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Last active August 29, 2015 14:21
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  • Save tyage/e412fe9346265549b11e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save tyage/e412fe9346265549b11e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
slackのフォーマット変更部分 source:
(function() {
TS.registerModule("format", {
testing_with_generic_tokens: false,
theme_rx: /((?:#[A-Fa-f0-9]{6} {0,1}, {0,1}){7})(#[A-Fa-f0-9]{6})(\b)/g,
onStart: function() {
if (TS.boot_data.feature_at_here) {
cleanMsg: function(e) {
if (!e) {
return ""
e = e.replace(/\&/g, "&");
e = e.replace(/</g, "&lt;");
e = e.replace(/>/g, "&gt;");
e = e.replace(/(^|\s|\(|&gt;|\*|_)(@[\w|.|-]+)/g, function(h, k, j) {
var i = "";
var f = j.toLowerCase();
var g;
if (/^@everyone[\.|\-|_]*$/.test(f)) {
g = "<!everyone>";
i = f.substr("!everyone".length)
} else {
if (/^@here[\.|\-|_]*$/.test(f) && TS.boot_data.feature_at_here) {
g = "<!here|@here>";
i = f.substr("!here".length)
} else {
if (/^@channel[\.|\-|_]*$/.test(f)) {
g = "<!channel>";
i = f.substr("!channel".length)
} else {
if (/^@group[\.|\-|_]*$/.test(f)) {
g = "<!group>";
i = f.substr("!group".length)
if (g) {
return k + g + i
h = TS.members.getMemberByName(j);
var o = [".", "..", "...", "....", "-", "--", "_"];
var l;
var p = 0;
while (!h && p < o.length) {
l = o[p];
if (j && j.substr(j.length - l.length, l.length) == l) {
var n = j.substr(0, j.length - l.length);
i = l;
h = TS.members.getMemberByName(n)
if (h) {
return k + "<@" + + ">" + i
return k + j
e = e.replace(/(^|\s|\(|&gt;|\*|_)(#[a-zA-Z0-9\-_]+)/g, function(f, i, h) {
var l = TS.channels.getChannelByName(h);
var g = "";
var n = ["-", "--", "_"];
var j;
var o = 0;
while (!l && o < n.length) {
j = n[o];
if (h && h.substr(h.length - j.length, j.length) == j) {
var k = h.substr(0, h.length - j.length);
g = j;
l = TS.channels.getChannelByName(k);
if (l) {
g = j
if (l) {
return i + "<#" + + ">" + g
return i + h
if (TS.model.prefs.convert_emoticons && TS.model.prefs.emoji_mode != "as_text") {
e = TS.format.doEmoticonConversion(e)
return e
emoticon_conversion_token_map: [],
emoticonConversionTokenReplacer: function(e) {
return TS.format.tokenizeStr(TS.format.emoticon_conversion_token_map, e)
doEmoticonConversion: function(e) {
TS.format.emoticon_conversion_token_map.length = 0;
e = e.replace(TS.format.special_pre_rx, TS.format.emoticonConversionTokenReplacer);
e = e.replace(TS.format.special_code_rx, TS.format.emoticonConversionTokenReplacer);
e = e.replace(TS.format.special_quote_rx, TS.format.emoticonConversionTokenReplacer);
e = emoji.replace_emoticons_with_colons(e);
e = TS.format.deTokenizeStr(TS.format.emoticon_conversion_token_map, e);
return e
token_cnt: 0,
token_base: "~^$-+—!?][{}~^$-+—!?][{}~^$-+—!?][{}~^$-+—!?][{}~^$-+—!?][{}~^$-+—!?][{}~^$-+—!?][{}".split("").sort(function() {
return 0.5 - Math.random()
tokenizeStr: function(g, h, i) {
if (!h) {
return ""
i = i || "";
var e = (h.indexOf("\n") === 0) ? "\n" : "";
var f = TS.format.encodeSpecialFormattingCharsAndColon(e + TS.format.token_base + (TS.format.token_cnt++) +;
f = i + f + i;
str: h,
token: f
return f
deTokenizeStr: function(f, h) {
var g;
var e = f.length - 1;
for (e; e > -1; e--) {
g = f[e];
h = h.replace(g.token, g.str.replace(/\$/g, "$$$$"))
return h
unFormatMsg: function(e, f) {
if (!e) {
return ""
return TS.format.formatWithOptions(e, f, {
for_edit: true
formatJustText: function(e) {
return TS.format.formatWithOptions(e)
formatDefault: function(e, f) {
return TS.format.formatWithOptions(e, f)
formatNotification: function(e, f) {
return TS.format.formatWithOptions(e, f, {
for_growl: true
formatWithOptions: function(s, n, r) {
var l = (r && !!r.do_inline_imgs) || undefined;
var x = (r && !!r.for_growl) || undefined;
var q = (r && !!r.for_edit) || undefined;
var g = (r && !!r.no_highlights) || undefined;
var z = (r && !!r.no_specials) || undefined;
var w = (r && !!r.enable_slack_action_links) || undefined;
var h = (r && !!r.force_tsf_despite_mismatch) || undefined;
g = (n && ("no_highlights" in n)) ? !!n.no_highlights : !!g;
if (z === true || z === false) {
z = z
} else {
if (n && ("mrkdwn" in n)) {
z = (n.mrkdwn === false)
} else {
z = false
if (q) {
z = true
var t = (n && n.no_emoji);
var v = !(l && (!n || n.subtype != "bot_message"));
var e = (!v && TS.client && && == "tinyspeck");
if (!s) {
return ""
var y = $.trim(s);
if (!y) {
return ""
var o;
var f;
if (window.TSF) {
try {
f = "NORMAL";
if (z) {
if (x) {
f = "GROWL"
if (q) {
f = "EDIT"
o = c(s, n, f, z, g, t, v, l, w, e)
} catch (m) {
TS.error("error testing TSF:" + m);"txt was:" + s)
var k = [];
var j = [];
var u = function(V, C, G, U) {
var Y;
var S;
var N;
var aa;
if (C.substr(0, 1) == "#") {
var M = C.substr(1);
N = M.split("|");
S = N[0];
Y = TS.channels.getChannelById(S);
if (!Y) {
Y = TS.channels.getChannelByName(S)
if (Y) {
if (x || q) {
return TS.format.tokenizeStr(k, "#" +
aa = TS.utility.shouldLinksHaveTargets() ? 'target="/archives/' + + '"' : "";
if (TS.format.testing_with_generic_tokens) {
return TS.format.tokenizeStr(k, TS.format.generic_link_open + "#" + + TS.format.link_close)
return TS.format.tokenizeStr(k, '<a href="/archives/' + + '" ' + aa + ' data-channel-name="' + + '" data-channel-id="' + + '" class="internal_channel_link">#' + + TS.format.link_close)
} else {
if (N.length > 1 && N[1]) {
return TS.format.tokenizeStr(k, "#" + N[1])
} else {
if (TS.model.user.is_restricted) {
return TS.format.tokenizeStr(k, "#unknown-channel")
} else {
return TS.format.tokenizeStr(k, "#deleted-channel")
if (C.substr(0, 1) == "@") {
V = TS.utility.msgs.getMemberFromMemberMarkup(C);
if (V) {
if (x || q) {
return TS.format.tokenizeStr(k, "@" +
aa = TS.utility.shouldLinksHaveTargets() ? 'target="/team/' + + '" ' : "";
var ab = (g) ? "@" + : TS.format.doHighlighting("@" +;
if (TS.format.testing_with_generic_tokens) {
return TS.format.tokenizeStr(k, TS.format.generic_link_open + ab + TS.format.link_close)
return TS.format.tokenizeStr(k, '<a href="/team/' + + '" ' + aa + 'data-member-name="' + + '" class="internal_member_link">' + ab + TS.format.link_close)
} else {
return TS.format.tokenizeStr(k, C)
if (C.substr(0, 1) == "!") {
var W = C.substr(1);
var R = (W || "").split("|");
W = R[0];
var P = (R[1]) ? R[1] : W;
if (TS.utility.inArray(b, W)) {
if (x || q) {
return TS.format.tokenizeStr(k, "@" + W)
return TS.format.tokenizeStr(k, '<b class="mention">@' + W + "</b>")
} else {
if (W.indexOf("^") !== -1) {
var J = W.split("^");
W = J[0];
if (W === "date" && J.length >= 3 && TS.boot_data.feature_client_date_formatting) {
var T = J[1];
var ac = J[2];
var O = (J.length > 3) ? J[3] : "";
var E = (O === "" || x || q) ? "" : "<a " + TS.utility.makeRefererSafeLink(O) + ' target="_blank">';
var A = (O === "" || x || q) ? "" : TS.format.link_close;
return TS.format.tokenizeStr(k, E +, T, P) + A)
} else {
return TS.format.tokenizeStr(k, P)
if (x || q) {
return TS.format.tokenizeStr(k, "<" + P + ">")
} else {
return TS.format.tokenizeStr(k, "&lt;" + P + "&gt;")
var Z = C.split("|");
var D = Z.shift();
D = D.replace(/\"/g, "&quot;");
var I = Z.join("|") || D;
I = $.trim(I);
if (D.indexOf("<") === 0) {
return TS.format.tokenizeStr(k, "&lt;" + C.replace(/</g, "&lt;").replace(/>/g, "&gt;") + "&gt;")
I = I.replace(/</g, "&lt;");
I = I.replace(/>/g, "&gt;");
if (x) {
if (I == D) {
var K = (D.indexOf("//") > -1) ? D.split("//")[1] : D;
K = jQuery.trim(K).substring(0, 30).trim(this) + "...";
return "" + K + ""
return "<" + I + ">"
} else {
if (q) {
return I
if (!z && I != D) {
I = TS.format.doSpecials(I, n && n._special_debug)
if (!t && I != D) {
I = TS.utility.emojiReplace(I, j)
if (!g) {
I = TS.format.doHighlighting(I)
var H;
if (D.indexOf(TS.utility.msgs.api_url_prefix + "") === 0) {
if (w) {
H = TS.utility.htmlEntities(TS.utility.jsString(D));
return TS.format.tokenizeStr(k, '<a onclick="TS.utility.msgs.doApiUrl(' + H + ')" class="api_url">' + I + TS.format.link_close)
} else {
return TS.format.tokenizeStr(k, '<a class="api_url muted">(Disabled) ' + I + TS.format.link_close)
} else {
if (D.indexOf(TS.utility.msgs.new_api_url_prefix) === 0) {
if (w) {
H = TS.utility.htmlEntities(TS.utility.jsString(D));
return TS.format.tokenizeStr(k, '<a onclick="TS.utility.msgs.doNewApiUrl(' + H + ')" class="api_url">' + I + TS.format.link_close)
} else {
return TS.format.tokenizeStr(k, '<a class="api_url muted">(Disabled) ' + I + TS.format.link_close)
} else {
if (D.indexOf("javascript:") == 0) {
return TS.format.tokenizeStr(k, '<a onclick="' + D.replace("javascript:", "") + '">' + I + TS.format.link_close)
} else {
if (TS.client && TS.client.core_url && D.indexOf(TS.client.core_url) === 0) {
if (TS.format.testing_with_generic_tokens) {
return TS.format.tokenizeStr(k, TS.format.generic_link_open + I + TS.format.link_close)
return TS.format.tokenizeStr(k, '<a target="_self" href="' + D + '">' + I + TS.format.link_close)
} else {
var X = "";
var L;
if (n && n.ts && l) {
L = TS.inline_attachments.getAttachmentByFromUrl(n.attachments, D);
if (L) {
if (TS.boot_data.feature_attachments_inline ||, n)) {
X ={
attachment: L,
url: D,
msg: n,
show_initial_caret: true
}).replace(/\n/g, "").replace(/\t/g, "").replace(/ /g, " ")
if (X) {
X = X.replace(/\n/g, "").replace(/\t/g, "").replace(/ +/g, " ")
if (TS.format.testing_with_generic_tokens) {
return TS.format.tokenizeStr(k, TS.format.generic_link_open + I + TS.format.link_close + X)
var B = TS.utility.getFileIDFromURL(D);
var F = (B) ? ' class="file_preview_link"' : "";
var Q = (B) ? ' data-file-id="' + B + '"' : "";
return TS.format.tokenizeStr(k, "<a " + TS.utility.makeRefererSafeLink(D) + ' target="_blank"' + F + Q + ">" + I + TS.format.link_close + X)
y = y.replace(/<(.*?)>/g, u);
y = y.replace(/\</g, "&lt;");
y = y.replace(/\>/g, "&gt;");
if (q) {
y = TS.utility.unHtmlEntities(y)
} else {
if (x) {
if (TS.utility.platformSupportsHtmlNotifications()) {
if (TS.utility.platformSupportsImgEmojiInHtmlNotifications()) {
y = TS.utility.emojiReplace(y, null, true)
} else {
y = TS.utility.unHtmlEntities(y);
if (emoji.replace_mode == "unified") {
y = emoji.replace_colons_with_unified(y)
} else {
TS.format.special_token_map = [];
if (!z) {
y = TS.format.doSpecials(y, n && n._special_debug)
if (!v) {
if (e) {
y = y.replace(TS.format.theme_rx, function(B, A, C) {
return A + "<nobr>" + C + " " + TS.format.tokenizeStr(TS.format.special_token_map, a(B) + "</nobr>")
y = y.replace(TS.format.hex_rx, TS.format.hexReplace)
if (!t) {
y = TS.utility.emojiReplace(y, j)
y = TS.format.deTokenizeStr(TS.format.special_token_map, y);
TS.format.special_token_map = null;
if (!g) {
y = TS.format.doHighlighting(y)
y = y.replace(/<\/div>\n/g, "</div>");
y = y.replace(/<\/pre>\n/g, "</pre>");
y = y.replace(/codecopyonly> /g, "codecopyonly>&nbsp;");
y = y.replace(/ <span class="codecopyonly/g, '&nbsp;<span class="codecopyonly');
y = y.replace(/&nbsp;&nbsp;/g, " &nbsp;");
y = y.replace(/\n\r\n\r/g, TS.format.para_break);
y = y.replace(/\n\r\n/g, TS.format.para_break);
y = y.replace(/\n\n/g, TS.format.para_break);
y = y.replace(/\n/g, TS.format.line_break);
y = y.replace(/\t/g, "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;");
y = y.replace(/ /g, " &nbsp;");
y = y.replace(/^ /g, "&nbsp;")
y = TS.format.deTokenizeStr(k, y);
y = TS.format.deTokenizeStr(j, y);
j = null;
if (window.TSF && o) {
if (o != y) {
TS.error("======================================================================== " + f + " " + (o == y));"txt :" + s);"new_txt :" + y);"tsf_str :" + o);
if ( == "U024BE7LM" || == "U032VEM0B") {
window._temp_bad_message_hash = window._temp_bad_message_hash || {};
var i = "format bot";
var p = (n) ? n.ts : s.substr(0, 30);
if (!window._temp_bad_message_hash[p] && (!n || n.username != i)) {
window._temp_bad_message_hash[p] = true;
TS.ims.addMsg(TS.ims.getImByMemberId("USLACKBOT").id, {
type: "message",
subtype: "bot_message",
is_ephemeral: true,
username: i,
icons: {
emoji: ":symbols:"
text: "check console for bad message report! ts: " + (n ? n.ts : "unknown")
if (h) {
return o
} else {
if (window.show_all_msg_tests) {
TS.warn("================================" + f + " " + (o == y));"new_txt:" + y);"tsf_str:" + o)
return o
return y
hex_rx: /(\W|^)(#[A-Fa-f0-9]{6})(\b)/g,
hexReplace: function(f, g, e, h) {
return g + e + ' <div class="inline_color_block" style="background:' + e + ';"></div>' + h
special_i_rx: /(^|\s|[\?\.,\-!\^;:{(\[%$#+=\u2000-\u206F\u2E00-\u2E7F"])\_(.*?\S *)?\_($|\s|[\?\.,\-!\^;:})\]%$#+=\u2000-\u206F\u2E00-\u2E7F…"])/g,
special_b_rx: /(^|\s|[\?\.,\-!\^;:{(\[%$#+=\u2000-\u206F\u2E00-\u2E7F"])\*(.*?\S *)?\*(?=$|\s|[\?\.,\-!\^;:})\]%$#+=\u2000-\u206F\u2E00-\u2E7F…"])/g,
special_code_rx: /(^|\s|[\?\.,\-!\^;:{(\[%$#+=\u2000-\u206F\u2E00-\u2E7F"])\`(.*?\S *)?\`/g,
special_pre_rx: /(^|\s|[\?\.,\-!\^;:{(\[%$#+=\u2000-\u206F\u2E00-\u2E7F"])```([\s\S]*?)?```(?=$|\s|[\?\.,\-!\^;:})\]%$#+=\u2000-\u206F\u2E00-\u2E7F…"])/g,
special_quote_rx: /(^|\n)&gt;(?![\W_](?:&lt;|&gt;|[\|\/\\\[\]{}\(\)Dpb](?=\s|$)))(([^\n]*)(\n&gt;[^\n]*)*)/g,
special_3_quote_rx: /(^|\n)&gt;&gt;&gt;([\s\S]*$)/,
special_quote_prefix: '<span class="copyonly">&gt;</span>',
special_longquote_prefix: '<span class="copyonly">&gt;&gt;&gt;</span>',
special_i_open: '<i><span class="copyonly">&#95;</span>',
special_i_close: '<span class="copyonly">&#95;</span></i>',
special_b_open: '<b><span class="copyonly">&ast;</span>',
special_b_close: '<span class="copyonly">&ast;</span></b>',
special_pre_open: '<pre class="special_formatting"><span class="copyonly">&#96;&#96;&#96;</span>',
special_pre_close: '<span class="copyonly">&#96;&#96;&#96;</span></pre>',
special_code_open: '<code><span class="copyonly">&#96;</span codecopyonly>',
special_code_close: '<span class="codecopyonly copyonly">&#96;</span></code>',
special_quote_open: '<div class="special_formatting_quote"><div class="quote_bar"><div class="shim"></div></div><div class="content dynamic_content_max_width">',
special_quote_close: "</div></div>",
line_break: "<br>",
hard_space: "&nbsp;",
generic_link_open: "<a>",
link_close: "</a>",
para_break: '<span class="para_break"><i class="copy_only"><br></i></span>',
specialPreReplace: function(f, e, g) {
if (!g) {
return f
if (g && g.length && g.substr(0, 1) == "\n") {
g = g.substr(1)
if (TS.format.special_token_map) {
g = TS.format.encodeForPre(g);
return e + TS.format.special_pre_open + TS.format.tokenizeStr(TS.format.special_token_map, g) + TS.format.special_pre_close
g = TS.format.encodeSpecialFormattingCharsAndMoreForPre(g);
return e + TS.format.special_pre_open + (g) + TS.format.special_pre_close
specialCodeReplace: function(f, e, g) {
if (TS.format.log_specials) {
TS.warn('match in specialCodeReplace:\n"' + f + '"')
if (!g || g.substr(0, 1) == "`" || g.substr(g.length - 1, 1) == "`" || (g.match(/<pre/g) && g.match(/<\/pre/g))) {
return f
if (TS.format.special_token_map) {
return e + TS.format.special_code_open + TS.format.tokenizeStr(TS.format.special_token_map, g) + TS.format.special_code_close
g = TS.format.encodeSpecialFormattingCharsAndColon(g);
return e + TS.format.special_code_open + g + TS.format.special_code_close
specialItalicReplace: function(f, e, h, g) {
if (TS.format.log_specials) {
TS.warn('match in specialItalicReplace:\n"' + f + '"')
if (!h || !h.match(/[^_*`]/) || h.substr(0, 1) == "_" || h.substr(h.length - 1, 1) == "_" || (e == ":" && g == ":")) {
return f
return e + TS.format.special_i_open + TS.format.doSpecials(h) + TS.format.special_i_close + g
specialBoldReplace: function(f, e, g) {
if (!g || !g.match(/[^_*`]/) || g.substr(0, 1) == "*" || g.substr(g.length - 1, 1) == "*" || (g.substr(0, 1) == " " && g.substr(g.length - 1, 1) == " ")) {
return f
return e + TS.format.special_b_open + TS.format.doSpecials(g) + TS.format.special_b_close
specialQuoteReplace: function(f, e, h, g) {
if (f == "&gt;") {
return f
h = h.replace(/\n&gt;/g, "\n" + TS.format.special_quote_prefix);
return TS.format.special_quote_open + TS.format.special_quote_prefix + h + TS.format.special_quote_close
special3QuoteReplace: function(f, e, g) {
if (f == "&gt;&gt;&gt;") {
return "&gt;&gt;&gt;"
g = g.replace(/^([\s]*)(&gt;)*/g, function(h, j, i, l, k) {
if (i) {
return h
return ""
return TS.format.special_quote_open + TS.format.special_longquote_prefix + g + TS.format.special_quote_close
log_specials: false,
doSpecials: function(f, e) {
f = f || "";
if (e) {"debugging specials for text:::::::::::::::::::::\n" + f);
TS.format.log_specials = true
f = f.replace(TS.format.special_pre_rx, TS.format.specialPreReplace);
f = f.replace(TS.format.special_code_rx, TS.format.specialCodeReplace);
f = f.replace(TS.format.special_i_rx, TS.format.specialItalicReplace);
f = f.replace(TS.format.special_b_rx, TS.format.specialBoldReplace);
f = f.replace(TS.format.special_3_quote_rx, TS.format.special3QuoteReplace);
f = f.replace(TS.format.special_quote_rx, TS.format.specialQuoteReplace);
TS.format.log_specials = false;
return f
at_symbol_token: "thisreplacementtokenallowsustotreatatsymbolsasiftheywerewordcharactersinregex".split("").sort(function() {
return 0.5 - Math.random()
swapInAts: function(e) {
if (!e) {
return e
return e.replace(new RegExp(TS.format.at_symbol_token, "g"), "@")
swapOutAts: function(e) {
if (!e) {
return e
return e.replace(/@/g, TS.format.at_symbol_token)
doHighlighting: function(g) {
var m;
var l;
var e = TS.model.highlight_words.concat();
e.sort(function k(n, i) {
var o = n.length;
var p = i.length;
if (o < p) {
return 1
if (o > p) {
return -1
return 0
var f = false;
if (g.indexOf("@") != -1) {
f = true;
g = TS.format.swapOutAts(g)
for (var h = 0; h < e.length; h++) {
m = e[h];
if (f) {
m = TS.format.swapOutAts(e[h])
m = TS.utility.regexpEscape(m);
if (m == "don") {
m += "(?!'t)"
l = new RegExp("(\\b|_|\\s|^)(" + m + ")(\\b|_|\\s|$)", "ig");
var j = 0;
g = g.replace(l, function(o, p, n, t, s, r) {
if (r.substr(0, s).match(/</)) {
for (var q = s; q >= j; q--) {
if (r.charAt(q) == "<") {
return p + n + t
if (r.charAt(q) == ">") {
j = s + o.length;
return p + '<span class="mention">' + n + "</span>" + t
if (f) {
return TS.format.swapInAts(g)
} else {
return g
encodeSpecialFormattingChars: function(e) {
e = e || "";
return e.replace(/\*/g, "&ast;").replace(/\_/g, "&#95;").replace(/\`/g, "&#96;")
encodeSpecialFormattingCharsAndColon: function(e) {
e = e || "";
return TS.format.encodeSpecialFormattingChars(e).replace(/\:/g, "&#58;")
encodeSpecialFormattingCharsAndMoreForPre: function(e) {
e = e || "";
return TS.format.encodeForPre(TS.format.encodeSpecialFormattingCharsAndColon(e))
encodeForPre: function(e) {
e = e || "";
return e.replace(/</g, "&lt;").replace(/>/g, "&gt;").replace(/\n/g, TS.format.line_break)
var b = ["everyone", "channel", "group"];
var d;
var c = function(k, P, l, p, n, B, x, V, D, J) {
d = d || {
"<B:START>": TS.format.special_b_open,
"<B:END>": TS.format.special_b_close,
"<PRE:START>": TS.format.special_pre_open,
"<PRE:END>": TS.format.special_pre_close,
"<CODE:START>": TS.format.special_code_open,
"<CODE:END>": TS.format.special_code_close,
"<I:START>": TS.format.special_i_open,
"<I:END>": TS.format.special_i_close,
"<QUOTE:START>": TS.format.special_quote_open,
"<QUOTE:PREFIX>": TS.format.special_quote_prefix,
"<LONGQUOTE:PREFIX>": TS.format.special_longquote_prefix,
"<QUOTE:END>": TS.format.special_quote_close,
"<LINK:END>": TS.format.link_close,
"<LINE:BREAK>": TS.format.line_break,
"<PARA:BREAK>": TS.format.para_break,
"<SPACE:HARD>": TS.format.hard_space
var E = d;
var M = [];
if (J) {
k = k.replace(TS.format.theme_rx, function(A, i, Y) {
return i + TS.format.tokenizeStr(M, "<nobr>", ",") + Y + " " + TS.format.tokenizeStr(M, a(A) + "</nobr>")
var G = "";
var r = TSF.getTokensArray($.trim(k), l);
var X;
var I;
var F;
var T;
var K;
var R;
var u;
var e;
var U;
var Q;
var t;
var v;
var C;
var q;
var o;
var H;
var z;
if (l == "GROWL" || l == "EDIT") {
for (T = 0; T < r.length; T++) {
F = r[T];
if (F.indexOf("<") === 0) {
if (E[F]) {
TS.error('unexpected: mode == "GROWL" || "EDIT", and yet we got something in the formatting map? ' + F)
} else {
if (F.indexOf("<!") === 0) {
I = F.replace(/<|>/g, "");
t = (I || "").split("|");
U = t[0].substr(1);
if (TS.utility.inArray(b, U)) {
G += "@" + U
} else {
Q = (t[1]) ? t[1] : U;
if (U.indexOf("^") !== -1) {
v = U.split("^");
U = v[0];
if (U === "date" && v.length >= 3 && TS.boot_data.feature_client_date_formatting) {
C = v[1];
q = v[2];
G +=, C, Q)
} else {
G += "<" + Q + ">"
} else {
G += "<" + Q + ">"
} else {
if (F.indexOf("<@") === 0) {
I = F.replace(/<|>/g, "");
R = TS.utility.msgs.getMemberFromMemberMarkup(I);
if (R) {
G += "@" +
} else {
if (l == "EDIT") {
G += I
} else {
if (l == "GROWL") {
G += F
} else {
if (F.indexOf("<#") === 0) {
I = F.replace(/<|>|#/g, "");
u = I.split("|");
K = u[0];
X = TS.channels.getChannelById(K);
if (X) {
G += "#" +
} else {
if (u.length > 1 && u[1]) {
G += "#" + u[1]
} else {
if (TS.model.user.is_restricted) {
G += "#unknown-channel"
} else {
G += "#deleted-channel"
} else {
if (F.indexOf(TSF.LINK_START.split(" ")[0]) === 0) {
TS.error('unexpected: mode == "GROWL" || "EDIT", and yet we got ' + F)
} else {
if (F.indexOf(TSF.EMOJI_COLONS.split(" ")[0]) === 0) {
TS.error('unexpected: mode == "GROWL" || "EDIT", and yet we got ' + F)
} else {
if (F.indexOf(TSF.HEX_BLOCK.split(" ")[0]) === 0) {
TS.error('unexpected: mode == "GROWL" || "EDIT", and yet we got ' + F)
} else {
TS.error("markup token not handled:" + F)
} else {
if (F.indexOf("<") == -1) {
if (l == "EDIT") {
G += TS.utility.unHtmlEntities(F)
} else {
if (l == "GROWL") {
if (TS.utility.platformSupportsHtmlNotifications()) {
if (TS.utility.platformSupportsImgEmojiInHtmlNotifications()) {
G += TS.utility.emojiReplace(F, null, true)
} else {
var S = TS.utility.unHtmlEntities(F);
if (emoji.replace_mode == "unified") {
S = emoji.replace_colons_with_unified(S)
G += S
} else {
TS.error("token has a < in it but it is not the first character!\n" + F)
} else {
var W = "";
var s;
for (T = 0; T < r.length; T++) {
F = r[T];
if (F.indexOf("<") === 0) {
if (E[F]) {
G += E[F];
if (F == TSF.LINK_END) {
G += W;
W = ""
} else {
if (F.indexOf("<!") === 0) {
I = F.replace(/<|>/g, "");
t = (I || "").split("|");
U = t[0].substr(1);
if (TS.utility.inArray(b, U)) {
G += '<b class="mention">@' + U + "</b>"
} else {
Q = (t[1]) ? t[1] : U;
if (U.indexOf("^") !== -1) {
v = U.split("^");
U = v[0];
if (U === "date" && v.length >= 3 && TS.boot_data.feature_client_date_formatting) {
C = v[1];
q = v[2];
o = (v.length > 3) ? v[3] : "";
H = (o === "") ? "" : "<a " + TS.utility.makeRefererSafeLink(o) + ' target="_blank">';
z = (o === "") ? "" : TS.format.link_close;
G += H +, C, Q) + z
} else {
G += "&lt;" + Q + "&gt;"
} else {
G += "&lt;" + Q + "&gt;"
} else {
if (F.indexOf("<@") === 0) {
I = F.replace(/<|>/g, "");
R = TS.utility.msgs.getMemberFromMemberMarkup(I);
if (R) {
e = TS.utility.shouldLinksHaveTargets() ? 'target="/team/' + + '" ' : "";
var O = (n) ? "@" + : TS.format.doHighlighting("@" +;
G += '<a href="/team/' + + '" ' + e + 'data-member-name="' + + '" class="internal_member_link">' + O + TS.format.link_close
} else {
G += I
} else {
if (F.indexOf("<#") === 0) {
I = F.replace(/<|>|#/g, "");
u = I.split("|");
K = u[0];
X = TS.channels.getChannelById(K);
if (X) {
e = (TS.utility.shouldLinksHaveTargets()) ? 'target="/archives/' + + '"' : "";
if (TS.format.testing_with_generic_tokens) {
G += TS.format.generic_link_open + "#" + + TS.format.link_close
G += '<a href="/archives/' + + '" ' + e + ' data-channel-name="' + + '" data-channel-id="' + + '" class="internal_channel_link">#' + + TS.format.link_close
} else {
if (u.length > 1 && u[1]) {
G += "#" + u[1]
} else {
if (TS.model.user.is_restricted) {
G += "#unknown-channel"
} else {
G += "#deleted-channel"
} else {
if (F.indexOf(TSF.LINK_START.split(" ")[0]) === 0) {
var h = (function(m) {
var i = $.trim(m.replace(TSF.LINK_START.split(" ")[0], ""));
return i.substr(0, i.length - 1)
if (h.indexOf(TS.utility.msgs.api_url_prefix + "") === 0) {
if (D) {
s = TS.utility.htmlEntities(TS.utility.jsString(h));
G += '<a onclick="TS.utility.msgs.doApiUrl(' + s + ')" class="api_url">'
} else {
G += '<a class="api_url muted">(Disabled) '
} else {
if (h.indexOf(TS.utility.msgs.new_api_url_prefix) === 0) {
if (D) {
s = TS.utility.htmlEntities(TS.utility.jsString(h));
G += '<a onclick="TS.utility.msgs.doNewApiUrl(' + s + ')" class="api_url">'
} else {
G += '<a class="api_url muted">(Disabled) '
} else {
if (h.indexOf("javascript:") === 0) {
G += '<a onclick="' + h.replace("javascript:", "") + '">'
} else {
if (TS.client && TS.client.core_url && h.indexOf(TS.client.core_url) === 0) {
G += '<a target="_self" href="' + h + '">'
} else {
var f = TS.utility.getFileIDFromURL(h);
var N = (f) ? ' class="file_preview_link"' : "";
var j = (f) ? ' data-file-id="' + f + '"' : "";
G += "<a " + TS.utility.makeRefererSafeLink(h) + ' target="_blank"' + N + j + ">";
if (W) {
TS.error("WTF we should have no attach_html")
W = "";
var y;
if (P && P.ts && V) {
y = TS.inline_attachments.getAttachmentByFromUrl(P.attachments, h);
if (y) {
if (TS.boot_data.feature_attachments_inline ||, P)) {
W ={
attachment: y,
url: h,
msg: P,
show_initial_caret: true
} else {
if (F.indexOf(TSF.EMOJI_COLONS.split(" ")[0]) === 0) {
var g = F.split(" ")[1].replace(">", "");
if (!B) {
var w = TS.utility.emojiReplace(g);
if (w == g) {
if (n) {
G += g
} else {
G += TS.format.doHighlighting(g)
} else {
G += TS.utility.emojiReplace(g)
} else {
G += g
} else {
if (F.indexOf(TSF.HEX_BLOCK.split(" ")[0]) === 0) {
var L = F.split(" ")[1].replace(">", "");
if (!x) {
G += ' <div class="inline_color_block" style="background:' + L + ';"></div>'
} else {
TS.error("markup token not handled:" + F)
} else {
if (F.indexOf("<") == -1) {
if (n) {
G += F
} else {
G += TS.format.doHighlighting(F)
} else {
TS.error("token has a < in it but it is not the first character!\n" + F)
G = TS.format.deTokenizeStr(M, G);
return G
var a = function(f, e) {
e = (e) ? " to " + e : "";
return '<a data-theme="' + TS.utility.htmlEntities(f) + '" class="btn btn_small tiny_right_margin theme_installer_btn" style="padding: 0px 7px 1px;"><i class="ts_icon ts_icon_cog align_middle"></i> Switch' + e + "</a>"
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