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Last active May 1, 2021 07:20
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Syntax Quotation in a Macro (with Antiquotes)
import Lean
open Lean Syntax
instance : Quote SourceInfo := fun info =>
match info with
| SourceInfo.original leading pos trailing =>
mkCApp ``SourceInfo.original #[quote leading, quote pos, quote trailing]
| SourceInfo.synthetic pos endPos =>
mkCApp ``SourceInfo.synthetic #[quote pos, quote endPos]
| SourceInfo.none =>
mkCIdent ``SourceInfo.none
/-- `C[$(e)]` ~> `let a := e; C[$a]`. Used in the implementation of antiquot splices. -/
partial def floatOutAntiquotTerms :
Syntax -> StateT (Syntax -> MacroM Syntax) MacroM Syntax
| stx@(Syntax.node k args) => do
if isAntiquot stx && !isEscapedAntiquot stx then
let e := getAntiquotTerm stx
if !e.isIdent || !e.getId.isAtomic then
return ← withFreshMacroScope do
let a ← `(a)
modify (fun cont stx => (`(let $a:ident := $e; $stx) : MacroM _))
stx.setArg 2 a
Syntax.node k (← args.mapM floatOutAntiquotTerms)
| stx => pure stx
def getAntiquotationIds (stx : Syntax) : MacroM (Array Syntax) := do
let mut ids := #[]
for stx in stx.topDown do
if (isAntiquot stx || isTokenAntiquot stx) && !isEscapedAntiquot stx then
let anti := getAntiquotTerm stx
if anti.isIdent then ids := ids.push anti
else Macro.throwErrorAt stx "complex antiquotation not allowed here"
return ids
def getSepFromSplice (splice : Syntax) : Syntax := do
let Syntax.atom _ sep ← getAntiquotSpliceSuffix splice | unreachable!
Syntax.mkStrLit (sep.dropRight 1)
partial def mkTuple : Array Syntax -> MacroM Syntax
| #[] => `(Unit.unit)
| #[e] => e
| es => do
let stx ← mkTuple (es.eraseIdx 0)
`( $(es[0]) $stx)
partial def macroQuoteSyntax : Syntax -> MacroM Syntax
| Syntax.ident info rawVal val preresolved =>
mkCApp ``Syntax.ident
#[quote info, quote rawVal, quote val, quote preresolved]
| stx@(Syntax.node k _) =>
if isAntiquot stx && !isEscapedAntiquot stx then
getAntiquotTerm stx
else if isTokenAntiquot stx && !isEscapedAntiquot stx then
match stx[0] with
| Syntax.atom info val =>
(Option.getD (getHeadInfo $(getAntiquotTerm stx)) $(quote info))
$(quote val))
| _ =>
Macro.throwErrorAt stx "expected token"
else if isAntiquotSuffixSplice stx && !isEscapedAntiquot stx then
-- splices must occur in a `many` node
Macro.throwErrorAt stx "unexpected antiquotation splice"
else if isAntiquotSplice stx && !isEscapedAntiquot stx then
Macro.throwErrorAt stx "unexpected antiquotation splice"
else do
let empty := mkCIdent ``Array.empty
-- if escaped antiquotation, decrement by one escape level
let stx := unescapeAntiquot stx
let args <-
stx.getArgs.foldlM (fun args arg => do
if k == nullKind && isAntiquotSuffixSplice arg then
let antiquot := getAntiquotSuffixSpliceInner arg
match antiquotSuffixSplice? arg with
| `optional =>
`(Array.appendCore $args
(match $(getAntiquotTerm antiquot):term with
| some x => Array.empty.push x
| none => Array.empty))
| `many =>
`(Array.appendCore $args $(getAntiquotTerm antiquot))
| `sepBy =>
`(Array.appendCore $args
$(getSepFromSplice arg) $(getAntiquotTerm antiquot)))
| k =>
Macro.throwErrorAt arg
"invalid antiquotation suffix splice kind '{k}'"
else if k == nullKind && isAntiquotSplice arg then
let k := antiquotSpliceKind? arg
let (arg, bindLets) ← floatOutAntiquotTerms arg |>.run pure
let inner ← (getAntiquotSpliceContents arg).mapM macroQuoteSyntax
let ids ← getAntiquotationIds arg
if ids.isEmpty then
Macro.throwErrorAt stx
"antiquotation splice must contain at least one antiquotation"
let arr ← match k with
| `optional => `(match $[$ids:ident],* with
| $[some $ids:ident],* => $(quote inner)
| none => Array.empty)
| _ =>
let arr ← ids[:ids.size-1].foldrM
(fun id arr => `( $id $arr)) ids.back
`( (fun $(← mkTuple ids) => $(inner[0])) $arr)
let arr ←
if k == `sepBy then
`(mkSepArray $arr (mkAtom $(getSepFromSplice arg)))
else arr
let arr ← bindLets arr
`(Array.appendCore $args $arr)
else do
let arg ← macroQuoteSyntax arg;
`(Array.push $args $arg))
mkCApp ``Syntax.node #[quote k, args]
| Syntax.atom info val =>
mkCApp ``Syntax.atom #[quote info, quote val]
| Syntax.missing =>
macro "static_quote" x:term : term => macroQuoteSyntax x
#check (static_quote (2 + 2 : Nat))
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