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Created August 17, 2019 19:32
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Rebindable Templates
import SpliceI
import SpliceS
main :: IO ()
main = testI >> testS
module Quote where
import Language.Haskell.TH
num :: Integer
num = 8
magic :: Integer -> Q Exp
magic n = [| n |]
fromInteger :: Integer -> String
fromInteger = show
TemplateHaskell, RebindableSyntax
module SpliceI where
import Prelude
import Quote hiding (fromInteger)
testI :: IO ()
testI = putStrLn $ show $(magic num)
TemplateHaskell, RebindableSyntax
module SpliceS where
import Prelude hiding (fromInteger)
import Quote
testS :: IO ()
testS = putStrLn $ show $(magic num)
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