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Created August 1, 2016 20:10
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ADTs with compile-time arity / type checking in Clojure --wip!
(ns adts
(:require [clojure.string :as str]))
(defn type->kw [ty]
(keyword (str *ns* "/" ty)))
(defn capitalized? [s]
(= (str s) (str/capitalize s)))
(defn adt? [s]
(:adt (meta s)))
(defn is-a? [ty obj]
(isa? (:hierarchy ty)
(:constructor obj)
(:id ty)))
(defn validate [validators values]
(let [errors (->> values
(map-indexed (fn [n e]
(let [spec (nth validators n)]
(println spec)
(= ::dynamic e)
(capitalized? spec)
(class? (eval spec)))
(when-not (instance? (eval spec) e)
(str e " is not a " spec))
(and (capitalized? spec)
(adt? (eval spec)))
(when-not (is-a? (eval spec) e)
(str e " is not a " spec))
(remove nil?))]
(when (seq errors)
(defn validate! [validators values]
(let [errors (validate validators values)]
(assert (nil? errors)
(apply str (interpose ", " errors)))))
(defmacro defadt [name & definitions]
(let [ty (type->kw name)
hierarchy-atom (atom (make-hierarchy))
cts (map (fn [[ct & args]]
(let [ch-ty (type->kw ct)]
{:id ch-ty
:type ty
:constructor ct
:args args}))
macros (doall (map
(fn [{:keys [id constructor args]}]
(swap! hierarchy-atom #(derive % id ty))
(let [arguments (mapv
(fn [a]
(capitalized? a)
(symbol (gensym (str a)))
:else a))
vargs (mapv identity args)
validate-fn-name (symbol (str "validate-" constructor))
(defn ~validate-fn-name [& args#]
(validate '~vargs args#))
(defmacro ~constructor ~arguments
(validate! '~vargs (map
(fn [a#]
(try (eval a#)
(catch Throwable e#
{:constructor ~id
:type ~ty
:args ~arguments}))))
metainf (mapv
(fn [{:keys [id type]}]
{:id id
:type type})
(def ~name ^:adt {:id ~ty
:hierarchy ~(deref hierarchy-atom)
:constructors ~metainf})
(deftype Width [x])
(defadt Shape
(Square x)
(Rectangle x y))
(defadt Shape
(Square x)
(Rectangle Width Width))
(defadt Bag
(BShape Shape))
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