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Created September 18, 2009 06:43
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<neunon> Hi folks. I'm trying to get Samba to work on Fedora 11, only to find that it's listening only on IPv6 ports. Any idea how to get it to listen on IPv4?
<[R]> ipv6 ports? that makes no sense
<neunon> Rather, it's listening on :::139, but not
<[R]> sounds ike you horribly screwed up the config
<neunon> Do tell, so I can fix it, then.
<neunon> I tried the 'interfaces' line, which did nothing
<[R]> you shod'nt have anythning crappy like that in your conifg
<neunon> I didn't originally. But then this IPv6 issue showed up...
<[R]> then therse somerhing horribly screwed up in your conifg
<neunon> That's not helping.
[sizable delay]
<neunon> [R], So did you actually have suggestions or did you just want to berate me for my "horribly screwed up config"?
[no response]
<mutk> neunon, I suspect that the syntax :::139 may not mean what you think it does..
<neunon> mutk, but it does. I can telnet to it via ipv6 but not ipv4.
<neunon> mutk, mind also that I can SSH in via IPv4 and IPv6, and it has _two_ entries in netstat. one :::22, another So it uses both IPv6 and IPv4. So I'm 99.9% certain I've got the meaning correct.
[more silence]
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