n,t,o,1)),(t=e[n="modulo"])!=r&&((m=0>t||t>9)||s(t)!=t?u(i,n,t,o,0):i[n]=0|t),(e=e[n="format"])!=r&&("object"==typeof e?i[n]=e:u(i,"format object expected",e,o)),i)}function n(e){return new this(e).exp()}function r(e){return new this(e).ln()}function t(e,n){return new this(e).log(n)}function o(e,n,r){var t,i,o=0;for("[object Array]"[0])&&(n=n[0]),t=new e(n[0]);++o<n.length;){if(i=new e(n[o]),!i.s){t=i;break}t[r](i)&&(t=i)}return t}function s(){return o(this,arguments,"lt")}function c(){return o(this,arguments,"gt")}function l(e,n){return new this(e).pow(n)}function f(e){var n,r,t,o=0,s=[],c=this,l=new c(c.ONE);if(null!=e&&i(l,e,"random")?e|=0:e=c.precision,r=Math.ceil(e/y),c.crypto)if(d&&d.getRandomValues)for(n=d.getRandomValues(new Uint32Array(r));r>o;)t=n[o],t>=429e7?n[o]=d.getRandomValues(new Uint32Array(1))[0]:s[o++]=t%1e7;else if(d&&d.randomBytes){for(n=d.randomBytes(r*=4);r>o;)t=n[o]+(n[o+1]<<8)+(n[o+2]<<16)+((127&n[o+3])<<24),t>=214e7?d.randomBytes(4).copy(n,o):(s.push(t%1e7),o+=4);o=r/4}else u(c,"crypto unavailable",d,"random");if(!o)for(;r>o;)s[o++]=1e7*Math.random()|0;for(r=s[--o],e%=y,r&&e&&(t=E(10,y-e),s[o]=(r/t|0)*t);0===s[o];o--)s.pop();if(0>o)s=[r=0];else{for(r=-1;0===s[0];)s.shift(),r-=y;for(o=1,t=s[0];t>=10;)t/=10,o++;y>o&&(r-=y-o)}return l.e=r,l.c=s,l}function g(e){return new this(e).sqrt()}function p(i){function o(e,n){var r=this;if(!(r instanceof o))return u(o,"Decimal called without new",e),new o(e,n);if(r.constructor=o,e instanceof o){if(null==n)return v=0,r.s=e.s,r.e=e.e,r.c=(e=e.c)?e.slice():e,r;if(10==n)return a(new o(e),o.precision,o.rounding);e+=""}return b(o,r,e,n)}return o.precision=20,o.rounding=4,o.modulo=1,o.toExpNeg=-7,o.toExpPos=21,o.minE=-D,o.maxE=D,o.errors=!0,o.crypto=!1,o.format={decimalSeparator:".",groupSeparator:",",groupSize:3,secondaryGroupSize:0,fractionGroupSeparator:" ",fractionGroupSize:0},o.prototype=S,o.ONE=new o(1),o.ROUND_UP=0,o.ROUND_DOWN=1,o.ROUND_CEIL=2,o.ROUND_FLOOR=3,o.ROUND_HALF_UP=4,o.ROUND_HALF_DOWN=5,o.ROUND_HALF_EVEN=6,o.ROUND_HALF_CEIL=7,o.ROUND_HALF_FLOOR=8,o.EUCLID=9,o.config=e,o.constructor=p,o.exp=n,o.ln=r,o.log=t,o.max=s,o.min=c,o.pow=l,o.sqrt=g,o.random=f,null!=i&&o.config(i),o}var b=function(){var e=/^-?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+)(e[+-]?\d+)?$/i,n=String.prototype.trim||function(){return this.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,"")};return function(r,t,i,o){var s,c,l,f,g,p;if("string"!=typeof i&&(i=(f="number"==typeof i||"[object Number]">1/i?"-0":i+""),g=i,null==o&&e.test(i))t.s=45===i.charCodeAt(0)?(i=i.slice(1),-1):1;else{if(10==o)return a(new r(i),r.precision,r.rounding);if(^\+(?!-)/,""),t.s=45===i.charCodeAt(0)?(i=i.replace(/^-(?!-)/,""),-1):1,null!=o?o!=(0|o)&&r.errors||(m=!(o>=2&&65>o))?(u(r,"base",o,0,0),p=e.test(i)):(s="["+O.slice(0,o=0|o)+"]+",i=i.replace(/\.$/,"").replace(/^\./,"0."),(p=new RegExp("^"+s+"(?:\\."+s+")?$",37>o?"i":"").test(i))?(f&&(i.replace(/^0\.0*|\./,"").length>15&&u(r,0,g),f=!f),i=h(r,i,10,o,t.s)):"Infinity"!=i&&"NaN"!=i&&(u(r,"not a base "+o+" number",g),i="NaN")):p=e.test(i),!p)return t.c=t.e=null,"Infinity"!=i&&("NaN"!=i&&u(r,"not a number",g),t.s=null),v=0,t}for((c=i.indexOf("."))>-1&&(i=i.replace(".","")),(>0?(0>c&&(c=l),c+=+i.slice(l+1),i=i.substring(0,l)):0>c&&(c=i.length),l=0;48===i.charCodeAt(l);l++);for(o=i.length;48===i.charCodeAt(--o););if(i=i.slice(l,o+1)){if(o=i.length,f&&o>15&&u(r,0,g),t.e=c=c-l-1,t.c=[],l=(c+1)%y,0>c&&(l+=y),o>l){for(l&&t.c.push(+i.slice(0,l)),o-=y;o>l;)t.c.push(+i.slice(l,l+=y));i=i.slice(l),l=y-i.length}else l-=o;for(;l--;i+="0");t.c.push(+i),w&&(t.e>r.maxE?t.c=t.e=null:t.e<r.minE&&(t.c=[t.e=0]))}else t.c=[t.e=0];return v=0,t}}();return p()}(),"function"==typeof define&&define.amd)define(function(){return g});else if("undefined"!=typeof module&&module.exports){if(module.exports=g,!d)try{d=require("crypto")}catch(R){}}else p=e.Decimal,g.noConflict=function(){return e.Decimal=p,g},Bridge.$Decimal=g}(this);(function(){Bridge.Decimal=function(v,provider){if(this.constructor!=Bridge.Decimal){return new Bridge.Decimal(v);}
-if(typeof v==='string'){provider=provider||Bridge.CultureInfo.getCurrentCulture();var nfInfo=provider&&provider.getFormat(Bridge.NumberFormatInfo);if(nfInfo&&nfInfo.numberDecimalSeparator!=="."){v=v.replace(nfInfo.numberDecimalSeparator,".");}
-if(!/^\s*[+-]?(\d+|\d*\.\d+)(e|E[+-]?\d+)?\s*$/.test(v)){throw new Bridge.FormatException();}
-Bridge.Decimal.$$name="Bridge.Decimal";Bridge.Decimal.prototype.$$name="Bridge.Decimal";Bridge.Decimal.$$inherits=[];Bridge.Class.addExtend(Bridge.Decimal,[Bridge.IComparable,Bridge.IFormattable,Bridge.IComparable$1(Bridge.Decimal),Bridge.IEquatable$1(Bridge.Decimal)]);Bridge.Decimal.getDefaultValue=function(){return new Bridge.Decimal(0);};Bridge.Decimal.getValue=function(d){if(!Bridge.hasValue(d)){return null;}
-if(d instanceof Bridge.Decimal){return d.value;}
-return new Bridge.$Decimal(d);};Bridge.Decimal.create=function(d){if(!Bridge.hasValue(d)){return null;}
-if(d instanceof Bridge.Decimal){return d;}
-return new Bridge.Decimal(d);};Bridge.Decimal.lift=function(d){return d==null?null:Bridge.Decimal.create(d);};Bridge.Decimal.prototype.toString=function(format,provider){if(!format&&!provider){return this.value.toString();}
-return Bridge.Int.format(this.toFloat(),format,provider);};Bridge.Decimal.prototype.toFloat=function(){return this.value.toNumber();};Bridge.Decimal.prototype.format=function(fmt,provider){return Bridge.Int.format(this.toFloat(),format,provider);};Bridge.Decimal.prototype.decimalPlaces=function(){return this.value.decimalPlaces();};Bridge.Decimal.prototype.dividedToIntegerBy=function(d){return new Bridge.Decimal(this.value.dividedToIntegerBy(Bridge.Decimal.getValue(d)));};Bridge.Decimal.prototype.exponential=function(){return new Bridge.Decimal(this.value.exponential());};Bridge.Decimal.prototype.abs=function(){return new Bridge.Decimal(this.value.abs());};Bridge.Decimal.prototype.floor=function(){return new Bridge.Decimal(this.value.floor());};Bridge.Decimal.prototype.ceil=function(){return new Bridge.Decimal(this.value.ceil());};Bridge.Decimal.prototype.trunc=function(){return new Bridge.Decimal(this.value.trunc());};Bridge.Decimal.round=function(obj,mode){obj=Bridge.Decimal.create(obj);var old=Bridge.$Decimal.rounding;Bridge.$Decimal.rounding=mode;var d=new Bridge.Decimal(obj.value.round());Bridge.$Decimal.rounding=old;return d;}
-Bridge.Decimal.prototype.compareTo=function(another){return this.value.comparedTo(Bridge.Decimal.getValue(another));};Bridge.Decimal.prototype.add=function(another){return new Bridge.Decimal(;};Bridge.Decimal.prototype.sub=function(another){return new Bridge.Decimal(this.value.minus(Bridge.Decimal.getValue(another)));};Bridge.Decimal.prototype.isZero=function(){return this.value.isZero;};Bridge.Decimal.prototype.mul=function(another){return new Bridge.Decimal(this.value.times(Bridge.Decimal.getValue(another)));};Bridge.Decimal.prototype.div=function(another){return new Bridge.Decimal(this.value.dividedBy(Bridge.Decimal.getValue(another)));};Bridge.Decimal.prototype.mod=function(another){return new Bridge.Decimal(this.value.modulo(Bridge.Decimal.getValue(another)));};Bridge.Decimal.prototype.neg=function(){return new Bridge.Decimal(this.value.negated());};{return new Bridge.Decimal(;};Bridge.Decimal.prototype.dec=function(){return new Bridge.Decimal(this.value.minus(Bridge.Decimal.getValue(1)));};Bridge.Decimal.prototype.sign=function(){return this.value.isZero()?0:(this.value.isNegative()?-1:1);};Bridge.Decimal.prototype.clone=function(){return new Bridge.Decimal(this);};{return!!this.compareTo(v);};{return this.compareTo(v)<0;};Bridge.Decimal.prototype.lte=function(v){return this.compareTo(v)<=0;};{return this.compareTo(v)>0;};Bridge.Decimal.prototype.gte=function(v){return this.compareTo(v)>=0;};Bridge.Decimal.prototype.equals=function(v){return!this.compareTo(v);};Bridge.Decimal.prototype.equalsT=function(v){return!this.compareTo(v);};Bridge.Decimal.prototype.getHashCode=function(){var n=(this.sign()*397+this.value.e)|0;for(var i=0;i<this.value.c.length;i++){n=(n*397+this.value.c[i])|0;}
-return n;};Bridge.Decimal.toInt=function(v){if(!v){return null;}
-var i=Bridge.Int.trunc(Bridge.Decimal.getValue(v).toNumber());if(!Bridge.Int.instanceOf(i)){throw new Bridge.OverflowException();}
-return i;};Bridge.Decimal.tryParse=function(s,provider,v){try{v.v=new Bridge.Decimal(s,provider);return true;}catch(e){v.v=new Bridge.Decimal(0);return false;}};Bridge.Decimal.toFloat=function(v){if(!v){return null;}
-return Bridge.Decimal.getValue(v).toNumber();};Bridge.Decimal.setConfig=function(config){Bridge.$Decimal.config(config);};Bridge.Decimal.min=function(){var values=[];for(var i=0,len=arguments.length;i<len;i++){values.push(Bridge.Decimal.getValue(arguments[i]));}
-return new Bridge.Decimal(Bridge.$Decimal.min.apply(Bridge.$Decimal,values));};Bridge.Decimal.max=function(){var values=[];for(var i=0,len=arguments.length;i<len;i++){values.push(Bridge.Decimal.getValue(arguments[i]));}
-return new Bridge.Decimal(Bridge.$Decimal.max.apply(Bridge.$Decimal,values));};Bridge.Decimal.random=function(dp){return new Bridge.Decimal(Bridge.$Decimal.random(dp));};Bridge.Decimal.exp=function(d){return new Bridge.Decimal(Bridge.Decimal.getValue(d).exp());};Bridge.Decimal.exp=function(d){return new Bridge.Decimal(Bridge.Decimal.getValue(d).exp());};Bridge.Decimal.ln=function(d){return new Bridge.Decimal(Bridge.Decimal.getValue(d).ln());};Bridge.Decimal.log=function(d,logBase){return new Bridge.Decimal(Bridge.Decimal.getValue(d).log(logBase));};Bridge.Decimal.pow=function(d,exponent){return new Bridge.Decimal(Bridge.Decimal.getValue(d).pow(exponent));};Bridge.Decimal.sqrt=function(d){return new Bridge.Decimal(Bridge.Decimal.getValue(d).sqrt());};Bridge.Decimal.prototype.isFinite=function(){return this.value.isFinite();};Bridge.Decimal.prototype.isInteger=function(){return this.value.isInteger();};Bridge.Decimal.prototype.isNaN=function(){return this.value.isNaN();};Bridge.Decimal.prototype.isNegative=function(){return this.value.isNegative();};Bridge.Decimal.prototype.isZero=function(){return this.value.isZero();};Bridge.Decimal.prototype.log=function(logBase){return new Bridge.Decimal(this.value.log(logBase));};Bridge.Decimal.prototype.ln=function(){return new Bridge.Decimal(this.value.ln());};Bridge.Decimal.prototype.precision=function(){return this.value.precision();};Bridge.Decimal.prototype.round=function(){return new Bridge.Decimal(this.value.round());};Bridge.Decimal.prototype.sqrt=function(){return new Bridge.Decimal(this.value.sqrt());};Bridge.Decimal.prototype.toDecimalPlaces=function(dp,rm){return new Bridge.Decimal(this.value.toDecimalPlaces(dp,rm));};Bridge.Decimal.prototype.toExponential=function(dp,rm){return this.value.toExponential(dp,rm);};Bridge.Decimal.prototype.toFixed=function(dp,rm){return this.value.toFixed(dp,rm);};Bridge.Decimal.prototype.pow=function(n){return new Bridge.Decimal(this.value.pow(n));};Bridge.Decimal.prototype.toPrecision=function(dp,rm){return this.value.toPrecision(dp,rm);};Bridge.Decimal.prototype.toSignificantDigits=function(dp,rm){return new Bridge.Decimal(this.value.toSignificantDigits(dp,rm));};Bridge.Decimal.prototype.valueOf=function(){return this.value.valueOf();};Bridge.Decimal.prototype.toFormat=function(dp,rm,provider){var old=Bridge.$Decimal.format,d;if(provider&&!provider.getFormat){var oldConfig=Bridge.merge({},old||{});Bridge.$Decimal.format=Bridge.merge(oldConfig,provider);d=this.value.toFormat(dp,rm);}else{provider=provider||Bridge.CultureInfo.getCurrentCulture();var nfInfo=provider&&provider.getFormat(Bridge.NumberFormatInfo);if(nfInfo){Bridge.$Decimal.format.decimalSeparator=nfInfo.numberDecimalSeparator;Bridge.$Decimal.format.groupSeparator=nfInfo.numberGroupSeparator;Bridge.$Decimal.format.groupSize=nfInfo.numberGroupSizes[0];}
-Bridge.$Decimal.format=old;return d;};Bridge.$Decimal.config({precision:29});Bridge.Decimal.Zero=Bridge.Decimal(0);Bridge.Decimal.One=Bridge.Decimal(1);Bridge.Decimal.MinusOne=Bridge.Decimal(-1);Bridge.Decimal.MinValue=Bridge.Decimal("-79228162514264337593543950335");Bridge.Decimal.MaxValue=Bridge.Decimal("79228162514264337593543950335");})();
-(function(){var date={utcNow:function(){var d=new Date();return new Date(d.getUTCFullYear(),d.getUTCMonth(),d.getUTCDate(),d.getUTCHours(),d.getUTCMinutes(),d.getUTCSeconds(),d.getUTCMilliseconds());},today:function(){var d=new Date();return new Date(d.getFullYear(),d.getMonth(),d.getDate());},isUseGenitiveForm:function(format,index,tokenLen,patternToMatch){var i,repeat=0;for(i=index-1;i>=0&&format[i]!=patternToMatch;i--){}
-if(repeat<=1){return true;}}
-if(repeat<=1){return true;}}
-return false;},format:function(date,format,provider){var me=this,df=(provider||Bridge.CultureInfo.getCurrentCulture()).getFormat(Bridge.DateTimeFormatInfo),year=date.getFullYear(),month=date.getMonth(),dayOfMonth=date.getDate(),dayOfWeek=date.getDay(),hour=date.getHours(),minute=date.getMinutes(),second=date.getSeconds(),millisecond=date.getMilliseconds(),timezoneOffset=date.getTimezoneOffset(),formats;format=format||"G";if(format.length==1){formats=df.getAllDateTimePatterns(format,true);format=formats?formats[0]:format;}
-else if(format.length==2&&format.charAt(0)=="%"){format=format.charAt(1);}
-return format.replace(/(\\.|'[^']*'|"[^"]*"|d{1,4}|M{1,4}|yyyy|yy|y|HH?|hh?|mm?|ss?|tt?|f{1,3}|z{1,3}|\:|\/)/g,function(match,group,index){var part=match;switch(match){case"dddd":part=df.dayNames[dayOfWeek];break;case"ddd":part=df.abbreviatedDayNames[dayOfWeek];break;case"dd":part=dayOfMonth<10?"0"+dayOfMonth:dayOfMonth;break;case"d":part=dayOfMonth;break;case"MMMM":if(me.isUseGenitiveForm(format,index,4,"d")){part=df.monthGenitiveNames[month];}
-else if(match=="hh"&&part.length==1){part="0"+part;}
-else if(match=="f"){part=part.charAt(0);}
-return part;});},parse:function(value,provider,utc,silent){var dt=Date.parse(value);if(!isNaN(dt)){return new Date(dt);}
-return this.parseExact(value,null,provider,utc,silent);},parseExact:function(str,format,provider,utc,silent){if(!format){format=["G","g","F","f","D","d","R","r","s","S","U","u","O","o","Y","y","M","m","T","t"];}
-if(Bridge.isArray(format)){var i,d;for(i=0;i<format.length;i++){d=Bridge.Date.parseExact(str,format[i],provider,utc,true);if(d!=null){return d;}}
-if(silent){return null;}
-throw new Bridge.FormatException("String does not contain a valid string representation of a date and time.");}
-var df=(provider||Bridge.CultureInfo.getCurrentCulture()).getFormat(Bridge.DateTimeFormatInfo),am=df.amDesignator,pm=df.pmDesignator,idx=0,index=0,i,c,token,year=0,month=1,date=1,hh=0,mm=0,ss=0,ff=0,tt="",zzh=0,zzm=0,zzi,sign,neg,names,name,invalid=false,inQuotes=false,tokenMatched;if(str==null){throw new Bridge.ArgumentNullException("str");}
-else if(format.length==2&&format.charAt(0)=="%"){format=format.charAt(1);}
-else if(token=="yy"){year=this.subparseInt(str,idx,2,2);}
-else if(token=="y"){year=this.subparseInt(str,idx,2,4);}
-else if(token=="MMM"||token=="MMMM"){month=0;if(token==="MMM"){if(this.isUseGenitiveForm(format,index,3,"d")){names=df.abbreviatedMonthGenitiveNames;}
-else if(token=="MM"||token=="M"){month=this.subparseInt(str,idx,token.length,2);if(month==null||month<1||month>12){invalid=true;break;}
-else if(token=="dddd"||token=="ddd"){names=token==="ddd"?df.abbreviatedDayNames:df.dayNames;for(i=0;i<names.length;i++){name=names[i];if(str.substring(idx,idx+name.length).toLowerCase()==name.toLowerCase()){idx+=name.length;break;}}}
-else if(token=="dd"||token=="d"){date=this.subparseInt(str,idx,token.length,2);if(date==null||date<1||date>31){invalid=true;break;}
-else if(token=="hh"||token=="h"){hh=this.subparseInt(str,idx,token.length,2);if(hh==null||hh<1||hh>12){invalid=true;break;}
-else if(token=="HH"||token=="H"){hh=this.subparseInt(str,idx,token.length,2);if(hh==null||hh<0||hh>23){invalid=true;break;}
-else if(token=="mm"||token=="m"){mm=this.subparseInt(str,idx,token.length,2);if(mm==null||mm<0||mm>59){return null;}
-else if(token=="ss"||token=="s"){ss=this.subparseInt(str,idx,token.length,2);if(ss==null||ss<0||ss>59){invalid=true;break;}
-else if(token=="u"){ff=this.subparseInt(str,idx,1,7);if(ff==null){invalid=true;break;}
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-else if(token=="t"){if(str.substring(idx,idx+1).toLowerCase()==am.charAt(0).toLowerCase()){tt=am;}
-else if(str.substring(idx,idx+1).toLowerCase()==pm.charAt(0).toLowerCase()){tt=pm;}
-else if(token=="tt"){if(str.substring(idx,idx+2).toLowerCase()==am.toLowerCase()){tt=am;}
-else if(str.substring(idx,idx+2).toLowerCase()==pm.toLowerCase()){tt=pm;}
-else if(token=="z"||token=="zz"){sign=str.charAt(idx);if(sign=="-"){neg=true;}
-else if(sign=="+"){neg=false;}
-else if(token=="zzz"){name=str.substring(idx,idx+6);idx+=6;if(name.length!=6){invalid=true;break;}
-else if(sign=="+"){neg=false;}
-else if(month==2){if(((year%4==0)&&(year%100!=0))||(year%400==0)){if(date>29){invalid=true;}}
-else if(date>28){invalid=true;}}
-else if((month==4)||(month==6)||(month==9)||(month==11)){if(date>30){invalid=true;}}}
-if(invalid){if(silent){return null;}
-throw new Bridge.FormatException("String does not contain a valid string representation of a date and time.");}
-else if(hh>11&&tt==am){hh-=12;}
-if(zzh==0&&zzm==0&&!utc){return new Date(year,month-1,date,hh,mm,ss,ff);}
-return new Date(Date.UTC(year,month-1,date,hh-zzh,mm-zzm,ss,ff));},subparseInt:function(str,index,min,max){var x,token;for(x=max;x>=min;x--){token=str.substring(index,index+x);if(token.length<min){return null;}
-if(/^\d+$/.test(token)){return token;}}
-return null;},tryParse:function(value,provider,result,utc){result.v=this.parse(value,provider,utc,true);if(result.v==null){result.v=new Date(-864e13);return false;}
-return true;},tryParseExact:function(value,format,provider,result,utc){result.v=this.parseExact(value,format,provider,utc,true);if(result.v==null){result.v=new Date(-864e13);return false;}
-return true;},isDaylightSavingTime:function(dt){var;temp.setMonth(0);temp.setDate(1);return temp.getTimezoneOffset()!=dt.getTimezoneOffset();},toUTC:function(date){return new Date(date.getUTCFullYear(),date.getUTCMonth(),date.getUTCDate(),date.getUTCHours(),date.getUTCMinutes(),date.getUTCSeconds(),date.getUTCMilliseconds());},toLocal:function(date){return new Date(Date.UTC(date.getFullYear(),date.getMonth(),date.getDate(),date.getHours(),date.getMinutes(),date.getSeconds(),date.getMilliseconds()));}};Bridge.Date=date;})();
-Bridge.define('Bridge.TimeSpan',{inherits:[Bridge.IComparable],statics:{fromDays:function(value){return new Bridge.TimeSpan(value*864e9);},fromHours:function(value){return new Bridge.TimeSpan(value*36e9);},fromMilliseconds:function(value){return new Bridge.TimeSpan(value*1e4);},fromMinutes:function(value){return new Bridge.TimeSpan(value*6e8);},fromSeconds:function(value){return new Bridge.TimeSpan(value*1e7);},fromTicks:function(value){return new Bridge.TimeSpan(value);},constructor:function(){ Bridge.TimeSpan(0);this.maxValue=new Bridge.TimeSpan(864e13);this.minValue=new Bridge.TimeSpan(-864e13);},getDefaultValue:function(){return new Bridge.TimeSpan(0);}},constructor:function(){this.ticks=0;if(arguments.length==1){this.ticks=arguments[0];}
-else if(arguments.length==3){this.ticks=(((arguments[0]*60+arguments[1])*60)+arguments[2])*1e7;}
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-return result;}});Bridge.Class.addExtend(Bridge.TimeSpan,[Bridge.IComparable$1(Bridge.TimeSpan),Bridge.IEquatable$1(Bridge.TimeSpan)]);
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-return s;},append:function(value){if(value==null){return this;}
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-else if(arguments.length==3){var startIndex=arguments[1],count=arguments[2];if(count==0){return this;}
-this.buffer[this.buffer.length]=value;return this;},appendFormat:function(format){return this.append(Bridge.String.format.apply(Bridge.String,arguments));},clear:function(){this.buffer=[];return this;},appendLine:function(){if(arguments.length==1){this.append(arguments[0]);}
-return this.append("\r\n");},equals:function(sb){if(sb==null){return false;}
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-return this;},insert:function(index,value){if(value==null){return this;}
-if(arguments.length==3){var count=arguments[2];if(count==0){return this;}
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-return this;},replace:function(oldValue,newValue){var r=new RegExp(oldValue,'g'),s=this.buffer.join('');this.buffer=[];if(arguments.length==4){var startIndex=arguments[2],count=arguments[3],b=s.substr(startIndex,count);this.checkLimits(s,startIndex,count);this.buffer[0]=s.substring(0,startIndex);this.buffer[1]=b.replace(r,newValue);this.buffer[2]=s.substring(startIndex+count,s.length);}
-return this;},checkLimits:function(value,startIndex,length){if(length<0){throw new Bridge.ArgumentOutOfRangeException("length","must be non-negative");}
-if(startIndex<0){throw new Bridge.ArgumentOutOfRangeException("startIndex","startIndex cannot be less than zero");}
-if(length>value.length-startIndex){throw new Bridge.ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Index and length must refer to a location within the string");}}});
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-Bridge.define('Bridge.IEnumerable');Bridge.define('Bridge.IEnumerator');Bridge.define('Bridge.IEqualityComparer');Bridge.define('Bridge.ICollection',{inherits:[Bridge.IEnumerable]});Bridge.Class.generic('Bridge.IEnumerator$1',function(T){var $$name=Bridge.Class.genericName('Bridge.IEnumerator$1',T);return Bridge.Class.cache[$$name]||(Bridge.Class.cache[$$name]=Bridge.define($$name,{inherits:[Bridge.IEnumerator]}));});Bridge.Class.generic('Bridge.IEnumerable$1',function(T){var $$name=Bridge.Class.genericName('Bridge.IEnumerable$1',T);return Bridge.Class.cache[$$name]||(Bridge.Class.cache[$$name]=Bridge.define($$name,{inherits:[Bridge.IEnumerable]}));});Bridge.Class.generic('Bridge.ICollection$1',function(T){var $$name=Bridge.Class.genericName('Bridge.ICollection$1',T);return Bridge.Class.cache[$$name]||(Bridge.Class.cache[$$name]=Bridge.define($$name,{inherits:[Bridge.IEnumerable$1(T)]}));});Bridge.Class.generic('Bridge.IEqualityComparer$1',function(T){var $$name=Bridge.Class.genericName('Bridge.IEqualityComparer$1',T);return Bridge.Class.cache[$$name]||(Bridge.Class.cache[$$name]=Bridge.define($$name,{inherits:[Bridge.IEqualityComparer]}));});Bridge.Class.generic('Bridge.IDictionary$2',function(TKey,TValue){var $$name=Bridge.Class.genericName('Bridge.IDictionary$2',TKey,TValue);return Bridge.Class.cache[$$name]||(Bridge.Class.cache[$$name]=Bridge.define($$name,{inherits:[Bridge.IEnumerable$1(Bridge.KeyValuePair$2(TKey,TValue))]}));});Bridge.Class.generic('Bridge.IList$1',function(T){var $$name=Bridge.Class.genericName('Bridge.IList$1',T);return Bridge.Class.cache[$$name]||(Bridge.Class.cache[$$name]=Bridge.define($$name,{inherits:[Bridge.ICollection$1(T)]}));});Bridge.Class.generic('Bridge.IComparer$1',function(T){var $$name=Bridge.Class.genericName('Bridge.IComparer$1',T);return Bridge.Class.cache[$$name]||(Bridge.Class.cache[$$name]=Bridge.define($$name,{}));});Bridge.Class.generic('Bridge.ISet$1',function(T){var $$name=Bridge.Class.genericName('Bridge.ISet$1',T);return Bridge.Class.cache[$$name]||(Bridge.Class.cache[$$name]=Bridge.define($$name,{inherits:[Bridge.ICollection$1(T)]}));});
-Bridge.define("Bridge.CustomEnumerator",{inherits:[Bridge.IEnumerator],constructor:function(moveNext,getCurrent,reset,dispose,scope){this.$moveNext=moveNext;this.$getCurrent=getCurrent;this.$dispose=dispose;this.$reset=reset;this.scope=scope;},moveNext:function(){try{return this.$;}
-catch(ex){;throw ex;}},getCurrent:function(){return this.$;},reset:function(){if(this.$reset){this.$;}},dispose:function(){if(this.$dispose){this.$;}}});
-Bridge.define('Bridge.ArrayEnumerator',{inherits:[Bridge.IEnumerator],constructor:function(array){this.array=array;this.reset();},moveNext:function(){this.index++;return this.index<this.array.length;},getCurrent:function(){return this.array[this.index];},reset:function(){this.index=-1;},dispose:Bridge.emptyFn});Bridge.define('Bridge.ArrayEnumerable',{inherits:[Bridge.IEnumerable],constructor:function(array){this.array=array;},getEnumerator:function(){return new Bridge.ArrayEnumerator(this.array);}});
-Bridge.Class.generic('Bridge.EqualityComparer$1',function(T){var $$name=Bridge.Class.genericName('Bridge.EqualityComparer$1',T);return Bridge.Class.cache[$$name]||(Bridge.Class.cache[$$name]=Bridge.define($$name,{inherits:[Bridge.IEqualityComparer$1(T)],equals:function(x,y){if(!Bridge.isDefined(x,true)){return!Bridge.isDefined(y,true);}
-else if(Bridge.isDefined(y,true)){var isBridge=x&&x.$$name;return(!isBridge||Bridge.isFunction(x.equals))?Bridge.equals(x,y):x===y;}
-return false;},getHashCode:function(obj){return Bridge.isDefined(obj,true)?Bridge.getHashCode(obj):0;}}));});Bridge.EqualityComparer$1.$default=new Bridge.EqualityComparer$1(Object)();
-Bridge.Class.generic('Bridge.Comparer$1',function(T){var $$name=Bridge.Class.genericName('Bridge.Comparer$1',T);return Bridge.Class.cache[$$name]||(Bridge.Class.cache[$$name]=Bridge.define($$name,{inherits:[Bridge.IComparer$1(T)],constructor:function(fn){this.fn=fn;},compare:function(x,y){return this.fn(x,y);}}));});Bridge.Comparer$1.$default=new Bridge.Comparer$1(Object)(function(x,y){if(!Bridge.hasValue(x)){return!Bridge.hasValue(y)?0:-1;}else if(!Bridge.hasValue(y)){return 1;}
-Bridge.Class.generic('Bridge.KeyValuePair$2',function(TKey,TValue){var $$name=Bridge.Class.genericName('Bridge.KeyValuePair$2',TKey,TValue);return Bridge.Class.cache[$$name]||(Bridge.Class.cache[$$name]=Bridge.define($$name,{constructor:function(key,value){this.key=key;this.value=value;}}));});Bridge.Class.generic('Bridge.Dictionary$2',function(TKey,TValue){var $$name=Bridge.Class.genericName('Bridge.Dictionary$2',TKey,TValue);return Bridge.Class.cache[$$name]||(Bridge.Class.cache[$$name]=Bridge.define($$name,{inherits:[Bridge.IDictionary$2(TKey,TValue)],constructor:function(obj,comparer){this.comparer=comparer||Bridge.EqualityComparer$1.$default;this.clear();if(,Bridge.Dictionary$2(TKey,TValue))){var e=Bridge.getEnumerator(obj),c;while(e.moveNext()){c=e.getCurrent();this.add(c.key,c.value);}}
-else if('[object Object]'){var names=Bridge.getPropertyNames(obj),name;for(var i=0;i<names.length;i++){name=names[i];this.add(name,obj[name]);}}},getKeys:function(){return new Bridge.DictionaryCollection$1(TKey)(this,true);},getValues:function(){return new Bridge.DictionaryCollection$1(TValue)(this,false);},clear:function(){this.entries={};this.count=0;},findEntry:function(key){var hash=this.comparer.getHashCode(key),entries,i;if(Bridge.isDefined(this.entries[hash])){entries=this.entries[hash];for(i=0;i<entries.length;i++){if(this.comparer.equals(entries[i].key,key)){return entries[i];}}}},containsKey:function(key){return!!this.findEntry(key);},containsValue:function(value){var e,i;for(e in this.entries){if(this.entries.hasOwnProperty(e)){var entries=this.entries[e];for(i=0;i<entries.length;i++){if(this.comparer.equals(entries[i].value,value)){return true;}}}}
-return false;},get:function(key){var entry=this.findEntry(key);if(!entry){throw new Bridge.KeyNotFoundException('Key '+key+' does not exist.');}
-return entry.value;},getItem:function(key){return get(key);},set:function(key,value,add){var entry=this.findEntry(key),hash;if(entry){if(add){throw new Bridge.ArgumentException('Key '+key+' already exists.');}
-hash=this.comparer.getHashCode(key);entry=new Bridge.KeyValuePair$2(TKey,TValue)(key,value);if(this.entries[hash]){this.entries[hash].push(entry);}
-this.count++;},setItem:function(key,value,add){set(key,value,add);},add:function(key,value){this.set(key,value,true);},remove:function(key){var hash=this.comparer.getHashCode(key),entries,i;if(!this.entries[hash]){return false;}
-entries=this.entries[hash];for(i=0;i<entries.length;i++){if(this.comparer.equals(entries[i].key,key)){entries.splice(i,1);if(entries.length==0){delete this.entries[hash];}
-this.count--;return true;}}
-return false;},getCount:function(){return this.count;},getComparer:function(){return this.comparer;},tryGetValue:function(key,value){var entry=this.findEntry(key);value.v=entry?entry.value:Bridge.getDefaultValue(TValue);return!!entry;},getCustomEnumerator:function(fn){var hashes=Bridge.getPropertyNames(this.entries),hashIndex=-1,keyIndex;return new Bridge.CustomEnumerator(function(){if(hashIndex<0||keyIndex>=(this.entries[hashes[hashIndex]].length-1)){keyIndex=-1;hashIndex++;}
-if(hashIndex>=hashes.length){return false;}
-keyIndex++;return true;},function(){return fn(this.entries[hashes[hashIndex]][keyIndex]);},function(){hashIndex=-1;},null,this);},getEnumerator:function(){return this.getCustomEnumerator(function(e){return e;});}}));});Bridge.Class.generic('Bridge.DictionaryCollection$1',function(T){var $$name=Bridge.Class.genericName('Bridge.DictionaryCollection$1',T);return Bridge.Class.cache[$$name]||(Bridge.Class.cache[$$name]=Bridge.define($$name,{inherits:[Bridge.ICollection$1(T)],constructor:function(dictionary,keys){this.dictionary=dictionary;this.keys=keys;},getCount:function(){return this.dictionary.getCount();},getEnumerator:function(){return this.dictionary.getCustomEnumerator(this.keys?function(e){return e.key;}:function(e){return e.value;});},contains:function(value){return this.keys?this.dictionary.containsKey(value):this.dictionary.containsValue(value);},add:function(v){throw new Bridge.NotSupportedException();},clear:function(){throw new Bridge.NotSupportedException();},remove:function(){throw new Bridge.NotSupportedException();}}));});
-Bridge.Class.generic('Bridge.List$1',function(T){var $$name=Bridge.Class.genericName('Bridge.List$1',T);return Bridge.Class.cache[$$name]||(Bridge.Class.cache[$$name]=Bridge.define($$name,{inherits:[Bridge.ICollection$1(T),Bridge.ICollection,Bridge.IList$1(T)],constructor:function(obj){if('[object Array]'){this.items=obj;}
-else if(,Bridge.IEnumerable)){this.items=Bridge.toArray(obj);}
-else{this.items=[];}},checkIndex:function(index){if(index<0||index>(this.items.length-1)){throw new Bridge.ArgumentOutOfRangeException('Index out of range');}},getCount:function(){return this.items.length;},get:function(index){this.checkIndex(index);return this.items[index];},getItem:function(index){return this.get(index);},set:function(index,value){this.checkReadOnly();this.checkIndex(index);this.items[index]=value;},setItem:function(index,value){this.set(index,value);},add:function(value){this.checkReadOnly();this.items.push(value);},addRange:function(items){this.checkReadOnly();var array=Bridge.toArray(items),i,len;for(i=0,len=array.length;i<len;++i){this.items.push(array[i]);}},clear:function(){this.checkReadOnly();this.items=[];},indexOf:function(item,startIndex){var i,el;if(!Bridge.isDefined(startIndex)){startIndex=0;}
-for(i=startIndex;i<this.items.length;i++){el=this.items[i];if(el===item||Bridge.EqualityComparer$1.$default.equals(el,item)){return i;}}
-var array=Bridge.toArray(items);for(var i=0;i<array.length;i++){this.insert(index++,array[i]);}},contains:function(item){return this.indexOf(item)>-1;},getEnumerator:function(){return new Bridge.ArrayEnumerator(this.items);},getRange:function(index,count){if(!Bridge.isDefined(index)){index=0;}
-this.checkIndex(index+count-1);var result=[],i;for(i=index;i<count;i++){result.push(this.items[i]);}
-return result;},insert:function(index,item){this.checkReadOnly();if(index!=0){this.checkIndex(index);}
-if(Bridge.isArray(item)){for(var i=0;i<item.length;i++){this.insert(index++,item[i]);}}
-else{this.items.splice(index,0,item);}},join:function(delimeter){return this.items.join(delimeter);},lastIndexOf:function(item,fromIndex){if(!Bridge.isDefined(fromIndex)){fromIndex=this.items.length-1;}
-for(var i=fromIndex;i>=0;i--){if(item===this.items[i]){return i;}}
-return-1;},remove:function(item){this.checkReadOnly();var index=this.indexOf(item);if(index<0)
-return false;this.checkIndex(index);this.items.splice(index,1);return true;},removeAt:function(index){this.checkReadOnly();this.checkIndex(index);this.items.splice(index,1);},removeRange:function(index,count){this.checkReadOnly();this.checkIndex(index);this.items.splice(index,count);},reverse:function(){this.checkReadOnly();this.items.reverse();},slice:function(start,end){this.checkReadOnly();return new Bridge.List$1(this.$$name.substr(this.$$name.lastIndexOf('$')+1))(this.items.slice(start,end));},sort:function(comparison){this.checkReadOnly();this.items.sort(comparison);},splice:function(start,count,items){this.checkReadOnly();this.items.splice(start,count,items);},unshift:function(){this.checkReadOnly();this.items.unshift();},toArray:function(){return Bridge.toArray(this);},checkReadOnly:function(){if(this.readOnly){throw new Bridge.NotSupportedException();}}}));});Bridge.Class.generic('Bridge.ReadOnlyCollection$1',function(T){var $$name=Bridge.Class.genericName('Bridge.ReadOnlyCollection$1',T);return Bridge.Class.cache[$$name]||(Bridge.Class.cache[$$name]=Bridge.define($$name,{inherits:[Bridge.List$1(T)],constructor:function(list){if(list==null){throw new Bridge.ArgumentNullException("list");}
-Bridge.define('Bridge.Task',{constructor:function(action,state){this.action=action;this.state=state;this.error=null;this.status=Bridge.TaskStatus.created;this.callbacks=[];this.result=null;},statics:{delay:function(delay,state){var task=new Bridge.Task();setTimeout(function(){task.setResult(state);},delay);return task;},fromResult:function(result){var task=new Bridge.Task();t.status=Bridge.TaskStatus.ranToCompletion;t.result=result;return t;},run:function(fn){var task=new Bridge.Task();setTimeout(function(){try{task.setResult(fn());}
-catch(e){task.setError(e);}},0);return task;},whenAll:function(tasks){var task=new Bridge.Task(),result,executing=tasks.length,cancelled=false,errors=[],i;if(!Bridge.isArray(tasks)){,0);}
-if(tasks.length===0){task.setResult([]);return task;}
-result=new Array(tasks.length);for(i=0;i<tasks.length;i++){tasks[i].$index=i;tasks[i].continueWith(function(t){switch(t.status){case Bridge.TaskStatus.ranToCompletion:result[t.$index]=t.getResult();break;case Bridge.TaskStatus.canceled:cancelled=true;break;case Bridge.TaskStatus.faulted:errors.push(t.error);break;default:throw new Bridge.InvalidOperationException('Invalid task status: '+t.status);}
-else if(cancelled){task.setCanceled();}
-return task;},whenAny:function(tasks){if(!Bridge.isArray(tasks)){,0);}
-if(!tasks.length){throw new Bridge.ArgumentException('At least one task is required');}
-var task=new Bridge.Task(),i;for(i=0;i<tasks.length;i++){tasks[i].continueWith(function(t){switch(t.status){case Bridge.TaskStatus.ranToCompletion:task.complete(t);break;case Bridge.TaskStatus.canceled:task.cancel();break;case;break;default:throw new Bridge.InvalidOperationException('Invalid task status: '+t.status);}});}
-return task;},fromCallback:function(target,method){var task=new Bridge.Task(),,2),callback;callback=function(value){task.setResult(value);};args.push(callback);target[method].apply(target,args);return task;},fromCallbackResult:function(target,method,resultHandler){var task=new Bridge.Task(),,3),callback;callback=function(value){task.setResult(value);};resultHandler(args,callback);target[method].apply(target,args);return task;},fromCallbackOptions:function(target,method,name){var task=new Bridge.Task(),,3),callback;callback=function(value){task.setResult(value);};args[0]=args[0]||{};args[0][name]=callback;target[method].apply(target,args);return task;},fromPromise:function(promise,handler,errorHandler){var task=new Bridge.Task();if(!promise.then){promise=promise.promise();}
-promise.then(function(){task.setResult(handler?handler.apply(null,arguments):arguments);},function(){task.setError(errorHandler?errorHandler.apply(null,arguments):new Error(,0)));});return task;}},continueWith:function(continuationAction,raise){var task=new Bridge.Task(),me=this,fn=raise?function(){task.setResult(continuationAction(me));}:function(){try{task.setResult(continuationAction(me));}
-return task;},start:function(){if(this.status!==Bridge.TaskStatus.created){throw new Error('Task was already started.');}
-var me=this;this.status=Bridge.TaskStatus.running;setTimeout(function(){try{var result=me.action(me.state);delete me.action;delete me.state;me.complete(result);}
-catch(e){;}},0);},runCallbacks:function(){var me=this;setTimeout(function(){for(var i=0;i<me.callbacks.length;i++){me.callbacks[i](me);}
-delete me.callbacks;},0);},complete:function(result){if(this.isCompleted()){return false;}
-this.result=result;this.status=Bridge.TaskStatus.ranToCompletion;this.runCallbacks();return true;},fail:function(error){if(this.isCompleted()){return false;}
-this.error=error;this.status=Bridge.TaskStatus.faulted;this.runCallbacks();return true;},cancel:function(){if(this.isCompleted()){return false;}
-this.status=Bridge.TaskStatus.canceled;this.runCallbacks();return true;},isCanceled:function(){return this.status===Bridge.TaskStatus.canceled;},isCompleted:function(){return this.status==Bridge.TaskStatus.ranToCompletion||this.status==Bridge.TaskStatus.canceled||this.status==Bridge.TaskStatus.faulted;},isFaulted:function(){return this.status===Bridge.TaskStatus.faulted;},getResult:function(){switch(this.status){case Bridge.TaskStatus.ranToCompletion:return this.result;case Bridge.TaskStatus.canceled:throw new Error('Task was cancelled.');case Bridge.TaskStatus.faulted:throw this.error;default:throw new Error('Task is not yet completed.');}},setCanceled:function(){if(!this.cancel()){throw new Error('Task was already completed.');}},setResult:function(result){if(!this.complete(result)){throw new Error('Task was already completed.');}},setError:function(error){if(!{throw new Error('Task was already completed.');}},dispose:function(){},getAwaiter:function(){return this;}});Bridge.define('Bridge.TaskStatus',{$statics:{created:0,waitingForActivation:1,waitingToRun:2,running:3,waitingForChildrenToComplete:4,ranToCompletion:5,canceled:6,faulted:7}});
-(function(){var validation={isNull:function(value){return!Bridge.isDefined(value,true);},isEmpty:function(value){return value==null||value.length===0||,Bridge.ICollection)?value.getCount()==0:false;},isNotEmptyOrWhitespace:function(value){return Bridge.isDefined(value,true)&&!(/^$|\s+/.test(value));},isNotNull:function(value){return Bridge.isDefined(value,true);},isNotEmpty:function(value){return!Bridge.Validation.isEmpty(value);},email:function(value){var re=/^(")?(?:[^\."])(?:(?:[\.])?(?:[\w\-!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~]))*\1@(\w[\-\w]*\.){1,5}([A-Za-z]){2,6}$/;return re.test(value);},url:function(value){var re=/(((^https?)|(^ftp)):\/\/((([\-\w]+\.)+\w{2,3}(\/[%\-\w]+(\.\w{2,})?)*(([\w\-\.\?\\\/+@&#;`~=%!]*)(\.\w{2,})?)*)|(localhost|LOCALHOST))\/?)/i;return re.test(value);},alpha:function(value){var re=/^[a-zA-Z_]+$/;return re.test(value);},alphaNum:function(value){var re=/^[a-zA-Z_]+$/;return re.test(value);},creditCard:function(value,type){var re,checksum,i,digit;if(type=="Visa"){re=/^4\d{3}-?\d{4}-?\d{4}-?\d{4}$/;}
-else if(type=="MasterCard"){re=/^5[1-5]\d{2}-?\d{4}-?\d{4}-?\d{4}$/;}
-else if(type=="Discover"){re=/^6011-?\d{4}-?\d{4}-?\d{4}$/;}
-else if(type=="AmericanExpress"){re=/^3[4,7]\d{13}$/;}
-else if(type=="DinersClub"){re=/^3[0,6,8]\d{12}$/;}
-else{if(!value||value.length<13||value.length>19){return false;}
-re=/[^0-9 \-]+/;}
-if(!re.test(value)){return false;}
+this.$$initCtor.apply(this, args);
+Class[ctorName].prototype = prototype;
+Class[ctorName].prototype.constructor = Class;
+if (ctorCounter == 0) {
+prototype.$constructor = extend ? function () {
+} : function () { };
+if (ctorCounter > 1) {
+prototype.$multipleCtors = true;
+prototype.$$name = className;
+if (cacheName) {
+Bridge.Class.cache[cacheName] = Class;
+Class.prototype = prototype;
+Class.prototype.constructor = Class;
+Class.$$name = className;
+if (statics) {
+for (name in statics) {
+Class[name] = statics[name];
+if (!extend) {
+extend = [Object];
+Class.$$inherits = extend;
+for (i = 0; i < extend.length; i++) {
+scope = extend[i];
+if (!scope.$$inheritors) {
+scope.$$inheritors = [];
+fn = function () {
+if (Class.$initMembers) {
+if (Class.constructor) {;
+if (document.readyState == "complete" || document.readyState == "loaded") {
+else {
+setTimeout(fn, 0);
+return Class;
+addExtend: function (cls, extend) {
+Array.prototype.push.apply(cls.$$inherits, extend);
+for (i = 0; i < extend.length; i++) {
+scope = extend[i];
+if (!scope.$$inheritors) {
+scope.$$inheritors = [];
+set: function (scope, className, cls) {
+var nameParts = className.split('.'),
+for (i = 0; i < (nameParts.length - 1) ; i++) {
+if (typeof scope[nameParts[i]] == 'undefined') {
+scope[nameParts[i]] = { };
+scope = scope[nameParts[i]];
+name = nameParts[nameParts.length - 1];
+exists = scope[name];
+if (exists) {
+for (key in exists) {
+if (typeof exists[key] === "function" && exists[key].$$name) {
+cls[key] = exists[key];
+scope[name] = cls;
+return scope;
+genericName: function () {
+var name = arguments[0];
+for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
+name += '$' + Bridge.getTypeName(arguments[i]);
+return name;
+generic: function (className, scope, fn) {
+if (!fn) {
+fn = scope;
+scope =;
+Bridge.Class.set(scope, className, fn);
+return fn;
+Bridge.Class = base;
+Bridge.define = Bridge.Class.define;
+Bridge.define('Bridge.Exception', {
+constructor: function (message, innerException) {
+this.message = message;
+this.innerException = innerException;
+this.errorStack = new Error(); = new Bridge.Dictionary$2(Object, Object)();
+getMessage: function () {
+return this.message;
+getInnerException: function () {
+return this.innerException;
+getStackTrace: function () {
+return this.errorStack.stack;
+getData: function () {
+toString: function () {
+return this.getMessage();
+statics: {
+create: function (error) {
+if (, Bridge.Exception)) {
+return error;
+if (error instanceof TypeError) {
+return new Bridge.NullReferenceException(error.message, new Bridge.ErrorException(error));
+else if (error instanceof RangeError) {
+return new Bridge.ArgumentOutOfRangeException(null, error.message, new Bridge.ErrorException(error));
+else if (error instanceof Error) {
+return new Bridge.ErrorException(error);
+else {
+return new Bridge.Exception(error ? error.toString() : null);
+Bridge.define('Bridge.ErrorException', {
+inherits: [Bridge.Exception],
+constructor: function (error) {
+Bridge.Exception.prototype.$, error.message);
+this.errorStack = error;
+this.error = error;
+getError: function () {
+return this.error;
+Bridge.define('Bridge.ArgumentException', {
+inherits: [Bridge.Exception],
+constructor: function (message, paramName, innerException) {
+Bridge.Exception.prototype.$, message || "Value does not fall within the expected range.", innerException);
+this.paramName = paramName;
+getParamName: function () {
+return this.paramName;
+Bridge.define('Bridge.ArgumentNullException', {
+inherits: [Bridge.ArgumentException],
+constructor: function (paramName, message, innerException) {
+if (!message) {
+message = 'Value cannot be null.';
+if (paramName) {
+message += '\nParameter name: ' + paramName;
+Bridge.ArgumentException.prototype.$, message, paramName, innerException);
+Bridge.define('Bridge.ArgumentOutOfRangeException', {
+inherits: [Bridge.ArgumentException],
+constructor: function (paramName, message, innerException, actualValue) {
+if (!message) {
+message = 'Value is out of range.';
+if (paramName) {
+message += '\nParameter name: ' + paramName;
+Bridge.ArgumentException.prototype.$, message, paramName, innerException);
+this.actualValue = actualValue;
+getActualValue: function () {
+return this.actualValue;
+Bridge.define('Bridge.CultureNotFoundException', {
+inherits: [Bridge.ArgumentException],
+constructor: function (paramName, invalidCultureName, message, innerException) {
+if (!message) {
+message = 'Culture is not supported.';
+if (paramName) {
+message += '\nParameter name: ' + paramName;
+if (invalidCultureName) {
+message += '\n' + invalidCultureName + ' is an invalid culture identifier.';
+Bridge.ArgumentException.prototype.$, message, paramName, innerException);
+this.invalidCultureName = invalidCultureName;
+getInvalidCultureName: function () {
+return this.invalidCultureName;
+Bridge.define('Bridge.KeyNotFoundException', {
+inherits: [Bridge.Exception],
+constructor: function (message, innerException) {
+Bridge.Exception.prototype.$, message || "Key not found.", innerException);
+Bridge.define('Bridge.ArithmeticException', {
+inherits: [Bridge.Exception],
+constructor: function (message, innerException) {
+Bridge.Exception.prototype.$, message || "Overflow or underflow in the arithmetic operation.", innerException);
+Bridge.define('Bridge.DivideByZeroException', {
+inherits: [Bridge.ArithmeticException],
+constructor: function (message, innerException) {
+Bridge.ArithmeticException.prototype.$, message || "Division by 0.", innerException);
+Bridge.define('Bridge.OverflowException', {
+inherits: [Bridge.ArithmeticException],
+constructor: function (message, innerException) {
+Bridge.ArithmeticException.prototype.$, message || "Arithmetic operation resulted in an overflow.", innerException);
+Bridge.define('Bridge.FormatException', {
+inherits: [Bridge.Exception],
+constructor: function (message, innerException) {
+Bridge.Exception.prototype.$, message || "Invalid format.", innerException);
+Bridge.define('Bridge.InvalidCastException', {
+inherits: [Bridge.Exception],
+constructor: function (message, innerException) {
+Bridge.Exception.prototype.$, message || "The cast is not valid.", innerException);
+Bridge.define('Bridge.InvalidOperationException', {
+inherits: [Bridge.Exception],
+constructor: function (message, innerException) {
+Bridge.Exception.prototype.$, message || "Operation is not valid due to the current state of the object.", innerException);
+Bridge.define('Bridge.NotImplementedException', {
+inherits: [Bridge.Exception],
+constructor: function (message, innerException) {
+Bridge.Exception.prototype.$, message || "The method or operation is not implemented.", innerException);
+Bridge.define('Bridge.NotSupportedException', {
+inherits: [Bridge.Exception],
+constructor: function (message, innerException) {
+Bridge.Exception.prototype.$, message || "Specified method is not supported.", innerException);
+Bridge.define('Bridge.NullReferenceException', {
+inherits: [Bridge.Exception],
+constructor: function (message, innerException) {
+Bridge.Exception.prototype.$, message || "Object is null.", innerException);
+Bridge.define('Bridge.IFormattable', {
+statics: {
+$is: function (obj) {
+if (Bridge.isNumber(obj)) {
+return true;
+if (Bridge.isDate(obj)) {
+return true;
+return, Bridge.IFormattable, true);
+Bridge.Class.generic('Bridge.IComparable$1', function (T) {
+var $$name = Bridge.Class.genericName('Bridge.IComparable$1', T);
+return Bridge.Class.cache[$$name] || (Bridge.Class.cache[$$name] = Bridge.define($$name));
+Bridge.Class.generic('Bridge.IEquatable$1', function (T) {
+var $$name = Bridge.Class.genericName('Bridge.IEquatable$1', T);
+return Bridge.Class.cache[$$name] || (Bridge.Class.cache[$$name] = Bridge.define($$name));
+Bridge.define("Bridge.DateTimeFormatInfo", {
+inherits: [Bridge.IFormatProvider, Bridge.ICloneable],
+statics: {
+$allStandardFormats: {
+"d": "shortDatePattern",
+"D": "longDatePattern",
+"f": "longDatePattern shortTimePattern",
+"F": "longDatePattern longTimePattern",
+"g": "shortDatePattern shortTimePattern",
+"G": "shortDatePattern longTimePattern",
+"m": "monthDayPattern",
+"M": "monthDayPattern",
+"o": "roundtripFormat",
+"O": "roundtripFormat",
+"r": "rfc1123",
+"R": "rfc1123",
+"s": "sortableDateTimePattern",
+"S": "sortableDateTimePattern1",
+"t": "shortTimePattern",
+"T": "longTimePattern",
+"u": "universalSortableDateTimePattern",
+"U": "longDatePattern longTimePattern",
+"y": "yearMonthPattern",
+"Y": "yearMonthPattern"
+constructor: function () {
+this.invariantInfo = Bridge.merge(new Bridge.DateTimeFormatInfo(), {
+abbreviatedDayNames: ["Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"],
+abbreviatedMonthGenitiveNames: ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec", ""],
+abbreviatedMonthNames: ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec", ""],
+amDesignator: "AM",
+dateSeparator: "/",
+dayNames: ["Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"],
+firstDayOfWeek: 0,
+fullDateTimePattern: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy h:mm:ss tt",
+longDatePattern: "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy",
+longTimePattern: "h:mm:ss tt",
+monthDayPattern: "MMMM dd",
+monthGenitiveNames: ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December", ""],
+monthNames: ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December", ""],
+pmDesignator: "PM",
+rfc1123: "ddd, dd MMM yyyy HH':'mm':'ss 'GMT'",
+shortDatePattern: "M/d/yyyy",
+shortestDayNames: ["Su", "Mo", "Tu", "We", "Th", "Fr", "Sa"],
+shortTimePattern: "h:mm tt",
+sortableDateTimePattern: "yyyy'-'MM'-'dd'T'HH':'mm':'ss",
+sortableDateTimePattern1: "yyyy'-'MM'-'dd",
+timeSeparator: ":",
+universalSortableDateTimePattern: "yyyy'-'MM'-'dd HH':'mm':'ss'Z'",
+yearMonthPattern: "MMMM, yyyy",
+roundtripFormat: "yyyy'-'MM'-'dd'T'HH':'mm':'ss.uzzz"
+getFormat: function (type) {
+switch (type) {
+case Bridge.DateTimeFormatInfo:
+return this;
+return null;
+getAbbreviatedDayName: function (dayofweek) {
+if (dayofweek < 0 || dayofweek > 6) {
+throw new Bridge.ArgumentOutOfRangeException("dayofweek");
+return this.abbreviatedDayNames[dayofweek];
+getAbbreviatedMonthName: function (month) {
+if (month < 1 || month > 13) {
+throw new Bridge.ArgumentOutOfRangeException("month");
+return this.abbreviatedMonthNames[month - 1];
+getAllDateTimePatterns: function (format, returnNull) {
+var f = Bridge.DateTimeFormatInfo.$allStandardFormats,
+result = [];
+if (format) {
+if (!f[format]) {
+if (returnNull) {
+return null;
+throw new Bridge.ArgumentException(null, "format");
+formats = { };
+formats[format] = f[format];
+else {
+formats = f;
+for (f in formats) {
+names = formats[f].split(" ");
+pattern = "";
+for (i = 0; i < names.length; i++) {
+pattern = (i == 0 ? "" : (pattern + " ")) + this[names[i]];
+return result;
+getDayName: function (dayofweek) {
+if (dayofweek < 0 || dayofweek > 6) {
+throw new Bridge.ArgumentOutOfRangeException("dayofweek");
+return this.dayNames[dayofweek];
+getMonthName: function (month) {
+if (month < 1 || month > 13) {
+throw new Bridge.ArgumentOutOfRangeException("month");
+return this.monthNames[month-1];
+getShortestDayName: function (dayOfWeek) {
+if (dayOfWeek < 0 || dayOfWeek > 6) {
+throw new Bridge.ArgumentOutOfRangeException("dayOfWeek");
+return this.shortestDayNames[dayOfWeek];
+clone: function () {
+return Bridge.copy(new Bridge.DateTimeFormatInfo(), this, [
+Bridge.define("Bridge.NumberFormatInfo", {
+inherits: [Bridge.IFormatProvider, Bridge.ICloneable],
+statics: {
+constructor: function () {
+this.numberNegativePatterns = ["(n)", "-n", "- n", "n-", "n -"];
+this.currencyNegativePatterns = ["($n)", "-$n", "$-n", "$n-", "(n$)", "-n$", "n-$", "n$-", "-n $", "-$ n", "n $-", "$ n-", "$ -n", "n- $", "($ n)", "(n $)"];
+this.currencyPositivePatterns = ["$n", "n$", "$ n", "n $"];
+this.percentNegativePatterns = ["-n %", "-n%", "-%n", "%-n", "%n-", "n-%", "n%-", "-% n", "n %-", "% n-", "% -n", "n- %"];
+this.percentPositivePatterns = ["n %", "n%", "%n", "% n"];
+this.invariantInfo = Bridge.merge(new Bridge.NumberFormatInfo(), {
+nanSymbol: "NaN",
+negativeSign: "-",
+positiveSign: "+",
+negativeInfinitySymbol: "-Infinity",
+positiveInfinitySymbol: "Infinity",
+percentSymbol: "%",
+percentGroupSizes: [3],
+percentDecimalDigits: 2,
+percentDecimalSeparator: ".",
+percentGroupSeparator: ",",
+percentPositivePattern: 0,
+percentNegativePattern: 0,
+currencySymbol: "$",
+currencyGroupSizes: [3],
+currencyDecimalDigits: 2,
+currencyDecimalSeparator: ".",
+currencyGroupSeparator: ",",
+currencyNegativePattern: 0,
+currencyPositivePattern: 0,
+numberGroupSizes: [3],
+numberDecimalDigits: 2,
+numberDecimalSeparator: ".",
+numberGroupSeparator: ",",
+numberNegativePattern: 0
+getFormat: function (type) {
+switch (type) {
+case Bridge.NumberFormatInfo:
+return this;
+return null;
+clone: function () {
+return Bridge.copy(new Bridge.NumberFormatInfo(), this, [
+Bridge.define("Bridge.CultureInfo", {
+inherits: [Bridge.IFormatProvider, Bridge.ICloneable],
+statics: {
+constructor: function() {
+this.cultures = this.cultures || {};
+this.invariantCulture = Bridge.merge(new Bridge.CultureInfo("en-US", true), {
+englishName: "English (United States)",
+nativeName: "English (United States)",
+numberFormat: Bridge.NumberFormatInfo.invariantInfo,
+dateTimeFormat: Bridge.DateTimeFormatInfo.invariantInfo
+getCurrentCulture: function () {
+return this.currentCulture;
+setCurrentCulture: function (culture) {
+this.currentCulture = culture;
+Bridge.DateTimeFormatInfo.currentInfo = culture.dateTimeFormat;
+Bridge.NumberFormatInfo.currentInfo = culture.numberFormat;
+getCultureInfo: function (name) {
+if (!name) {
+throw new Bridge.ArgumentNullException("name");
+return this.cultures[name];
+getCultures: function () {
+var names = Bridge.getPropertyNames(this.cultures),
+result = [],
+for (i = 0; i < names.length; i++) {
+return result;
+constructor: function (name, create) { = name;
+if (!Bridge.CultureInfo.cultures) {
+Bridge.CultureInfo.cultures = {};
+if (Bridge.CultureInfo.cultures[name]) {
+Bridge.copy(this, Bridge.CultureInfo.cultures[name], [
+} else {
+if (!create) {
+throw new Bridge.CultureNotFoundException("name", name);
+Bridge.CultureInfo.cultures[name] = this;
+getFormat: function (type) {
+switch (type) {
+case Bridge.NumberFormatInfo:
+return this.numberFormat;
+case Bridge.DateTimeFormatInfo:
+return this.dateTimeFormat;
+return null;
+clone: function () {
+return new Bridge.CultureInfo(;
+/*(function() {
+var createIntType = function(name, min, max) {
+var type = Bridge.define(name, {
+inherits: [Bridge.IComparable, Bridge.IFormattable],
+statics: {
+min: min,
+max: max,
+instanceOf: function (instance) {
+return typeof(instance) === 'number' && Math.round(instance, 0) == instance && instance >= min && instance <= max;
+getDefaultValue: function () {
+return 0;
+parse: function(s) {
+return Bridge.Int.parseInt(s, min, max);
+tryParse: function(s, result) {
+return Bridge.Int.tryParseInt(s, result, min, max);
+format: function(number, format, provider) {
+return Bridge.Int.format(number, format, provider);
+Bridge.Class.addExtend(type, [Bridge.IComparable$1(type), Bridge.IEquatable$1(type)]);
+createIntType('Bridge.Byte', 0, 255);
+createIntType('Bridge.SByte', -128, 127);
+createIntType('Bridge.Int16', -32768, 32767);
+createIntType('Bridge.UInt16', 0, 65535);
+createIntType('Bridge.Int32', -2147483648, 2147483647);
+createIntType('Bridge.UInt32', 0, 4294967295);
+createIntType('Bridge.Int64', -9223372036854775808, 9223372036854775807);
+createIntType('Bridge.UInt64', 0, 18446744073709551615);
+createIntType('Bridge.Char', 0, 65535);
+Bridge.Char.tryParse = function (s, result) {
+var b = s && s.length === 1;
+result.v = b ? s.charCodeAt(0) : 0;
+return b;
+Bridge.Char.parse = function(s) {
+if (!Bridge.hasValue(s)) {
+throw new Bridge.ArgumentNullException('s');
+if (s.length !== 1) {
+throw new Bridge.FormatException();
+return s.charCodeAt(0);
+Bridge.define('Bridge.Int', {
+inherits: [Bridge.IComparable, Bridge.IFormattable],
+statics: {
+instanceOf: function (instance) {
+return typeof(instance) === 'number' && isFinite(instance) && Math.round(instance, 0) == instance;
+getDefaultValue: function () {
+return 0;
+format: function (number, format, provider) {
+var nf = (provider || Bridge.CultureInfo.getCurrentCulture()).getFormat(Bridge.NumberFormatInfo),
+decimalSeparator = nf.numberDecimalSeparator,
+groupSeparator = nf.numberGroupSeparator,
+if (!isFinite(number)) {
+return Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY == number ? nf.negativeInfinitySymbol : nf.positiveInfinitySymbol;
+if (!format) {
+return this.defaultFormat(number, 0, 0, 15, nf, true);
+match = format.match(/^([a-zA-Z])(\d*)$/);
+if (match) {
+fs = match[1].toUpperCase();
+precision = parseInt(match[2], 10);
+precision = precision > 15 ? 15 : precision;
+switch (fs) {
+case "D":
+return this.defaultFormat(number, isNaN(precision) ? 1 : precision, 0, 0, nf, true);
+case "F":
+case "N":
+if (isNaN(precision)) {
+precision = nf.numberDecimalDigits;
+return this.defaultFormat(number, 1, precision, precision, nf, fs == "F");
+case "G":
+case "E":
+var exponent = 0,
+coefficient = Math.abs(number),
+exponentPrefix = match[1],
+exponentPrecision = 3,
+while (coefficient >= 10) {
+coefficient /= 10;
+while (coefficient < 1) {
+coefficient *= 10;
+if (fs == "G") {
+if (exponent > -5 && (!precision || exponent < precision)) {
+minDecimals = precision ? precision - (exponent > 0 ? exponent + 1 : 1) : 0;
+maxDecimals = precision ? precision - (exponent > 0 ? exponent + 1 : 1) : 10;
+return this.defaultFormat(number, 1, minDecimals, maxDecimals, nf, true);
+exponentPrefix = exponentPrefix == "G" ? "E" : "e";
+exponentPrecision = 2;
+minDecimals = (precision || 1) - 1;
+maxDecimals = (precision || 11) - 1;
+} else {
+minDecimals = maxDecimals = isNaN(precision) ? 6 : precision;
+if (exponent >= 0) {
+exponentPrefix += nf.positiveSign;
+else {
+exponentPrefix += nf.negativeSign;
+exponent = -exponent;
+if (number < 0) {
+coefficient *= -1;
+return this.defaultFormat(coefficient, 1, minDecimals, maxDecimals, nf) + exponentPrefix + this.defaultFormat(exponent, exponentPrecision, 0, 0, nf, true);
+case "P":
+if (isNaN(precision)) {
+precision = nf.percentDecimalDigits;
+return this.defaultFormat(number * 100, 1, precision, precision, nf, false, "percent");
+case "X":
+var result = Math.round(number).toString(16);
+if (match[1] == "X") {
+result = result.toUpperCase();
+precision -= result.length;
+while (precision-- > 0) {
+result = "0" + result;
+return result;
+case "C":
+if (isNaN(precision)) {
+precision = nf.currencyDecimalDigits;
+return this.defaultFormat(number, 1, precision, precision, nf, false, "currency");
+case "R":
+return "" + number;
+if (format.indexOf(",.") !== -1 || Bridge.String.endsWith(format, ",")) {
+var count = 0,
+index = format.indexOf(",.");
+if (index == -1) {
+index = format.length - 1;
+while (index > -1 && format.charAt(index) == ",") {
+number /= Math.pow(1000, count);
+if (format.indexOf("%") !== -1) {
+number *= 100;
+groups = format.split(";");
+if (number < 0 && groups.length > 1) {
+number *= -1;
+format = groups[1];
+} else {
+format = groups[!number && groups.length > 2 ? 2 : 0];
+return this.customFormat(number, format, nf, !format.match(/^[^\.]*[0#],[0#]/));
+defaultFormat: function (number, minIntLen, minDecLen, maxDecLen, provider, noGroup, name) {
+name = name || "number";
+var nf = (provider || Bridge.CultureInfo.getCurrentCulture()).getFormat(Bridge.NumberFormatInfo),
+groups = nf[name + "GroupSizes"],
+buffer = "";
+roundingFactor = Math.pow(10, maxDecLen);
+str = "" + (Math.round(Math.abs(number) * roundingFactor) / roundingFactor);
+decimalIndex = str.indexOf(".");
+if (decimalIndex > 0) {
+decimalPart = nf[name + "DecimalSeparator"] + str.substr(decimalIndex + 1);
+str = str.substr(0, decimalIndex);
+if (str.length < minIntLen) {
+str = Array(minIntLen - str.length + 1).join("0") + str;
+if (decimalPart) {
+if ((decimalPart.length - 1) < minDecLen) {
+decimalPart += Array(minDecLen - decimalPart.length + 2).join("0");
+if (maxDecLen == 0) {
+decimalPart = null;
+else if ((decimalPart.length - 1) > maxDecLen) {
+decimalPart = decimalPart.substr(0, maxDecLen + 1);
+groupIndex = 0;
+groupSize = groups[groupIndex];
+if (str.length < groupSize) {
+buffer = str;
+if (decimalPart) {
+buffer += decimalPart;
+else {
+index = str.length;
+done = false;
+sep = noGroup ? "" : nf[name + "GroupSeparator"];
+while (!done) {
+length = groupSize;
+startIndex = index - length;
+if (startIndex < 0) {
+groupSize += startIndex;
+length += startIndex;
+startIndex = 0;
+done = true;
+if (!length) {
+part = str.substr(startIndex, length);
+if (buffer.length) {
+buffer = part + sep + buffer;
+else {
+buffer = part;
+index -= length;
+if (groupIndex < groups.length - 1) {
+groupSize = groups[groupIndex];
+if (decimalPart) {
+buffer += decimalPart;
+if (number < 0) {
+negPattern = Bridge.NumberFormatInfo[name + "NegativePatterns"][nf[name + "NegativePattern"]];
+return negPattern.replace("-", nf.negativeSign).replace("%", nf.percentSymbol).replace("$", nf.currencySymbol).replace("n", buffer);
+else if (Bridge.NumberFormatInfo[name + "PositivePatterns"]) {
+negPattern = Bridge.NumberFormatInfo[name + "PositivePatterns"][nf[name + "PositivePattern"]];
+return negPattern.replace("%", nf.percentSymbol).replace("$", nf.currencySymbol).replace("n", buffer);
+return buffer;
+customFormat: function (number, format, nf, noGroup) {
+var digits = 0,
+forcedDigits = -1,
+integralDigits = -1,
+decimals = 0,
+forcedDecimals = -1,
+atDecimals = 0,
+unused = 1,
+c, i, f,
+isNegative = false,
+buffer = "";
+name = "number";
+if (format.indexOf("%") !== -1) {
+name = "percent";
+else if (format.indexOf("$") !== -1) {
+name = "currency";
+for (i = 0; i < format.length; i++) {
+c = format.charAt(i);
+if (c == "'" || c == '"') {
+i = format.indexOf(c, i + 1);
+if (i < 0) {
+} else if (c == "\\") {
+} else {
+if (c == "0" || c == "#") {
+decimals += atDecimals;
+if (c == "0") {
+if (atDecimals) {
+forcedDecimals = decimals;
+} else if (forcedDigits < 0) {
+forcedDigits = digits;
+digits += !atDecimals;
+atDecimals = atDecimals || c == ".";
+forcedDigits = forcedDigits < 0 ? 1 : digits - forcedDigits;
+if (number < 0) {
+isNegative = true;
+roundingFactor = Math.pow(10, decimals);
+number = "" + (Math.round(Math.abs(number) * roundingFactor) / roundingFactor);
+decimalIndex = number.indexOf(".");
+integralDigits = decimalIndex < 0 ? number.length : decimalIndex;
+i = integralDigits - digits;
+groupCfg = {
+groupIndex: Math.max(integralDigits, forcedDigits),
+sep: noGroup ? "" : nf[name + "GroupSeparator"]
+inString = 0;
+for (f = 0; f < format.length; f++) {
+c = format.charAt(f);
+if (c == "'" || c == '"') {
+endIndex = format.indexOf(c, f + 1);
+buffer += format.substring(f + 1, endIndex < 0 ? format.length : endIndex);
+if (endIndex < 0) {
+f = endIndex;
+} else if (c == "\\") {
+buffer += format.charAt(f + 1);
+} else if (c == "#" || c == "0") {
+groupCfg.buffer = buffer;
+if (i < integralDigits) {
+if (i >= 0) {
+if (unused) {
+this.addGroup(number.substr(0, i), groupCfg);
+this.addGroup(number.charAt(i), groupCfg);
+} else if (i >= integralDigits - forcedDigits) {
+this.addGroup("0", groupCfg);
+unused = 0;
+} else if (forcedDecimals-- > 0 || i < number.length) {
+this.addGroup(i >= number.length ? "0" : number.charAt(i), groupCfg);
+buffer = groupCfg.buffer;
+} else if (c == ".") {
+if (number.length > ++i || forcedDecimals > 0) {
+buffer += nf[name + "DecimalSeparator"];
+} else if (c !== ",") {
+buffer += c;
+if (isNegative < 0) {
+buffer = "-" + buffer;
+return buffer;
+addGroup: function (value, cfg) {
+var buffer = cfg.buffer,
+sep = cfg.sep,
+groupIndex = cfg.groupIndex;
+for (var i = 0, length = value.length; i < length; i++) {
+buffer += value.charAt(i);
+if (sep && groupIndex > 1 && groupIndex-- % 3 == 1) {
+buffer += sep;
+cfg.buffer = buffer;
+cfg.groupIndex = groupIndex;
+parseFloat: function (str, provider) {
+if (str == null) {
+throw new Bridge.ArgumentNullException("str");
+var nfInfo = (provider || Bridge.CultureInfo.getCurrentCulture()).getFormat(Bridge.NumberFormatInfo),
+result = parseFloat(str.replace(nfInfo.numberDecimalSeparator, '.'));
+if (isNaN(result) && str !== nfInfo.nanSymbol) {
+if (str == nfInfo.negativeInfinitySymbol) {
+if (str == nfInfo.positiveInfinitySymbol) {
+throw new Bridge.FormatException("Input string was not in a correct format.");
+return result;
+tryParseFloat: function (str, provider, result) {
+result.v = 0;
+if (str == null) {
+return false;
+var nfInfo = (provider || Bridge.CultureInfo.getCurrentCulture()).getFormat(Bridge.NumberFormatInfo);
+result.v = parseFloat(str.replace(nfInfo.numberDecimalSeparator, '.'));
+if (isNaN(result.v) && str !== nfInfo.nanSymbol) {
+if (str == nfInfo.negativeInfinitySymbol) {
+result.v = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
+return true;
+if (str == nfInfo.positiveInfinitySymbol) {
+result.v = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
+return true;
+return false;
+return true;
+parseInt: function (str, min, max, radix) {
+if (str == null) {
+throw new Bridge.ArgumentNullException("str");
+if (!/^[+-]?[0-9]+$/.test(str)) {
+throw new Bridge.FormatException("Input string was not in a correct format.");
+var result = parseInt(str, radix || 10);
+if (isNaN(result)) {
+throw new Bridge.FormatException("Input string was not in a correct format.");
+if (result < min || result > max) {
+throw new Bridge.OverflowException();
+return result;
+tryParseInt: function (str, result, min, max, radix) {
+result.v = 0;
+if (!/^[+-]?[0-9]+$/.test(str)) {
+return false;
+result.v = parseInt(str, radix || 10);
+if (result.v < min || result.v > max) {
+return false;
+return true;
+trunc: function (num) {
+if (!Bridge.isNumber(num)) {
+return null;
+return num > 0 ? Math.floor(num) : Math.ceil(num);
+div: function (x, y) {
+if (!Bridge.isNumber(x) || !Bridge.isNumber(y)) {
+return null;
+if (y === 0) {
+throw new Bridge.DivideByZeroException();
+return this.trunc(x / y);
+mod: function (x, y) {
+if (!Bridge.isNumber(x) || !Bridge.isNumber(y)) {
+return null;
+if (y === 0) {
+throw new Bridge.DivideByZeroException();
+return x % y;
+check: function(x, type) {
+if (Bridge.isNumber(x) && !type.instanceOf(x)) {
+throw new Bridge.OverflowException();
+return x;
+sxb: function (x) {
+return x | (x & 0x80 ? 0xffffff00 : 0);
+sxs: function (x) {
+return x | (x & 0x8000 ? 0xffff0000 : 0);
+clip8: function (x) {
+return Bridge.isNumber(x) ? Bridge.Int.sxb(x & 0xff) : null;
+clipu8: function (x) {
+return Bridge.isNumber(x) ? x & 0xff : null;
+clip16: function (x) {
+return Bridge.isNumber(x) ? Bridge.Int.sxs(x & 0xffff) : null;
+clipu16: function (x) {
+return Bridge.isNumber(x) ? x & 0xffff : null;
+clip32: function (x) {
+return Bridge.isNumber(x) ? x | 0 : null;
+clipu32: function (x) {
+return Bridge.isNumber(x) ? x >>> 0 : null;
+clip64: function (x) {
+return Bridge.isNumber(x) ? (Math.floor(x / 0x100000000) | 0) * 0x100000000 + (x >>> 0) : null;
+clipu64: function (x) {
+return Bridge.isNumber(x) ? (Math.floor(x / 0x100000000) >>> 0) * 0x100000000 + (x >>> 0) : null;
+Bridge.Class.addExtend(Bridge.Int, [Bridge.IComparable$1(Bridge.Int), Bridge.IEquatable$1(Bridge.Int)]);
+/* decimal.js v4.0.2 */
+!function (e) { "use strict"; function n(e) { for (var n, r, t = 1, i = e.length, o = e[0] + ""; i > t; t++) { for (n = e[t] + "", r = y - n.length; r--;) n = "0" + n; o += n } for (i = o.length; 48 === o.charCodeAt(--i) ;); return o.slice(0, i + 1 || 1) } function r(e, n, r, t) { var i, o, s, c, u; for (o = 1, s = e[0]; s >= 10; s /= 10, o++); return s = n - o, 0 > s ? (s += y, i = 0) : (i = Math.ceil((s + 1) / y), s %= y), o = E(10, y - s), u = e[i] % o | 0, null == t ? 3 > s ? (0 == s ? u = u / 100 | 0 : 1 == s && (u = u / 10 | 0), c = 4 > r && 99999 == u || r > 3 && 49999 == u || 5e4 == u || 0 == u) : c = (4 > r && u + 1 == o || r > 3 && u + 1 == o / 2) && (e[i + 1] / o / 100 | 0) == E(10, s - 2) - 1 || (u == o / 2 || 0 == u) && 0 == (e[i + 1] / o / 100 | 0) : 4 > s ? (0 == s ? u = u / 1e3 | 0 : 1 == s ? u = u / 100 | 0 : 2 == s && (u = u / 10 | 0), c = (t || 4 > r) && 9999 == u || !t && r > 3 && 4999 == u) : c = ((t || 4 > r) && u + 1 == o || !t && r > 3 && u + 1 == o / 2) && (e[i + 1] / o / 1e3 | 0) == E(10, s - 3) - 1, c } function t(e, n, r) { var t = e.constructor; return null == n || ((m = 0 > n || n > 8) || 0 !== n && (t.errors ? parseInt : parseFloat)(n) != n) && !u(t, "rounding mode", n, r, 0) ? t.rounding : 0 | n } function i(e, n, r, t) { var i = e.constructor; return !(m = (t || 0) > n || n >= A + 1) && (0 === n || (i.errors ? parseInt : parseFloat)(n) == n) || u(i, "argument", n, r, 0) } function o(e, t) { var i, o, s, c, u, l, f, h = 0, g = 0, p = 0, m = e.constructor, d = m.ONE, v = m.rounding, N = m.precision; if (!e.c || !e.c[0] || e.e > 17) return new m(e.c ? e.c[0] ? e.s < 0 ? 0 : 1 / 0 : d : e.s ? e.s < 0 ? 0 : e : 0 / 0); for (null == t ? (w = !1, u = N) : u = t, f = new m(.03125) ; e.e > -2;) e = e.times(f), p += 5; for (o = Math.log(E(2, p)) / Math.LN10 * 2 + 5 | 0, u += o, i = c = l = new m(d), m.precision = u; ;) { if (c = a(c.times(e), u, 1), i = i.times(++g), f =, i, u, 1)), n(f.c).slice(0, u) === n(l.c).slice(0, u)) { for (s = p; s--;) l = a(l.times(l), u, 1); if (null != t) return m.precision = N, l; if (!(3 > h && r(l.c, u - o, v, h))) return a(l, m.precision = N, v, w = !0); m.precision = u += 10, i = c = f = new m(d), g = 0, h++ } l = f } } function s(e, r, t, i) { var o, s, c = e.constructor, u = (e = new c(e)).e; if (null == r ? t = 0 : (a(e, ++r, t), t = i ? r : r + e.e - u), u = e.e, o = n(e.c), 1 == i || 2 == i && (u >= r || u <= c.toExpNeg)) { for (; o.length < t; o += "0"); o.length > 1 && (o = o.charAt(0) + "." + o.slice(1)), o += (0 > u ? "e" : "e+") + u } else { if (i = o.length, 0 > u) { for (s = t - i; ++u; o = "0" + o); o = "0." + o } else if (++u > i) { for (s = t - u, u -= i; u--; o += "0"); s > 0 && (o += ".") } else s = t - i, i > u ? o = o.slice(0, u) + "." + o.slice(u) : s > 0 && (o += "."); if (s > 0) for (; s--; o += "0"); } return e.s < 0 && e.c[0] ? "-" + o : o } function c(e) { var n = e.length - 1, r = n * y + 1; if (n = e[n]) { for (; n % 10 == 0; n /= 10, r--); for (n = e[0]; n >= 10; n /= 10, r++); } return r } function u(e, n, r, t, i) { if (e.errors) { var o = new Error((t || ["new Decimal", "cmp", "div", "eq", "gt", "gte", "lt", "lte", "minus", "mod", "plus", "times", "toFraction", "pow", "random", "log", "sqrt", "toNearest", "divToInt"][v ? 0 > v ? -v : v : 0 > 1 / v ? 1 : 0]) + "() " + (["number type has more than 15 significant digits", "LN10 out of digits"][n] || n + ([m ? " out of range" : " not an integer", " not a boolean or binary digit"][i] || "")) + ": " + r); throw = "Decimal Error", m = v = 0, o } } function l(e, n, r) { var t = new e(e.ONE); for (w = !1; 1 & r && (t = t.times(n)), r >>= 1, r;) n = n.times(n); return w = !0, t } function f(e, t) { var i, o, s, c, l, h, g, p, m, d, v, N = 1, E = 10, x = e, b = x.c, y = x.constructor, O = y.ONE, S = y.rounding, D = y.precision; if (x.s < 0 || !b || !b[0] || !x.e && 1 == b[0] && 1 == b.length) return new y(b && !b[0] ? -1 / 0 : 1 != x.s ? 0 / 0 : b ? 0 : x); if (null == t ? (w = !1, g = D) : g = t, y.precision = g += E, i = n(b), o = i.charAt(0), !(Math.abs(c = x.e) < 15e14)) return x = new y(o + "." + i.slice(1)), g + 2 > M.length && u(y, 1, g + 2, "ln"), x = f(x, g - E).plus(new y(M.slice(0, g + 2)).times(c + "")), y.precision = D, null == t ? a(x, D, S, w = !0) : x; for (; 7 > o && 1 != o || 1 == o && i.charAt(1) > 3;) x = x.times(e), i = n(x.c), o = i.charAt(0), N++; for (c = x.e, o > 1 ? (x = new y("0." + i), c++) : x = new y(o + "." + i.slice(1)), d = x, p = l = x = P(x.minus(O),, g, 1), v = a(x.times(x), g, 1), s = 3; ;) { if (l = a(l.times(v), g, 1), m =, new y(s), g, 1)), n(m.c).slice(0, g) === n(p.c).slice(0, g)) { if (p = p.times(2), 0 !== c && (g + 2 > M.length && u(y, 1, g + 2, "ln"), p = y(M.slice(0, g + 2)).times(c + ""))), p = P(p, new y(N), g, 1), null != t) return y.precision = D, p; if (!r(p.c, g - E, S, h)) return a(p, y.precision = D, S, w = !0); y.precision = g += E, m = l = x = P(d.minus(O),, g, 1), v = a(x.times(x), g, 1), s = h = 1 } p = m, s += 2 } } function a(e, n, r, t) { var i, o, s, c, u, l, f, a, h = e.constructor; e: if (null != n) { if (!(f = e.c)) return e; for (i = 1, c = f[0]; c >= 10; c /= 10, i++); if (o = n - i, 0 > o) o += y, s = n, u = f[a = 0], l = u / E(10, i - s - 1) % 10 | 0; else if (a = Math.ceil((o + 1) / y), a >= f.length) { if (!t) break e; for (; f.length <= a; f.push(0)); u = l = 0, i = 1, o %= y, s = o - y + 1 } else { for (u = c = f[a], i = 1; c >= 10; c /= 10, i++); o %= y, s = o - y + i, l = 0 > s ? 0 : N(u / E(10, i - s - 1) % 10) } if (t = t || 0 > n || null != f[a + 1] || (0 > s ? u : u % E(10, i - s - 1)), t = 4 > r ? (l || t) && (0 == r || r == (e.s < 0 ? 3 : 2)) : l > 5 || 5 == l && (4 == r || t || 6 == r && (o > 0 ? s > 0 ? u / E(10, i - s) : 0 : f[a - 1]) % 10 & 1 || r == (e.s < 0 ? 8 : 7)), 1 > n || !f[0]) return f.length = 0, t ? (n -= e.e + 1, f[0] = E(10, n % y), e.e = -n || 0) : f[0] = e.e = 0, e; if (0 == o ? (f.length = a, c = 1, a--) : (f.length = a + 1, c = E(10, y - o), f[a] = s > 0 ? (u / E(10, i - s) % E(10, s) | 0) * c : 0), t) for (; ;) { if (0 == a) { for (o = 1, s = f[0]; s >= 10; s /= 10, o++); for (s = f[0] += c, c = 1; s >= 10; s /= 10, c++); o != c && (e.e++, f[0] == b && (f[0] = 1)); break } if (f[a] += c, f[a] != b) break; f[a--] = 0, c = 1 } for (o = f.length; 0 === f[--o]; f.pop()); } return w && (e.e > h.maxE ? e.c = e.e = null : e.e < h.minE && (e.c = [e.e = 0])), e } var h, g, p, m, d = e.crypto, w = !0, v = 0, N = Math.floor, E = Math.pow, x = Object.prototype.toString, b = 1e7, y = 7, O = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ$_", S = {}, D = 9e15, A = 1e9, F = 3e3, M = "2.3025850929940456840179914546843642076011014886287729760333279009675726096773524802359972050895982983419677840422862486334095254650828067566662873690987816894829072083255546808437998948262331985283935053089653777326288461633662222876982198867465436674744042432743651550489343149393914796194044002221051017141748003688084012647080685567743216228355220114804663715659121373450747856947683463616792101806445070648000277502684916746550586856935673420670581136429224554405758925724208241314695689016758940256776311356919292033376587141660230105703089634572075440370847469940168269282808481184289314848524948644871927809676271275775397027668605952496716674183485704422507197965004714951050492214776567636938662976979522110718264549734772662425709429322582798502585509785265383207606726317164309505995087807523710333101197857547331541421808427543863591778117054309827482385045648019095610299291824318237525357709750539565187697510374970888692180205189339507238539205144634197265287286965110862571492198849978748873771345686209167058"; S.absoluteValue = S.abs = function () { var e = new this.constructor(this); return e.s < 0 && (e.s = 1), a(e) }, S.ceil = function () { return a(new this.constructor(this), this.e + 1, 2) }, S.comparedTo = S.cmp = function (e, n) { var r, t = this, i = t.c, o = (v = -v, e = new t.constructor(e, n), e.c), s = t.s, c = e.s, u = t.e, l = e.e; if (!s || !c) return null; if (r = i && !i[0], n = o && !o[0], r || n) return r ? n ? 0 : -c : s; if (s != c) return s; if (r = 0 > s, !i || !o) return u == l ? 0 : !i ^ r ? 1 : -1; if (u != l) return u > l ^ r ? 1 : -1; for (s = -1, c = (u = i.length) < (l = o.length) ? u : l; ++s < c;) if (i[s] != o[s]) return i[s] > o[s] ^ r ? 1 : -1; return u == l ? 0 : u > l ^ r ? 1 : -1 }, S.decimalPlaces = S.dp = function () { var e, n, r = null; if (e = this.c) { if (r = ((n = e.length - 1) - N(this.e / y)) * y, n = e[n]) for (; n % 10 == 0; n /= 10, r--); 0 > r && (r = 0) } return r }, S.dividedBy = S.div = function (e, n) { return v = 2, P(this, new this.constructor(e, n)) }, S.dividedToIntegerBy = S.divToInt = function (e, n) { var r = this, t = r.constructor; return v = 18, a(P(r, new t(e, n), 0, 1, 1), t.precision, t.rounding) }, S.equals = S.eq = function (e, n) { return v = 3, 0 === this.cmp(e, n) }, S.exponential = S.exp = function () { return o(this) }, S.floor = function () { return a(new this.constructor(this), this.e + 1, 3) }, S.greaterThan = = function (e, n) { return v = 4, this.cmp(e, n) > 0 }, S.greaterThanOrEqualTo = S.gte = function (e, n) { return v = 5, n = this.cmp(e, n), 1 == n || 0 === n }, S.isFinite = function () { return !!this.c }, S.isInteger = S.isInt = function () { return !!this.c && N(this.e / y) > this.c.length - 2 }, S.isNaN = function () { return !this.s }, S.isNegative = S.isNeg = function () { return this.s < 0 }, S.isZero = function () { return !!this.c && 0 == this.c[0] }, S.lessThan = = function (e, n) { return v = 6, this.cmp(e, n) < 0 }, S.lessThanOrEqualTo = S.lte = function (e, n) { return v = 7, n = this.cmp(e, n), -1 == n || 0 === n }, S.logarithm = S.log = function (e, t) { var i, o, s, c, l, h, g, p, m, d = this, N = d.constructor, E = N.precision, x = N.rounding, b = 5; if (null == e) e = new N(10), i = !0; else { if (v = 15, e = new N(e, t), o = e.c, e.s < 0 || !o || !o[0] || !e.e && 1 == o[0] && 1 == o.length) return new N(0 / 0); i = e.eq(10) } if (o = d.c, d.s < 0 || !o || !o[0] || !d.e && 1 == o[0] && 1 == o.length) return new N(o && !o[0] ? -1 / 0 : 1 != d.s ? 0 / 0 : o ? 0 : 1 / 0); if (l = i && (c = o[0], o.length > 1 || 1 != c && 10 != c && 100 != c && 1e3 != c && 1e4 != c && 1e5 != c && 1e6 != c), w = !1, g = E + b, p = g + 10, h = f(d, g), i ? (p > M.length && u(N, 1, p, "log"), s = new N(M.slice(0, p))) : s = f(e, g), m = P(h, s, g, 1), r(m.c, c = E, x)) do if (g += 10, h = f(d, g), i ? (p = g + 10, p > M.length && u(N, 1, p, "log"), s = new N(M.slice(0, p))) : s = f(e, g), m = P(h, s, g, 1), !l) { +n(m.c).slice(c + 1, c + 15) + 1 == 1e14 && (m = a(m, E + 1, 0)); break } while (r(m.c, c += 10, x)); return w = !0, a(m, E, x) }, S.minus = function (e, n) { var r, t, i, o, s = this, c = s.constructor, u = s.s; if (v = 8, e = new c(e, n), n = e.s, !u || !n) return new c(0 / 0); if (u != n) return e.s = -n,; var l = s.c, f = e.c, h = N(e.e / y), g = N(s.e / y), p = c.precision, m = c.rounding; if (!g || !h) { if (!l || !f) return l ? (e.s = -n, e) : new c(f ? s : 0 / 0); if (!l[0] || !f[0]) return s = f[0] ? (e.s = -n, e) : new c(l[0] ? s : 3 == m ? -0 : 0), w ? a(s, p, m) : s } if (l = l.slice(), t = l.length, u = g - h) { for ((o = 0 > u) ? (u = -u, r = l, t = f.length) : (h = g, r = f), (g = Math.ceil(p / y)) > t && (t = g), u > (t += 2) && (u = t, r.length = 1), r.reverse(), n = u; n--; r.push(0)); r.reverse() } else for ((o = t < (i = f.length)) && (i = t), u = n = 0; i > n; n++) if (l[n] != f[n]) { o = l[n] < f[n]; break } if (o && (r = l, l = f, f = r, e.s = -e.s), (n = -((i = l.length) - f.length)) > 0) for (; n--; l[i++] = 0); for (g = b - 1, n = f.length; n > u;) { if (l[--n] < f[n]) { for (t = n; t && !l[--t]; l[t] = g); --l[t], l[n] += b } l[n] -= f[n] } for (; 0 == l[--i]; l.pop()); for (; 0 == l[0]; l.shift(), --h); for (l[0] || (l = [h = 0], e.s = 3 == m ? -1 : 1), e.c = l, u = 1, n = l[0]; n >= 10; n /= 10, u++); return e.e = u + h * y - 1, w ? a(e, p, m) : e }, S.modulo = S.mod = function (e, n) { var r, t, i = this, o = i.constructor, s = o.modulo; return v = 9, e = new o(e, n), n = e.s, r = !i.c || !n || e.c && !e.c[0], r || !e.c || i.c && !i.c[0] ? r ? new o(0 / 0) : a(new o(i), o.precision, o.rounding) : (w = !1, 9 == s ? (e.s = 1, t = P(i, e, 0, 3, 1), e.s = n, t.s *= n) : t = P(i, e, 0, s, 1), t = t.times(e), w = !0, i.minus(t)) }, S.naturalLogarithm = S.ln = function () { return f(this) }, S.negated = S.neg = function () { var e = new this.constructor(this); return e.s = -e.s || null, a(e) }, = function (e, n) { var r, t = this, i = t.constructor, o = t.s; if (v = 10, e = new i(e, n), n = e.s, !o || !n) return new i(0 / 0); if (o != n) return e.s = -n, t.minus(e); var s = t.c, c = e.c, u = N(e.e / y), l = N(t.e / y), f = i.precision, h = i.rounding; if (!l || !u) { if (!s || !c) return new i(o / 0); if (!s[0] || !c[0]) return t = c[0] ? e : new i(s[0] ? t : 0 * o), w ? a(t, f, h) : t } if (s = s.slice(), o = l - u) { for (0 > o ? (o = -o, r = s, n = c.length) : (u = l, r = c, n = s.length), (l = Math.ceil(f / y)) > n && (n = l), o > ++n && (o = n, r.length = 1), r.reverse() ; o--; r.push(0)); r.reverse() } for (s.length - c.length < 0 && (r = c, c = s, s = r), o = c.length, n = 0, l = b; o; s[o] %= l) n = (s[--o] = s[o] + c[o] + n) / l | 0; for (n && (s.unshift(n), ++u), o = s.length; 0 == s[--o]; s.pop()); for (e.c = s, o = 1, n = s[0]; n >= 10; n /= 10, o++); return e.e = o + u * y - 1, w ? a(e, f, h) : e }, S.precision = = function (e) { var n = null, r = this; return e != n && e !== !!e && 1 !== e && 0 !== e && u(r.constructor, "argument", e, "precision", 1), r.c && (n = c(r.c), e && r.e + 1 > n && (n = r.e + 1)), n }, S.round = function () { var e = this, n = e.constructor; return a(new n(e), e.e + 1, n.rounding) }, S.squareRoot = S.sqrt = function () { var e, r, t, i, o, s, c = this, u = c.c, l = c.s, f = c.e, h = c.constructor, g = new h(.5); if (1 !== l || !u || !u[0]) return new h(!l || 0 > l && (!u || u[0]) ? 0 / 0 : u ? c : 1 / 0); for (w = !1, l = Math.sqrt(+c), 0 == l || l == 1 / 0 ? (r = n(u), (r.length + f) % 2 == 0 && (r += "0"), l = Math.sqrt(r), f = N((f + 1) / 2) - (0 > f || f % 2), l == 1 / 0 ? r = "1e" + f : (r = l.toExponential(), r = r.slice(0, r.indexOf("e") + 1) + f), i = new h(r)) : i = new h(l.toString()), t = (f = h.precision) + 3; ;) if (s = i, i = g.times(, s, t + 2, 1))), n(s.c).slice(0, t) === (r = n(i.c)).slice(0, t)) { if (r = r.slice(t - 3, t + 1), "9999" != r && (o || "4999" != r)) { (!+r || !+r.slice(1) && "5" == r.charAt(0)) && (a(i, f + 1, 1), e = !i.times(i).eq(c)); break } if (!o && (a(s, f + 1, 0), s.times(s).eq(c))) { i = s; break } t += 4, o = 1 } return w = !0, a(i, f, h.rounding, e) }, S.times = function (e, n) { var r, t, i = this, o = i.constructor, s = i.c, c = (v = 11, e = new o(e, n), e.c), u = N(i.e / y), l = N(e.e / y), f = i.s; if (n = e.s, e.s = f == n ? 1 : -1, !((u || s && s[0]) && (l || c && c[0]))) return new o(!f || !n || s && !s[0] && !c || c && !c[0] && !s ? 0 / 0 : s && c ? 0 * e.s : e.s / 0); for (t = u + l, f = s.length, n = c.length, n > f && (r = s, s = c, c = r, l = f, f = n, n = l), l = f + n, r = []; l--; r.push(0)); for (u = n - 1; u > -1; u--) { for (n = 0, l = f + u; l > u;) n = r[l] + c[u] * s[l - u - 1] + n, r[l--] = n % b | 0, n = n / b | 0; r[l] = (r[l] + n) % b | 0 } for (n ? ++t : r[0] || r.shift(), l = r.length; !r[--l]; r.pop()); for (e.c = r, f = 1, n = r[0]; n >= 10; n /= 10, f++); return e.e = f + t * y - 1, w ? a(e, o.precision, o.rounding) : e }, S.toDecimalPlaces = S.toDP = function (e, n) { var r = this; return r = new r.constructor(r), null != e && i(r, e, "toDP") ? a(r, (0 | e) + r.e + 1, t(r, n, "toDP")) : r }, S.toExponential = function (e, n) { var r = this; return r.c ? s(r, null != e && i(r, e, "toExponential") ? 0 | e : null, null != e && t(r, n, "toExponential"), 1) : r.toString() }, S.toFixed = function (e, n) { var r, o = this, c = o.constructor, u = c.toExpNeg, l = c.toExpPos; return null != e && (e = i(o, e, r = "toFixed") ? o.e + (0 | e) : null, n = t(o, n, r)), c.toExpNeg = -(c.toExpPos = 1 / 0), null != e && o.c ? (r = s(o, e, n), o.s < 0 && o.c && (o.c[0] ? r.indexOf("-") < 0 && (r = "-" + r) : r = r.replace("-", ""))) : r = o.toString(), c.toExpNeg = u, c.toExpPos = l, r }, S.toFormat = function (e, n) { var r = this; if (!r.c) return r.toString(); var t, i = r.s < 0, o = r.constructor.format, s = o.groupSeparator, c = +o.groupSize, u = +o.secondaryGroupSize, l = r.toFixed(e, n).split("."), f = l[0], a = l[1], h = i ? f.slice(1) : f, g = h.length; if (u && (t = c, c = u, g -= u = t), c > 0 && g > 0) { for (t = g % c || c, f = h.substr(0, t) ; g > t; t += c) f += s + h.substr(t, c); u > 0 && (f += s + h.slice(t)), i && (f = "-" + f) } return a ? f + o.decimalSeparator + ((u = +o.fractionGroupSize) ? a.replace(new RegExp("\\d{" + u + "}\\B", "g"), "$&" + o.fractionGroupSeparator) : a) : f }, S.toFraction = function (e) { var r, t, i, o, s, l, f, a, h = this, g = h.constructor, p = r = new g(g.ONE), d = l = new g(0), x = h.c, b = new g(d); if (!x) return h.toString(); for (i = b.e = c(x) - h.e - 1, b.c[0] = E(10, (f = i % y) < 0 ? y + f : f), (null == e || (!(v = 12, s = new g(e)).s || (m = s.cmp(p) < 0 || !s.c) || g.errors && N(s.e / y) < s.c.length - 1) && !u(g, "max denominator", e, "toFraction", 0) || (e = s).cmp(b) > 0) && (e = i > 0 ? b : p), w = !1, s = new g(n(x)), f = g.precision, g.precision = i = x.length * y * 2; a = P(s, b, 0, 1, 1), t =, 1 != t.cmp(e) ;) r = d, d = t, p = = p)), l = t, b = s.minus(a.times(t = b)), s = t; return t = P(e.minus(r), d, 0, 1, 1), l =, r =, l.s = p.s = h.s, o = P(p, d, i, 1).minus(h).abs().cmp(P(l, r, i, 1).minus(h).abs()) < 1 ? [p + "", d + ""] : [l + "", r + ""], w = !0, g.precision = f, o }, S.toNearest = function (e, n) { var r = this, i = r.constructor; return r = new i(r), null == e ? (e = new i(i.ONE), n = i.rounding) : (v = 17, e = new i(e), n = t(r, n, "toNearest")), e.c ? r.c && (e.c[0] ? (w = !1, r = P(r, e, 0, 4 > n ? [4, 5, 7, 8][n] : n, 1).times(e), w = !0, a(r)) : r.c = [r.e = 0]) : r.s && (e.s && (e.s = r.s), r = e), r }, S.toNumber = function () { var e = this; return +e || (e.s ? 0 * e.s : 0 / 0) }, S.toPower = S.pow = function (e, t) { var i, s, c, u, h = this, g = h.constructor, p = h.s, m = (v = 13, +(e = new g(e, t))), d = 0 > m ? -m : m, x = g.precision, b = g.rounding; if (!h.c || !e.c || (c = !h.c[0]) || !e.c[0]) return new g(E(c ? 0 * p : +h, m)); if (h = new g(h), i = h.c.length, !h.e && h.c[0] == h.s && 1 == i) return h; if (t = e.c.length - 1, e.e || e.c[0] != e.s || t) if (s = N(e.e / y), c = s >= t, !c && 0 > p) u = new g(0 / 0); else { if (c && F > i * y * d) { if (u = l(g, h, d), e.s < 0) return g.ONE.div(u) } else { if (p = 0 > p && 1 & e.c[Math.max(s, t)] ? -1 : 1, t = E(+h, m), s = 0 != t && isFinite(t) ? new g(t + "").e : N(m * (Math.log("0." + n(h.c)) / Math.LN10 + h.e + 1)), s > g.maxE + 1 || s < g.minE - 1) return new g(s > 0 ? p / 0 : 0); w = !1, g.rounding = h.s = 1, d = Math.min(12, (s + "").length), u = o(e.times(f(h, x + d)), x), u = a(u, x + 5, 1), r(u.c, x, b) && (s = x + 10, u = a(o(e.times(f(h, s + d)), s), s + 5, 1), +n(u.c).slice(x + 1, x + 15) + 1 == 1e14 && (u = a(u, x + 1, 0))), u.s = p, w = !0, g.rounding = b } u = a(u, x, b) } else u = a(h, x, b); return u }, S.toPrecision = function (e, n) { var r = this; return null != e && i(r, e, "toPrecision", 1) && r.c ? s(r, 0 | --e, t(r, n, "toPrecision"), 2) : r.toString() }, S.toSignificantDigits = S.toSD = function (e, n) { var r = this, o = r.constructor; return r = new o(r), null != e && i(r, e, "toSD", 1) ? a(r, 0 | e, t(r, n, "toSD")) : a(r, o.precision, o.rounding) }, S.toString = function (e) { var r, t, i, o = this, c = o.constructor, l = o.e; if (null === l) t = o.s ? "Infinity" : "NaN"; else { if (e === r && (l <= c.toExpNeg || l >= c.toExpPos)) return s(o, null, c.rounding, 1); if (t = n(o.c), 0 > l) { for (; ++l; t = "0" + t); t = "0." + t } else if (i = t.length, l > 0) if (++l > i) for (l -= i; l--; t += "0"); else i > l && (t = t.slice(0, l) + "." + t.slice(l)); else if (r = t.charAt(0), i > 1) t = r + "." + t.slice(1); else if ("0" == r) return r; if (null != e) if ((m = !(e >= 2 && 65 > e)) || e != (0 | e) && c.errors) u(c, "base", e, "toString", 0); else if (t = h(c, t, 0 | e, 10, o.s), "0" == t) return t } return o.s < 0 ? "-" + t : t }, S.truncated = S.trunc = function () { return a(new this.constructor(this), this.e + 1, 1) }, S.valueOf = S.toJSON = function () { return this.toString() }, h = function () { function e(e, n, r) { for (var t, i, o = [0], s = 0, c = e.length; c > s;) { for (i = o.length; i--; o[i] *= n); for (o[t = 0] += O.indexOf(e.charAt(s++)) ; t < o.length; t++) o[t] > r - 1 && (null == o[t + 1] && (o[t + 1] = 0), o[t + 1] += o[t] / r | 0, o[t] %= r) } return o.reverse() } return function (n, r, t, i, o) { var s, c, u, f, a, h, g = r.indexOf("."), p = n.precision, m = n.rounding; for (37 > i && (r = r.toLowerCase()), g >= 0 && (r = r.replace(".", ""), h = new n(i), f = l(n, h, r.length - g), h.c = e(f.toFixed(), 10, t), h.e = h.c.length), a = e(r, i, t), s = c = a.length; 0 == a[--c]; a.pop()); if (!a[0]) return "0"; if (0 > g ? s-- : (f.c = a, f.e = s, f.s = o, f = P(f, h, p, m, 0, t), a = f.c, u = f.r, s = f.e), g = a[p], c = t / 2, u = u || null != a[p + 1], 4 > m ? (null != g || u) && (0 == m || m == (f.s < 0 ? 3 : 2)) : g > c || g == c && (4 == m || u || 6 == m && 1 & a[p - 1] || m == (f.s < 0 ? 8 : 7))) for (a.length = p, --t; ++a[--p] > t;) a[p] = 0, p || (++s, a.unshift(1)); else a.length = p; for (c = a.length; !a[--c];); for (g = 0, r = ""; c >= g; r += O.charAt(a[g++])); if (0 > s) { for (; ++s; r = "0" + r); r = "0." + r } else if (g = r.length, ++s > g) for (s -= g; s--; r += "0"); else g > s && (r = r.slice(0, s) + "." + r.slice(s)); return r } }(); var P = function () { function e(e, n, r) { var t, i = 0, o = e.length; for (e = e.slice() ; o--;) t = e[o] * n + i, e[o] = t % r | 0, i = t / r | 0; return i && e.unshift(i), e } function n(e, n, r, t) { var i, o; if (r != t) o = r > t ? 1 : -1; else for (i = o = 0; r > i; i++) if (e[i] != n[i]) { o = e[i] > n[i] ? 1 : -1; break } return o } function r(e, n, r, t) { for (var i = 0; r--;) e[r] -= i, i = e[r] < n[r] ? 1 : 0, e[r] = i * t + e[r] - n[r]; for (; !e[0] && e.length > 1; e.shift()); } return function (t, i, o, s, c, u) { var l, f, h, g, p, m, d, w, v, E, x, O, S, D, A, F, M, P, R, q = t.constructor, L = t.s == i.s ? 1 : -1, I = t.c, U = i.c; if (!(I && I[0] && U && U[0])) return new q(t.s && i.s && (I ? !U || I[0] != U[0] : U) ? I && 0 == I[0] || !U ? 0 * L : L / 0 : 0 / 0); for (u ? (g = 1, f = t.e - i.e) : (u = b, g = y, f = N(t.e / g) - N(i.e / g)), P = U.length, F = I.length, v = new q(L), E = v.c = [], h = 0; U[h] == (I[h] || 0) ; h++); if (U[h] > (I[h] || 0) && f--, null == o ? (L = o = q.precision, s = q.rounding) : L = c ? o + (t.e - i.e) + 1 : o, 0 > L) E.push(1), p = !0; else { if (L = L / g + 2 | 0, h = 0, 1 == P) { for (m = 0, U = U[0], L++; (F > h || m) && L--; h++) D = m * u + (I[h] || 0), E[h] = D / U | 0, m = D % U | 0; p = m || F > h } else { for (m = u / (U[0] + 1) | 0, m > 1 && (U = e(U, m, u), I = e(I, m, u), P = U.length, F = I.length), A = P, x = I.slice(0, P), O = x.length; P > O; x[O++] = 0); R = U.slice(), R.unshift(0), M = U[0], U[1] >= u / 2 && M++; do m = 0, l = n(U, x, P, O), 0 > l ? (S = x[0], P != O && (S = S * u + (x[1] || 0)), m = S / M | 0, m > 1 ? (m >= u && (m = u - 1), d = e(U, m, u), w = d.length, O = x.length, l = n(d, x, w, O), 1 == l && (m--, r(d, w > P ? R : U, w, u))) : (0 == m && (l = m = 1), d = U.slice()), w = d.length, O > w && d.unshift(0), r(x, d, O, u), -1 == l && (O = x.length, l = n(U, x, P, O), 1 > l && (m++, r(x, O > P ? R : U, O, u))), O = x.length) : 0 === l && (m++, x = [0]), E[h++] = m, l && x[0] ? x[O++] = I[A] || 0 : (x = [I[A]], O = 1); while ((A++ < F || null != x[0]) && L--); p = null != x[0] } E[0] || E.shift() } if (1 == g) v.e = f, v.r = +p; else { for (h = 1, L = E[0]; L >= 10; L /= 10, h++); v.e = h + f * g - 1, a(v, c ? o + v.e + 1 : o, s, p) } return v } }(); if (g = function () { function e(e) { var n, r, t, i = this, o = "config", s = i.errors ? parseInt : parseFloat; return e == r || "object" != typeof e && !u(i, "object expected", e, o) ? i : ((t = e[n = "precision"]) != r && ((m = 1 > t || t > A) || s(t) != t ? u(i, n, t, o, 0) : i[n] = 0 | t), (t = e[n = "rounding"]) != r && ((m = 0 > t || t > 8) || s(t) != t ? u(i, n, t, o, 0) : i[n] = 0 | t), (t = e[n = "toExpNeg"]) != r && ((m = -D > t || t > 0) || s(t) != t ? u(i, n, t, o, 0) : i[n] = N(t)), (t = e[n = "toExpPos"]) != r && ((m = 0 > t || t > D) || s(t) != t ? u(i, n, t, o, 0) : i[n] = N(t)), (t = e[n = "minE"]) != r && ((m = -D > t || t > 0) || s(t) != t ? u(i, n, t, o, 0) : i[n] = N(t)), (t = e[n = "maxE"]) != r && ((m = 0 > t || t > D) || s(t) != t ? u(i, n, t, o, 0) : i[n] = N(t)), (t = e[n = "errors"]) != r && (t === !!t || 1 === t || 0 === t ? (m = v = 0, i[n] = !!t) : u(i, n, t, o, 1)), (t = e[n = "crypto"]) != r && (t === !!t || 1 === t || 0 === t ? i[n] = !(!t || !d || "object" != typeof d) : u(i, n, t, o, 1)), (t = e[n = "modulo"]) != r && ((m = 0 > t || t > 9) || s(t) != t ? u(i, n, t, o, 0) : i[n] = 0 | t), (e = e[n = "format"]) != r && ("object" == typeof e ? i[n] = e : u(i, "format object expected", e, o)), i) } function n(e) { return new this(e).exp() } function r(e) { return new this(e).ln() } function t(e, n) { return new this(e).log(n) } function o(e, n, r) { var t, i, o = 0; for ("[object Array]" ==[0]) && (n = n[0]), t = new e(n[0]) ; ++o < n.length;) { if (i = new e(n[o]), !i.s) { t = i; break } t[r](i) && (t = i) } return t } function s() { return o(this, arguments, "lt") } function c() { return o(this, arguments, "gt") } function l(e, n) { return new this(e).pow(n) } function f(e) { var n, r, t, o = 0, s = [], c = this, l = new c(c.ONE); if (null != e && i(l, e, "random") ? e |= 0 : e = c.precision, r = Math.ceil(e / y), c.crypto) if (d && d.getRandomValues) for (n = d.getRandomValues(new Uint32Array(r)) ; r > o;) t = n[o], t >= 429e7 ? n[o] = d.getRandomValues(new Uint32Array(1))[0] : s[o++] = t % 1e7; else if (d && d.randomBytes) { for (n = d.randomBytes(r *= 4) ; r > o;) t = n[o] + (n[o + 1] << 8) + (n[o + 2] << 16) + ((127 & n[o + 3]) << 24), t >= 214e7 ? d.randomBytes(4).copy(n, o) : (s.push(t % 1e7), o += 4); o = r / 4 } else u(c, "crypto unavailable", d, "random"); if (!o) for (; r > o;) s[o++] = 1e7 * Math.random() | 0; for (r = s[--o], e %= y, r && e && (t = E(10, y - e), s[o] = (r / t | 0) * t) ; 0 === s[o]; o--) s.pop(); if (0 > o) s = [r = 0]; else { for (r = -1; 0 === s[0];) s.shift(), r -= y; for (o = 1, t = s[0]; t >= 10;) t /= 10, o++; y > o && (r -= y - o) } return l.e = r, l.c = s, l } function g(e) { return new this(e).sqrt() } function p(i) { function o(e, n) { var r = this; if (!(r instanceof o)) return u(o, "Decimal called without new", e), new o(e, n); if (r.constructor = o, e instanceof o) { if (null == n) return v = 0, r.s = e.s, r.e = e.e, r.c = (e = e.c) ? e.slice() : e, r; if (10 == n) return a(new o(e), o.precision, o.rounding); e += "" } return b(o, r, e, n) } return o.precision = 20, o.rounding = 4, o.modulo = 1, o.toExpNeg = -7, o.toExpPos = 21, o.minE = -D, o.maxE = D, o.errors = !0, o.crypto = !1, o.format = { decimalSeparator: ".", groupSeparator: ",", groupSize: 3, secondaryGroupSize: 0, fractionGroupSeparator: " ", fractionGroupSize: 0 }, o.prototype = S, o.ONE = new o(1), o.ROUND_UP = 0, o.ROUND_DOWN = 1, o.ROUND_CEIL = 2, o.ROUND_FLOOR = 3, o.ROUND_HALF_UP = 4, o.ROUND_HALF_DOWN = 5, o.ROUND_HALF_EVEN = 6, o.ROUND_HALF_CEIL = 7, o.ROUND_HALF_FLOOR = 8, o.EUCLID = 9, o.config = e, o.constructor = p, o.exp = n, o.ln = r, o.log = t, o.max = s, o.min = c, o.pow = l, o.sqrt = g, o.random = f, null != i && o.config(i), o } var b = function () { var e = /^-?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+)(e[+-]?\d+)?$/i, n = String.prototype.trim || function () { return this.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "") }; return function (r, t, i, o) { var s, c, l, f, g, p; if ("string" != typeof i && (i = (f = "number" == typeof i || "[object Number]" == && 0 === i && 0 > 1 / i ? "-0" : i + ""), g = i, null == o && e.test(i)) t.s = 45 === i.charCodeAt(0) ? (i = i.slice(1), -1) : 1; else { if (10 == o) return a(new r(i), r.precision, r.rounding); if (i =^\+(?!-)/, ""), t.s = 45 === i.charCodeAt(0) ? (i = i.replace(/^-(?!-)/, ""), -1) : 1, null != o ? o != (0 | o) && r.errors || (m = !(o >= 2 && 65 > o)) ? (u(r, "base", o, 0, 0), p = e.test(i)) : (s = "[" + O.slice(0, o = 0 | o) + "]+", i = i.replace(/\.$/, "").replace(/^\./, "0."), (p = new RegExp("^" + s + "(?:\\." + s + ")?$", 37 > o ? "i" : "").test(i)) ? (f && (i.replace(/^0\.0*|\./, "").length > 15 && u(r, 0, g), f = !f), i = h(r, i, 10, o, t.s)) : "Infinity" != i && "NaN" != i && (u(r, "not a base " + o + " number", g), i = "NaN")) : p = e.test(i), !p) return t.c = t.e = null, "Infinity" != i && ("NaN" != i && u(r, "not a number", g), t.s = null), v = 0, t } for ((c = i.indexOf(".")) > -1 && (i = i.replace(".", "")), (l = > 0 ? (0 > c && (c = l), c += +i.slice(l + 1), i = i.substring(0, l)) : 0 > c && (c = i.length), l = 0; 48 === i.charCodeAt(l) ; l++); for (o = i.length; 48 === i.charCodeAt(--o) ;); if (i = i.slice(l, o + 1)) { if (o = i.length, f && o > 15 && u(r, 0, g), t.e = c = c - l - 1, t.c = [], l = (c + 1) % y, 0 > c && (l += y), o > l) { for (l && t.c.push(+i.slice(0, l)), o -= y; o > l;) t.c.push(+i.slice(l, l += y)); i = i.slice(l), l = y - i.length } else l -= o; for (; l--; i += "0"); t.c.push(+i), w && (t.e > r.maxE ? t.c = t.e = null : t.e < r.minE && (t.c = [t.e = 0])) } else t.c = [t.e = 0]; return v = 0, t } }(); return p() }(), "function" == typeof define && define.amd) define(function () { return g }); else if ("undefined" != typeof module && module.exports) { if (module.exports = g, !d) try { d = require("crypto") } catch (R) { } } else p = e.Decimal, g.noConflict = function () { return e.Decimal = p, g }, Bridge.$Decimal = g }(this);
+(function () {
+Bridge.Decimal = function (v, provider) {
+if (this.constructor != Bridge.Decimal) {
+return new Bridge.Decimal(v);
+if (typeof v === 'string') {
+provider = provider || Bridge.CultureInfo.getCurrentCulture();
+var nfInfo = provider && provider.getFormat(Bridge.NumberFormatInfo);
+if (nfInfo && nfInfo.numberDecimalSeparator !== ".") {
+v = v.replace(nfInfo.numberDecimalSeparator, ".");
+if (!/^\s*[+-]?(\d+|\d*\.\d+)(e|E[+-]?\d+)?\s*$/.test(v)) {
+throw new Bridge.FormatException();
+v = v.replace(/\s/g, '');
+this.value = Bridge.Decimal.getValue(v);
+Bridge.Decimal.$$name = "Bridge.Decimal";
+Bridge.Decimal.prototype.$$name = "Bridge.Decimal";
+Bridge.Decimal.$$inherits = [];
+Bridge.Class.addExtend(Bridge.Decimal, [Bridge.IComparable, Bridge.IFormattable, Bridge.IComparable$1(Bridge.Decimal), Bridge.IEquatable$1(Bridge.Decimal)]);
+Bridge.Decimal.getDefaultValue = function () {
+return new Bridge.Decimal(0);
+Bridge.Decimal.getValue = function(d) {
+if (!Bridge.hasValue(d)) {
+return null;
+if (d instanceof Bridge.Decimal) {
+return d.value;
+return new Bridge.$Decimal(d);
+Bridge.Decimal.create = function(d) {
+if (!Bridge.hasValue(d)) {
+return null;
+if (d instanceof Bridge.Decimal) {
+return d;
+return new Bridge.Decimal(d);
+Bridge.Decimal.lift = function (d) {
+return d == null ? null : Bridge.Decimal.create(d);
+Bridge.Decimal.prototype.toString = function (format, provider) {
+if (!format && !provider) {
+return this.value.toString();
+return Bridge.Int.format(this.toFloat(), format, provider);
+Bridge.Decimal.prototype.toFloat = function () {
+return this.value.toNumber();
+Bridge.Decimal.prototype.format = function (fmt, provider) {
+return Bridge.Int.format(this.toFloat(), format, provider);
+Bridge.Decimal.prototype.decimalPlaces = function () {
+return this.value.decimalPlaces();
+Bridge.Decimal.prototype.dividedToIntegerBy = function (d) {
+return new Bridge.Decimal(this.value.dividedToIntegerBy(Bridge.Decimal.getValue(d)));
+Bridge.Decimal.prototype.exponential = function () {
+return new Bridge.Decimal(this.value.exponential());
+Bridge.Decimal.prototype.abs = function () {
+return new Bridge.Decimal(this.value.abs());
+Bridge.Decimal.prototype.floor = function () {
+return new Bridge.Decimal(this.value.floor());
+Bridge.Decimal.prototype.ceil = function () {
+return new Bridge.Decimal(this.value.ceil());
+Bridge.Decimal.prototype.trunc = function () {
+return new Bridge.Decimal(this.value.trunc());
+Bridge.Decimal.round = function (obj, mode) {
+obj = Bridge.Decimal.create(obj);
+var old = Bridge.$Decimal.rounding;
+Bridge.$Decimal.rounding = mode;
+var d = new Bridge.Decimal(obj.value.round());
+Bridge.$Decimal.rounding = old;
+return d;
+Bridge.Decimal.prototype.compareTo = function (another) {
+return this.value.comparedTo(Bridge.Decimal.getValue(another));
+Bridge.Decimal.prototype.add = function (another) {
+return new Bridge.Decimal(;
+Bridge.Decimal.prototype.sub = function (another) {
+return new Bridge.Decimal(this.value.minus(Bridge.Decimal.getValue(another)));
+Bridge.Decimal.prototype.isZero = function () {
+return this.value.isZero;
+Bridge.Decimal.prototype.mul = function (another) {
+return new Bridge.Decimal(this.value.times(Bridge.Decimal.getValue(another)));
+Bridge.Decimal.prototype.div = function (another) {
+return new Bridge.Decimal(this.value.dividedBy(Bridge.Decimal.getValue(another)));
+Bridge.Decimal.prototype.mod = function (another) {
+return new Bridge.Decimal(this.value.modulo(Bridge.Decimal.getValue(another)));
+Bridge.Decimal.prototype.neg = function () {
+return new Bridge.Decimal(this.value.negated());
+}; = function () {
+return new Bridge.Decimal(;
+Bridge.Decimal.prototype.dec = function () {
+return new Bridge.Decimal(this.value.minus(Bridge.Decimal.getValue(1)));
+Bridge.Decimal.prototype.sign = function () {
+return this.value.isZero() ? 0 : (this.value.isNegative() ? -1 : 1);
+Bridge.Decimal.prototype.clone = function () {
+return new Bridge.Decimal(this);
+}; = function (v) {
+return !!this.compareTo(v);
+}; = function (v) {
+return this.compareTo(v) < 0;
+Bridge.Decimal.prototype.lte = function (v) {
+return this.compareTo(v) <= 0;
+}; = function (v) {
+return this.compareTo(v) > 0;
+Bridge.Decimal.prototype.gte = function (v) {
+return this.compareTo(v) >= 0;
+Bridge.Decimal.prototype.equals = function (v) {
+return !this.compareTo(v);
+Bridge.Decimal.prototype.equalsT = function (v) {
+return !this.compareTo(v);
+Bridge.Decimal.prototype.getHashCode = function () {
+var n = (this.sign() * 397 + this.value.e) | 0;
+for (var i = 0; i < this.value.c.length; i++) {
+n = (n * 397 + this.value.c[i]) | 0;
+return n;
+Bridge.Decimal.toInt = function(v) {
+if (!v) {
+return null;
+var i = Bridge.Int.trunc(Bridge.Decimal.getValue(v).toNumber());
+if (!Bridge.Int.instanceOf(i)) {
+throw new Bridge.OverflowException();
+return i;
+Bridge.Decimal.tryParse = function (s, provider, v) {
+try {
+v.v = new Bridge.Decimal(s, provider);
+return true;
+} catch (e) {
+v.v = new Bridge.Decimal(0);
+return false;
+Bridge.Decimal.toFloat = function (v) {
+if (!v) {
+return null;
+return Bridge.Decimal.getValue(v).toNumber();
+Bridge.Decimal.setConfig = function (config) {
+Bridge.Decimal.min = function () {
+var values = [];
+for (var i = 0, len = arguments.length; i < len; i++) {
+return new Bridge.Decimal(Bridge.$Decimal.min.apply(Bridge.$Decimal, values));
+Bridge.Decimal.max = function () {
+var values = [];
+for (var i = 0, len = arguments.length; i < len; i++) {
+return new Bridge.Decimal(Bridge.$Decimal.max.apply(Bridge.$Decimal, values));
+Bridge.Decimal.random = function (dp) {
+return new Bridge.Decimal(Bridge.$Decimal.random(dp));
+Bridge.Decimal.exp = function (d) {
+return new Bridge.Decimal(Bridge.Decimal.getValue(d).exp());
+Bridge.Decimal.exp = function (d) {
+return new Bridge.Decimal(Bridge.Decimal.getValue(d).exp());
+Bridge.Decimal.ln = function (d) {
+return new Bridge.Decimal(Bridge.Decimal.getValue(d).ln());
+Bridge.Decimal.log = function (d, logBase) {
+return new Bridge.Decimal(Bridge.Decimal.getValue(d).log(logBase));
+Bridge.Decimal.pow = function (d, exponent) {
+return new Bridge.Decimal(Bridge.Decimal.getValue(d).pow(exponent));
+Bridge.Decimal.sqrt = function (d) {
+return new Bridge.Decimal(Bridge.Decimal.getValue(d).sqrt());
+Bridge.Decimal.prototype.isFinite = function () {
+return this.value.isFinite();
+Bridge.Decimal.prototype.isInteger = function () {
+return this.value.isInteger();
+Bridge.Decimal.prototype.isNaN = function () {
+return this.value.isNaN();
+Bridge.Decimal.prototype.isNegative = function () {
+return this.value.isNegative();
+Bridge.Decimal.prototype.isZero = function () {
+return this.value.isZero();
+Bridge.Decimal.prototype.log = function (logBase) {
+return new Bridge.Decimal(this.value.log(logBase));
+Bridge.Decimal.prototype.ln = function () {
+return new Bridge.Decimal(this.value.ln());
+Bridge.Decimal.prototype.precision = function () {
+return this.value.precision();
+Bridge.Decimal.prototype.round = function () {
+return new Bridge.Decimal(this.value.round());
+Bridge.Decimal.prototype.sqrt = function () {
+return new Bridge.Decimal(this.value.sqrt());
+Bridge.Decimal.prototype.toDecimalPlaces = function (dp, rm) {
+return new Bridge.Decimal(this.value.toDecimalPlaces(dp, rm));
+Bridge.Decimal.prototype.toExponential = function (dp, rm) {
+return this.value.toExponential(dp, rm);
+Bridge.Decimal.prototype.toFixed = function (dp, rm) {
+return this.value.toFixed(dp, rm);
+Bridge.Decimal.prototype.pow = function (n) {
+return new Bridge.Decimal(this.value.pow(n));
+Bridge.Decimal.prototype.toPrecision = function (dp, rm) {
+return this.value.toPrecision(dp, rm);
+Bridge.Decimal.prototype.toSignificantDigits = function (dp, rm) {
+return new Bridge.Decimal(this.value.toSignificantDigits(dp, rm));
+Bridge.Decimal.prototype.valueOf = function () {
+return this.value.valueOf();
+Bridge.Decimal.prototype.toFormat = function (dp, rm, provider) {
+var old = Bridge.$Decimal.format,
+if (provider && !provider.getFormat) {
+var oldConfig = Bridge.merge({}, old || {});
+Bridge.$Decimal.format = Bridge.merge(oldConfig, provider);
+d = this.value.toFormat(dp, rm);
+} else {
+provider = provider || Bridge.CultureInfo.getCurrentCulture();
+var nfInfo = provider && provider.getFormat(Bridge.NumberFormatInfo);
+if (nfInfo) {
+Bridge.$Decimal.format.decimalSeparator = nfInfo.numberDecimalSeparator;
+Bridge.$Decimal.format.groupSeparator = nfInfo.numberGroupSeparator;
+Bridge.$Decimal.format.groupSize = nfInfo.numberGroupSizes[0];
+d = this.value.toFormat(dp, rm);
+Bridge.$Decimal.format = old;
+return d;
+Bridge.$Decimal.config({ precision: 29 });
+Bridge.Decimal.Zero = Bridge.Decimal(0);
+Bridge.Decimal.One = Bridge.Decimal(1);
+Bridge.Decimal.MinusOne = Bridge.Decimal(-1);
+Bridge.Decimal.MinValue = Bridge.Decimal("-79228162514264337593543950335");
+Bridge.Decimal.MaxValue = Bridge.Decimal("79228162514264337593543950335");
+(function () {
+var date = {
+utcNow: function () {
+var d = new Date();
+return new Date(d.getUTCFullYear(), d.getUTCMonth(), d.getUTCDate(), d.getUTCHours(), d.getUTCMinutes(), d.getUTCSeconds(), d.getUTCMilliseconds());
+today: function () {
+var d = new Date();
+return new Date(d.getFullYear(), d.getMonth(), d.getDate());
+isUseGenitiveForm: function (format, index, tokenLen, patternToMatch) {
+var i,
+repeat = 0;
+for (i = index - 1; i >= 0 && format[i] != patternToMatch; i--) {
+if (i >= 0) {
+while (--i >= 0 && format[i] == patternToMatch) {
+if (repeat <= 1) {
+return true;
+for (i = index + tokenLen; i < format.length && format[i] != patternToMatch; i++) {
+if (i < format.length) {
+repeat = 0;
+while (++i < format.length && format[i] == patternToMatch) {
+if (repeat <= 1) {
+return true;
+return false;
+format: function (date, format, provider) {
+var me = this,
+df = (provider || Bridge.CultureInfo.getCurrentCulture()).getFormat(Bridge.DateTimeFormatInfo),
+year = date.getFullYear(),
+month = date.getMonth(),
+dayOfMonth = date.getDate(),
+dayOfWeek = date.getDay(),
+hour = date.getHours(),
+minute = date.getMinutes(),
+second = date.getSeconds(),
+millisecond = date.getMilliseconds(),
+timezoneOffset = date.getTimezoneOffset(),
+format = format || "G";
+if (format.length == 1) {
+formats = df.getAllDateTimePatterns(format, true);
+format = formats ? formats[0] : format;
+else if (format.length == 2 && format.charAt(0) == "%") {
+format = format.charAt(1);
+return format.replace(/(\\.|'[^']*'|"[^"]*"|d{1,4}|M{1,4}|yyyy|yy|y|HH?|hh?|mm?|ss?|tt?|f{1,3}|z{1,3}|\:|\/)/g,
+function (match, group, index) {
+var part = match;
+switch (match) {
+case "dddd":
+part = df.dayNames[dayOfWeek];
+case "ddd":
+part = df.abbreviatedDayNames[dayOfWeek];
+case "dd":
+part = dayOfMonth < 10 ? "0" + dayOfMonth : dayOfMonth;
+case "d":
+part = dayOfMonth;
+case "MMMM":
+if (me.isUseGenitiveForm(format, index, 4, "d")) {
+part = df.monthGenitiveNames[month];
+else {
+part = df.monthNames[month];
+case "MMM":
+if (me.isUseGenitiveForm(format, index, 3, "d")) {
+part = df.abbreviatedMonthGenitiveNames[month];
+else {
+part = df.abbreviatedMonthNames[month];
+case "MM":
+part = (month + 1) < 10 ? "0" + (month + 1) : (month + 1);
+case "M":
+part = month + 1;
+case "yyyy":
+part = year;
+case "yy":
+part = (year % 100).toString();
+if (part.length == 1) {
+part = "0" + part;
+case "y":
+part = year % 100;
+case "h":
+case "hh":
+part = hour % 12;
+if (!part) {
+part = "12";
+else if (match == "hh" && part.length == 1) {
+part = "0" + part;
+case "HH":
+part = hour.toString();
+if (part.length == 1) {
+part = "0" + part;
+case "H":
+part = hour;
+case "mm":
+part = minute.toString();
+if (part.length == 1) {
+part = "0" + part;
+case "m":
+part = minute;
+case "ss":
+part = second.toString();
+if (part.length == 1) {
+part = "0" + part;
+case "s":
+part = second;
+case "t":
+case "tt":
+part = (hour < 12) ? df.amDesignator : df.pmDesignator;
+if (match == "t") {
+part = part.charAt(0);
+case "f":
+case "ff":
+case "fff":
+part = millisecond.toString();
+if (part.length < 3) {
+part = Array(3 - part.length).join("0") + part;
+if (match == "ff") {
+part = part.substr(0, 2);
+else if (match == "f") {
+part = part.charAt(0);
+case "z":
+part = timezoneOffset / 60;
+part = ((part >= 0) ? "-" : "+") + Math.floor(Math.abs(part));
+case "zz":
+case "zzz":
+part = timezoneOffset / 60;
+part = ((part >= 0) ? "-" : "+") + Bridge.String.alignString(Math.floor(Math.abs(part)).toString(), 2, "0", 2);
+if (match == "zzz") {
+part += df.timeSeparator + Bridge.String.alignString(Math.floor(Math.abs(timezoneOffset % 60)).toString(), 2, "0", 2);
+case ":":
+part = df.timeSeparator;
+case "/":
+part = df.dateSeparator;
+part = match.substr(1, match.length - 1 - (match.charAt(0) != "\\"));
+return part;
+parse: function (value, provider, utc, silent) {
+var dt = Date.parse(value);
+if (!isNaN(dt)) {
+return new Date(dt);
+return this.parseExact(value, null, provider, utc, silent);
+parseExact: function (str, format, provider, utc, silent) {
+if (!format) {
+format = ["G", "g", "F", "f", "D", "d", "R", "r", "s", "S", "U", "u", "O", "o", "Y", "y", "M", "m", "T", "t"];
+if (Bridge.isArray(format)) {
+var i,
+for (i = 0; i < format.length; i++) {
+d = Bridge.Date.parseExact(str, format[i], provider, utc, true);
+if (d != null) {
+return d;
+if (silent) {
+return null;
+throw new Bridge.FormatException("String does not contain a valid string representation of a date and time.");
+var df = (provider || Bridge.CultureInfo.getCurrentCulture()).getFormat(Bridge.DateTimeFormatInfo),
+am = df.amDesignator,
+pm = df.pmDesignator,
+idx = 0,
+index = 0,
+year = 0,
+month = 1,
+date = 1,
+hh = 0,
+mm = 0,
+ss = 0,
+ff = 0,
+tt = "",
+zzh = 0,
+zzm = 0,
+invalid = false,
+inQuotes = false,
+if (str == null) {
+throw new Bridge.ArgumentNullException("str");
+format = format || "G";
+if (format.length == 1) {
+formats = df.getAllDateTimePatterns(format, true);
+format = formats ? formats[0] : format;
+else if (format.length == 2 && format.charAt(0) == "%") {
+format = format.charAt(1);
+while (index < format.length) {
+c = format.charAt(index);
+token = "";
+if (inQuotes == "\\") {
+token += c;
+else {
+while ((format.charAt(index) == c) && (index < format.length)) {
+token += c;
+tokenMatched = true;
+if (!inQuotes) {
+if (token == "yyyy" || token == "yy" || token == "y") {
+if (token == "yyyy") {
+year = this.subparseInt(str, idx, 4, 4);
+else if (token == "yy") {
+year = this.subparseInt(str, idx, 2, 2);
+else if (token == "y") {
+year = this.subparseInt(str, idx, 2, 4);
+if (year == null) {
+invalid = true;
+idx += year.length;
+if (year.length == 2) {
+year = ~~year;
+year = (year > 30 ? 1900 : 2000) + year;
+else if (token == "MMM" || token == "MMMM") {
+month = 0;
+if (token === "MMM") {
+if (this.isUseGenitiveForm(format, index, 3, "d")) {
+names = df.abbreviatedMonthGenitiveNames;
+else {
+names = df.abbreviatedMonthNames;
+else {
+if (this.isUseGenitiveForm(format, index, 4, "d")) {
+names = df.monthGenitiveNames;
+else {
+names = df.monthNames;
+for (i = 0; i < names.length; i++) {
+name = names[i];
+if (str.substring(idx, idx + name.length).toLowerCase() == name.toLowerCase()) {
+month = (i % 12) + 1;
+idx += name.length;
+if ((month < 1) || (month > 12)) {
+invalid = true;
+else if (token == "MM" || token == "M") {
+month = this.subparseInt(str, idx, token.length, 2);
+if (month == null || month < 1 || month > 12) {
+invalid = true;
+idx += month.length;
+else if (token == "dddd" || token == "ddd") {
+names = token === "ddd" ? df.abbreviatedDayNames : df.dayNames;
+for (i = 0; i < names.length; i++) {
+name = names[i];
+if (str.substring(idx, idx + name.length).toLowerCase() == name.toLowerCase()) {
+idx += name.length;
+else if (token == "dd" || token == "d") {
+date = this.subparseInt(str, idx, token.length, 2);
+if (date == null || date < 1 || date > 31) {
+invalid = true;
+idx += date.length;
+else if (token == "hh" || token == "h") {
+hh = this.subparseInt(str, idx, token.length, 2);
+if (hh == null || hh < 1 || hh > 12) {
+invalid = true;
+idx += hh.length;
+else if (token == "HH" || token == "H") {
+hh = this.subparseInt(str, idx, token.length, 2);
+if (hh == null || hh < 0 || hh > 23) {
+invalid = true;
+idx += hh.length;
+else if (token == "mm" || token == "m") {
+mm = this.subparseInt(str, idx, token.length, 2);
+if (mm == null || mm < 0 || mm > 59) {
+return null;
+idx += mm.length;
+else if (token == "ss" || token == "s") {
+ss = this.subparseInt(str, idx, token.length, 2);
+if (ss == null || ss < 0 || ss > 59) {
+invalid = true;
+idx += ss.length;
+else if (token == "u") {
+ff = this.subparseInt(str, idx, 1, 7);
+if (ff == null) {
+invalid = true;
+idx += ff.length;
+if (ff.length > 3) {
+ff = ff.substring(0, 3);
+else if (token == "fffffff" || token == "ffffff" || token == "fffff" || token == "ffff" || token == "fff" || token == "ff" || token == "f") {
+ff = this.subparseInt(str, idx, token.length, 7);
+if (ff == null) {
+invalid = true;
+idx += ff.length;
+if (ff.length > 3) {
+ff = ff.substring(0, 3);
+else if (token == "t") {
+if (str.substring(idx, idx + 1).toLowerCase() == am.charAt(0).toLowerCase()) {
+tt = am;
+else if (str.substring(idx, idx + 1).toLowerCase() == pm.charAt(0).toLowerCase()) {
+tt = pm;
+else {
+invalid = true;
+idx += 1;
+else if (token == "tt") {
+if (str.substring(idx, idx + 2).toLowerCase() == am.toLowerCase()) {
+tt = am;
+else if (str.substring(idx, idx + 2).toLowerCase() == pm.toLowerCase()) {
+tt = pm;
+else {
+invalid = true;
+idx += 2;
+else if (token == "z" || token == "zz") {
+sign = str.charAt(idx);
+if (sign == "-") {
+neg = true;
+else if (sign == "+") {
+neg = false;
+else {
+invalid = true;
+zzh = this.subparseInt(str, idx, 1, 2);
+if (zzh == null || zzh > 14) {
+invalid = true;
+idx += zzh.length;
+if (neg) {
+zzh = -zzh;
+else if (token == "zzz") {
+name = str.substring(idx, idx + 6);
+idx += 6;
+if (name.length != 6) {
+invalid = true;
+sign = name.charAt(0);
+if (sign == "-") {
+neg = true;
+else if (sign == "+") {
+neg = false;
+else {
+invalid = true;
+zzi = 1;
+zzh = this.subparseInt(name, zzi, 1, 2);
+if (zzh == null || zzh > 14) {
+invalid = true;
+zzi += zzh.length;
+if (neg) {
+zzh = -zzh;
+if (name.charAt(zzi) != df.timeSeparator) {
+invalid = true;
+zzm = this.subparseInt(name, zzi, 1, 2);
+if (zzm == null || zzh > 59) {
+invalid = true;
+else {
+tokenMatched = false;
+if (inQuotes || !tokenMatched) {
+name = str.substring(idx, idx + token.length);
+if ((!inQuotes && ((token == ":" && name != df.timeSeparator) ||
+(token == "/" && name != df.dateSeparator))) ||
+(name != token && token != "'" && token != '"' && token != "\\")) {
+invalid = true;
+if (inQuotes == "\\") {
+inQuotes = false;
+if (token != "'" && token != '"' && token != "\\") {
+idx += token.length;
+else {
+if (inQuotes === false) {
+inQuotes = token;
+else {
+if (inQuotes != token) {
+invalid = true;
+inQuotes = false;
+if (inQuotes) {
+invalid = true;
+if (!invalid) {
+if (idx != str.length) {
+invalid = true;
+else if (month == 2) {
+if (((year % 4 == 0) && (year % 100 != 0)) || (year % 400 == 0)) {
+if (date > 29) {
+invalid = true;
+else if (date > 28) {
+invalid = true;
+else if ((month == 4) || (month == 6) || (month == 9) || (month == 11)) {
+if (date > 30) {
+invalid = true;
+if (invalid) {
+if (silent) {
+return null;
+throw new Bridge.FormatException("String does not contain a valid string representation of a date and time.");
+if (hh < 12 && tt == pm) {
+hh = hh - 0 + 12;
+else if (hh > 11 && tt == am) {
+hh -= 12;
+if (zzh == 0 && zzm == 0 && !utc) {
+return new Date(year, month - 1, date, hh, mm, ss, ff);
+return new Date(Date.UTC(year, month - 1, date, hh - zzh, mm - zzm, ss, ff));
+subparseInt: function (str, index, min, max) {
+var x,
+for (x = max; x >= min; x--) {
+token = str.substring(index, index + x);
+if (token.length < min) {
+return null;
+if (/^\d+$/.test(token)) {
+return token;
+return null;
+tryParse: function (value, provider, result, utc) {
+result.v = this.parse(value, provider, utc, true);
+if (result.v == null) {
+result.v = new Date(-864e13);
+return false;
+return true;
+tryParseExact: function (value, format, provider, result, utc) {
+result.v = this.parseExact(value, format, provider, utc, true);
+if (result.v == null) {
+result.v = new Date(-864e13);
+return false;
+return true;
+isDaylightSavingTime: function (dt) {
+var temp =;
+return temp.getTimezoneOffset() != dt.getTimezoneOffset();
+toUTC: function (date) {
+return new Date(date.getUTCFullYear(),
+toLocal: function (date) {
+return new Date(Date.UTC(date.getFullYear(),
+Bridge.Date = date;
+Bridge.define('Bridge.TimeSpan', {
+inherits: [Bridge.IComparable],
+statics: {
+fromDays: function (value) {
+return new Bridge.TimeSpan(value * 864e9);
+fromHours: function (value) {
+return new Bridge.TimeSpan(value * 36e9);
+fromMilliseconds: function (value) {
+return new Bridge.TimeSpan(value * 1e4);
+fromMinutes: function (value) {
+return new Bridge.TimeSpan(value * 6e8);
+fromSeconds: function (value) {
+return new Bridge.TimeSpan(value * 1e7);
+fromTicks: function (value) {
+return new Bridge.TimeSpan(value);
+constructor: function () { = new Bridge.TimeSpan(0);
+this.maxValue = new Bridge.TimeSpan(864e13);
+this.minValue = new Bridge.TimeSpan(-864e13);
+getDefaultValue: function () {
+return new Bridge.TimeSpan(0);
+constructor: function () {
+this.ticks = 0;
+if (arguments.length == 1) {
+this.ticks = arguments[0];
+else if (arguments.length == 3) {
+this.ticks = (((arguments[0] * 60 + arguments[1]) * 60) + arguments[2]) * 1e7;
+else if (arguments.length == 4) {
+this.ticks = ((((arguments[0] * 24 + arguments[1]) * 60 + arguments[2]) * 60) + arguments[3]) * 1e7;
+else if (arguments.length == 5) {
+this.ticks = (((((arguments[0] * 24 + arguments[1]) * 60 + arguments[2]) * 60) + arguments[3]) * 1e3 + arguments[4]) * 1e4;
+getTicks: function () {
+return this.ticks;
+getDays: function () {
+return this.ticks / 864e9 | 0;
+getHours: function () {
+return this.ticks / 36e9 % 24 | 0;
+getMilliseconds: function () {
+return this.ticks / 1e4 % 1e3 | 0;
+getMinutes: function () {
+return this.ticks / 6e8 % 60 | 0;
+getSeconds: function () {
+return this.ticks / 1e7 % 60 | 0;
+getTotalDays: function () {
+return this.ticks / 864e9;
+getTotalHours: function () {
+return this.ticks / 36e9;
+getTotalMilliseconds: function () {
+return this.ticks / 1e4;
+getTotalMinutes: function () {
+return this.ticks / 6e8;
+getTotalSeconds: function () {
+return this.ticks / 1e7;
+get12HourHour: function () {
+return (this.getHours() > 12) ? this.getHours() - 12 : (this.getHours() === 0) ? 12 : this.getHours();
+add: function (ts) {
+return new Bridge.TimeSpan(this.ticks + ts.ticks);
+subtract: function (ts) {
+return new Bridge.TimeSpan(this.ticks - ts.ticks);
+duration: function () {
+return new Bridge.TimeSpan(Math.abs(this.ticks));
+negate: function () {
+return new Bridge.TimeSpan(-this.ticks);
+compareTo: function (other) {
+return this.ticks < other.ticks ? -1 : (this.ticks > other.ticks ? 1 : 0);
+equals: function (other) {
+return other.ticks === this.ticks;
+format: function (formatStr, provider) {
+return this.toString(formatStr, provider);
+toString: function (formatStr, provider) {
+var ticks = this.ticks,
+result = "",
+me = this,
+dtInfo = (provider || Bridge.CultureInfo.getCurrentCulture()).getFormat(Bridge.DateTimeFormatInfo),
+format = function (t, n) {
+return Bridge.String.alignString((t | 0).toString(), n || 2, "0", 2);
+if (formatStr) {
+return formatStr.replace(/dd?|HH?|hh?|mm?|ss?|tt?/g,
+function (formatStr) {
+switch (formatStr) {
+case "d":
+return me.getDays();
+case "dd":
+return format(me.getDays());
+case "H":
+return me.getHours();
+case "HH":
+return format(me.getHours());
+case "h":
+return me.get12HourHour();
+case "hh":
+return format(me.get12HourHour());
+case "m":
+return me.getMinutes();
+case "mm":
+return format(me.getMinutes());
+case "s":
+return me.getSeconds();
+case "ss":
+return format(me.getSeconds());
+case "t":
+return ((me.getHours() < 12) ? dtInfo.amDesignator : dtInfo.pmDesignator).substring(0, 1);
+case "tt":
+return (me.getHours() < 12) ? dtInfo.amDesignator : dtInfo.pmDesignator;
+if (Math.abs(ticks) >= 864e9) {
+result += format(ticks / 864e9) + ".";
+ticks %= 864e9;
+result += format(ticks / 36e9) + ":";
+ticks %= 36e9;
+result += format(ticks / 6e8 | 0) + ':';
+ticks %= 6e8;
+result += format(ticks / 1e7);
+ticks %= 1e7;
+if (ticks > 0) {
+result += "." + format(ticks, 7);
+return result;
+Bridge.Class.addExtend(Bridge.TimeSpan, [Bridge.IComparable$1(Bridge.TimeSpan), Bridge.IEquatable$1(Bridge.TimeSpan)]);
+Bridge.define('Bridge.Text.StringBuilder', {
+constructor: function () {
+this.buffer = [],
+this.capacity = 16;
+if (arguments.length == 1) {
+else if (arguments.length == 2) {
+else if (arguments.length == 3) {
+this.append(arguments[0], arguments[1], arguments[2]);
+getLength: function () {
+if (this.buffer.length < 2) {
+return this.buffer[0] ? this.buffer[0].length : 0;
+var s = this.buffer.join('');
+this.buffer = [];
+this.buffer[0] = s;
+return s.length;
+getCapacity: function () {
+var length = this.getLength();
+return (this.capacity > length) ? this.capacity : length;
+setCapacity: function (value) {
+var length = this.getLength();
+if (value > length) {
+this.capacity = value;
+toString: function () {
+var s = this.buffer.join('');
+this.buffer = [];
+this.buffer[0] = s;
+if (arguments.length == 2) {
+var startIndex = arguments[0],
+length = arguments[1];
+this.checkLimits(s, startIndex, length);
+return s.substr(startIndex, length);
+return s;
+append: function (value) {
+if (value == null) {
+return this;
+if (arguments.length == 2) {
+var count = arguments[1];
+if (count == 0) {
+return this;
+else if (count < 0) {
+throw new Bridge.ArgumentOutOfRangeException("count", "cannot be less than zero");
+value = Array(count + 1).join(value).toString();
+else if (arguments.length == 3) {
+var startIndex = arguments[1],
+count = arguments[2];
+if (count == 0) {
+return this;
+this.checkLimits(value, startIndex, count);
+value = value.substr(startIndex, count);
+this.buffer[this.buffer.length] = value;
+return this;
+appendFormat: function (format) {
+return this.append(Bridge.String.format.apply(Bridge.String, arguments));
+clear: function () {
+this.buffer = [];
+return this;
+appendLine: function () {
+if (arguments.length == 1) {
+return this.append("\r\n");
+equals: function (sb) {
+if (sb == null) {
+return false;
+if (sb == this) {
+return true;
+return this.toString() === sb.toString();
+remove: function (startIndex, length) {
+var s = this.buffer.join('');
+this.checkLimits(s, startIndex, length);
+if (s.length == length && startIndex == 0) {
+return this.clear();
+if (length > 0) {
+this.buffer = [];
+this.buffer[0] = s.substring(0, startIndex);
+this.buffer[1] = s.substring(startIndex + length, s.length);
+return this;
+insert: function (index, value) {
+if (value == null) {
+return this;
+if (arguments.length == 3) {
+var count = arguments[2];
+if (count == 0) {
+return this;
+else if (count < 0) {
+throw new Bridge.ArgumentOutOfRangeException("count", "cannot be less than zero");
+value = Array(count + 1).join(value).toString();
+var s = this.buffer.join('');
+this.buffer = [];
+if (index < 1) {
+this.buffer[0] = value;
+this.buffer[1] = s;
+else if (index >= s.length) {
+this.buffer[0] = s;
+this.buffer[1] = value;
+else {
+this.buffer[0] = s.substring(0, index);
+this.buffer[1] = value;
+this.buffer[2] = s.substring(index, s.length);
+return this;
+replace: function (oldValue, newValue) {
+var r = new RegExp(oldValue, 'g'),
+s = this.buffer.join('');
+this.buffer = [];
+if (arguments.length == 4) {
+var startIndex = arguments[2],
+count = arguments[3],
+b = s.substr(startIndex, count);
+this.checkLimits(s, startIndex, count);
+this.buffer[0] = s.substring(0, startIndex);
+this.buffer[1] = b.replace(r, newValue);
+this.buffer[2] = s.substring(startIndex + count, s.length);
+else {
+this.buffer[0] = s.replace(r, newValue);
+return this;
+checkLimits: function (value, startIndex, length) {
+if (length < 0) {
+throw new Bridge.ArgumentOutOfRangeException("length", "must be non-negative");
+if (startIndex < 0) {
+throw new Bridge.ArgumentOutOfRangeException("startIndex", "startIndex cannot be less than zero");
+if (length > value.length - startIndex) {
+throw new Bridge.ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Index and length must refer to a location within the string");
+(function () {
+specials = [
+, "["
+, "]"
+, "/"
+, "{"
+, "}"
+, "("
+, ")"
+, "*"
+, "+"
+, "?"
+, "."
+, "\\"
+, "^"
+, "$"
+, "|"
+regex = RegExp('[' + specials.join('\\') + ']', 'g');
+var regexpEscape = function (s) {
+return s.replace(regex, "\\$&");
+Bridge.regexpEscape = regexpEscape;
+(function () {
+var check = function (regex) {
+return regex.test(navigator.userAgent);
+isStrict = document.compatMode == 'CSS1Compat',
+version = function (is, regex) {
+var m;
+return (is && (m = regex.exec(navigator.userAgent))) ? parseFloat(m[1]) : 0;
+docMode = document.documentMode,
+isOpera = check(/opera/),
+isOpera10_5 = isOpera && check(/version\/10\.5/),
+isChrome = check(/\bchrome\b/),
+isWebKit = check(/webkit/),
+isSafari = !isChrome && check(/safari/),
+isSafari2 = isSafari && check(/applewebkit\/4/),
+isSafari3 = isSafari && check(/version\/3/),
+isSafari4 = isSafari && check(/version\/4/),
+isSafari5_0 = isSafari && check(/version\/5\.0/),
+isSafari5 = isSafari && check(/version\/5/),
+isIE = !isOpera && (check(/msie/) || check(/trident/)),
+isIE7 = isIE && ((check(/msie 7/) && docMode != 8 && docMode != 9 && docMode != 10) || docMode == 7),
+isIE8 = isIE && ((check(/msie 8/) && docMode != 7 && docMode != 9 && docMode != 10) || docMode == 8),
+isIE9 = isIE && ((check(/msie 9/) && docMode != 7 && docMode != 8 && docMode != 10) || docMode == 9),
+isIE10 = isIE && ((check(/msie 10/) && docMode != 7 && docMode != 8 && docMode != 9) || docMode == 10),
+isIE11 = isIE && ((check(/trident\/7\.0/) && docMode != 7 && docMode != 8 && docMode != 9 && docMode != 10) || docMode == 11),
+isIE6 = isIE && check(/msie 6/),
+isGecko = !isWebKit && !isIE && check(/gecko/),
+isGecko3 = isGecko && check(/rv:1\.9/),
+isGecko4 = isGecko && check(/rv:2\.0/),
+isGecko5 = isGecko && check(/rv:5\./),
+isGecko10 = isGecko && check(/rv:10\./),
+isFF3_0 = isGecko3 && check(/rv:1\.9\.0/),
+isFF3_5 = isGecko3 && check(/rv:1\.9\.1/),
+isFF3_6 = isGecko3 && check(/rv:1\.9\.2/),
+isWindows = check(/windows|win32/),
+isMac = check(/macintosh|mac os x/),
+isLinux = check(/linux/),
+scrollbarSize = null,
+chromeVersion = version(true, /\bchrome\/(\d+\.\d+)/),
+firefoxVersion = version(true, /\bfirefox\/(\d+\.\d+)/),
+ieVersion = version(isIE, /msie (\d+\.\d+)/),
+operaVersion = version(isOpera, /version\/(\d+\.\d+)/),
+safariVersion = version(isSafari, /version\/(\d+\.\d+)/),
+webKitVersion = version(isWebKit, /webkit\/(\d+\.\d+)/),
+isSecure = ? /^https/i.test( : false,
+isiPhone = /iPhone/i.test(navigator.platform),
+isiPod = /iPod/i.test(navigator.platform),
+isiPad = /iPad/i.test(navigator.userAgent),
+isBlackberry = /Blackberry/i.test(navigator.userAgent),
+isAndroid = /Android/i.test(navigator.userAgent),
+isDesktop = isMac || isWindows || (isLinux && !isAndroid),
+isTablet = isiPad,
+isPhone = !isDesktop && !isTablet;
+var browser = {
+isStrict: isStrict,
+isIEQuirks: isIE && (!isStrict && (isIE6 || isIE7 || isIE8 || isIE9)),
+isOpera: isOpera,
+isOpera10_5: isOpera10_5,
+isWebKit: isWebKit,
+isChrome: isChrome,
+isSafari: isSafari,
+isSafari3: isSafari3,
+isSafari4: isSafari4,
+isSafari5: isSafari5,
+isSafari5_0: isSafari5_0,
+isSafari2: isSafari2,
+isIE: isIE,
+isIE6: isIE6,
+isIE7: isIE7,
+isIE7m: isIE6 || isIE7,
+isIE7p: isIE && !isIE6,
+isIE8: isIE8,
+isIE8m: isIE6 || isIE7 || isIE8,
+isIE8p: isIE && !(isIE6 || isIE7),
+isIE9: isIE9,
+isIE9m: isIE6 || isIE7 || isIE8 || isIE9,
+isIE9p: isIE && !(isIE6 || isIE7 || isIE8),
+isIE10: isIE10,
+isIE10m: isIE6 || isIE7 || isIE8 || isIE9 || isIE10,
+isIE10p: isIE && !(isIE6 || isIE7 || isIE8 || isIE9),
+isIE11: isIE11,
+isIE11m: isIE6 || isIE7 || isIE8 || isIE9 || isIE10 || isIE11,
+isIE11p: isIE && !(isIE6 || isIE7 || isIE8 || isIE9 || isIE10),
+isGecko: isGecko,
+isGecko3: isGecko3,
+isGecko4: isGecko4,
+isGecko5: isGecko5,
+isGecko10: isGecko10,
+isFF3_0: isFF3_0,
+isFF3_5: isFF3_5,
+isFF3_6: isFF3_6,
+isFF4: 4 <= firefoxVersion && firefoxVersion < 5,
+isFF5: 5 <= firefoxVersion && firefoxVersion < 6,
+isFF10: 10 <= firefoxVersion && firefoxVersion < 11,
+isLinux: isLinux,
+isWindows: isWindows,
+isMac: isMac,
+chromeVersion: chromeVersion,
+firefoxVersion: firefoxVersion,
+ieVersion: ieVersion,
+operaVersion: operaVersion,
+safariVersion: safariVersion,
+webKitVersion: webKitVersion,
+isSecure: isSecure,
+isiPhone: isiPhone,
+isiPod: isiPod,
+isiPad: isiPad,
+isBlackberry: isBlackberry,
+isAndroid: isAndroid,
+isDesktop: isDesktop,
+isTablet: isTablet,
+isPhone: isPhone,
+iOS: isiPhone || isiPad || isiPod,
+standalone: ? !! : false
+Bridge.Browser = browser;
+Bridge.define('Bridge.ICollection', {
+inherits: [Bridge.IEnumerable]
+Bridge.Class.generic('Bridge.IEnumerator$1', function (T) {
+var $$name = Bridge.Class.genericName('Bridge.IEnumerator$1', T);
+return Bridge.Class.cache[$$name] || (Bridge.Class.cache[$$name] = Bridge.define($$name, {
+inherits: [Bridge.IEnumerator]
+Bridge.Class.generic('Bridge.IEnumerable$1', function (T) {
+var $$name = Bridge.Class.genericName('Bridge.IEnumerable$1', T);
+return Bridge.Class.cache[$$name] || (Bridge.Class.cache[$$name] = Bridge.define($$name, {
+inherits: [Bridge.IEnumerable]
+Bridge.Class.generic('Bridge.ICollection$1', function (T) {
+var $$name = Bridge.Class.genericName('Bridge.ICollection$1', T);
+return Bridge.Class.cache[$$name] || (Bridge.Class.cache[$$name] = Bridge.define($$name, {
+inherits: [Bridge.IEnumerable$1(T)]
+Bridge.Class.generic('Bridge.IEqualityComparer$1', function (T) {
+var $$name = Bridge.Class.genericName('Bridge.IEqualityComparer$1', T);
+return Bridge.Class.cache[$$name] || (Bridge.Class.cache[$$name] = Bridge.define($$name, {
+inherits: [Bridge.IEqualityComparer]
+Bridge.Class.generic('Bridge.IDictionary$2', function (TKey, TValue) {
+var $$name = Bridge.Class.genericName('Bridge.IDictionary$2', TKey, TValue);
+return Bridge.Class.cache[$$name] || (Bridge.Class.cache[$$name] = Bridge.define($$name, {
+inherits: [Bridge.IEnumerable$1(Bridge.KeyValuePair$2(TKey, TValue))]
+Bridge.Class.generic('Bridge.IList$1', function (T) {
+var $$name = Bridge.Class.genericName('Bridge.IList$1', T);
+return Bridge.Class.cache[$$name] || (Bridge.Class.cache[$$name] = Bridge.define($$name, {
+inherits: [Bridge.ICollection$1(T)]
+Bridge.Class.generic('Bridge.IComparer$1', function (T) {
+var $$name = Bridge.Class.genericName('Bridge.IComparer$1', T);
+return Bridge.Class.cache[$$name] || (Bridge.Class.cache[$$name] = Bridge.define($$name, {
+Bridge.Class.generic('Bridge.ISet$1', function (T) {
+var $$name = Bridge.Class.genericName('Bridge.ISet$1', T);
+return Bridge.Class.cache[$$name] || (Bridge.Class.cache[$$name] = Bridge.define($$name, {
+inherits: [Bridge.ICollection$1(T)]
+Bridge.define("Bridge.CustomEnumerator", {
+inherits: [Bridge.IEnumerator],
+constructor: function (moveNext, getCurrent, reset, dispose, scope) {
+this.$moveNext = moveNext;
+this.$getCurrent = getCurrent;
+this.$dispose = dispose;
+this.$reset = reset;
+this.scope = scope;
+moveNext: function () {
+try {
+return this.$;
+catch (ex) {;
+throw ex;
+getCurrent: function () {
+return this.$;
+reset: function () {
+if (this.$reset) {
+dispose: function () {
+if (this.$dispose) {
+Bridge.define('Bridge.ArrayEnumerator', {
+inherits: [Bridge.IEnumerator],
+constructor: function (array) {
+this.array = array;
+moveNext: function () {
+return this.index < this.array.length;
+getCurrent: function () {
+return this.array[this.index];
+reset: function () {
+this.index = -1;
+dispose: Bridge.emptyFn
+Bridge.define('Bridge.ArrayEnumerable', {
+inherits: [Bridge.IEnumerable],
+constructor: function (array) {
+this.array = array;
+getEnumerator: function () {
+return new Bridge.ArrayEnumerator(this.array);
+Bridge.Class.generic('Bridge.EqualityComparer$1', function (T) {
+var $$name = Bridge.Class.genericName('Bridge.EqualityComparer$1', T);
+return Bridge.Class.cache[$$name] || (Bridge.Class.cache[$$name] = Bridge.define($$name, {
+inherits: [Bridge.IEqualityComparer$1(T)],
+equals: function (x, y) {
+if (!Bridge.isDefined(x, true)) {
+return !Bridge.isDefined(y, true);
+else if (Bridge.isDefined(y, true)) {
+var isBridge = x && x.$$name;
+return (!isBridge || Bridge.isFunction(x.equals)) ? Bridge.equals(x, y) : x === y;
+return false;
+getHashCode: function (obj) {
+return Bridge.isDefined(obj, true) ? Bridge.getHashCode(obj) : 0;
+Bridge.EqualityComparer$1.$default = new Bridge.EqualityComparer$1(Object)();
+Bridge.Class.generic('Bridge.Comparer$1', function (T) {
+var $$name = Bridge.Class.genericName('Bridge.Comparer$1', T);
+return Bridge.Class.cache[$$name] || (Bridge.Class.cache[$$name] = Bridge.define($$name, {
+inherits: [Bridge.IComparer$1(T)],
+constructor: function(fn) {
+this.fn = fn;
+compare: function (x, y) {
+return this.fn(x, y);
+Bridge.Comparer$1.$default = new Bridge.Comparer$1(Object)(function(x, y) {
+if (!Bridge.hasValue(x)) {
+return !Bridge.hasValue(y) ? 0 : -1;
+} else if (!Bridge.hasValue(y)) {
+return 1;
+return, y);
+Bridge.Class.generic('Bridge.KeyValuePair$2', function (TKey, TValue) {
+var $$name = Bridge.Class.genericName('Bridge.KeyValuePair$2', TKey, TValue);
+return Bridge.Class.cache[$$name] || (Bridge.Class.cache[$$name] = Bridge.define($$name, {
+constructor: function (key, value) {
+this.key = key;
+this.value = value;
+Bridge.Class.generic('Bridge.Dictionary$2', function (TKey, TValue) {
+var $$name = Bridge.Class.genericName('Bridge.Dictionary$2', TKey, TValue);
+return Bridge.Class.cache[$$name] || (Bridge.Class.cache[$$name] = Bridge.define($$name, {
+inherits: [Bridge.IDictionary$2(TKey, TValue)],
+constructor: function (obj, comparer) {
+this.comparer = comparer || Bridge.EqualityComparer$1.$default;
+if (, Bridge.Dictionary$2(TKey, TValue))) {
+var e = Bridge.getEnumerator(obj),
+while (e.moveNext()) {
+c = e.getCurrent();
+this.add(c.key, c.value);
+else if ( === '[object Object]') {
+var names = Bridge.getPropertyNames(obj),
+for (var i = 0; i < names.length; i++) {
+name = names[i];
+this.add(name, obj[name]);
+getKeys: function () {
+return new Bridge.DictionaryCollection$1(TKey)(this, true);
+getValues: function () {
+return new Bridge.DictionaryCollection$1(TValue)(this, false);
+clear: function () {
+this.entries = { };
+this.count = 0;
+findEntry: function (key) {
+var hash = this.comparer.getHashCode(key),
+if (Bridge.isDefined(this.entries[hash])) {
+entries = this.entries[hash];
+for (i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) {
+if (this.comparer.equals(entries[i].key, key)) {
+return entries[i];
+containsKey: function (key) {
+return !!this.findEntry(key);
+containsValue: function (value) {
+var e, i;
+for (e in this.entries) {
+if (this.entries.hasOwnProperty(e)) {
+var entries = this.entries[e];
+for (i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) {
+if (this.comparer.equals(entries[i].value, value)) {
+return true;
+return false;
+get: function (key) {
+var entry = this.findEntry(key);
+if (!entry) {
+throw new Bridge.KeyNotFoundException('Key ' + key + ' does not exist.');
+return entry.value;
+getItem: function (key) {
+return get(key);
+set: function (key, value, add) {
+var entry = this.findEntry(key),
+if (entry) {
+if (add) {
+throw new Bridge.ArgumentException('Key ' + key + ' already exists.');
+entry.value = value;
+hash = this.comparer.getHashCode(key);
+entry = new Bridge.KeyValuePair$2(TKey, TValue)(key, value);
+if (this.entries[hash]) {
+else {
+this.entries[hash] = [entry];
+setItem: function (key, value, add) {
+set(key, value, add);
+add: function (key, value) {
+this.set(key, value, true);
+remove: function (key) {
+var hash = this.comparer.getHashCode(key),
+if (!this.entries[hash]) {
+return false;
+entries = this.entries[hash];
+for (i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) {
+if (this.comparer.equals(entries[i].key, key)) {
+entries.splice(i, 1);
+if (entries.length == 0) {
+delete this.entries[hash];
+return true;
+return false;
+getCount: function () {
+return this.count;
+getComparer: function () {
+return this.comparer;
+tryGetValue: function (key, value) {
+var entry = this.findEntry(key);
+value.v = entry ? entry.value : Bridge.getDefaultValue(TValue);
+return !!entry;
+getCustomEnumerator: function (fn) {
+var hashes = Bridge.getPropertyNames(this.entries),
+hashIndex = -1,
+return new Bridge.CustomEnumerator(function () {
+if (hashIndex < 0 || keyIndex >= (this.entries[hashes[hashIndex]].length - 1)) {
+keyIndex = -1;
+if (hashIndex >= hashes.length) {
+return false;
+return true;
+}, function () {
+return fn(this.entries[hashes[hashIndex]][keyIndex]);
+}, function () {
+hashIndex = -1;
+}, null, this);
+getEnumerator: function () {
+return this.getCustomEnumerator(function(e) {
+return e;
+Bridge.Class.generic('Bridge.DictionaryCollection$1', function (T) {
+var $$name = Bridge.Class.genericName('Bridge.DictionaryCollection$1', T);
+return Bridge.Class.cache[$$name] || (Bridge.Class.cache[$$name] = Bridge.define($$name, {
+inherits: [Bridge.ICollection$1(T)],
+constructor: function (dictionary, keys) {
+this.dictionary = dictionary;
+this.keys = keys;
+getCount: function () {
+return this.dictionary.getCount();
+getEnumerator: function () {
+return this.dictionary.getCustomEnumerator(this.keys ? function (e) {
+return e.key;
+} : function (e) {
+return e.value;
+contains: function (value) {
+return this.keys ? this.dictionary.containsKey(value) : this.dictionary.containsValue(value);
+add: function (v) {
+throw new Bridge.NotSupportedException();
+clear: function () {
+throw new Bridge.NotSupportedException();
+remove: function () {
+throw new Bridge.NotSupportedException();
+Bridge.Class.generic('Bridge.List$1', function (T) {
+var $$name = Bridge.Class.genericName('Bridge.List$1', T);
+return Bridge.Class.cache[$$name] || (Bridge.Class.cache[$$name] = Bridge.define($$name, {
+inherits: [Bridge.ICollection$1(T), Bridge.ICollection, Bridge.IList$1(T)],
+constructor: function (obj) {
+if ( === '[object Array]') {
+this.items = obj;
+else if (, Bridge.IEnumerable)) {
+this.items = Bridge.toArray(obj);
+else {
+this.items = [];
+checkIndex: function (index) {
+if (index < 0 || index > (this.items.length - 1)) {
+throw new Bridge.ArgumentOutOfRangeException('Index out of range');
+getCount: function () {
+return this.items.length;
+get: function (index) {
+return this.items[index];
+getItem: function (index) {
+return this.get(index);
+set: function (index, value) {
+this.items[index] = value;
+setItem: function (index, value) {
+this.set(index, value);
+add: function (value) {
+addRange: function (items) {
+var array = Bridge.toArray(items),
+for (i = 0, len = array.length; i < len; ++i) {
+clear: function () {
+this.items = [];
+indexOf: function (item, startIndex) {
+var i, el;
+if (!Bridge.isDefined(startIndex)) {
+startIndex = 0;
+if (startIndex != 0) {
+for (i = startIndex; i < this.items.length; i++) {
+el = this.items[i];
+if (el === item || Bridge.EqualityComparer$1.$default.equals(el, item)) {
+return i;
+return -1;
+insertRange: function (index, items) {
+if (index != 0) {
+var array = Bridge.toArray(items);
+for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
+this.insert(index++, array[i]);
+contains: function (item) {
+return this.indexOf(item) > -1;
+getEnumerator: function () {
+return new Bridge.ArrayEnumerator(this.items);
+getRange: function (index, count) {
+if (!Bridge.isDefined(index)) {
+index = 0;
+if (!Bridge.isDefined(count)) {
+count = this.items.length;
+if (index != 0) {
+this.checkIndex(index + count - 1);
+var result = [],
+for (i = index; i < count; i++) {
+return result;
+insert: function (index, item) {
+if (index != 0) {
+if (Bridge.isArray(item)) {
+for (var i = 0; i < item.length; i++) {
+this.insert(index++, item[i]);
+else {
+this.items.splice(index, 0, item);
+join: function (delimeter) {
+return this.items.join(delimeter);
+lastIndexOf: function (item, fromIndex) {
+if (!Bridge.isDefined(fromIndex)) {
+fromIndex = this.items.length - 1;
+if (fromIndex != 0) {
+for (var i = fromIndex; i >= 0; i--) {
+if (item === this.items[i]) {
+return i;
+return -1;
+remove: function (item) {
+var index = this.indexOf(item);
+if (index < 0)
+return false;
+this.items.splice(index, 1);
+return true;
+removeAt: function (index) {
+this.items.splice(index, 1);
+removeRange: function (index, count) {
+this.items.splice(index, count);
+reverse: function () {
+slice: function (start, end) {
+return new Bridge.List$1(this.$$name.substr(this.$$name.lastIndexOf('$')+1))(this.items.slice(start, end));
+sort: function (comparison) {
+splice: function (start, count, items) {
+this.items.splice(start, count, items);
+unshift: function () {
+toArray: function () {
+return Bridge.toArray(this);
+checkReadOnly: function () {
+if (this.readOnly) {
+throw new Bridge.NotSupportedException();
+Bridge.Class.generic('Bridge.ReadOnlyCollection$1', function (T) {
+var $$name = Bridge.Class.genericName('Bridge.ReadOnlyCollection$1', T);
+return Bridge.Class.cache[$$name] || (Bridge.Class.cache[$$name] = Bridge.define($$name, {
+inherits: [Bridge.List$1(T)],
+constructor: function (list) {
+if (list == null) {
+throw new Bridge.ArgumentNullException("list");
+Bridge.ReadOnlyCollection$1.prototype.$, list);
+this.readOnly = true;
+Bridge.define('Bridge.Task', {
+constructor: function (action, state) {
+this.action = action;
+this.state = state;
+this.error = null;
+this.status = Bridge.TaskStatus.created;
+this.callbacks = [];
+this.result = null;
+statics: {
+delay: function (delay, state) {
+var task = new Bridge.Task();
+setTimeout(function () {
+}, delay);
+return task;
+fromResult: function (result) {
+var task = new Bridge.Task();
+t.status = Bridge.TaskStatus.ranToCompletion;
+t.result = result;
+return t;
+run: function (fn) {
+var task = new Bridge.Task();
+setTimeout(function () {
+try {
+catch (e) {
+}, 0);
+return task;
+whenAll: function (tasks) {
+var task = new Bridge.Task(),
+executing = tasks.length,
+cancelled = false,
+errors = [],
+if (!Bridge.isArray(tasks)) {
+tasks =, 0);
+if (tasks.length === 0) {
+return task;
+result = new Array(tasks.length);
+for (i = 0; i < tasks.length; i++) {
+tasks[i].$index = i;
+tasks[i].continueWith(function (t) {
+switch (t.status) {
+case Bridge.TaskStatus.ranToCompletion:
+result[t.$index] = t.getResult();
+case Bridge.TaskStatus.canceled:
+cancelled = true;
+case Bridge.TaskStatus.faulted:
+throw new Bridge.InvalidOperationException('Invalid task status: ' + t.status);
+if (!executing) {
+if (errors.length > 0) {
+else if (cancelled) {
+else {
+return task;
+whenAny: function (tasks) {
+if (!Bridge.isArray(tasks)) {
+tasks =, 0);
+if (!tasks.length) {
+throw new Bridge.ArgumentException('At least one task is required');
+var task = new Bridge.Task(),
+for (i = 0; i < tasks.length; i++) {
+tasks[i].continueWith(function (t) {
+switch (t.status) {
+case Bridge.TaskStatus.ranToCompletion:
+case Bridge.TaskStatus.canceled:
+case Bridge.TaskStatus.faulted:;
+throw new Bridge.InvalidOperationException('Invalid task status: ' + t.status);
+return task;
+fromCallback: function (target, method) {
+var task = new Bridge.Task(),
+args =, 2),
+callback = function (value) {
+target[method].apply(target, args);
+return task;
+fromCallbackResult: function (target, method, resultHandler) {
+var task = new Bridge.Task(),
+args =, 3),
+callback = function (value) {
+resultHandler(args, callback);
+target[method].apply(target, args);
+return task;
+fromCallbackOptions: function (target, method, name) {
+var task = new Bridge.Task(),
+args =, 3),
+callback = function (value) {
+args[0] = args[0] || { };
+args[0][name] = callback;
+target[method].apply(target, args);
+return task;
+fromPromise: function (promise, handler, errorHandler) {
+var task = new Bridge.Task();
+if (!promise.then) {
+promise = promise.promise();
+promise.then(function () {
+task.setResult(handler ? handler.apply(null, arguments) : arguments);
+}, function () {
+task.setError(errorHandler ? errorHandler.apply(null, arguments) : new Error(, 0)));
+return task;
+continueWith: function (continuationAction, raise) {
+var task = new Bridge.Task(),
+me = this,
+fn = raise ? function () {
+} : function () {
+try {
+catch (e) {
+if (this.isCompleted()) {
+setTimeout(fn, 0);
+else {
+return task;
+start: function () {
+if (this.status !== Bridge.TaskStatus.created) {
+throw new Error('Task was already started.');
+var me = this;
+this.status = Bridge.TaskStatus.running;
+setTimeout(function () {
+try {
+var result = me.action(me.state);
+delete me.action;
+delete me.state;
+catch (e) {;
+}, 0);
+runCallbacks: function () {
+var me = this;
+setTimeout(function () {
+for (var i = 0; i < me.callbacks.length; i++) {
+delete me.callbacks;
+}, 0);
+complete: function (result) {
+if (this.isCompleted()) {
+return false;
+this.result = result;
+this.status = Bridge.TaskStatus.ranToCompletion;
+return true;
+fail: function (error) {
+if (this.isCompleted()) {
+return false;
+this.error = error;
+this.status = Bridge.TaskStatus.faulted;
+return true;
+cancel: function () {
+if (this.isCompleted()) {
+return false;
+this.status = Bridge.TaskStatus.canceled;
+return true;
+isCanceled: function () {
+return this.status === Bridge.TaskStatus.canceled;
+isCompleted: function () {
+return this.status == Bridge.TaskStatus.ranToCompletion || this.status == Bridge.TaskStatus.canceled || this.status == Bridge.TaskStatus.faulted;
+isFaulted: function () {
+return this.status === Bridge.TaskStatus.faulted;
+getResult: function () {
+switch (this.status) {
+case Bridge.TaskStatus.ranToCompletion:
+return this.result;
+case Bridge.TaskStatus.canceled:
+throw new Error('Task was cancelled.');
+case Bridge.TaskStatus.faulted:
+throw this.error;
+throw new Error('Task is not yet completed.');
+setCanceled: function () {
+if (!this.cancel()) {
+throw new Error('Task was already completed.');
+setResult: function (result) {
+if (!this.complete(result)) {
+throw new Error('Task was already completed.');
+setError: function (error) {
+if (! {
+throw new Error('Task was already completed.');
+dispose: function () {
+getAwaiter: function () {
+return this;
+Bridge.define('Bridge.TaskStatus', {
+$statics: {
+created: 0,
+waitingForActivation: 1,
+waitingToRun: 2,
+running: 3,
+waitingForChildrenToComplete: 4,
+ranToCompletion: 5,
+canceled: 6,
+faulted: 7
+(function () {
+var validation = {
+isNull: function (value) {
+return !Bridge.isDefined(value, true);
+isEmpty: function (value) {
+return value == null || value.length === 0 ||, Bridge.ICollection) ? value.getCount() == 0 : false;
+isNotEmptyOrWhitespace: function (value) {
+return Bridge.isDefined(value, true) && !(/^$|\s+/.test(value));
+isNotNull: function (value) {
+return Bridge.isDefined(value, true);
+isNotEmpty: function (value) {
+return !Bridge.Validation.isEmpty(value);
+email: function (value) {
+var re = /^(")?(?:[^\."])(?:(?:[\.])?(?:[\w\-!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~]))*\1@(\w[\-\w]*\.){1,5}([A-Za-z]){2,6}$/;
+return re.test(value);
+url: function (value) {
+var re = /(((^https?)|(^ftp)):\/\/((([\-\w]+\.)+\w{2,3}(\/[%\-\w]+(\.\w{2,})?)*(([\w\-\.\?\\\/+@&#;`~=%!]*)(\.\w{2,})?)*)|(localhost|LOCALHOST))\/?)/i;
+return re.test(value);
+alpha: function (value) {
+var re = /^[a-zA-Z_]+$/;
+return re.test(value);
+alphaNum: function (value) {
+var re = /^[a-zA-Z_]+$/;
+return re.test(value);
+creditCard: function (value, type) {
+var re,
+if (type == "Visa") {
+re = /^4\d{3}-?\d{4}-?\d{4}-?\d{4}$/;
+else if (type == "MasterCard") {
+re = /^5[1-5]\d{2}-?\d{4}-?\d{4}-?\d{4}$/;
+else if (type == "Discover") {
+re = /^6011-?\d{4}-?\d{4}-?\d{4}$/;
+else if (type == "AmericanExpress") {
+re = /^3[4,7]\d{13}$/;
+else if (type == "DinersClub") {
+re = /^3[0,6,8]\d{12}$/;
+else {
+if (!value || value.length < 13 || value.length > 19) {
+return false;
+re = /[^0-9 \-]+/;
+if (!re.test(value)) {
+return false;
+value = value.split("-").join("");
+checksum = 0;
+for (i = (2 - (value.length % 2)) ; i <= value.length; i += 2) {
+checksum += parseInt(value.charAt(i - 1));
+for (i = (value.length % 2) + 1; i < value.length; i += 2) {
+digit = parseInt(value.charAt(i - 1)) * 2;
+if (digit < 10) {
+checksum += digit;
+else {
+checksum += (digit - 9);
+return (checksum % 10) == 0;
+Bridge.Validation = validation;
-(function(){var array={toIndex:function(arr,indices){if(indices.length!=(arr.$s?arr.$s.length:1)){throw new Bridge.ArgumentException("Invalid number of indices");}
-if(indices[0]<0||indices[0]>=(arr.$s?arr.$s[0]:arr.length)){throw new Bridge.ArgumentException("Index 0 out of range");}
-var idx=indices[0],i;if(arr.$s){for(i=1;i<arr.$s.length;i++){if(indices[i]<0||indices[i]>=arr.$s[i]){throw new Bridge.ArgumentException("Index "+i+" out of range");}
-return idx;},$get:function(indices){var r=this[Bridge.Array.toIndex(this,indices)];return typeof r!=="undefined"?r:this.$v;},get:function(arr){var r=arr[Bridge.Array.toIndex(arr,,1))];return typeof r!=="undefined"?r:arr.$v;},$set:function(indices,value){this[Bridge.Array.toIndex(this,,0))]=value;},set:function(arr,value){var,2);arr[Bridge.Array.toIndex(arr,indices)]=value;},getLength:function(arr,dimension){if(dimension>=(arr.$s?arr.$s.length:1)){throw new Bridge.ArgumentException("Invalid dimension");}
-return arr.$s?arr.$s[dimension]:arr.length;},getRank:function(arr){return arr.$s?arr.$s.length:1;},getLower:function(arr,d){return 0;},create:function(defvalue,initValues,sizes){var arr=[],length=arguments.length>2?1:0,i,s,v,idx,indices,flatIdx;arr.$v=defvalue;arr.$s=[];arr.get=Bridge.Array.$get;arr.set=Bridge.Array.$set;for(i=2;i<arguments.length;i++){length*=arguments[i];arr.$s[i-2]=arguments[i];}
-return arr;},init:function(size,value){var arr=new Array(size),isFn=Bridge.isFunction(value);for(var i=0;i<size;i++){arr[i]=isFn?value():value;}
-return arr;},toEnumerable:function(array){return new Bridge.ArrayEnumerable(array);},toEnumerator:function(array){return new Bridge.ArrayEnumerator(array);},is:function(obj,type){if(!Bridge.isArray(obj)){return false;}
-if((obj.constructor==type)||(obj instanceof type)){return true;}
-if(type==Bridge.IEnumerable||type==Bridge.ICollection||type==Bridge.ICloneable||type.$$name&&Bridge.String.startsWith(type.$$name,"Bridge.IEnumerable$1")||type.$$name&&Bridge.String.startsWith(type.$$name,"Bridge.ICollection$1")||type.$$name&&Bridge.String.startsWith(type.$$name,"Bridge.IList$1")){return true;}
-return false;},clone:function(arr){if(arr.length===1){return[arr[0]];}
-else{return arr.slice(0);}},getCount:function(obj){if(Bridge.isArray(obj)){return obj.length;}
-else if(Bridge.isFunction(obj.getCount)){return obj.getCount();}
-return 0;},add:function(obj,item){if(Bridge.isArray(obj)){obj.push(item);}
-else if(Bridge.isFunction(obj.add)){obj.add(item);}},clear:function(obj){if(Bridge.isArray(obj)){obj.length=0;}
-else if(Bridge.isFunction(obj.clear)){obj.clear();}},indexOf:function(arr,item){if(Bridge.isArray(arr)){var i,ln,el;for(i=0,ln=arr.length;i<ln;i++){el=arr[i];if(el===item||Bridge.EqualityComparer$1.$default.equals(el,item)){return i;}}}
-else if(Bridge.isFunction(arr.indexOf)){return arr.indexOf(item);}
-return-1;},contains:function(obj,item){if(Bridge.isArray(obj)){return Bridge.Array.indexOf(obj,item)>-1;}
-else if(Bridge.isFunction(obj.contains)){return obj.contains(item);}
-return false;},remove:function(obj,item){if(Bridge.isArray(obj)){var index=Bridge.Array.indexOf(obj,item);if(index>-1){obj.splice(index,1);return true;}}
-else if(Bridge.isFunction(obj.remove)){return obj.remove(item);}
-return false;},insert:function(obj,index,item){if(Bridge.isArray(obj)){obj.splice(index,0,item);}
-else if(Bridge.isFunction(obj.insert)){obj.insert(index,item);}},removeAt:function(obj,index){if(Bridge.isArray(obj)){obj.splice(index,1);}
-else if(Bridge.isFunction(obj.removeAt)){obj.removeAt(index);}},getItem:function(obj,idx){if(Bridge.isArray(obj)){return obj[idx];}
-else if(Bridge.isFunction(obj.get)){return obj.get(idx);}
-else if(Bridge.isFunction(obj.getItem)){return obj.getItem(idx);}
-else if(Bridge.isFunction(obj.get_Item)){return obj.get_Item(idx);}},setItem:function(obj,idx,value){if(Bridge.isArray(obj)){obj[idx]=value;}
-else if(Bridge.isFunction(obj.set)){obj.set(idx,value);}
-else if(Bridge.isFunction(obj.setItem)){obj.setItem(idx,value);}
-else if(Bridge.isFunction(obj.set_Item)){obj.set_Item(idx,value);}}};Bridge.Array=array;})();
-(function(root,undefined){var Functions={Identity:function(x){return x;},True:function(){return true;},Blank:function(){}};var Types={Boolean:typeof true,Number:typeof 0,String:typeof"",Object:typeof{},Undefined:typeof undefined,Function:typeof function(){}};var funcCache={"":Functions.Identity};var Utils={createLambda:function(expression){if(expression==null)return Functions.Identity;if(typeof expression===Types.String){var f=funcCache[expression];if(f!=null){return f;}
-if(expression.indexOf("=>")===-1){var regexp=new RegExp("[$]+","g");var maxLength=0;var match;while((match=regexp.exec(expression))!=null){var paramNumber=match[0].length;if(paramNumber>maxLength){maxLength=paramNumber;}}
-var argArray=[];for(var i=1;i<=maxLength;i++){var dollar="";for(var j=0;j<i;j++){dollar+="$";}
-var,",");f=new Function(args,"return "+expression);funcCache[expression]=f;return f;}
-else{var expr=expression.match(/^[(\s]*([^()]*?)[)\s]*=>(.*)/);f=new Function(expr[1],"return "+expr[2]);funcCache[expression]=f;return f;}}
-return expression;},isIEnumerable:function(obj){if(typeof Enumerator!==Types.Undefined){try{new Enumerator(obj);return true;}
-return false;},defineProperty:(Object.defineProperties!=null)?function(target,methodName,value){Object.defineProperty(target,methodName,{enumerable:false,configurable:true,writable:true,value:value})}:function(target,methodName,value){target[methodName]=value;},compare:function(a,b){return(a===b)?0:(a>b)?1:-1;},dispose:function(obj){if(obj!=null)obj.dispose();}};var State={Before:0,Running:1,After:2};var IEnumerator=function(initialize,tryGetNext,dispose){var yielder=new Yielder();var state=State.Before;this.getCurrent=yielder.getCurrent;this.reset=function(){throw new Error('Reset is not supported');};this.moveNext=function(){try{switch(state){case State.Before:state=State.Running;initialize();case State.Running:if(tryGetNext.apply(yielder)){return true;}
-else{this.dispose();return false;}
-case State.After:return false;}}
-catch(e){this.dispose();throw e;}};this.dispose=function(){if(state!=State.Running)return;try{dispose();}
-finally{state=State.After;}};};IEnumerator.$$inheritors=[Bridge.IDisposable];var Yielder=function(){var current=null;this.getCurrent=function(){return current;};this.yieldReturn=function(value){current=value;return true;};this.yieldBreak=function(){return false;};};var Enumerable=function(getEnumerator){this.getEnumerator=getEnumerator;};Enumerable.$$inheritors=[Bridge.IEnumerable];Enumerable.Utils={};Enumerable.Utils.createLambda=function(expression){return Utils.createLambda(expression);};Enumerable.Utils.createEnumerable=function(getEnumerator){return new Enumerable(getEnumerator);};Enumerable.Utils.createEnumerator=function(initialize,tryGetNext,dispose){return new IEnumerator(initialize,tryGetNext,dispose);};Enumerable.Utils.extendTo=function(type){var typeProto=type.prototype;var enumerableProto;if(type===Array){enumerableProto=ArrayEnumerable.prototype;Utils.defineProperty(typeProto,"getSource",function(){return this;});}
-else{enumerableProto=Enumerable.prototype;Utils.defineProperty(typeProto,"getEnumerator",function(){return Enumerable.from(this).getEnumerator();});}
-for(var methodName in enumerableProto){var func=enumerableProto[methodName];if(typeProto[methodName]==func)continue;if(typeProto[methodName]!=null){methodName=methodName+"ByLinq";if(typeProto[methodName]==func)continue;}
-if(func instanceof Function){Utils.defineProperty(typeProto,methodName,func);}}};Enumerable.choice=function()
-{var args=arguments;return new Enumerable(function(){return new IEnumerator(function(){args=(args[0]instanceof Array)?args[0]:(args[0].getEnumerator!=null)?args[0].toArray():args;},function(){return this.yieldReturn(args[Math.floor(Math.random()*args.length)]);},Functions.Blank);});};Enumerable.cycle=function()
-{var args=arguments;return new Enumerable(function(){var index=0;return new IEnumerator(function(){args=(args[0]instanceof Array)?args[0]:(args[0].getEnumerator!=null)?args[0].toArray():args;},function(){if(index>=args.length)index=0;return this.yieldReturn(args[index++]);},Functions.Blank);});};var emptyEnumerable=new Enumerable(function(){return new IEnumerator(Functions.Blank,function(){return false;},Functions.Blank);});Enumerable.empty=function(){return emptyEnumerable;};Enumerable.from=function(obj){if(obj==null){return Enumerable.empty();}
-if(obj instanceof Enumerable){return obj;}
-if(typeof obj==Types.Number||typeof obj==Types.Boolean){return Enumerable.repeat(obj,1);}
-if(typeof obj==Types.String){return new Enumerable(function(){var index=0;return new IEnumerator(Functions.Blank,function(){return(index<obj.length)?this.yieldReturn(obj.charAt(index++)):false;},Functions.Blank);});}
-var,Bridge.IEnumerable);if(ienum){return new Enumerable(function(){var enumerator;return new IEnumerator(function(){enumerator=Bridge.getEnumerator(ienum);},function(){var ok=enumerator.moveNext();return ok?this.yieldReturn(enumerator.getCurrent()):false;},function(){var,Bridge.IDisposable);if(disposable){disposable.dispose();}});});}
-if(typeof obj!=Types.Function){if(typeof obj.length==Types.Number){return new ArrayEnumerable(obj);}
-if(!(obj instanceof Object)&&Utils.isIEnumerable(obj)){return new Enumerable(function(){var isFirst=true;var enumerator;return new IEnumerator(function(){enumerator=new Enumerator(obj);},function(){if(isFirst)isFirst=false;else enumerator.moveNext();return(enumerator.atEnd())?false:this.yieldReturn(enumerator.item());},Functions.Blank);});}
-if(typeof Windows===Types.Object&&typeof obj.first===Types.Function){return new Enumerable(function(){var isFirst=true;var enumerator;return new IEnumerator(function(){enumerator=obj.first();},function(){if(isFirst)isFirst=false;else enumerator.moveNext();return(enumerator.hasCurrent)?this.yieldReturn(enumerator.current):this.yieldBreak();},Functions.Blank);});}}
-return new Enumerable(function(){var array=[];var index=0;return new IEnumerator(function(){for(var key in obj){var value=obj[key];if(!(value instanceof Function)&&,key)){array.push({key:key,value:value});}}},function(){return(index<array.length)?this.yieldReturn(array[index++]):false;},Functions.Blank);});},Enumerable.make=function(element){return Enumerable.repeat(element,1);};Enumerable.matches=function(input,pattern,flags){if(flags==null)flags="";if(pattern instanceof RegExp){flags+=(pattern.ignoreCase)?"i":"";flags+=(pattern.multiline)?"m":"";pattern=pattern.source;}
-if(flags.indexOf("g")===-1)flags+="g";return new Enumerable(function(){var regex;return new IEnumerator(function(){regex=new RegExp(pattern,flags);},function(){var match=regex.exec(input);return(match)?this.yieldReturn(match):false;},Functions.Blank);});};Enumerable.range=function(start,count,step){if(step==null)step=1;return new Enumerable(function(){var value;var index=0;return new IEnumerator(function(){value=start-step;},function(){return(index++<count)?this.yieldReturn(value+=step):this.yieldBreak();},Functions.Blank);});};Enumerable.rangeDown=function(start,count,step){if(step==null)step=1;return new Enumerable(function(){var value;var index=0;return new IEnumerator(function(){value=start+step;},function(){return(index++<count)?this.yieldReturn(value-=step):this.yieldBreak();},Functions.Blank);});};Enumerable.rangeTo=function(start,to,step){if(step==null)step=1;if(start<to){return new Enumerable(function(){var value;return new IEnumerator(function(){value=start-step;},function(){var next=value+=step;return(next<=to)?this.yieldReturn(next):this.yieldBreak();},Functions.Blank);});}
-else{return new Enumerable(function(){var value;return new IEnumerator(function(){value=start+step;},function(){var next=value-=step;return(next>=to)?this.yieldReturn(next):this.yieldBreak();},Functions.Blank);});}};Enumerable.repeat=function(element,count){if(count!=null)return Enumerable.repeat(element).take(count);return new Enumerable(function(){return new IEnumerator(Functions.Blank,function(){return this.yieldReturn(element);},Functions.Blank);});};Enumerable.repeatWithFinalize=function(initializer,finalizer){initializer=Utils.createLambda(initializer);finalizer=Utils.createLambda(finalizer);return new Enumerable(function(){var element;return new IEnumerator(function(){element=initializer();},function(){return this.yieldReturn(element);},function(){if(element!=null){finalizer(element);element=null;}});});};Enumerable.generate=function(func,count){if(count!=null)return Enumerable.generate(func).take(count);func=Utils.createLambda(func);return new Enumerable(function(){return new IEnumerator(Functions.Blank,function(){return this.yieldReturn(func());},Functions.Blank);});};Enumerable.toInfinity=function(start,step){if(start==null)start=0;if(step==null)step=1;return new Enumerable(function(){var value;return new IEnumerator(function(){value=start-step;},function(){return this.yieldReturn(value+=step);},Functions.Blank);});};Enumerable.toNegativeInfinity=function(start,step){if(start==null)start=0;if(step==null)step=1;return new Enumerable(function(){var value;return new IEnumerator(function(){value=start+step;},function(){return this.yieldReturn(value-=step);},Functions.Blank);});};Enumerable.unfold=function(seed,func){func=Utils.createLambda(func);return new Enumerable(function(){var isFirst=true;var value;return new IEnumerator(Functions.Blank,function(){if(isFirst){isFirst=false;value=seed;return this.yieldReturn(value);}
-value=func(value);return this.yieldReturn(value);},Functions.Blank);});};Enumerable.defer=function(enumerableFactory){return new Enumerable(function(){var enumerator;return new IEnumerator(function(){enumerator=Enumerable.from(enumerableFactory()).getEnumerator();},function(){return(enumerator.moveNext())?this.yieldReturn(enumerator.getCurrent()):this.yieldBreak();},function(){Utils.dispose(enumerator);});});};Enumerable.prototype.traverseBreadthFirst=function(func,resultSelector){var source=this;func=Utils.createLambda(func);resultSelector=Utils.createLambda(resultSelector);return new Enumerable(function(){var enumerator;var nestLevel=0;var buffer=[];return new IEnumerator(function(){enumerator=source.getEnumerator();},function(){while(true){if(enumerator.moveNext()){buffer.push(enumerator.getCurrent());return this.yieldReturn(resultSelector(enumerator.getCurrent(),nestLevel));}
-var next=Enumerable.from(buffer).selectMany(function(x){return func(x);});if(!next.any()){return false;}
-else{nestLevel++;buffer=[];Utils.dispose(enumerator);enumerator=next.getEnumerator();}}},function(){Utils.dispose(enumerator);});});};Enumerable.prototype.traverseDepthFirst=function(func,resultSelector){var source=this;func=Utils.createLambda(func);resultSelector=Utils.createLambda(resultSelector);return new Enumerable(function(){var enumeratorStack=[];var enumerator;return new IEnumerator(function(){enumerator=source.getEnumerator();},function(){while(true){if(enumerator.moveNext()){var value=resultSelector(enumerator.getCurrent(),enumeratorStack.length);enumeratorStack.push(enumerator);enumerator=Enumerable.from(func(enumerator.getCurrent())).getEnumerator();return this.yieldReturn(value);}
-if(enumeratorStack.length<=0)return false;Utils.dispose(enumerator);enumerator=enumeratorStack.pop();}},function(){try{Utils.dispose(enumerator);}
-finally{Enumerable.from(enumeratorStack).forEach(function(s){s.dispose();});}});});};Enumerable.prototype.flatten=function(){var source=this;return new Enumerable(function(){var enumerator;var middleEnumerator=null;return new IEnumerator(function(){enumerator=source.getEnumerator();},function(){while(true){if(middleEnumerator!=null){if(middleEnumerator.moveNext()){return this.yieldReturn(middleEnumerator.getCurrent());}
-if(enumerator.moveNext()){if(enumerator.getCurrent()instanceof Array){Utils.dispose(middleEnumerator);middleEnumerator=Enumerable.from(enumerator.getCurrent()).selectMany(Functions.Identity).flatten().getEnumerator();continue;}
-else{return this.yieldReturn(enumerator.getCurrent());}}
-return false;}},function(){try{Utils.dispose(enumerator);}
-finally{Utils.dispose(middleEnumerator);}});});};Enumerable.prototype.pairwise=function(selector){var source=this;selector=Utils.createLambda(selector);return new Enumerable(function(){var enumerator;return new IEnumerator(function(){enumerator=source.getEnumerator();enumerator.moveNext();},function(){var prev=enumerator.getCurrent();return(enumerator.moveNext())?this.yieldReturn(selector(prev,enumerator.getCurrent())):false;},function(){Utils.dispose(enumerator);});});};Enumerable.prototype.scan=function(seed,func){var isUseSeed;if(func==null){func=Utils.createLambda(seed);isUseSeed=false;}else{func=Utils.createLambda(func);isUseSeed=true;}
-var source=this;return new Enumerable(function(){var enumerator;var value;var isFirst=true;return new IEnumerator(function(){enumerator=source.getEnumerator();},function(){if(isFirst){isFirst=false;if(!isUseSeed){if(enumerator.moveNext()){return this.yieldReturn(value=enumerator.getCurrent());}}
-else{return this.yieldReturn(value=seed);}}
-return(enumerator.moveNext())?this.yieldReturn(value=func(value,enumerator.getCurrent())):false;},function(){Utils.dispose(enumerator);});});};{selector=Utils.createLambda(selector);if(selector.length<=1){return new WhereSelectEnumerable(this,null,selector);}
-else{var source=this;return new Enumerable(function(){var enumerator;var index=0;return new IEnumerator(function(){enumerator=source.getEnumerator();},function(){return(enumerator.moveNext())?this.yieldReturn(selector(enumerator.getCurrent(),index++)):false;},function(){Utils.dispose(enumerator);});});}};Enumerable.prototype.selectMany=function(collectionSelector,resultSelector){var source=this;collectionSelector=Utils.createLambda(collectionSelector);if(resultSelector==null)resultSelector=function(a,b){return b;};resultSelector=Utils.createLambda(resultSelector);return new Enumerable(function(){var enumerator;var middleEnumerator=undefined;var index=0;return new IEnumerator(function(){enumerator=source.getEnumerator();},function(){if(middleEnumerator===undefined){if(!enumerator.moveNext())return false;}
-do{if(middleEnumerator==null){var middleSeq=collectionSelector(enumerator.getCurrent(),index++);middleEnumerator=Enumerable.from(middleSeq).getEnumerator();}
-if(middleEnumerator.moveNext()){return this.yieldReturn(resultSelector(enumerator.getCurrent(),middleEnumerator.getCurrent()));}
-Utils.dispose(middleEnumerator);middleEnumerator=null;}while(enumerator.moveNext());return false;},function(){try{Utils.dispose(enumerator);}
-finally{Utils.dispose(middleEnumerator);}});});};Enumerable.prototype.where=function(predicate){predicate=Utils.createLambda(predicate);if(predicate.length<=1){return new WhereEnumerable(this,predicate);}
-else{var source=this;return new Enumerable(function(){var enumerator;var index=0;return new IEnumerator(function(){enumerator=source.getEnumerator();},function(){while(enumerator.moveNext()){if(predicate(enumerator.getCurrent(),index++)){return this.yieldReturn(enumerator.getCurrent());}}
-return false;},function(){Utils.dispose(enumerator);});});}};Enumerable.prototype.choose=function(selector){selector=Utils.createLambda(selector);var source=this;return new Enumerable(function(){var enumerator;var index=0;return new IEnumerator(function(){enumerator=source.getEnumerator();},function(){while(enumerator.moveNext()){var result=selector(enumerator.getCurrent(),index++);if(result!=null){return this.yieldReturn(result);}}
-return this.yieldBreak();},function(){Utils.dispose(enumerator);});});};Enumerable.prototype.ofType=function(type){var source=this;return new Enumerable(function(){var enumerator;return new IEnumerator(function(){enumerator=Bridge.getEnumerator(source);},function(){while(enumerator.moveNext()){var,type);if(Bridge.hasValue(v)){return this.yieldReturn(v);}}
-return false;},function(){Utils.dispose(enumerator);});});};{var args=arguments;var selector=Utils.createLambda(arguments[arguments.length-1]);var source=this;if(arguments.length==2){var second=arguments[0];return new Enumerable(function(){var firstEnumerator;var secondEnumerator;var index=0;return new IEnumerator(function(){firstEnumerator=source.getEnumerator();secondEnumerator=Enumerable.from(second).getEnumerator();},function(){if(firstEnumerator.moveNext()&&secondEnumerator.moveNext()){return this.yieldReturn(selector(firstEnumerator.getCurrent(),secondEnumerator.getCurrent(),index++));}
-return false;},function(){try{Utils.dispose(firstEnumerator);}finally{Utils.dispose(secondEnumerator);}});});}
-else{return new Enumerable(function(){var enumerators;var index=0;return new IEnumerator(function(){var array=Enumerable.make(source).concat(Enumerable.from(args).takeExceptLast().select(Enumerable.from)).select(function(x){return x.getEnumerator()}).toArray();enumerators=Enumerable.from(array);},function(){if(enumerators.all(function(x){return x.moveNext()})){var{return x.getCurrent()}).toArray();array.push(index++);return this.yieldReturn(selector.apply(null,array));}
-else{return this.yieldBreak();}},function(){Enumerable.from(enumerators).forEach(Utils.dispose);});});}};Enumerable.prototype.merge=function(){var args=arguments;var source=this;return new Enumerable(function(){var enumerators;var index=-1;return new IEnumerator(function(){enumerators=Enumerable.make(source).concat(Enumerable.from(args).select(Enumerable.from)).select(function(x){return x.getEnumerator()}).toArray();},function(){while(enumerators.length>0){index=(index>=enumerators.length-1)?0:index+1;var enumerator=enumerators[index];if(enumerator.moveNext()){return this.yieldReturn(enumerator.getCurrent());}
-return this.yieldBreak();},function(){Enumerable.from(enumerators).forEach(Utils.dispose);});});};Enumerable.prototype.join=function(inner,outerKeySelector,innerKeySelector,resultSelector,comparer){outerKeySelector=Utils.createLambda(outerKeySelector);innerKeySelector=Utils.createLambda(innerKeySelector);resultSelector=Utils.createLambda(resultSelector);var source=this;return new Enumerable(function(){var outerEnumerator;var lookup;var innerElements=null;var innerCount=0;return new IEnumerator(function(){outerEnumerator=source.getEnumerator();lookup=Enumerable.from(inner).toLookup(innerKeySelector,Functions.Identity,comparer);},function(){while(true){if(innerElements!=null){var innerElement=innerElements[innerCount++];if(innerElement!==undefined){return this.yieldReturn(resultSelector(outerEnumerator.getCurrent(),innerElement));}
-if(outerEnumerator.moveNext()){var key=outerKeySelector(outerEnumerator.getCurrent());innerElements=lookup.get(key).toArray();}else{return false;}}},function(){Utils.dispose(outerEnumerator);});});};Enumerable.prototype.groupJoin=function(inner,outerKeySelector,innerKeySelector,resultSelector,comparer){outerKeySelector=Utils.createLambda(outerKeySelector);innerKeySelector=Utils.createLambda(innerKeySelector);resultSelector=Utils.createLambda(resultSelector);var source=this;return new Enumerable(function(){var enumerator=source.getEnumerator();var lookup=null;return new IEnumerator(function(){enumerator=source.getEnumerator();lookup=Enumerable.from(inner).toLookup(innerKeySelector,Functions.Identity,comparer);},function(){if(enumerator.moveNext()){var innerElement=lookup.get(outerKeySelector(enumerator.getCurrent()));return this.yieldReturn(resultSelector(enumerator.getCurrent(),innerElement));}
-return false;},function(){Utils.dispose(enumerator);});});};Enumerable.prototype.all=function(predicate){predicate=Utils.createLambda(predicate);var result=true;this.forEach(function(x){if(!predicate(x)){result=false;return false;}});return result;};Enumerable.prototype.any=function(predicate){predicate=Utils.createLambda(predicate);var enumerator=this.getEnumerator();try{if(arguments.length==0)return enumerator.moveNext();while(enumerator.moveNext())
-{if(predicate(enumerator.getCurrent()))return true;}
-return false;}
-finally{Utils.dispose(enumerator);}};Enumerable.prototype.isEmpty=function(){return!this.any();};Enumerable.prototype.concat=function(){var source=this;if(arguments.length==1){var second=arguments[0];return new Enumerable(function(){var firstEnumerator;var secondEnumerator;return new IEnumerator(function(){firstEnumerator=source.getEnumerator();},function(){if(secondEnumerator==null){if(firstEnumerator.moveNext())return this.yieldReturn(firstEnumerator.getCurrent());secondEnumerator=Enumerable.from(second).getEnumerator();}
-if(secondEnumerator.moveNext())return this.yieldReturn(secondEnumerator.getCurrent());return false;},function(){try{Utils.dispose(firstEnumerator);}
-else{var args=arguments;return new Enumerable(function(){var enumerators;return new IEnumerator(function(){enumerators=Enumerable.make(source).concat(Enumerable.from(args).select(Enumerable.from)).select(function(x){return x.getEnumerator()}).toArray();},function(){while(enumerators.length>0){var enumerator=enumerators[0];if(enumerator.moveNext()){return this.yieldReturn(enumerator.getCurrent());}
-return this.yieldBreak();},function(){Enumerable.from(enumerators).forEach(Utils.dispose);});});}};Enumerable.prototype.insert=function(index,second){var source=this;return new Enumerable(function(){var firstEnumerator;var secondEnumerator;var count=0;var isEnumerated=false;return new IEnumerator(function(){firstEnumerator=source.getEnumerator();secondEnumerator=Enumerable.from(second).getEnumerator();},function(){if(count==index&&secondEnumerator.moveNext()){isEnumerated=true;return this.yieldReturn(secondEnumerator.getCurrent());}
-if(firstEnumerator.moveNext()){count++;return this.yieldReturn(firstEnumerator.getCurrent());}
-if(!isEnumerated&&secondEnumerator.moveNext()){return this.yieldReturn(secondEnumerator.getCurrent());}
-return false;},function(){try{Utils.dispose(firstEnumerator);}
-finally{Utils.dispose(secondEnumerator);}});});};Enumerable.prototype.alternate=function(alternateValueOrSequence){var source=this;return new Enumerable(function(){var buffer;var enumerator;var alternateSequence;var alternateEnumerator;return new IEnumerator(function(){if(alternateValueOrSequence instanceof Array||alternateValueOrSequence.getEnumerator!=null){alternateSequence=Enumerable.from(Enumerable.from(alternateValueOrSequence).toArray());}
-enumerator=source.getEnumerator();if(enumerator.moveNext())buffer=enumerator.getCurrent();},function(){while(true){if(alternateEnumerator!=null){if(alternateEnumerator.moveNext()){return this.yieldReturn(alternateEnumerator.getCurrent());}
-else if(buffer!=null){var retVal=buffer;buffer=null;return this.yieldReturn(retVal);}
-return this.yieldBreak();}},function(){try{Utils.dispose(enumerator);}
-finally{Utils.dispose(alternateEnumerator);}});});};Enumerable.prototype.contains=function(value,comparer){comparer=comparer||Bridge.EqualityComparer$1.$default;var enumerator=this.getEnumerator();try{while(enumerator.moveNext()){if(comparer.equals(enumerator.getCurrent(),value))return true;}
-return false;}
-finally{Utils.dispose(enumerator);}};Enumerable.prototype.defaultIfEmpty=function(defaultValue){var source=this;if(defaultValue===undefined)defaultValue=null;return new Enumerable(function(){var enumerator;var isFirst=true;return new IEnumerator(function(){enumerator=source.getEnumerator();},function(){if(enumerator.moveNext()){isFirst=false;return this.yieldReturn(enumerator.getCurrent());}
-else if(isFirst){isFirst=false;return this.yieldReturn(defaultValue);}
-return false;},function(){Utils.dispose(enumerator);});});};Enumerable.prototype.distinct=function(comparer){return this.except(Enumerable.empty(),comparer);};Enumerable.prototype.distinctUntilChanged=function(compareSelector){compareSelector=Utils.createLambda(compareSelector);var source=this;return new Enumerable(function(){var enumerator;var compareKey;var initial;return new IEnumerator(function(){enumerator=source.getEnumerator();},function(){while(enumerator.moveNext()){var key=compareSelector(enumerator.getCurrent());if(initial){initial=false;compareKey=key;return this.yieldReturn(enumerator.getCurrent());}
-compareKey=key;return this.yieldReturn(enumerator.getCurrent());}
-return this.yieldBreak();},function(){Utils.dispose(enumerator);});});};Enumerable.prototype.except=function(second,comparer){var source=this;return new Enumerable(function(){var enumerator;var keys;return new IEnumerator(function(){enumerator=source.getEnumerator();keys=new Bridge.Dictionary$2(Object,Object)(null,comparer);Enumerable.from(second).forEach(function(key){keys.add(key);});},function(){while(enumerator.moveNext()){var current=enumerator.getCurrent();if(!keys.containsKey(current)){keys.add(current);return this.yieldReturn(current);}}
-return false;},function(){Utils.dispose(enumerator);});});};Enumerable.prototype.intersect=function(second,comparer){var source=this;return new Enumerable(function(){var enumerator;var keys;var outs;return new IEnumerator(function(){enumerator=source.getEnumerator();keys=new Bridge.Dictionary$2(Object,Object)(null,comparer);Enumerable.from(second).forEach(function(key){keys.add(key);});outs=new Bridge.Dictionary$2(Object,Object)(null,comparer);},function(){while(enumerator.moveNext()){var current=enumerator.getCurrent();if(!outs.containsKey(current)&&keys.containsKey(current)){outs.add(current);return this.yieldReturn(current);}}
-return false;},function(){Utils.dispose(enumerator);});});};Enumerable.prototype.sequenceEqual=function(second,comparer){comparer=comparer||Bridge.EqualityComparer$1.$default;var firstEnumerator=this.getEnumerator();try{var secondEnumerator=Enumerable.from(second).getEnumerator();try{while(firstEnumerator.moveNext()){if(!secondEnumerator.moveNext()||!comparer.equals(firstEnumerator.getCurrent(),secondEnumerator.getCurrent())){return false;}}
-if(secondEnumerator.moveNext())return false;return true;}
-finally{Utils.dispose(firstEnumerator);}};Enumerable.prototype.union=function(second,comparer){var source=this;return new Enumerable(function(){var firstEnumerator;var secondEnumerator;var keys;return new IEnumerator(function(){firstEnumerator=source.getEnumerator();keys=new Bridge.Dictionary$2(Object,Object)(null,comparer);},function(){var current;if(secondEnumerator===undefined){while(firstEnumerator.moveNext()){current=firstEnumerator.getCurrent();if(!keys.containsKey(current)){keys.add(current);return this.yieldReturn(current);}}
-while(secondEnumerator.moveNext()){current=secondEnumerator.getCurrent();if(!keys.containsKey(current)){keys.add(current);return this.yieldReturn(current);}}
-return false;},function(){try{Utils.dispose(firstEnumerator);}
-finally{Utils.dispose(secondEnumerator);}});});};Enumerable.prototype.orderBy=function(keySelector,comparer){return new OrderedEnumerable(this,keySelector,comparer,false);};Enumerable.prototype.orderByDescending=function(keySelector,comparer){return new OrderedEnumerable(this,keySelector,comparer,true);};Enumerable.prototype.reverse=function(){var source=this;return new Enumerable(function(){var buffer;var index;return new IEnumerator(function(){buffer=source.toArray();index=buffer.length;},function(){return(index>0)?this.yieldReturn(buffer[--index]):false;},Functions.Blank);});};Enumerable.prototype.shuffle=function(){var source=this;return new Enumerable(function(){var buffer;return new IEnumerator(function(){buffer=source.toArray();},function(){if(buffer.length>0){var i=Math.floor(Math.random()*buffer.length);return this.yieldReturn(buffer.splice(i,1)[0]);}
-return false;},Functions.Blank);});};Enumerable.prototype.weightedSample=function(weightSelector){weightSelector=Utils.createLambda(weightSelector);var source=this;return new Enumerable(function(){var sortedByBound;var totalWeight=0;return new IEnumerator(function(){sortedByBound=source.choose(function(x){var weight=weightSelector(x);if(weight<=0)return null;totalWeight+=weight;return{value:x,bound:totalWeight};}).toArray();},function(){if(sortedByBound.length>0){var draw=Math.floor(Math.random()*totalWeight)+1;var lower=-1;var upper=sortedByBound.length;while(upper-lower>1){var index=Math.floor((lower+upper)/2);if(sortedByBound[index].bound>=draw){upper=index;}
-return this.yieldReturn(sortedByBound[upper].value);}
-return this.yieldBreak();},Functions.Blank);});};Enumerable.prototype.groupBy=function(keySelector,elementSelector,resultSelector,comparer){var source=this;keySelector=Utils.createLambda(keySelector);elementSelector=Utils.createLambda(elementSelector);if(resultSelector!=null)resultSelector=Utils.createLambda(resultSelector);return new Enumerable(function(){var enumerator;return new IEnumerator(function(){enumerator=source.toLookup(keySelector,elementSelector,comparer).toEnumerable().getEnumerator();},function(){while(enumerator.moveNext()){return(resultSelector==null)?this.yieldReturn(enumerator.getCurrent()):this.yieldReturn(resultSelector(enumerator.getCurrent().key(),enumerator.getCurrent()));}
-return false;},function(){Utils.dispose(enumerator);});});};Enumerable.prototype.partitionBy=function(keySelector,elementSelector,resultSelector,comparer){var source=this;keySelector=Utils.createLambda(keySelector);elementSelector=Utils.createLambda(elementSelector);comparer=comparer||Bridge.EqualityComparer$1.$default;var hasResultSelector;if(resultSelector==null){hasResultSelector=false;resultSelector=function(key,group){return new Grouping(key,group);};}
-return new Enumerable(function(){var enumerator;var key;var group=[];return new IEnumerator(function(){enumerator=source.getEnumerator();if(enumerator.moveNext()){key=keySelector(enumerator.getCurrent());group.push(elementSelector(enumerator.getCurrent()));}},function(){var hasNext;while((hasNext=enumerator.moveNext())==true){if(comparer.equals(key,keySelector(enumerator.getCurrent()))){group.push(elementSelector(enumerator.getCurrent()));}
-else break;}
-if(group.length>0){var result=(hasResultSelector)?resultSelector(key,Enumerable.from(group)):resultSelector(key,group);if(hasNext){key=keySelector(enumerator.getCurrent());group=[elementSelector(enumerator.getCurrent())];}
-else group=[];return this.yieldReturn(result);}
-return false;},function(){Utils.dispose(enumerator);});});};Enumerable.prototype.buffer=function(count){var source=this;return new Enumerable(function(){var enumerator;return new IEnumerator(function(){enumerator=source.getEnumerator();},function(){var array=[];var index=0;while(enumerator.moveNext()){array.push(enumerator.getCurrent());if(++index>=count)return this.yieldReturn(array);}
-if(array.length>0)return this.yieldReturn(array);return false;},function(){Utils.dispose(enumerator);});});};Enumerable.prototype.aggregate=function(seed,func,resultSelector){resultSelector=Utils.createLambda(resultSelector);return resultSelector(this.scan(seed,func,resultSelector).last());};Enumerable.prototype.average=function(selector){selector=Utils.createLambda(selector);var sum=0;var count=0;this.forEach(function(x){sum+=selector(x);++count;});return sum/count;};Enumerable.prototype.nullableAverage=function(selector){if(this.any(Bridge.isNull)){return null;}
-return this.average(selector);};Enumerable.prototype.count=function(predicate){predicate=(predicate==null)?Functions.True:Utils.createLambda(predicate);var count=0;this.forEach(function(x,i){if(predicate(x,i))++count;});return count;};Enumerable.prototype.max=function(selector){if(selector==null)selector=Functions.Identity;return,b){return(,b,true)===1)?a:b;});};Enumerable.prototype.nullableMax=function(selector){if(this.any(Bridge.isNull)){return null;}
-return this.max(selector);};Enumerable.prototype.min=function(selector){if(selector==null)selector=Functions.Identity;return,b){return(,b,true)===-1)?a:b;});};Enumerable.prototype.nullableMin=function(selector){if(this.any(Bridge.isNull)){return null;}
-return this.min(selector);};Enumerable.prototype.maxBy=function(keySelector){keySelector=Utils.createLambda(keySelector);return this.aggregate(function(a,b){return(,keySelector(b),true)===1)?a:b;});};Enumerable.prototype.minBy=function(keySelector){keySelector=Utils.createLambda(keySelector);return this.aggregate(function(a,b){return(,keySelector(b),true)===-1)?a:b;});};Enumerable.prototype.sum=function(selector){if(selector==null)selector=Functions.Identity;return,function(a,b){return a+b;});};Enumerable.prototype.nullableSum=function(selector){if(this.any(Bridge.isNull)){return null;}
-return this.sum(selector);};Enumerable.prototype.elementAt=function(index){var value;var found=false;this.forEach(function(x,i){if(i==index){value=x;found=true;return false;}});if(!found)throw new Error("index is less than 0 or greater than or equal to the number of elements in source.");return value;};Enumerable.prototype.elementAtOrDefault=function(index,defaultValue){if(defaultValue===undefined)defaultValue=null;var value;var found=false;this.forEach(function(x,i){if(i==index){value=x;found=true;return false;}});return(!found)?defaultValue:value;};Enumerable.prototype.first=function(predicate){if(predicate!=null)return this.where(predicate).first();var value;var found=false;this.forEach(function(x){value=x;found=true;return false;});if(!found)throw new Error("first:No element satisfies the condition.");return value;};Enumerable.prototype.firstOrDefault=function(predicate,defaultValue){if(defaultValue===undefined)defaultValue=null;if(predicate!=null)return this.where(predicate).firstOrDefault(null,defaultValue);var value;var found=false;this.forEach(function(x){value=x;found=true;return false;});return(!found)?defaultValue:value;};Enumerable.prototype.last=function(predicate){if(predicate!=null)return this.where(predicate).last();var value;var found=false;this.forEach(function(x){found=true;value=x;});if(!found)throw new Error("last:No element satisfies the condition.");return value;};Enumerable.prototype.lastOrDefault=function(predicate,defaultValue){if(defaultValue===undefined)defaultValue=null;if(predicate!=null)return this.where(predicate).lastOrDefault(null,defaultValue);var value;var found=false;this.forEach(function(x){found=true;value=x;});return(!found)?defaultValue:value;};Enumerable.prototype.single=function(predicate){if(predicate!=null)return this.where(predicate).single();var value;var found=false;this.forEach(function(x){if(!found){found=true;value=x;}else throw new Error("single:sequence contains more than one element.");});if(!found)throw new Error("single:No element satisfies the condition.");return value;};Enumerable.prototype.singleOrDefault=function(predicate,defaultValue){if(defaultValue===undefined)defaultValue=null;if(predicate!=null)return this.where(predicate).singleOrDefault(null,defaultValue);var value;var found=false;this.forEach(function(x){if(!found){found=true;value=x;}else throw new Error("single:sequence contains more than one element.");});return(!found)?defaultValue:value;};Enumerable.prototype.skip=function(count){var source=this;return new Enumerable(function(){var enumerator;var index=0;return new IEnumerator(function(){enumerator=source.getEnumerator();while(index++<count&&enumerator.moveNext()){};},function(){return(enumerator.moveNext())?this.yieldReturn(enumerator.getCurrent()):false;},function(){Utils.dispose(enumerator);});});};Enumerable.prototype.skipWhile=function(predicate){predicate=Utils.createLambda(predicate);var source=this;return new Enumerable(function(){var enumerator;var index=0;var isSkipEnd=false;return new IEnumerator(function(){enumerator=source.getEnumerator();},function(){while(!isSkipEnd){if(enumerator.moveNext()){if(!predicate(enumerator.getCurrent(),index++)){isSkipEnd=true;return this.yieldReturn(enumerator.getCurrent());}
-continue;}else return false;}
-return(enumerator.moveNext())?this.yieldReturn(enumerator.getCurrent()):false;},function(){Utils.dispose(enumerator);});});};Enumerable.prototype.take=function(count){var source=this;return new Enumerable(function(){var enumerator;var index=0;return new IEnumerator(function(){enumerator=source.getEnumerator();},function(){return(index++<count&&enumerator.moveNext())?this.yieldReturn(enumerator.getCurrent()):false;},function(){Utils.dispose(enumerator);});});};Enumerable.prototype.takeWhile=function(predicate){predicate=Utils.createLambda(predicate);var source=this;return new Enumerable(function(){var enumerator;var index=0;return new IEnumerator(function(){enumerator=source.getEnumerator();},function(){return(enumerator.moveNext()&&predicate(enumerator.getCurrent(),index++))?this.yieldReturn(enumerator.getCurrent()):false;},function(){Utils.dispose(enumerator);});});};Enumerable.prototype.takeExceptLast=function(count){if(count==null)count=1;var source=this;return new Enumerable(function(){if(count<=0)return source.getEnumerator();var enumerator;var q=[];return new IEnumerator(function(){enumerator=source.getEnumerator();},function(){while(enumerator.moveNext()){if(q.length==count){q.push(enumerator.getCurrent());return this.yieldReturn(q.shift());}
-return false;},function(){Utils.dispose(enumerator);});});};Enumerable.prototype.takeFromLast=function(count){if(count<=0||count==null)return Enumerable.empty();var source=this;return new Enumerable(function(){var sourceEnumerator;var enumerator;var q=[];return new IEnumerator(function(){sourceEnumerator=source.getEnumerator();},function(){if(enumerator==null){while(sourceEnumerator.moveNext()){if(q.length==count)q.shift();q.push(sourceEnumerator.getCurrent());}
-return(enumerator.moveNext())?this.yieldReturn(enumerator.getCurrent()):false;},function(){Utils.dispose(enumerator);});});};Enumerable.prototype.indexOf=function(item,comparer){var found=null;if(typeof(item)===Types.Function){this.forEach(function(x,i){if(item(x,i)){found=i;return false;}});}
-else{comparer=comparer||Bridge.EqualityComparer$1.$default;this.forEach(function(x,i){if(comparer.equals(x,item)){found=i;return false;}});}
-return(found!==null)?found:-1;};Enumerable.prototype.lastIndexOf=function(item,comparer){var result=-1;if(typeof(item)===Types.Function){this.forEach(function(x,i){if(item(x,i))result=i;});}
-return result;};Enumerable.prototype.asEnumerable=function(){return Enumerable.from(this);};Enumerable.prototype.toArray=function(){var array=[];this.forEach(function(x){array.push(x);});return array;};Enumerable.prototype.toList=function(T){var array=[];this.forEach(function(x){array.push(x);});return new Bridge.List$1(T||Object)(array);};Enumerable.prototype.toLookup=function(keySelector,elementSelector,comparer){keySelector=Utils.createLambda(keySelector);elementSelector=Utils.createLambda(elementSelector);var dict=new Bridge.Dictionary$2(Object,Object)(null,comparer);var order=[];this.forEach(function(x){var key=keySelector(x);var element=elementSelector(x);var array={v:null};if(dict.tryGetValue(key,array)){array.v.push(element);}
-else{order.push(key);dict.add(key,[element]);}});return new Lookup(dict,order);};Enumerable.prototype.toObject=function(keySelector,elementSelector){keySelector=Utils.createLambda(keySelector);elementSelector=Utils.createLambda(elementSelector);var obj={};this.forEach(function(x){obj[keySelector(x)]=elementSelector(x);});return obj;};Enumerable.prototype.toDictionary=function(keySelector,elementSelector,keyType,valueType,comparer){keySelector=Utils.createLambda(keySelector);elementSelector=Utils.createLambda(elementSelector);var dict=new Bridge.Dictionary$2(keyType,valueType)(null,comparer);this.forEach(function(x){dict.add(keySelector(x),elementSelector(x));});return dict;};Enumerable.prototype.toJSONString=function(replacer,space){if(typeof JSON===Types.Undefined||JSON.stringify==null){throw new Error("toJSONString can't find JSON.stringify. This works native JSON support Browser or include json2.js");}
-return JSON.stringify(this.toArray(),replacer,space);};Enumerable.prototype.toJoinedString=function(separator,selector){if(separator==null)separator="";if(selector==null)selector=Functions.Identity;return;};Enumerable.prototype.doAction=function(action){var source=this;action=Utils.createLambda(action);return new Enumerable(function(){var enumerator;var index=0;return new IEnumerator(function(){enumerator=source.getEnumerator();},function(){if(enumerator.moveNext()){action(enumerator.getCurrent(),index++);return this.yieldReturn(enumerator.getCurrent());}
-return false;},function(){Utils.dispose(enumerator);});});};Enumerable.prototype.forEach=function(action){action=Utils.createLambda(action);var index=0;var enumerator=this.getEnumerator();try{while(enumerator.moveNext()){if(action(enumerator.getCurrent(),index++)===false)break;}}finally{Utils.dispose(enumerator);}};Enumerable.prototype.write=function(separator,selector){if(separator==null)separator="";selector=Utils.createLambda(selector);var isFirst=true;this.forEach(function(item){if(isFirst)isFirst=false;else document.write(separator);document.write(selector(item));});};Enumerable.prototype.writeLine=function(selector){selector=Utils.createLambda(selector);this.forEach(function(item){document.writeln(selector(item)+"<br />");});};Enumerable.prototype.force=function(){var enumerator=this.getEnumerator();try{while(enumerator.moveNext()){}}
-finally{Utils.dispose(enumerator);}};Enumerable.prototype.letBind=function(func){func=Utils.createLambda(func);var source=this;return new Enumerable(function(){var enumerator;return new IEnumerator(function(){enumerator=Enumerable.from(func(source)).getEnumerator();},function(){return(enumerator.moveNext())?this.yieldReturn(enumerator.getCurrent()):false;},function(){Utils.dispose(enumerator);});});};Enumerable.prototype.share=function(){var source=this;var sharedEnumerator;var disposed=false;return new DisposableEnumerable(function(){return new IEnumerator(function(){if(sharedEnumerator==null){sharedEnumerator=source.getEnumerator();}},function(){if(disposed)throw new Error("enumerator is disposed");return(sharedEnumerator.moveNext())?this.yieldReturn(sharedEnumerator.getCurrent()):false;},Functions.Blank);},function(){disposed=true;Utils.dispose(sharedEnumerator);});};Enumerable.prototype.memoize=function(){var source=this;var cache;var enumerator;var disposed=false;return new DisposableEnumerable(function(){var index=-1;return new IEnumerator(function(){if(enumerator==null){enumerator=source.getEnumerator();cache=[];}},function(){if(disposed)throw new Error("enumerator is disposed");index++;if(cache.length<=index){return(enumerator.moveNext())?this.yieldReturn(cache[index]=enumerator.getCurrent()):false;}
-return this.yieldReturn(cache[index]);},Functions.Blank);},function(){disposed=true;Utils.dispose(enumerator);cache=null;});};Enumerable.prototype.catchError=function(handler){handler=Utils.createLambda(handler);var source=this;return new Enumerable(function(){var enumerator;return new IEnumerator(function(){enumerator=source.getEnumerator();},function(){try{return(enumerator.moveNext())?this.yieldReturn(enumerator.getCurrent()):false;}catch(e){handler(e);return false;}},function(){Utils.dispose(enumerator);});});};Enumerable.prototype.finallyAction=function(finallyAction){finallyAction=Utils.createLambda(finallyAction);var source=this;return new Enumerable(function(){var enumerator;return new IEnumerator(function(){enumerator=source.getEnumerator();},function(){return(enumerator.moveNext())?this.yieldReturn(enumerator.getCurrent()):false;},function(){try{Utils.dispose(enumerator);}finally{finallyAction();}});});};Enumerable.prototype.log=function(selector){selector=Utils.createLambda(selector);return this.doAction(function(item){if(typeof console!==Types.Undefined){console.log(selector(item));}});};Enumerable.prototype.trace=function(message,selector){if(message==null)message="Trace";selector=Utils.createLambda(selector);return this.doAction(function(item){if(typeof console!==Types.Undefined){console.log(message,selector(item));}});};var OrderedEnumerable=function(source,keySelector,comparer,descending,parent){this.source=source;this.keySelector=Utils.createLambda(keySelector);this.comparer=comparer||Bridge.Comparer$1.$default;this.descending=descending;this.parent=parent;};OrderedEnumerable.prototype=new Enumerable();OrderedEnumerable.prototype.createOrderedEnumerable=function(keySelector,comparer,descending){return new OrderedEnumerable(this.source,keySelector,comparer,descending,this);};OrderedEnumerable.prototype.thenBy=function(keySelector,comparer){return this.createOrderedEnumerable(keySelector,comparer,false);};OrderedEnumerable.prototype.thenByDescending=function(keySelector,comparer){return this.createOrderedEnumerable(keySelector,comparer,true);};OrderedEnumerable.prototype.getEnumerator=function(){var self=this;var buffer;var indexes;var index=0;return new IEnumerator(function(){buffer=[];indexes=[];self.source.forEach(function(item,index){buffer.push(item);indexes.push(index);});var sortContext=SortContext.create(self,null);sortContext.GenerateKeys(buffer);indexes.sort(function(a,b){return,b);});},function(){return(index<indexes.length)?this.yieldReturn(buffer[indexes[index++]]):false;},Functions.Blank);};var SortContext=function(keySelector,comparer,descending,child){this.keySelector=keySelector;this.comparer=comparer;this.descending=descending;this.child=child;this.keys=null;};SortContext.create=function(orderedEnumerable,currentContext){var context=new SortContext(orderedEnumerable.keySelector,orderedEnumerable.comparer,orderedEnumerable.descending,currentContext);if(orderedEnumerable.parent!=null)return SortContext.create(orderedEnumerable.parent,context);return context;};SortContext.prototype.GenerateKeys=function(source){var len=source.length;var keySelector=this.keySelector;var keys=new Array(len);for(var i=0;i<len;i++)keys[i]=keySelector(source[i]);this.keys=keys;if(this.child!=null)this.child.GenerateKeys(source);};,index2){var[index1],this.keys[index2]);if(comparison==0){if(this.child!=null)return,index2);return,index2);}
-return(this.descending)?-comparison:comparison;};var DisposableEnumerable=function(getEnumerator,dispose){this.dispose=dispose;,getEnumerator);};DisposableEnumerable.prototype=new Enumerable();var ArrayEnumerable=function(source){this.getSource=function(){return source;};};ArrayEnumerable.prototype=new Enumerable();ArrayEnumerable.prototype.any=function(predicate){return(predicate==null)?(this.getSource().length>0):Enumerable.prototype.any.apply(this,arguments);};ArrayEnumerable.prototype.count=function(predicate){return(predicate==null)?this.getSource().length:Enumerable.prototype.count.apply(this,arguments);};ArrayEnumerable.prototype.elementAt=function(index){var source=this.getSource();return(0<=index&&index<source.length)?source[index]:Enumerable.prototype.elementAt.apply(this,arguments);};ArrayEnumerable.prototype.elementAtOrDefault=function(index,defaultValue){if(defaultValue===undefined)defaultValue=null;var source=this.getSource();return(0<=index&&index<source.length)?source[index]:defaultValue;};ArrayEnumerable.prototype.first=function(predicate){var source=this.getSource();return(predicate==null&&source.length>0)?source[0]:Enumerable.prototype.first.apply(this,arguments);};ArrayEnumerable.prototype.firstOrDefault=function(predicate,defaultValue){if(defaultValue===undefined)defaultValue=null;if(predicate!=null){return Enumerable.prototype.firstOrDefault.apply(this,arguments);}
-var source=this.getSource();return source.length>0?source[0]:defaultValue;};ArrayEnumerable.prototype.last=function(predicate){var source=this.getSource();return(predicate==null&&source.length>0)?source[source.length-1]:Enumerable.prototype.last.apply(this,arguments);};ArrayEnumerable.prototype.lastOrDefault=function(predicate,defaultValue){if(defaultValue===undefined)defaultValue=null;if(predicate!=null){return Enumerable.prototype.lastOrDefault.apply(this,arguments);}
-var source=this.getSource();return source.length>0?source[source.length-1]:defaultValue;};ArrayEnumerable.prototype.skip=function(count){var source=this.getSource();return new Enumerable(function(){var index;return new IEnumerator(function(){index=(count<0)?0:count;},function(){return(index<source.length)?this.yieldReturn(source[index++]):false;},Functions.Blank);});};ArrayEnumerable.prototype.takeExceptLast=function(count){if(count==null)count=1;return this.take(this.getSource().length-count);};ArrayEnumerable.prototype.takeFromLast=function(count){return this.skip(this.getSource().length-count);};ArrayEnumerable.prototype.reverse=function(){var source=this.getSource();return new Enumerable(function(){var index;return new IEnumerator(function(){index=source.length;},function(){return(index>0)?this.yieldReturn(source[--index]):false;},Functions.Blank);});};ArrayEnumerable.prototype.sequenceEqual=function(second,comparer){if((second instanceof ArrayEnumerable||second instanceof Array)&&comparer==null&&Enumerable.from(second).count()!=this.count()){return false;}
-return Enumerable.prototype.sequenceEqual.apply(this,arguments);};ArrayEnumerable.prototype.toJoinedString=function(separator,selector){var source=this.getSource();if(selector!=null||!(source instanceof Array)){return Enumerable.prototype.toJoinedString.apply(this,arguments);}
-if(separator==null)separator="";return source.join(separator);};ArrayEnumerable.prototype.getEnumerator=function(){return new Bridge.ArrayEnumerator(this.getSource());};var WhereEnumerable=function(source,predicate){this.prevSource=source;this.prevPredicate=predicate;};WhereEnumerable.prototype=new Enumerable();WhereEnumerable.prototype.where=function(predicate){predicate=Utils.createLambda(predicate);if(predicate.length<=1){var prevPredicate=this.prevPredicate;var composedPredicate=function(x){return prevPredicate(x)&&predicate(x);};return new WhereEnumerable(this.prevSource,composedPredicate);}
-else{return,predicate);}};{selector=Utils.createLambda(selector);return(selector.length<=1)?new WhereSelectEnumerable(this.prevSource,this.prevPredicate,selector),selector);};WhereEnumerable.prototype.getEnumerator=function(){var predicate=this.prevPredicate;var source=this.prevSource;var enumerator;return new IEnumerator(function(){enumerator=source.getEnumerator();},function(){while(enumerator.moveNext()){if(predicate(enumerator.getCurrent())){return this.yieldReturn(enumerator.getCurrent());}}
-return false;},function(){Utils.dispose(enumerator);});};var WhereSelectEnumerable=function(source,predicate,selector){this.prevSource=source;this.prevPredicate=predicate;this.prevSelector=selector;};WhereSelectEnumerable.prototype=new Enumerable();WhereSelectEnumerable.prototype.where=function(predicate){predicate=Utils.createLambda(predicate);return(predicate.length<=1)?new WhereEnumerable(this,predicate),predicate);};{selector=Utils.createLambda(selector);if(selector.length<=1){var prevSelector=this.prevSelector;var composedSelector=function(x){return selector(prevSelector(x));};return new WhereSelectEnumerable(this.prevSource,this.prevPredicate,composedSelector);}
-else{return,selector);}};WhereSelectEnumerable.prototype.getEnumerator=function(){var predicate=this.prevPredicate;var selector=this.prevSelector;var source=this.prevSource;var enumerator;return new IEnumerator(function(){enumerator=source.getEnumerator();},function(){while(enumerator.moveNext()){if(predicate==null||predicate(enumerator.getCurrent())){return this.yieldReturn(selector(enumerator.getCurrent()));}}
-return false;},function(){Utils.dispose(enumerator);});};var Lookup=function(dictionary,order){this.count=function(){return dictionary.getCount();};this.get=function(key){var value={v:null};var success=dictionary.tryGetValue(key,value);return Enumerable.from(success?value.v:[]);};this.contains=function(key){return dictionary.containsKey(key);};this.toEnumerable=function(){return Enumerable.from(order).select(function(key){return new Grouping(key,dictionary.get(key));});};this.getEnumerator=function(){return this.toEnumerable().getEnumerator();};};Lookup.$$inheritors=[Bridge.IEnumerable];var Grouping=function(groupKey,elements){this.key=function(){return groupKey;};,elements);};Grouping.prototype=new ArrayEnumerable();if(typeof define===Types.Function&&define.amd){define("linqjs",[],function(){return Enumerable;});}
-else if(typeof module!==Types.Undefined&&module.exports){module.exports=Enumerable;}
-if(typeof define==="function"&&define.amd){define("bridge",[],function(){return Bridge;});}
-else if(typeof module!=="undefined"&&module.exports){module.exports=Bridge;}
+Bridge.define('Bridge.PropertyChangedEventArgs', {
+constructor: function (propertyName) {
+this.propertyName = propertyName;
+(function () {
+var array = {
+toIndex: function (arr, indices) {
+if (indices.length != (arr.$s ? arr.$s.length : 1)) {
+throw new Bridge.ArgumentException("Invalid number of indices");
+if (indices[0] < 0 || indices[0] >= (arr.$s ? arr.$s[0] : arr.length)) {
+throw new Bridge.ArgumentException("Index 0 out of range");
+var idx = indices[0],
+if (arr.$s) {
+for (i = 1; i < arr.$s.length; i++) {
+if (indices[i] < 0 || indices[i] >= arr.$s[i]) {
+throw new Bridge.ArgumentException("Index " + i + " out of range");
+idx = idx * arr.$s[i] + indices[i];
+return idx;
+$get: function (indices) {
+var r = this[Bridge.Array.toIndex(this, indices)];
+return typeof r !== "undefined" ? r : this.$v;
+get: function (arr) {
+var r = arr[Bridge.Array.toIndex(arr,, 1))];
+return typeof r !== "undefined" ? r : arr.$v;
+$set: function (indices, value) {
+this[Bridge.Array.toIndex(this,, 0))] = value;
+set: function (arr, value) {
+var indices =, 2);
+arr[Bridge.Array.toIndex(arr, indices)] = value;
+getLength: function (arr, dimension) {
+if (dimension >= (arr.$s ? arr.$s.length : 1)) {
+throw new Bridge.ArgumentException("Invalid dimension");
+return arr.$s ? arr.$s[dimension] : arr.length;
+getRank: function (arr) {
+return arr.$s ? arr.$s.length : 1;
+getLower: function (arr, d) {
+return 0;
+create: function (defvalue, initValues, sizes) {
+var arr = [],
+length = arguments.length > 2 ? 1 : 0,
+i, s, v,
+arr.$v = defvalue;
+arr.$s = [];
+arr.get = Bridge.Array.$get;
+arr.set = Bridge.Array.$set;
+for (i = 2; i < arguments.length; i++) {
+length *= arguments[i];
+arr.$s[i - 2] = arguments[i];
+arr.length = length;
+if (initValues) {
+for (i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
+indices = [];
+flatIdx = i;
+for (s = arr.$s.length - 1; s >= 0; s--) {
+idx = flatIdx % arr.$s[s];
+flatIdx = Bridge.Int.div(flatIdx - idx, arr.$s[s]);
+v = initValues;
+for (idx = 0; idx < indices.length; idx++) {
+v = v[indices[idx]];
+arr[i] = v;
+return arr;
+init: function(size, value) {
+var arr = new Array(size),
+isFn = Bridge.isFunction(value);
+for (var i = 0; i < size; i++) {
+arr[i] = isFn ? value() : value;
+return arr;
+toEnumerable: function(array) {
+return new Bridge.ArrayEnumerable(array);
+toEnumerator: function(array) {
+return new Bridge.ArrayEnumerator(array);
+is: function (obj, type) {
+if (!Bridge.isArray(obj)) {
+return false;
+if ((obj.constructor == type) || (obj instanceof type)) {
+return true;
+if (type == Bridge.IEnumerable ||
+type == Bridge.ICollection ||
+type == Bridge.ICloneable ||
+type.$$name && Bridge.String.startsWith(type.$$name, "Bridge.IEnumerable$1") ||
+type.$$name && Bridge.String.startsWith(type.$$name, "Bridge.ICollection$1") ||
+type.$$name && Bridge.String.startsWith(type.$$name, "Bridge.IList$1")) {
+return true;
+return false;
+clone: function(arr) {
+if (arr.length === 1) {
+return [arr[0]];
+else {
+return arr.slice(0);
+getCount: function(obj) {
+if (Bridge.isArray(obj)) {
+return obj.length;
+else if (Bridge.isFunction(obj.getCount)) {
+return obj.getCount();
+return 0;
+add: function (obj, item) {
+if (Bridge.isArray(obj)) {
+else if (Bridge.isFunction(obj.add)) {
+clear: function (obj) {
+if (Bridge.isArray(obj)) {
+obj.length = 0;
+else if (Bridge.isFunction(obj.clear)) {
+indexOf: function(arr, item) {
+if (Bridge.isArray(arr)) {
+var i, ln, el;
+for (i = 0, ln = arr.length; i < ln; i++) {
+el = arr[i];
+if (el === item || Bridge.EqualityComparer$1.$default.equals(el, item)) {
+return i;
+else if (Bridge.isFunction(arr.indexOf)) {
+return arr.indexOf(item);
+return -1;
+contains: function (obj, item) {
+if (Bridge.isArray(obj)) {
+return Bridge.Array.indexOf(obj, item) > -1;
+else if (Bridge.isFunction(obj.contains)) {
+return obj.contains(item);
+return false;
+remove: function (obj, item) {
+if (Bridge.isArray(obj)) {
+var index = Bridge.Array.indexOf(obj, item);
+if (index > -1) {
+obj.splice(index, 1);
+return true;
+else if (Bridge.isFunction(obj.remove)) {
+return obj.remove(item);
+return false;
+insert: function (obj, index, item) {
+if (Bridge.isArray(obj)) {
+obj.splice(index, 0, item);
+else if (Bridge.isFunction(obj.insert)) {
+obj.insert(index, item);
+removeAt: function (obj, index) {
+if (Bridge.isArray(obj)) {
+obj.splice(index, 1);
+else if (Bridge.isFunction(obj.removeAt)) {
+getItem: function (obj, idx) {
+if (Bridge.isArray(obj)) {
+return obj[idx];
+else if (Bridge.isFunction(obj.get)) {
+return obj.get(idx);
+else if (Bridge.isFunction(obj.getItem)) {
+return obj.getItem(idx);
+else if (Bridge.isFunction(obj.get_Item)) {
+return obj.get_Item(idx);
+setItem: function (obj, idx, value) {
+if (Bridge.isArray(obj)) {
+obj[idx] = value;
+else if (Bridge.isFunction(obj.set)) {
+obj.set(idx, value);
+else if (Bridge.isFunction(obj.setItem)) {
+obj.setItem(idx, value);
+else if (Bridge.isFunction(obj.set_Item)) {
+obj.set_Item(idx, value);
+Bridge.Array = array;
+* linq.js - LINQ for JavaScript
+* ver 3.0.4-Beta5 (Jun. 20th, 2013)
+* created and maintained by neuecc <>
+* licensed under MIT License
+(function (root, undefined) {
+var Functions = {
+Identity: function (x) { return x; },
+True: function () { return true; },
+Blank: function () { }
+var Types = {
+Boolean: typeof true,
+Number: typeof 0,
+String: typeof "",
+Object: typeof {},
+Undefined: typeof undefined,
+Function: typeof function () { }
+var funcCache = { "": Functions.Identity };
+var Utils = {
+createLambda: function (expression) {
+if (expression == null) return Functions.Identity;
+if (typeof expression === Types.String) {
+var f = funcCache[expression];
+if (f != null) {
+return f;
+if (expression.indexOf("=>") === -1) {
+var regexp = new RegExp("[$]+", "g");
+var maxLength = 0;
+var match;
+while ((match = regexp.exec(expression)) != null) {
+var paramNumber = match[0].length;
+if (paramNumber > maxLength) {
+maxLength = paramNumber;
+var argArray = [];
+for (var i = 1; i <= maxLength; i++) {
+var dollar = "";
+for (var j = 0; j < i; j++) {
+dollar += "$";
+var args =, ",");
+f = new Function(args, "return " + expression);
+funcCache[expression] = f;
+return f;
+else {
+var expr = expression.match(/^[(\s]*([^()]*?)[)\s]*=>(.*)/);
+f = new Function(expr[1], "return " + expr[2]);
+funcCache[expression] = f;
+return f;
+return expression;
+isIEnumerable: function (obj) {
+if (typeof Enumerator !== Types.Undefined) {
+try {
+new Enumerator(obj);
+return true;
+catch (e) { }
+return false;
+defineProperty: (Object.defineProperties != null)
+? function (target, methodName, value) {
+Object.defineProperty(target, methodName, {
+enumerable: false,
+configurable: true,
+writable: true,
+value: value
+: function (target, methodName, value) {
+target[methodName] = value;
+compare: function (a, b) {
+return (a === b) ? 0
+: (a > b) ? 1
+: -1;
+dispose: function (obj) {
+if (obj != null) obj.dispose();
+var State = { Before: 0, Running: 1, After: 2 };
+var IEnumerator = function (initialize, tryGetNext, dispose) {
+var yielder = new Yielder();
+var state = State.Before;
+this.getCurrent = yielder.getCurrent;
+this.reset = function () { throw new Error('Reset is not supported'); };
+this.moveNext = function () {
+try {
+switch (state) {
+case State.Before:
+state = State.Running;
+case State.Running:
+if (tryGetNext.apply(yielder)) {
+return true;
+else {
+return false;
+case State.After:
+return false;
+catch (e) {
+throw e;
+this.dispose = function () {
+if (state != State.Running) return;
+try {
+finally {
+state = State.After;
+IEnumerator.$$inheritors = [Bridge.IDisposable];
+var Yielder = function () {
+var current = null;
+this.getCurrent = function () { return current; };
+this.yieldReturn = function (value) {
+current = value;
+return true;
+this.yieldBreak = function () {
+return false;
+var Enumerable = function (getEnumerator) {
+this.getEnumerator = getEnumerator;
+Enumerable.$$inheritors = [Bridge.IEnumerable];
+Enumerable.Utils = {};
+Enumerable.Utils.createLambda = function (expression) {
+return Utils.createLambda(expression);
+Enumerable.Utils.createEnumerable = function (getEnumerator) {
+return new Enumerable(getEnumerator);
+Enumerable.Utils.createEnumerator = function (initialize, tryGetNext, dispose) {
+return new IEnumerator(initialize, tryGetNext, dispose);
+Enumerable.Utils.extendTo = function (type) {
+var typeProto = type.prototype;
+var enumerableProto;
+if (type === Array) {
+enumerableProto = ArrayEnumerable.prototype;
+Utils.defineProperty(typeProto, "getSource", function () {
+return this;
+else {
+enumerableProto = Enumerable.prototype;
+Utils.defineProperty(typeProto, "getEnumerator", function () {
+return Enumerable.from(this).getEnumerator();
+for (var methodName in enumerableProto) {
+var func = enumerableProto[methodName];
+if (typeProto[methodName] == func) continue;
+if (typeProto[methodName] != null) {
+methodName = methodName + "ByLinq";
+if (typeProto[methodName] == func) continue;
+if (func instanceof Function) {
+Utils.defineProperty(typeProto, methodName, func);
+Enumerable.choice = function ()
+var args = arguments;
+return new Enumerable(function () {
+return new IEnumerator(
+function () {
+args = (args[0] instanceof Array) ? args[0]
+: (args[0].getEnumerator != null) ? args[0].toArray()
+: args;
+function () {
+return this.yieldReturn(args[Math.floor(Math.random() * args.length)]);
+Enumerable.cycle = function ()
+var args = arguments;
+return new Enumerable(function () {
+var index = 0;
+return new IEnumerator(
+function () {
+args = (args[0] instanceof Array) ? args[0]
+: (args[0].getEnumerator != null) ? args[0].toArray()
+: args;
+function () {
+if (index >= args.length) index = 0;
+return this.yieldReturn(args[index++]);
+var emptyEnumerable = new Enumerable(function () {
+return new IEnumerator(
+function () { return false; },
+Enumerable.empty = function () {
+return emptyEnumerable;
+Enumerable.from = function (obj) {
+if (obj == null) {
+return Enumerable.empty();
+if (obj instanceof Enumerable) {
+return obj;
+if (typeof obj == Types.Number || typeof obj == Types.Boolean) {
+return Enumerable.repeat(obj, 1);
+if (typeof obj == Types.String) {
+return new Enumerable(function () {
+var index = 0;
+return new IEnumerator(
+function () {
+return (index < obj.length) ? this.yieldReturn(obj.charAt(index++)) : false;
+var ienum =, Bridge.IEnumerable);
+if (ienum) {
+return new Enumerable(function () {
+var enumerator;
+return new IEnumerator(
+function () { enumerator = Bridge.getEnumerator(ienum); },
+function () {
+var ok = enumerator.moveNext();
+return ok ? this.yieldReturn(enumerator.getCurrent()) : false;
+function () {
+var disposable =, Bridge.IDisposable);
+if (disposable) {
+if (typeof obj != Types.Function) {
+if (typeof obj.length == Types.Number) {
+return new ArrayEnumerable(obj);
+if (!(obj instanceof Object) && Utils.isIEnumerable(obj)) {
+return new Enumerable(function () {
+var isFirst = true;
+var enumerator;
+return new IEnumerator(
+function () { enumerator = new Enumerator(obj); },
+function () {
+if (isFirst) isFirst = false;
+else enumerator.moveNext();
+return (enumerator.atEnd()) ? false : this.yieldReturn(enumerator.item());
+if (typeof Windows === Types.Object && typeof obj.first === Types.Function) {
+return new Enumerable(function () {
+var isFirst = true;
+var enumerator;
+return new IEnumerator(
+function () { enumerator = obj.first(); },
+function () {
+if (isFirst) isFirst = false;
+else enumerator.moveNext();
+return (enumerator.hasCurrent) ? this.yieldReturn(enumerator.current) : this.yieldBreak();
+return new Enumerable(function () {
+var array = [];
+var index = 0;
+return new IEnumerator(
+function () {
+for (var key in obj) {
+var value = obj[key];
+if (!(value instanceof Function) &&, key)) {
+array.push({ key: key, value: value });
+function () {
+return (index < array.length)
+? this.yieldReturn(array[index++])
+: false;
+Enumerable.make = function (element) {
+return Enumerable.repeat(element, 1);
+Enumerable.matches = function (input, pattern, flags) {
+if (flags == null) flags = "";
+if (pattern instanceof RegExp) {
+flags += (pattern.ignoreCase) ? "i" : "";
+flags += (pattern.multiline) ? "m" : "";
+pattern = pattern.source;
+if (flags.indexOf("g") === -1) flags += "g";
+return new Enumerable(function () {
+var regex;
+return new IEnumerator(
+function () { regex = new RegExp(pattern, flags); },
+function () {
+var match = regex.exec(input);
+return (match) ? this.yieldReturn(match) : false;
+Enumerable.range = function (start, count, step) {
+if (step == null) step = 1;
+return new Enumerable(function () {
+var value;
+var index = 0;
+return new IEnumerator(
+function () { value = start - step; },
+function () {
+return (index++ < count)
+? this.yieldReturn(value += step)
+: this.yieldBreak();
+Enumerable.rangeDown = function (start, count, step) {
+if (step == null) step = 1;
+return new Enumerable(function () {
+var value;
+var index = 0;
+return new IEnumerator(
+function () { value = start + step; },
+function () {
+return (index++ < count)
+? this.yieldReturn(value -= step)
+: this.yieldBreak();
+Enumerable.rangeTo = function (start, to, step) {
+if (step == null) step = 1;
+if (start < to) {
+return new Enumerable(function () {
+var value;
+return new IEnumerator(
+function () { value = start - step; },
+function () {
+var next = value += step;
+return (next <= to)
+? this.yieldReturn(next)
+: this.yieldBreak();
+else {
+return new Enumerable(function () {
+var value;
+return new IEnumerator(
+function () { value = start + step; },
+function () {
+var next = value -= step;
+return (next >= to)
+? this.yieldReturn(next)
+: this.yieldBreak();
+Enumerable.repeat = function (element, count) {
+if (count != null) return Enumerable.repeat(element).take(count);
+return new Enumerable(function () {
+return new IEnumerator(
+function () { return this.yieldReturn(element); },
+Enumerable.repeatWithFinalize = function (initializer, finalizer) {
+initializer = Utils.createLambda(initializer);
+finalizer = Utils.createLambda(finalizer);
+return new Enumerable(function () {
+var element;
+return new IEnumerator(
+function () { element = initializer(); },
+function () { return this.yieldReturn(element); },
+function () {
+if (element != null) {
+element = null;
+Enumerable.generate = function (func, count) {
+if (count != null) return Enumerable.generate(func).take(count);
+func = Utils.createLambda(func);
+return new Enumerable(function () {
+return new IEnumerator(
+function () { return this.yieldReturn(func()); },
+Enumerable.toInfinity = function (start, step) {
+if (start == null) start = 0;
+if (step == null) step = 1;
+return new Enumerable(function () {
+var value;
+return new IEnumerator(
+function () { value = start - step; },
+function () { return this.yieldReturn(value += step); },
+Enumerable.toNegativeInfinity = function (start, step) {
+if (start == null) start = 0;
+if (step == null) step = 1;
+return new Enumerable(function () {
+var value;
+return new IEnumerator(
+function () { value = start + step; },
+function () { return this.yieldReturn(value -= step); },
+Enumerable.unfold = function (seed, func) {
+func = Utils.createLambda(func);
+return new Enumerable(function () {
+var isFirst = true;
+var value;
+return new IEnumerator(
+function () {
+if (isFirst) {
+isFirst = false;
+value = seed;
+return this.yieldReturn(value);
+value = func(value);
+return this.yieldReturn(value);
+Enumerable.defer = function (enumerableFactory) {
+return new Enumerable(function () {
+var enumerator;
+return new IEnumerator(
+function () { enumerator = Enumerable.from(enumerableFactory()).getEnumerator(); },
+function () {
+return (enumerator.moveNext())
+? this.yieldReturn(enumerator.getCurrent())
+: this.yieldBreak();
+function () {
+/* Projection and Filtering Methods */
+Enumerable.prototype.traverseBreadthFirst = function (func, resultSelector) {
+var source = this;
+func = Utils.createLambda(func);
+resultSelector = Utils.createLambda(resultSelector);
+return new Enumerable(function () {
+var enumerator;
+var nestLevel = 0;
+var buffer = [];
+return new IEnumerator(
+function () { enumerator = source.getEnumerator(); },
+function () {
+while (true) {
+if (enumerator.moveNext()) {
+return this.yieldReturn(resultSelector(enumerator.getCurrent(), nestLevel));
+var next = Enumerable.from(buffer).selectMany(function (x) { return func(x); });
+if (!next.any()) {
+return false;
+else {
+buffer = [];
+enumerator = next.getEnumerator();
+function () { Utils.dispose(enumerator); });
+Enumerable.prototype.traverseDepthFirst = function (func, resultSelector) {
+var source = this;
+func = Utils.createLambda(func);
+resultSelector = Utils.createLambda(resultSelector);
+return new Enumerable(function () {
+var enumeratorStack = [];
+var enumerator;
+return new IEnumerator(
+function () { enumerator = source.getEnumerator(); },
+function () {
+while (true) {
+if (enumerator.moveNext()) {
+var value = resultSelector(enumerator.getCurrent(), enumeratorStack.length);
+enumerator = Enumerable.from(func(enumerator.getCurrent())).getEnumerator();
+return this.yieldReturn(value);
+if (enumeratorStack.length <= 0) return false;
+enumerator = enumeratorStack.pop();
+function () {
+try {
+finally {
+Enumerable.from(enumeratorStack).forEach(function (s) { s.dispose(); });
+Enumerable.prototype.flatten = function () {
+var source = this;
+return new Enumerable(function () {
+var enumerator;
+var middleEnumerator = null;
+return new IEnumerator(
+function () { enumerator = source.getEnumerator(); },
+function () {
+while (true) {
+if (middleEnumerator != null) {
+if (middleEnumerator.moveNext()) {
+return this.yieldReturn(middleEnumerator.getCurrent());
+else {
+middleEnumerator = null;
+if (enumerator.moveNext()) {
+if (enumerator.getCurrent() instanceof Array) {
+middleEnumerator = Enumerable.from(enumerator.getCurrent())
+else {
+return this.yieldReturn(enumerator.getCurrent());
+return false;
+function () {
+try {
+finally {
+Enumerable.prototype.pairwise = function (selector) {
+var source = this;
+selector = Utils.createLambda(selector);
+return new Enumerable(function () {
+var enumerator;
+return new IEnumerator(
+function () {
+enumerator = source.getEnumerator();
+function () {
+var prev = enumerator.getCurrent();
+return (enumerator.moveNext())
+? this.yieldReturn(selector(prev, enumerator.getCurrent()))
+: false;
+function () { Utils.dispose(enumerator); });
+Enumerable.prototype.scan = function (seed, func) {
+var isUseSeed;
+if (func == null) {
+func = Utils.createLambda(seed);
+isUseSeed = false;
+} else {
+func = Utils.createLambda(func);
+isUseSeed = true;
+var source = this;
+return new Enumerable(function () {
+var enumerator;
+var value;
+var isFirst = true;
+return new IEnumerator(
+function () { enumerator = source.getEnumerator(); },
+function () {
+if (isFirst) {
+isFirst = false;
+if (!isUseSeed) {
+if (enumerator.moveNext()) {
+return this.yieldReturn(value = enumerator.getCurrent());
+else {
+return this.yieldReturn(value = seed);
+return (enumerator.moveNext())
+? this.yieldReturn(value = func(value, enumerator.getCurrent()))
+: false;
+function () { Utils.dispose(enumerator); });
+}; = function (selector) {
+selector = Utils.createLambda(selector);
+if (selector.length <= 1) {
+return new WhereSelectEnumerable(this, null, selector);
+else {
+var source = this;
+return new Enumerable(function () {
+var enumerator;
+var index = 0;
+return new IEnumerator(
+function () { enumerator = source.getEnumerator(); },
+function () {
+return (enumerator.moveNext())
+? this.yieldReturn(selector(enumerator.getCurrent(), index++))
+: false;
+function () { Utils.dispose(enumerator); });
+Enumerable.prototype.selectMany = function (collectionSelector, resultSelector) {
+var source = this;
+collectionSelector = Utils.createLambda(collectionSelector);
+if (resultSelector == null) resultSelector = function (a, b) { return b; };
+resultSelector = Utils.createLambda(resultSelector);
+return new Enumerable(function () {
+var enumerator;
+var middleEnumerator = undefined;
+var index = 0;
+return new IEnumerator(
+function () { enumerator = source.getEnumerator(); },
+function () {
+if (middleEnumerator === undefined) {
+if (!enumerator.moveNext()) return false;
+do {
+if (middleEnumerator == null) {
+var middleSeq = collectionSelector(enumerator.getCurrent(), index++);
+middleEnumerator = Enumerable.from(middleSeq).getEnumerator();
+if (middleEnumerator.moveNext()) {
+return this.yieldReturn(resultSelector(enumerator.getCurrent(), middleEnumerator.getCurrent()));
+middleEnumerator = null;
+} while (enumerator.moveNext());
+return false;
+function () {
+try {
+finally {
+Enumerable.prototype.where = function (predicate) {
+predicate = Utils.createLambda(predicate);
+if (predicate.length <= 1) {
+return new WhereEnumerable(this, predicate);
+else {
+var source = this;
+return new Enumerable(function () {
+var enumerator;
+var index = 0;
+return new IEnumerator(
+function () { enumerator = source.getEnumerator(); },
+function () {
+while (enumerator.moveNext()) {
+if (predicate(enumerator.getCurrent(), index++)) {
+return this.yieldReturn(enumerator.getCurrent());
+return false;
+function () { Utils.dispose(enumerator); });
+Enumerable.prototype.choose = function (selector) {
+selector = Utils.createLambda(selector);
+var source = this;
+return new Enumerable(function () {
+var enumerator;
+var index = 0;
+return new IEnumerator(
+function () { enumerator = source.getEnumerator(); },
+function () {
+while (enumerator.moveNext()) {
+var result = selector(enumerator.getCurrent(), index++);
+if (result != null) {
+return this.yieldReturn(result);
+return this.yieldBreak();
+function () { Utils.dispose(enumerator); });
+Enumerable.prototype.ofType = function (type) {
+var source = this;
+return new Enumerable(function () {
+var enumerator;
+return new IEnumerator(
+function () {
+enumerator = Bridge.getEnumerator(source);
+function () {
+while (enumerator.moveNext()) {
+var v =, type);
+if (Bridge.hasValue(v)) {
+return this.yieldReturn(v);
+return false;
+function () {
+}; = function () {
+var args = arguments;
+var selector = Utils.createLambda(arguments[arguments.length - 1]);
+var source = this;
+if (arguments.length == 2) {
+var second = arguments[0];
+return new Enumerable(function () {
+var firstEnumerator;
+var secondEnumerator;
+var index = 0;
+return new IEnumerator(
+function () {
+firstEnumerator = source.getEnumerator();
+secondEnumerator = Enumerable.from(second).getEnumerator();
+function () {
+if (firstEnumerator.moveNext() && secondEnumerator.moveNext()) {
+return this.yieldReturn(selector(firstEnumerator.getCurrent(), secondEnumerator.getCurrent(), index++));
+return false;
+function () {
+try {
+} finally {
+else {
+return new Enumerable(function () {
+var enumerators;
+var index = 0;
+return new IEnumerator(
+function () {
+var array = Enumerable.make(source)
+.concat(Enumerable.from(args).takeExceptLast().select(Enumerable.from)) (x) { return x.getEnumerator() })
+enumerators = Enumerable.from(array);
+function () {
+if (enumerators.all(function (x) { return x.moveNext() })) {
+var array = enumerators (x) { return x.getCurrent() })
+return this.yieldReturn(selector.apply(null, array));
+else {
+return this.yieldBreak();
+function () {
+Enumerable.prototype.merge = function () {
+var args = arguments;
+var source = this;
+return new Enumerable(function () {
+var enumerators;
+var index = -1;
+return new IEnumerator(
+function () {
+enumerators = Enumerable.make(source)
+.concat(Enumerable.from(args).select(Enumerable.from)) (x) { return x.getEnumerator() })
+function () {
+while (enumerators.length > 0) {
+index = (index >= enumerators.length - 1) ? 0 : index + 1;
+var enumerator = enumerators[index];
+if (enumerator.moveNext()) {
+return this.yieldReturn(enumerator.getCurrent());
+else {
+enumerators.splice(index--, 1);
+return this.yieldBreak();
+function () {
+/* Join Methods */
+Enumerable.prototype.join = function (inner, outerKeySelector, innerKeySelector, resultSelector, comparer) {
+outerKeySelector = Utils.createLambda(outerKeySelector);
+innerKeySelector = Utils.createLambda(innerKeySelector);
+resultSelector = Utils.createLambda(resultSelector);
+var source = this;
+return new Enumerable(function () {
+var outerEnumerator;
+var lookup;
+var innerElements = null;
+var innerCount = 0;
+return new IEnumerator(
+function () {
+outerEnumerator = source.getEnumerator();
+lookup = Enumerable.from(inner).toLookup(innerKeySelector, Functions.Identity, comparer);
+function () {
+while (true) {
+if (innerElements != null) {
+var innerElement = innerElements[innerCount++];
+if (innerElement !== undefined) {
+return this.yieldReturn(resultSelector(outerEnumerator.getCurrent(), innerElement));
+innerElement = null;
+innerCount = 0;
+if (outerEnumerator.moveNext()) {
+var key = outerKeySelector(outerEnumerator.getCurrent());
+innerElements = lookup.get(key).toArray();
+} else {
+return false;
+function () { Utils.dispose(outerEnumerator); });
+Enumerable.prototype.groupJoin = function (inner, outerKeySelector, innerKeySelector, resultSelector, comparer) {
+outerKeySelector = Utils.createLambda(outerKeySelector);
+innerKeySelector = Utils.createLambda(innerKeySelector);
+resultSelector = Utils.createLambda(resultSelector);
+var source = this;
+return new Enumerable(function () {
+var enumerator = source.getEnumerator();
+var lookup = null;
+return new IEnumerator(
+function () {
+enumerator = source.getEnumerator();
+lookup = Enumerable.from(inner).toLookup(innerKeySelector, Functions.Identity, comparer);
+function () {
+if (enumerator.moveNext()) {
+var innerElement = lookup.get(outerKeySelector(enumerator.getCurrent()));
+return this.yieldReturn(resultSelector(enumerator.getCurrent(), innerElement));
+return false;
+function () { Utils.dispose(enumerator); });
+/* Set Methods */
+Enumerable.prototype.all = function (predicate) {
+predicate = Utils.createLambda(predicate);
+var result = true;
+this.forEach(function (x) {
+if (!predicate(x)) {
+result = false;
+return false;
+return result;
+Enumerable.prototype.any = function (predicate) {
+predicate = Utils.createLambda(predicate);
+var enumerator = this.getEnumerator();
+try {
+if (arguments.length == 0) return enumerator.moveNext();
+while (enumerator.moveNext())
+if (predicate(enumerator.getCurrent())) return true;
+return false;
+finally {
+Enumerable.prototype.isEmpty = function () {
+return !this.any();
+Enumerable.prototype.concat = function () {
+var source = this;
+if (arguments.length == 1) {
+var second = arguments[0];
+return new Enumerable(function () {
+var firstEnumerator;
+var secondEnumerator;
+return new IEnumerator(
+function () { firstEnumerator = source.getEnumerator(); },
+function () {
+if (secondEnumerator == null) {
+if (firstEnumerator.moveNext()) return this.yieldReturn(firstEnumerator.getCurrent());
+secondEnumerator = Enumerable.from(second).getEnumerator();
+if (secondEnumerator.moveNext()) return this.yieldReturn(secondEnumerator.getCurrent());
+return false;
+function () {
+try {
+finally {
+else {
+var args = arguments;
+return new Enumerable(function () {
+var enumerators;
+return new IEnumerator(
+function () {
+enumerators = Enumerable.make(source)
+.concat(Enumerable.from(args).select(Enumerable.from)) (x) { return x.getEnumerator() })
+function () {
+while (enumerators.length > 0) {
+var enumerator = enumerators[0];
+if (enumerator.moveNext()) {
+return this.yieldReturn(enumerator.getCurrent());
+else {
+enumerators.splice(0, 1);
+return this.yieldBreak();
+function () {
+Enumerable.prototype.insert = function (index, second) {
+var source = this;
+return new Enumerable(function () {
+var firstEnumerator;
+var secondEnumerator;
+var count = 0;
+var isEnumerated = false;
+return new IEnumerator(
+function () {
+firstEnumerator = source.getEnumerator();
+secondEnumerator = Enumerable.from(second).getEnumerator();
+function () {
+if (count == index && secondEnumerator.moveNext()) {
+isEnumerated = true;
+return this.yieldReturn(secondEnumerator.getCurrent());
+if (firstEnumerator.moveNext()) {
+return this.yieldReturn(firstEnumerator.getCurrent());
+if (!isEnumerated && secondEnumerator.moveNext()) {
+return this.yieldReturn(secondEnumerator.getCurrent());
+return false;
+function () {
+try {
+finally {
+Enumerable.prototype.alternate = function (alternateValueOrSequence) {
+var source = this;
+return new Enumerable(function () {
+var buffer;
+var enumerator;
+var alternateSequence;
+var alternateEnumerator;
+return new IEnumerator(
+function () {
+if (alternateValueOrSequence instanceof Array || alternateValueOrSequence.getEnumerator != null) {
+alternateSequence = Enumerable.from(Enumerable.from(alternateValueOrSequence).toArray());
+else {
+alternateSequence = Enumerable.make(alternateValueOrSequence);
+enumerator = source.getEnumerator();
+if (enumerator.moveNext()) buffer = enumerator.getCurrent();
+function () {
+while (true) {
+if (alternateEnumerator != null) {
+if (alternateEnumerator.moveNext()) {
+return this.yieldReturn(alternateEnumerator.getCurrent());
+else {
+alternateEnumerator = null;
+if (buffer == null && enumerator.moveNext()) {
+buffer = enumerator.getCurrent();
+alternateEnumerator = alternateSequence.getEnumerator();
+else if (buffer != null) {
+var retVal = buffer;
+buffer = null;
+return this.yieldReturn(retVal);
+return this.yieldBreak();
+function () {
+try {
+finally {
+Enumerable.prototype.contains = function (value, comparer) {
+comparer = comparer || Bridge.EqualityComparer$1.$default;
+var enumerator = this.getEnumerator();
+try {
+while (enumerator.moveNext()) {
+if (comparer.equals(enumerator.getCurrent(), value)) return true;
+return false;
+finally {
+Enumerable.prototype.defaultIfEmpty = function (defaultValue) {
+var source = this;
+if (defaultValue === undefined) defaultValue = null;
+return new Enumerable(function () {
+var enumerator;
+var isFirst = true;
+return new IEnumerator(
+function () { enumerator = source.getEnumerator(); },
+function () {
+if (enumerator.moveNext()) {
+isFirst = false;
+return this.yieldReturn(enumerator.getCurrent());
+else if (isFirst) {
+isFirst = false;
+return this.yieldReturn(defaultValue);
+return false;
+function () { Utils.dispose(enumerator); });
+Enumerable.prototype.distinct = function (comparer) {
+return this.except(Enumerable.empty(), comparer);
+Enumerable.prototype.distinctUntilChanged = function (compareSelector) {
+compareSelector = Utils.createLambda(compareSelector);
+var source = this;
+return new Enumerable(function () {
+var enumerator;
+var compareKey;
+var initial;
+return new IEnumerator(
+function () {
+enumerator = source.getEnumerator();
+function () {
+while (enumerator.moveNext()) {
+var key = compareSelector(enumerator.getCurrent());
+if (initial) {
+initial = false;
+compareKey = key;
+return this.yieldReturn(enumerator.getCurrent());
+if (compareKey === key) {
+compareKey = key;
+return this.yieldReturn(enumerator.getCurrent());
+return this.yieldBreak();
+function () { Utils.dispose(enumerator); });
+Enumerable.prototype.except = function (second, comparer) {
+var source = this;
+return new Enumerable(function () {
+var enumerator;
+var keys;
+return new IEnumerator(
+function () {
+enumerator = source.getEnumerator();
+keys = new Bridge.Dictionary$2(Object, Object)(null, comparer);
+Enumerable.from(second).forEach(function (key) { keys.add(key); });
+function () {
+while (enumerator.moveNext()) {
+var current = enumerator.getCurrent();
+if (!keys.containsKey(current)) {
+return this.yieldReturn(current);
+return false;
+function () { Utils.dispose(enumerator); });
+Enumerable.prototype.intersect = function (second, comparer) {
+var source = this;
+return new Enumerable(function () {
+var enumerator;
+var keys;
+var outs;
+return new IEnumerator(
+function () {
+enumerator = source.getEnumerator();
+keys = new Bridge.Dictionary$2(Object, Object)(null, comparer);
+Enumerable.from(second).forEach(function (key) { keys.add(key); });
+outs = new Bridge.Dictionary$2(Object, Object)(null, comparer);
+function () {
+while (enumerator.moveNext()) {
+var current = enumerator.getCurrent();
+if (!outs.containsKey(current) && keys.containsKey(current)) {
+return this.yieldReturn(current);
+return false;
+function () { Utils.dispose(enumerator); });
+Enumerable.prototype.sequenceEqual = function (second, comparer) {
+comparer = comparer || Bridge.EqualityComparer$1.$default;
+var firstEnumerator = this.getEnumerator();
+try {
+var secondEnumerator = Enumerable.from(second).getEnumerator();
+try {
+while (firstEnumerator.moveNext()) {
+if (!secondEnumerator.moveNext()
+|| !comparer.equals(firstEnumerator.getCurrent(), secondEnumerator.getCurrent())) {
+return false;
+if (secondEnumerator.moveNext()) return false;
+return true;
+finally {
+finally {
+Enumerable.prototype.union = function (second, comparer) {
+var source = this;
+return new Enumerable(function () {
+var firstEnumerator;
+var secondEnumerator;
+var keys;
+return new IEnumerator(
+function () {
+firstEnumerator = source.getEnumerator();
+keys = new Bridge.Dictionary$2(Object, Object)(null, comparer);
+function () {
+var current;
+if (secondEnumerator === undefined) {
+while (firstEnumerator.moveNext()) {
+current = firstEnumerator.getCurrent();
+if (!keys.containsKey(current)) {
+return this.yieldReturn(current);
+secondEnumerator = Enumerable.from(second).getEnumerator();
+while (secondEnumerator.moveNext()) {
+current = secondEnumerator.getCurrent();
+if (!keys.containsKey(current)) {
+return this.yieldReturn(current);
+return false;
+function () {
+try {
+finally {
+/* Ordering Methods */
+Enumerable.prototype.orderBy = function (keySelector, comparer) {
+return new OrderedEnumerable(this, keySelector, comparer, false);
+Enumerable.prototype.orderByDescending = function (keySelector, comparer) {
+return new OrderedEnumerable(this, keySelector, comparer, true);
+Enumerable.prototype.reverse = function () {
+var source = this;
+return new Enumerable(function () {
+var buffer;
+var index;
+return new IEnumerator(
+function () {
+buffer = source.toArray();
+index = buffer.length;
+function () {
+return (index > 0)
+? this.yieldReturn(buffer[--index])
+: false;
+Enumerable.prototype.shuffle = function () {
+var source = this;
+return new Enumerable(function () {
+var buffer;
+return new IEnumerator(
+function () { buffer = source.toArray(); },
+function () {
+if (buffer.length > 0) {
+var i = Math.floor(Math.random() * buffer.length);
+return this.yieldReturn(buffer.splice(i, 1)[0]);
+return false;
+Enumerable.prototype.weightedSample = function (weightSelector) {
+weightSelector = Utils.createLambda(weightSelector);
+var source = this;
+return new Enumerable(function () {
+var sortedByBound;
+var totalWeight = 0;
+return new IEnumerator(
+function () {
+sortedByBound = source
+.choose(function (x) {
+var weight = weightSelector(x);
+if (weight <= 0) return null;
+totalWeight += weight;
+return { value: x, bound: totalWeight };
+function () {
+if (sortedByBound.length > 0) {
+var draw = Math.floor(Math.random() * totalWeight) + 1;
+var lower = -1;
+var upper = sortedByBound.length;
+while (upper - lower > 1) {
+var index = Math.floor((lower + upper) / 2);
+if (sortedByBound[index].bound >= draw) {
+upper = index;
+else {
+lower = index;
+return this.yieldReturn(sortedByBound[upper].value);
+return this.yieldBreak();
+/* Grouping Methods */
+Enumerable.prototype.groupBy = function (keySelector, elementSelector, resultSelector, comparer) {
+var source = this;
+keySelector = Utils.createLambda(keySelector);
+elementSelector = Utils.createLambda(elementSelector);
+if (resultSelector != null) resultSelector = Utils.createLambda(resultSelector);
+return new Enumerable(function () {
+var enumerator;
+return new IEnumerator(
+function () {
+enumerator = source.toLookup(keySelector, elementSelector, comparer)
+function () {
+while (enumerator.moveNext()) {
+return (resultSelector == null)
+? this.yieldReturn(enumerator.getCurrent())
+: this.yieldReturn(resultSelector(enumerator.getCurrent().key(), enumerator.getCurrent()));
+return false;
+function () { Utils.dispose(enumerator); });
+Enumerable.prototype.partitionBy = function (keySelector, elementSelector, resultSelector, comparer) {
+var source = this;
+keySelector = Utils.createLambda(keySelector);
+elementSelector = Utils.createLambda(elementSelector);
+comparer = comparer || Bridge.EqualityComparer$1.$default;
+var hasResultSelector;
+if (resultSelector == null) {
+hasResultSelector = false;
+resultSelector = function (key, group) { return new Grouping(key, group); };
+else {
+hasResultSelector = true;
+resultSelector = Utils.createLambda(resultSelector);
+return new Enumerable(function () {
+var enumerator;
+var key;
+var group = [];
+return new IEnumerator(
+function () {
+enumerator = source.getEnumerator();
+if (enumerator.moveNext()) {
+key = keySelector(enumerator.getCurrent());
+function () {
+var hasNext;
+while ((hasNext = enumerator.moveNext()) == true) {
+if (comparer.equals(key, keySelector(enumerator.getCurrent()))) {
+else break;
+if (group.length > 0) {
+var result = (hasResultSelector)
+? resultSelector(key, Enumerable.from(group))
+: resultSelector(key, group);
+if (hasNext) {
+key = keySelector(enumerator.getCurrent());
+group = [elementSelector(enumerator.getCurrent())];
+else group = [];
+return this.yieldReturn(result);
+return false;
+function () { Utils.dispose(enumerator); });
+Enumerable.prototype.buffer = function (count) {
+var source = this;
+return new Enumerable(function () {
+var enumerator;
+return new IEnumerator(
+function () { enumerator = source.getEnumerator(); },
+function () {
+var array = [];
+var index = 0;
+while (enumerator.moveNext()) {
+if (++index >= count) return this.yieldReturn(array);
+if (array.length > 0) return this.yieldReturn(array);
+return false;
+function () { Utils.dispose(enumerator); });
+/* Aggregate Methods */
+Enumerable.prototype.aggregate = function (seed, func, resultSelector) {
+resultSelector = Utils.createLambda(resultSelector);
+return resultSelector(this.scan(seed, func, resultSelector).last());
+Enumerable.prototype.average = function (selector) {
+selector = Utils.createLambda(selector);
+var sum = 0;
+var count = 0;
+this.forEach(function (x) {
+sum += selector(x);
+return sum / count;
+Enumerable.prototype.nullableAverage = function (selector) {
+if (this.any(Bridge.isNull)) {
+return null;
+return this.average(selector);
+Enumerable.prototype.count = function (predicate) {
+predicate = (predicate == null) ? Functions.True : Utils.createLambda(predicate);
+var count = 0;
+this.forEach(function (x, i) {
+if (predicate(x, i))++count;
+return count;
+Enumerable.prototype.max = function (selector) {
+if (selector == null) selector = Functions.Identity;
+return (a, b) {
+return (, b, true) === 1) ? a : b;
+Enumerable.prototype.nullableMax = function (selector) {
+if (this.any(Bridge.isNull)) {
+return null;
+return this.max(selector);
+Enumerable.prototype.min = function (selector) {
+if (selector == null) selector = Functions.Identity;
+return (a, b) {
+return (, b, true) === -1) ? a : b;
+Enumerable.prototype.nullableMin = function (selector) {
+if (this.any(Bridge.isNull)) {
+return null;
+return this.min(selector);
+Enumerable.prototype.maxBy = function (keySelector) {
+keySelector = Utils.createLambda(keySelector);
+return this.aggregate(function (a, b) {
+return (, keySelector(b), true) === 1) ? a : b;
+Enumerable.prototype.minBy = function (keySelector) {
+keySelector = Utils.createLambda(keySelector);
+return this.aggregate(function (a, b) {
+return (, keySelector(b), true) === -1) ? a : b;
+Enumerable.prototype.sum = function (selector) {
+if (selector == null) selector = Functions.Identity;
+return, function (a, b) { return a + b; });
+Enumerable.prototype.nullableSum = function (selector) {
+if (this.any(Bridge.isNull)) {
+return null;
+return this.sum(selector);
+/* Paging Methods */
+Enumerable.prototype.elementAt = function (index) {
+var value;
+var found = false;
+this.forEach(function (x, i) {
+if (i == index) {
+value = x;
+found = true;
+return false;
+if (!found) throw new Error("index is less than 0 or greater than or equal to the number of elements in source.");
+return value;
+Enumerable.prototype.elementAtOrDefault = function (index, defaultValue) {
+if (defaultValue === undefined) defaultValue = null;
+var value;
+var found = false;
+this.forEach(function (x, i) {
+if (i == index) {
+value = x;
+found = true;
+return false;
+return (!found) ? defaultValue : value;
+Enumerable.prototype.first = function (predicate) {
+if (predicate != null) return this.where(predicate).first();
+var value;
+var found = false;
+this.forEach(function (x) {
+value = x;
+found = true;
+return false;
+if (!found) throw new Error("first:No element satisfies the condition.");
+return value;
+Enumerable.prototype.firstOrDefault = function (predicate, defaultValue) {
+if (defaultValue === undefined) defaultValue = null;
+if (predicate != null) return this.where(predicate).firstOrDefault(null, defaultValue);
+var value;
+var found = false;
+this.forEach(function (x) {
+value = x;
+found = true;
+return false;
+return (!found) ? defaultValue : value;
+Enumerable.prototype.last = function (predicate) {
+if (predicate != null) return this.where(predicate).last();
+var value;
+var found = false;
+this.forEach(function (x) {
+found = true;
+value = x;
+if (!found) throw new Error("last:No element satisfies the condition.");
+return value;
+Enumerable.prototype.lastOrDefault = function (predicate, defaultValue) {
+if (defaultValue === undefined) defaultValue = null;
+if (predicate != null) return this.where(predicate).lastOrDefault(null, defaultValue);
+var value;
+var found = false;
+this.forEach(function (x) {
+found = true;
+value = x;
+return (!found) ? defaultValue : value;
+Enumerable.prototype.single = function (predicate) {
+if (predicate != null) return this.where(predicate).single();
+var value;
+var found = false;
+this.forEach(function (x) {
+if (!found) {
+found = true;
+value = x;
+} else throw new Error("single:sequence contains more than one element.");
+if (!found) throw new Error("single:No element satisfies the condition.");
+return value;
+Enumerable.prototype.singleOrDefault = function (predicate, defaultValue) {
+if (defaultValue === undefined) defaultValue = null;
+if (predicate != null) return this.where(predicate).singleOrDefault(null, defaultValue);
+var value;
+var found = false;
+this.forEach(function (x) {
+if (!found) {
+found = true;
+value = x;
+} else throw new Error("single:sequence contains more than one element.");
+return (!found) ? defaultValue : value;
+Enumerable.prototype.skip = function (count) {
+var source = this;
+return new Enumerable(function () {
+var enumerator;
+var index = 0;
+return new IEnumerator(
+function () {
+enumerator = source.getEnumerator();
+while (index++ < count && enumerator.moveNext()) {
+function () {
+return (enumerator.moveNext())
+? this.yieldReturn(enumerator.getCurrent())
+: false;
+function () { Utils.dispose(enumerator); });
+Enumerable.prototype.skipWhile = function (predicate) {
+predicate = Utils.createLambda(predicate);
+var source = this;
+return new Enumerable(function () {
+var enumerator;
+var index = 0;
+var isSkipEnd = false;
+return new IEnumerator(
+function () { enumerator = source.getEnumerator(); },
+function () {
+while (!isSkipEnd) {
+if (enumerator.moveNext()) {
+if (!predicate(enumerator.getCurrent(), index++)) {
+isSkipEnd = true;
+return this.yieldReturn(enumerator.getCurrent());
+} else return false;
+return (enumerator.moveNext())
+? this.yieldReturn(enumerator.getCurrent())
+: false;
+function () { Utils.dispose(enumerator); });
+Enumerable.prototype.take = function (count) {
+var source = this;
+return new Enumerable(function () {
+var enumerator;
+var index = 0;
+return new IEnumerator(
+function () { enumerator = source.getEnumerator(); },
+function () {
+return (index++ < count && enumerator.moveNext())
+? this.yieldReturn(enumerator.getCurrent())
+: false;
+function () { Utils.dispose(enumerator); }
+Enumerable.prototype.takeWhile = function (predicate) {
+predicate = Utils.createLambda(predicate);
+var source = this;
+return new Enumerable(function () {
+var enumerator;
+var index = 0;
+return new IEnumerator(
+function () { enumerator = source.getEnumerator(); },
+function () {
+return (enumerator.moveNext() && predicate(enumerator.getCurrent(), index++))
+? this.yieldReturn(enumerator.getCurrent())
+: false;
+function () { Utils.dispose(enumerator); });
+Enumerable.prototype.takeExceptLast = function (count) {
+if (count == null) count = 1;
+var source = this;
+return new Enumerable(function () {
+if (count <= 0) return source.getEnumerator();
+var enumerator;
+var q = [];
+return new IEnumerator(
+function () { enumerator = source.getEnumerator(); },
+function () {
+while (enumerator.moveNext()) {
+if (q.length == count) {
+return this.yieldReturn(q.shift());
+return false;
+function () { Utils.dispose(enumerator); });
+Enumerable.prototype.takeFromLast = function (count) {
+if (count <= 0 || count == null) return Enumerable.empty();
+var source = this;
+return new Enumerable(function () {
+var sourceEnumerator;
+var enumerator;
+var q = [];
+return new IEnumerator(
+function () { sourceEnumerator = source.getEnumerator(); },
+function () {
+if (enumerator == null) {
+while (sourceEnumerator.moveNext()) {
+if (q.length == count) q.shift();
+enumerator = Enumerable.from(q).getEnumerator();
+return (enumerator.moveNext())
+? this.yieldReturn(enumerator.getCurrent())
+: false;
+function () { Utils.dispose(enumerator); });
+Enumerable.prototype.indexOf = function (item, comparer) {
+var found = null;
+if (typeof (item) === Types.Function) {
+this.forEach(function (x, i) {
+if (item(x, i)) {
+found = i;
+return false;
+else {
+comparer = comparer || Bridge.EqualityComparer$1.$default;
+this.forEach(function (x, i) {
+if (comparer.equals(x, item)) {
+found = i;
+return false;
+return (found !== null) ? found : -1;
+Enumerable.prototype.lastIndexOf = function (item, comparer) {
+var result = -1;
+if (typeof (item) === Types.Function) {
+this.forEach(function (x, i) {
+if (item(x, i)) result = i;
+else {
+comparer = comparer || Bridge.EqualityComparer$1.$default;
+this.forEach(function (x, i) {
+if (comparer.equals(x, item)) result = i;
+return result;
+/* Convert Methods */
+Enumerable.prototype.asEnumerable = function () {
+return Enumerable.from(this);
+Enumerable.prototype.toArray = function () {
+var array = [];
+this.forEach(function (x) { array.push(x); });
+return array;
+Enumerable.prototype.toList = function (T) {
+var array = [];
+this.forEach(function (x) { array.push(x); });
+return new Bridge.List$1(T || Object)(array);
+Enumerable.prototype.toLookup = function (keySelector, elementSelector, comparer) {
+keySelector = Utils.createLambda(keySelector);
+elementSelector = Utils.createLambda(elementSelector);
+var dict = new Bridge.Dictionary$2(Object, Object)(null, comparer);
+var order = [];
+this.forEach(function (x) {
+var key = keySelector(x);
+var element = elementSelector(x);
+var array = { v: null };
+if (dict.tryGetValue(key, array)) {
+else {
+dict.add(key, [element]);
+return new Lookup(dict, order);
+Enumerable.prototype.toObject = function (keySelector, elementSelector) {
+keySelector = Utils.createLambda(keySelector);
+elementSelector = Utils.createLambda(elementSelector);
+var obj = {};
+this.forEach(function (x) {
+obj[keySelector(x)] = elementSelector(x);
+return obj;
+Enumerable.prototype.toDictionary = function (keySelector, elementSelector, keyType, valueType, comparer) {
+keySelector = Utils.createLambda(keySelector);
+elementSelector = Utils.createLambda(elementSelector);
+var dict = new Bridge.Dictionary$2(keyType, valueType)(null, comparer);
+this.forEach(function (x) {
+dict.add(keySelector(x), elementSelector(x));
+return dict;
+Enumerable.prototype.toJSONString = function (replacer, space) {
+if (typeof JSON === Types.Undefined || JSON.stringify == null) {
+throw new Error("toJSONString can't find JSON.stringify. This works native JSON support Browser or include json2.js");
+return JSON.stringify(this.toArray(), replacer, space);
+Enumerable.prototype.toJoinedString = function (separator, selector) {
+if (separator == null) separator = "";
+if (selector == null) selector = Functions.Identity;
+/* Action Methods */
+Enumerable.prototype.doAction = function (action) {
+var source = this;
+action = Utils.createLambda(action);
+return new Enumerable(function () {
+var enumerator;
+var index = 0;
+return new IEnumerator(
+function () { enumerator = source.getEnumerator(); },
+function () {
+if (enumerator.moveNext()) {
+action(enumerator.getCurrent(), index++);
+return this.yieldReturn(enumerator.getCurrent());
+return false;
+function () { Utils.dispose(enumerator); });
+Enumerable.prototype.forEach = function (action) {
+action = Utils.createLambda(action);
+var index = 0;
+var enumerator = this.getEnumerator();
+try {
+while (enumerator.moveNext()) {
+if (action(enumerator.getCurrent(), index++) === false) break;
+} finally {
+Enumerable.prototype.write = function (separator, selector) {
+if (separator == null) separator = "";
+selector = Utils.createLambda(selector);
+var isFirst = true;
+this.forEach(function (item) {
+if (isFirst) isFirst = false;
+else document.write(separator);
+Enumerable.prototype.writeLine = function (selector) {
+selector = Utils.createLambda(selector);
+this.forEach(function (item) {
+document.writeln(selector(item) + "<br />");
+Enumerable.prototype.force = function () {
+var enumerator = this.getEnumerator();
+try {
+while (enumerator.moveNext()) {
+finally {
+/* Functional Methods */
+Enumerable.prototype.letBind = function (func) {
+func = Utils.createLambda(func);
+var source = this;
+return new Enumerable(function () {
+var enumerator;
+return new IEnumerator(
+function () {
+enumerator = Enumerable.from(func(source)).getEnumerator();
+function () {
+return (enumerator.moveNext())
+? this.yieldReturn(enumerator.getCurrent())
+: false;
+function () { Utils.dispose(enumerator); });
+Enumerable.prototype.share = function () {
+var source = this;
+var sharedEnumerator;
+var disposed = false;
+return new DisposableEnumerable(function () {
+return new IEnumerator(
+function () {
+if (sharedEnumerator == null) {
+sharedEnumerator = source.getEnumerator();
+function () {
+if (disposed) throw new Error("enumerator is disposed");
+return (sharedEnumerator.moveNext())
+? this.yieldReturn(sharedEnumerator.getCurrent())
+: false;
+}, function () {
+disposed = true;
+Enumerable.prototype.memoize = function () {
+var source = this;
+var cache;
+var enumerator;
+var disposed = false;
+return new DisposableEnumerable(function () {
+var index = -1;
+return new IEnumerator(
+function () {
+if (enumerator == null) {
+enumerator = source.getEnumerator();
+cache = [];
+function () {
+if (disposed) throw new Error("enumerator is disposed");
+if (cache.length <= index) {
+return (enumerator.moveNext())
+? this.yieldReturn(cache[index] = enumerator.getCurrent())
+: false;
+return this.yieldReturn(cache[index]);
+}, function () {
+disposed = true;
+cache = null;
+/* Error Handling Methods */
+Enumerable.prototype.catchError = function (handler) {
+handler = Utils.createLambda(handler);
+var source = this;
+return new Enumerable(function () {
+var enumerator;
+return new IEnumerator(
+function () { enumerator = source.getEnumerator(); },
+function () {
+try {
+return (enumerator.moveNext())
+? this.yieldReturn(enumerator.getCurrent())
+: false;
+} catch (e) {
+return false;
+function () { Utils.dispose(enumerator); });
+Enumerable.prototype.finallyAction = function (finallyAction) {
+finallyAction = Utils.createLambda(finallyAction);
+var source = this;
+return new Enumerable(function () {
+var enumerator;
+return new IEnumerator(
+function () { enumerator = source.getEnumerator(); },
+function () {
+return (enumerator.moveNext())
+? this.yieldReturn(enumerator.getCurrent())
+: false;
+function () {
+try {
+} finally {
+/* For Debug Methods */
+Enumerable.prototype.log = function (selector) {
+selector = Utils.createLambda(selector);
+return this.doAction(function (item) {
+if (typeof console !== Types.Undefined) {
+Enumerable.prototype.trace = function (message, selector) {
+if (message == null) message = "Trace";
+selector = Utils.createLambda(selector);
+return this.doAction(function (item) {
+if (typeof console !== Types.Undefined) {
+console.log(message, selector(item));
+var OrderedEnumerable = function (source, keySelector, comparer, descending, parent) {
+this.source = source;
+this.keySelector = Utils.createLambda(keySelector);
+this.comparer = comparer || Bridge.Comparer$1.$default;
+this.descending = descending;
+this.parent = parent;
+OrderedEnumerable.prototype = new Enumerable();
+OrderedEnumerable.prototype.createOrderedEnumerable = function (keySelector, comparer, descending) {
+return new OrderedEnumerable(this.source, keySelector, comparer, descending, this);
+OrderedEnumerable.prototype.thenBy = function (keySelector, comparer) {
+return this.createOrderedEnumerable(keySelector, comparer, false);
+OrderedEnumerable.prototype.thenByDescending = function (keySelector, comparer) {
+return this.createOrderedEnumerable(keySelector, comparer, true);
+OrderedEnumerable.prototype.getEnumerator = function () {
+var self = this;
+var buffer;
+var indexes;
+var index = 0;
+return new IEnumerator(
+function () {
+buffer = [];
+indexes = [];
+self.source.forEach(function (item, index) {
+var sortContext = SortContext.create(self, null);
+indexes.sort(function (a, b) { return, b); });
+function () {
+return (index < indexes.length)
+? this.yieldReturn(buffer[indexes[index++]])
+: false;
+var SortContext = function (keySelector, comparer, descending, child) {
+this.keySelector = keySelector;
+this.comparer = comparer;
+this.descending = descending;
+this.child = child;
+this.keys = null;
+SortContext.create = function (orderedEnumerable, currentContext) {
+var context = new SortContext(orderedEnumerable.keySelector, orderedEnumerable.comparer, orderedEnumerable.descending, currentContext);
+if (orderedEnumerable.parent != null) return SortContext.create(orderedEnumerable.parent, context);
+return context;
+SortContext.prototype.GenerateKeys = function (source) {
+var len = source.length;
+var keySelector = this.keySelector;
+var keys = new Array(len);
+for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) keys[i] = keySelector(source[i]);
+this.keys = keys;
+if (this.child != null) this.child.GenerateKeys(source);
+}; = function (index1, index2) {
+var comparison =[index1], this.keys[index2]);
+if (comparison == 0) {
+if (this.child != null) return, index2);
+return, index2);
+return (this.descending) ? -comparison : comparison;
+var DisposableEnumerable = function (getEnumerator, dispose) {
+this.dispose = dispose;, getEnumerator);
+DisposableEnumerable.prototype = new Enumerable();
+var ArrayEnumerable = function (source) {
+this.getSource = function () { return source; };
+ArrayEnumerable.prototype = new Enumerable();
+ArrayEnumerable.prototype.any = function (predicate) {
+return (predicate == null)
+? (this.getSource().length > 0)
+: Enumerable.prototype.any.apply(this, arguments);
+ArrayEnumerable.prototype.count = function (predicate) {
+return (predicate == null)
+? this.getSource().length
+: Enumerable.prototype.count.apply(this, arguments);
+ArrayEnumerable.prototype.elementAt = function (index) {
+var source = this.getSource();
+return (0 <= index && index < source.length)
+? source[index]
+: Enumerable.prototype.elementAt.apply(this, arguments);
+ArrayEnumerable.prototype.elementAtOrDefault = function (index, defaultValue) {
+if (defaultValue === undefined) defaultValue = null;
+var source = this.getSource();
+return (0 <= index && index < source.length)
+? source[index]
+: defaultValue;
+ArrayEnumerable.prototype.first = function (predicate) {
+var source = this.getSource();
+return (predicate == null && source.length > 0)
+? source[0]
+: Enumerable.prototype.first.apply(this, arguments);
+ArrayEnumerable.prototype.firstOrDefault = function (predicate, defaultValue) {
+if (defaultValue === undefined) defaultValue = null;
+if (predicate != null) {
+return Enumerable.prototype.firstOrDefault.apply(this, arguments);
+var source = this.getSource();
+return source.length > 0 ? source[0] : defaultValue;
+ArrayEnumerable.prototype.last = function (predicate) {
+var source = this.getSource();
+return (predicate == null && source.length > 0)
+? source[source.length - 1]
+: Enumerable.prototype.last.apply(this, arguments);
+ArrayEnumerable.prototype.lastOrDefault = function (predicate, defaultValue) {
+if (defaultValue === undefined) defaultValue = null;
+if (predicate != null) {
+return Enumerable.prototype.lastOrDefault.apply(this, arguments);
+var source = this.getSource();
+return source.length > 0 ? source[source.length - 1] : defaultValue;
+ArrayEnumerable.prototype.skip = function (count) {
+var source = this.getSource();
+return new Enumerable(function () {
+var index;
+return new IEnumerator(
+function () { index = (count < 0) ? 0 : count; },
+function () {
+return (index < source.length)
+? this.yieldReturn(source[index++])
+: false;
+ArrayEnumerable.prototype.takeExceptLast = function (count) {
+if (count == null) count = 1;
+return this.take(this.getSource().length - count);
+ArrayEnumerable.prototype.takeFromLast = function (count) {
+return this.skip(this.getSource().length - count);
+ArrayEnumerable.prototype.reverse = function () {
+var source = this.getSource();
+return new Enumerable(function () {
+var index;
+return new IEnumerator(
+function () {
+index = source.length;
+function () {
+return (index > 0)
+? this.yieldReturn(source[--index])
+: false;
+ArrayEnumerable.prototype.sequenceEqual = function (second, comparer) {
+if ((second instanceof ArrayEnumerable || second instanceof Array)
+&& comparer == null
+&& Enumerable.from(second).count() != this.count()) {
+return false;
+return Enumerable.prototype.sequenceEqual.apply(this, arguments);
+ArrayEnumerable.prototype.toJoinedString = function (separator, selector) {
+var source = this.getSource();
+if (selector != null || !(source instanceof Array)) {
+return Enumerable.prototype.toJoinedString.apply(this, arguments);
+if (separator == null) separator = "";
+return source.join(separator);
+ArrayEnumerable.prototype.getEnumerator = function () {
+return new Bridge.ArrayEnumerator(this.getSource());
+var WhereEnumerable = function (source, predicate) {
+this.prevSource = source;
+this.prevPredicate = predicate;
+WhereEnumerable.prototype = new Enumerable();
+WhereEnumerable.prototype.where = function (predicate) {
+predicate = Utils.createLambda(predicate);
+if (predicate.length <= 1) {
+var prevPredicate = this.prevPredicate;
+var composedPredicate = function (x) { return prevPredicate(x) && predicate(x); };
+return new WhereEnumerable(this.prevSource, composedPredicate);
+else {
+return, predicate);
+}; = function (selector) {
+selector = Utils.createLambda(selector);
+return (selector.length <= 1)
+? new WhereSelectEnumerable(this.prevSource, this.prevPredicate, selector)
+:, selector);
+WhereEnumerable.prototype.getEnumerator = function () {
+var predicate = this.prevPredicate;
+var source = this.prevSource;
+var enumerator;
+return new IEnumerator(
+function () { enumerator = source.getEnumerator(); },
+function () {
+while (enumerator.moveNext()) {
+if (predicate(enumerator.getCurrent())) {
+return this.yieldReturn(enumerator.getCurrent());
+return false;
+function () { Utils.dispose(enumerator); });
+var WhereSelectEnumerable = function (source, predicate, selector) {
+this.prevSource = source;
+this.prevPredicate = predicate;
+this.prevSelector = selector;
+WhereSelectEnumerable.prototype = new Enumerable();
+WhereSelectEnumerable.prototype.where = function (predicate) {
+predicate = Utils.createLambda(predicate);
+return (predicate.length <= 1)
+? new WhereEnumerable(this, predicate)
+:, predicate);
+}; = function (selector) {
+selector = Utils.createLambda(selector);
+if (selector.length <= 1) {
+var prevSelector = this.prevSelector;
+var composedSelector = function (x) { return selector(prevSelector(x)); };
+return new WhereSelectEnumerable(this.prevSource, this.prevPredicate, composedSelector);
+else {
+return, selector);
+WhereSelectEnumerable.prototype.getEnumerator = function () {
+var predicate = this.prevPredicate;
+var selector = this.prevSelector;
+var source = this.prevSource;
+var enumerator;
+return new IEnumerator(
+function () { enumerator = source.getEnumerator(); },
+function () {
+while (enumerator.moveNext()) {
+if (predicate == null || predicate(enumerator.getCurrent())) {
+return this.yieldReturn(selector(enumerator.getCurrent()));
+return false;
+function () { Utils.dispose(enumerator); });
+var Lookup = function (dictionary, order) {
+this.count = function () {
+return dictionary.getCount();
+this.get = function (key) {
+var value = { v: null };
+var success = dictionary.tryGetValue(key, value);
+return Enumerable.from(success ? value.v : []);
+this.contains = function (key) {
+return dictionary.containsKey(key);
+this.toEnumerable = function () {
+return Enumerable.from(order).select(function (key) {
+return new Grouping(key, dictionary.get(key));
+this.getEnumerator = function () {
+return this.toEnumerable().getEnumerator();
+Lookup.$$inheritors = [Bridge.IEnumerable];
+var Grouping = function (groupKey, elements) {
+this.key = function () {
+return groupKey;
+};, elements);
+Grouping.prototype = new ArrayEnumerable();
+if (typeof define === Types.Function && define.amd) {
+define("linqjs", [], function () { return Enumerable; });
+else if (typeof module !== Types.Undefined && module.exports) {
+module.exports = Enumerable;
+else {
+root.Enumerable = Enumerable;
+Bridge.Linq = {};
+Bridge.Linq.Enumerable = Enumerable;
+if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) {
+define("bridge", [], function () { return Bridge; });
+else if (typeof module !== "undefined" && module.exports) {
+module.exports = Bridge;
diff --git a/Bridge/System/String.cs b/Bridge/System/String.cs
index 631fd8c..41784f5 100644
--- a/Bridge/System/String.cs
+++ b/Bridge/System/String.cs
@@ -645,6 +645,7 @@ namespace System
return null;
/// <summary>
/// The split() method splits a String object into an array of strings by separating the string into substrings.
/// </summary>
@@ -686,6 +687,7 @@ namespace System
return null;
/// <summary>
/// The substring() method returns a subset of a string between one index and another, or through the end of the string.
diff --git a/packages/repositories.config b/packages/repositories.config
index b231d61..8fa72a5 100644
--- a/packages/repositories.config
+++ b/packages/repositories.config
@@ -1,5 +1,10 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+ <repository path="../../Builder/Build/packages.config" />
+ <repository path="../../Builder/Builder/packages.config" />
+ <repository path="../../Builder/Contract/packages.config" />
+ <repository path="../../Builder/Translator/packages.config" />
+ <repository path="../../Builder/TranslatorTests/packages.config" />
<repository path="..\..\Builder\Build\packages.config" />
<repository path="..\..\Builder\Builder\packages.config" />
<repository path="..\..\Builder\Contract\packages.config" />
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