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Created January 31, 2022 08:26
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# coding: utf-8
# display the time vaugely as a string (The Time is about Ten to Seven); update every 5 minutes
# to adjust the timing use:
# $ -t xx
import os
from datetime import datetime
import time
import sys
from random import choice
def clearConsole():
command = 'clear'
if in ('nt', 'dos'): # If Machine is running on Windows, use cls
command = 'cls'
hours = {'1': ['one', 'late'],
'2': ['two', 'really late', 'go to bed'],
'3': ['three', 'too late', "why aren't you in bed"],
'4': ['four', 'early morning', 'stupid early'],
'5': ['five', 'crack of dark'],
'6': ['six', 'crack of dawn'],
'7': ['seven'],
'8': ['eight'],
'9': ['nine'],
'10': ['ten'],
'11': ['eleven'],
'12': ['noon', 'twelve', 'lunch'],
'13': ['one'],
'14': ['two'],
'15': ['three'],
'16': ['four'],
'17': ['five'],
'18': ['six'],
'19': ['seven'],
'20': ['eight'],
'21': ['nine'],
'22': ['ten'],
'23': ['eleven'],
'0' : ['midnight', 'twelve', 'dark']}
minutes = {'0': ["'o clock", "on the dot"],
'6': ["'o clock", "on the dot"],
'1': ['ten after'],
'2': ['twenty after'],
'3': ['half past', 'thirty after', 'thirty past', ],
'4': ["twenty 'til"],
'5': ["ten 'til"]}
stems = ['The time is nearly',
"It is about",
"It is around",
"It is almost",
"It is close to",
"It's round about",
"It's nearly",
def time_list(time):
'''Returns time as list [h, m] of type int
time(`str`): time in colon separated format - 09:34; 23:15'''
return [int(i) for i in time.split(':')]
def time_now():
def map_val(a, b, s):
'''map range `a` to `b` for value `s`
a(2 `tuple` of `int`): (start, end) of input values
b(2 `tuple` of `int`): (start, end) of output values
s(`float`, `int`): value to map
a1, a2 = a
b1, b2 = b
t = b1 + ((s-a1) * (b2-b1))/(a2-a1)
return round(t)
def get_word_time():
now = time_now()
t_list = time_list(now)
# this range shifts the period of the list so times around the 'tens' round nicely up and down
minute = map_val((1, 59), (0, 6), t_list[1])
# set the hour appropriately - from 'after' to 'til'
if t_list[1] <=34:
hour_str = hours[str(t_list[0])]
hour_str = hours[str(t_list[0]+1)]
except KeyError as e:
# wrap around to zero'th index in the hours list
hour_str = hours[str(t_list[0]+1 - len(hours))]
hour_str = hours[str(0)]
min_str = minutes[str(minute)]
# properly organize the time string
# 'o clock times
if minute == 0 or minute == 6:
time_str = f'{choice(hour_str).title()} {choice(min_str).title()}'
time_str = f'{choice(min_str).title()} {choice(hour_str).title()}'
myTime = {'wordtime': f'{choice(stems)} {time_str}',
'time': now}
return myTime
def main():
min_delay = 5
if '-t' in sys.argv:
min_delay = int(sys.argv[sys.argv.index('-t')+1])
except IndexError:
print('you forgot to specify a time!')
except ValueError:
print(f'{min_delay} is not an integer!')
# if not isinstance(min_delay, int):
# print(f"{min_delay} is not an integer!")
# exit(1)
delay = min_delay * 60
now = 0
while True:
if time.time() > now + delay:
now = time.time()
word_time = get_word_time()
if __name__ == '__main__':
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