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Created January 29, 2020 21:30
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Updated Snarky example
open Core
open Snarky
module Impl = Snark.Run.Make (Backends.Bn128.Default) (Unit)
open Impl
let check_product (l : Field.t list) (total : Field.t) () =
let open Field in
let checked_total = List.fold ~init:one l ~f:( * ) in
Assert.equal checked_total total
let my_list = ~f:Field.Constant.of_int [1; 2; 3; 4; 5]
let total = Field.Constant.of_int 120
let public_input () = Data_spec.[Typ.list ~length:(List.length my_list) Field.typ; Field.typ]
let keypair = generate_keypair ~exposing:(public_input ()) check_product
let proof = prove ( keypair) (public_input ()) check_product () my_list total
let is_valid = verify proof (Keypair.vk keypair) (public_input ()) my_list total
let () = printf "Verified program? %b\n" is_valid
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