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Last active June 25, 2024 00:54
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Tunnel ssh connections through firewalls

SSH Tunnels

Situation: Local Network Firewall blocks outgoing connections to remote hosts on port 22

In this situation it is not possible to connect to remote hosts (e.g. for managing repos over ssh. A tunnel through a remote host ( can remedy this. An ssh configuration file can be added to the ~/.ssh/config directory to specify a specific command for connecting See also How to setup SSH Tunneling


  1. create a tunnel host that accepts incomming connections:
  2. install nc
    • apt install nc
  3. create a tunnel user on remote host:
  4. create an ssh key and add public remote keys on
    • [tunnel]$ ssh-keygen
  5. add appropriate public keys to tunnel user
    • ~/.ssh/authorized_hosts
  6. on local host add the following configuration to ~/.ssh/config
  ProxyCommand ssh -q -p 5223 nc %h %p
  1. use git as normal git

Situation: Network prevents connections to other devices on local network

The network prevents opening an SSH connection to another device on the same physical network. Local Device A (LA) cannot connect to Local Device B (LB). The solution is to use an intermediary Remote Host C (RC) that supports SSH tunnels. From LA, create a remote tunnel into RC; from LB SSH to RC and then connect back to LA through the LA<==>RC tunnel.

The solution to this problem is to create a long-standing auto-renewing SSH tunnel using autossh. Autossh will monitor the ssh connection and reestblish it as needed from a system daemon.

Local Device A (LA)

This device will be accessible via SSH. I use this for headless Raspberry Pis that are deployed in environments that do not allow direct local connections.

  1. Generate ssh keypairs if they do not alreay exist
    • ssh-keygen
  2. Install autossh on LA
  3. Test autossh by making an outgoing connection to RC
    • autossh -M 5112 -N -R 50505:localhost:22 -p 22
    • -M xxxx Sets the monitoring port; autossh monitors the status of the tunnel on this port. Choose any port outside of the reserved range (>1024)
    • -N Do not execute a remote command; this is for setting up port forwards
    • -R yyyyy:localhost:zz setup the remote port forward; yyyyy (anything outside of the reserved range) is the outgoing port and zz (typically 22 for SSH) is the incoming port on RC.
    • standard ssh user@host
    • -p zzzz incoming port to use on remote host; this is only necessary if RC does not accept SSH connections on port 22.
  4. Connect to RC and add public key to the authorized_hosts file
  5. Configure the autosshd daemon using a unit file in /etc/systemd/system/autossh-tunnel.service (see below)
    • Update the ExecStart portion to match your configuration
  6. Enable the daemon with sudo systemctl enable autossh-tunnel.service
  7. Reload the daemon units with sudo systemctl daemon-reload, then (re)start the daemon with sudo systemctl restart autossh-tunnel.service

autossh-tunnel.service unit file

Description=AutoSSH tunnel service to on port 443 (remote 50505)

ExecStart=/usr/bin/autossh -M 5122 -o "ServerAliveInterval 30" -o "ServerAliveCountMax 3" -N -R 50505:localhost:22 -p 443


Remote Host C (RC)

  1. Ensure that SSH is setup and configured

Local Device B (LB)

This is typically the device you are using (e.g. a Laptop) that will establish the ssh connection to LA via RC.

  1. Connect to RC using ssh
    • ssh
  2. Establish a connection to LA through the SSH tunnel
    • ssh LA_user@localhost -p 50505
    • the ssh connection will be sent over localhost tunnel on port 50505. This match the port settings in the Local Device A setup.
  3. Work on remote machine as expected


  • View all active tunnels:
    • sudo ss -ltp |grep sshd
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