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Created July 1, 2016 13:16
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[2016-07-01 16:13:29 +0300] [29240] [server] started on /var/folders/qk/rfns1ml107b19r47z45l1dch0000gn/T/spring-501/22b0a74e51e3759116030f95499dc558
[2016-07-01 16:13:29 +0300] [29240] [server] accepted client
[2016-07-01 16:13:29 +0300] [29240] [server] running command rails_console
[2016-07-01 16:13:29 +0300] [29240] [application_manager:development] child not running; starting
[2016-07-01 16:13:29 +0300] [29226] [client] sending command
[2016-07-01 16:13:29 +0300] [29242] [application:development] initialized -> running
[2016-07-01 16:13:29 +0300] [29242] [application:development] got client
[2016-07-01 16:13:29 +0300] [29242] [application:development] preloading app
[2016-07-01 16:13:33 +0300] [29162] [application:test] forked 29247
[2016-07-01 16:13:33 +0300] [29162] [application:test] terminating -> exiting
[2016-07-01 16:13:33 +0300] [29162] [application:test] 29247 exited with 1
[2016-07-01 16:13:33 +0300] [29145] [client] got no pid
[2016-07-01 16:13:49 +0300] [29242] [application:development] forked 29272
[2016-07-01 16:13:49 +0300] [29240] [application_manager:development] got worker pid 29272
[2016-07-01 16:13:49 +0300] [29226] [client] got pid: 29272
[2016-07-01 16:13:52 +0300] [29242] [application:development] 29272 exited with 0
[2016-07-01 16:13:52 +0300] [29226] [client] got exit status 0
[2016-07-01 16:13:53 +0300] [29240] [server] accepted client
[2016-07-01 16:13:53 +0300] [29240] [server] running command rails_console
[2016-07-01 16:13:53 +0300] [29292] [client] sending command
[2016-07-01 16:13:53 +0300] [29242] [application:development] got client
[2016-07-01 16:13:53 +0300] [29242] [application:development] forked 29306
[2016-07-01 16:13:53 +0300] [29240] [application_manager:development] got worker pid 29306
[2016-07-01 16:13:53 +0300] [29292] [client] got pid: 29306
[2016-07-01 16:13:54 +0300] [29242] [application:development] 29306 exited with 0
[2016-07-01 16:13:54 +0300] [29292] [client] got exit status 0
[2016-07-01 16:13:55 +0300] [29240] [server] accepted client
[2016-07-01 16:13:55 +0300] [29240] [server] running command rails_console
[2016-07-01 16:13:55 +0300] [29321] [client] sending command
[2016-07-01 16:13:55 +0300] [29242] [application:development] got client
[2016-07-01 16:13:55 +0300] [29242] [application:development] forked 29335
[2016-07-01 16:13:55 +0300] [29240] [application_manager:development] got worker pid 29335
[2016-07-01 16:13:55 +0300] [29321] [client] got pid: 29335
[2016-07-01 16:13:56 +0300] [29242] [application:development] 29335 exited with 0
[2016-07-01 16:13:56 +0300] [29321] [client] got exit status 0
[2016-07-01 16:13:57 +0300] [29240] [server] accepted client
[2016-07-01 16:13:57 +0300] [29240] [server] running command rails_console
[2016-07-01 16:13:57 +0300] [29350] [client] sending command
[2016-07-01 16:13:57 +0300] [29242] [application:development] got client
[2016-07-01 16:13:57 +0300] [29242] [application:development] forked 29364
[2016-07-01 16:13:57 +0300] [29240] [application_manager:development] got worker pid 29364
[2016-07-01 16:13:57 +0300] [29350] [client] got pid: 29364
[2016-07-01 16:13:58 +0300] [29242] [application:development] 29364 exited with 0
[2016-07-01 16:13:58 +0300] [29350] [client] got exit status 0
[2016-07-01 16:14:59 +0300] [29242] [application:development] running -> watcher_stale
[2016-07-01 16:14:59 +0300] [29242] [application:development] watcher_stale -> exiting
[2016-07-01 16:14:59 +0300] [29240] [application_manager:development] child 29242 shutdown
[2016-07-01 16:15:00 +0300] [29455] [application:development] preloading app
[2016-07-01 16:15:02 +0300] [29240] [server] accepted client
[2016-07-01 16:15:02 +0300] [29240] [server] running command rails_console
[2016-07-01 16:15:02 +0300] [29463] [client] sending command
/Users/tycooon/.rbenv/versions/2.3.1/lib/ruby/gems/2.3.0/gems/spring-1.7.1/lib/spring/application.rb:294:in `read': stream closed (IOError)
from /Users/tycooon/.rbenv/versions/2.3.1/lib/ruby/gems/2.3.0/gems/spring-1.7.1/lib/spring/application.rb:294:in `block (2 levels) in with_pty'
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