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Last active July 21, 2017 08:23
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OB Contract Fund Transfer

OB Contract Fund Transfer is a tool that allows an OpenBazaar buyer and one of (vendor|moderator) to move funds from an OpenBazaar contract.

Both parties agree to payout the funds in an OB contract to a given address. They need two pieces of data. Order id, and BTC address to send funds to.

In this example we'll use:

Order ID: 02b11c97fe709c8c732a5e37faea598ae27016cf

BTC address: 18bTBMa8wW2tebieGRpLXqonKeVteFZRjr


First both parties should put the file in the root of your OpenBazaar server. If you have a manual installation (i.e. from the git repo) you put in the OpenBazaar-Server directory. If you have the installed version, first install the manual version from:

Buyer signature

The buyer should execute python <order_id> <btc_address>.

Example: python 02b11c97fe709c8c732a5e37faea598ae27016cf 18bTBMa8wW2tebieGRpLXqonKeVteFZRjr > buyer_signatures.json

This will output a file called buyer_signatures.json which contains the buyer's signature for the transaction. The buyer should now send this to the other party.

2nd party signature

The vendor or moderator should save the buyer_signatures.json along side the file and then execute:

Example: python 02b11c97fe709c8c732a5e37faea598ae27016cf 18bTBMa8wW2tebieGRpLXqonKeVteFZRjr -s buyer_signatures.json

This should finalize the transaction and broadcast it to the Bitcoin network.

## - Creates transactions to sweep an OpenBazaar contract's address
## To sweep the holding address for direct transactions:
## python <order_id> <payout_address>
## E.g. python de529024a6e7ddcbe08e46929db4bedfd7002428 1AXzTxyBBcoeVVqgDdwhf1sLrU42n15akg
## To sweep from moderated addresses first the buyers creates a signature:
## python <order_id> <payout_address> > signatures.json
## The signatures.json file is given to the 2nd party (vendor or moderator)
## Then the 2nd party creates the final transaction:
## python <order_id> <payout_address> -s signatures.json
__author__ = "Tyler Smith"
__license__ = "MIT"
__version__ = "1.0.0"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2016, OB1"
import os
import sys
import json
import argparse
import bitcointools
from log import Logger
from binascii import unhexlify, hexlify
from db.datastore import Database
from keys.keychain import KeyChain
from keys.bip32utils import derive_childkey
from obelisk.client import LibbitcoinClient
from market.transactions import BitcoinTransaction
def signature_data(tx, key, redeem_script):
sigs = tx.create_signature(key, redeem_script)
return {
"value": tx.get_out_value(),
"signature(s)": sigs,
def contract_file(order_id):
vendor_directory = os.path.join(DATA_FOLDER, 'store', 'contracts', 'in progress', order_id + '.json')
if os.path.exists(vendor_directory):
return vendor_directory
buyer_directory = os.path.join(DATA_FOLDER, 'purchases', 'in progress', order_id + '.json')
if os.path.exists(buyer_directory):
return buyer_directory
mod_directory = os.path.join(DATA_FOLDER, 'cases', order_id + '.json')
if os.path.exists(mod_directory):
return mod_directory
raise "Contract file not found"
def load_payment_data(order_id):
with open(contract_file(order_id)) as json_data:
return json.load(json_data).get("buyer_order", {}).get("order", {})["payment"]
def load_outpoints(db, order_id):
outpoints = db.sales.get_outpoint(order_id)
if outpoints is None or len(outpoints) == 0:
outpoints = db.purchases.get_outpoint(order_id)
return json.loads(outpoints)
def finalize_transaction(tx, blockchain=None):
print("Transaction ID: " + tx.get_hash())
print("Raw Transaction:")
if blockchain is not None:
print("Sent transaction to the to Bitcoin network")
def parse_cli():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description='OpenBazaar Contract Payout',
usage='python <order_id> <payout_address> (-s <buyer_signature_file>)'
parser.add_argument('order_id', help='The ID of the order to move funds from')
parser.add_argument('payout_address', help='The BTC address to send funds to')
parser.add_argument('-s', '--sigfile', help='Signature file container signatures from the buyer')
parser.add_argument('-d', '--dryrun', help="Don't broadcast transaction", dest='dryrun', action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('-t', '--testnet', help='Use testnet database', dest='testnet', action='store_true')
args = parser.parse_args(sys.argv[1:])
return {
"dryrun": args.dryrun,
"testnet": args.testnet,
"sigfile": args.sigfile,
"order_id": args.order_id,
"payout_address": args.payout_address,
def parse_sig_file(sigfile):
if sigfile is None:
return None
with open(sigfile) as json_data:
return json.load(json_data)
def main():
# Extract args to vars
args = parse_cli()
dryrun = args["dryrun"]
testnet = args["testnet"]
order_id = args["order_id"]
payout_address = args["payout_address"]
buyer_sig_data = parse_sig_file(args["sigfile"])
# Create DB and keychain
db = Database(testnet)
keychain = KeyChain(db)
# Get the correct blockchain to use
blockchain = None
if not dryrun:
if testnet:
blockchain = LibbitcoinClient(LIBBITCOIN_SERVERS_TESTNET, log=Logger(service="LibbitcoinClient"))
blockchain = LibbitcoinClient(LIBBITCOIN_SERVERS, log=Logger(service="LibbitcoinClient"))
# Get payment data from contract
payment_data = load_payment_data(order_id)
# Check if it's multisig or not
# Testnet only supports multisig right now
is_multisig = payment_data["address"][0] == "3"
if testnet:
is_multisig = True
# Generate the private key for the order
master_key = bitcointools.bip32_extract_key(keychain.bitcoin_master_privkey)
order_key = derive_childkey(master_key, payment_data["chaincode"], bitcointools.MAINNET_PRIVATE)
if testnet:
order_key = derive_childkey(master_key, payment_data["chaincode"], bitcointools.TESTNET_PRIVATE)
# Get inputs
outpoints = load_outpoints(db, order_id)
# Calculate transaction total (sum of inputs - tx fee)
out_value = sum(x["value"] for x in outpoints) - long(payment_data["refund_tx_fee"])
# Build the transaction
redeem_script = payment_data["redeem_script"]
tx = BitcoinTransaction.make_unsigned(outpoints, payout_address, testnet=testnet, out_value=out_value)
# Handle direct payments. Just a simple signature, broadcast, and we're done
if not is_multisig:
finalize_transaction(tx, blockchain)
# Handle multisig 2-of-3 payments
# Generate our signature data
our_sig_data = signature_data(tx, order_key, redeem_script)
# If no buyer sigs provided then we are the buyer
# Just dump our sig data out and exit
if buyer_sig_data is None:
# Otherwise we're the vendor or moderator. Finish signing and broadcast
signatures = []
for i in range(len(outpoints)):
"index": i,
"signatures": [
next(s for s in buyer_sig_data["signature(s)"] if s["index"] == i)["signature"].encode('ascii','ignore'),
next(s for s in our_sig_data["signature(s)"] if s["index"] == i)["signature"].encode('ascii','ignore')
tx.multisign(signatures, redeem_script.encode('ascii','ignore'))
finalize_transaction(tx, blockchain)
if __name__ == "__main__":
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Great tool thanks!

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