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Last active January 7, 2018 19:27
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Display fretboards in your browser

Fretboards on a browser

Instantiate a fretboard, and display some notes, scales, chord voicings, etc.


// Layout a specific scale
var aPhrygian = Fretboard();
aPhrygian.scale("a phrygian");

// Use alternative tunings
var aPhrygianDropD = Fretboard({tuning: Tunings.Drop_D});
aPhrygianDropD.scale("a phrygian");

// Place specific notes on specific strings, e.g. for chord voicings
var c7add9 = Fretboard({frets: 5});
c7add9.placeNotes("5:c3 4:e3 3:bb3 2:d4 1:g4");
// Music
var allNotes = [
"c", "c#", "d", "d#", "e", "f", "f#", "g", "g#", "a", "a#", "b"
var allNotesEnh = [
"c", "db", "d", "eb", "e", "f", "gb", "g", "ab", "a", "bb", "b"
var colors = ["red", "green", "blue", "black", "purple", "gray", "orange", "lightgray"];
var Scales = {
// scales
lydian: "c d e f# g a b",
major: "c d e f g a b",
mixolydian: "c d e f g a bb",
dorian: "c d eb f g a bb",
aeolian: "c d eb f g ab bb",
phrygian: "c db eb f g ab bb",
locrian: "c db eb f gb ab bb",
"minor-pentatonic": "c eb f g bb",
"minor-blues": "c eb f f# g bb",
"major-pentatonic": "c d e g a",
"major-blues": "c d d# e g a",
"dom-pentatonic": "c e f g bb",
japanese: "c db f g ab",
// chords
maj: "c e g",
aug: "c e g#",
min: "c eb g",
dim: "c eb gb",
maj7: "c e g b",
7: "c e g bb",
min7: "c eb g bb",
m7b5: "c eb gb bb",
dim7: "c eb gb a",
_: function(scale) { return Scales[scale].split(" "); },
function asOffset(note) {
note = note.toLowerCase();
var offset = allNotes.indexOf(note);
if(offset === -1) {
offset = allNotesEnh.indexOf(note);
return offset;
function absNote(note) {
var octave = note[note.length - 1];
var pitch = asOffset(note.slice(0, -1));
if (pitch > -1) {
return pitch + octave * 12;
function asNotes(scale) {
let [root, type] = scale.split(" ");
var scaleInC = Scales._(type);
var offset = asOffset(root);
var scaleTransposed = {
return allNotes[(asOffset(note) + offset) % 12];
return scaleTransposed.join(" ");
var verbatim = function(d) { return d; };
// Fretboard
var Tunings = {
E_4ths: ["e2", "a2", "d3", "g3", "c4", "f4"],
E_std: ["e2", "a2", "d3", "g3", "b3", "e4"],
Drop_D: ["d2", "a2", "d3", "g3", "b3", "e4"],
G_open: ["d2", "g2", "d3", "g3", "b4", "d4"]
var Fretboard = function(config) {
config = config || {};
var id = "fretboard-" + Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000000);
var instance = {
frets: config.frets || 12,
strings: config.strings || 6,
tuning: config.tuning || Tunings.E_4ths,
fretWidth: 50,
fretHeight: 20
instance.fretsWithDots = function () {
var allDots = [3, 5, 7, 9, 15, 17, 19, 21];
return allDots.filter(function(v) { return v <= instance.frets; });
instance.fretsWithDoubleDots = function () {
var allDots = [12, 24];
return allDots.filter(function(v) { return v <= instance.frets; });
instance.fretboardHeight = function () {
return (instance.strings - 1) * instance.fretHeight + 2;
instance.fretboardWidth = function() {
return instance.frets * instance.fretWidth + 2;
instance.XMARGIN = function() { return instance.fretWidth; };
instance.YMARGIN = function() { return instance.fretHeight; };
instance.makeContainer = function() {
return d3
.attr("class", "fretboard")
.attr("id", id)
.attr("width", instance.fretboardWidth() + instance.XMARGIN() * 2)
.attr("height", instance.fretboardHeight() + instance.YMARGIN() * 2);
instance.svgContainer = instance.makeContainer();
instance.drawFrets = function() {
for(i=0; i<=instance.frets; i++) {
let x = i * instance.fretWidth + 1 + instance.XMARGIN();
.attr("x1", x)
.attr("y1", instance.YMARGIN())
.attr("x2", x)
.attr("y2", instance.YMARGIN() + instance.fretboardHeight())
.attr("stroke", "lightgray")
.attr("stroke-width", i==0? 8:2);"#" + id)
.attr("class", "fretnum")
.style("top", (instance.fretboardHeight() + instance.YMARGIN() + 5) + "px")
.style("left", x - 4 + "px")
instance.drawStrings = function() {
for(i=0; i<instance.strings; i++) {
.attr("x1", instance.XMARGIN())
.attr("y1", i * instance.fretHeight + 1 + instance.YMARGIN())
.attr("x2", instance.XMARGIN() + instance.fretboardWidth())
.attr("y2", i * instance.fretHeight + 1 + instance.YMARGIN())
.attr("stroke", "black")
.attr("stroke-width", 1)
var placeTuning = function(d, i) {
return (instance.strings - i) * instance.fretHeight - 5 + "px";
};"#" + id)
.data(instance.tuning.slice(0, instance.strings))
.style("top", placeTuning)
.attr("class", "tuning")
.style("top", placeTuning)
instance.drawDots = function() {
var p = instance.svgContainer
.attr("cx", function(d) { return (d - 1) * instance.fretWidth + instance.fretWidth/2 + instance.XMARGIN(); })
.attr("cy", instance.fretboardHeight()/2 + instance.YMARGIN())
.attr("r", 4).style("fill", "#ddd");
var p = instance.svgContainer
.attr("class", "octave")
.attr("cx", function(d) { return (d - 1) * instance.fretWidth + instance.fretWidth/2 + instance.XMARGIN(); })
.attr("cy", instance.fretHeight * 3/2 + instance.YMARGIN())
.attr("r", 4).style("fill", "#ddd");
.attr("class", "octave")
.attr("cx", function(d) { return (d - 1) * instance.fretWidth + instance.fretWidth/2 + instance.XMARGIN(); })
.attr("cy", instance.fretHeight * 7/2 + instance.YMARGIN())
.attr("r", 4).style("fill", "#ddd");
instance.draw = function() {
// Notes on fretboard
instance.addNoteOnString = function(note, string, color) {
var absPitch = absNote(note);
color = color || "black";
var absString = (instance.strings - string);
var basePitch = absNote(instance.tuning[absString]);
if((absPitch >= basePitch) && (absPitch <= basePitch + instance.frets)) {
.attr("class", "note")
.attr("stroke-width", 1)
// 0.75 is the offset into the fret (higher is closest to fret)
.attr("cx", (absPitch - basePitch + 0.75) * instance.fretWidth)
.attr("cy", (string - 1) * instance.fretHeight + 1 + instance.YMARGIN())
.attr("r", 6).style("stroke", color).style("fill", "white")
.on("click", function(d) {
let fill =;
this.setAttribute("stroke-width", 5 - parseInt(this.getAttribute("stroke-width"))); = fill == "white"? "lightgray" : "white";
instance.addNote = function(note, color) {
for(string=1; string<=instance.strings; string++) {
instance.addNoteOnString(note, string, color);
instance.addNotes = function(notes, color) {
var allNotes = notes.split(" ");
for (i=0; i<allNotes.length; i++) {
var showColor = color || colors[i];
var note = allNotes[i];
for (octave=2; octave<7; octave++) {
instance.addNote(note + octave, showColor);
instance.scale = function(scaleName) {
instance.placeNotes = function(sequence) {
// Sequence of string:note
// e.g. "6:g2 5:b2 4:d3 3:g3 2:d4 1:g4"
var pairs = sequence.split(" ");
pairs.forEach(function(pair, i) {
let [string, note] = pair.split(":");
string = parseInt(string);
instance.addNoteOnString(note, string, i==0? "red":"black");
instance.clearNotes = function() {
instance.clear = function() {"#" + id).selectAll(".fretnum,.tuning").remove();
instance.delete = function() {"#" + id).remove();
return instance;
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<script src=""></script>
.fretboard {
position: relative;
.tuning, .fretnum {
position: absolute;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
font-family: Helvetica;
text-transform: uppercase;
.tuning {
left: 4px;
font-size: 10px;
.fretnum {
font-size: 8px;
<script src="draw.js"></script>
// Layout a specific scale
var aPhrygian = Fretboard();
aPhrygian.scale("a phrygian");
// Use alternative tunings
var aPhrygianDropD = Fretboard({tuning: Tunings.Drop_D});
aPhrygianDropD.scale("a phrygian");
// Place specific notes on specific strings, e.g. for chord voicings
var c7add9 = Fretboard({frets: 5});
c7add9.placeNotes("5:c3 4:e3 3:bb3 2:d4 1:g4");
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