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Last active August 29, 2015 14:05
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  • Save tyaslab/fda9f34b4dc7e1973209 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save tyaslab/fda9f34b4dc7e1973209 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
@mixin set-space($kind, $indicator, $selector) {
.#{$kind}-#{$indicator}-#{$selector} {
@if ($indicator == 'all') {
#{$kind}: ($selector / 16) + rem !important;;
} @else {
#{$kind}-#{$indicator}: ($selector / 16) + rem !important;
$const: 4;
@for $i from 0 through 8 {
@include set-space('padding', 'all', $i * $const);
@include set-space('padding', 'top', $i * $const);
@include set-space('padding', 'bottom', $i * $const);
@include set-space('padding', 'left', $i * $const);
@include set-space('padding', 'right', $i * $const);
@include set-space('margin', 'all', $i * $const);
@include set-space('margin', 'top', $i * $const);
@include set-space('margin', 'bottom', $i * $const);
@include set-space('margin', 'left', $i * $const);
@include set-space('margin', 'right', $i * $const);
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