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Created February 20, 2017 17:07
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Compile-time verification of session-type-like programs in Clojure
(require '[clojure.string :as str])
(defn parse [s]
(->> s
(map (fn [line]
(let [[action source destination alternative]
(str/split (str/trim line) #" +")]
{:source source
:destination destination
:alternative alternative}])))
(into {})))
(defmacro session [protocol-filename [initial-state final-state] & actions]
(let [protocol (parse (slurp (io/resource protocol-filename)))
valid-actions (set (keys protocol))
valid-states (set (mapcat (juxt :source :destination) (vals protocol)))]
(not (valid-states initial-state))
(throw (ex-info (str "Invalid initial state " initial-state)
{:valid-states valid-states}))
(not (valid-states final-state))
(throw (ex-info (str "Invalid final state " final-state)
{:valid-states valid-states}))
(loop [state initial-state
[action & nxt] actions]
(if-not (valid-actions action)
(throw (ex-info (str "Invalid action " action)
{:valid-actions valid-actions}))
(let [{:keys [source destination]} (get protocol action)]
(not= source state)
(throw (ex-info (str "Action " action " is not valid in state " state) {}))
(seq nxt)
(recur destination nxt)
(not (= destination final-state))
(throw (ex-info (str "Expected final state " final-state ", got " destination) {}))
:else ; we're done! program is correct
(into [] actions))))))))
;; At macro-expansion time, this session will be verified against the protocol
;; described in "vending-machine.txt", starting in state "waiting" and proving
;; that the session always ends in state "vended".
(session "vending-machine.txt" ["waiting" "vended"]
;; "hack" -> Won't compile as it's not a legal action described in vending-machine.txt
;; "vend" -> Won't compile as it's not a legal action *in this state*.
"vend") ;; if you forgot "vend", it wouldn't compile either, as the final state of this session *must* be "vended"
pay waiting paid broken
return paid waiting broken
select paid selected broken
vend selected vended broken
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