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Created January 25, 2018 23:02
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Illustrating the effects of p-hacking on observed effect sizes
import numpy as np
from scipy import stats
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
def run_study(step_size=50, max_n=200, num_tests=10, alpha=0.05):
''' Run a single study in increments of N until we either (a) achieve
significance, or (b) hit a maximum sample size. To model p-hacking, we
conduct num_tests independent tests after each increment of sampling. '''
X = np.zeros((0, num_tests))
n = 0
while n < max_n:
X = np.r_[X, np.random.normal(size=(step_size, num_tests))]
t, p = stats.ttest_1samp(X, 0)
min_ind = np.argmin(p)
min_p = p[min_ind]
n += step_size
if min_p < 0.05:
# As a null distribution, don't take the smallest p value
# if there's no sig effect
min_ind = 0
return min_p, t[min_ind], n, X[:, min_ind]
def plot_effect_sizes(n_reps=100, min_n=10, **kwargs):
''' Sample n_reps studies per the procedure in run_study(), and
plot the standardized effect size of the result, coloring by
significance. '''
studies = [run_study(**kwargs) for i in range(n_reps)]
# Count sig vs. non-sig
p = np.array([s[0] for s in studies])
print("prop. significant studies: %.2f" % (p < 0.05).mean())
for p, t, n, X in studies:
# Recode all significant effects in same direction
if p < .05 and X.mean() < 0:
X *= -1
color = 'blue' if p < .05 else 'gray'
d = [X[:i].mean()/X[:i].std() for i in range(min_n, n)]
plt.plot(np.arange(min_n, n), d, color=color, lw=2, alpha=0.2)
plt.hlines(0, min_n, 200, linestyles='--', lw=0.5)
plt.gcf().set_size_inches(12, 6)
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