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Forked from ksky/gaelyk
Created February 7, 2010 12:28
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#!/usr/bin/env groovy
import org.cyberneko.html.parsers.SAXParser
import groovy.xml.DOMBuilder
import groovy.xml.XmlUtil
import groovy.xml.dom.DOMCategory
* gaelyk - utility wrapper command for Gaelyk.
* 2010/02/03
// main
def home = System.getenv('APPENGINE_HOME')
if (!home) { die 'Please set the APPENGINE_HOME environment variable.' }
def jar = "$home/lib/appengine-tools-api.jar"
this.class.classLoader.rootLoader.addURL(new File(jar).toURL())
// Google's KickStart class uses this property
def cp = System.getProperty('java.class.path')
System.setProperty('java.class.path', cp + File.pathSeparator + jar)
def target
try {
if (!args) { warn '<target> must be specified.'; doHelp() }
target = args[0]
def method = 'do' + target.replaceAll(/^.|-./, { it[-1].toUpperCase() })
invokeMethod(method, null)
} catch (MissingMethodException mmex) {
warn "Invalid target: $target"
} catch (ex) {
def doCreateApp() {
if (args.size() < 2) { warn '<appId> must be specified.'; doHelp() }
def appId = args[1]
if (new File(appId).exists()) { die "$appId already exists."}
// download & unzip the template project file
def zipFile = latestTemplateProject()
def url = "$zipFile"
def cache = new File(System.getProperty(''), zipFile)
def ant = new AntBuilder()
if (!cache.exists()) { ant.get(src:url, dest:cache) }
ant.unzip(src:cache, dest:appId)
// modify appengine-web.xml
def xmlFile = new File("$appId/war/WEB-INF/appengine-web.xml")
def root = xmlFile.withReader { DOMBuilder.parse(it).documentElement }
use(DOMCategory) {
root.application.item(0).value = appId
def props = root.appendNode('system-properties')
props.appendNode('property', [name:'file.encoding', value:'UTF-8'])
props.appendNode('property', [name:'groovy.source.encoding', value:'UTF-8'])
warn 'appengine-web.xml successfully modified.'
def doRunApp() {
evaluate """String[] args = [ '', 'war' ]"""
def doDeploy() {
evaluate """String[] args = [ 'update', 'war' ]"""
// need Java 6+
def doTutorial() {
final tutorialPage = ''
def doHelp() {
die '''Usage: gaelyk <target> [args ...]
Available targets:
create-app <appId> - create new project
run-app - run your application locally
deploy - deploy your application in the cloud
tutorial - display Gaelyk tutorial in your browser
help - print this help'''
def warn(msg) { System.err.println msg }
def die(msg) { warn msg; System.exit 1 }
// get the file name of the latest template project (by scraping)
def latestTemplateProject() {
final page = ''
final pat = /gaelyk-template-project-[\d\.]+\.zip/
def html = new XmlParser(new SAXParser()).parse(page)
def rows = html.'**'.TABLE[0].TR[1..-1]
def files = []
rows.each { tr ->
def file = tr.TD[1].A.text()
if (file ==~ pat) { files << [file:file, date:tr.TD[3].text()] }
files.sort { }[-1].file
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