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Created August 22, 2017 02:27
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clang svn rpcs3 compile failure
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# 1 "<built-in>"
# 1 "rpcs3/Emu/Cell/PPUAnalyser.cpp"
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include "stdafx.h"
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 1 "rpcs3/Emu/Cell/PPUAnalyser.cpp"
# 1 "rpcs3/stdafx.h" 1
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#pragma once
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 2 "rpcs3/stdafx.h"
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <stdlib.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 5 "rpcs3/stdafx.h"
# 6 "rpcs3/stdafx.h"
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <crtdbg.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 6 "rpcs3/stdafx.h"
# 7 "rpcs3/stdafx.h"
# 8 "rpcs3/stdafx.h"
#define NOMINMAX
#if defined(MSVC_CRT_MEMLEAK_DETECTION) && defined(_DEBUG) && !defined(DBG_NEW)
#define DBG_NEW new ( _NORMAL_BLOCK , __FILE__ , __LINE__ )
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include "define_new_memleakdetect.h"
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 17 "rpcs3/stdafx.h"
# 18 "rpcs3/stdafx.h"
# 19 "rpcs3/stdafx.h"
#pragma warning( disable : 4351 )
// MSVC bug workaround
#ifdef _MSC_VER
namespace std { inline namespace literals { inline namespace chrono_literals {}}}
# 26 "rpcs3/stdafx.h"
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include "Utilities/types.h"
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 27 "rpcs3/stdafx.h"
# 1 "./Utilities/types.h" 1
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#pragma once
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 2 "./Utilities/types.h"
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <intrin.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 4 "./Utilities/types.h"
# 5 "./Utilities/types.h"
# 6 "./Utilities/types.h"
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <x86intrin.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 6 "./Utilities/types.h"
# 1 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/x86intrin.h" 1 3
/*===---- x86intrin.h - X86 intrinsics -------------------------------------===
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
* of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
* in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
* to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
* copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
* furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
* all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
#ifndef __X86INTRIN_H
#define __X86INTRIN_H
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <ia32intrin.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 27 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/x86intrin.h" 3
# 1 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/ia32intrin.h" 1 3
/* ===-------- ia32intrin.h ---------------------------------------------------===
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
* of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
* in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
* to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
* copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
* furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
* all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
#ifndef __X86INTRIN_H
#error "Never use <ia32intrin.h> directly; include <x86intrin.h> instead."
# 27 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/ia32intrin.h" 3
#ifndef __IA32INTRIN_H
#define __IA32INTRIN_H
#ifdef __x86_64__
static __inline__ unsigned long long __attribute__((__always_inline__, __nodebug__))
return __builtin_ia32_readeflags_u64();
static __inline__ void __attribute__((__always_inline__, __nodebug__))
__writeeflags(unsigned long long __f)
#else /* !__x86_64__ */
# 45 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/ia32intrin.h" 3
static __inline__ unsigned int __attribute__((__always_inline__, __nodebug__))
return __builtin_ia32_readeflags_u32();
static __inline__ void __attribute__((__always_inline__, __nodebug__))
__writeeflags(unsigned int __f)
#endif /* !__x86_64__ */
# 57 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/ia32intrin.h" 3
static __inline__ unsigned long long __attribute__((__always_inline__, __nodebug__))
__rdpmc(int __A) {
return __builtin_ia32_rdpmc(__A);
/* __rdtscp */
static __inline__ unsigned long long __attribute__((__always_inline__, __nodebug__))
__rdtscp(unsigned int *__A) {
return __builtin_ia32_rdtscp(__A);
#define _rdtsc() __rdtsc()
#define _rdpmc(A) __rdpmc(A)
#endif /* __IA32INTRIN_H */
# 74 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/ia32intrin.h" 3
# 28 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/x86intrin.h" 2 3
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <immintrin.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 29 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/x86intrin.h" 3
# 1 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/immintrin.h" 1 3
/*===---- immintrin.h - Intel intrinsics -----------------------------------===
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
* of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
* in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
* to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
* copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
* furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
* all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
#ifndef __IMMINTRIN_H
#define __IMMINTRIN_H
#if !defined(_MSC_VER) || __has_feature(modules) || defined(__MMX__)
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <mmintrin.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 28 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/immintrin.h" 3
# 1 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/mmintrin.h" 1 3
/*===---- mmintrin.h - MMX intrinsics --------------------------------------===
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
* of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
* in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
* to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
* copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
* furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
* all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
#ifndef __MMINTRIN_H
#define __MMINTRIN_H
typedef long long __m64 __attribute__((__vector_size__(8)));
typedef long long __v1di __attribute__((__vector_size__(8)));
typedef int __v2si __attribute__((__vector_size__(8)));
typedef short __v4hi __attribute__((__vector_size__(8)));
typedef char __v8qi __attribute__((__vector_size__(8)));
/* Define the default attributes for the functions in this file. */
#define __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS __attribute__((__always_inline__, __nodebug__, __target__("mmx")))
/// \brief Clears the MMX state by setting the state of the x87 stack registers
/// to empty.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> EMMS </c> instruction.
static __inline__ void __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
/// \brief Constructs a 64-bit integer vector, setting the lower 32 bits to the
/// value of the 32-bit integer parameter and setting the upper 32 bits to 0.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VMOVD / MOVD </c> instruction.
/// \param __i
/// A 32-bit integer value.
/// \returns A 64-bit integer vector. The lower 32 bits contain the value of the
/// parameter. The upper 32 bits are set to 0.
static __inline__ __m64 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cvtsi32_si64(int __i)
return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_vec_init_v2si(__i, 0);
/// \brief Returns the lower 32 bits of a 64-bit integer vector as a 32-bit
/// signed integer.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VMOVD / MOVD </c> instruction.
/// \param __m
/// A 64-bit integer vector.
/// \returns A 32-bit signed integer value containing the lower 32 bits of the
/// parameter.
static __inline__ int __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cvtsi64_si32(__m64 __m)
return __builtin_ia32_vec_ext_v2si((__v2si)__m, 0);
/// \brief Casts a 64-bit signed integer value into a 64-bit integer vector.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VMOVQ / MOVD </c> instruction.
/// \param __i
/// A 64-bit signed integer.
/// \returns A 64-bit integer vector containing the same bitwise pattern as the
/// parameter.
static __inline__ __m64 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cvtsi64_m64(long long __i)
return (__m64)__i;
/// \brief Casts a 64-bit integer vector into a 64-bit signed integer value.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VMOVQ / MOVD </c> instruction.
/// \param __m
/// A 64-bit integer vector.
/// \returns A 64-bit signed integer containing the same bitwise pattern as the
/// parameter.
static __inline__ long long __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cvtm64_si64(__m64 __m)
return (long long)__m;
/// \brief Converts 16-bit signed integers from both 64-bit integer vector
/// parameters of [4 x i16] into 8-bit signed integer values, and constructs
/// a 64-bit integer vector of [8 x i8] as the result. Positive values
/// greater than 0x7F are saturated to 0x7F. Negative values less than 0x80
/// are saturated to 0x80.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> PACKSSWB </c> instruction.
/// \param __m1
/// A 64-bit integer vector of [4 x i16]. Each 16-bit element is treated as a
/// 16-bit signed integer and is converted to an 8-bit signed integer with
/// saturation. Positive values greater than 0x7F are saturated to 0x7F.
/// Negative values less than 0x80 are saturated to 0x80. The converted
/// [4 x i8] values are written to the lower 32 bits of the result.
/// \param __m2
/// A 64-bit integer vector of [4 x i16]. Each 16-bit element is treated as a
/// 16-bit signed integer and is converted to an 8-bit signed integer with
/// saturation. Positive values greater than 0x7F are saturated to 0x7F.
/// Negative values less than 0x80 are saturated to 0x80. The converted
/// [4 x i8] values are written to the upper 32 bits of the result.
/// \returns A 64-bit integer vector of [8 x i8] containing the converted
/// values.
static __inline__ __m64 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_packs_pi16(__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_packsswb((__v4hi)__m1, (__v4hi)__m2);
/// \brief Converts 32-bit signed integers from both 64-bit integer vector
/// parameters of [2 x i32] into 16-bit signed integer values, and constructs
/// a 64-bit integer vector of [4 x i16] as the result. Positive values
/// greater than 0x7FFF are saturated to 0x7FFF. Negative values less than
/// 0x8000 are saturated to 0x8000.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> PACKSSDW </c> instruction.
/// \param __m1
/// A 64-bit integer vector of [2 x i32]. Each 32-bit element is treated as a
/// 32-bit signed integer and is converted to a 16-bit signed integer with
/// saturation. Positive values greater than 0x7FFF are saturated to 0x7FFF.
/// Negative values less than 0x8000 are saturated to 0x8000. The converted
/// [2 x i16] values are written to the lower 32 bits of the result.
/// \param __m2
/// A 64-bit integer vector of [2 x i32]. Each 32-bit element is treated as a
/// 32-bit signed integer and is converted to a 16-bit signed integer with
/// saturation. Positive values greater than 0x7FFF are saturated to 0x7FFF.
/// Negative values less than 0x8000 are saturated to 0x8000. The converted
/// [2 x i16] values are written to the upper 32 bits of the result.
/// \returns A 64-bit integer vector of [4 x i16] containing the converted
/// values.
static __inline__ __m64 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_packs_pi32(__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_packssdw((__v2si)__m1, (__v2si)__m2);
/// \brief Converts 16-bit signed integers from both 64-bit integer vector
/// parameters of [4 x i16] into 8-bit unsigned integer values, and
/// constructs a 64-bit integer vector of [8 x i8] as the result. Values
/// greater than 0xFF are saturated to 0xFF. Values less than 0 are saturated
/// to 0.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> PACKUSWB </c> instruction.
/// \param __m1
/// A 64-bit integer vector of [4 x i16]. Each 16-bit element is treated as a
/// 16-bit signed integer and is converted to an 8-bit unsigned integer with
/// saturation. Values greater than 0xFF are saturated to 0xFF. Values less
/// than 0 are saturated to 0. The converted [4 x i8] values are written to
/// the lower 32 bits of the result.
/// \param __m2
/// A 64-bit integer vector of [4 x i16]. Each 16-bit element is treated as a
/// 16-bit signed integer and is converted to an 8-bit unsigned integer with
/// saturation. Values greater than 0xFF are saturated to 0xFF. Values less
/// than 0 are saturated to 0. The converted [4 x i8] values are written to
/// the upper 32 bits of the result.
/// \returns A 64-bit integer vector of [8 x i8] containing the converted
/// values.
static __inline__ __m64 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_packs_pu16(__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_packuswb((__v4hi)__m1, (__v4hi)__m2);
/// \brief Unpacks the upper 32 bits from two 64-bit integer vectors of [8 x i8]
/// and interleaves them into a 64-bit integer vector of [8 x i8].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> PUNPCKHBW </c> instruction.
/// \param __m1
/// A 64-bit integer vector of [8 x i8]. \n
/// Bits [39:32] are written to bits [7:0] of the result. \n
/// Bits [47:40] are written to bits [23:16] of the result. \n
/// Bits [55:48] are written to bits [39:32] of the result. \n
/// Bits [63:56] are written to bits [55:48] of the result.
/// \param __m2
/// A 64-bit integer vector of [8 x i8].
/// Bits [39:32] are written to bits [15:8] of the result. \n
/// Bits [47:40] are written to bits [31:24] of the result. \n
/// Bits [55:48] are written to bits [47:40] of the result. \n
/// Bits [63:56] are written to bits [63:56] of the result.
/// \returns A 64-bit integer vector of [8 x i8] containing the interleaved
/// values.
static __inline__ __m64 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_unpackhi_pi8(__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_punpckhbw((__v8qi)__m1, (__v8qi)__m2);
/// \brief Unpacks the upper 32 bits from two 64-bit integer vectors of
/// [4 x i16] and interleaves them into a 64-bit integer vector of [4 x i16].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> PUNPCKHWD </c> instruction.
/// \param __m1
/// A 64-bit integer vector of [4 x i16].
/// Bits [47:32] are written to bits [15:0] of the result. \n
/// Bits [63:48] are written to bits [47:32] of the result.
/// \param __m2
/// A 64-bit integer vector of [4 x i16].
/// Bits [47:32] are written to bits [31:16] of the result. \n
/// Bits [63:48] are written to bits [63:48] of the result.
/// \returns A 64-bit integer vector of [4 x i16] containing the interleaved
/// values.
static __inline__ __m64 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_unpackhi_pi16(__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_punpckhwd((__v4hi)__m1, (__v4hi)__m2);
/// \brief Unpacks the upper 32 bits from two 64-bit integer vectors of
/// [2 x i32] and interleaves them into a 64-bit integer vector of [2 x i32].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> PUNPCKHDQ </c> instruction.
/// \param __m1
/// A 64-bit integer vector of [2 x i32]. The upper 32 bits are written to
/// the lower 32 bits of the result.
/// \param __m2
/// A 64-bit integer vector of [2 x i32]. The upper 32 bits are written to
/// the upper 32 bits of the result.
/// \returns A 64-bit integer vector of [2 x i32] containing the interleaved
/// values.
static __inline__ __m64 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_unpackhi_pi32(__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_punpckhdq((__v2si)__m1, (__v2si)__m2);
/// \brief Unpacks the lower 32 bits from two 64-bit integer vectors of [8 x i8]
/// and interleaves them into a 64-bit integer vector of [8 x i8].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> PUNPCKLBW </c> instruction.
/// \param __m1
/// A 64-bit integer vector of [8 x i8].
/// Bits [7:0] are written to bits [7:0] of the result. \n
/// Bits [15:8] are written to bits [23:16] of the result. \n
/// Bits [23:16] are written to bits [39:32] of the result. \n
/// Bits [31:24] are written to bits [55:48] of the result.
/// \param __m2
/// A 64-bit integer vector of [8 x i8].
/// Bits [7:0] are written to bits [15:8] of the result. \n
/// Bits [15:8] are written to bits [31:24] of the result. \n
/// Bits [23:16] are written to bits [47:40] of the result. \n
/// Bits [31:24] are written to bits [63:56] of the result.
/// \returns A 64-bit integer vector of [8 x i8] containing the interleaved
/// values.
static __inline__ __m64 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_unpacklo_pi8(__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_punpcklbw((__v8qi)__m1, (__v8qi)__m2);
/// \brief Unpacks the lower 32 bits from two 64-bit integer vectors of
/// [4 x i16] and interleaves them into a 64-bit integer vector of [4 x i16].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> PUNPCKLWD </c> instruction.
/// \param __m1
/// A 64-bit integer vector of [4 x i16].
/// Bits [15:0] are written to bits [15:0] of the result. \n
/// Bits [31:16] are written to bits [47:32] of the result.
/// \param __m2
/// A 64-bit integer vector of [4 x i16].
/// Bits [15:0] are written to bits [31:16] of the result. \n
/// Bits [31:16] are written to bits [63:48] of the result.
/// \returns A 64-bit integer vector of [4 x i16] containing the interleaved
/// values.
static __inline__ __m64 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_unpacklo_pi16(__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_punpcklwd((__v4hi)__m1, (__v4hi)__m2);
/// \brief Unpacks the lower 32 bits from two 64-bit integer vectors of
/// [2 x i32] and interleaves them into a 64-bit integer vector of [2 x i32].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> PUNPCKLDQ </c> instruction.
/// \param __m1
/// A 64-bit integer vector of [2 x i32]. The lower 32 bits are written to
/// the lower 32 bits of the result.
/// \param __m2
/// A 64-bit integer vector of [2 x i32]. The lower 32 bits are written to
/// the upper 32 bits of the result.
/// \returns A 64-bit integer vector of [2 x i32] containing the interleaved
/// values.
static __inline__ __m64 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_unpacklo_pi32(__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_punpckldq((__v2si)__m1, (__v2si)__m2);
/// \brief Adds each 8-bit integer element of the first 64-bit integer vector
/// of [8 x i8] to the corresponding 8-bit integer element of the second
/// 64-bit integer vector of [8 x i8]. The lower 8 bits of the results are
/// packed into a 64-bit integer vector of [8 x i8].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> PADDB </c> instruction.
/// \param __m1
/// A 64-bit integer vector of [8 x i8].
/// \param __m2
/// A 64-bit integer vector of [8 x i8].
/// \returns A 64-bit integer vector of [8 x i8] containing the sums of both
/// parameters.
static __inline__ __m64 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_add_pi8(__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_paddb((__v8qi)__m1, (__v8qi)__m2);
/// \brief Adds each 16-bit integer element of the first 64-bit integer vector
/// of [4 x i16] to the corresponding 16-bit integer element of the second
/// 64-bit integer vector of [4 x i16]. The lower 16 bits of the results are
/// packed into a 64-bit integer vector of [4 x i16].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> PADDW </c> instruction.
/// \param __m1
/// A 64-bit integer vector of [4 x i16].
/// \param __m2
/// A 64-bit integer vector of [4 x i16].
/// \returns A 64-bit integer vector of [4 x i16] containing the sums of both
/// parameters.
static __inline__ __m64 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_add_pi16(__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_paddw((__v4hi)__m1, (__v4hi)__m2);
/// \brief Adds each 32-bit integer element of the first 64-bit integer vector
/// of [2 x i32] to the corresponding 32-bit integer element of the second
/// 64-bit integer vector of [2 x i32]. The lower 32 bits of the results are
/// packed into a 64-bit integer vector of [2 x i32].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> PADDD </c> instruction.
/// \param __m1
/// A 64-bit integer vector of [2 x i32].
/// \param __m2
/// A 64-bit integer vector of [2 x i32].
/// \returns A 64-bit integer vector of [2 x i32] containing the sums of both
/// parameters.
static __inline__ __m64 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_add_pi32(__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_paddd((__v2si)__m1, (__v2si)__m2);
/// \brief Adds each 8-bit signed integer element of the first 64-bit integer
/// vector of [8 x i8] to the corresponding 8-bit signed integer element of
/// the second 64-bit integer vector of [8 x i8]. Positive sums greater than
/// 0x7F are saturated to 0x7F. Negative sums less than 0x80 are saturated to
/// 0x80. The results are packed into a 64-bit integer vector of [8 x i8].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> PADDSB </c> instruction.
/// \param __m1
/// A 64-bit integer vector of [8 x i8].
/// \param __m2
/// A 64-bit integer vector of [8 x i8].
/// \returns A 64-bit integer vector of [8 x i8] containing the saturated sums
/// of both parameters.
static __inline__ __m64 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_adds_pi8(__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_paddsb((__v8qi)__m1, (__v8qi)__m2);
/// \brief Adds each 16-bit signed integer element of the first 64-bit integer
/// vector of [4 x i16] to the corresponding 16-bit signed integer element of
/// the second 64-bit integer vector of [4 x i16]. Positive sums greater than
/// 0x7FFF are saturated to 0x7FFF. Negative sums less than 0x8000 are
/// saturated to 0x8000. The results are packed into a 64-bit integer vector
/// of [4 x i16].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> PADDSW </c> instruction.
/// \param __m1
/// A 64-bit integer vector of [4 x i16].
/// \param __m2
/// A 64-bit integer vector of [4 x i16].
/// \returns A 64-bit integer vector of [4 x i16] containing the saturated sums
/// of both parameters.
static __inline__ __m64 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_adds_pi16(__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_paddsw((__v4hi)__m1, (__v4hi)__m2);
/// \brief Adds each 8-bit unsigned integer element of the first 64-bit integer
/// vector of [8 x i8] to the corresponding 8-bit unsigned integer element of
/// the second 64-bit integer vector of [8 x i8]. Sums greater than 0xFF are
/// saturated to 0xFF. The results are packed into a 64-bit integer vector of
/// [8 x i8].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> PADDUSB </c> instruction.
/// \param __m1
/// A 64-bit integer vector of [8 x i8].
/// \param __m2
/// A 64-bit integer vector of [8 x i8].
/// \returns A 64-bit integer vector of [8 x i8] containing the saturated
/// unsigned sums of both parameters.
static __inline__ __m64 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_adds_pu8(__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_paddusb((__v8qi)__m1, (__v8qi)__m2);
/// \brief Adds each 16-bit unsigned integer element of the first 64-bit integer
/// vector of [4 x i16] to the corresponding 16-bit unsigned integer element
/// of the second 64-bit integer vector of [4 x i16]. Sums greater than
/// 0xFFFF are saturated to 0xFFFF. The results are packed into a 64-bit
/// integer vector of [4 x i16].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> PADDUSW </c> instruction.
/// \param __m1
/// A 64-bit integer vector of [4 x i16].
/// \param __m2
/// A 64-bit integer vector of [4 x i16].
/// \returns A 64-bit integer vector of [4 x i16] containing the saturated
/// unsigned sums of both parameters.
static __inline__ __m64 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_adds_pu16(__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_paddusw((__v4hi)__m1, (__v4hi)__m2);
/// \brief Subtracts each 8-bit integer element of the second 64-bit integer
/// vector of [8 x i8] from the corresponding 8-bit integer element of the
/// first 64-bit integer vector of [8 x i8]. The lower 8 bits of the results
/// are packed into a 64-bit integer vector of [8 x i8].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> PSUBB </c> instruction.
/// \param __m1
/// A 64-bit integer vector of [8 x i8] containing the minuends.
/// \param __m2
/// A 64-bit integer vector of [8 x i8] containing the subtrahends.
/// \returns A 64-bit integer vector of [8 x i8] containing the differences of
/// both parameters.
static __inline__ __m64 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_sub_pi8(__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_psubb((__v8qi)__m1, (__v8qi)__m2);
/// \brief Subtracts each 16-bit integer element of the second 64-bit integer
/// vector of [4 x i16] from the corresponding 16-bit integer element of the
/// first 64-bit integer vector of [4 x i16]. The lower 16 bits of the
/// results are packed into a 64-bit integer vector of [4 x i16].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> PSUBW </c> instruction.
/// \param __m1
/// A 64-bit integer vector of [4 x i16] containing the minuends.
/// \param __m2
/// A 64-bit integer vector of [4 x i16] containing the subtrahends.
/// \returns A 64-bit integer vector of [4 x i16] containing the differences of
/// both parameters.
static __inline__ __m64 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_sub_pi16(__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_psubw((__v4hi)__m1, (__v4hi)__m2);
/// \brief Subtracts each 32-bit integer element of the second 64-bit integer
/// vector of [2 x i32] from the corresponding 32-bit integer element of the
/// first 64-bit integer vector of [2 x i32]. The lower 32 bits of the
/// results are packed into a 64-bit integer vector of [2 x i32].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> PSUBD </c> instruction.
/// \param __m1
/// A 64-bit integer vector of [2 x i32] containing the minuends.
/// \param __m2
/// A 64-bit integer vector of [2 x i32] containing the subtrahends.
/// \returns A 64-bit integer vector of [2 x i32] containing the differences of
/// both parameters.
static __inline__ __m64 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_sub_pi32(__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_psubd((__v2si)__m1, (__v2si)__m2);
/// \brief Subtracts each 8-bit signed integer element of the second 64-bit
/// integer vector of [8 x i8] from the corresponding 8-bit signed integer
/// element of the first 64-bit integer vector of [8 x i8]. Positive results
/// greater than 0x7F are saturated to 0x7F. Negative results less than 0x80
/// are saturated to 0x80. The results are packed into a 64-bit integer
/// vector of [8 x i8].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> PSUBSB </c> instruction.
/// \param __m1
/// A 64-bit integer vector of [8 x i8] containing the minuends.
/// \param __m2
/// A 64-bit integer vector of [8 x i8] containing the subtrahends.
/// \returns A 64-bit integer vector of [8 x i8] containing the saturated
/// differences of both parameters.
static __inline__ __m64 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_subs_pi8(__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_psubsb((__v8qi)__m1, (__v8qi)__m2);
/// \brief Subtracts each 16-bit signed integer element of the second 64-bit
/// integer vector of [4 x i16] from the corresponding 16-bit signed integer
/// element of the first 64-bit integer vector of [4 x i16]. Positive results
/// greater than 0x7FFF are saturated to 0x7FFF. Negative results less than
/// 0x8000 are saturated to 0x8000. The results are packed into a 64-bit
/// integer vector of [4 x i16].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> PSUBSW </c> instruction.
/// \param __m1
/// A 64-bit integer vector of [4 x i16] containing the minuends.
/// \param __m2
/// A 64-bit integer vector of [4 x i16] containing the subtrahends.
/// \returns A 64-bit integer vector of [4 x i16] containing the saturated
/// differences of both parameters.
static __inline__ __m64 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_subs_pi16(__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_psubsw((__v4hi)__m1, (__v4hi)__m2);
/// \brief Subtracts each 8-bit unsigned integer element of the second 64-bit
/// integer vector of [8 x i8] from the corresponding 8-bit unsigned integer
/// element of the first 64-bit integer vector of [8 x i8].
/// If an element of the first vector is less than the corresponding element
/// of the second vector, the result is saturated to 0. The results are
/// packed into a 64-bit integer vector of [8 x i8].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> PSUBUSB </c> instruction.
/// \param __m1
/// A 64-bit integer vector of [8 x i8] containing the minuends.
/// \param __m2
/// A 64-bit integer vector of [8 x i8] containing the subtrahends.
/// \returns A 64-bit integer vector of [8 x i8] containing the saturated
/// differences of both parameters.
static __inline__ __m64 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_subs_pu8(__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_psubusb((__v8qi)__m1, (__v8qi)__m2);
/// \brief Subtracts each 16-bit unsigned integer element of the second 64-bit
/// integer vector of [4 x i16] from the corresponding 16-bit unsigned
/// integer element of the first 64-bit integer vector of [4 x i16].
/// If an element of the first vector is less than the corresponding element
/// of the second vector, the result is saturated to 0. The results are
/// packed into a 64-bit integer vector of [4 x i16].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> PSUBUSW </c> instruction.
/// \param __m1
/// A 64-bit integer vector of [4 x i16] containing the minuends.
/// \param __m2
/// A 64-bit integer vector of [4 x i16] containing the subtrahends.
/// \returns A 64-bit integer vector of [4 x i16] containing the saturated
/// differences of both parameters.
static __inline__ __m64 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_subs_pu16(__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_psubusw((__v4hi)__m1, (__v4hi)__m2);
/// \brief Multiplies each 16-bit signed integer element of the first 64-bit
/// integer vector of [4 x i16] by the corresponding 16-bit signed integer
/// element of the second 64-bit integer vector of [4 x i16] and get four
/// 32-bit products. Adds adjacent pairs of products to get two 32-bit sums.
/// The lower 32 bits of these two sums are packed into a 64-bit integer
/// vector of [2 x i32].
/// For example, bits [15:0] of both parameters are multiplied, bits [31:16]
/// of both parameters are multiplied, and the sum of both results is written
/// to bits [31:0] of the result.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> PMADDWD </c> instruction.
/// \param __m1
/// A 64-bit integer vector of [4 x i16].
/// \param __m2
/// A 64-bit integer vector of [4 x i16].
/// \returns A 64-bit integer vector of [2 x i32] containing the sums of
/// products of both parameters.
static __inline__ __m64 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_madd_pi16(__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_pmaddwd((__v4hi)__m1, (__v4hi)__m2);
/// \brief Multiplies each 16-bit signed integer element of the first 64-bit
/// integer vector of [4 x i16] by the corresponding 16-bit signed integer
/// element of the second 64-bit integer vector of [4 x i16]. Packs the upper
/// 16 bits of the 32-bit products into a 64-bit integer vector of [4 x i16].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> PMULHW </c> instruction.
/// \param __m1
/// A 64-bit integer vector of [4 x i16].
/// \param __m2
/// A 64-bit integer vector of [4 x i16].
/// \returns A 64-bit integer vector of [4 x i16] containing the upper 16 bits
/// of the products of both parameters.
static __inline__ __m64 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_mulhi_pi16(__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_pmulhw((__v4hi)__m1, (__v4hi)__m2);
/// \brief Multiplies each 16-bit signed integer element of the first 64-bit
/// integer vector of [4 x i16] by the corresponding 16-bit signed integer
/// element of the second 64-bit integer vector of [4 x i16]. Packs the lower
/// 16 bits of the 32-bit products into a 64-bit integer vector of [4 x i16].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> PMULLW </c> instruction.
/// \param __m1
/// A 64-bit integer vector of [4 x i16].
/// \param __m2
/// A 64-bit integer vector of [4 x i16].
/// \returns A 64-bit integer vector of [4 x i16] containing the lower 16 bits
/// of the products of both parameters.
static __inline__ __m64 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_mullo_pi16(__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_pmullw((__v4hi)__m1, (__v4hi)__m2);
/// \brief Left-shifts each 16-bit signed integer element of the first
/// parameter, which is a 64-bit integer vector of [4 x i16], by the number
/// of bits specified by the second parameter, which is a 64-bit integer. The
/// lower 16 bits of the results are packed into a 64-bit integer vector of
/// [4 x i16].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> PSLLW </c> instruction.
/// \param __m
/// A 64-bit integer vector of [4 x i16].
/// \param __count
/// A 64-bit integer vector interpreted as a single 64-bit integer.
/// \returns A 64-bit integer vector of [4 x i16] containing the left-shifted
/// values. If \a __count is greater or equal to 16, the result is set to all
/// 0.
static __inline__ __m64 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_sll_pi16(__m64 __m, __m64 __count)
return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_psllw((__v4hi)__m, __count);
/// \brief Left-shifts each 16-bit signed integer element of a 64-bit integer
/// vector of [4 x i16] by the number of bits specified by a 32-bit integer.
/// The lower 16 bits of the results are packed into a 64-bit integer vector
/// of [4 x i16].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> PSLLW </c> instruction.
/// \param __m
/// A 64-bit integer vector of [4 x i16].
/// \param __count
/// A 32-bit integer value.
/// \returns A 64-bit integer vector of [4 x i16] containing the left-shifted
/// values. If \a __count is greater or equal to 16, the result is set to all
/// 0.
static __inline__ __m64 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_slli_pi16(__m64 __m, int __count)
return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_psllwi((__v4hi)__m, __count);
/// \brief Left-shifts each 32-bit signed integer element of the first
/// parameter, which is a 64-bit integer vector of [2 x i32], by the number
/// of bits specified by the second parameter, which is a 64-bit integer. The
/// lower 32 bits of the results are packed into a 64-bit integer vector of
/// [2 x i32].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> PSLLD </c> instruction.
/// \param __m
/// A 64-bit integer vector of [2 x i32].
/// \param __count
/// A 64-bit integer vector interpreted as a single 64-bit integer.
/// \returns A 64-bit integer vector of [2 x i32] containing the left-shifted
/// values. If \a __count is greater or equal to 32, the result is set to all
/// 0.
static __inline__ __m64 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_sll_pi32(__m64 __m, __m64 __count)
return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_pslld((__v2si)__m, __count);
/// \brief Left-shifts each 32-bit signed integer element of a 64-bit integer
/// vector of [2 x i32] by the number of bits specified by a 32-bit integer.
/// The lower 32 bits of the results are packed into a 64-bit integer vector
/// of [2 x i32].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> PSLLD </c> instruction.
/// \param __m
/// A 64-bit integer vector of [2 x i32].
/// \param __count
/// A 32-bit integer value.
/// \returns A 64-bit integer vector of [2 x i32] containing the left-shifted
/// values. If \a __count is greater or equal to 32, the result is set to all
/// 0.
static __inline__ __m64 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_slli_pi32(__m64 __m, int __count)
return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_pslldi((__v2si)__m, __count);
/// \brief Left-shifts the first 64-bit integer parameter by the number of bits
/// specified by the second 64-bit integer parameter. The lower 64 bits of
/// result are returned.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> PSLLQ </c> instruction.
/// \param __m
/// A 64-bit integer vector interpreted as a single 64-bit integer.
/// \param __count
/// A 64-bit integer vector interpreted as a single 64-bit integer.
/// \returns A 64-bit integer vector containing the left-shifted value. If
/// \a __count is greater or equal to 64, the result is set to 0.
static __inline__ __m64 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_sll_si64(__m64 __m, __m64 __count)
return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_psllq((__v1di)__m, __count);
/// \brief Left-shifts the first parameter, which is a 64-bit integer, by the
/// number of bits specified by the second parameter, which is a 32-bit
/// integer. The lower 64 bits of result are returned.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> PSLLQ </c> instruction.
/// \param __m
/// A 64-bit integer vector interpreted as a single 64-bit integer.
/// \param __count
/// A 32-bit integer value.
/// \returns A 64-bit integer vector containing the left-shifted value. If
/// \a __count is greater or equal to 64, the result is set to 0.
static __inline__ __m64 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_slli_si64(__m64 __m, int __count)
return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_psllqi((__v1di)__m, __count);
/// \brief Right-shifts each 16-bit integer element of the first parameter,
/// which is a 64-bit integer vector of [4 x i16], by the number of bits
/// specified by the second parameter, which is a 64-bit integer.
/// High-order bits are filled with the sign bit of the initial value of each
/// 16-bit element. The 16-bit results are packed into a 64-bit integer
/// vector of [4 x i16].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> PSRAW </c> instruction.
/// \param __m
/// A 64-bit integer vector of [4 x i16].
/// \param __count
/// A 64-bit integer vector interpreted as a single 64-bit integer.
/// \returns A 64-bit integer vector of [4 x i16] containing the right-shifted
/// values.
static __inline__ __m64 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_sra_pi16(__m64 __m, __m64 __count)
return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_psraw((__v4hi)__m, __count);
/// \brief Right-shifts each 16-bit integer element of a 64-bit integer vector
/// of [4 x i16] by the number of bits specified by a 32-bit integer.
/// High-order bits are filled with the sign bit of the initial value of each
/// 16-bit element. The 16-bit results are packed into a 64-bit integer
/// vector of [4 x i16].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> PSRAW </c> instruction.
/// \param __m
/// A 64-bit integer vector of [4 x i16].
/// \param __count
/// A 32-bit integer value.
/// \returns A 64-bit integer vector of [4 x i16] containing the right-shifted
/// values.
static __inline__ __m64 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_srai_pi16(__m64 __m, int __count)
return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_psrawi((__v4hi)__m, __count);
/// \brief Right-shifts each 32-bit integer element of the first parameter,
/// which is a 64-bit integer vector of [2 x i32], by the number of bits
/// specified by the second parameter, which is a 64-bit integer.
/// High-order bits are filled with the sign bit of the initial value of each
/// 32-bit element. The 32-bit results are packed into a 64-bit integer
/// vector of [2 x i32].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> PSRAD </c> instruction.
/// \param __m
/// A 64-bit integer vector of [2 x i32].
/// \param __count
/// A 64-bit integer vector interpreted as a single 64-bit integer.
/// \returns A 64-bit integer vector of [2 x i32] containing the right-shifted
/// values.
static __inline__ __m64 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_sra_pi32(__m64 __m, __m64 __count)
return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_psrad((__v2si)__m, __count);
/// \brief Right-shifts each 32-bit integer element of a 64-bit integer vector
/// of [2 x i32] by the number of bits specified by a 32-bit integer.
/// High-order bits are filled with the sign bit of the initial value of each
/// 32-bit element. The 32-bit results are packed into a 64-bit integer
/// vector of [2 x i32].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> PSRAD </c> instruction.
/// \param __m
/// A 64-bit integer vector of [2 x i32].
/// \param __count
/// A 32-bit integer value.
/// \returns A 64-bit integer vector of [2 x i32] containing the right-shifted
/// values.
static __inline__ __m64 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_srai_pi32(__m64 __m, int __count)
return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_psradi((__v2si)__m, __count);
/// \brief Right-shifts each 16-bit integer element of the first parameter,
/// which is a 64-bit integer vector of [4 x i16], by the number of bits
/// specified by the second parameter, which is a 64-bit integer.
/// High-order bits are cleared. The 16-bit results are packed into a 64-bit
/// integer vector of [4 x i16].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> PSRLW </c> instruction.
/// \param __m
/// A 64-bit integer vector of [4 x i16].
/// \param __count
/// A 64-bit integer vector interpreted as a single 64-bit integer.
/// \returns A 64-bit integer vector of [4 x i16] containing the right-shifted
/// values.
static __inline__ __m64 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_srl_pi16(__m64 __m, __m64 __count)
return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_psrlw((__v4hi)__m, __count);
/// \brief Right-shifts each 16-bit integer element of a 64-bit integer vector
/// of [4 x i16] by the number of bits specified by a 32-bit integer.
/// High-order bits are cleared. The 16-bit results are packed into a 64-bit
/// integer vector of [4 x i16].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> PSRLW </c> instruction.
/// \param __m
/// A 64-bit integer vector of [4 x i16].
/// \param __count
/// A 32-bit integer value.
/// \returns A 64-bit integer vector of [4 x i16] containing the right-shifted
/// values.
static __inline__ __m64 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_srli_pi16(__m64 __m, int __count)
return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_psrlwi((__v4hi)__m, __count);
/// \brief Right-shifts each 32-bit integer element of the first parameter,
/// which is a 64-bit integer vector of [2 x i32], by the number of bits
/// specified by the second parameter, which is a 64-bit integer.
/// High-order bits are cleared. The 32-bit results are packed into a 64-bit
/// integer vector of [2 x i32].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> PSRLD </c> instruction.
/// \param __m
/// A 64-bit integer vector of [2 x i32].
/// \param __count
/// A 64-bit integer vector interpreted as a single 64-bit integer.
/// \returns A 64-bit integer vector of [2 x i32] containing the right-shifted
/// values.
static __inline__ __m64 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_srl_pi32(__m64 __m, __m64 __count)
return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_psrld((__v2si)__m, __count);
/// \brief Right-shifts each 32-bit integer element of a 64-bit integer vector
/// of [2 x i32] by the number of bits specified by a 32-bit integer.
/// High-order bits are cleared. The 32-bit results are packed into a 64-bit
/// integer vector of [2 x i32].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> PSRLD </c> instruction.
/// \param __m
/// A 64-bit integer vector of [2 x i32].
/// \param __count
/// A 32-bit integer value.
/// \returns A 64-bit integer vector of [2 x i32] containing the right-shifted
/// values.
static __inline__ __m64 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_srli_pi32(__m64 __m, int __count)
return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_psrldi((__v2si)__m, __count);
/// \brief Right-shifts the first 64-bit integer parameter by the number of bits
/// specified by the second 64-bit integer parameter.
/// High-order bits are cleared.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> PSRLQ </c> instruction.
/// \param __m
/// A 64-bit integer vector interpreted as a single 64-bit integer.
/// \param __count
/// A 64-bit integer vector interpreted as a single 64-bit integer.
/// \returns A 64-bit integer vector containing the right-shifted value.
static __inline__ __m64 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_srl_si64(__m64 __m, __m64 __count)
return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_psrlq((__v1di)__m, __count);
/// \brief Right-shifts the first parameter, which is a 64-bit integer, by the
/// number of bits specified by the second parameter, which is a 32-bit
/// integer.
/// High-order bits are cleared.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> PSRLQ </c> instruction.
/// \param __m
/// A 64-bit integer vector interpreted as a single 64-bit integer.
/// \param __count
/// A 32-bit integer value.
/// \returns A 64-bit integer vector containing the right-shifted value.
static __inline__ __m64 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_srli_si64(__m64 __m, int __count)
return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_psrlqi((__v1di)__m, __count);
/// \brief Performs a bitwise AND of two 64-bit integer vectors.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> PAND </c> instruction.
/// \param __m1
/// A 64-bit integer vector.
/// \param __m2
/// A 64-bit integer vector.
/// \returns A 64-bit integer vector containing the bitwise AND of both
/// parameters.
static __inline__ __m64 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_and_si64(__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
return __builtin_ia32_pand((__v1di)__m1, (__v1di)__m2);
/// \brief Performs a bitwise NOT of the first 64-bit integer vector, and then
/// performs a bitwise AND of the intermediate result and the second 64-bit
/// integer vector.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> PANDN </c> instruction.
/// \param __m1
/// A 64-bit integer vector. The one's complement of this parameter is used
/// in the bitwise AND.
/// \param __m2
/// A 64-bit integer vector.
/// \returns A 64-bit integer vector containing the bitwise AND of the second
/// parameter and the one's complement of the first parameter.
static __inline__ __m64 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_andnot_si64(__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
return __builtin_ia32_pandn((__v1di)__m1, (__v1di)__m2);
/// \brief Performs a bitwise OR of two 64-bit integer vectors.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> POR </c> instruction.
/// \param __m1
/// A 64-bit integer vector.
/// \param __m2
/// A 64-bit integer vector.
/// \returns A 64-bit integer vector containing the bitwise OR of both
/// parameters.
static __inline__ __m64 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_or_si64(__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
return __builtin_ia32_por((__v1di)__m1, (__v1di)__m2);
/// \brief Performs a bitwise exclusive OR of two 64-bit integer vectors.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> PXOR </c> instruction.
/// \param __m1
/// A 64-bit integer vector.
/// \param __m2
/// A 64-bit integer vector.
/// \returns A 64-bit integer vector containing the bitwise exclusive OR of both
/// parameters.
static __inline__ __m64 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_xor_si64(__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
return __builtin_ia32_pxor((__v1di)__m1, (__v1di)__m2);
/// \brief Compares the 8-bit integer elements of two 64-bit integer vectors of
/// [8 x i8] to determine if the element of the first vector is equal to the
/// corresponding element of the second vector.
/// The comparison yields 0 for false, 0xFF for true.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> PCMPEQB </c> instruction.
/// \param __m1
/// A 64-bit integer vector of [8 x i8].
/// \param __m2
/// A 64-bit integer vector of [8 x i8].
/// \returns A 64-bit integer vector of [8 x i8] containing the comparison
/// results.
static __inline__ __m64 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cmpeq_pi8(__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_pcmpeqb((__v8qi)__m1, (__v8qi)__m2);
/// \brief Compares the 16-bit integer elements of two 64-bit integer vectors of
/// [4 x i16] to determine if the element of the first vector is equal to the
/// corresponding element of the second vector.
/// The comparison yields 0 for false, 0xFFFF for true.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> PCMPEQW </c> instruction.
/// \param __m1
/// A 64-bit integer vector of [4 x i16].
/// \param __m2
/// A 64-bit integer vector of [4 x i16].
/// \returns A 64-bit integer vector of [4 x i16] containing the comparison
/// results.
static __inline__ __m64 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cmpeq_pi16(__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_pcmpeqw((__v4hi)__m1, (__v4hi)__m2);
/// \brief Compares the 32-bit integer elements of two 64-bit integer vectors of
/// [2 x i32] to determine if the element of the first vector is equal to the
/// corresponding element of the second vector.
/// The comparison yields 0 for false, 0xFFFFFFFF for true.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> PCMPEQD </c> instruction.
/// \param __m1
/// A 64-bit integer vector of [2 x i32].
/// \param __m2
/// A 64-bit integer vector of [2 x i32].
/// \returns A 64-bit integer vector of [2 x i32] containing the comparison
/// results.
static __inline__ __m64 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cmpeq_pi32(__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_pcmpeqd((__v2si)__m1, (__v2si)__m2);
/// \brief Compares the 8-bit integer elements of two 64-bit integer vectors of
/// [8 x i8] to determine if the element of the first vector is greater than
/// the corresponding element of the second vector.
/// The comparison yields 0 for false, 0xFF for true.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> PCMPGTB </c> instruction.
/// \param __m1
/// A 64-bit integer vector of [8 x i8].
/// \param __m2
/// A 64-bit integer vector of [8 x i8].
/// \returns A 64-bit integer vector of [8 x i8] containing the comparison
/// results.
static __inline__ __m64 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cmpgt_pi8(__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_pcmpgtb((__v8qi)__m1, (__v8qi)__m2);
/// \brief Compares the 16-bit integer elements of two 64-bit integer vectors of
/// [4 x i16] to determine if the element of the first vector is greater than
/// the corresponding element of the second vector.
/// The comparison yields 0 for false, 0xFFFF for true.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> PCMPGTW </c> instruction.
/// \param __m1
/// A 64-bit integer vector of [4 x i16].
/// \param __m2
/// A 64-bit integer vector of [4 x i16].
/// \returns A 64-bit integer vector of [4 x i16] containing the comparison
/// results.
static __inline__ __m64 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cmpgt_pi16(__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_pcmpgtw((__v4hi)__m1, (__v4hi)__m2);
/// \brief Compares the 32-bit integer elements of two 64-bit integer vectors of
/// [2 x i32] to determine if the element of the first vector is greater than
/// the corresponding element of the second vector.
/// The comparison yields 0 for false, 0xFFFFFFFF for true.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> PCMPGTD </c> instruction.
/// \param __m1
/// A 64-bit integer vector of [2 x i32].
/// \param __m2
/// A 64-bit integer vector of [2 x i32].
/// \returns A 64-bit integer vector of [2 x i32] containing the comparison
/// results.
static __inline__ __m64 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cmpgt_pi32(__m64 __m1, __m64 __m2)
return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_pcmpgtd((__v2si)__m1, (__v2si)__m2);
/// \brief Constructs a 64-bit integer vector initialized to zero.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VXORPS / XORPS </c> instruction.
/// \returns An initialized 64-bit integer vector with all elements set to zero.
static __inline__ __m64 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
return (__m64){ 0LL };
/// \brief Constructs a 64-bit integer vector initialized with the specified
/// 32-bit integer values.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic is a utility function and does not correspond to a specific
/// instruction.
/// \param __i1
/// A 32-bit integer value used to initialize the upper 32 bits of the
/// result.
/// \param __i0
/// A 32-bit integer value used to initialize the lower 32 bits of the
/// result.
/// \returns An initialized 64-bit integer vector.
static __inline__ __m64 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_set_pi32(int __i1, int __i0)
return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_vec_init_v2si(__i0, __i1);
/// \brief Constructs a 64-bit integer vector initialized with the specified
/// 16-bit integer values.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic is a utility function and does not correspond to a specific
/// instruction.
/// \param __s3
/// A 16-bit integer value used to initialize bits [63:48] of the result.
/// \param __s2
/// A 16-bit integer value used to initialize bits [47:32] of the result.
/// \param __s1
/// A 16-bit integer value used to initialize bits [31:16] of the result.
/// \param __s0
/// A 16-bit integer value used to initialize bits [15:0] of the result.
/// \returns An initialized 64-bit integer vector.
static __inline__ __m64 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_set_pi16(short __s3, short __s2, short __s1, short __s0)
return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_vec_init_v4hi(__s0, __s1, __s2, __s3);
/// \brief Constructs a 64-bit integer vector initialized with the specified
/// 8-bit integer values.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic is a utility function and does not correspond to a specific
/// instruction.
/// \param __b7
/// An 8-bit integer value used to initialize bits [63:56] of the result.
/// \param __b6
/// An 8-bit integer value used to initialize bits [55:48] of the result.
/// \param __b5
/// An 8-bit integer value used to initialize bits [47:40] of the result.
/// \param __b4
/// An 8-bit integer value used to initialize bits [39:32] of the result.
/// \param __b3
/// An 8-bit integer value used to initialize bits [31:24] of the result.
/// \param __b2
/// An 8-bit integer value used to initialize bits [23:16] of the result.
/// \param __b1
/// An 8-bit integer value used to initialize bits [15:8] of the result.
/// \param __b0
/// An 8-bit integer value used to initialize bits [7:0] of the result.
/// \returns An initialized 64-bit integer vector.
static __inline__ __m64 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_set_pi8(char __b7, char __b6, char __b5, char __b4, char __b3, char __b2,
char __b1, char __b0)
return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_vec_init_v8qi(__b0, __b1, __b2, __b3,
__b4, __b5, __b6, __b7);
/// \brief Constructs a 64-bit integer vector of [2 x i32], with each of the
/// 32-bit integer vector elements set to the specified 32-bit integer
/// value.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPSHUFD / PSHUFD </c> instruction.
/// \param __i
/// A 32-bit integer value used to initialize each vector element of the
/// result.
/// \returns An initialized 64-bit integer vector of [2 x i32].
static __inline__ __m64 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_set1_pi32(int __i)
return _mm_set_pi32(__i, __i);
/// \brief Constructs a 64-bit integer vector of [4 x i16], with each of the
/// 16-bit integer vector elements set to the specified 16-bit integer
/// value.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPSHUFLW / PSHUFLW </c> instruction.
/// \param __w
/// A 16-bit integer value used to initialize each vector element of the
/// result.
/// \returns An initialized 64-bit integer vector of [4 x i16].
static __inline__ __m64 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_set1_pi16(short __w)
return _mm_set_pi16(__w, __w, __w, __w);
/// \brief Constructs a 64-bit integer vector of [8 x i8], with each of the
/// 8-bit integer vector elements set to the specified 8-bit integer value.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPUNPCKLBW + VPSHUFLW / PUNPCKLBW +
/// PSHUFLW </c> instruction.
/// \param __b
/// An 8-bit integer value used to initialize each vector element of the
/// result.
/// \returns An initialized 64-bit integer vector of [8 x i8].
static __inline__ __m64 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_set1_pi8(char __b)
return _mm_set_pi8(__b, __b, __b, __b, __b, __b, __b, __b);
/// \brief Constructs a 64-bit integer vector, initialized in reverse order with
/// the specified 32-bit integer values.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic is a utility function and does not correspond to a specific
/// instruction.
/// \param __i0
/// A 32-bit integer value used to initialize the lower 32 bits of the
/// result.
/// \param __i1
/// A 32-bit integer value used to initialize the upper 32 bits of the
/// result.
/// \returns An initialized 64-bit integer vector.
static __inline__ __m64 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_setr_pi32(int __i0, int __i1)
return _mm_set_pi32(__i1, __i0);
/// \brief Constructs a 64-bit integer vector, initialized in reverse order with
/// the specified 16-bit integer values.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic is a utility function and does not correspond to a specific
/// instruction.
/// \param __w0
/// A 16-bit integer value used to initialize bits [15:0] of the result.
/// \param __w1
/// A 16-bit integer value used to initialize bits [31:16] of the result.
/// \param __w2
/// A 16-bit integer value used to initialize bits [47:32] of the result.
/// \param __w3
/// A 16-bit integer value used to initialize bits [63:48] of the result.
/// \returns An initialized 64-bit integer vector.
static __inline__ __m64 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_setr_pi16(short __w0, short __w1, short __w2, short __w3)
return _mm_set_pi16(__w3, __w2, __w1, __w0);
/// \brief Constructs a 64-bit integer vector, initialized in reverse order with
/// the specified 8-bit integer values.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic is a utility function and does not correspond to a specific
/// instruction.
/// \param __b0
/// An 8-bit integer value used to initialize bits [7:0] of the result.
/// \param __b1
/// An 8-bit integer value used to initialize bits [15:8] of the result.
/// \param __b2
/// An 8-bit integer value used to initialize bits [23:16] of the result.
/// \param __b3
/// An 8-bit integer value used to initialize bits [31:24] of the result.
/// \param __b4
/// An 8-bit integer value used to initialize bits [39:32] of the result.
/// \param __b5
/// An 8-bit integer value used to initialize bits [47:40] of the result.
/// \param __b6
/// An 8-bit integer value used to initialize bits [55:48] of the result.
/// \param __b7
/// An 8-bit integer value used to initialize bits [63:56] of the result.
/// \returns An initialized 64-bit integer vector.
static __inline__ __m64 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_setr_pi8(char __b0, char __b1, char __b2, char __b3, char __b4, char __b5,
char __b6, char __b7)
return _mm_set_pi8(__b7, __b6, __b5, __b4, __b3, __b2, __b1, __b0);
/* Aliases for compatibility. */
#define _m_empty _mm_empty
#define _m_from_int _mm_cvtsi32_si64
#define _m_from_int64 _mm_cvtsi64_m64
#define _m_to_int _mm_cvtsi64_si32
#define _m_to_int64 _mm_cvtm64_si64
#define _m_packsswb _mm_packs_pi16
#define _m_packssdw _mm_packs_pi32
#define _m_packuswb _mm_packs_pu16
#define _m_punpckhbw _mm_unpackhi_pi8
#define _m_punpckhwd _mm_unpackhi_pi16
#define _m_punpckhdq _mm_unpackhi_pi32
#define _m_punpcklbw _mm_unpacklo_pi8
#define _m_punpcklwd _mm_unpacklo_pi16
#define _m_punpckldq _mm_unpacklo_pi32
#define _m_paddb _mm_add_pi8
#define _m_paddw _mm_add_pi16
#define _m_paddd _mm_add_pi32
#define _m_paddsb _mm_adds_pi8
#define _m_paddsw _mm_adds_pi16
#define _m_paddusb _mm_adds_pu8
#define _m_paddusw _mm_adds_pu16
#define _m_psubb _mm_sub_pi8
#define _m_psubw _mm_sub_pi16
#define _m_psubd _mm_sub_pi32
#define _m_psubsb _mm_subs_pi8
#define _m_psubsw _mm_subs_pi16
#define _m_psubusb _mm_subs_pu8
#define _m_psubusw _mm_subs_pu16
#define _m_pmaddwd _mm_madd_pi16
#define _m_pmulhw _mm_mulhi_pi16
#define _m_pmullw _mm_mullo_pi16
#define _m_psllw _mm_sll_pi16
#define _m_psllwi _mm_slli_pi16
#define _m_pslld _mm_sll_pi32
#define _m_pslldi _mm_slli_pi32
#define _m_psllq _mm_sll_si64
#define _m_psllqi _mm_slli_si64
#define _m_psraw _mm_sra_pi16
#define _m_psrawi _mm_srai_pi16
#define _m_psrad _mm_sra_pi32
#define _m_psradi _mm_srai_pi32
#define _m_psrlw _mm_srl_pi16
#define _m_psrlwi _mm_srli_pi16
#define _m_psrld _mm_srl_pi32
#define _m_psrldi _mm_srli_pi32
#define _m_psrlq _mm_srl_si64
#define _m_psrlqi _mm_srli_si64
#define _m_pand _mm_and_si64
#define _m_pandn _mm_andnot_si64
#define _m_por _mm_or_si64
#define _m_pxor _mm_xor_si64
#define _m_pcmpeqb _mm_cmpeq_pi8
#define _m_pcmpeqw _mm_cmpeq_pi16
#define _m_pcmpeqd _mm_cmpeq_pi32
#define _m_pcmpgtb _mm_cmpgt_pi8
#define _m_pcmpgtw _mm_cmpgt_pi16
#define _m_pcmpgtd _mm_cmpgt_pi32
#endif /* __MMINTRIN_H */
# 1570 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/mmintrin.h" 3
# 29 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/immintrin.h" 2 3
# 30 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/immintrin.h" 3
#if !defined(_MSC_VER) || __has_feature(modules) || defined(__SSE__)
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <xmmintrin.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 32 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/immintrin.h" 3
# 1 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/xmmintrin.h" 1 3
/*===---- xmmintrin.h - SSE intrinsics -------------------------------------===
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
* of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
* in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
* to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
* copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
* furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
* all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
#ifndef __XMMINTRIN_H
#define __XMMINTRIN_H
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <mmintrin.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 27 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/xmmintrin.h" 3
# 28 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/xmmintrin.h" 3
typedef int __v4si __attribute__((__vector_size__(16)));
typedef float __v4sf __attribute__((__vector_size__(16)));
typedef float __m128 __attribute__((__vector_size__(16)));
/* Unsigned types */
typedef unsigned int __v4su __attribute__((__vector_size__(16)));
/* This header should only be included in a hosted environment as it depends on
* a standard library to provide allocation routines. */
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <mm_malloc.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 39 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/xmmintrin.h" 3
# 1 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/mm_malloc.h" 1 3
/*===---- mm_malloc.h - Allocating and Freeing Aligned Memory Blocks -------===
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
* of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
* in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
* to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
* copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
* furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
* all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
#ifndef __MM_MALLOC_H
#define __MM_MALLOC_H
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <stdlib.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 27 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/mm_malloc.h" 3
# 1 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/stdlib.h" 1 3
// -*- C++ -*- compatibility header.
// Copyright (C) 2002-2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
// This file is part of the GNU ISO C++ Library. This library is free
// software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
// terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
// Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
// any later version.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// Under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted additional
// permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception, version
// 3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and
// a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program;
// see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively. If not, see
// <>.
/** @file stdlib.h
* This is a Standard C++ Library header.
#if !defined __cplusplus || defined _GLIBCXX_INCLUDE_NEXT_C_HEADERS
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# include_next <stdlib.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 30 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/stdlib.h" 3
# 31 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/stdlib.h" 3
# 32 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/stdlib.h" 3
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# include <cstdlib>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 36 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/stdlib.h" 3
# 1 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/cstdlib" 1 3
// -*- C++ -*- forwarding header.
// Copyright (C) 1997-2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
// This file is part of the GNU ISO C++ Library. This library is free
// software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
// terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
// Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
// any later version.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// Under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted additional
// permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception, version
// 3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and
// a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program;
// see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively. If not, see
// <>.
/** @file include/cstdlib
* This is a Standard C++ Library file. You should @c \#include this file
* in your programs, rather than any of the @a *.h implementation files.
* This is the C++ version of the Standard C Library header @c stdlib.h,
* and its contents are (mostly) the same as that header, but are all
* contained in the namespace @c std (except for names which are defined
* as macros in C).
// ISO C++ 14882: 20.4.6 C library
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#pragma GCC system_header
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 40 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/cstdlib" 3
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <bits/c++config.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 41 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/cstdlib" 3
# 1 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 1 3
// Predefined symbols and macros -*- C++ -*-
// Copyright (C) 1997-2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
// This file is part of the GNU ISO C++ Library. This library is free
// software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
// terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
// Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
// any later version.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// Under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted additional
// permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception, version
// 3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and
// a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program;
// see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively. If not, see
// <>.
/** @file bits/c++config.h
* This is an internal header file, included by other library headers.
* Do not attempt to use it directly. @headername{iosfwd}
// The major release number for the GCC release the C++ library belongs to.
// The datestamp of the C++ library in compressed ISO date format.
#define __GLIBCXX__ 20170630
// Macros for various attributes.
# define _GLIBCXX_PURE __attribute__ ((__pure__))
# 48 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
# define _GLIBCXX_CONST __attribute__ ((__const__))
# 52 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
# define _GLIBCXX_NORETURN __attribute__ ((__noreturn__))
# 56 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
// See below for C++
# ifndef __cplusplus
# define _GLIBCXX_NOTHROW __attribute__((__nothrow__))
# endif
# 62 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
# 63 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
// Macros for visibility attributes.
# define _GLIBCXX_VISIBILITY(V) __attribute__ ((__visibility__ (#V)))
# 72 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
// If this is not supplied by the OS-specific or CPU-specific
// headers included below, it will be defined to an empty default.
# 76 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
// Macros for deprecated attributes.
# 83 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
#if defined(__DEPRECATED) && (__cplusplus >= 201103L)
# define _GLIBCXX_DEPRECATED __attribute__ ((__deprecated__))
# 87 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
# 89 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
// Macros for ABI tag attributes.
# define _GLIBCXX_ABI_TAG_CXX11 __attribute ((__abi_tag__ ("cxx11")))
# 94 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
#if __cplusplus
// Macro for constexpr, to support in mixed 03/0x mode.
# if __cplusplus >= 201103L
# define _GLIBCXX_CONSTEXPR constexpr
# define _GLIBCXX_USE_CONSTEXPR constexpr
# else
# 104 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
# endif
# 107 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
# 108 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
# if __cplusplus >= 201402L
# define _GLIBCXX14_CONSTEXPR constexpr
# else
# 113 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
# endif
# 115 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
# 116 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
# if __cplusplus > 201402L
# define _GLIBCXX17_CONSTEXPR constexpr
# else
# 121 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
# endif
# 123 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
# 124 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
# if __cplusplus > 201402L
# define _GLIBCXX17_INLINE inline
# else
# 129 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
# define _GLIBCXX17_INLINE
# endif
# 131 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
# 132 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
// Macro for noexcept, to support in mixed 03/0x mode.
# if __cplusplus >= 201103L
# define _GLIBCXX_NOEXCEPT noexcept
# define _GLIBCXX_NOEXCEPT_IF(_COND) noexcept(_COND)
# define _GLIBCXX_USE_NOEXCEPT noexcept
# else
# 141 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
# define _GLIBCXX_USE_NOEXCEPT throw()
# define _GLIBCXX_THROW(_EXC) throw(_EXC)
# endif
# 146 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
# 147 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
# 151 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
# if __cpp_exceptions
# define _GLIBCXX_THROW_OR_ABORT(_EXC) (throw (_EXC))
# else
# 156 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
# define _GLIBCXX_THROW_OR_ABORT(_EXC) (__builtin_abort())
# endif
# 158 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
# 159 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
#if __cpp_noexcept_function_type
#define _GLIBCXX_NOEXCEPT_QUAL noexcept (_NE)
# 164 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
# 167 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
// Macro for extern template, ie controlling template linkage via use
// of extern keyword on template declaration. As documented in the g++
// manual, it inhibits all implicit instantiations and is used
// throughout the library to avoid multiple weak definitions for
// required types that are already explicitly instantiated in the
// library binary. This substantially reduces the binary size of
// resulting executables.
// Special case: _GLIBCXX_EXTERN_TEMPLATE == -1 disallows extern
// templates only in basic_string, thus activating its debug-mode
// checks even at -O0.
Outline of libstdc++ namespaces.
namespace std
namespace __debug { }
namespace __parallel { }
namespace __profile { }
namespace __cxx1998 { }
namespace __detail {
namespace __variant { } // C++17
namespace rel_ops { }
namespace tr1
namespace placeholders { }
namespace regex_constants { }
namespace __detail { }
namespace tr2 { }
namespace decimal { }
namespace chrono { } // C++11
namespace placeholders { } // C++11
namespace regex_constants { } // C++11
namespace this_thread { } // C++11
inline namespace literals { // C++14
inline namespace chrono_literals { } // C++14
inline namespace complex_literals { } // C++14
inline namespace string_literals { } // C++14
inline namespace string_view_literals { } // C++17
namespace abi { }
namespace __gnu_cxx
namespace __detail { }
For full details see:
namespace std
typedef __SIZE_TYPE__ size_t;
typedef __PTRDIFF_TYPE__ ptrdiff_t;
#if __cplusplus >= 201103L
typedef decltype(nullptr) nullptr_t;
# 237 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
// Ignore any pre-defined value of _GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI
# 245 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
# define _GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI 1
# 249 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
namespace std
inline namespace __cxx11 __attribute__((__abi_tag__ ("cxx11"))) { }
namespace __gnu_cxx
inline namespace __cxx11 __attribute__((__abi_tag__ ("cxx11"))) { }
# define _GLIBCXX_NAMESPACE_CXX11 __cxx11::
# define _GLIBCXX_BEGIN_NAMESPACE_CXX11 namespace __cxx11 {
# 264 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
# 269 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
// Defined if inline namespaces are used for versioning.
// Inline namespace for symbol versioning.
namespace std
inline namespace __7 { }
namespace rel_ops { inline namespace __7 { } }
namespace tr1
inline namespace __7 { }
namespace placeholders { inline namespace __7 { } }
namespace regex_constants { inline namespace __7 { } }
namespace __detail { inline namespace __7 { } }
namespace tr2
{ inline namespace __7 { } }
namespace decimal { inline namespace __7 { } }
#if __cplusplus >= 201103L
namespace chrono { inline namespace __7 { } }
namespace placeholders { inline namespace __7 { } }
namespace regex_constants { inline namespace __7 { } }
namespace this_thread { inline namespace __7 { } }
#if __cplusplus >= 201402L
inline namespace literals {
inline namespace chrono_literals { inline namespace __7 { } }
inline namespace complex_literals { inline namespace __7 { } }
inline namespace string_literals { inline namespace __7 { } }
#if __cplusplus > 201402L
inline namespace string_view_literals { inline namespace __7 { } }
#endif // C++17
# 310 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
#endif // C++14
# 312 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
#endif // C++11
# 313 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
namespace __detail {
inline namespace __7 { }
#if __cplusplus > 201402L
namespace __variant { inline namespace __7 { } }
# 319 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
namespace __gnu_cxx
inline namespace __7 { }
namespace __detail { inline namespace __7 { } }
# define _GLIBCXX_BEGIN_NAMESPACE_VERSION namespace __7 {
# 330 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
# 333 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
// Inline namespaces for special modes: debug, parallel, profile.
#if defined(_GLIBCXX_DEBUG) || defined(_GLIBCXX_PARALLEL) \
|| defined(_GLIBCXX_PROFILE)
namespace std
// Non-inline namespace for components replaced by alternates in active mode.
namespace __cxx1998
inline namespace __7 { }
# endif
# 346 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
inline namespace __cxx11 __attribute__((__abi_tag__ ("cxx11"))) { }
# endif
# 350 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
// Inline namespace for debug mode.
inline namespace __debug { }
# endif
# 356 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
// Inline namespaces for parallel mode.
inline namespace __parallel { }
# endif
# 361 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
// Inline namespaces for profile mode
inline namespace __profile { }
# endif
# 366 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
// Check for invalid usage and unsupported mixed-mode use.
# if defined(_GLIBCXX_DEBUG) && defined(_GLIBCXX_PARALLEL)
# error illegal use of multiple inlined namespaces
# endif
# 372 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
# if defined(_GLIBCXX_PROFILE) && defined(_GLIBCXX_DEBUG)
# error illegal use of multiple inlined namespaces
# endif
# 375 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
# if defined(_GLIBCXX_PROFILE) && defined(_GLIBCXX_PARALLEL)
# error illegal use of multiple inlined namespaces
# endif
# 378 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
// Check for invalid use due to lack for weak symbols.
# if __NO_INLINE__ && !__GXX_WEAK__
# warning currently using inlined namespace mode which may fail \
without inlining due to lack of weak symbols
# endif
# 384 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
# 385 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
// Macros for namespace scope. Either namespace std:: or the name
// of some nested namespace within it corresponding to the active mode.
// Macros for opening/closing conditional namespaces.
#if defined(_GLIBCXX_DEBUG) || defined(_GLIBCXX_PROFILE)
# define _GLIBCXX_STD_C __cxx1998
# 403 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
# define _GLIBCXX_STD_C std
# 407 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
# define _GLIBCXX_STD_A __cxx1998
# 415 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
# define _GLIBCXX_STD_A std
# 419 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
// GLIBCXX_ABI Deprecated
// Define if compatibility should be provided for -mlong-double-64.
// Inline namespace for long double 128 mode.
#if defined _GLIBCXX_LONG_DOUBLE_COMPAT && defined __LONG_DOUBLE_128__
namespace std
inline namespace __gnu_cxx_ldbl128 { }
# define _GLIBCXX_NAMESPACE_LDBL __gnu_cxx_ldbl128::
# define _GLIBCXX_BEGIN_NAMESPACE_LDBL namespace __gnu_cxx_ldbl128 {
# 434 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
# 438 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
# 443 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
# 447 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
// Debug Mode implies checking assertions.
#if defined(_GLIBCXX_DEBUG) && !defined(_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS)
# 452 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
// Disable std::string explicit instantiation declarations in order to assert.
# 458 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
// Assert.
#if defined(_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS) \
namespace std
// Avoid the use of assert, because we're trying to keep the <cassert>
// include out of the mix.
inline void
__replacement_assert(const char* __file, int __line,
const char* __function, const char* __condition)
__builtin_printf("%s:%d: %s: Assertion '%s' failed.\n", __file, __line,
__function, __condition);
#define __glibcxx_assert_impl(_Condition) \
do \
{ \
if (! (_Condition)) \
std::__replacement_assert(__FILE__, __LINE__, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, \
#_Condition); \
} while (false)
# 483 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
# define __glibcxx_assert(_Condition) __glibcxx_assert_impl(_Condition)
# 487 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
# define __glibcxx_assert(_Condition)
# 489 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
// Macros for race detectors.
// _GLIBCXX_SYNCHRONIZATION_HAPPENS_AFTER(A) should be used to explain
// atomic (lock-free) synchronization to race detectors:
// the race detector will infer a happens-before arc from the former to the
// latter when they share the same argument pointer.
// The most frequent use case for these macros (and the only case in the
// current implementation of the library) is atomic reference counting:
// void _M_remove_reference()
// {
// if (__gnu_cxx::__exchange_and_add_dispatch(&this->_M_refcount, -1) <= 0)
// {
// _M_destroy(__a);
// }
// }
// The annotations in this example tell the race detector that all memory
// accesses occurred when the refcount was positive do not race with
// memory accesses which occurred after the refcount became zero.
# 514 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
# 517 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
// Macros for C linkage: define extern "C" linkage only when using C++.
# define _GLIBCXX_BEGIN_EXTERN_C extern "C" {
#else // !__cplusplus
# 525 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
# 528 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
// First includes.
// Pick up any OS-specific definitions.
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <bits/os_defines.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 533 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
# 1 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/os_defines.h" 1 3
// Specific definitions for GNU/Linux -*- C++ -*-
// Copyright (C) 2000-2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
// This file is part of the GNU ISO C++ Library. This library is free
// software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
// terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
// Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
// any later version.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// Under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted additional
// permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception, version
// 3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and
// a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program;
// see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively. If not, see
// <>.
/** @file bits/os_defines.h
* This is an internal header file, included by other library headers.
* Do not attempt to use it directly. @headername{iosfwd}
// System-specific #define, typedefs, corrections, etc, go here. This
// file will come before all others.
// This keeps isanum, et al from being propagated as macros.
#define __NO_CTYPE 1
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <features.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 39 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/os_defines.h" 3
# 1 "/usr/include/features.h" 1 3 4
/* Copyright (C) 1991-2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is part of the GNU C Library.
The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
<>. */
#ifndef _FEATURES_H
#define _FEATURES_H 1
/* These are defined by the user (or the compiler)
to specify the desired environment:
__STRICT_ANSI__ ISO Standard C.
_ISOC99_SOURCE Extensions to ISO C89 from ISO C99.
_ISOC11_SOURCE Extensions to ISO C99 from ISO C11.
Extensions to ISO C99 from TR 27431-2:2010.
Extensions to ISO C11 from TS 18661-1:2014.
Extensions to ISO C11 from TS 18661-4:2015.
_POSIX_C_SOURCE If ==1, like _POSIX_SOURCE; if >=2 add IEEE Std 1003.2;
if >=199309L, add IEEE Std 1003.1b-1993;
if >=199506L, add IEEE Std 1003.1c-1995;
if >=200112L, all of IEEE 1003.1-2004
if >=200809L, all of IEEE 1003.1-2008
_XOPEN_SOURCE Includes POSIX and XPG things. Set to 500 if
Single Unix conformance is wanted, to 600 for the
sixth revision, to 700 for the seventh revision.
_XOPEN_SOURCE_EXTENDED XPG things and X/Open Unix extensions.
_LARGEFILE_SOURCE Some more functions for correct standard I/O.
_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE Additional functionality from LFS for large files.
_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=N Select default filesystem interface.
_ATFILE_SOURCE Additional *at interfaces.
_GNU_SOURCE All of the above, plus GNU extensions.
_DEFAULT_SOURCE The default set of features (taking precedence over
_FORTIFY_SOURCE Add security hardening to many library functions.
Set to 1 or 2; 2 performs stricter checks than 1.
Obsolete; equivalent to _POSIX_C_SOURCE=199506L.
The `-ansi' switch to the GNU C compiler, and standards conformance
options such as `-std=c99', define __STRICT_ANSI__. If none of
these are defined, or if _DEFAULT_SOURCE is defined, the default is
to have _POSIX_SOURCE set to one and _POSIX_C_SOURCE set to
200809L, as well as enabling miscellaneous functions from BSD and
SVID. If more than one of these are defined, they accumulate. For
example __STRICT_ANSI__, _POSIX_SOURCE and _POSIX_C_SOURCE together
give you ISO C, 1003.1, and 1003.2, but nothing else.
These are defined by this file and are used by the
header files to decide what to declare or define:
__GLIBC_USE (F) Define things from feature set F. This is defined
to 1 or 0; the subsequent macros are either defined
or undefined, and those tests should be moved to
__USE_ISOC11 Define ISO C11 things.
__USE_ISOC99 Define ISO C99 things.
__USE_ISOC95 Define ISO C90 AMD1 (C95) things.
__USE_POSIX Define IEEE Std 1003.1 things.
__USE_POSIX2 Define IEEE Std 1003.2 things.
__USE_POSIX199309 Define IEEE Std 1003.1, and .1b things.
__USE_POSIX199506 Define IEEE Std 1003.1, .1b, .1c and .1i things.
__USE_XOPEN Define XPG things.
__USE_XOPEN_EXTENDED Define X/Open Unix things.
__USE_UNIX98 Define Single Unix V2 things.
__USE_XOPEN2K Define XPG6 things.
__USE_XOPEN2KXSI Define XPG6 XSI things.
__USE_XOPEN2K8 Define XPG7 things.
__USE_XOPEN2K8XSI Define XPG7 XSI things.
__USE_LARGEFILE Define correct standard I/O things.
__USE_LARGEFILE64 Define LFS things with separate names.
__USE_FILE_OFFSET64 Define 64bit interface as default.
__USE_MISC Define things from 4.3BSD or System V Unix.
__USE_ATFILE Define *at interfaces and AT_* constants for them.
__USE_GNU Define GNU extensions.
__USE_FORTIFY_LEVEL Additional security measures used, according to level.
The macros `__GNU_LIBRARY__', `__GLIBC__', and `__GLIBC_MINOR__' are
defined by this file unconditionally. `__GNU_LIBRARY__' is provided
only for compatibility. All new code should use the other symbols
to test for features.
All macros listed above as possibly being defined by this file are
explicitly undefined if they are not explicitly defined.
Feature-test macros that are not defined by the user or compiler
but are implied by the other feature-test macros defined (or by the
lack of any definitions) are defined by the file.
ISO C feature test macros depend on the definition of the macro
when an affected header is included, not when the first system
header is included, and so they are handled in
<bits/libc-header-start.h>, which does not have a multiple include
guard. Feature test macros that can be handled from the first
system header included are handled here. */
/* Undefine everything, so we get a clean slate. */
#undef __USE_ISOC11
#undef __USE_ISOC99
#undef __USE_ISOC95
#undef __USE_ISOCXX11
#undef __USE_POSIX
#undef __USE_POSIX2
#undef __USE_POSIX199309
#undef __USE_POSIX199506
#undef __USE_XOPEN
#undef __USE_UNIX98
#undef __USE_XOPEN2K
#undef __USE_XOPEN2K8
#undef __USE_XOPEN2K8XSI
#undef __USE_LARGEFILE64
#undef __USE_FILE_OFFSET64
#undef __USE_MISC
#undef __USE_ATFILE
#undef __USE_GNU
/* Suppress kernel-name space pollution unless user expressedly asks
for it. */
# 145 "/usr/include/features.h" 3 4
/* Convenience macro to test the version of gcc.
Use like this:
#if __GNUC_PREREQ (2,8)
... code requiring gcc 2.8 or later ...
Note: only works for GCC 2.0 and later, because __GNUC_MINOR__ was
added in 2.0. */
#if defined __GNUC__ && defined __GNUC_MINOR__
# define __GNUC_PREREQ(maj, min) \
((__GNUC__ << 16) + __GNUC_MINOR__ >= ((maj) << 16) + (min))
# 157 "/usr/include/features.h" 3 4
# define __GNUC_PREREQ(maj, min) 0
# 159 "/usr/include/features.h" 3 4
/* Similarly for clang. Features added to GCC after version 4.2 may
or may not also be available in clang, and clang's definitions of
__GNUC(_MINOR)__ are fixed at 4 and 2 respectively. Not all such
features can be queried via __has_extension/__has_feature. */
#if defined __clang_major__ && defined __clang_minor__
# define __glibc_clang_prereq(maj, min) \
((__clang_major__ << 16) + __clang_minor__ >= ((maj) << 16) + (min))
# 168 "/usr/include/features.h" 3 4
# define __glibc_clang_prereq(maj, min) 0
# 170 "/usr/include/features.h" 3 4
/* Whether to use feature set F. */
#define __GLIBC_USE(F) __GLIBC_USE_ ## F
/* _BSD_SOURCE and _SVID_SOURCE are deprecated aliases for
_DEFAULT_SOURCE. If _DEFAULT_SOURCE is present we do not
issue a warning; the expectation is that the source is being
transitioned to use the new macro. */
#if (defined _BSD_SOURCE || defined _SVID_SOURCE) \
&& !defined _DEFAULT_SOURCE
# warning "_BSD_SOURCE and _SVID_SOURCE are deprecated, use _DEFAULT_SOURCE"
# define _DEFAULT_SOURCE 1
# 184 "/usr/include/features.h" 3 4
/* If _GNU_SOURCE was defined by the user, turn on all the other features. */
#ifdef _GNU_SOURCE
# undef _ISOC95_SOURCE
# define _ISOC95_SOURCE 1
# undef _ISOC99_SOURCE
# define _ISOC99_SOURCE 1
# undef _ISOC11_SOURCE
# define _ISOC11_SOURCE 1
# define _POSIX_SOURCE 1
# define _POSIX_C_SOURCE 200809L
# define _XOPEN_SOURCE 700
# define _LARGEFILE64_SOURCE 1
# define _DEFAULT_SOURCE 1
# define _ATFILE_SOURCE 1
# 208 "/usr/include/features.h" 3 4
/* If nothing (other than _GNU_SOURCE and _DEFAULT_SOURCE) is defined,
define _DEFAULT_SOURCE. */
#if (defined _DEFAULT_SOURCE \
|| (!defined __STRICT_ANSI__ \
&& !defined _ISOC99_SOURCE \
&& !defined _POSIX_SOURCE && !defined _POSIX_C_SOURCE \
&& !defined _XOPEN_SOURCE))
# define _DEFAULT_SOURCE 1
# 219 "/usr/include/features.h" 3 4
/* This is to enable the ISO C11 extension. */
#if (defined _ISOC11_SOURCE \
|| (defined __STDC_VERSION__ && __STDC_VERSION__ >= 201112L))
# define __USE_ISOC11 1
# 225 "/usr/include/features.h" 3 4
/* This is to enable the ISO C99 extension. */
#if (defined _ISOC99_SOURCE || defined _ISOC11_SOURCE \
|| (defined __STDC_VERSION__ && __STDC_VERSION__ >= 199901L))
# define __USE_ISOC99 1
# 231 "/usr/include/features.h" 3 4
/* This is to enable the ISO C90 Amendment 1:1995 extension. */
#if (defined _ISOC99_SOURCE || defined _ISOC11_SOURCE \
|| (defined __STDC_VERSION__ && __STDC_VERSION__ >= 199409L))
# define __USE_ISOC95 1
# 237 "/usr/include/features.h" 3 4
/* This is to enable compatibility for ISO C++11.
So far g++ does not provide a macro. Check the temporary macro for
now, too. */
#if ((defined __cplusplus && __cplusplus >= 201103L) \
|| defined __GXX_EXPERIMENTAL_CXX0X__)
# define __USE_ISOCXX11 1
# 246 "/usr/include/features.h" 3 4
/* If none of the ANSI/POSIX macros are defined, or if _DEFAULT_SOURCE
is defined, use POSIX.1-2008 (or another version depending on
# if !defined _POSIX_SOURCE && !defined _POSIX_C_SOURCE
# endif
# 254 "/usr/include/features.h" 3 4
# define _POSIX_SOURCE 1
# define _POSIX_C_SOURCE 200809L
# 259 "/usr/include/features.h" 3 4
#if ((!defined __STRICT_ANSI__ \
|| (defined _XOPEN_SOURCE && (_XOPEN_SOURCE - 0) >= 500)) \
&& !defined _POSIX_SOURCE && !defined _POSIX_C_SOURCE)
# define _POSIX_SOURCE 1
# if defined _XOPEN_SOURCE && (_XOPEN_SOURCE - 0) < 500
# define _POSIX_C_SOURCE 2
# elif defined _XOPEN_SOURCE && (_XOPEN_SOURCE - 0) < 600
# 267 "/usr/include/features.h" 3 4
# define _POSIX_C_SOURCE 199506L
# elif defined _XOPEN_SOURCE && (_XOPEN_SOURCE - 0) < 700
# 269 "/usr/include/features.h" 3 4
# define _POSIX_C_SOURCE 200112L
# else
# 271 "/usr/include/features.h" 3 4
# define _POSIX_C_SOURCE 200809L
# endif
# 273 "/usr/include/features.h" 3 4
# 275 "/usr/include/features.h" 3 4
/* Some C libraries once required _REENTRANT and/or _THREAD_SAFE to be
defined in all multithreaded code. GNU libc has not required this
for many years. We now treat them as compatibility synonyms for
_POSIX_C_SOURCE=199506L, which is the earliest level of POSIX with
comprehensive support for multithreaded code. Using them never
lowers the selected level of POSIX conformance, only raises it. */
#if ((!defined _POSIX_C_SOURCE || (_POSIX_C_SOURCE - 0) < 199506L) \
&& (defined _REENTRANT || defined _THREAD_SAFE))
# define _POSIX_SOURCE 1
# define _POSIX_C_SOURCE 199506L
# 288 "/usr/include/features.h" 3 4
#if (defined _POSIX_SOURCE \
|| (defined _POSIX_C_SOURCE && _POSIX_C_SOURCE >= 1) \
|| defined _XOPEN_SOURCE)
# define __USE_POSIX 1
# 294 "/usr/include/features.h" 3 4
#if defined _POSIX_C_SOURCE && _POSIX_C_SOURCE >= 2 || defined _XOPEN_SOURCE
# define __USE_POSIX2 1
# 298 "/usr/include/features.h" 3 4
#if defined _POSIX_C_SOURCE && (_POSIX_C_SOURCE - 0) >= 199309L
# define __USE_POSIX199309 1
# 302 "/usr/include/features.h" 3 4
#if defined _POSIX_C_SOURCE && (_POSIX_C_SOURCE - 0) >= 199506L
# define __USE_POSIX199506 1
# 306 "/usr/include/features.h" 3 4
#if defined _POSIX_C_SOURCE && (_POSIX_C_SOURCE - 0) >= 200112L
# define __USE_XOPEN2K 1
# undef __USE_ISOC95
# define __USE_ISOC95 1
# undef __USE_ISOC99
# define __USE_ISOC99 1
# 314 "/usr/include/features.h" 3 4
#if defined _POSIX_C_SOURCE && (_POSIX_C_SOURCE - 0) >= 200809L
# define __USE_XOPEN2K8 1
# define _ATFILE_SOURCE 1
# 320 "/usr/include/features.h" 3 4
# define __USE_XOPEN 1
# if (_XOPEN_SOURCE - 0) >= 500
# define __USE_UNIX98 1
# if (_XOPEN_SOURCE - 0) >= 600
# if (_XOPEN_SOURCE - 0) >= 700
# define __USE_XOPEN2K8 1
# define __USE_XOPEN2K8XSI 1
# endif
# 333 "/usr/include/features.h" 3 4
# define __USE_XOPEN2K 1
# define __USE_XOPEN2KXSI 1
# undef __USE_ISOC95
# define __USE_ISOC95 1
# undef __USE_ISOC99
# define __USE_ISOC99 1
# endif
# 340 "/usr/include/features.h" 3 4
# else
# 341 "/usr/include/features.h" 3 4
# endif
# 344 "/usr/include/features.h" 3 4
# endif
# 345 "/usr/include/features.h" 3 4
# 346 "/usr/include/features.h" 3 4
# define __USE_LARGEFILE 1
# 350 "/usr/include/features.h" 3 4
# define __USE_LARGEFILE64 1
# 354 "/usr/include/features.h" 3 4
#if defined _FILE_OFFSET_BITS && _FILE_OFFSET_BITS == 64
# define __USE_FILE_OFFSET64 1
# 358 "/usr/include/features.h" 3 4
#if defined _DEFAULT_SOURCE
# define __USE_MISC 1
# 362 "/usr/include/features.h" 3 4
# define __USE_ATFILE 1
# 366 "/usr/include/features.h" 3 4
#ifdef _GNU_SOURCE
# define __USE_GNU 1
# 370 "/usr/include/features.h" 3 4
# if !defined __OPTIMIZE__ || __OPTIMIZE__ <= 0
# warning _FORTIFY_SOURCE requires compiling with optimization (-O)
# elif !__GNUC_PREREQ (4, 1)
# 375 "/usr/include/features.h" 3 4
# warning _FORTIFY_SOURCE requires GCC 4.1 or later
# elif _FORTIFY_SOURCE > 1
# 377 "/usr/include/features.h" 3 4
# define __USE_FORTIFY_LEVEL 2
# else
# 379 "/usr/include/features.h" 3 4
# define __USE_FORTIFY_LEVEL 1
# endif
# 381 "/usr/include/features.h" 3 4
# 382 "/usr/include/features.h" 3 4
# define __USE_FORTIFY_LEVEL 0
# 385 "/usr/include/features.h" 3 4
/* Get definitions of __STDC_* predefined macros, if the compiler has
not preincluded this header automatically. */
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <stdc-predef.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 388 "/usr/include/features.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/stdc-predef.h" 1 3 4
/* Copyright (C) 1991-2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is part of the GNU C Library.
The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
<>. */
#ifndef _STDC_PREDEF_H
#define _STDC_PREDEF_H 1
/* This header is separate from features.h so that the compiler can
include it implicitly at the start of every compilation. It must
not itself include <features.h> or any other header that includes
<features.h> because the implicit include comes before any feature
test macros that may be defined in a source file before it first
explicitly includes a system header. GCC knows the name of this
header in order to preinclude it. */
/* glibc's intent is to support the IEC 559 math functionality, real
and complex. If the GCC (4.9 and later) predefined macros
specifying compiler intent are available, use them to determine
whether the overall intent is to support these features; otherwise,
presume an older compiler has intent to support these features and
define these macros by default. */
#ifdef __GCC_IEC_559
# if __GCC_IEC_559 > 0
# define __STDC_IEC_559__ 1
# endif
# 40 "/usr/include/stdc-predef.h" 3 4
# 41 "/usr/include/stdc-predef.h" 3 4
# define __STDC_IEC_559__ 1
# 43 "/usr/include/stdc-predef.h" 3 4
#ifdef __GCC_IEC_559_COMPLEX
# if __GCC_IEC_559_COMPLEX > 0
# define __STDC_IEC_559_COMPLEX__ 1
# endif
# 48 "/usr/include/stdc-predef.h" 3 4
# 49 "/usr/include/stdc-predef.h" 3 4
# define __STDC_IEC_559_COMPLEX__ 1
# 51 "/usr/include/stdc-predef.h" 3 4
/* wchar_t uses Unicode 8.0.0. Version 8.0 of the Unicode Standard is
synchronized with ISO/IEC 10646:2014, plus Amendment 1 (published
2015-05-15). */
#define __STDC_ISO_10646__ 201505L
/* We do not support C11 <threads.h>. */
#define __STDC_NO_THREADS__ 1
# 61 "/usr/include/stdc-predef.h" 3 4
# 389 "/usr/include/features.h" 2 3 4
/* This macro indicates that the installed library is the GNU C Library.
For historic reasons the value now is 6 and this will stay from now
on. The use of this variable is deprecated. Use __GLIBC__ and
__GLIBC_MINOR__ now (see below) when you want to test for a specific
GNU C library version and use the values in <gnu/lib-names.h> to get
the sonames of the shared libraries. */
#undef __GNU_LIBRARY__
#define __GNU_LIBRARY__ 6
/* Major and minor version number of the GNU C library package. Use
these macros to test for features in specific releases. */
#define __GLIBC__ 2
#define __GLIBC_MINOR__ 25
#define __GLIBC_PREREQ(maj, min) \
((__GLIBC__ << 16) + __GLIBC_MINOR__ >= ((maj) << 16) + (min))
/* This is here only because every header file already includes this one. */
#ifndef __ASSEMBLER__
# ifndef _SYS_CDEFS_H
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# include <sys/cdefs.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 410 "/usr/include/features.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 1 3 4
/* Copyright (C) 1992-2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is part of the GNU C Library.
The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
<>. */
#ifndef _SYS_CDEFS_H
#define _SYS_CDEFS_H 1
/* We are almost always included from features.h. */
#ifndef _FEATURES_H
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# include <features.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 23 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
# 24 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
# 25 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
/* The GNU libc does not support any K&R compilers or the traditional mode
of ISO C compilers anymore. Check for some of the combinations not
anymore supported. */
#if defined __GNUC__ && !defined __STDC__
# error "You need a ISO C conforming compiler to use the glibc headers"
# 32 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
/* Some user header file might have defined this before. */
#undef __P
#undef __PMT
#ifdef __GNUC__
/* All functions, except those with callbacks or those that
synchronize memory, are leaf functions. */
# if __GNUC_PREREQ (4, 6) && !defined _LIBC
# define __LEAF , __leaf__
# define __LEAF_ATTR __attribute__ ((__leaf__))
# else
# 45 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
# define __LEAF
# define __LEAF_ATTR
# endif
# 48 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
/* GCC can always grok prototypes. For C++ programs we add throw()
to help it optimize the function calls. But this works only with
gcc 2.8.x and egcs. For gcc 3.2 and up we even mark C functions
as non-throwing using a function attribute since programs can use
the -fexceptions options for C code as well. */
# if !defined __cplusplus && __GNUC_PREREQ (3, 3)
# define __THROW __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ __LEAF))
# define __THROWNL __attribute__ ((__nothrow__))
# define __NTH(fct) __attribute__ ((__nothrow__ __LEAF)) fct
# else
# 59 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
# if defined __cplusplus && __GNUC_PREREQ (2,8)
# define __THROW throw ()
# define __THROWNL throw ()
# define __NTH(fct) __LEAF_ATTR fct throw ()
# else
# 64 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
# define __THROW
# define __THROWNL
# define __NTH(fct) fct
# endif
# 68 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
# endif
# 69 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
#else /* Not GCC. */
# 71 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
# define __inline /* No inline functions. */
# define __THROW
# define __THROWNL
# define __NTH(fct) fct
#endif /* GCC. */
# 79 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
/* Compilers that are not clang may object to
#if defined __clang__ && __has_extension(...)
even though they do not need to evaluate the right-hand side of the &&. */
#if defined __clang__ && defined __has_extension
# define __glibc_clang_has_extension(ext) __has_extension (ext)
# 86 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
# define __glibc_clang_has_extension(ext) 0
# 88 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
/* These two macros are not used in glibc anymore. They are kept here
only because some other projects expect the macros to be defined. */
#define __P(args) args
#define __PMT(args) args
/* For these things, GCC behaves the ANSI way normally,
and the non-ANSI way under -traditional. */
#define __CONCAT(x,y) x ## y
#define __STRING(x) #x
/* This is not a typedef so `const __ptr_t' does the right thing. */
#define __ptr_t void *
#define __long_double_t long double
/* C++ needs to know that types and declarations are C, not C++. */
#ifdef __cplusplus
# define __BEGIN_DECLS extern "C" {
# define __END_DECLS }
# 110 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
# define __BEGIN_DECLS
# define __END_DECLS
# 113 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
/* The standard library needs the functions from the ISO C90 standard
in the std namespace. At the same time we want to be safe for
future changes and we include the ISO C99 code in the non-standard
namespace __c99. The C++ wrapper header take case of adding the
definitions to the global namespace. */
#if defined __cplusplus && defined _GLIBCPP_USE_NAMESPACES
# define __BEGIN_NAMESPACE_STD namespace std {
# define __END_NAMESPACE_STD }
# define __USING_NAMESPACE_STD(name) using std::name;
# define __BEGIN_NAMESPACE_C99 namespace __c99 {
# define __END_NAMESPACE_C99 }
# define __USING_NAMESPACE_C99(name) using __c99::name;
# 128 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
/* For compatibility we do not add the declarations into any
namespace. They will end up in the global namespace which is what
old code expects. */
# define __USING_NAMESPACE_STD(name)
# define __BEGIN_NAMESPACE_C99
# define __END_NAMESPACE_C99
# define __USING_NAMESPACE_C99(name)
# 138 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
/* Fortify support. */
#define __bos(ptr) __builtin_object_size (ptr, __USE_FORTIFY_LEVEL > 1)
#define __bos0(ptr) __builtin_object_size (ptr, 0)
#if __GNUC_PREREQ (4,3)
# define __warndecl(name, msg) \
extern void name (void) __attribute__((__warning__ (msg)))
# define __warnattr(msg) __attribute__((__warning__ (msg)))
# define __errordecl(name, msg) \
extern void name (void) __attribute__((__error__ (msg)))
# 151 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
# define __warndecl(name, msg) extern void name (void)
# define __warnattr(msg)
# define __errordecl(name, msg) extern void name (void)
# 155 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
/* Support for flexible arrays.
Headers that should use flexible arrays only if they're "real"
(e.g. only if they won't affect sizeof()) should test
#if __glibc_c99_flexarr_available. */
#if defined __STDC_VERSION__ && __STDC_VERSION__ >= 199901L
# define __flexarr []
# define __glibc_c99_flexarr_available 1
#elif __GNUC_PREREQ (2,97)
# 164 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
/* GCC 2.97 supports C99 flexible array members as an extension,
even when in C89 mode or compiling C++ (any version). */
# define __flexarr []
# define __glibc_c99_flexarr_available 1
#elif defined __GNUC__
# 169 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
/* Pre-2.97 GCC did not support C99 flexible arrays but did have
an equivalent extension with slightly different notation. */
# define __flexarr [0]
# define __glibc_c99_flexarr_available 1
# 174 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
/* Some other non-C99 compiler. Approximate with [1]. */
# define __flexarr [1]
# define __glibc_c99_flexarr_available 0
# 178 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
/* __asm__ ("xyz") is used throughout the headers to rename functions
at the assembly language level. This is wrapped by the __REDIRECT
macro, in order to support compilers that can do this some other
way. When compilers don't support asm-names at all, we have to do
preprocessor tricks instead (which don't have exactly the right
semantics, but it's the best we can do).
int __REDIRECT(setpgrp, (__pid_t pid, __pid_t pgrp), setpgid); */
#if defined __GNUC__ && __GNUC__ >= 2
# define __REDIRECT(name, proto, alias) name proto __asm__ (__ASMNAME (#alias))
# ifdef __cplusplus
# define __REDIRECT_NTH(name, proto, alias) \
name proto __THROW __asm__ (__ASMNAME (#alias))
# define __REDIRECT_NTHNL(name, proto, alias) \
name proto __THROWNL __asm__ (__ASMNAME (#alias))
# else
# 199 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
# define __REDIRECT_NTH(name, proto, alias) \
name proto __asm__ (__ASMNAME (#alias)) __THROW
# define __REDIRECT_NTHNL(name, proto, alias) \
name proto __asm__ (__ASMNAME (#alias)) __THROWNL
# endif
# 204 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
# define __ASMNAME(cname) __ASMNAME2 (__USER_LABEL_PREFIX__, cname)
# define __ASMNAME2(prefix, cname) __STRING (prefix) cname
# define __REDIRECT(name, proto, alias) name proto; \
_Pragma("let " #name " = " #alias)
# 214 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
/* GCC has various useful declarations that can be made with the
`__attribute__' syntax. All of the ways we use this do fine if
they are omitted for compilers that don't understand it. */
#if !defined __GNUC__ || __GNUC__ < 2
# define __attribute__(xyz) /* Ignore */
# 221 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
/* At some point during the gcc 2.96 development the `malloc' attribute
for functions was introduced. We don't want to use it unconditionally
(although this would be possible) since it generates warnings. */
#if __GNUC_PREREQ (2,96)
# define __attribute_malloc__ __attribute__ ((__malloc__))
# 228 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
# define __attribute_malloc__ /* Ignore */
# 230 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
/* Tell the compiler which arguments to an allocation function
indicate the size of the allocation. */
#if __GNUC_PREREQ (4, 3)
# define __attribute_alloc_size__(params) \
__attribute__ ((__alloc_size__ params))
# 237 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
# define __attribute_alloc_size__(params) /* Ignore. */
# 239 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
/* At some point during the gcc 2.96 development the `pure' attribute
for functions was introduced. We don't want to use it unconditionally
(although this would be possible) since it generates warnings. */
#if __GNUC_PREREQ (2,96)
# define __attribute_pure__ __attribute__ ((__pure__))
# 246 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
# define __attribute_pure__ /* Ignore */
# 248 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
/* This declaration tells the compiler that the value is constant. */
#if __GNUC_PREREQ (2,5)
# define __attribute_const__ __attribute__ ((__const__))
# 253 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
# define __attribute_const__ /* Ignore */
# 255 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
/* At some point during the gcc 3.1 development the `used' attribute
for functions was introduced. We don't want to use it unconditionally
(although this would be possible) since it generates warnings. */
#if __GNUC_PREREQ (3,1)
# define __attribute_used__ __attribute__ ((__used__))
# define __attribute_noinline__ __attribute__ ((__noinline__))
# 263 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
# define __attribute_used__ __attribute__ ((__unused__))
# define __attribute_noinline__ /* Ignore */
# 266 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
/* Since version 3.2, gcc allows marking deprecated functions. */
#if __GNUC_PREREQ (3,2)
# define __attribute_deprecated__ __attribute__ ((__deprecated__))
# 271 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
# define __attribute_deprecated__ /* Ignore */
# 273 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
/* Since version 4.5, gcc also allows one to specify the message printed
when a deprecated function is used. clang claims to be gcc 4.2, but
may also support this feature. */
#if __GNUC_PREREQ (4,5) || \
__glibc_clang_has_extension (__attribute_deprecated_with_message__)
# define __attribute_deprecated_msg__(msg) \
__attribute__ ((__deprecated__ (msg)))
# 282 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
# define __attribute_deprecated_msg__(msg) __attribute_deprecated__
# 284 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
/* At some point during the gcc 2.8 development the `format_arg' attribute
for functions was introduced. We don't want to use it unconditionally
(although this would be possible) since it generates warnings.
If several `format_arg' attributes are given for the same function, in
gcc-3.0 and older, all but the last one are ignored. In newer gccs,
all designated arguments are considered. */
#if __GNUC_PREREQ (2,8)
# define __attribute_format_arg__(x) __attribute__ ((__format_arg__ (x)))
# 294 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
# define __attribute_format_arg__(x) /* Ignore */
# 296 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
/* At some point during the gcc 2.97 development the `strfmon' format
attribute for functions was introduced. We don't want to use it
unconditionally (although this would be possible) since it
generates warnings. */
#if __GNUC_PREREQ (2,97)
# define __attribute_format_strfmon__(a,b) \
__attribute__ ((__format__ (__strfmon__, a, b)))
# 305 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
# define __attribute_format_strfmon__(a,b) /* Ignore */
# 307 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
/* The nonull function attribute allows to mark pointer parameters which
must not be NULL. */
#if __GNUC_PREREQ (3,3)
# define __nonnull(params) __attribute__ ((__nonnull__ params))
# 313 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
# define __nonnull(params)
# 315 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
/* If fortification mode, we warn about unused results of certain
function calls which can lead to problems. */
#if __GNUC_PREREQ (3,4)
# define __attribute_warn_unused_result__ \
__attribute__ ((__warn_unused_result__))
# define __wur __attribute_warn_unused_result__
# endif
# 324 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
# 325 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
# define __attribute_warn_unused_result__ /* empty */
# 327 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
#ifndef __wur
# define __wur /* Ignore */
# 330 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
/* Forces a function to be always inlined. */
#if __GNUC_PREREQ (3,2)
/* The Linux kernel defines __always_inline in stddef.h (283d7573), and
it conflicts with this definition. Therefore undefine it first to
allow either header to be included first. */
# undef __always_inline
# define __always_inline __inline __attribute__ ((__always_inline__))
# 339 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
# undef __always_inline
# define __always_inline __inline
# 342 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
/* Associate error messages with the source location of the call site rather
than with the source location inside the function. */
#if __GNUC_PREREQ (4,3)
# define __attribute_artificial__ __attribute__ ((__artificial__))
# 348 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
# define __attribute_artificial__ /* Ignore */
# 350 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
/* GCC 4.3 and above with -std=c99 or -std=gnu99 implements ISO C99
inline semantics, unless -fgnu89-inline is used. Using __GNUC_STDC_INLINE__
or __GNUC_GNU_INLINE is not a good enough check for gcc because gcc versions
older than 4.3 may define these macros and still not guarantee GNU inlining
clang++ identifies itself as gcc-4.2, but has support for GNU inlining
semantics, that can be checked fot by using the __GNUC_STDC_INLINE_ and
__GNUC_GNU_INLINE__ macro definitions. */
#if (!defined __cplusplus || __GNUC_PREREQ (4,3) \
|| (defined __clang__ && (defined __GNUC_STDC_INLINE__ \
|| defined __GNUC_GNU_INLINE__)))
# if defined __GNUC_STDC_INLINE__ || defined __cplusplus
# define __extern_inline extern __inline __attribute__ ((__gnu_inline__))
# define __extern_always_inline \
extern __always_inline __attribute__ ((__gnu_inline__))
# else
# 368 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
# define __extern_inline extern __inline
# define __extern_always_inline extern __always_inline
# endif
# 371 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
# 372 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
#ifdef __extern_always_inline
# define __fortify_function __extern_always_inline __attribute_artificial__
# 376 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
/* GCC 4.3 and above allow passing all anonymous arguments of an
__extern_always_inline function to some other vararg function. */
#if __GNUC_PREREQ (4,3)
# define __va_arg_pack() __builtin_va_arg_pack ()
# define __va_arg_pack_len() __builtin_va_arg_pack_len ()
# 383 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
/* It is possible to compile containing GCC extensions even if GCC is
run in pedantic mode if the uses are carefully marked using the
`__extension__' keyword. But this is not generally available before
version 2.8. */
#if !__GNUC_PREREQ (2,8)
# define __extension__ /* Ignore */
# 391 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
/* __restrict is known in EGCS 1.2 and above. */
#if !__GNUC_PREREQ (2,92)
# define __restrict /* Ignore */
# 396 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
/* ISO C99 also allows to declare arrays as non-overlapping. The syntax is
GCC 3.1 supports this. */
#if __GNUC_PREREQ (3,1) && !defined __GNUG__
# define __restrict_arr __restrict
# 403 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
# ifdef __GNUC__
# define __restrict_arr /* Not supported in old GCC. */
# else
# 406 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
# if defined __STDC_VERSION__ && __STDC_VERSION__ >= 199901L
# define __restrict_arr restrict
# else
# 409 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
/* Some other non-C99 compiler. */
# define __restrict_arr /* Not supported. */
# endif
# 412 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
# endif
# 413 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
# 414 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
#if __GNUC__ >= 3
# define __glibc_unlikely(cond) __builtin_expect ((cond), 0)
# define __glibc_likely(cond) __builtin_expect ((cond), 1)
# 419 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
# define __glibc_unlikely(cond) (cond)
# define __glibc_likely(cond) (cond)
# 422 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
#if (!defined _Noreturn \
&& (defined __STDC_VERSION__ ? __STDC_VERSION__ : 0) < 201112 \
&& !__GNUC_PREREQ (4,7))
# if __GNUC_PREREQ (2,8)
# define _Noreturn __attribute__ ((__noreturn__))
# else
# 429 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
# define _Noreturn
# endif
# 431 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
# 432 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
#if (!defined _Static_assert && !defined __cplusplus \
&& (defined __STDC_VERSION__ ? __STDC_VERSION__ : 0) < 201112 \
&& (!__GNUC_PREREQ (4, 6) || defined __STRICT_ANSI__))
# define _Static_assert(expr, diagnostic) \
extern int (*__Static_assert_function (void)) \
[!!sizeof (struct { int __error_if_negative: (expr) ? 2 : -1; })]
# 440 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <bits/wordsize.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 441 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/bits/wordsize.h" 1 3 4
/* Determine the wordsize from the preprocessor defines. */
#if defined __x86_64__ && !defined __ILP32__
# define __WORDSIZE 64
# 6 "/usr/include/bits/wordsize.h" 3 4
# define __WORDSIZE 32
# 10 "/usr/include/bits/wordsize.h" 3 4
#ifdef __x86_64__
# define __WORDSIZE_TIME64_COMPAT32 1
/* Both x86-64 and x32 use the 64-bit system call interface. */
# define __SYSCALL_WORDSIZE 64
# 16 "/usr/include/bits/wordsize.h" 3 4
# define __WORDSIZE_TIME64_COMPAT32 0
# 18 "/usr/include/bits/wordsize.h" 3 4
# 442 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 2 3 4
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <bits/long-double.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 442 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/bits/long-double.h" 1 3 4
/* Properties of long double type. ldbl-96 version.
Copyright (C) 2016-2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is part of the GNU C Library.
The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
<>. */
/* long double is distinct from double, so there is nothing to
define here. */
# 443 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 2 3 4
# define __LDBL_COMPAT 1
# ifdef __REDIRECT
# define __LDBL_REDIR1(name, proto, alias) __REDIRECT (name, proto, alias)
# define __LDBL_REDIR(name, proto) \
__LDBL_REDIR1 (name, proto, __nldbl_##name)
# define __LDBL_REDIR1_NTH(name, proto, alias) __REDIRECT_NTH (name, proto, alias)
# define __LDBL_REDIR_NTH(name, proto) \
__LDBL_REDIR1_NTH (name, proto, __nldbl_##name)
# define __LDBL_REDIR1_DECL(name, alias) \
extern __typeof (name) name __asm (__ASMNAME (#alias));
# define __LDBL_REDIR_DECL(name) \
extern __typeof (name) name __asm (__ASMNAME ("__nldbl_" #name));
# define __REDIRECT_LDBL(name, proto, alias) \
__LDBL_REDIR1 (name, proto, __nldbl_##alias)
# define __REDIRECT_NTH_LDBL(name, proto, alias) \
__LDBL_REDIR1_NTH (name, proto, __nldbl_##alias)
# endif
# 462 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
# 463 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
#if !defined __LDBL_COMPAT || !defined __REDIRECT
# define __LDBL_REDIR1(name, proto, alias) name proto
# define __LDBL_REDIR(name, proto) name proto
# define __LDBL_REDIR1_NTH(name, proto, alias) name proto __THROW
# define __LDBL_REDIR_NTH(name, proto) name proto __THROW
# define __LDBL_REDIR_DECL(name)
# ifdef __REDIRECT
# define __REDIRECT_LDBL(name, proto, alias) __REDIRECT (name, proto, alias)
# define __REDIRECT_NTH_LDBL(name, proto, alias) \
__REDIRECT_NTH (name, proto, alias)
# endif
# 474 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
# 475 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
/* __glibc_macro_warning (MESSAGE) issues warning MESSAGE. This is
intended for use in preprocessor macros.
Note: MESSAGE must be a _single_ string; concatenation of string
literals is not supported. */
#if __GNUC_PREREQ (4,8) || __glibc_clang_prereq (3,5)
# define __glibc_macro_warning1(message) _Pragma (#message)
# define __glibc_macro_warning(message) \
__glibc_macro_warning1 (GCC warning message)
# 486 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
# define __glibc_macro_warning(msg)
# 488 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
#endif /* sys/cdefs.h */
# 490 "/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h" 3 4
# 411 "/usr/include/features.h" 2 3 4
# endif
# 412 "/usr/include/features.h" 3 4
/* If we don't have __REDIRECT, prototypes will be missing if
__USE_FILE_OFFSET64 but not __USE_LARGEFILE[64]. */
# if defined __USE_FILE_OFFSET64 && !defined __REDIRECT
# define __USE_LARGEFILE 1
# define __USE_LARGEFILE64 1
# endif
# 419 "/usr/include/features.h" 3 4
#endif /* !ASSEMBLER */
# 421 "/usr/include/features.h" 3 4
/* Decide whether we can define 'extern inline' functions in headers. */
#if __GNUC_PREREQ (2, 7) && defined __OPTIMIZE__ \
&& !defined __OPTIMIZE_SIZE__ && !defined __NO_INLINE__ \
&& defined __extern_inline
# 428 "/usr/include/features.h" 3 4
/* This is here only because every header file already includes this one.
Get the definitions of all the appropriate `__stub_FUNCTION' symbols.
<gnu/stubs.h> contains `#define __stub_FUNCTION' when FUNCTION is a stub
that will always return failure (and set errno to ENOSYS). */
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <gnu/stubs.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 434 "/usr/include/features.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/gnu/stubs.h" 1 3 4
/* This file is automatically generated.
This file selects the right generated file of `__stub_FUNCTION' macros
based on the architecture being compiled for. */
#if !defined __x86_64__
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# include <gnu/stubs-32.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 7 "/usr/include/gnu/stubs.h" 3 4
# 8 "/usr/include/gnu/stubs.h" 3 4
# 9 "/usr/include/gnu/stubs.h" 3 4
#if defined __x86_64__ && defined __LP64__
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# include <gnu/stubs-64.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 10 "/usr/include/gnu/stubs.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/gnu/stubs-64.h" 1 3 4
/* This file is automatically generated.
It defines a symbol `__stub_FUNCTION' for each function
in the C library which is a stub, meaning it will fail
every time called, usually setting errno to ENOSYS. */
#ifdef _LIBC
#error Applications may not define the macro _LIBC
# 9 "/usr/include/gnu/stubs-64.h" 3 4
#define __stub___compat_bdflush
#define __stub_chflags
#define __stub_fattach
#define __stub_fchflags
#define __stub_fdetach
#define __stub_getmsg
#define __stub_gtty
#define __stub_lchmod
#define __stub_putmsg
#define __stub_revoke
#define __stub_setlogin
#define __stub_sigreturn
#define __stub_sstk
#define __stub_stty
# 11 "/usr/include/gnu/stubs.h" 2 3 4
# 12 "/usr/include/gnu/stubs.h" 3 4
#if defined __x86_64__ && defined __ILP32__
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# include <gnu/stubs-x32.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 13 "/usr/include/gnu/stubs.h" 3 4
# 14 "/usr/include/gnu/stubs.h" 3 4
# 15 "/usr/include/gnu/stubs.h" 3 4
# 435 "/usr/include/features.h" 2 3 4
#endif /* features.h */
# 438 "/usr/include/features.h" 3 4
# 40 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/os_defines.h" 2 3
// Provide a declaration for the possibly deprecated gets function, as
// glibc 2.15 and later does not declare gets for ISO C11 when
// __GNU_SOURCE is defined.
#if __GLIBC_PREREQ(2,15) && defined(_GNU_SOURCE)
# 47 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/os_defines.h" 3
// Glibc 2.23 removed the obsolete isinf and isnan declarations. Check the
// version dynamically in case it has changed since libstdc++ was configured.
# 53 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/os_defines.h" 3
# 534 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 2 3
// Pick up any CPU-specific definitions.
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <bits/cpu_defines.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 536 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
# 1 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/cpu_defines.h" 1 3
// Specific definitions for generic platforms -*- C++ -*-
// Copyright (C) 2005-2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
// This file is part of the GNU ISO C++ Library. This library is free
// software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
// terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
// Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
// any later version.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// Under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted additional
// permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception, version
// 3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and
// a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program;
// see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively. If not, see
// <>.
/** @file bits/cpu_defines.h
* This is an internal header file, included by other library headers.
* Do not attempt to use it directly. @headername{iosfwd}
# 34 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/cpu_defines.h" 3
# 537 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 2 3
// If platform uses neither visibility nor psuedo-visibility,
// specify empty default for namespace annotation macros.
# 543 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
// Certain function definitions that are meant to be overridable from
// user code are decorated with this macro. For some targets, this
// macro causes these definitions to be weak.
# 550 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
// By default, we assume that __GXX_WEAK__ also means that there is support
// for declaring functions as weak while not defining such functions. This
// allows for referring to functions provided by other libraries (e.g.,
// libitm) without depending on them if the respective features are not used.
# 558 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
// Conditionally enable annotations for the Transactional Memory TS on C++11.
// Most of the following conditions are due to limitations in the current
// implementation.
#if __cplusplus >= 201103L && _GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI \
&& _GLIBCXX_USE_DUAL_ABI && __cpp_transactional_memory >= 201505L \
#define _GLIBCXX_TXN_SAFE transaction_safe
#define _GLIBCXX_TXN_SAFE_DYN transaction_safe_dynamic
# 569 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
# 572 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
#if __cplusplus > 201402L
// In C++17 mathematical special functions are in namespace std.
#elif __cplusplus >= 201103L && __STDCPP_WANT_MATH_SPEC_FUNCS__ != 0
# 577 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
// For C++11 and C++14 they are in namespace std when requested.
# 580 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
// The remainder of the prewritten config is automatic; all the
// user hooks are listed above.
// Create a boolean flag to be used to determine if --fast-math is set.
#ifdef __FAST_MATH__
# 588 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
# 590 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
// This marks string literals in header files to be extracted for eventual
// translation. It is primarily used for messages in thrown exceptions; see
// src/ We use __N because the more traditional _N is used
// for something else under certain OSes (see BADNAMES).
#define __N(msgid) (msgid)
// For example, <windows.h> is known to #define min and max as macros...
#undef min
#undef max
// N.B. these _GLIBCXX_USE_C99_XXX macros are defined unconditionally
// so they should be tested with #if not with #ifdef.
#if __cplusplus >= 201103L
# ifndef _GLIBCXX_USE_C99_MATH
# endif
# 607 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
# endif
# 610 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
# endif
# 613 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
# endif
# 616 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
# endif
# 619 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
# 620 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
# ifndef _GLIBCXX_USE_C99_MATH
# endif
# 623 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
# endif
# 626 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
# endif
# 629 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
# endif
# 632 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
# endif
# 635 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
# 636 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
// End of prewritten config; the settings discovered at configure time follow.
/* config.h. Generated from by configure. */
/* Generated from by autoheader. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `acosf' function. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `acosl' function. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `aligned_alloc' function. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `asinf' function. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `asinl' function. */
/* Define to 1 if the target assembler supports .symver directive. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `atan2f' function. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `atan2l' function. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `atanf' function. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `atanl' function. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `at_quick_exit' function. */
/* Define to 1 if the target assembler supports thread-local storage. */
/* #undef _GLIBCXX_HAVE_CC_TLS */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `ceilf' function. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `ceill' function. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the <complex.h> header file. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `cosf' function. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `coshf' function. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `coshl' function. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `cosl' function. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the <dirent.h> header file. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the <dlfcn.h> header file. */
/* Define if EBADMSG exists. */
/* Define if ECANCELED exists. */
/* Define if ECHILD exists. */
/* Define if EIDRM exists. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the <endian.h> header file. */
/* Define if ENODATA exists. */
/* Define if ENOLINK exists. */
/* Define if ENOSPC exists. */
/* Define if ENOSR exists. */
/* Define if ENOSTR exists. */
/* Define if ENOTRECOVERABLE exists. */
/* Define if ENOTSUP exists. */
/* Define if EOVERFLOW exists. */
/* Define if EOWNERDEAD exists. */
/* Define if EPERM exists. */
/* Define if EPROTO exists. */
/* Define if ETIME exists. */
/* Define if ETIMEDOUT exists. */
/* Define if ETXTBSY exists. */
/* Define if EWOULDBLOCK exists. */
/* Define to 1 if GCC 4.6 supported std::exception_ptr for the target */
/* Define to 1 if you have the <execinfo.h> header file. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `expf' function. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `expl' function. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `fabsf' function. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `fabsl' function. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the <fcntl.h> header file. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the <fenv.h> header file. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `finite' function. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `finitef' function. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `finitel' function. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the <float.h> header file. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `floorf' function. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `floorl' function. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `fmodf' function. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `fmodl' function. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `fpclass' function. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the <fp.h> header file. */
/* #undef _GLIBCXX_HAVE_FP_H */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `frexpf' function. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `frexpl' function. */
/* Define if _Unwind_GetIPInfo is available. */
/* Define if gets is available in <stdio.h> before C++14. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `hypot' function. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `hypotf' function. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `hypotl' function. */
/* Define if you have the iconv() function. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the <ieeefp.h> header file. */
/* Define if int64_t is available in <stdint.h>. */
#define _GLIBCXX_HAVE_INT64_T 1
/* Define if int64_t is a long. */
/* Define if int64_t is a long long. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the <inttypes.h> header file. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `isinf' function. */
/* #undef _GLIBCXX_HAVE_ISINF */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `isinff' function. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `isinfl' function. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `isnan' function. */
/* #undef _GLIBCXX_HAVE_ISNAN */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `isnanf' function. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `isnanl' function. */
/* Defined if iswblank exists. */
/* Define if LC_MESSAGES is available in <locale.h>. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `ldexpf' function. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `ldexpl' function. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the <libintl.h> header file. */
/* Only used in build directory testsuite_hooks.h. */
/* Only used in build directory testsuite_hooks.h. */
/* Only used in build directory testsuite_hooks.h. */
/* Only used in build directory testsuite_hooks.h. */
/* Only used in build directory testsuite_hooks.h. */
/* Define if futex syscall is available. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the <locale.h> header file. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `log10f' function. */
#define _GLIBCXX_HAVE_LOG10F 1
/* Define to 1 if you have the `log10l' function. */
#define _GLIBCXX_HAVE_LOG10L 1
/* Define to 1 if you have the `logf' function. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `logl' function. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the <machine/endian.h> header file. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the <machine/param.h> header file. */
/* Define if mbstate_t exists in wchar.h. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `memalign' function. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the <memory.h> header file. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `modf' function. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `modff' function. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `modfl' function. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the <nan.h> header file. */
/* #undef _GLIBCXX_HAVE_NAN_H */
/* Define if <math.h> defines obsolete isinf function. */
/* Define if <math.h> defines obsolete isnan function. */
/* Define if poll is available in <poll.h>. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `posix_memalign' function. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `powf' function. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `powl' function. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `qfpclass' function. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `quick_exit' function. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `setenv' function. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `sincos' function. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `sincosf' function. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `sincosl' function. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `sinf' function. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `sinhf' function. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `sinhl' function. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `sinl' function. */
/* Defined if sleep exists. */
/* #undef _GLIBCXX_HAVE_SLEEP */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `sqrtf' function. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `sqrtl' function. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the <stdalign.h> header file. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the <stdbool.h> header file. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the <stdint.h> header file. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the <stdlib.h> header file. */
/* Define if strerror_l is available in <string.h>. */
/* Define if strerror_r is available in <string.h>. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the <strings.h> header file. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the <string.h> header file. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `strtof' function. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `strtold' function. */
/* Define to 1 if `d_type' is a member of `struct dirent'. */
/* Define if strxfrm_l is available in <string.h>. */
/* Define to 1 if the target runtime linker supports binding the same symbol
to different versions. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/filio.h> header file. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/ioctl.h> header file. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/ipc.h> header file. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/isa_defs.h> header file. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/machine.h> header file. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/param.h> header file. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/resource.h> header file. */
/* Define to 1 if you have a suitable <sys/sdt.h> header file */
/* #undef _GLIBCXX_HAVE_SYS_SDT_H */
/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/sem.h> header file. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/statvfs.h> header file. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/stat.h> header file. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/sysinfo.h> header file. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/time.h> header file. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/types.h> header file. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/uio.h> header file. */
/* Define if S_IFREG is available in <sys/stat.h>. */
/* #undef _GLIBCXX_HAVE_S_IFREG */
/* Define if S_ISREG is available in <sys/stat.h>. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `tanf' function. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `tanhf' function. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `tanhl' function. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `tanl' function. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the <tgmath.h> header file. */
/* Define to 1 if the target supports thread-local storage. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the <uchar.h> header file. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the <unistd.h> header file. */
/* Defined if usleep exists. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the <utime.h> header file. */
/* Defined if vfwscanf exists. */
/* Defined if vswscanf exists. */
/* Defined if vwscanf exists. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the <wchar.h> header file. */
/* Defined if wcstof exists. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the <wctype.h> header file. */
/* Defined if Sleep exists. */
/* #undef _GLIBCXX_HAVE_WIN32_SLEEP */
/* Define if writev is available in <sys/uio.h>. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `_acosf' function. */
/* #undef _GLIBCXX_HAVE__ACOSF */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `_acosl' function. */
/* #undef _GLIBCXX_HAVE__ACOSL */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `_aligned_malloc' function. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `_asinf' function. */
/* #undef _GLIBCXX_HAVE__ASINF */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `_asinl' function. */
/* #undef _GLIBCXX_HAVE__ASINL */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `_atan2f' function. */
/* #undef _GLIBCXX_HAVE__ATAN2F */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `_atan2l' function. */
/* #undef _GLIBCXX_HAVE__ATAN2L */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `_atanf' function. */
/* #undef _GLIBCXX_HAVE__ATANF */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `_atanl' function. */
/* #undef _GLIBCXX_HAVE__ATANL */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `_ceilf' function. */
/* #undef _GLIBCXX_HAVE__CEILF */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `_ceill' function. */
/* #undef _GLIBCXX_HAVE__CEILL */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `_cosf' function. */
/* #undef _GLIBCXX_HAVE__COSF */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `_coshf' function. */
/* #undef _GLIBCXX_HAVE__COSHF */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `_coshl' function. */
/* #undef _GLIBCXX_HAVE__COSHL */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `_cosl' function. */
/* #undef _GLIBCXX_HAVE__COSL */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `_expf' function. */
/* #undef _GLIBCXX_HAVE__EXPF */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `_expl' function. */
/* #undef _GLIBCXX_HAVE__EXPL */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `_fabsf' function. */
/* #undef _GLIBCXX_HAVE__FABSF */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `_fabsl' function. */
/* #undef _GLIBCXX_HAVE__FABSL */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `_finite' function. */
/* #undef _GLIBCXX_HAVE__FINITE */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `_finitef' function. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `_finitel' function. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `_floorf' function. */
/* #undef _GLIBCXX_HAVE__FLOORF */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `_floorl' function. */
/* #undef _GLIBCXX_HAVE__FLOORL */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `_fmodf' function. */
/* #undef _GLIBCXX_HAVE__FMODF */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `_fmodl' function. */
/* #undef _GLIBCXX_HAVE__FMODL */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `_fpclass' function. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `_frexpf' function. */
/* #undef _GLIBCXX_HAVE__FREXPF */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `_frexpl' function. */
/* #undef _GLIBCXX_HAVE__FREXPL */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `_hypot' function. */
/* #undef _GLIBCXX_HAVE__HYPOT */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `_hypotf' function. */
/* #undef _GLIBCXX_HAVE__HYPOTF */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `_hypotl' function. */
/* #undef _GLIBCXX_HAVE__HYPOTL */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `_isinf' function. */
/* #undef _GLIBCXX_HAVE__ISINF */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `_isinff' function. */
/* #undef _GLIBCXX_HAVE__ISINFF */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `_isinfl' function. */
/* #undef _GLIBCXX_HAVE__ISINFL */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `_isnan' function. */
/* #undef _GLIBCXX_HAVE__ISNAN */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `_isnanf' function. */
/* #undef _GLIBCXX_HAVE__ISNANF */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `_isnanl' function. */
/* #undef _GLIBCXX_HAVE__ISNANL */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `_ldexpf' function. */
/* #undef _GLIBCXX_HAVE__LDEXPF */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `_ldexpl' function. */
/* #undef _GLIBCXX_HAVE__LDEXPL */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `_log10f' function. */
/* #undef _GLIBCXX_HAVE__LOG10F */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `_log10l' function. */
/* #undef _GLIBCXX_HAVE__LOG10L */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `_logf' function. */
/* #undef _GLIBCXX_HAVE__LOGF */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `_logl' function. */
/* #undef _GLIBCXX_HAVE__LOGL */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `_modf' function. */
/* #undef _GLIBCXX_HAVE__MODF */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `_modff' function. */
/* #undef _GLIBCXX_HAVE__MODFF */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `_modfl' function. */
/* #undef _GLIBCXX_HAVE__MODFL */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `_powf' function. */
/* #undef _GLIBCXX_HAVE__POWF */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `_powl' function. */
/* #undef _GLIBCXX_HAVE__POWL */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `_qfpclass' function. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `_sincos' function. */
/* #undef _GLIBCXX_HAVE__SINCOS */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `_sincosf' function. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `_sincosl' function. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `_sinf' function. */
/* #undef _GLIBCXX_HAVE__SINF */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `_sinhf' function. */
/* #undef _GLIBCXX_HAVE__SINHF */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `_sinhl' function. */
/* #undef _GLIBCXX_HAVE__SINHL */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `_sinl' function. */
/* #undef _GLIBCXX_HAVE__SINL */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `_sqrtf' function. */
/* #undef _GLIBCXX_HAVE__SQRTF */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `_sqrtl' function. */
/* #undef _GLIBCXX_HAVE__SQRTL */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `_tanf' function. */
/* #undef _GLIBCXX_HAVE__TANF */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `_tanhf' function. */
/* #undef _GLIBCXX_HAVE__TANHF */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `_tanhl' function. */
/* #undef _GLIBCXX_HAVE__TANHL */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `_tanl' function. */
/* #undef _GLIBCXX_HAVE__TANL */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `__cxa_thread_atexit' function. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `__cxa_thread_atexit_impl' function. */
/* Define as const if the declaration of iconv() needs const. */
/* Define to the sub-directory in which libtool stores uninstalled libraries.
#define LT_OBJDIR ".libs/"
/* Name of package */
/* #undef _GLIBCXX_PACKAGE */
/* Define to the address where bug reports for this package should be sent. */
/* Define to the full name of this package. */
#define _GLIBCXX_PACKAGE_NAME "package-unused"
/* Define to the full name and version of this package. */
#define _GLIBCXX_PACKAGE_STRING "package-unused version-unused"
/* Define to the one symbol short name of this package. */
#define _GLIBCXX_PACKAGE_TARNAME "libstdc++"
/* Define to the home page for this package. */
/* Define to the version of this package. */
#define _GLIBCXX_PACKAGE__GLIBCXX_VERSION "version-unused"
/* The size of `char', as computed by sizeof. */
/* #undef SIZEOF_CHAR */
/* The size of `int', as computed by sizeof. */
/* #undef SIZEOF_INT */
/* The size of `long', as computed by sizeof. */
/* #undef SIZEOF_LONG */
/* The size of `short', as computed by sizeof. */
/* #undef SIZEOF_SHORT */
/* The size of `void *', as computed by sizeof. */
/* #undef SIZEOF_VOID_P */
/* Define to 1 if you have the ANSI C header files. */
#define STDC_HEADERS 1
/* Version number of package */
/* #undef _GLIBCXX_VERSION */
/* Define if C99 functions in <complex.h> should be used in <complex> for
C++11. Using compiler builtins for these functions requires corresponding
C99 library functions to be present. */
#define _GLIBCXX11_USE_C99_COMPLEX 1
/* Define if C99 functions or macros in <math.h> should be imported in <cmath>
in namespace std for C++11. */
#define _GLIBCXX11_USE_C99_MATH 1
/* Define if C99 functions or macros in <stdio.h> should be imported in
<cstdio> in namespace std for C++11. */
#define _GLIBCXX11_USE_C99_STDIO 1
/* Define if C99 functions or macros in <stdlib.h> should be imported in
<cstdlib> in namespace std for C++11. */
#define _GLIBCXX11_USE_C99_STDLIB 1
/* Define if C99 functions or macros in <wchar.h> should be imported in
<cwchar> in namespace std for C++11. */
#define _GLIBCXX11_USE_C99_WCHAR 1
/* Define if C99 functions in <complex.h> should be used in <complex> for
C++98. Using compiler builtins for these functions requires corresponding
C99 library functions to be present. */
#define _GLIBCXX98_USE_C99_COMPLEX 1
/* Define if C99 functions or macros in <math.h> should be imported in <cmath>
in namespace std for C++98. */
#define _GLIBCXX98_USE_C99_MATH 1
/* Define if C99 functions or macros in <stdio.h> should be imported in
<cstdio> in namespace std for C++98. */
#define _GLIBCXX98_USE_C99_STDIO 1
/* Define if C99 functions or macros in <stdlib.h> should be imported in
<cstdlib> in namespace std for C++98. */
#define _GLIBCXX98_USE_C99_STDLIB 1
/* Define if C99 functions or macros in <wchar.h> should be imported in
<cwchar> in namespace std for C++98. */
#define _GLIBCXX98_USE_C99_WCHAR 1
/* Define if the compiler supports C++11 atomics. */
/* Define to use concept checking code from the boost libraries. */
/* Define to 1 if a fully dynamic basic_string is wanted, 0 to disable,
undefined for platform defaults */
/* Define if gthreads library is available. */
/* Define to 1 if a full hosted library is built, or 0 if freestanding. */
/* Define if compatibility should be provided for -mlong-double-64. */
/* Define to the letter to which size_t is mangled. */
/* Define if C99 llrint and llround functions are missing from <math.h>. */
/* Define if ptrdiff_t is int. */
/* Define if using setrlimit to set resource limits during "make check" */
/* Define if size_t is unsigned int. */
/* #undef _GLIBCXX_SIZE_T_IS_UINT */
/* Define to the value of the EOF integer constant. */
/* Define to the value of the SEEK_CUR integer constant. */
/* Define to the value of the SEEK_END integer constant. */
/* Define to use symbol versioning in the shared library. */
/* Define to use darwin versioning in the shared library. */
/* Define to use GNU versioning in the shared library. */
/* Define to use GNU namespace versioning in the shared library. */
/* Define to use Sun versioning in the shared library. */
/* #undef _GLIBCXX_SYMVER_SUN */
/* Define if C11 functions in <uchar.h> should be imported into namespace std
in <cuchar>. */
#define _GLIBCXX_USE_C11_UCHAR_CXX11 1
/* Define if C99 functions or macros from <wchar.h>, <math.h>, <complex.h>,
<stdio.h>, and <stdlib.h> can be used or exposed. */
#define _GLIBCXX_USE_C99 1
/* Define if C99 functions in <complex.h> should be used in <tr1/complex>.
Using compiler builtins for these functions requires corresponding C99
library functions to be present. */
/* Define if C99 functions in <ctype.h> should be imported in <tr1/cctype> in
namespace std::tr1. */
#define _GLIBCXX_USE_C99_CTYPE_TR1 1
/* Define if C99 functions in <fenv.h> should be imported in <tr1/cfenv> in
namespace std::tr1. */
#define _GLIBCXX_USE_C99_FENV_TR1 1
/* Define if C99 functions in <inttypes.h> should be imported in
<tr1/cinttypes> in namespace std::tr1. */
/* Define if wchar_t C99 functions in <inttypes.h> should be imported in
<tr1/cinttypes> in namespace std::tr1. */
/* Define if C99 functions or macros in <math.h> should be imported in
<tr1/cmath> in namespace std::tr1. */
#define _GLIBCXX_USE_C99_MATH_TR1 1
/* Define if C99 types in <stdint.h> should be imported in <tr1/cstdint> in
namespace std::tr1. */
/* Defined if clock_gettime syscall has monotonic and realtime clock support.
/* Defined if clock_gettime has monotonic clock support. */
/* Defined if clock_gettime has realtime clock support. */
/* Define if ISO/IEC TR 24733 decimal floating point types are supported on
this host. */
/* Define if fchmod is available in <sys/stat.h>. */
/* Define if fchmodat is available in <sys/stat.h>. */
/* Define if __float128 is supported on this host. */
#define _GLIBCXX_USE_FLOAT128 1
/* Defined if gettimeofday is available. */
/* Define if get_nprocs is available in <sys/sysinfo.h>. */
/* Define if __int128 is supported on this host. */
#define _GLIBCXX_USE_INT128 1
/* Define if LFS support is available. */
#define _GLIBCXX_USE_LFS 1
/* Define if code specialized for long long should be used. */
/* Defined if nanosleep is available. */
/* Define if NLS translations are to be used. */
#define _GLIBCXX_USE_NLS 1
/* Define if pthreads_num_processors_np is available in <pthread.h>. */
/* Define if POSIX read/write locks are available in <gthr.h>. */
/* Define if /dev/random and /dev/urandom are available for the random_device
of TR1 (Chapter 5.1). */
/* Define if usable realpath is available in <stdlib.h>. */
/* Defined if sched_yield is available. */
/* Define if _SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN is available in <unistd.h>. */
/* Define if _SC_NPROC_ONLN is available in <unistd.h>. */
/* Define if sendfile is available in <sys/sendfile.h>. */
/* Define if struct stat has timespec members. */
/* Define if sysctl(), CTL_HW and HW_NCPU are available in <sys/sysctl.h>. */
/* Define if obsolescent tmpnam is available in <stdio.h>. */
/* Define if utimensat and UTIME_OMIT are available in <sys/stat.h> and
AT_FDCWD in <fcntl.h>. */
/* Define if code specialized for wchar_t should be used. */
/* Define to 1 if a verbose library is built, or 0 otherwise. */
/* Defined if as can handle rdrand. */
#define _GLIBCXX_X86_RDRAND 1
/* Define to 1 if mutex_timedlock is available. */
/* Define if all C++11 floating point overloads are available in <math.h>. */
#if __cplusplus >= 201103L
# 1630 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
/* Define if all C++11 integral type overloads are available in <math.h>. */
#if __cplusplus >= 201103L
# 1635 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
#if defined (_GLIBCXX_HAVE__ACOSF) && ! defined (_GLIBCXX_HAVE_ACOSF)
# define acosf _acosf
# 1640 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
#if defined (_GLIBCXX_HAVE__ACOSL) && ! defined (_GLIBCXX_HAVE_ACOSL)
# define acosl _acosl
# 1645 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
#if defined (_GLIBCXX_HAVE__ASINF) && ! defined (_GLIBCXX_HAVE_ASINF)
# define asinf _asinf
# 1650 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
#if defined (_GLIBCXX_HAVE__ASINL) && ! defined (_GLIBCXX_HAVE_ASINL)
# define asinl _asinl
# 1655 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
#if defined (_GLIBCXX_HAVE__ATAN2F) && ! defined (_GLIBCXX_HAVE_ATAN2F)
# define atan2f _atan2f
# 1660 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
#if defined (_GLIBCXX_HAVE__ATAN2L) && ! defined (_GLIBCXX_HAVE_ATAN2L)
# define atan2l _atan2l
# 1665 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
#if defined (_GLIBCXX_HAVE__ATANF) && ! defined (_GLIBCXX_HAVE_ATANF)
# define atanf _atanf
# 1670 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
#if defined (_GLIBCXX_HAVE__ATANL) && ! defined (_GLIBCXX_HAVE_ATANL)
# define atanl _atanl
# 1675 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
#if defined (_GLIBCXX_HAVE__CEILF) && ! defined (_GLIBCXX_HAVE_CEILF)
# define ceilf _ceilf
# 1680 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
#if defined (_GLIBCXX_HAVE__CEILL) && ! defined (_GLIBCXX_HAVE_CEILL)
# define ceill _ceill
# 1685 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
#if defined (_GLIBCXX_HAVE__COSF) && ! defined (_GLIBCXX_HAVE_COSF)
# define cosf _cosf
# 1690 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
#if defined (_GLIBCXX_HAVE__COSHF) && ! defined (_GLIBCXX_HAVE_COSHF)
# define coshf _coshf
# 1695 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
#if defined (_GLIBCXX_HAVE__COSHL) && ! defined (_GLIBCXX_HAVE_COSHL)
# define coshl _coshl
# 1700 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
#if defined (_GLIBCXX_HAVE__COSL) && ! defined (_GLIBCXX_HAVE_COSL)
# define cosl _cosl
# 1705 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
#if defined (_GLIBCXX_HAVE__EXPF) && ! defined (_GLIBCXX_HAVE_EXPF)
# define expf _expf
# 1710 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
#if defined (_GLIBCXX_HAVE__EXPL) && ! defined (_GLIBCXX_HAVE_EXPL)
# define expl _expl
# 1715 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
#if defined (_GLIBCXX_HAVE__FABSF) && ! defined (_GLIBCXX_HAVE_FABSF)
# define fabsf _fabsf
# 1720 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
#if defined (_GLIBCXX_HAVE__FABSL) && ! defined (_GLIBCXX_HAVE_FABSL)
# define fabsl _fabsl
# 1725 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
#if defined (_GLIBCXX_HAVE__FINITE) && ! defined (_GLIBCXX_HAVE_FINITE)
# define finite _finite
# 1730 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
#if defined (_GLIBCXX_HAVE__FINITEF) && ! defined (_GLIBCXX_HAVE_FINITEF)
# define finitef _finitef
# 1735 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
#if defined (_GLIBCXX_HAVE__FINITEL) && ! defined (_GLIBCXX_HAVE_FINITEL)
# define finitel _finitel
# 1740 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
#if defined (_GLIBCXX_HAVE__FLOORF) && ! defined (_GLIBCXX_HAVE_FLOORF)
# define floorf _floorf
# 1745 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
#if defined (_GLIBCXX_HAVE__FLOORL) && ! defined (_GLIBCXX_HAVE_FLOORL)
# define floorl _floorl
# 1750 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
#if defined (_GLIBCXX_HAVE__FMODF) && ! defined (_GLIBCXX_HAVE_FMODF)
# define fmodf _fmodf
# 1755 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
#if defined (_GLIBCXX_HAVE__FMODL) && ! defined (_GLIBCXX_HAVE_FMODL)
# define fmodl _fmodl
# 1760 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
#if defined (_GLIBCXX_HAVE__FPCLASS) && ! defined (_GLIBCXX_HAVE_FPCLASS)
# define fpclass _fpclass
# 1765 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
#if defined (_GLIBCXX_HAVE__FREXPF) && ! defined (_GLIBCXX_HAVE_FREXPF)
# define frexpf _frexpf
# 1770 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
#if defined (_GLIBCXX_HAVE__FREXPL) && ! defined (_GLIBCXX_HAVE_FREXPL)
# define frexpl _frexpl
# 1775 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
#if defined (_GLIBCXX_HAVE__HYPOT) && ! defined (_GLIBCXX_HAVE_HYPOT)
# define hypot _hypot
# 1780 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
#if defined (_GLIBCXX_HAVE__HYPOTF) && ! defined (_GLIBCXX_HAVE_HYPOTF)
# define hypotf _hypotf
# 1785 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
#if defined (_GLIBCXX_HAVE__HYPOTL) && ! defined (_GLIBCXX_HAVE_HYPOTL)
# define hypotl _hypotl
# 1790 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
#if defined (_GLIBCXX_HAVE__ISINF) && ! defined (_GLIBCXX_HAVE_ISINF)
# define isinf _isinf
# 1795 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
#if defined (_GLIBCXX_HAVE__ISINFF) && ! defined (_GLIBCXX_HAVE_ISINFF)
# define isinff _isinff
# 1800 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
#if defined (_GLIBCXX_HAVE__ISINFL) && ! defined (_GLIBCXX_HAVE_ISINFL)
# define isinfl _isinfl
# 1805 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
#if defined (_GLIBCXX_HAVE__ISNAN) && ! defined (_GLIBCXX_HAVE_ISNAN)
# define isnan _isnan
# 1810 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
#if defined (_GLIBCXX_HAVE__ISNANF) && ! defined (_GLIBCXX_HAVE_ISNANF)
# define isnanf _isnanf
# 1815 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
#if defined (_GLIBCXX_HAVE__ISNANL) && ! defined (_GLIBCXX_HAVE_ISNANL)
# define isnanl _isnanl
# 1820 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
#if defined (_GLIBCXX_HAVE__LDEXPF) && ! defined (_GLIBCXX_HAVE_LDEXPF)
# define ldexpf _ldexpf
# 1825 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
#if defined (_GLIBCXX_HAVE__LDEXPL) && ! defined (_GLIBCXX_HAVE_LDEXPL)
# define ldexpl _ldexpl
# 1830 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
#if defined (_GLIBCXX_HAVE__LOG10F) && ! defined (_GLIBCXX_HAVE_LOG10F)
# define _GLIBCXX_HAVE_LOG10F 1
# define log10f _log10f
# 1835 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
#if defined (_GLIBCXX_HAVE__LOG10L) && ! defined (_GLIBCXX_HAVE_LOG10L)
# define _GLIBCXX_HAVE_LOG10L 1
# define log10l _log10l
# 1840 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
#if defined (_GLIBCXX_HAVE__LOGF) && ! defined (_GLIBCXX_HAVE_LOGF)
# define logf _logf
# 1845 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
#if defined (_GLIBCXX_HAVE__LOGL) && ! defined (_GLIBCXX_HAVE_LOGL)
# define logl _logl
# 1850 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
#if defined (_GLIBCXX_HAVE__MODF) && ! defined (_GLIBCXX_HAVE_MODF)
# define modf _modf
# 1855 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
#if defined (_GLIBCXX_HAVE__MODFF) && ! defined (_GLIBCXX_HAVE_MODFF)
# define modff _modff
# 1860 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
#if defined (_GLIBCXX_HAVE__MODFL) && ! defined (_GLIBCXX_HAVE_MODFL)
# define modfl _modfl
# 1865 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
#if defined (_GLIBCXX_HAVE__POWF) && ! defined (_GLIBCXX_HAVE_POWF)
# define powf _powf
# 1870 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
#if defined (_GLIBCXX_HAVE__POWL) && ! defined (_GLIBCXX_HAVE_POWL)
# define powl _powl
# 1875 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
# define qfpclass _qfpclass
# 1880 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
#if defined (_GLIBCXX_HAVE__SINCOS) && ! defined (_GLIBCXX_HAVE_SINCOS)
# define sincos _sincos
# 1885 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
#if defined (_GLIBCXX_HAVE__SINCOSF) && ! defined (_GLIBCXX_HAVE_SINCOSF)
# define sincosf _sincosf
# 1890 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
#if defined (_GLIBCXX_HAVE__SINCOSL) && ! defined (_GLIBCXX_HAVE_SINCOSL)
# define sincosl _sincosl
# 1895 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
#if defined (_GLIBCXX_HAVE__SINF) && ! defined (_GLIBCXX_HAVE_SINF)
# define sinf _sinf
# 1900 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
#if defined (_GLIBCXX_HAVE__SINHF) && ! defined (_GLIBCXX_HAVE_SINHF)
# define sinhf _sinhf
# 1905 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
#if defined (_GLIBCXX_HAVE__SINHL) && ! defined (_GLIBCXX_HAVE_SINHL)
# define sinhl _sinhl
# 1910 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
#if defined (_GLIBCXX_HAVE__SINL) && ! defined (_GLIBCXX_HAVE_SINL)
# define sinl _sinl
# 1915 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
#if defined (_GLIBCXX_HAVE__SQRTF) && ! defined (_GLIBCXX_HAVE_SQRTF)
# define sqrtf _sqrtf
# 1920 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
#if defined (_GLIBCXX_HAVE__SQRTL) && ! defined (_GLIBCXX_HAVE_SQRTL)
# define sqrtl _sqrtl
# 1925 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
#if defined (_GLIBCXX_HAVE__STRTOF) && ! defined (_GLIBCXX_HAVE_STRTOF)
# define strtof _strtof
# 1930 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
#if defined (_GLIBCXX_HAVE__STRTOLD) && ! defined (_GLIBCXX_HAVE_STRTOLD)
# define strtold _strtold
# 1935 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
#if defined (_GLIBCXX_HAVE__TANF) && ! defined (_GLIBCXX_HAVE_TANF)
# define tanf _tanf
# 1940 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
#if defined (_GLIBCXX_HAVE__TANHF) && ! defined (_GLIBCXX_HAVE_TANHF)
# define tanhf _tanhf
# 1945 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
#if defined (_GLIBCXX_HAVE__TANHL) && ! defined (_GLIBCXX_HAVE_TANHL)
# define tanhl _tanhl
# 1950 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
#if defined (_GLIBCXX_HAVE__TANL) && ! defined (_GLIBCXX_HAVE_TANL)
# define tanl _tanl
# 1955 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
# 1957 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bits/c++config.h" 3
# 42 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/cstdlib" 2 3
// The C standard does not require a freestanding implementation to
// provide <stdlib.h>. However, the C++ standard does still require
// <cstdlib> -- but only the functionality mentioned in
// [].
#define EXIT_SUCCESS 0
#define EXIT_FAILURE 1
namespace std
extern "C" void abort(void) throw () _GLIBCXX_NORETURN;
extern "C" int atexit(void (*)(void)) throw ();
extern "C" void exit(int) throw () _GLIBCXX_NORETURN;
#if __cplusplus >= 201103L
extern "C" int at_quick_exit(void (*)(void)) throw ();
# endif
# 64 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/cstdlib" 3
extern "C" void quick_exit(int) throw() _GLIBCXX_NORETURN;
# endif
# 67 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/cstdlib" 3
# 68 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/cstdlib" 3
} // namespace std
# 71 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/cstdlib" 3
// Need to ensure this finds the C library's <stdlib.h> not a libstdc++
// wrapper that might already be installed later in the include search path.
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include_next <stdlib.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 75 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/cstdlib" 3
# 1 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 1 3 4
/* Copyright (C) 1991-2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is part of the GNU C Library.
The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
<>. */
* ISO C99 Standard: 7.20 General utilities <stdlib.h>
#ifndef _STDLIB_H
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <bits/libc-header-start.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 25 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/bits/libc-header-start.h" 1 3 4
/* Handle feature test macros at the start of a header.
Copyright (C) 2016-2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is part of the GNU C Library.
The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
<>. */
/* This header is internal to glibc and should not be included outside
of glibc headers. Headers including it must define
cannot have multiple include guards because ISO C feature test
macros depend on the definition of the macro when an affected
header is included, not when the first system header is
included. */
# error "Never include <bits/libc-header-start.h> directly."
# 30 "/usr/include/bits/libc-header-start.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <features.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 33 "/usr/include/bits/libc-header-start.h" 3 4
# 34 "/usr/include/bits/libc-header-start.h" 3 4
/* ISO/IEC TR 24731-2:2010 defines the __STDC_WANT_LIB_EXT2__
macro. */
#if (defined __USE_GNU \
|| (defined __STDC_WANT_LIB_EXT2__ && __STDC_WANT_LIB_EXT2__ > 0))
# define __GLIBC_USE_LIB_EXT2 1
# 42 "/usr/include/bits/libc-header-start.h" 3 4
# define __GLIBC_USE_LIB_EXT2 0
# 44 "/usr/include/bits/libc-header-start.h" 3 4
/* ISO/IEC TS 18661-1:2014 defines the __STDC_WANT_IEC_60559_BFP_EXT__
macro. */
#undef __GLIBC_USE_IEC_60559_BFP_EXT
#if defined __USE_GNU || defined __STDC_WANT_IEC_60559_BFP_EXT__
# define __GLIBC_USE_IEC_60559_BFP_EXT 1
# 51 "/usr/include/bits/libc-header-start.h" 3 4
# define __GLIBC_USE_IEC_60559_BFP_EXT 0
# 53 "/usr/include/bits/libc-header-start.h" 3 4
/* ISO/IEC TS 18661-4:2015 defines the
__STDC_WANT_IEC_60559_FUNCS_EXT__ macro. */
#undef __GLIBC_USE_IEC_60559_FUNCS_EXT
#if defined __USE_GNU || defined __STDC_WANT_IEC_60559_FUNCS_EXT__
# define __GLIBC_USE_IEC_60559_FUNCS_EXT 1
# 60 "/usr/include/bits/libc-header-start.h" 3 4
# define __GLIBC_USE_IEC_60559_FUNCS_EXT 0
# 62 "/usr/include/bits/libc-header-start.h" 3 4
# 26 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 2 3 4
/* Get size_t, wchar_t and NULL from <stddef.h>. */
#define __need_size_t
#ifndef __need_malloc_and_calloc
# define __need_wchar_t
# define __need_NULL
# 33 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <stddef.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 33 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/stddef.h" 1 3 4
/*===---- stddef.h - Basic type definitions --------------------------------===
* Copyright (c) 2008 Eli Friedman
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
* of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
* in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
* to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
* copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
* furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
* all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
#if !defined(__STDDEF_H) || defined(__need_ptrdiff_t) || \
defined(__need_size_t) || defined(__need_wchar_t) || \
defined(__need_NULL) || defined(__need_wint_t)
#if !defined(__need_ptrdiff_t) && !defined(__need_size_t) && \
!defined(__need_wchar_t) && !defined(__need_NULL) && \
/* Always define miscellaneous pieces when modules are available. */
#if !__has_feature(modules)
#define __STDDEF_H
# 37 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#define __need_ptrdiff_t
#define __need_size_t
#define __need_wchar_t
#define __need_NULL
#define __need_STDDEF_H_misc
/* __need_wint_t is intentionally not defined here. */
# 44 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#if defined(__need_ptrdiff_t)
#if !defined(_PTRDIFF_T) || __has_feature(modules)
/* Always define ptrdiff_t when modules are available. */
#if !__has_feature(modules)
#define _PTRDIFF_T
# 51 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
typedef __PTRDIFF_TYPE__ ptrdiff_t;
# 53 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#undef __need_ptrdiff_t
#endif /* defined(__need_ptrdiff_t) */
# 55 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#if defined(__need_size_t)
#if !defined(_SIZE_T) || __has_feature(modules)
/* Always define size_t when modules are available. */
#if !__has_feature(modules)
#define _SIZE_T
# 62 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
typedef __SIZE_TYPE__ size_t;
# 64 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#undef __need_size_t
#endif /*defined(__need_size_t) */
# 66 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#if defined(__need_STDDEF_H_misc)
/* ISO9899:2011 7.20 (C11 Annex K): Define rsize_t if __STDC_WANT_LIB_EXT1__ is
* enabled. */
#if (defined(__STDC_WANT_LIB_EXT1__) && __STDC_WANT_LIB_EXT1__ >= 1 && \
!defined(_RSIZE_T)) || __has_feature(modules)
/* Always define rsize_t when modules are available. */
#if !__has_feature(modules)
#define _RSIZE_T
# 76 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
typedef __SIZE_TYPE__ rsize_t;
# 78 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#endif /* defined(__need_STDDEF_H_misc) */
# 79 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#if defined(__need_wchar_t)
#ifndef __cplusplus
/* Always define wchar_t when modules are available. */
#if !defined(_WCHAR_T) || __has_feature(modules)
#if !__has_feature(modules)
#define _WCHAR_T
#if defined(_MSC_EXTENSIONS)
# 89 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
# 90 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
typedef __WCHAR_TYPE__ wchar_t;
# 92 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
# 93 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#undef __need_wchar_t
#endif /* defined(__need_wchar_t) */
# 95 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#if defined(__need_NULL)
#undef NULL
#ifdef __cplusplus
# if !defined(__MINGW32__) && !defined(_MSC_VER)
# define NULL __null
# else
# 102 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
# define NULL 0
# endif
# 104 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
# 105 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
# define NULL ((void*)0)
# 107 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#ifdef __cplusplus
namespace std { typedef decltype(nullptr) nullptr_t; }
using ::std::nullptr_t;
# 112 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
# 113 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#undef __need_NULL
#endif /* defined(__need_NULL) */
# 115 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#if defined(__need_STDDEF_H_misc)
#if __STDC_VERSION__ >= 201112L || __cplusplus >= 201103L
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include "__stddef_max_align_t.h"
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 118 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
# 119 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
# 120 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#define offsetof(t, d) __builtin_offsetof(t, d)
#undef __need_STDDEF_H_misc
#endif /* defined(__need_STDDEF_H_misc) */
# 123 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
/* Some C libraries expect to see a wint_t here. Others (notably MinGW) will use
__WINT_TYPE__ directly; accommodate both by requiring __need_wint_t */
#if defined(__need_wint_t)
/* Always define wint_t when modules are available. */
#if !defined(_WINT_T) || __has_feature(modules)
#if !__has_feature(modules)
#define _WINT_T
# 132 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
typedef __WINT_TYPE__ wint_t;
# 134 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#undef __need_wint_t
#endif /* __need_wint_t */
# 136 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
# 138 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
# 34 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 2 3 4
#ifndef __need_malloc_and_calloc
#define _STDLIB_H 1
#if (defined __USE_XOPEN || defined __USE_XOPEN2K8) && !defined _SYS_WAIT_H
/* XPG requires a few symbols from <sys/wait.h> being defined. */
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# include <bits/waitflags.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 42 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/bits/waitflags.h" 1 3 4
/* Definitions of flag bits for `waitpid' et al.
Copyright (C) 1992-2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is part of the GNU C Library.
The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
<>. */
#if !defined _SYS_WAIT_H && !defined _STDLIB_H
# error "Never include <bits/waitflags.h> directly; use <sys/wait.h> instead."
# 22 "/usr/include/bits/waitflags.h" 3 4
/* Bits in the third argument to `waitpid'. */
#define WNOHANG 1 /* Don't block waiting. */
#define WUNTRACED 2 /* Report status of stopped children. */
/* Bits in the fourth argument to `waitid'. */
#define WSTOPPED 2 /* Report stopped child (same as WUNTRACED). */
#define WEXITED 4 /* Report dead child. */
#define WCONTINUED 8 /* Report continued child. */
#define WNOWAIT 0x01000000 /* Don't reap, just poll status. */
#define __WNOTHREAD 0x20000000 /* Don't wait on children of other threads
in this group */
#define __WALL 0x40000000 /* Wait for any child. */
#define __WCLONE 0x80000000 /* Wait for cloned process. */
# 43 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 2 3 4
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# include <bits/waitstatus.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 43 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/bits/waitstatus.h" 1 3 4
/* Definitions of status bits for `wait' et al.
Copyright (C) 1992-2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is part of the GNU C Library.
The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
<>. */
#if !defined _SYS_WAIT_H && !defined _STDLIB_H
# error "Never include <bits/waitstatus.h> directly; use <sys/wait.h> instead."
# 22 "/usr/include/bits/waitstatus.h" 3 4
/* Everything extant so far uses these same bits. */
/* If WIFEXITED(STATUS), the low-order 8 bits of the status. */
#define __WEXITSTATUS(status) (((status) & 0xff00) >> 8)
/* If WIFSIGNALED(STATUS), the terminating signal. */
#define __WTERMSIG(status) ((status) & 0x7f)
/* If WIFSTOPPED(STATUS), the signal that stopped the child. */
#define __WSTOPSIG(status) __WEXITSTATUS(status)
/* Nonzero if STATUS indicates normal termination. */
#define __WIFEXITED(status) (__WTERMSIG(status) == 0)
/* Nonzero if STATUS indicates termination by a signal. */
#define __WIFSIGNALED(status) \
(((signed char) (((status) & 0x7f) + 1) >> 1) > 0)
/* Nonzero if STATUS indicates the child is stopped. */
#define __WIFSTOPPED(status) (((status) & 0xff) == 0x7f)
/* Nonzero if STATUS indicates the child continued after a stop. We only
define this if <bits/waitflags.h> provides the WCONTINUED flag bit. */
# define __WIFCONTINUED(status) ((status) == __W_CONTINUED)
# 51 "/usr/include/bits/waitstatus.h" 3 4
/* Nonzero if STATUS indicates the child dumped core. */
#define __WCOREDUMP(status) ((status) & __WCOREFLAG)
/* Macros for constructing status values. */
#define __W_EXITCODE(ret, sig) ((ret) << 8 | (sig))
#define __W_STOPCODE(sig) ((sig) << 8 | 0x7f)
#define __W_CONTINUED 0xffff
#define __WCOREFLAG 0x80
# 44 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 2 3 4
/* Define the macros <sys/wait.h> also would define this way. */
# define WEXITSTATUS(status) __WEXITSTATUS (status)
# define WTERMSIG(status) __WTERMSIG (status)
# define WSTOPSIG(status) __WSTOPSIG (status)
# define WIFEXITED(status) __WIFEXITED (status)
# define WIFSIGNALED(status) __WIFSIGNALED (status)
# define WIFSTOPPED(status) __WIFSTOPPED (status)
# define WIFCONTINUED(status) __WIFCONTINUED (status)
# endif
# 55 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
#endif /* X/Open or XPG7 and <sys/wait.h> not included. */
# 56 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
/* Returned by `div'. */
typedef struct
int quot; /* Quotient. */
int rem; /* Remainder. */
} div_t;
/* Returned by `ldiv'. */
#ifndef __ldiv_t_defined
typedef struct
long int quot; /* Quotient. */
long int rem; /* Remainder. */
} ldiv_t;
# define __ldiv_t_defined 1
# 74 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
#if defined __USE_ISOC99 && !defined __lldiv_t_defined
/* Returned by `lldiv'. */
__extension__ typedef struct
long long int quot; /* Quotient. */
long long int rem; /* Remainder. */
} lldiv_t;
# define __lldiv_t_defined 1
# 87 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
/* The largest number rand will return (same as INT_MAX). */
#define RAND_MAX 2147483647
/* We define these the same for all machines.
Changes from this to the outside world should be done in `_exit'. */
#define EXIT_FAILURE 1 /* Failing exit status. */
#define EXIT_SUCCESS 0 /* Successful exit status. */
/* Maximum length of a multibyte character in the current locale. */
#define MB_CUR_MAX (__ctype_get_mb_cur_max ())
extern size_t __ctype_get_mb_cur_max (void) __THROW __wur;
/* Convert a string to a floating-point number. */
extern double atof (const char *__nptr)
__THROW __attribute_pure__ __nonnull ((1)) __wur;
/* Convert a string to an integer. */
extern int atoi (const char *__nptr)
__THROW __attribute_pure__ __nonnull ((1)) __wur;
/* Convert a string to a long integer. */
extern long int atol (const char *__nptr)
__THROW __attribute_pure__ __nonnull ((1)) __wur;
#ifdef __USE_ISOC99
/* Convert a string to a long long integer. */
__extension__ extern long long int atoll (const char *__nptr)
__THROW __attribute_pure__ __nonnull ((1)) __wur;
# 123 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
/* Convert a string to a floating-point number. */
extern double strtod (const char *__restrict __nptr,
char **__restrict __endptr)
__THROW __nonnull ((1));
#ifdef __USE_ISOC99
/* Likewise for `float' and `long double' sizes of floating-point numbers. */
extern float strtof (const char *__restrict __nptr,
char **__restrict __endptr) __THROW __nonnull ((1));
extern long double strtold (const char *__restrict __nptr,
char **__restrict __endptr)
__THROW __nonnull ((1));
# 142 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
/* Convert a string to a long integer. */
extern long int strtol (const char *__restrict __nptr,
char **__restrict __endptr, int __base)
__THROW __nonnull ((1));
/* Convert a string to an unsigned long integer. */
extern unsigned long int strtoul (const char *__restrict __nptr,
char **__restrict __endptr, int __base)
__THROW __nonnull ((1));
#ifdef __USE_MISC
/* Convert a string to a quadword integer. */
extern long long int strtoq (const char *__restrict __nptr,
char **__restrict __endptr, int __base)
__THROW __nonnull ((1));
/* Convert a string to an unsigned quadword integer. */
extern unsigned long long int strtouq (const char *__restrict __nptr,
char **__restrict __endptr, int __base)
__THROW __nonnull ((1));
#endif /* Use misc. */
# 166 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
#ifdef __USE_ISOC99
/* Convert a string to a quadword integer. */
extern long long int strtoll (const char *__restrict __nptr,
char **__restrict __endptr, int __base)
__THROW __nonnull ((1));
/* Convert a string to an unsigned quadword integer. */
extern unsigned long long int strtoull (const char *__restrict __nptr,
char **__restrict __endptr, int __base)
__THROW __nonnull ((1));
#endif /* ISO C99 or use MISC. */
# 181 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
/* Convert a floating-point number to a string. */
#if __GLIBC_USE (IEC_60559_BFP_EXT)
extern int strfromd (char *__dest, size_t __size, const char *__format,
double __f)
__THROW __nonnull ((3));
extern int strfromf (char *__dest, size_t __size, const char *__format,
float __f)
__THROW __nonnull ((3));
extern int strfroml (char *__dest, size_t __size, const char *__format,
long double __f)
__THROW __nonnull ((3));
# 196 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
#ifdef __USE_GNU
/* The concept of one static locale per category is not very well
thought out. Many applications will need to process its data using
information from several different locales. Another problem is
the implementation of the internationalization handling in the
ISO C++ standard library. To support this another set of
the functions using locale data exist which take an additional
Attention: even though several *_l interfaces are part of POSIX:2008,
these are not. */
/* Structure for reentrant locale using functions. This is an
(almost) opaque type for the user level programs. */
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# include <xlocale.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 212 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/xlocale.h" 1 3 4
/* Definition of locale datatype.
Copyright (C) 1997-2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is part of the GNU C Library.
Contributed by Ulrich Drepper <>, 1997.
The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
<>. */
#ifndef _XLOCALE_H
#define _XLOCALE_H 1
/* Structure for reentrant locale using functions. This is an
(almost) opaque type for the user level programs. The file and
this data structure is not standardized. Don't rely on it. It can
go away without warning. */
typedef struct __locale_struct
/* Note: LC_ALL is not a valid index into this array. */
struct __locale_data *__locales[13]; /* 13 = __LC_LAST. */
/* To increase the speed of this solution we add some special members. */
const unsigned short int *__ctype_b;
const int *__ctype_tolower;
const int *__ctype_toupper;
/* Note: LC_ALL is not a valid index into this array. */
const char *__names[13];
} *__locale_t;
/* POSIX 2008 makes locale_t official. */
typedef __locale_t locale_t;
#endif /* xlocale.h */
# 45 "/usr/include/xlocale.h" 3 4
# 213 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 2 3 4
/* Special versions of the functions above which take the locale to
use as an additional parameter. */
extern long int strtol_l (const char *__restrict __nptr,
char **__restrict __endptr, int __base,
__locale_t __loc) __THROW __nonnull ((1, 4));
extern unsigned long int strtoul_l (const char *__restrict __nptr,
char **__restrict __endptr,
int __base, __locale_t __loc)
__THROW __nonnull ((1, 4));
extern long long int strtoll_l (const char *__restrict __nptr,
char **__restrict __endptr, int __base,
__locale_t __loc)
__THROW __nonnull ((1, 4));
extern unsigned long long int strtoull_l (const char *__restrict __nptr,
char **__restrict __endptr,
int __base, __locale_t __loc)
__THROW __nonnull ((1, 4));
extern double strtod_l (const char *__restrict __nptr,
char **__restrict __endptr, __locale_t __loc)
__THROW __nonnull ((1, 3));
extern float strtof_l (const char *__restrict __nptr,
char **__restrict __endptr, __locale_t __loc)
__THROW __nonnull ((1, 3));
extern long double strtold_l (const char *__restrict __nptr,
char **__restrict __endptr,
__locale_t __loc)
__THROW __nonnull ((1, 3));
#endif /* GNU */
# 250 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
__extern_inline int
__NTH (atoi (const char *__nptr))
return (int) strtol (__nptr, (char **) NULL, 10);
__extern_inline long int
__NTH (atol (const char *__nptr))
return strtol (__nptr, (char **) NULL, 10);
# ifdef __USE_ISOC99
__extension__ __extern_inline long long int
__NTH (atoll (const char *__nptr))
return strtoll (__nptr, (char **) NULL, 10);
# endif
# 275 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
#endif /* Optimizing and Inlining. */
# 276 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
#if defined __USE_MISC || defined __USE_XOPEN_EXTENDED
/* Convert N to base 64 using the digits "./0-9A-Za-z", least-significant
digit first. Returns a pointer to static storage overwritten by the
next call. */
extern char *l64a (long int __n) __THROW __wur;
/* Read a number from a string S in base 64 as above. */
extern long int a64l (const char *__s)
__THROW __attribute_pure__ __nonnull ((1)) __wur;
#endif /* Use misc || extended X/Open. */
# 289 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
#if defined __USE_MISC || defined __USE_XOPEN_EXTENDED
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# include <sys/types.h> /* we need int32_t... */
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 291 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 1 3 4
/* Copyright (C) 1991-2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is part of the GNU C Library.
The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
<>. */
* POSIX Standard: 2.6 Primitive System Data Types <sys/types.h>
#ifndef _SYS_TYPES_H
#define _SYS_TYPES_H 1
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <features.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 25 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 3 4
# 26 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <bits/types.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 29 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/bits/types.h" 1 3 4
/* bits/types.h -- definitions of __*_t types underlying *_t types.
Copyright (C) 2002-2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is part of the GNU C Library.
The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
<>. */
* Never include this file directly; use <sys/types.h> instead.
#ifndef _BITS_TYPES_H
#define _BITS_TYPES_H 1
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <features.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 26 "/usr/include/bits/types.h" 3 4
# 27 "/usr/include/bits/types.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <bits/wordsize.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 27 "/usr/include/bits/types.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/bits/wordsize.h" 1 3 4
/* Determine the wordsize from the preprocessor defines. */
#if defined __x86_64__ && !defined __ILP32__
# define __WORDSIZE 64
# 6 "/usr/include/bits/wordsize.h" 3 4
# define __WORDSIZE 32
# 10 "/usr/include/bits/wordsize.h" 3 4
#ifdef __x86_64__
# define __WORDSIZE_TIME64_COMPAT32 1
/* Both x86-64 and x32 use the 64-bit system call interface. */
# define __SYSCALL_WORDSIZE 64
# 16 "/usr/include/bits/wordsize.h" 3 4
# define __WORDSIZE_TIME64_COMPAT32 0
# 18 "/usr/include/bits/wordsize.h" 3 4
# 28 "/usr/include/bits/types.h" 2 3 4
/* Convenience types. */
typedef unsigned char __u_char;
typedef unsigned short int __u_short;
typedef unsigned int __u_int;
typedef unsigned long int __u_long;
/* Fixed-size types, underlying types depend on word size and compiler. */
typedef signed char __int8_t;
typedef unsigned char __uint8_t;
typedef signed short int __int16_t;
typedef unsigned short int __uint16_t;
typedef signed int __int32_t;
typedef unsigned int __uint32_t;
#if __WORDSIZE == 64
typedef signed long int __int64_t;
typedef unsigned long int __uint64_t;
# 46 "/usr/include/bits/types.h" 3 4
__extension__ typedef signed long long int __int64_t;
__extension__ typedef unsigned long long int __uint64_t;
# 49 "/usr/include/bits/types.h" 3 4
/* quad_t is also 64 bits. */
#if __WORDSIZE == 64
typedef long int __quad_t;
typedef unsigned long int __u_quad_t;
# 55 "/usr/include/bits/types.h" 3 4
__extension__ typedef long long int __quad_t;
__extension__ typedef unsigned long long int __u_quad_t;
# 58 "/usr/include/bits/types.h" 3 4
/* Largest integral types. */
#if __WORDSIZE == 64
typedef long int __intmax_t;
typedef unsigned long int __uintmax_t;
# 64 "/usr/include/bits/types.h" 3 4
__extension__ typedef long long int __intmax_t;
__extension__ typedef unsigned long long int __uintmax_t;
# 67 "/usr/include/bits/types.h" 3 4
/* The machine-dependent file <bits/typesizes.h> defines __*_T_TYPE
macros for each of the OS types we define below. The definitions
of those macros must use the following macros for underlying types.
We define __S<SIZE>_TYPE and __U<SIZE>_TYPE for the signed and unsigned
variants of each of the following integer types on this machine.
16 -- "natural" 16-bit type (always short)
32 -- "natural" 32-bit type (always int)
64 -- "natural" 64-bit type (long or long long)
LONG32 -- 32-bit type, traditionally long
QUAD -- 64-bit type, always long long
WORD -- natural type of __WORDSIZE bits (int or long)
LONGWORD -- type of __WORDSIZE bits, traditionally long
We distinguish WORD/LONGWORD, 32/LONG32, and 64/QUAD so that the
conventional uses of `long' or `long long' type modifiers match the
types we define, even when a less-adorned type would be the same size.
This matters for (somewhat) portably writing printf/scanf formats for
these types, where using the appropriate l or ll format modifiers can
make the typedefs and the formats match up across all GNU platforms. If
we used `long' when it's 64 bits where `long long' is expected, then the
compiler would warn about the formats not matching the argument types,
and the programmer changing them to shut up the compiler would break the
program's portability.
Here we assume what is presently the case in all the GCC configurations
we support: long long is always 64 bits, long is always word/address size,
and int is always 32 bits. */
#define __S16_TYPE short int
#define __U16_TYPE unsigned short int
#define __S32_TYPE int
#define __U32_TYPE unsigned int
#define __SLONGWORD_TYPE long int
#define __ULONGWORD_TYPE unsigned long int
#if __WORDSIZE == 32
# define __SQUAD_TYPE __quad_t
# define __UQUAD_TYPE __u_quad_t
# define __SWORD_TYPE int
# define __UWORD_TYPE unsigned int
# define __SLONG32_TYPE long int
# define __ULONG32_TYPE unsigned long int
# define __S64_TYPE __quad_t
# define __U64_TYPE __u_quad_t
/* We want __extension__ before typedef's that use nonstandard base types
such as `long long' in C89 mode. */
# define __STD_TYPE __extension__ typedef
#elif __WORDSIZE == 64
# 117 "/usr/include/bits/types.h" 3 4
# define __SQUAD_TYPE long int
# define __UQUAD_TYPE unsigned long int
# define __SWORD_TYPE long int
# define __UWORD_TYPE unsigned long int
# define __SLONG32_TYPE int
# define __ULONG32_TYPE unsigned int
# define __S64_TYPE long int
# define __U64_TYPE unsigned long int
/* No need to mark the typedef with __extension__. */
# define __STD_TYPE typedef
# 128 "/usr/include/bits/types.h" 3 4
# error
# 130 "/usr/include/bits/types.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <bits/typesizes.h> /* Defines __*_T_TYPE macros. */
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 130 "/usr/include/bits/types.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/bits/typesizes.h" 1 3 4
/* bits/typesizes.h -- underlying types for *_t. Linux/x86-64 version.
Copyright (C) 2012-2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is part of the GNU C Library.
The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
<>. */
#ifndef _BITS_TYPES_H
# error "Never include <bits/typesizes.h> directly; use <sys/types.h> instead."
# 22 "/usr/include/bits/typesizes.h" 3 4
/* See <bits/types.h> for the meaning of these macros. This file exists so
that <bits/types.h> need not vary across different GNU platforms. */
/* X32 kernel interface is 64-bit. */
#if defined __x86_64__ && defined __ILP32__
# 34 "/usr/include/bits/typesizes.h" 3 4
# 37 "/usr/include/bits/typesizes.h" 3 4
#define __UID_T_TYPE __U32_TYPE
#define __GID_T_TYPE __U32_TYPE
#define __INO64_T_TYPE __UQUAD_TYPE
#define __MODE_T_TYPE __U32_TYPE
#ifdef __x86_64__
# 48 "/usr/include/bits/typesizes.h" 3 4
# 51 "/usr/include/bits/typesizes.h" 3 4
#define __OFF64_T_TYPE __SQUAD_TYPE
#define __PID_T_TYPE __S32_TYPE
#define __RLIM64_T_TYPE __UQUAD_TYPE
#define __ID_T_TYPE __U32_TYPE
#define __USECONDS_T_TYPE __U32_TYPE
#define __DADDR_T_TYPE __S32_TYPE
#define __KEY_T_TYPE __S32_TYPE
#define __CLOCKID_T_TYPE __S32_TYPE
#define __TIMER_T_TYPE void *
#define __FSID_T_TYPE struct { int __val[2]; }
#ifdef __x86_64__
/* Tell the libc code that off_t and off64_t are actually the same type
for all ABI purposes, even if possibly expressed as different base types
for C type-checking purposes. */
# define __OFF_T_MATCHES_OFF64_T 1
/* Same for ino_t and ino64_t. */
# define __INO_T_MATCHES_INO64_T 1
/* And for __rlim_t and __rlim64_t. */
# define __RLIM_T_MATCHES_RLIM64_T 1
# 88 "/usr/include/bits/typesizes.h" 3 4
# define __RLIM_T_MATCHES_RLIM64_T 0
# 90 "/usr/include/bits/typesizes.h" 3 4
/* Number of descriptors that can fit in an `fd_set'. */
#define __FD_SETSIZE 1024
#endif /* bits/typesizes.h */
# 96 "/usr/include/bits/typesizes.h" 3 4
# 131 "/usr/include/bits/types.h" 2 3 4
__STD_TYPE __DEV_T_TYPE __dev_t; /* Type of device numbers. */
__STD_TYPE __UID_T_TYPE __uid_t; /* Type of user identifications. */
__STD_TYPE __GID_T_TYPE __gid_t; /* Type of group identifications. */
__STD_TYPE __INO_T_TYPE __ino_t; /* Type of file serial numbers. */
__STD_TYPE __INO64_T_TYPE __ino64_t; /* Type of file serial numbers (LFS).*/
__STD_TYPE __MODE_T_TYPE __mode_t; /* Type of file attribute bitmasks. */
__STD_TYPE __NLINK_T_TYPE __nlink_t; /* Type of file link counts. */
__STD_TYPE __OFF_T_TYPE __off_t; /* Type of file sizes and offsets. */
__STD_TYPE __OFF64_T_TYPE __off64_t; /* Type of file sizes and offsets (LFS). */
__STD_TYPE __PID_T_TYPE __pid_t; /* Type of process identifications. */
__STD_TYPE __FSID_T_TYPE __fsid_t; /* Type of file system IDs. */
__STD_TYPE __CLOCK_T_TYPE __clock_t; /* Type of CPU usage counts. */
__STD_TYPE __RLIM_T_TYPE __rlim_t; /* Type for resource measurement. */
__STD_TYPE __RLIM64_T_TYPE __rlim64_t; /* Type for resource measurement (LFS). */
__STD_TYPE __ID_T_TYPE __id_t; /* General type for IDs. */
__STD_TYPE __TIME_T_TYPE __time_t; /* Seconds since the Epoch. */
__STD_TYPE __USECONDS_T_TYPE __useconds_t; /* Count of microseconds. */
__STD_TYPE __SUSECONDS_T_TYPE __suseconds_t; /* Signed count of microseconds. */
__STD_TYPE __DADDR_T_TYPE __daddr_t; /* The type of a disk address. */
__STD_TYPE __KEY_T_TYPE __key_t; /* Type of an IPC key. */
/* Clock ID used in clock and timer functions. */
__STD_TYPE __CLOCKID_T_TYPE __clockid_t;
/* Timer ID returned by `timer_create'. */
__STD_TYPE __TIMER_T_TYPE __timer_t;
/* Type to represent block size. */
__STD_TYPE __BLKSIZE_T_TYPE __blksize_t;
/* Types from the Large File Support interface. */
/* Type to count number of disk blocks. */
__STD_TYPE __BLKCNT_T_TYPE __blkcnt_t;
__STD_TYPE __BLKCNT64_T_TYPE __blkcnt64_t;
/* Type to count file system blocks. */
__STD_TYPE __FSBLKCNT_T_TYPE __fsblkcnt_t;
__STD_TYPE __FSBLKCNT64_T_TYPE __fsblkcnt64_t;
/* Type to count file system nodes. */
__STD_TYPE __FSFILCNT_T_TYPE __fsfilcnt_t;
__STD_TYPE __FSFILCNT64_T_TYPE __fsfilcnt64_t;
/* Type of miscellaneous file system fields. */
__STD_TYPE __FSWORD_T_TYPE __fsword_t;
__STD_TYPE __SSIZE_T_TYPE __ssize_t; /* Type of a byte count, or error. */
/* Signed long type used in system calls. */
__STD_TYPE __SYSCALL_SLONG_TYPE __syscall_slong_t;
/* Unsigned long type used in system calls. */
__STD_TYPE __SYSCALL_ULONG_TYPE __syscall_ulong_t;
/* These few don't really vary by system, they always correspond
to one of the other defined types. */
typedef __off64_t __loff_t; /* Type of file sizes and offsets (LFS). */
typedef __quad_t *__qaddr_t;
typedef char *__caddr_t;
/* Duplicates info from stdint.h but this is used in unistd.h. */
__STD_TYPE __SWORD_TYPE __intptr_t;
/* Duplicate info from sys/socket.h. */
__STD_TYPE __U32_TYPE __socklen_t;
#undef __STD_TYPE
#endif /* bits/types.h */
# 204 "/usr/include/bits/types.h" 3 4
# 30 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 2 3 4
#ifdef __USE_MISC
# ifndef __u_char_defined
typedef __u_char u_char;
typedef __u_short u_short;
typedef __u_int u_int;
typedef __u_long u_long;
typedef __quad_t quad_t;
typedef __u_quad_t u_quad_t;
typedef __fsid_t fsid_t;
# define __u_char_defined
# endif
# 42 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 3 4
# 43 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 3 4
typedef __loff_t loff_t;
#ifndef __ino_t_defined
# ifndef __USE_FILE_OFFSET64
typedef __ino_t ino_t;
# else
# 50 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 3 4
typedef __ino64_t ino_t;
# endif
# 52 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 3 4
# define __ino_t_defined
# 54 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 3 4
#if defined __USE_LARGEFILE64 && !defined __ino64_t_defined
typedef __ino64_t ino64_t;
# define __ino64_t_defined
# 58 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 3 4
#ifndef __dev_t_defined
typedef __dev_t dev_t;
# define __dev_t_defined
# 63 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 3 4
#ifndef __gid_t_defined
typedef __gid_t gid_t;
# define __gid_t_defined
# 68 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 3 4
#ifndef __mode_t_defined
typedef __mode_t mode_t;
# define __mode_t_defined
# 73 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 3 4
#ifndef __nlink_t_defined
typedef __nlink_t nlink_t;
# define __nlink_t_defined
# 78 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 3 4
#ifndef __uid_t_defined
typedef __uid_t uid_t;
# define __uid_t_defined
# 83 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 3 4
#ifndef __off_t_defined
# ifndef __USE_FILE_OFFSET64
typedef __off_t off_t;
# else
# 88 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 3 4
typedef __off64_t off_t;
# endif
# 90 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 3 4
# define __off_t_defined
# 92 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 3 4
#if defined __USE_LARGEFILE64 && !defined __off64_t_defined
typedef __off64_t off64_t;
# define __off64_t_defined
# 96 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 3 4
#ifndef __pid_t_defined
typedef __pid_t pid_t;
# define __pid_t_defined
# 101 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 3 4
#if (defined __USE_XOPEN || defined __USE_XOPEN2K8) \
&& !defined __id_t_defined
typedef __id_t id_t;
# define __id_t_defined
# 107 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 3 4
#ifndef __ssize_t_defined
typedef __ssize_t ssize_t;
# define __ssize_t_defined
# 112 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 3 4
#ifdef __USE_MISC
# ifndef __daddr_t_defined
typedef __daddr_t daddr_t;
typedef __caddr_t caddr_t;
# define __daddr_t_defined
# endif
# 119 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 3 4
# 120 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 3 4
#if (defined __USE_MISC || defined __USE_XOPEN) && !defined __key_t_defined
typedef __key_t key_t;
# define __key_t_defined
# 125 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 3 4
#if defined __USE_XOPEN || defined __USE_XOPEN2K8
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# include <bits/types/clock_t.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 127 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/bits/types/clock_t.h" 1 3 4
#ifndef __clock_t_defined
#define __clock_t_defined 1
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <bits/types.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 4 "/usr/include/bits/types/clock_t.h" 3 4
# 5 "/usr/include/bits/types/clock_t.h" 3 4
/* Returned by `clock'. */
typedef __clock_t clock_t;
#if defined __USE_XOPEN || defined __USE_POSIX
# 14 "/usr/include/bits/types/clock_t.h" 3 4
# 16 "/usr/include/bits/types/clock_t.h" 3 4
# 128 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 2 3 4
# 129 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <bits/types/clockid_t.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 129 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/bits/types/clockid_t.h" 1 3 4
#ifndef __clockid_t_defined
#define __clockid_t_defined 1
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <bits/types.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 4 "/usr/include/bits/types/clockid_t.h" 3 4
# 5 "/usr/include/bits/types/clockid_t.h" 3 4
/* Clock ID used in clock and timer functions. */
typedef __clockid_t clockid_t;
# 10 "/usr/include/bits/types/clockid_t.h" 3 4
# 130 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 2 3 4
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <bits/types/time_t.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 130 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/bits/types/time_t.h" 1 3 4
#ifndef __time_t_defined
#define __time_t_defined 1
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <bits/types.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 4 "/usr/include/bits/types/time_t.h" 3 4
# 5 "/usr/include/bits/types/time_t.h" 3 4
/* Returned by `time'. */
typedef __time_t time_t;
#ifdef __USE_POSIX
# 13 "/usr/include/bits/types/time_t.h" 3 4
# 15 "/usr/include/bits/types/time_t.h" 3 4
# 131 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 2 3 4
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <bits/types/timer_t.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 131 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/bits/types/timer_t.h" 1 3 4
#ifndef __timer_t_defined
#define __timer_t_defined 1
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <bits/types.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 4 "/usr/include/bits/types/timer_t.h" 3 4
# 5 "/usr/include/bits/types/timer_t.h" 3 4
/* Timer ID returned by `timer_create'. */
typedef __timer_t timer_t;
# 10 "/usr/include/bits/types/timer_t.h" 3 4
# 132 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 2 3 4
#ifdef __USE_XOPEN
# ifndef __useconds_t_defined
typedef __useconds_t useconds_t;
# define __useconds_t_defined
# endif
# 138 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 3 4
# ifndef __suseconds_t_defined
typedef __suseconds_t suseconds_t;
# define __suseconds_t_defined
# endif
# 142 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 3 4
# 143 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 3 4
#define __need_size_t
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <stddef.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 145 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/stddef.h" 1 3 4
/*===---- stddef.h - Basic type definitions --------------------------------===
* Copyright (c) 2008 Eli Friedman
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
* of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
* in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
* to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
* copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
* furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
* all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
#if !defined(__STDDEF_H) || defined(__need_ptrdiff_t) || \
defined(__need_size_t) || defined(__need_wchar_t) || \
defined(__need_NULL) || defined(__need_wint_t)
#if !defined(__need_ptrdiff_t) && !defined(__need_size_t) && \
!defined(__need_wchar_t) && !defined(__need_NULL) && \
/* Always define miscellaneous pieces when modules are available. */
#if !__has_feature(modules)
#define __STDDEF_H
# 37 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#define __need_ptrdiff_t
#define __need_size_t
#define __need_wchar_t
#define __need_NULL
#define __need_STDDEF_H_misc
/* __need_wint_t is intentionally not defined here. */
# 44 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#if defined(__need_ptrdiff_t)
#if !defined(_PTRDIFF_T) || __has_feature(modules)
/* Always define ptrdiff_t when modules are available. */
#if !__has_feature(modules)
#define _PTRDIFF_T
# 51 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
typedef __PTRDIFF_TYPE__ ptrdiff_t;
# 53 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#undef __need_ptrdiff_t
#endif /* defined(__need_ptrdiff_t) */
# 55 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#if defined(__need_size_t)
#if !defined(_SIZE_T) || __has_feature(modules)
/* Always define size_t when modules are available. */
#if !__has_feature(modules)
#define _SIZE_T
# 62 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
typedef __SIZE_TYPE__ size_t;
# 64 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#undef __need_size_t
#endif /*defined(__need_size_t) */
# 66 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#if defined(__need_STDDEF_H_misc)
/* ISO9899:2011 7.20 (C11 Annex K): Define rsize_t if __STDC_WANT_LIB_EXT1__ is
* enabled. */
#if (defined(__STDC_WANT_LIB_EXT1__) && __STDC_WANT_LIB_EXT1__ >= 1 && \
!defined(_RSIZE_T)) || __has_feature(modules)
/* Always define rsize_t when modules are available. */
#if !__has_feature(modules)
#define _RSIZE_T
# 76 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
typedef __SIZE_TYPE__ rsize_t;
# 78 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#endif /* defined(__need_STDDEF_H_misc) */
# 79 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#if defined(__need_wchar_t)
#ifndef __cplusplus
/* Always define wchar_t when modules are available. */
#if !defined(_WCHAR_T) || __has_feature(modules)
#if !__has_feature(modules)
#define _WCHAR_T
#if defined(_MSC_EXTENSIONS)
# 89 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
# 90 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
typedef __WCHAR_TYPE__ wchar_t;
# 92 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
# 93 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#undef __need_wchar_t
#endif /* defined(__need_wchar_t) */
# 95 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#if defined(__need_NULL)
#undef NULL
#ifdef __cplusplus
# if !defined(__MINGW32__) && !defined(_MSC_VER)
# define NULL __null
# else
# 102 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
# define NULL 0
# endif
# 104 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
# 105 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
# define NULL ((void*)0)
# 107 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#ifdef __cplusplus
namespace std { typedef decltype(nullptr) nullptr_t; }
using ::std::nullptr_t;
# 112 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
# 113 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#undef __need_NULL
#endif /* defined(__need_NULL) */
# 115 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#if defined(__need_STDDEF_H_misc)
#if __STDC_VERSION__ >= 201112L || __cplusplus >= 201103L
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include "__stddef_max_align_t.h"
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 118 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
# 119 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
# 120 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#define offsetof(t, d) __builtin_offsetof(t, d)
#undef __need_STDDEF_H_misc
#endif /* defined(__need_STDDEF_H_misc) */
# 123 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
/* Some C libraries expect to see a wint_t here. Others (notably MinGW) will use
__WINT_TYPE__ directly; accommodate both by requiring __need_wint_t */
#if defined(__need_wint_t)
/* Always define wint_t when modules are available. */
#if !defined(_WINT_T) || __has_feature(modules)
#if !__has_feature(modules)
#define _WINT_T
# 132 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
typedef __WINT_TYPE__ wint_t;
# 134 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#undef __need_wint_t
#endif /* __need_wint_t */
# 136 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
# 138 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
# 146 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 2 3 4
#ifdef __USE_MISC
/* Old compatibility names for C types. */
typedef unsigned long int ulong;
typedef unsigned short int ushort;
typedef unsigned int uint;
# 153 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 3 4
/* These size-specific names are used by some of the inet code. */
#if !__GNUC_PREREQ (2, 7)
/* These types are defined by the ISO C99 header <inttypes.h>. */
# ifndef __int8_t_defined
# define __int8_t_defined
typedef char int8_t;
typedef short int int16_t;
typedef int int32_t;
# if __WORDSIZE == 64
typedef long int int64_t;
# else
# 167 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 3 4
__extension__ typedef long long int int64_t;
# endif
# 169 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 3 4
# endif
# 170 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 3 4
/* But these were defined by ISO C without the first `_'. */
typedef unsigned char u_int8_t;
typedef unsigned short int u_int16_t;
typedef unsigned int u_int32_t;
# if __WORDSIZE == 64
typedef unsigned long int u_int64_t;
# else
# 178 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 3 4
__extension__ typedef unsigned long long int u_int64_t;
# endif
# 180 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 3 4
typedef int register_t;
# 184 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 3 4
/* For GCC 2.7 and later, we can use specific type-size attributes. */
# define __intN_t(N, MODE) \
typedef int int##N##_t __attribute__ ((__mode__ (MODE)))
# define __u_intN_t(N, MODE) \
typedef unsigned int u_int##N##_t __attribute__ ((__mode__ (MODE)))
# ifndef __int8_t_defined
# define __int8_t_defined
__intN_t (8, __QI__);
__intN_t (16, __HI__);
__intN_t (32, __SI__);
__intN_t (64, __DI__);
# endif
# 198 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 3 4
__u_intN_t (8, __QI__);
__u_intN_t (16, __HI__);
__u_intN_t (32, __SI__);
__u_intN_t (64, __DI__);
typedef int register_t __attribute__ ((__mode__ (__word__)));
/* Some code from BIND tests this macro to see if the types above are
defined. */
# 210 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 3 4
#define __BIT_TYPES_DEFINED__ 1
#ifdef __USE_MISC
/* In BSD <sys/types.h> is expected to define BYTE_ORDER. */
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# include <endian.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 215 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/endian.h" 1 3 4
/* Copyright (C) 1992-2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is part of the GNU C Library.
The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
<>. */
#ifndef _ENDIAN_H
#define _ENDIAN_H 1
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <features.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 21 "/usr/include/endian.h" 3 4
# 22 "/usr/include/endian.h" 3 4
/* Definitions for byte order, according to significance of bytes,
from low addresses to high addresses. The value is what you get by
putting '4' in the most significant byte, '3' in the second most
significant byte, '2' in the second least significant byte, and '1'
in the least significant byte, and then writing down one digit for
each byte, starting with the byte at the lowest address at the left,
and proceeding to the byte with the highest address at the right. */
#define __LITTLE_ENDIAN 1234
#define __BIG_ENDIAN 4321
#define __PDP_ENDIAN 3412
/* This file defines `__BYTE_ORDER' for the particular machine. */
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <bits/endian.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 36 "/usr/include/endian.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/bits/endian.h" 1 3 4
/* i386/x86_64 are little-endian. */
#ifndef _ENDIAN_H
# error "Never use <bits/endian.h> directly; include <endian.h> instead."
# 6 "/usr/include/bits/endian.h" 3 4
# 37 "/usr/include/endian.h" 2 3 4
/* Some machines may need to use a different endianness for floating point
values. */
# 43 "/usr/include/endian.h" 3 4
#ifdef __USE_MISC
# 50 "/usr/include/endian.h" 3 4
# define __LONG_LONG_PAIR(HI, LO) LO, HI
# 54 "/usr/include/endian.h" 3 4
# define __LONG_LONG_PAIR(HI, LO) HI, LO
# 56 "/usr/include/endian.h" 3 4
#if defined __USE_MISC && !defined __ASSEMBLER__
/* Conversion interfaces. */
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# include <bits/byteswap.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 60 "/usr/include/endian.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/bits/byteswap.h" 1 3 4
/* Macros to swap the order of bytes in integer values.
Copyright (C) 1997-2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is part of the GNU C Library.
The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
<>. */
#if !defined _BYTESWAP_H && !defined _NETINET_IN_H && !defined _ENDIAN_H
# error "Never use <bits/byteswap.h> directly; include <byteswap.h> instead."
# 22 "/usr/include/bits/byteswap.h" 3 4
#define _BITS_BYTESWAP_H 1
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <features.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 26 "/usr/include/bits/byteswap.h" 3 4
# 27 "/usr/include/bits/byteswap.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <bits/types.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 27 "/usr/include/bits/byteswap.h" 3 4
# 28 "/usr/include/bits/byteswap.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <bits/wordsize.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 28 "/usr/include/bits/byteswap.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/bits/wordsize.h" 1 3 4
/* Determine the wordsize from the preprocessor defines. */
#if defined __x86_64__ && !defined __ILP32__
# define __WORDSIZE 64
# 6 "/usr/include/bits/wordsize.h" 3 4
# define __WORDSIZE 32
# 10 "/usr/include/bits/wordsize.h" 3 4
#ifdef __x86_64__
# define __WORDSIZE_TIME64_COMPAT32 1
/* Both x86-64 and x32 use the 64-bit system call interface. */
# define __SYSCALL_WORDSIZE 64
# 16 "/usr/include/bits/wordsize.h" 3 4
# define __WORDSIZE_TIME64_COMPAT32 0
# 18 "/usr/include/bits/wordsize.h" 3 4
# 29 "/usr/include/bits/byteswap.h" 2 3 4
/* Swap bytes in 16 bit value. */
#define __bswap_constant_16(x) \
((unsigned short int) ((((x) >> 8) & 0xff) | (((x) & 0xff) << 8)))
/* Get __bswap_16. */
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <bits/byteswap-16.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 35 "/usr/include/bits/byteswap.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/bits/byteswap-16.h" 1 3 4
/* Macros to swap the order of bytes in 16-bit integer values.
Copyright (C) 2012-2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is part of the GNU C Library.
The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
<>. */
# error "Never use <bits/byteswap-16.h> directly; include <byteswap.h> instead."
# 22 "/usr/include/bits/byteswap-16.h" 3 4
#ifdef __GNUC__
# if __GNUC__ >= 2
# define __bswap_16(x) \
(__extension__ \
({ unsigned short int __v, __x = (unsigned short int) (x); \
if (__builtin_constant_p (__x)) \
__v = __bswap_constant_16 (__x); \
else \
__asm__ ("rorw $8, %w0" \
: "=r" (__v) \
: "0" (__x) \
: "cc"); \
__v; }))
# else
# 37 "/usr/include/bits/byteswap-16.h" 3 4
/* This is better than nothing. */
# define __bswap_16(x) \
(__extension__ \
({ unsigned short int __x = (unsigned short int) (x); \
__bswap_constant_16 (__x); }))
# endif
# 43 "/usr/include/bits/byteswap-16.h" 3 4
# 44 "/usr/include/bits/byteswap-16.h" 3 4
static __inline unsigned short int
__bswap_16 (unsigned short int __bsx)
return __bswap_constant_16 (__bsx);
# 50 "/usr/include/bits/byteswap-16.h" 3 4
# 36 "/usr/include/bits/byteswap.h" 2 3 4
/* Swap bytes in 32 bit value. */
#define __bswap_constant_32(x) \
((((x) & 0xff000000) >> 24) | (((x) & 0x00ff0000) >> 8) | \
(((x) & 0x0000ff00) << 8) | (((x) & 0x000000ff) << 24))
#ifdef __GNUC__
# if __GNUC_PREREQ (4, 3)
static __inline unsigned int
__bswap_32 (unsigned int __bsx)
return __builtin_bswap32 (__bsx);
# elif __GNUC__ >= 2
# 50 "/usr/include/bits/byteswap.h" 3 4
# if __WORDSIZE == 64 || (defined __i486__ || defined __pentium__ \
|| defined __pentiumpro__ || defined __pentium4__ \
|| defined __k8__ || defined __athlon__ \
|| defined __k6__ || defined __nocona__ \
|| defined __core2__ || defined __geode__ \
|| defined __amdfam10__)
/* To swap the bytes in a word the i486 processors and up provide the
`bswap' opcode. On i386 we have to use three instructions. */
# define __bswap_32(x) \
(__extension__ \
({ unsigned int __v, __x = (x); \
if (__builtin_constant_p (__x)) \
__v = __bswap_constant_32 (__x); \
else \
__asm__ ("bswap %0" : "=r" (__v) : "0" (__x)); \
__v; }))
# else
# 67 "/usr/include/bits/byteswap.h" 3 4
# define __bswap_32(x) \
(__extension__ \
({ unsigned int __v, __x = (x); \
if (__builtin_constant_p (__x)) \
__v = __bswap_constant_32 (__x); \
else \
__asm__ ("rorw $8, %w0;" \
"rorl $16, %0;" \
"rorw $8, %w0" \
: "=r" (__v) \
: "0" (__x) \
: "cc"); \
__v; }))
# endif
# 81 "/usr/include/bits/byteswap.h" 3 4
# else
# 82 "/usr/include/bits/byteswap.h" 3 4
# define __bswap_32(x) \
(__extension__ \
({ unsigned int __x = (x); __bswap_constant_32 (__x); }))
# endif
# 86 "/usr/include/bits/byteswap.h" 3 4
# 87 "/usr/include/bits/byteswap.h" 3 4
static __inline unsigned int
__bswap_32 (unsigned int __bsx)
return __bswap_constant_32 (__bsx);
# 93 "/usr/include/bits/byteswap.h" 3 4
#if __GNUC_PREREQ (2, 0)
/* Swap bytes in 64 bit value. */
# define __bswap_constant_64(x) \
(__extension__ ((((x) & 0xff00000000000000ull) >> 56) \
| (((x) & 0x00ff000000000000ull) >> 40) \
| (((x) & 0x0000ff0000000000ull) >> 24) \
| (((x) & 0x000000ff00000000ull) >> 8) \
| (((x) & 0x00000000ff000000ull) << 8) \
| (((x) & 0x0000000000ff0000ull) << 24) \
| (((x) & 0x000000000000ff00ull) << 40) \
| (((x) & 0x00000000000000ffull) << 56)))
# if __GNUC_PREREQ (4, 3)
static __inline __uint64_t
__bswap_64 (__uint64_t __bsx)
return __builtin_bswap64 (__bsx);
# elif __WORDSIZE == 64
# 114 "/usr/include/bits/byteswap.h" 3 4
# define __bswap_64(x) \
(__extension__ \
({ __uint64_t __v, __x = (x); \
if (__builtin_constant_p (__x)) \
__v = __bswap_constant_64 (__x); \
else \
__asm__ ("bswap %q0" : "=r" (__v) : "0" (__x)); \
__v; }))
# else
# 123 "/usr/include/bits/byteswap.h" 3 4
# define __bswap_64(x) \
(__extension__ \
({ union { __extension__ __uint64_t __ll; \
unsigned int __l[2]; } __w, __r; \
if (__builtin_constant_p (x)) \
__r.__ll = __bswap_constant_64 (x); \
else \
{ \
__w.__ll = (x); \
__r.__l[0] = __bswap_32 (__w.__l[1]); \
__r.__l[1] = __bswap_32 (__w.__l[0]); \
} \
__r.__ll; }))
# endif
# 137 "/usr/include/bits/byteswap.h" 3 4
# 138 "/usr/include/bits/byteswap.h" 3 4
# define __bswap_constant_64(x) \
((((x) & 0xff00000000000000ull) >> 56) \
| (((x) & 0x00ff000000000000ull) >> 40) \
| (((x) & 0x0000ff0000000000ull) >> 24) \
| (((x) & 0x000000ff00000000ull) >> 8) \
| (((x) & 0x00000000ff000000ull) << 8) \
| (((x) & 0x0000000000ff0000ull) << 24) \
| (((x) & 0x000000000000ff00ull) << 40) \
| (((x) & 0x00000000000000ffull) << 56))
static __inline __uint64_t
__bswap_64 (__uint64_t __bsx)
return __bswap_constant_64 (__bsx);
# 154 "/usr/include/bits/byteswap.h" 3 4
#endif /* _BITS_BYTESWAP_H */
# 156 "/usr/include/bits/byteswap.h" 3 4
# 61 "/usr/include/endian.h" 2 3 4
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# include <bits/uintn-identity.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 61 "/usr/include/endian.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/bits/uintn-identity.h" 1 3 4
/* Inline functions to return unsigned integer values unchanged.
Copyright (C) 2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is part of the GNU C Library.
The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
<>. */
#if !defined _NETINET_IN_H && !defined _ENDIAN_H
# error "Never use <bits/uintn-identity.h> directly; include <netinet/in.h> or <endian.h> instead."
# 22 "/usr/include/bits/uintn-identity.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <bits/types.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 26 "/usr/include/bits/uintn-identity.h" 3 4
# 27 "/usr/include/bits/uintn-identity.h" 3 4
/* These inline functions are to ensure the appropriate type
conversions and associated diagnostics from macros that convert to
a given endianness. */
static __inline __uint16_t
__uint16_identity (__uint16_t __x)
return __x;
static __inline __uint32_t
__uint32_identity (__uint32_t __x)
return __x;
static __inline __uint64_t
__uint64_identity (__uint64_t __x)
return __x;
#endif /* _BITS_UINTN_IDENTITY_H. */
# 51 "/usr/include/bits/uintn-identity.h" 3 4
# 62 "/usr/include/endian.h" 2 3 4
# define htobe16(x) __bswap_16 (x)
# define htole16(x) __uint16_identity (x)
# define be16toh(x) __bswap_16 (x)
# define le16toh(x) __uint16_identity (x)
# define htobe32(x) __bswap_32 (x)
# define htole32(x) __uint32_identity (x)
# define be32toh(x) __bswap_32 (x)
# define le32toh(x) __uint32_identity (x)
# define htobe64(x) __bswap_64 (x)
# define htole64(x) __uint64_identity (x)
# define be64toh(x) __bswap_64 (x)
# define le64toh(x) __uint64_identity (x)
# else
# 80 "/usr/include/endian.h" 3 4
# define htobe16(x) __uint16_identity (x)
# define htole16(x) __bswap_16 (x)
# define be16toh(x) __uint16_identity (x)
# define le16toh(x) __bswap_16 (x)
# define htobe32(x) __uint32_identity (x)
# define htole32(x) __bswap_32 (x)
# define be32toh(x) __uint32_identity (x)
# define le32toh(x) __bswap_32 (x)
# define htobe64(x) __uint64_identity (x)
# define htole64(x) __bswap_64 (x)
# define be64toh(x) __uint64_identity (x)
# define le64toh(x) __bswap_64 (x)
# endif
# 95 "/usr/include/endian.h" 3 4
# 96 "/usr/include/endian.h" 3 4
#endif /* endian.h */
# 98 "/usr/include/endian.h" 3 4
# 216 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 2 3 4
/* It also defines `fd_set' and the FD_* macros for `select'. */
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# include <sys/select.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 218 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/sys/select.h" 1 3 4
/* `fd_set' type and related macros, and `select'/`pselect' declarations.
Copyright (C) 1996-2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is part of the GNU C Library.
The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
<>. */
/* POSIX 1003.1g: 6.2 Select from File Descriptor Sets <sys/select.h> */
#ifndef _SYS_SELECT_H
#define _SYS_SELECT_H 1
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <features.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 24 "/usr/include/sys/select.h" 3 4
# 25 "/usr/include/sys/select.h" 3 4
/* Get definition of needed basic types. */
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <bits/types.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 27 "/usr/include/sys/select.h" 3 4
# 28 "/usr/include/sys/select.h" 3 4
/* Get __FD_* definitions. */
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <bits/select.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 30 "/usr/include/sys/select.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/bits/select.h" 1 3 4
/* Copyright (C) 1997-2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is part of the GNU C Library.
The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
<>. */
#ifndef _SYS_SELECT_H
# error "Never use <bits/select.h> directly; include <sys/select.h> instead."
# 21 "/usr/include/bits/select.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <bits/wordsize.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 22 "/usr/include/bits/select.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/bits/wordsize.h" 1 3 4
/* Determine the wordsize from the preprocessor defines. */
#if defined __x86_64__ && !defined __ILP32__
# define __WORDSIZE 64
# 6 "/usr/include/bits/wordsize.h" 3 4
# define __WORDSIZE 32
# 10 "/usr/include/bits/wordsize.h" 3 4
#ifdef __x86_64__
# define __WORDSIZE_TIME64_COMPAT32 1
/* Both x86-64 and x32 use the 64-bit system call interface. */
# define __SYSCALL_WORDSIZE 64
# 16 "/usr/include/bits/wordsize.h" 3 4
# define __WORDSIZE_TIME64_COMPAT32 0
# 18 "/usr/include/bits/wordsize.h" 3 4
# 23 "/usr/include/bits/select.h" 2 3 4
#if defined __GNUC__ && __GNUC__ >= 2
# if __WORDSIZE == 64
# define __FD_ZERO_STOS "stosq"
# else
# 30 "/usr/include/bits/select.h" 3 4
# define __FD_ZERO_STOS "stosl"
# endif
# 32 "/usr/include/bits/select.h" 3 4
# define __FD_ZERO(fdsp) \
do { \
int __d0, __d1; \
__asm__ __volatile__ ("cld; rep; " __FD_ZERO_STOS \
: "=c" (__d0), "=D" (__d1) \
: "a" (0), "0" (sizeof (fd_set) \
/ sizeof (__fd_mask)), \
"1" (&__FDS_BITS (fdsp)[0]) \
: "memory"); \
} while (0)
#else /* ! GNU CC */
# 45 "/usr/include/bits/select.h" 3 4
/* We don't use `memset' because this would require a prototype and
the array isn't too big. */
# define __FD_ZERO(set) \
do { \
unsigned int __i; \
fd_set *__arr = (set); \
for (__i = 0; __i < sizeof (fd_set) / sizeof (__fd_mask); ++__i) \
__FDS_BITS (__arr)[__i] = 0; \
} while (0)
#endif /* GNU CC */
# 57 "/usr/include/bits/select.h" 3 4
#define __FD_SET(d, set) \
((void) (__FDS_BITS (set)[__FD_ELT (d)] |= __FD_MASK (d)))
#define __FD_CLR(d, set) \
((void) (__FDS_BITS (set)[__FD_ELT (d)] &= ~__FD_MASK (d)))
#define __FD_ISSET(d, set) \
((__FDS_BITS (set)[__FD_ELT (d)] & __FD_MASK (d)) != 0)
# 31 "/usr/include/sys/select.h" 2 3 4
/* Get __sigset_t. */
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <bits/sigset.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 33 "/usr/include/sys/select.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/bits/sigset.h" 1 3 4
/* __sig_atomic_t, __sigset_t, and related definitions. Linux version.
Copyright (C) 1991-2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is part of the GNU C Library.
The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
<>. */
#ifndef _SIGSET_H_types
# define _SIGSET_H_types 1
typedef int __sig_atomic_t;
/* A `sigset_t' has a bit for each signal. */
# define _SIGSET_NWORDS (1024 / (8 * sizeof (unsigned long int)))
typedef struct
unsigned long int __val[_SIGSET_NWORDS];
} __sigset_t;
# 33 "/usr/include/bits/sigset.h" 3 4
/* We only want to define these functions if <signal.h> was actually
included; otherwise we were included just to define the types. Since we
are namespace-clean, it wouldn't hurt to define extra macros. But
trouble can be caused by functions being defined (e.g., any global
register vars declared later will cause compilation errors). */
#if !defined _SIGSET_H_fns && defined _SIGNAL_H
# define _SIGSET_H_fns 1
# define _EXTERN_INLINE __extern_inline
# endif
# 47 "/usr/include/bits/sigset.h" 3 4
/* Return a mask that includes the bit for SIG only. */
# define __sigmask(sig) \
(((unsigned long int) 1) << (((sig) - 1) % (8 * sizeof (unsigned long int))))
/* Return the word index for SIG. */
# define __sigword(sig) (((sig) - 1) / (8 * sizeof (unsigned long int)))
# if defined __GNUC__ && __GNUC__ >= 2
# define __sigemptyset(set) \
(__extension__ ({ int __cnt = _SIGSET_NWORDS; \
sigset_t *__set = (set); \
while (--__cnt >= 0) __set->__val[__cnt] = 0; \
0; }))
# define __sigfillset(set) \
(__extension__ ({ int __cnt = _SIGSET_NWORDS; \
sigset_t *__set = (set); \
while (--__cnt >= 0) __set->__val[__cnt] = ~0UL; \
0; }))
# ifdef __USE_GNU
/* The POSIX does not specify for handling the whole signal set in one
command. This is often wanted and so we define three more functions
here. */
# define __sigisemptyset(set) \
(__extension__ ({ int __cnt = _SIGSET_NWORDS; \
const sigset_t *__set = (set); \
int __ret = __set->__val[--__cnt]; \
while (!__ret && --__cnt >= 0) \
__ret = __set->__val[__cnt]; \
__ret == 0; }))
# define __sigandset(dest, left, right) \
(__extension__ ({ int __cnt = _SIGSET_NWORDS; \
sigset_t *__dest = (dest); \
const sigset_t *__left = (left); \
const sigset_t *__right = (right); \
while (--__cnt >= 0) \
__dest->__val[__cnt] = (__left->__val[__cnt] \
& __right->__val[__cnt]); \
0; }))
# define __sigorset(dest, left, right) \
(__extension__ ({ int __cnt = _SIGSET_NWORDS; \
sigset_t *__dest = (dest); \
const sigset_t *__left = (left); \
const sigset_t *__right = (right); \
while (--__cnt >= 0) \
__dest->__val[__cnt] = (__left->__val[__cnt] \
| __right->__val[__cnt]); \
0; }))
# endif
# 97 "/usr/include/bits/sigset.h" 3 4
# endif
# 98 "/usr/include/bits/sigset.h" 3 4
/* These functions needn't check for a bogus signal number -- error
checking is done in the non __ versions. */
extern int __sigismember (const __sigset_t *, int);
extern int __sigaddset (__sigset_t *, int);
extern int __sigdelset (__sigset_t *, int);
NAME (CONST __sigset_t *__set, int __sig) \
{ \
unsigned long int __mask = __sigmask (__sig); \
unsigned long int __word = __sigword (__sig); \
return BODY; \
__SIGSETFN (__sigismember, (__set->__val[__word] & __mask) ? 1 : 0, const)
__SIGSETFN (__sigaddset, ((__set->__val[__word] |= __mask), 0), )
__SIGSETFN (__sigdelset, ((__set->__val[__word] &= ~__mask), 0), )
# undef __SIGSETFN
# endif
# 122 "/usr/include/bits/sigset.h" 3 4
#endif /* ! _SIGSET_H_fns. */
# 125 "/usr/include/bits/sigset.h" 3 4
# 34 "/usr/include/sys/select.h" 2 3 4
#ifndef __sigset_t_defined
# define __sigset_t_defined
typedef __sigset_t sigset_t;
# 39 "/usr/include/sys/select.h" 3 4
/* Get definition of timer specification structures. */
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <bits/types/time_t.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 41 "/usr/include/sys/select.h" 3 4
# 42 "/usr/include/sys/select.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <bits/types/struct_timeval.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 42 "/usr/include/sys/select.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/bits/types/struct_timeval.h" 1 3 4
#ifndef __timeval_defined
#define __timeval_defined 1
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <bits/types.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 4 "/usr/include/bits/types/struct_timeval.h" 3 4
# 5 "/usr/include/bits/types/struct_timeval.h" 3 4
/* A time value that is accurate to the nearest
microsecond but also has a range of years. */
struct timeval
__time_t tv_sec; /* Seconds. */
__suseconds_t tv_usec; /* Microseconds. */
# 14 "/usr/include/bits/types/struct_timeval.h" 3 4
# 43 "/usr/include/sys/select.h" 2 3 4
#ifdef __USE_XOPEN2K
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# include <bits/types/struct_timespec.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 44 "/usr/include/sys/select.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/bits/types/struct_timespec.h" 1 3 4
#ifndef __timespec_defined
#define __timespec_defined 1
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <bits/types.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 4 "/usr/include/bits/types/struct_timespec.h" 3 4
# 5 "/usr/include/bits/types/struct_timespec.h" 3 4
/* POSIX.1b structure for a time value. This is like a `struct timeval' but
has nanoseconds instead of microseconds. */
struct timespec
__time_t tv_sec; /* Seconds. */
__syscall_slong_t tv_nsec; /* Nanoseconds. */
# 15 "/usr/include/bits/types/struct_timespec.h" 3 4
# 45 "/usr/include/sys/select.h" 2 3 4
# 46 "/usr/include/sys/select.h" 3 4
#ifndef __suseconds_t_defined
typedef __suseconds_t suseconds_t;
# define __suseconds_t_defined
# 51 "/usr/include/sys/select.h" 3 4
/* The fd_set member is required to be an array of longs. */
typedef long int __fd_mask;
/* Some versions of <linux/posix_types.h> define this macros. */
#undef __NFDBITS
/* It's easier to assume 8-bit bytes than to get CHAR_BIT. */
#define __NFDBITS (8 * (int) sizeof (__fd_mask))
#define __FD_ELT(d) ((d) / __NFDBITS)
#define __FD_MASK(d) ((__fd_mask) (1UL << ((d) % __NFDBITS)))
/* fd_set for select and pselect. */
typedef struct
/* XPG4.2 requires this member name. Otherwise avoid the name
from the global namespace. */
#ifdef __USE_XOPEN
__fd_mask fds_bits[__FD_SETSIZE / __NFDBITS];
# define __FDS_BITS(set) ((set)->fds_bits)
# 72 "/usr/include/sys/select.h" 3 4
__fd_mask __fds_bits[__FD_SETSIZE / __NFDBITS];
# define __FDS_BITS(set) ((set)->__fds_bits)
# 75 "/usr/include/sys/select.h" 3 4
} fd_set;
/* Maximum number of file descriptors in `fd_set'. */
#ifdef __USE_MISC
/* Sometimes the fd_set member is assumed to have this type. */
typedef __fd_mask fd_mask;
/* Number of bits per word of `fd_set' (some code assumes this is 32). */
# 87 "/usr/include/sys/select.h" 3 4
/* Access macros for `fd_set'. */
#define FD_SET(fd, fdsetp) __FD_SET (fd, fdsetp)
#define FD_CLR(fd, fdsetp) __FD_CLR (fd, fdsetp)
#define FD_ISSET(fd, fdsetp) __FD_ISSET (fd, fdsetp)
#define FD_ZERO(fdsetp) __FD_ZERO (fdsetp)
/* Check the first NFDS descriptors each in READFDS (if not NULL) for read
readiness, in WRITEFDS (if not NULL) for write readiness, and in EXCEPTFDS
(if not NULL) for exceptional conditions. If TIMEOUT is not NULL, time out
after waiting the interval specified therein. Returns the number of ready
descriptors, or -1 for errors.
This function is a cancellation point and therefore not marked with
__THROW. */
extern int select (int __nfds, fd_set *__restrict __readfds,
fd_set *__restrict __writefds,
fd_set *__restrict __exceptfds,
struct timeval *__restrict __timeout);
#ifdef __USE_XOPEN2K
/* Same as above only that the TIMEOUT value is given with higher
resolution and a sigmask which is been set temporarily. This version
should be used.
This function is a cancellation point and therefore not marked with
__THROW. */
extern int pselect (int __nfds, fd_set *__restrict __readfds,
fd_set *__restrict __writefds,
fd_set *__restrict __exceptfds,
const struct timespec *__restrict __timeout,
const __sigset_t *__restrict __sigmask);
# 124 "/usr/include/sys/select.h" 3 4
/* Define some inlines helping to catch common problems. */
#if __USE_FORTIFY_LEVEL > 0 && defined __GNUC__
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# include <bits/select2.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 128 "/usr/include/sys/select.h" 3 4
# 129 "/usr/include/sys/select.h" 3 4
# 130 "/usr/include/sys/select.h" 3 4
#endif /* sys/select.h */
# 134 "/usr/include/sys/select.h" 3 4
# 219 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 2 3 4
/* BSD defines `major', `minor', and `makedev' in this header.
However, these symbols are likely to collide with user code, so we are
going to stop defining them here in an upcoming release. Code that needs
these macros should include <sys/sysmacros.h> directly. Code that does
not need these macros should #undef them after including this header. */
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# include <sys/sysmacros.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 226 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/sys/sysmacros.h" 1 3 4
/* Definitions of macros to access `dev_t' values.
Copyright (C) 1996-2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is part of the GNU C Library.
The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
<>. */
# 24 "/usr/include/sys/sysmacros.h" 3 4
/* If <sys/sysmacros.h> is included after <sys/types.h>, these macros
will already be defined, and we need to redefine them without the
deprecation warnings. (If they are included in the opposite order,
the outer #ifndef will suppress this entire file and the macros
will be usable without warnings.) */
#undef major
#undef minor
#undef makedev
/* This is the macro that must be defined to satisfy the misuse check
in bits/sysmacros.h. */
#define _SYS_SYSMACROS_H 1
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <features.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 39 "/usr/include/sys/sysmacros.h" 3 4
# 40 "/usr/include/sys/sysmacros.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <bits/types.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 40 "/usr/include/sys/sysmacros.h" 3 4
# 41 "/usr/include/sys/sysmacros.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <bits/sysmacros.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 41 "/usr/include/sys/sysmacros.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/bits/sysmacros.h" 1 3 4
/* Definitions of macros to access `dev_t' values.
Copyright (C) 1996-2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is part of the GNU C Library.
The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
<>. */
# error "Never include <bits/sysmacros.h> directly; use <sys/sysmacros.h> instead."
# 25 "/usr/include/bits/sysmacros.h" 3 4
/* dev_t in glibc is a 64-bit quantity, with 32-bit major and minor numbers.
Our default encoding is MMMM Mmmm mmmM MMmm, where M is a hex digit of
the major number and m is a hex digit of the minor number. This is
downward compatible with legacy systems where dev_t is 16 bits wide,
encoded as MMmm. It is also downward compatible with the Linux kernel,
which (as of 2016) uses 32-bit dev_t, encoded as mmmM MMmm.
Systems that use an incompatible encoding for dev_t should override this
file in the appropriate sysdeps subdirectory. */
DECL_TEMPL(unsigned int, major, (__dev_t __dev))
{ \
unsigned int __major; \
__major = ((__dev & (__dev_t) 0x00000000000fff00u) >> 8); \
__major |= ((__dev & (__dev_t) 0xfffff00000000000u) >> 32); \
return __major; \
DECL_TEMPL(unsigned int, minor, (__dev_t __dev))
{ \
unsigned int __minor; \
__minor = ((__dev & (__dev_t) 0x00000000000000ffu) >> 0); \
__minor |= ((__dev & (__dev_t) 0x00000ffffff00000u) >> 12); \
return __minor; \
DECL_TEMPL(__dev_t, makedev, (unsigned int __major, unsigned int __minor))
{ \
__dev_t __dev; \
__dev = (((__dev_t) (__major & 0x00000fffu)) << 8); \
__dev |= (((__dev_t) (__major & 0xfffff000u)) << 32); \
__dev |= (((__dev_t) (__minor & 0x000000ffu)) << 0); \
__dev |= (((__dev_t) (__minor & 0xffffff00u)) << 12); \
return __dev; \
#endif /* bits/sysmacros.h */
# 75 "/usr/include/bits/sysmacros.h" 3 4
# 42 "/usr/include/sys/sysmacros.h" 2 3 4
/* Caution: The text of this deprecation message is unquoted, so that
#symbol can be substituted. (It is converted to a string by
__SYSMACROS_DM1.) This means the message must be a sequence of
complete pp-tokens; in particular, English contractions (it's,
can't) cannot be used.
The message has been manually word-wrapped to fit in 80 columns
when output by GCC 5 and 6. The first line is shorter to leave
some room for the "foo.c:23: warning:" annotation. */
#define __SYSMACROS_DM(symbol) __SYSMACROS_DM1 \
(In the GNU C Library, #symbol is defined\n\
by <sys/sysmacros.h>. For historical compatibility, it is\n\
currently defined by <sys/types.h> as well, but we plan to\n\
remove this soon. To use #symbol, include <sys/sysmacros.h>\n\
directly. If you did not intend to use a system-defined macro\n\
#symbol, you should undefine it after including <sys/types.h>.)
/* This macro is variadic because the deprecation message above
contains commas. */
#define __SYSMACROS_DM1(...) __glibc_macro_warning (#__VA_ARGS__)
#define __SYSMACROS_DECL_TEMPL(rtype, name, proto) \
extern rtype gnu_dev_##name proto __THROW __attribute_const__;
#define __SYSMACROS_IMPL_TEMPL(rtype, name, proto) \
__extension__ __extern_inline __attribute_const__ rtype \
__NTH (gnu_dev_##name proto)
# 84 "/usr/include/sys/sysmacros.h" 3 4
#endif /* _SYS_SYSMACROS_H */
# 88 "/usr/include/sys/sysmacros.h" 3 4
# 99 "/usr/include/sys/sysmacros.h" 3 4
# define major(dev) __SYSMACROS_DM (major) gnu_dev_major (dev)
# define minor(dev) __SYSMACROS_DM (minor) gnu_dev_minor (dev)
# define makedev(maj, min) __SYSMACROS_DM (makedev) gnu_dev_makedev (maj, min)
# 105 "/usr/include/sys/sysmacros.h" 3 4
# define major(dev) gnu_dev_major (dev)
# define minor(dev) gnu_dev_minor (dev)
# define makedev(maj, min) gnu_dev_makedev (maj, min)
# 109 "/usr/include/sys/sysmacros.h" 3 4
#endif /* sys/sysmacros.h */
# 111 "/usr/include/sys/sysmacros.h" 3 4
# 227 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 2 3 4
#endif /* Use misc. */
# 229 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 3 4
#if (defined __USE_UNIX98 || defined __USE_XOPEN2K8) \
&& !defined __blksize_t_defined
typedef __blksize_t blksize_t;
# define __blksize_t_defined
# 236 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 3 4
/* Types from the Large File Support interface. */
#ifndef __USE_FILE_OFFSET64
# ifndef __blkcnt_t_defined
typedef __blkcnt_t blkcnt_t; /* Type to count number of disk blocks. */
# define __blkcnt_t_defined
# endif
# 243 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 3 4
# ifndef __fsblkcnt_t_defined
typedef __fsblkcnt_t fsblkcnt_t; /* Type to count file system blocks. */
# define __fsblkcnt_t_defined
# endif
# 247 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 3 4
# ifndef __fsfilcnt_t_defined
typedef __fsfilcnt_t fsfilcnt_t; /* Type to count file system inodes. */
# define __fsfilcnt_t_defined
# endif
# 251 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 3 4
# 252 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 3 4
# ifndef __blkcnt_t_defined
typedef __blkcnt64_t blkcnt_t; /* Type to count number of disk blocks. */
# define __blkcnt_t_defined
# endif
# 256 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 3 4
# ifndef __fsblkcnt_t_defined
typedef __fsblkcnt64_t fsblkcnt_t; /* Type to count file system blocks. */
# define __fsblkcnt_t_defined
# endif
# 260 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 3 4
# ifndef __fsfilcnt_t_defined
typedef __fsfilcnt64_t fsfilcnt_t; /* Type to count file system inodes. */
# define __fsfilcnt_t_defined
# endif
# 264 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 3 4
# 265 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 3 4
#ifdef __USE_LARGEFILE64
typedef __blkcnt64_t blkcnt64_t; /* Type to count number of disk blocks. */
typedef __fsblkcnt64_t fsblkcnt64_t; /* Type to count file system blocks. */
typedef __fsfilcnt64_t fsfilcnt64_t; /* Type to count file system inodes. */
# 271 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 3 4
/* Now add the thread types. */
#if defined __USE_POSIX199506 || defined __USE_UNIX98
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# include <bits/pthreadtypes.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 275 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/bits/pthreadtypes.h" 1 3 4
/* Copyright (C) 2002-2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is part of the GNU C Library.
The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
<>. */
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <bits/wordsize.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 21 "/usr/include/bits/pthreadtypes.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/bits/wordsize.h" 1 3 4
/* Determine the wordsize from the preprocessor defines. */
#if defined __x86_64__ && !defined __ILP32__
# define __WORDSIZE 64
# 6 "/usr/include/bits/wordsize.h" 3 4
# define __WORDSIZE 32
# 10 "/usr/include/bits/wordsize.h" 3 4
#ifdef __x86_64__
# define __WORDSIZE_TIME64_COMPAT32 1
/* Both x86-64 and x32 use the 64-bit system call interface. */
# define __SYSCALL_WORDSIZE 64
# 16 "/usr/include/bits/wordsize.h" 3 4
# define __WORDSIZE_TIME64_COMPAT32 0
# 18 "/usr/include/bits/wordsize.h" 3 4
# 22 "/usr/include/bits/pthreadtypes.h" 2 3 4
#ifdef __x86_64__
# if __WORDSIZE == 64
# else
# 35 "/usr/include/bits/pthreadtypes.h" 3 4
# endif
# 45 "/usr/include/bits/pthreadtypes.h" 3 4
# 46 "/usr/include/bits/pthreadtypes.h" 3 4
# 56 "/usr/include/bits/pthreadtypes.h" 3 4
/* Thread identifiers. The structure of the attribute type is not
exposed on purpose. */
typedef unsigned long int pthread_t;
union pthread_attr_t
char __size[__SIZEOF_PTHREAD_ATTR_T];
long int __align;
#ifndef __have_pthread_attr_t
typedef union pthread_attr_t pthread_attr_t;
# define __have_pthread_attr_t 1
# 72 "/usr/include/bits/pthreadtypes.h" 3 4
#ifdef __x86_64__
typedef struct __pthread_internal_list
struct __pthread_internal_list *__prev;
struct __pthread_internal_list *__next;
} __pthread_list_t;
# 81 "/usr/include/bits/pthreadtypes.h" 3 4
typedef struct __pthread_internal_slist
struct __pthread_internal_slist *__next;
} __pthread_slist_t;
# 86 "/usr/include/bits/pthreadtypes.h" 3 4
/* Data structures for mutex handling. The structure of the attribute
type is not exposed on purpose. */
typedef union
struct __pthread_mutex_s
int __lock;
unsigned int __count;
int __owner;
#ifdef __x86_64__
unsigned int __nusers;
# 100 "/usr/include/bits/pthreadtypes.h" 3 4
/* KIND must stay at this position in the structure to maintain
binary compatibility with static initializers. */
int __kind;
#ifdef __x86_64__
short __spins;
short __elision;
__pthread_list_t __list;
/* Mutex __spins initializer used by PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER. */
# define __PTHREAD_SPINS 0, 0
# 111 "/usr/include/bits/pthreadtypes.h" 3 4
unsigned int __nusers;
__extension__ union
short __espins;
short __elision;
# define __spins __elision_data.__espins
# define __elision __elision_data.__elision
# define __PTHREAD_SPINS { 0, 0 }
} __elision_data;
__pthread_slist_t __list;
# 125 "/usr/include/bits/pthreadtypes.h" 3 4
} __data;
char __size[__SIZEOF_PTHREAD_MUTEX_T];
long int __align;
} pthread_mutex_t;
typedef union
int __align;
} pthread_mutexattr_t;
/* Data structure for conditional variable handling. The structure of
the attribute type is not exposed on purpose. */
typedef union
__extension__ union
__extension__ unsigned long long int __wseq;
struct {
unsigned int __low;
unsigned int __high;
} __wseq32;
__extension__ union
__extension__ unsigned long long int __g1_start;
struct {
unsigned int __low;
unsigned int __high;
} __g1_start32;
unsigned int __g_refs[2];
unsigned int __g_size[2];
unsigned int __g1_orig_size;
unsigned int __wrefs;
unsigned int __g_signals[2];
} __data;
char __size[__SIZEOF_PTHREAD_COND_T];
__extension__ long long int __align;
} pthread_cond_t;
typedef union
int __align;
} pthread_condattr_t;
/* Keys for thread-specific data */
typedef unsigned int pthread_key_t;
/* Once-only execution */
typedef int pthread_once_t;
#if defined __USE_UNIX98 || defined __USE_XOPEN2K
/* Data structure for read-write lock variable handling. The
structure of the attribute type is not exposed on purpose. */
typedef union
# ifdef __x86_64__
unsigned int __readers;
unsigned int __writers;
unsigned int __wrphase_futex;
unsigned int __writers_futex;
unsigned int __pad3;
unsigned int __pad4;
int __cur_writer;
int __shared;
signed char __rwelision;
# ifdef __ILP32__
unsigned char __pad1[3];
# define __PTHREAD_RWLOCK_ELISION_EXTRA 0, { 0, 0, 0 }
# else
# 205 "/usr/include/bits/pthreadtypes.h" 3 4
unsigned char __pad1[7];
# define __PTHREAD_RWLOCK_ELISION_EXTRA 0, { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }
# endif
# 208 "/usr/include/bits/pthreadtypes.h" 3 4
unsigned long int __pad2;
/* FLAGS must stay at this position in the structure to maintain
binary compatibility. */
unsigned int __flags;
} __data;
# else
# 215 "/usr/include/bits/pthreadtypes.h" 3 4
unsigned int __readers;
unsigned int __writers;
unsigned int __wrphase_futex;
unsigned int __writers_futex;
unsigned int __pad3;
unsigned int __pad4;
/* FLAGS must stay at this position in the structure to maintain
binary compatibility. */
unsigned char __flags;
unsigned char __shared;
signed char __rwelision;
unsigned char __pad2;
int __cur_writer;
} __data;
# endif
# 233 "/usr/include/bits/pthreadtypes.h" 3 4
long int __align;
} pthread_rwlock_t;
typedef union
long int __align;
} pthread_rwlockattr_t;
# 243 "/usr/include/bits/pthreadtypes.h" 3 4
#ifdef __USE_XOPEN2K
/* POSIX spinlock data type. */
typedef volatile int pthread_spinlock_t;
/* POSIX barriers data type. The structure of the type is
deliberately not exposed. */
typedef union
long int __align;
} pthread_barrier_t;
typedef union
int __align;
} pthread_barrierattr_t;
# 264 "/usr/include/bits/pthreadtypes.h" 3 4
#ifndef __x86_64__
/* Extra attributes for the cleanup functions. */
# define __cleanup_fct_attribute __attribute__ ((__regparm__ (1)))
# 270 "/usr/include/bits/pthreadtypes.h" 3 4
#endif /* bits/pthreadtypes.h */
# 272 "/usr/include/bits/pthreadtypes.h" 3 4
# 276 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 2 3 4
# 277 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 3 4
#endif /* sys/types.h */
# 281 "/usr/include/sys/types.h" 3 4
# 292 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 2 3 4
/* These are the functions that actually do things. The `random', `srandom',
`initstate' and `setstate' functions are those from BSD Unices.
The `rand' and `srand' functions are required by the ANSI standard.
We provide both interfaces to the same random number generator. */
/* Return a random long integer between 0 and RAND_MAX inclusive. */
extern long int random (void) __THROW;
/* Seed the random number generator with the given number. */
extern void srandom (unsigned int __seed) __THROW;
/* Initialize the random number generator to use state buffer STATEBUF,
of length STATELEN, and seed it with SEED. Optimal lengths are 8, 16,
32, 64, 128 and 256, the bigger the better; values less than 8 will
cause an error and values greater than 256 will be rounded down. */
extern char *initstate (unsigned int __seed, char *__statebuf,
size_t __statelen) __THROW __nonnull ((2));
/* Switch the random number generator to state buffer STATEBUF,
which should have been previously initialized by `initstate'. */
extern char *setstate (char *__statebuf) __THROW __nonnull ((1));
# ifdef __USE_MISC
/* Reentrant versions of the `random' family of functions.
These functions all use the following data structure to contain
state, rather than global state variables. */
struct random_data
int32_t *fptr; /* Front pointer. */
int32_t *rptr; /* Rear pointer. */
int32_t *state; /* Array of state values. */
int rand_type; /* Type of random number generator. */
int rand_deg; /* Degree of random number generator. */
int rand_sep; /* Distance between front and rear. */
int32_t *end_ptr; /* Pointer behind state table. */
extern int random_r (struct random_data *__restrict __buf,
int32_t *__restrict __result) __THROW __nonnull ((1, 2));
extern int srandom_r (unsigned int __seed, struct random_data *__buf)
__THROW __nonnull ((2));
extern int initstate_r (unsigned int __seed, char *__restrict __statebuf,
size_t __statelen,
struct random_data *__restrict __buf)
__THROW __nonnull ((2, 4));
extern int setstate_r (char *__restrict __statebuf,
struct random_data *__restrict __buf)
__THROW __nonnull ((1, 2));
# endif /* Use misc. */
# 346 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
#endif /* Use extended X/Open || misc. */
# 347 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
/* Return a random integer between 0 and RAND_MAX inclusive. */
extern int rand (void) __THROW;
/* Seed the random number generator with the given number. */
extern void srand (unsigned int __seed) __THROW;
#ifdef __USE_POSIX199506
/* Reentrant interface according to POSIX.1. */
extern int rand_r (unsigned int *__seed) __THROW;
# 360 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
#if defined __USE_MISC || defined __USE_XOPEN
/* System V style 48-bit random number generator functions. */
/* Return non-negative, double-precision floating-point value in [0.0,1.0). */
extern double drand48 (void) __THROW;
extern double erand48 (unsigned short int __xsubi[3]) __THROW __nonnull ((1));
/* Return non-negative, long integer in [0,2^31). */
extern long int lrand48 (void) __THROW;
extern long int nrand48 (unsigned short int __xsubi[3])
__THROW __nonnull ((1));
/* Return signed, long integers in [-2^31,2^31). */
extern long int mrand48 (void) __THROW;
extern long int jrand48 (unsigned short int __xsubi[3])
__THROW __nonnull ((1));
/* Seed random number generator. */
extern void srand48 (long int __seedval) __THROW;
extern unsigned short int *seed48 (unsigned short int __seed16v[3])
__THROW __nonnull ((1));
extern void lcong48 (unsigned short int __param[7]) __THROW __nonnull ((1));
# ifdef __USE_MISC
/* Data structure for communication with thread safe versions. This
type is to be regarded as opaque. It's only exported because users
have to allocate objects of this type. */
struct drand48_data
unsigned short int __x[3]; /* Current state. */
unsigned short int __old_x[3]; /* Old state. */
unsigned short int __c; /* Additive const. in congruential formula. */
unsigned short int __init; /* Flag for initializing. */
__extension__ unsigned long long int __a; /* Factor in congruential
formula. */
/* Return non-negative, double-precision floating-point value in [0.0,1.0). */
extern int drand48_r (struct drand48_data *__restrict __buffer,
double *__restrict __result) __THROW __nonnull ((1, 2));
extern int erand48_r (unsigned short int __xsubi[3],
struct drand48_data *__restrict __buffer,
double *__restrict __result) __THROW __nonnull ((1, 2));
/* Return non-negative, long integer in [0,2^31). */
extern int lrand48_r (struct drand48_data *__restrict __buffer,
long int *__restrict __result)
__THROW __nonnull ((1, 2));
extern int nrand48_r (unsigned short int __xsubi[3],
struct drand48_data *__restrict __buffer,
long int *__restrict __result)
__THROW __nonnull ((1, 2));
/* Return signed, long integers in [-2^31,2^31). */
extern int mrand48_r (struct drand48_data *__restrict __buffer,
long int *__restrict __result)
__THROW __nonnull ((1, 2));
extern int jrand48_r (unsigned short int __xsubi[3],
struct drand48_data *__restrict __buffer,
long int *__restrict __result)
__THROW __nonnull ((1, 2));
/* Seed random number generator. */
extern int srand48_r (long int __seedval, struct drand48_data *__buffer)
__THROW __nonnull ((2));
extern int seed48_r (unsigned short int __seed16v[3],
struct drand48_data *__buffer) __THROW __nonnull ((1, 2));
extern int lcong48_r (unsigned short int __param[7],
struct drand48_data *__buffer)
__THROW __nonnull ((1, 2));
# endif /* Use misc. */
# 435 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
#endif /* Use misc or X/Open. */
# 436 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
#endif /* don't just need malloc and calloc */
# 438 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
#ifndef __malloc_and_calloc_defined
# define __malloc_and_calloc_defined
/* Allocate SIZE bytes of memory. */
extern void *malloc (size_t __size) __THROW __attribute_malloc__ __wur;
/* Allocate NMEMB elements of SIZE bytes each, all initialized to 0. */
extern void *calloc (size_t __nmemb, size_t __size)
__THROW __attribute_malloc__ __wur;
# 449 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
#ifndef __need_malloc_and_calloc
/* Re-allocate the previously allocated block
in PTR, making the new block SIZE bytes long. */
/* __attribute_malloc__ is not used, because if realloc returns
the same pointer that was passed to it, aliasing needs to be allowed
between objects pointed by the old and new pointers. */
extern void *realloc (void *__ptr, size_t __size)
__THROW __attribute_warn_unused_result__;
/* Free a block allocated by `malloc', `realloc' or `calloc'. */
extern void free (void *__ptr) __THROW;
#ifdef __USE_MISC
/* Free a block. An alias for `free'. (Sun Unices). */
extern void cfree (void *__ptr) __THROW;
#endif /* Use misc. */
# 467 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
#ifdef __USE_MISC
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# include <alloca.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 469 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/alloca.h" 1 3 4
/* Copyright (C) 1992-2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is part of the GNU C Library.
The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
<>. */
#ifndef _ALLOCA_H
#define _ALLOCA_H 1
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <features.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 21 "/usr/include/alloca.h" 3 4
# 22 "/usr/include/alloca.h" 3 4
#define __need_size_t
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <stddef.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 24 "/usr/include/alloca.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/stddef.h" 1 3 4
/*===---- stddef.h - Basic type definitions --------------------------------===
* Copyright (c) 2008 Eli Friedman
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
* of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
* in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
* to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
* copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
* furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
* all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
#if !defined(__STDDEF_H) || defined(__need_ptrdiff_t) || \
defined(__need_size_t) || defined(__need_wchar_t) || \
defined(__need_NULL) || defined(__need_wint_t)
#if !defined(__need_ptrdiff_t) && !defined(__need_size_t) && \
!defined(__need_wchar_t) && !defined(__need_NULL) && \
/* Always define miscellaneous pieces when modules are available. */
#if !__has_feature(modules)
#define __STDDEF_H
# 37 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#define __need_ptrdiff_t
#define __need_size_t
#define __need_wchar_t
#define __need_NULL
#define __need_STDDEF_H_misc
/* __need_wint_t is intentionally not defined here. */
# 44 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#if defined(__need_ptrdiff_t)
#if !defined(_PTRDIFF_T) || __has_feature(modules)
/* Always define ptrdiff_t when modules are available. */
#if !__has_feature(modules)
#define _PTRDIFF_T
# 51 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
typedef __PTRDIFF_TYPE__ ptrdiff_t;
# 53 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#undef __need_ptrdiff_t
#endif /* defined(__need_ptrdiff_t) */
# 55 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#if defined(__need_size_t)
#if !defined(_SIZE_T) || __has_feature(modules)
/* Always define size_t when modules are available. */
#if !__has_feature(modules)
#define _SIZE_T
# 62 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
typedef __SIZE_TYPE__ size_t;
# 64 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#undef __need_size_t
#endif /*defined(__need_size_t) */
# 66 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#if defined(__need_STDDEF_H_misc)
/* ISO9899:2011 7.20 (C11 Annex K): Define rsize_t if __STDC_WANT_LIB_EXT1__ is
* enabled. */
#if (defined(__STDC_WANT_LIB_EXT1__) && __STDC_WANT_LIB_EXT1__ >= 1 && \
!defined(_RSIZE_T)) || __has_feature(modules)
/* Always define rsize_t when modules are available. */
#if !__has_feature(modules)
#define _RSIZE_T
# 76 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
typedef __SIZE_TYPE__ rsize_t;
# 78 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#endif /* defined(__need_STDDEF_H_misc) */
# 79 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#if defined(__need_wchar_t)
#ifndef __cplusplus
/* Always define wchar_t when modules are available. */
#if !defined(_WCHAR_T) || __has_feature(modules)
#if !__has_feature(modules)
#define _WCHAR_T
#if defined(_MSC_EXTENSIONS)
# 89 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
# 90 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
typedef __WCHAR_TYPE__ wchar_t;
# 92 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
# 93 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#undef __need_wchar_t
#endif /* defined(__need_wchar_t) */
# 95 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#if defined(__need_NULL)
#undef NULL
#ifdef __cplusplus
# if !defined(__MINGW32__) && !defined(_MSC_VER)
# define NULL __null
# else
# 102 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
# define NULL 0
# endif
# 104 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
# 105 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
# define NULL ((void*)0)
# 107 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#ifdef __cplusplus
namespace std { typedef decltype(nullptr) nullptr_t; }
using ::std::nullptr_t;
# 112 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
# 113 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#undef __need_NULL
#endif /* defined(__need_NULL) */
# 115 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#if defined(__need_STDDEF_H_misc)
#if __STDC_VERSION__ >= 201112L || __cplusplus >= 201103L
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include "__stddef_max_align_t.h"
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 118 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
# 119 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
# 120 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#define offsetof(t, d) __builtin_offsetof(t, d)
#undef __need_STDDEF_H_misc
#endif /* defined(__need_STDDEF_H_misc) */
# 123 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
/* Some C libraries expect to see a wint_t here. Others (notably MinGW) will use
__WINT_TYPE__ directly; accommodate both by requiring __need_wint_t */
#if defined(__need_wint_t)
/* Always define wint_t when modules are available. */
#if !defined(_WINT_T) || __has_feature(modules)
#if !__has_feature(modules)
#define _WINT_T
# 132 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
typedef __WINT_TYPE__ wint_t;
# 134 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
#undef __need_wint_t
#endif /* __need_wint_t */
# 136 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
# 138 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/stddef.h" 3 4
# 25 "/usr/include/alloca.h" 2 3 4
/* Remove any previous definitions. */
#undef alloca
/* Allocate a block that will be freed when the calling function exits. */
extern void *alloca (size_t __size) __THROW;
#ifdef __GNUC__
# define alloca(size) __builtin_alloca (size)
#endif /* GCC. */
# 37 "/usr/include/alloca.h" 3 4
#endif /* alloca.h */
# 41 "/usr/include/alloca.h" 3 4
# 470 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 2 3 4
#endif /* Use misc. */
# 471 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
#if (defined __USE_XOPEN_EXTENDED && !defined __USE_XOPEN2K) \
|| defined __USE_MISC
/* Allocate SIZE bytes on a page boundary. The storage cannot be freed. */
extern void *valloc (size_t __size) __THROW __attribute_malloc__ __wur;
# 477 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
#ifdef __USE_XOPEN2K
/* Allocate memory of SIZE bytes with an alignment of ALIGNMENT. */
extern int posix_memalign (void **__memptr, size_t __alignment, size_t __size)
__THROW __nonnull ((1)) __wur;
# 483 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
#ifdef __USE_ISOC11
/* ISO C variant of aligned allocation. */
extern void *aligned_alloc (size_t __alignment, size_t __size)
__THROW __attribute_malloc__ __attribute_alloc_size__ ((2)) __wur;
# 489 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
/* Abort execution and generate a core-dump. */
extern void abort (void) __THROW __attribute__ ((__noreturn__));
/* Register a function to be called when `exit' is called. */
extern int atexit (void (*__func) (void)) __THROW __nonnull ((1));
#if defined __USE_ISOC11 || defined __USE_ISOCXX11
/* Register a function to be called when `quick_exit' is called. */
# ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C++" int at_quick_exit (void (*__func) (void))
__THROW __asm ("at_quick_exit") __nonnull ((1));
# else
# 504 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
extern int at_quick_exit (void (*__func) (void)) __THROW __nonnull ((1));
# endif
# 506 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
# 507 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
#ifdef __USE_MISC
/* Register a function to be called with the status
given to `exit' and the given argument. */
extern int on_exit (void (*__func) (int __status, void *__arg), void *__arg)
__THROW __nonnull ((1));
# 515 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
/* Call all functions registered with `atexit' and `on_exit',
in the reverse of the order in which they were registered,
perform stdio cleanup, and terminate program execution with STATUS. */
extern void exit (int __status) __THROW __attribute__ ((__noreturn__));
#if defined __USE_ISOC11 || defined __USE_ISOCXX11
/* Call all functions registered with `at_quick_exit' in the reverse
of the order in which they were registered and terminate program
execution with STATUS. */
extern void quick_exit (int __status) __THROW __attribute__ ((__noreturn__));
# 528 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
#ifdef __USE_ISOC99
/* Terminate the program with STATUS without calling any of the
functions registered with `atexit' or `on_exit'. */
extern void _Exit (int __status) __THROW __attribute__ ((__noreturn__));
# 537 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
/* Return the value of envariable NAME, or NULL if it doesn't exist. */
extern char *getenv (const char *__name) __THROW __nonnull ((1)) __wur;
#ifdef __USE_GNU
/* This function is similar to the above but returns NULL if the
programs is running with SUID or SGID enabled. */
extern char *secure_getenv (const char *__name)
__THROW __nonnull ((1)) __wur;
# 550 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
#if defined __USE_MISC || defined __USE_XOPEN
/* The SVID says this is in <stdio.h>, but this seems a better place. */
/* Put STRING, which is of the form "NAME=VALUE", in the environment.
If there is no `=', remove NAME from the environment. */
extern int putenv (char *__string) __THROW __nonnull ((1));
# 557 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
#ifdef __USE_XOPEN2K
/* Set NAME to VALUE in the environment.
If REPLACE is nonzero, overwrite an existing value. */
extern int setenv (const char *__name, const char *__value, int __replace)
__THROW __nonnull ((2));
/* Remove the variable NAME from the environment. */
extern int unsetenv (const char *__name) __THROW __nonnull ((1));
# 567 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
#ifdef __USE_MISC
/* The `clearenv' was planned to be added to POSIX.1 but probably
never made it. Nevertheless the POSIX.9 standard (POSIX bindings
for Fortran 77) requires this function. */
extern int clearenv (void) __THROW;
# 574 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
#if defined __USE_MISC \
|| (defined __USE_XOPEN_EXTENDED && !defined __USE_XOPEN2K8)
/* Generate a unique temporary file name from TEMPLATE.
The last six characters of TEMPLATE must be "XXXXXX";
they are replaced with a string that makes the file name unique.
Always returns TEMPLATE, it's either a temporary file name or a null
string if it cannot get a unique file name. */
extern char *mktemp (char *__template) __THROW __nonnull ((1));
# 585 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
#if defined __USE_XOPEN_EXTENDED || defined __USE_XOPEN2K8
/* Generate a unique temporary file name from TEMPLATE.
The last six characters of TEMPLATE must be "XXXXXX";
they are replaced with a string that makes the filename unique.
Returns a file descriptor open on the file for reading and writing,
or -1 if it cannot create a uniquely-named file.
This function is a possible cancellation point and therefore not
marked with __THROW. */
# ifndef __USE_FILE_OFFSET64
extern int mkstemp (char *__template) __nonnull ((1)) __wur;
# else
# 598 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
# ifdef __REDIRECT
extern int __REDIRECT (mkstemp, (char *__template), mkstemp64)
__nonnull ((1)) __wur;
# else
# 602 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
# define mkstemp mkstemp64
# endif
# 604 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
# endif
# 605 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
# ifdef __USE_LARGEFILE64
extern int mkstemp64 (char *__template) __nonnull ((1)) __wur;
# endif
# 608 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
# 609 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
#ifdef __USE_MISC
/* Similar to mkstemp, but the template can have a suffix after the
XXXXXX. The length of the suffix is specified in the second
This function is a possible cancellation point and therefore not
marked with __THROW. */
# ifndef __USE_FILE_OFFSET64
extern int mkstemps (char *__template, int __suffixlen) __nonnull ((1)) __wur;
# else
# 620 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
# ifdef __REDIRECT
extern int __REDIRECT (mkstemps, (char *__template, int __suffixlen),
mkstemps64) __nonnull ((1)) __wur;
# else
# 624 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
# define mkstemps mkstemps64
# endif
# 626 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
# endif
# 627 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
# ifdef __USE_LARGEFILE64
extern int mkstemps64 (char *__template, int __suffixlen)
__nonnull ((1)) __wur;
# endif
# 631 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
# 632 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
#ifdef __USE_XOPEN2K8
/* Create a unique temporary directory from TEMPLATE.
The last six characters of TEMPLATE must be "XXXXXX";
they are replaced with a string that makes the directory name unique.
Returns TEMPLATE, or a null pointer if it cannot get a unique name.
The directory is created mode 700. */
extern char *mkdtemp (char *__template) __THROW __nonnull ((1)) __wur;
# 641 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
#ifdef __USE_GNU
/* Generate a unique temporary file name from TEMPLATE similar to
mkstemp. But allow the caller to pass additional flags which are
used in the open call to create the file..
This function is a possible cancellation point and therefore not
marked with __THROW. */
# ifndef __USE_FILE_OFFSET64
extern int mkostemp (char *__template, int __flags) __nonnull ((1)) __wur;
# else
# 652 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
# ifdef __REDIRECT
extern int __REDIRECT (mkostemp, (char *__template, int __flags), mkostemp64)
__nonnull ((1)) __wur;
# else
# 656 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
# define mkostemp mkostemp64
# endif
# 658 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
# endif
# 659 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
# ifdef __USE_LARGEFILE64
extern int mkostemp64 (char *__template, int __flags) __nonnull ((1)) __wur;
# endif
# 662 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
/* Similar to mkostemp, but the template can have a suffix after the
XXXXXX. The length of the suffix is specified in the second
This function is a possible cancellation point and therefore not
marked with __THROW. */
# ifndef __USE_FILE_OFFSET64
extern int mkostemps (char *__template, int __suffixlen, int __flags)
__nonnull ((1)) __wur;
# else
# 673 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
# ifdef __REDIRECT
extern int __REDIRECT (mkostemps, (char *__template, int __suffixlen,
int __flags), mkostemps64)
__nonnull ((1)) __wur;
# else
# 678 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
# define mkostemps mkostemps64
# endif
# 680 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
# endif
# 681 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
# ifdef __USE_LARGEFILE64
extern int mkostemps64 (char *__template, int __suffixlen, int __flags)
__nonnull ((1)) __wur;
# endif
# 685 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
# 686 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
/* Execute the given line as a shell command.
This function is a cancellation point and therefore not marked with
__THROW. */
extern int system (const char *__command) __wur;
#ifdef __USE_GNU
/* Return a malloc'd string containing the canonical absolute name of the
existing named file. */
extern char *canonicalize_file_name (const char *__name)
__THROW __nonnull ((1)) __wur;
# 703 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
#if defined __USE_MISC || defined __USE_XOPEN_EXTENDED
/* Return the canonical absolute name of file NAME. If RESOLVED is
null, the result is malloc'd; otherwise, if the canonical name is
PATH_MAX chars or more, returns null with `errno' set to
ENAMETOOLONG; if the name fits in fewer than PATH_MAX chars,
returns the name in RESOLVED. */
extern char *realpath (const char *__restrict __name,
char *__restrict __resolved) __THROW __wur;
# 713 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
/* Shorthand for type of comparison functions. */
#ifndef __COMPAR_FN_T
# define __COMPAR_FN_T
typedef int (*__compar_fn_t) (const void *, const void *);
# ifdef __USE_GNU
typedef __compar_fn_t comparison_fn_t;
# endif
# 723 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
# 724 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
#ifdef __USE_GNU
typedef int (*__compar_d_fn_t) (const void *, const void *, void *);
# 727 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
/* Do a binary search for KEY in BASE, which consists of NMEMB elements
of SIZE bytes each, using COMPAR to perform the comparisons. */
extern void *bsearch (const void *__key, const void *__base,
size_t __nmemb, size_t __size, __compar_fn_t __compar)
__nonnull ((1, 2, 5)) __wur;
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# include <bits/stdlib-bsearch.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 736 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/bits/stdlib-bsearch.h" 1 3 4
/* Perform binary search - inline version.
Copyright (C) 1991-2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is part of the GNU C Library.
The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
<>. */
__extern_inline void *
bsearch (const void *__key, const void *__base, size_t __nmemb, size_t __size,
__compar_fn_t __compar)
size_t __l, __u, __idx;
const void *__p;
int __comparison;
__l = 0;
__u = __nmemb;
while (__l < __u)
__idx = (__l + __u) / 2;
__p = (void *) (((const char *) __base) + (__idx * __size));
__comparison = (*__compar) (__key, __p);
if (__comparison < 0)
__u = __idx;
else if (__comparison > 0)
__l = __idx + 1;
return (void *) __p;
return NULL;
# 737 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 2 3 4
# 738 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
/* Sort NMEMB elements of BASE, of SIZE bytes each,
using COMPAR to perform the comparisons. */
extern void qsort (void *__base, size_t __nmemb, size_t __size,
__compar_fn_t __compar) __nonnull ((1, 4));
#ifdef __USE_GNU
extern void qsort_r (void *__base, size_t __nmemb, size_t __size,
__compar_d_fn_t __compar, void *__arg)
__nonnull ((1, 4));
# 748 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
/* Return the absolute value of X. */
extern int abs (int __x) __THROW __attribute__ ((__const__)) __wur;
extern long int labs (long int __x) __THROW __attribute__ ((__const__)) __wur;
#ifdef __USE_ISOC99
__extension__ extern long long int llabs (long long int __x)
__THROW __attribute__ ((__const__)) __wur;
# 759 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
/* Return the `div_t', `ldiv_t' or `lldiv_t' representation
of the value of NUMER over DENOM. */
/* GCC may have built-ins for these someday. */
extern div_t div (int __numer, int __denom)
__THROW __attribute__ ((__const__)) __wur;
extern ldiv_t ldiv (long int __numer, long int __denom)
__THROW __attribute__ ((__const__)) __wur;
#ifdef __USE_ISOC99
__extension__ extern lldiv_t lldiv (long long int __numer,
long long int __denom)
__THROW __attribute__ ((__const__)) __wur;
# 778 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
#if (defined __USE_XOPEN_EXTENDED && !defined __USE_XOPEN2K8) \
|| defined __USE_MISC
/* Convert floating point numbers to strings. The returned values are
valid only until another call to the same function. */
/* Convert VALUE to a string with NDIGIT digits and return a pointer to
this. Set *DECPT with the position of the decimal character and *SIGN
with the sign of the number. */
extern char *ecvt (double __value, int __ndigit, int *__restrict __decpt,
int *__restrict __sign) __THROW __nonnull ((3, 4)) __wur;
/* Convert VALUE to a string rounded to NDIGIT decimal digits. Set *DECPT
with the position of the decimal character and *SIGN with the sign of
the number. */
extern char *fcvt (double __value, int __ndigit, int *__restrict __decpt,
int *__restrict __sign) __THROW __nonnull ((3, 4)) __wur;
/* If possible convert VALUE to a string with NDIGIT significant digits.
Otherwise use exponential representation. The resulting string will
be written to BUF. */
extern char *gcvt (double __value, int __ndigit, char *__buf)
__THROW __nonnull ((3)) __wur;
# 803 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
#ifdef __USE_MISC
/* Long double versions of above functions. */
extern char *qecvt (long double __value, int __ndigit,
int *__restrict __decpt, int *__restrict __sign)
__THROW __nonnull ((3, 4)) __wur;
extern char *qfcvt (long double __value, int __ndigit,
int *__restrict __decpt, int *__restrict __sign)
__THROW __nonnull ((3, 4)) __wur;
extern char *qgcvt (long double __value, int __ndigit, char *__buf)
__THROW __nonnull ((3)) __wur;
/* Reentrant version of the functions above which provide their own
buffers. */
extern int ecvt_r (double __value, int __ndigit, int *__restrict __decpt,
int *__restrict __sign, char *__restrict __buf,
size_t __len) __THROW __nonnull ((3, 4, 5));
extern int fcvt_r (double __value, int __ndigit, int *__restrict __decpt,
int *__restrict __sign, char *__restrict __buf,
size_t __len) __THROW __nonnull ((3, 4, 5));
extern int qecvt_r (long double __value, int __ndigit,
int *__restrict __decpt, int *__restrict __sign,
char *__restrict __buf, size_t __len)
__THROW __nonnull ((3, 4, 5));
extern int qfcvt_r (long double __value, int __ndigit,
int *__restrict __decpt, int *__restrict __sign,
char *__restrict __buf, size_t __len)
__THROW __nonnull ((3, 4, 5));
#endif /* misc */
# 834 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
/* Return the length of the multibyte character
in S, which is no longer than N. */
extern int mblen (const char *__s, size_t __n) __THROW;
/* Return the length of the given multibyte character,
putting its `wchar_t' representation in *PWC. */
extern int mbtowc (wchar_t *__restrict __pwc,
const char *__restrict __s, size_t __n) __THROW;
/* Put the multibyte character represented
by WCHAR in S, returning its length. */
extern int wctomb (char *__s, wchar_t __wchar) __THROW;
/* Convert a multibyte string to a wide char string. */
extern size_t mbstowcs (wchar_t *__restrict __pwcs,
const char *__restrict __s, size_t __n) __THROW;
/* Convert a wide char string to multibyte string. */
extern size_t wcstombs (char *__restrict __s,
const wchar_t *__restrict __pwcs, size_t __n)
#ifdef __USE_MISC
/* Determine whether the string value of RESPONSE matches the affirmation
or negative response expression as specified by the LC_MESSAGES category
in the program's current locale. Returns 1 if affirmative, 0 if
negative, and -1 if not matching. */
extern int rpmatch (const char *__response) __THROW __nonnull ((1)) __wur;
# 866 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
#if defined __USE_XOPEN_EXTENDED || defined __USE_XOPEN2K8
/* Parse comma separated suboption from *OPTIONP and match against
strings in TOKENS. If found return index and set *VALUEP to
optional value introduced by an equal sign. If the suboption is
not part of TOKENS return in *VALUEP beginning of unknown
suboption. On exit *OPTIONP is set to the beginning of the next
token or at the terminating NUL character. */
extern int getsubopt (char **__restrict __optionp,
char *const *__restrict __tokens,
char **__restrict __valuep)
__THROW __nonnull ((1, 2, 3)) __wur;
# 880 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
#ifdef __USE_XOPEN
/* Setup DES tables according KEY. */
extern void setkey (const char *__key) __THROW __nonnull ((1));
# 886 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
/* X/Open pseudo terminal handling. */
/* Return a master pseudo-terminal handle. */
extern int posix_openpt (int __oflag) __wur;
# 894 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
/* The next four functions all take a master pseudo-tty fd and
perform an operation on the associated slave: */
/* Chown the slave to the calling user. */
extern int grantpt (int __fd) __THROW;
/* Release an internal lock so the slave can be opened.
Call after grantpt(). */
extern int unlockpt (int __fd) __THROW;
/* Return the pathname of the pseudo terminal slave associated with
the master FD is open on, or NULL on errors.
The returned storage is good until the next call to this function. */
extern char *ptsname (int __fd) __THROW __wur;
# 911 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
#ifdef __USE_GNU
/* Store at most BUFLEN characters of the pathname of the slave pseudo
terminal associated with the master FD is open on in BUF.
Return 0 on success, otherwise an error number. */
extern int ptsname_r (int __fd, char *__buf, size_t __buflen)
__THROW __nonnull ((2));
/* Open a master pseudo terminal and return its file descriptor. */
extern int getpt (void);
# 922 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
#ifdef __USE_MISC
/* Put the 1 minute, 5 minute and 15 minute load averages into the first
NELEM elements of LOADAVG. Return the number written (never more than
three, but may be less than NELEM), or -1 if an error occurred. */
extern int getloadavg (double __loadavg[], int __nelem)
__THROW __nonnull ((1));
# 930 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
#if defined __USE_XOPEN_EXTENDED && !defined __USE_XOPEN2K
/* Return the index into the active-logins file (utmp) for
the controlling terminal. */
extern int ttyslot (void) __THROW;
# 936 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <bits/stdlib-float.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 937 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
# 1 "/usr/include/bits/stdlib-float.h" 1 3 4
/* Floating-point inline functions for stdlib.h.
Copyright (C) 2012-2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is part of the GNU C Library.
The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
<>. */
#ifndef _STDLIB_H
# error "Never use <bits/stdlib-float.h> directly; include <stdlib.h> instead."
# 22 "/usr/include/bits/stdlib-float.h" 3 4
__extern_inline double
__NTH (atof (const char *__nptr))
return strtod (__nptr, (char **) NULL);
#endif /* Optimizing and Inlining. */
# 32 "/usr/include/bits/stdlib-float.h" 3 4
# 938 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 2 3 4
/* Define some macros helping to catch buffer overflows. */
#if __USE_FORTIFY_LEVEL > 0 && defined __fortify_function
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# include <bits/stdlib.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 941 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
# 942 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
# 943 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
#ifdef __LDBL_COMPAT
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# include <bits/stdlib-ldbl.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 944 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
# 945 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
# 946 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
#endif /* don't just need malloc and calloc */
# 948 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
#undef __need_malloc_and_calloc
#endif /* stdlib.h */
# 953 "/usr/include/stdlib.h" 3 4
# 76 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/cstdlib" 2 3
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <bits/std_abs.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 77 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/cstdlib" 3
# 1 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/bits/std_abs.h" 1 3
// -*- C++ -*- C library enhancements header.
// Copyright (C) 2016-2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
// This file is part of the GNU ISO C++ Library. This library is free
// software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
// terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
// Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
// any later version.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// Under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted additional
// permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception, version
// 3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and
// a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program;
// see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively. If not, see
// <>.
/** @file include/bits/std_abs.h
* This is an internal header file, included by other library headers.
* Do not attempt to use it directly. @headername{cmath, cstdlib}
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#pragma GCC system_header
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 34 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/bits/std_abs.h" 3
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <bits/c++config.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 35 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/bits/std_abs.h" 3
# 36 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/bits/std_abs.h" 3
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include_next <stdlib.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 38 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/bits/std_abs.h" 3
# 39 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/bits/std_abs.h" 3
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# include_next <math.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 40 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/bits/std_abs.h" 3
# 41 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/bits/std_abs.h" 3
# 42 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/bits/std_abs.h" 3
#undef abs
extern "C++"
namespace std _GLIBCXX_VISIBILITY(default)
using ::abs;
inline long
abs(long __i) { return __builtin_labs(__i); }
# 58 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/bits/std_abs.h" 3
inline long long
abs(long long __x) { return __builtin_llabs (__x); }
# 63 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/bits/std_abs.h" 3
// 2192. Validity and return type of std::abs(0u) is unclear
// 2294. <cstdlib> should declare abs(double)
inline _GLIBCXX_CONSTEXPR double
abs(double __x)
{ return __builtin_fabs(__x); }
abs(float __x)
{ return __builtin_fabsf(__x); }
inline _GLIBCXX_CONSTEXPR long double
abs(long double __x)
{ return __builtin_fabsl(__x); }
# 81 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/bits/std_abs.h" 3
#if defined(__GLIBCXX_TYPE_INT_N_0)
abs(__GLIBCXX_TYPE_INT_N_0 __x) { return __x >= 0 ? __x : -__x; }
# 86 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/bits/std_abs.h" 3
#if defined(__GLIBCXX_TYPE_INT_N_1)
abs(__GLIBCXX_TYPE_INT_N_1 __x) { return __x >= 0 ? __x : -__x; }
# 90 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/bits/std_abs.h" 3
#if defined(__GLIBCXX_TYPE_INT_N_2)
abs(__GLIBCXX_TYPE_INT_N_2 __x) { return __x >= 0 ? __x : -__x; }
# 94 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/bits/std_abs.h" 3
#if defined(__GLIBCXX_TYPE_INT_N_3)
abs(__GLIBCXX_TYPE_INT_N_3 __x) { return __x >= 0 ? __x : -__x; }
# 98 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/bits/std_abs.h" 3
#if !defined(__STRICT_ANSI__) && defined(_GLIBCXX_USE_FLOAT128)
abs(__float128 __x)
{ return __x < 0 ? -__x : __x; }
# 105 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/bits/std_abs.h" 3
} // namespace
# 111 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/bits/std_abs.h" 3
# 78 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/cstdlib" 2 3
// Get rid of those macros defined in <stdlib.h> in lieu of real functions.
#undef abort
#undef atexit
#if __cplusplus >= 201103L
# undef at_quick_exit
# endif
# 86 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/cstdlib" 3
# 87 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/cstdlib" 3
#undef atof
#undef atoi
#undef atol
#undef bsearch
#undef calloc
#undef div
#undef exit
#undef free
#undef getenv
#undef labs
#undef ldiv
#undef malloc
#undef mblen
#undef mbstowcs
#undef mbtowc
#undef qsort
#if __cplusplus >= 201103L
# undef quick_exit
# endif
# 107 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/cstdlib" 3
# 108 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/cstdlib" 3
#undef rand
#undef realloc
#undef srand
#undef strtod
#undef strtol
#undef strtoul
#undef system
#undef wcstombs
#undef wctomb
extern "C++"
namespace std _GLIBCXX_VISIBILITY(default)
using ::div_t;
using ::ldiv_t;
using ::abort;
using ::atexit;
#if __cplusplus >= 201103L
using ::at_quick_exit;
# endif
# 133 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/cstdlib" 3
# 134 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/cstdlib" 3
using ::atof;
using ::atoi;
using ::atol;
using ::bsearch;
using ::calloc;
using ::div;
using ::exit;
using ::free;
using ::getenv;
using ::labs;
using ::ldiv;
using ::malloc;
using ::mblen;
using ::mbstowcs;
using ::mbtowc;
# 151 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/cstdlib" 3
using ::qsort;
#if __cplusplus >= 201103L
using ::quick_exit;
# endif
# 156 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/cstdlib" 3
# 157 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/cstdlib" 3
using ::rand;
using ::realloc;
using ::srand;
using ::strtod;
using ::strtol;
using ::strtoul;
using ::system;
using ::wcstombs;
using ::wctomb;
# 168 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/cstdlib" 3
inline ldiv_t
div(long __i, long __j) { return ldiv(__i, __j); }
# 173 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/cstdlib" 3
} // namespace
#undef _Exit
#undef llabs
#undef lldiv
#undef atoll
#undef strtoll
#undef strtoull
#undef strtof
#undef strtold
namespace __gnu_cxx _GLIBCXX_VISIBILITY(default)
using ::lldiv_t;
# 196 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/cstdlib" 3
extern "C" void (_Exit)(int) throw () _GLIBCXX_NORETURN;
# 199 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/cstdlib" 3
using ::_Exit;
# 202 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/cstdlib" 3
using ::llabs;
inline lldiv_t
div(long long __n, long long __d)
{ lldiv_t __q; __q.quot = __n / __d; __q.rem = __n % __d; return __q; }
using ::lldiv;
# 212 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/cstdlib" 3
extern "C" long long int (atoll)(const char *) throw ();
extern "C" long long int
(strtoll)(const char * __restrict, char ** __restrict, int) throw ();
extern "C" unsigned long long int
(strtoull)(const char * __restrict, char ** __restrict, int) throw ();
# 220 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/cstdlib" 3
using ::atoll;
using ::strtoll;
using ::strtoull;
# 225 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/cstdlib" 3
using ::strtof;
using ::strtold;
} // namespace __gnu_cxx
namespace std
using ::__gnu_cxx::lldiv_t;
# 236 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/cstdlib" 3
using ::__gnu_cxx::_Exit;
using ::__gnu_cxx::llabs;
using ::__gnu_cxx::div;
using ::__gnu_cxx::lldiv;
# 242 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/cstdlib" 3
using ::__gnu_cxx::atoll;
using ::__gnu_cxx::strtof;
using ::__gnu_cxx::strtoll;
using ::__gnu_cxx::strtoull;
using ::__gnu_cxx::strtold;
} // namespace std
# 250 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/cstdlib" 3
} // extern "C++"
#endif // !_GLIBCXX_HOSTED
# 254 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/cstdlib" 3
# 256 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/cstdlib" 3
# 37 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/stdlib.h" 2 3
using std::abort;
using std::atexit;
using std::exit;
#if __cplusplus >= 201103L
using std::at_quick_exit;
# endif
# 45 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/stdlib.h" 3
using std::quick_exit;
# endif
# 48 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/stdlib.h" 3
# 49 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/stdlib.h" 3
using std::div_t;
using std::ldiv_t;
using std::abs;
using std::atof;
using std::atoi;
using std::atol;
using std::bsearch;
using std::calloc;
using std::div;
using std::free;
using std::getenv;
using std::labs;
using std::ldiv;
using std::malloc;
using std::mblen;
using std::mbstowcs;
using std::mbtowc;
# 71 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/stdlib.h" 3
using std::qsort;
using std::rand;
using std::realloc;
using std::srand;
using std::strtod;
using std::strtol;
using std::strtoul;
using std::system;
using std::wcstombs;
using std::wctomb;
# 83 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/stdlib.h" 3
# 84 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/stdlib.h" 3
# 86 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/stdlib.h" 3
#endif // __cplusplus
# 87 "/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/7.1.1/../../../../include/c++/7.1.1/stdlib.h" 3
# 28 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/mm_malloc.h" 2 3
#ifdef _WIN32
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <malloc.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 30 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/mm_malloc.h" 3
# 31 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/mm_malloc.h" 3
# 32 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/mm_malloc.h" 3
#ifndef __cplusplus
extern int posix_memalign(void **__memptr, size_t __alignment, size_t __size);
# 35 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/mm_malloc.h" 3
// Some systems (e.g. those with GNU libc) declare posix_memalign with an
// exception specifier. Via an "egregious workaround" in
// Sema::CheckEquivalentExceptionSpec, Clang accepts the following as a valid
// redeclaration of glibc's declaration.
extern "C" int posix_memalign(void **__memptr, size_t __alignment, size_t __size);
# 41 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/mm_malloc.h" 3
# 42 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/mm_malloc.h" 3
#if !(defined(_WIN32) && defined(_mm_malloc))
static __inline__ void *__attribute__((__always_inline__, __nodebug__,
_mm_malloc(size_t __size, size_t __align)
if (__align == 1) {
return malloc(__size);
if (!(__align & (__align - 1)) && __align < sizeof(void *))
__align = sizeof(void *);
void *__mallocedMemory;
#if defined(__MINGW32__)
__mallocedMemory = __mingw_aligned_malloc(__size, __align);
#elif defined(_WIN32)
# 59 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/mm_malloc.h" 3
__mallocedMemory = _aligned_malloc(__size, __align);
# 61 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/mm_malloc.h" 3
if (posix_memalign(&__mallocedMemory, __align, __size))
return 0;
# 64 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/mm_malloc.h" 3
return __mallocedMemory;
static __inline__ void __attribute__((__always_inline__, __nodebug__))
_mm_free(void *__p)
# 74 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/mm_malloc.h" 3
#endif /* __MM_MALLOC_H */
# 76 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/mm_malloc.h" 3
# 40 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/xmmintrin.h" 2 3
# 41 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/xmmintrin.h" 3
/* Define the default attributes for the functions in this file. */
#define __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS __attribute__((__always_inline__, __nodebug__, __target__("sse")))
/// \brief Adds the 32-bit float values in the low-order bits of the operands.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VADDSS / ADDSS </c> instructions.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing one of the source operands.
/// The lower 32 bits of this operand are used in the calculation.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing one of the source operands.
/// The lower 32 bits of this operand are used in the calculation.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] whose lower 32 bits contain the sum
/// of the lower 32 bits of both operands. The upper 96 bits are copied from
/// the upper 96 bits of the first source operand.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_add_ss(__m128 __a, __m128 __b)
__a[0] += __b[0];
return __a;
/// \brief Adds two 128-bit vectors of [4 x float], and returns the results of
/// the addition.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VADDPS / ADDPS </c> instructions.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing one of the source operands.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing one of the source operands.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the sums of both
/// operands.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_add_ps(__m128 __a, __m128 __b)
return (__m128)((__v4sf)__a + (__v4sf)__b);
/// \brief Subtracts the 32-bit float value in the low-order bits of the second
/// operand from the corresponding value in the first operand.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VSUBSS / SUBSS </c> instructions.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the minuend. The lower 32 bits
/// of this operand are used in the calculation.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the subtrahend. The lower 32
/// bits of this operand are used in the calculation.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] whose lower 32 bits contain the
/// difference of the lower 32 bits of both operands. The upper 96 bits are
/// copied from the upper 96 bits of the first source operand.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_sub_ss(__m128 __a, __m128 __b)
__a[0] -= __b[0];
return __a;
/// \brief Subtracts each of the values of the second operand from the first
/// operand, both of which are 128-bit vectors of [4 x float] and returns
/// the results of the subtraction.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VSUBPS / SUBPS </c> instructions.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the minuend.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the subtrahend.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the differences between
/// both operands.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_sub_ps(__m128 __a, __m128 __b)
return (__m128)((__v4sf)__a - (__v4sf)__b);
/// \brief Multiplies two 32-bit float values in the low-order bits of the
/// operands.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VMULSS / MULSS </c> instructions.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing one of the source operands.
/// The lower 32 bits of this operand are used in the calculation.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing one of the source operands.
/// The lower 32 bits of this operand are used in the calculation.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the product of the lower
/// 32 bits of both operands. The upper 96 bits are copied from the upper 96
/// bits of the first source operand.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_mul_ss(__m128 __a, __m128 __b)
__a[0] *= __b[0];
return __a;
/// \brief Multiplies two 128-bit vectors of [4 x float] and returns the
/// results of the multiplication.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VMULPS / MULPS </c> instructions.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing one of the source operands.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing one of the source operands.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the products of both
/// operands.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_mul_ps(__m128 __a, __m128 __b)
return (__m128)((__v4sf)__a * (__v4sf)__b);
/// \brief Divides the value in the low-order 32 bits of the first operand by
/// the corresponding value in the second operand.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VDIVSS / DIVSS </c> instructions.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the dividend. The lower 32
/// bits of this operand are used in the calculation.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the divisor. The lower 32 bits
/// of this operand are used in the calculation.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the quotients of the
/// lower 32 bits of both operands. The upper 96 bits are copied from the
/// upper 96 bits of the first source operand.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_div_ss(__m128 __a, __m128 __b)
__a[0] /= __b[0];
return __a;
/// \brief Divides two 128-bit vectors of [4 x float].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VDIVPS / DIVPS </c> instructions.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the dividend.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the divisor.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the quotients of both
/// operands.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_div_ps(__m128 __a, __m128 __b)
return (__m128)((__v4sf)__a / (__v4sf)__b);
/// \brief Calculates the square root of the value stored in the low-order bits
/// of a 128-bit vector of [4 x float].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VSQRTSS / SQRTSS </c> instructions.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float]. The lower 32 bits of this operand are
/// used in the calculation.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the square root of the
/// value in the low-order bits of the operand.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_sqrt_ss(__m128 __a)
__m128 __c = __builtin_ia32_sqrtss((__v4sf)__a);
return (__m128) { __c[0], __a[1], __a[2], __a[3] };
/// \brief Calculates the square roots of the values stored in a 128-bit vector
/// of [4 x float].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VSQRTPS / SQRTPS </c> instructions.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float].
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the square roots of the
/// values in the operand.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_sqrt_ps(__m128 __a)
return __builtin_ia32_sqrtps((__v4sf)__a);
/// \brief Calculates the approximate reciprocal of the value stored in the
/// low-order bits of a 128-bit vector of [4 x float].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VRCPSS / RCPSS </c> instructions.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float]. The lower 32 bits of this operand are
/// used in the calculation.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the approximate
/// reciprocal of the value in the low-order bits of the operand.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_rcp_ss(__m128 __a)
__m128 __c = __builtin_ia32_rcpss((__v4sf)__a);
return (__m128) { __c[0], __a[1], __a[2], __a[3] };
/// \brief Calculates the approximate reciprocals of the values stored in a
/// 128-bit vector of [4 x float].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VRCPPS / RCPPS </c> instructions.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float].
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the approximate
/// reciprocals of the values in the operand.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_rcp_ps(__m128 __a)
return __builtin_ia32_rcpps((__v4sf)__a);
/// \brief Calculates the approximate reciprocal of the square root of the value
/// stored in the low-order bits of a 128-bit vector of [4 x float].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VRSQRTSS / RSQRTSS </c> instructions.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float]. The lower 32 bits of this operand are
/// used in the calculation.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the approximate
/// reciprocal of the square root of the value in the low-order bits of the
/// operand.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_rsqrt_ss(__m128 __a)
__m128 __c = __builtin_ia32_rsqrtss((__v4sf)__a);
return (__m128) { __c[0], __a[1], __a[2], __a[3] };
/// \brief Calculates the approximate reciprocals of the square roots of the
/// values stored in a 128-bit vector of [4 x float].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VRSQRTPS / RSQRTPS </c> instructions.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float].
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the approximate
/// reciprocals of the square roots of the values in the operand.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_rsqrt_ps(__m128 __a)
return __builtin_ia32_rsqrtps((__v4sf)__a);
/// \brief Compares two 32-bit float values in the low-order bits of both
/// operands and returns the lesser value in the low-order bits of the
/// vector of [4 x float].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VMINSS / MINSS </c> instructions.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing one of the operands. The lower
/// 32 bits of this operand are used in the comparison.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing one of the operands. The lower
/// 32 bits of this operand are used in the comparison.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] whose lower 32 bits contain the
/// minimum value between both operands. The upper 96 bits are copied from
/// the upper 96 bits of the first source operand.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_min_ss(__m128 __a, __m128 __b)
return __builtin_ia32_minss((__v4sf)__a, (__v4sf)__b);
/// \brief Compares two 128-bit vectors of [4 x float] and returns the lesser
/// of each pair of values.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VMINPS / MINPS </c> instructions.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing one of the operands.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing one of the operands.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the minimum values
/// between both operands.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_min_ps(__m128 __a, __m128 __b)
return __builtin_ia32_minps((__v4sf)__a, (__v4sf)__b);
/// \brief Compares two 32-bit float values in the low-order bits of both
/// operands and returns the greater value in the low-order bits of a 128-bit
/// vector of [4 x float].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VMAXSS / MAXSS </c> instructions.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing one of the operands. The lower
/// 32 bits of this operand are used in the comparison.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing one of the operands. The lower
/// 32 bits of this operand are used in the comparison.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] whose lower 32 bits contain the
/// maximum value between both operands. The upper 96 bits are copied from
/// the upper 96 bits of the first source operand.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_max_ss(__m128 __a, __m128 __b)
return __builtin_ia32_maxss((__v4sf)__a, (__v4sf)__b);
/// \brief Compares two 128-bit vectors of [4 x float] and returns the greater
/// of each pair of values.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VMAXPS / MAXPS </c> instructions.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing one of the operands.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing one of the operands.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the maximum values
/// between both operands.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_max_ps(__m128 __a, __m128 __b)
return __builtin_ia32_maxps((__v4sf)__a, (__v4sf)__b);
/// \brief Performs a bitwise AND of two 128-bit vectors of [4 x float].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VANDPS / ANDPS </c> instructions.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector containing one of the source operands.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector containing one of the source operands.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the bitwise AND of the
/// values between both operands.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_and_ps(__m128 __a, __m128 __b)
return (__m128)((__v4su)__a & (__v4su)__b);
/// \brief Performs a bitwise AND of two 128-bit vectors of [4 x float], using
/// the one's complement of the values contained in the first source
/// operand.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VANDNPS / ANDNPS </c> instructions.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the first source operand. The
/// one's complement of this value is used in the bitwise AND.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the second source operand.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the bitwise AND of the
/// one's complement of the first operand and the values in the second
/// operand.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_andnot_ps(__m128 __a, __m128 __b)
return (__m128)(~(__v4su)__a & (__v4su)__b);
/// \brief Performs a bitwise OR of two 128-bit vectors of [4 x float].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VORPS / ORPS </c> instructions.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing one of the source operands.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing one of the source operands.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the bitwise OR of the
/// values between both operands.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_or_ps(__m128 __a, __m128 __b)
return (__m128)((__v4su)__a | (__v4su)__b);
/// \brief Performs a bitwise exclusive OR of two 128-bit vectors of
/// [4 x float].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VXORPS / XORPS </c> instructions.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing one of the source operands.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing one of the source operands.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the bitwise exclusive OR
/// of the values between both operands.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_xor_ps(__m128 __a, __m128 __b)
return (__m128)((__v4su)__a ^ (__v4su)__b);
/// \brief Compares two 32-bit float values in the low-order bits of both
/// operands for equality and returns the result of the comparison in the
/// low-order bits of a vector [4 x float].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCMPEQSS / CMPEQSS </c> instructions.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing one of the operands. The lower
/// 32 bits of this operand are used in the comparison.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing one of the operands. The lower
/// 32 bits of this operand are used in the comparison.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the comparison results
/// in the low-order bits.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cmpeq_ss(__m128 __a, __m128 __b)
return (__m128)__builtin_ia32_cmpeqss((__v4sf)__a, (__v4sf)__b);
/// \brief Compares each of the corresponding 32-bit float values of the
/// 128-bit vectors of [4 x float] for equality.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCMPEQPS / CMPEQPS </c> instructions.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float].
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float].
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the comparison results.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cmpeq_ps(__m128 __a, __m128 __b)
return (__m128)__builtin_ia32_cmpeqps((__v4sf)__a, (__v4sf)__b);
/// \brief Compares two 32-bit float values in the low-order bits of both
/// operands to determine if the value in the first operand is less than the
/// corresponding value in the second operand and returns the result of the
/// comparison in the low-order bits of a vector of [4 x float].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCMPLTSS / CMPLTSS </c> instructions.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing one of the operands. The lower
/// 32 bits of this operand are used in the comparison.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing one of the operands. The lower
/// 32 bits of this operand are used in the comparison.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the comparison results
/// in the low-order bits.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cmplt_ss(__m128 __a, __m128 __b)
return (__m128)__builtin_ia32_cmpltss((__v4sf)__a, (__v4sf)__b);
/// \brief Compares each of the corresponding 32-bit float values of the
/// 128-bit vectors of [4 x float] to determine if the values in the first
/// operand are less than those in the second operand.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCMPLTPS / CMPLTPS </c> instructions.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float].
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float].
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the comparison results.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cmplt_ps(__m128 __a, __m128 __b)
return (__m128)__builtin_ia32_cmpltps((__v4sf)__a, (__v4sf)__b);
/// \brief Compares two 32-bit float values in the low-order bits of both
/// operands to determine if the value in the first operand is less than or
/// equal to the corresponding value in the second operand and returns the
/// result of the comparison in the low-order bits of a vector of
/// [4 x float].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCMPLESS / CMPLESS </c> instructions.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing one of the operands. The lower
/// 32 bits of this operand are used in the comparison.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing one of the operands. The lower
/// 32 bits of this operand are used in the comparison.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the comparison results
/// in the low-order bits.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cmple_ss(__m128 __a, __m128 __b)
return (__m128)__builtin_ia32_cmpless((__v4sf)__a, (__v4sf)__b);
/// \brief Compares each of the corresponding 32-bit float values of the
/// 128-bit vectors of [4 x float] to determine if the values in the first
/// operand are less than or equal to those in the second operand.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCMPLEPS / CMPLEPS </c> instructions.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float].
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float].
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the comparison results.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cmple_ps(__m128 __a, __m128 __b)
return (__m128)__builtin_ia32_cmpleps((__v4sf)__a, (__v4sf)__b);
/// \brief Compares two 32-bit float values in the low-order bits of both
/// operands to determine if the value in the first operand is greater than
/// the corresponding value in the second operand and returns the result of
/// the comparison in the low-order bits of a vector of [4 x float].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCMPLTSS / CMPLTSS </c> instructions.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing one of the operands. The lower
/// 32 bits of this operand are used in the comparison.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing one of the operands. The lower
/// 32 bits of this operand are used in the comparison.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the comparison results
/// in the low-order bits.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cmpgt_ss(__m128 __a, __m128 __b)
return (__m128)__builtin_shufflevector((__v4sf)__a,
(__v4sf)__builtin_ia32_cmpltss((__v4sf)__b, (__v4sf)__a),
4, 1, 2, 3);
/// \brief Compares each of the corresponding 32-bit float values of the
/// 128-bit vectors of [4 x float] to determine if the values in the first
/// operand are greater than those in the second operand.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCMPLTPS / CMPLTPS </c> instructions.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float].
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float].
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the comparison results.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cmpgt_ps(__m128 __a, __m128 __b)
return (__m128)__builtin_ia32_cmpltps((__v4sf)__b, (__v4sf)__a);
/// \brief Compares two 32-bit float values in the low-order bits of both
/// operands to determine if the value in the first operand is greater than
/// or equal to the corresponding value in the second operand and returns
/// the result of the comparison in the low-order bits of a vector of
/// [4 x float].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCMPLESS / CMPLESS </c> instructions.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing one of the operands. The lower
/// 32 bits of this operand are used in the comparison.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing one of the operands. The lower
/// 32 bits of this operand are used in the comparison.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the comparison results
/// in the low-order bits.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cmpge_ss(__m128 __a, __m128 __b)
return (__m128)__builtin_shufflevector((__v4sf)__a,
(__v4sf)__builtin_ia32_cmpless((__v4sf)__b, (__v4sf)__a),
4, 1, 2, 3);
/// \brief Compares each of the corresponding 32-bit float values of the
/// 128-bit vectors of [4 x float] to determine if the values in the first
/// operand are greater than or equal to those in the second operand.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCMPLEPS / CMPLEPS </c> instructions.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float].
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float].
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the comparison results.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cmpge_ps(__m128 __a, __m128 __b)
return (__m128)__builtin_ia32_cmpleps((__v4sf)__b, (__v4sf)__a);
/// \brief Compares two 32-bit float values in the low-order bits of both
/// operands for inequality and returns the result of the comparison in the
/// low-order bits of a vector of [4 x float].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCMPNEQSS / CMPNEQSS </c>
/// instructions.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing one of the operands. The lower
/// 32 bits of this operand are used in the comparison.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing one of the operands. The lower
/// 32 bits of this operand are used in the comparison.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the comparison results
/// in the low-order bits.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cmpneq_ss(__m128 __a, __m128 __b)
return (__m128)__builtin_ia32_cmpneqss((__v4sf)__a, (__v4sf)__b);
/// \brief Compares each of the corresponding 32-bit float values of the
/// 128-bit vectors of [4 x float] for inequality.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCMPNEQPS / CMPNEQPS </c>
/// instructions.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float].
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float].
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the comparison results.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cmpneq_ps(__m128 __a, __m128 __b)
return (__m128)__builtin_ia32_cmpneqps((__v4sf)__a, (__v4sf)__b);
/// \brief Compares two 32-bit float values in the low-order bits of both
/// operands to determine if the value in the first operand is not less than
/// the corresponding value in the second operand and returns the result of
/// the comparison in the low-order bits of a vector of [4 x float].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCMPNLTSS / CMPNLTSS </c>
/// instructions.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing one of the operands. The lower
/// 32 bits of this operand are used in the comparison.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing one of the operands. The lower
/// 32 bits of this operand are used in the comparison.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the comparison results
/// in the low-order bits.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cmpnlt_ss(__m128 __a, __m128 __b)
return (__m128)__builtin_ia32_cmpnltss((__v4sf)__a, (__v4sf)__b);
/// \brief Compares each of the corresponding 32-bit float values of the
/// 128-bit vectors of [4 x float] to determine if the values in the first
/// operand are not less than those in the second operand.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCMPNLTPS / CMPNLTPS </c>
/// instructions.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float].
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float].
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the comparison results.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cmpnlt_ps(__m128 __a, __m128 __b)
return (__m128)__builtin_ia32_cmpnltps((__v4sf)__a, (__v4sf)__b);
/// \brief Compares two 32-bit float values in the low-order bits of both
/// operands to determine if the value in the first operand is not less than
/// or equal to the corresponding value in the second operand and returns
/// the result of the comparison in the low-order bits of a vector of
/// [4 x float].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCMPNLESS / CMPNLESS </c>
/// instructions.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing one of the operands. The lower
/// 32 bits of this operand are used in the comparison.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing one of the operands. The lower
/// 32 bits of this operand are used in the comparison.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the comparison results
/// in the low-order bits.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cmpnle_ss(__m128 __a, __m128 __b)
return (__m128)__builtin_ia32_cmpnless((__v4sf)__a, (__v4sf)__b);
/// \brief Compares each of the corresponding 32-bit float values of the
/// 128-bit vectors of [4 x float] to determine if the values in the first
/// operand are not less than or equal to those in the second operand.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCMPNLEPS / CMPNLEPS </c>
/// instructions.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float].
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float].
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the comparison results.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cmpnle_ps(__m128 __a, __m128 __b)
return (__m128)__builtin_ia32_cmpnleps((__v4sf)__a, (__v4sf)__b);
/// \brief Compares two 32-bit float values in the low-order bits of both
/// operands to determine if the value in the first operand is not greater
/// than the corresponding value in the second operand and returns the
/// result of the comparison in the low-order bits of a vector of
/// [4 x float].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCMPNLTSS / CMPNLTSS </c>
/// instructions.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing one of the operands. The lower
/// 32 bits of this operand are used in the comparison.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing one of the operands. The lower
/// 32 bits of this operand are used in the comparison.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the comparison results
/// in the low-order bits.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cmpngt_ss(__m128 __a, __m128 __b)
return (__m128)__builtin_shufflevector((__v4sf)__a,
(__v4sf)__builtin_ia32_cmpnltss((__v4sf)__b, (__v4sf)__a),
4, 1, 2, 3);
/// \brief Compares each of the corresponding 32-bit float values of the
/// 128-bit vectors of [4 x float] to determine if the values in the first
/// operand are not greater than those in the second operand.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCMPNLTPS / CMPNLTPS </c>
/// instructions.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float].
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float].
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the comparison results.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cmpngt_ps(__m128 __a, __m128 __b)
return (__m128)__builtin_ia32_cmpnltps((__v4sf)__b, (__v4sf)__a);
/// \brief Compares two 32-bit float values in the low-order bits of both
/// operands to determine if the value in the first operand is not greater
/// than or equal to the corresponding value in the second operand and
/// returns the result of the comparison in the low-order bits of a vector
/// of [4 x float].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCMPNLESS / CMPNLESS </c>
/// instructions.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing one of the operands. The lower
/// 32 bits of this operand are used in the comparison.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing one of the operands. The lower
/// 32 bits of this operand are used in the comparison.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the comparison results
/// in the low-order bits.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cmpnge_ss(__m128 __a, __m128 __b)
return (__m128)__builtin_shufflevector((__v4sf)__a,
(__v4sf)__builtin_ia32_cmpnless((__v4sf)__b, (__v4sf)__a),
4, 1, 2, 3);
/// \brief Compares each of the corresponding 32-bit float values of the
/// 128-bit vectors of [4 x float] to determine if the values in the first
/// operand are not greater than or equal to those in the second operand.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCMPNLEPS / CMPNLEPS </c>
/// instructions.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float].
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float].
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the comparison results.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cmpnge_ps(__m128 __a, __m128 __b)
return (__m128)__builtin_ia32_cmpnleps((__v4sf)__b, (__v4sf)__a);
/// \brief Compares two 32-bit float values in the low-order bits of both
/// operands to determine if the value in the first operand is ordered with
/// respect to the corresponding value in the second operand and returns the
/// result of the comparison in the low-order bits of a vector of
/// [4 x float].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCMPORDSS / CMPORDSS </c>
/// instructions.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing one of the operands. The lower
/// 32 bits of this operand are used in the comparison.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing one of the operands. The lower
/// 32 bits of this operand are used in the comparison.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the comparison results
/// in the low-order bits.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cmpord_ss(__m128 __a, __m128 __b)
return (__m128)__builtin_ia32_cmpordss((__v4sf)__a, (__v4sf)__b);
/// \brief Compares each of the corresponding 32-bit float values of the
/// 128-bit vectors of [4 x float] to determine if the values in the first
/// operand are ordered with respect to those in the second operand.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCMPORDPS / CMPORDPS </c>
/// instructions.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float].
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float].
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the comparison results.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cmpord_ps(__m128 __a, __m128 __b)
return (__m128)__builtin_ia32_cmpordps((__v4sf)__a, (__v4sf)__b);
/// \brief Compares two 32-bit float values in the low-order bits of both
/// operands to determine if the value in the first operand is unordered
/// with respect to the corresponding value in the second operand and
/// returns the result of the comparison in the low-order bits of a vector
/// of [4 x float].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCMPUNORDSS / CMPUNORDSS </c>
/// instructions.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing one of the operands. The lower
/// 32 bits of this operand are used in the comparison.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing one of the operands. The lower
/// 32 bits of this operand are used in the comparison.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the comparison results
/// in the low-order bits.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cmpunord_ss(__m128 __a, __m128 __b)
return (__m128)__builtin_ia32_cmpunordss((__v4sf)__a, (__v4sf)__b);
/// \brief Compares each of the corresponding 32-bit float values of the
/// 128-bit vectors of [4 x float] to determine if the values in the first
/// operand are unordered with respect to those in the second operand.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCMPUNORDPS / CMPUNORDPS </c>
/// instructions.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float].
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float].
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the comparison results.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cmpunord_ps(__m128 __a, __m128 __b)
return (__m128)__builtin_ia32_cmpunordps((__v4sf)__a, (__v4sf)__b);
/// \brief Compares two 32-bit float values in the low-order bits of both
/// operands for equality and returns the result of the comparison.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCOMISS / COMISS </c>
/// instructions.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float]. The lower 32 bits of this operand are
/// used in the comparison.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float]. The lower 32 bits of this operand are
/// used in the comparison.
/// \returns An integer containing the comparison results.
static __inline__ int __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_comieq_ss(__m128 __a, __m128 __b)
return __builtin_ia32_comieq((__v4sf)__a, (__v4sf)__b);
/// \brief Compares two 32-bit float values in the low-order bits of both
/// operands to determine if the first operand is less than the second
/// operand and returns the result of the comparison.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCOMISS / COMISS </c>
/// instructions.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float]. The lower 32 bits of this operand are
/// used in the comparison.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float]. The lower 32 bits of this operand are
/// used in the comparison.
/// \returns An integer containing the comparison results.
static __inline__ int __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_comilt_ss(__m128 __a, __m128 __b)
return __builtin_ia32_comilt((__v4sf)__a, (__v4sf)__b);
/// \brief Compares two 32-bit float values in the low-order bits of both
/// operands to determine if the first operand is less than or equal to the
/// second operand and returns the result of the comparison.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCOMISS / COMISS </c> instructions.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float]. The lower 32 bits of this operand are
/// used in the comparison.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float]. The lower 32 bits of this operand are
/// used in the comparison.
/// \returns An integer containing the comparison results.
static __inline__ int __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_comile_ss(__m128 __a, __m128 __b)
return __builtin_ia32_comile((__v4sf)__a, (__v4sf)__b);
/// \brief Compares two 32-bit float values in the low-order bits of both
/// operands to determine if the first operand is greater than the second
/// operand and returns the result of the comparison.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCOMISS / COMISS </c> instructions.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float]. The lower 32 bits of this operand are
/// used in the comparison.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float]. The lower 32 bits of this operand are
/// used in the comparison.
/// \returns An integer containing the comparison results.
static __inline__ int __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_comigt_ss(__m128 __a, __m128 __b)
return __builtin_ia32_comigt((__v4sf)__a, (__v4sf)__b);
/// \brief Compares two 32-bit float values in the low-order bits of both
/// operands to determine if the first operand is greater than or equal to
/// the second operand and returns the result of the comparison.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCOMISS / COMISS </c> instructions.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float]. The lower 32 bits of this operand are
/// used in the comparison.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float]. The lower 32 bits of this operand are
/// used in the comparison.
/// \returns An integer containing the comparison results.
static __inline__ int __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_comige_ss(__m128 __a, __m128 __b)
return __builtin_ia32_comige((__v4sf)__a, (__v4sf)__b);
/// \brief Compares two 32-bit float values in the low-order bits of both
/// operands to determine if the first operand is not equal to the second
/// operand and returns the result of the comparison.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCOMISS / COMISS </c> instructions.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float]. The lower 32 bits of this operand are
/// used in the comparison.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float]. The lower 32 bits of this operand are
/// used in the comparison.
/// \returns An integer containing the comparison results.
static __inline__ int __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_comineq_ss(__m128 __a, __m128 __b)
return __builtin_ia32_comineq((__v4sf)__a, (__v4sf)__b);
/// \brief Performs an unordered comparison of two 32-bit float values using
/// the low-order bits of both operands to determine equality and returns
/// the result of the comparison.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VUCOMISS / UCOMISS </c> instructions.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float]. The lower 32 bits of this operand are
/// used in the comparison.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float]. The lower 32 bits of this operand are
/// used in the comparison.
/// \returns An integer containing the comparison results.
static __inline__ int __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_ucomieq_ss(__m128 __a, __m128 __b)
return __builtin_ia32_ucomieq((__v4sf)__a, (__v4sf)__b);
/// \brief Performs an unordered comparison of two 32-bit float values using
/// the low-order bits of both operands to determine if the first operand is
/// less than the second operand and returns the result of the comparison.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VUCOMISS / UCOMISS </c> instructions.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float]. The lower 32 bits of this operand are
/// used in the comparison.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float]. The lower 32 bits of this operand are
/// used in the comparison.
/// \returns An integer containing the comparison results.
static __inline__ int __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_ucomilt_ss(__m128 __a, __m128 __b)
return __builtin_ia32_ucomilt((__v4sf)__a, (__v4sf)__b);
/// \brief Performs an unordered comparison of two 32-bit float values using
/// the low-order bits of both operands to determine if the first operand is
/// less than or equal to the second operand and returns the result of the
/// comparison.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VUCOMISS / UCOMISS </c> instructions.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float]. The lower 32 bits of this operand are
/// used in the comparison.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float]. The lower 32 bits of this operand are
/// used in the comparison.
/// \returns An integer containing the comparison results.
static __inline__ int __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_ucomile_ss(__m128 __a, __m128 __b)
return __builtin_ia32_ucomile((__v4sf)__a, (__v4sf)__b);
/// \brief Performs an unordered comparison of two 32-bit float values using
/// the low-order bits of both operands to determine if the first operand is
/// greater than the second operand and returns the result of the
/// comparison.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VUCOMISS / UCOMISS </c> instructions.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float]. The lower 32 bits of this operand are
/// used in the comparison.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float]. The lower 32 bits of this operand are
/// used in the comparison.
/// \returns An integer containing the comparison results.
static __inline__ int __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_ucomigt_ss(__m128 __a, __m128 __b)
return __builtin_ia32_ucomigt((__v4sf)__a, (__v4sf)__b);
/// \brief Performs an unordered comparison of two 32-bit float values using
/// the low-order bits of both operands to determine if the first operand is
/// greater than or equal to the second operand and returns the result of
/// the comparison.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VUCOMISS / UCOMISS </c> instructions.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float]. The lower 32 bits of this operand are
/// used in the comparison.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float]. The lower 32 bits of this operand are
/// used in the comparison.
/// \returns An integer containing the comparison results.
static __inline__ int __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_ucomige_ss(__m128 __a, __m128 __b)
return __builtin_ia32_ucomige((__v4sf)__a, (__v4sf)__b);
/// \brief Performs an unordered comparison of two 32-bit float values using
/// the low-order bits of both operands to determine inequality and returns
/// the result of the comparison.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VUCOMISS / UCOMISS </c> instructions.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float]. The lower 32 bits of this operand are
/// used in the comparison.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float]. The lower 32 bits of this operand are
/// used in the comparison.
/// \returns An integer containing the comparison results.
static __inline__ int __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_ucomineq_ss(__m128 __a, __m128 __b)
return __builtin_ia32_ucomineq((__v4sf)__a, (__v4sf)__b);
/// \brief Converts a float value contained in the lower 32 bits of a vector of
/// [4 x float] into a 32-bit integer.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCVTSS2SI / CVTSS2SI </c>
/// instructions.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float]. The lower 32 bits of this operand are
/// used in the conversion.
/// \returns A 32-bit integer containing the converted value.
static __inline__ int __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cvtss_si32(__m128 __a)
return __builtin_ia32_cvtss2si((__v4sf)__a);
/// \brief Converts a float value contained in the lower 32 bits of a vector of
/// [4 x float] into a 32-bit integer.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCVTSS2SI / CVTSS2SI </c>
/// instructions.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float]. The lower 32 bits of this operand are
/// used in the conversion.
/// \returns A 32-bit integer containing the converted value.
static __inline__ int __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cvt_ss2si(__m128 __a)
return _mm_cvtss_si32(__a);
#ifdef __x86_64__
/// \brief Converts a float value contained in the lower 32 bits of a vector of
/// [4 x float] into a 64-bit integer.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCVTSS2SI / CVTSS2SI </c>
/// instructions.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float]. The lower 32 bits of this operand are
/// used in the conversion.
/// \returns A 64-bit integer containing the converted value.
static __inline__ long long __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cvtss_si64(__m128 __a)
return __builtin_ia32_cvtss2si64((__v4sf)__a);
# 1324 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/xmmintrin.h" 3
/// \brief Converts two low-order float values in a 128-bit vector of
/// [4 x float] into a 64-bit vector of [2 x i32].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> CVTPS2PI </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float].
/// \returns A 64-bit integer vector containing the converted values.
static __inline__ __m64 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cvtps_pi32(__m128 __a)
return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_cvtps2pi((__v4sf)__a);
/// \brief Converts two low-order float values in a 128-bit vector of
/// [4 x float] into a 64-bit vector of [2 x i32].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> CVTPS2PI </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float].
/// \returns A 64-bit integer vector containing the converted values.
static __inline__ __m64 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cvt_ps2pi(__m128 __a)
return _mm_cvtps_pi32(__a);
/// \brief Converts a float value contained in the lower 32 bits of a vector of
/// [4 x float] into a 32-bit integer, truncating the result when it is
/// inexact.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCVTTSS2SI / CVTTSS2SI </c>
/// instructions.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float]. The lower 32 bits of this operand are
/// used in the conversion.
/// \returns A 32-bit integer containing the converted value.
static __inline__ int __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cvttss_si32(__m128 __a)
return __builtin_ia32_cvttss2si((__v4sf)__a);
/// \brief Converts a float value contained in the lower 32 bits of a vector of
/// [4 x float] into a 32-bit integer, truncating the result when it is
/// inexact.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCVTTSS2SI / CVTTSS2SI </c>
/// instructions.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float]. The lower 32 bits of this operand are
/// used in the conversion.
/// \returns A 32-bit integer containing the converted value.
static __inline__ int __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cvtt_ss2si(__m128 __a)
return _mm_cvttss_si32(__a);
#ifdef __x86_64__
/// \brief Converts a float value contained in the lower 32 bits of a vector of
/// [4 x float] into a 64-bit integer, truncating the result when it is
/// inexact.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCVTTSS2SI / CVTTSS2SI </c>
/// instructions.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float]. The lower 32 bits of this operand are
/// used in the conversion.
/// \returns A 64-bit integer containing the converted value.
static __inline__ long long __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cvttss_si64(__m128 __a)
return __builtin_ia32_cvttss2si64((__v4sf)__a);
# 1415 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/xmmintrin.h" 3
/// \brief Converts two low-order float values in a 128-bit vector of
/// [4 x float] into a 64-bit vector of [2 x i32], truncating the result
/// when it is inexact.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> CVTTPS2PI / VTTPS2PI </c>
/// instructions.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float].
/// \returns A 64-bit integer vector containing the converted values.
static __inline__ __m64 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cvttps_pi32(__m128 __a)
return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_cvttps2pi((__v4sf)__a);
/// \brief Converts two low-order float values in a 128-bit vector of [4 x
/// float] into a 64-bit vector of [2 x i32], truncating the result when it
/// is inexact.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> CVTTPS2PI </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float].
/// \returns A 64-bit integer vector containing the converted values.
static __inline__ __m64 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cvtt_ps2pi(__m128 __a)
return _mm_cvttps_pi32(__a);
/// \brief Converts a 32-bit signed integer value into a floating point value
/// and writes it to the lower 32 bits of the destination. The remaining
/// higher order elements of the destination vector are copied from the
/// corresponding elements in the first operand.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCVTSI2SS / CVTSI2SS </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float].
/// \param __b
/// A 32-bit signed integer operand containing the value to be converted.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] whose lower 32 bits contain the
/// converted value of the second operand. The upper 96 bits are copied from
/// the upper 96 bits of the first operand.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cvtsi32_ss(__m128 __a, int __b)
__a[0] = __b;
return __a;
/// \brief Converts a 32-bit signed integer value into a floating point value
/// and writes it to the lower 32 bits of the destination. The remaining
/// higher order elements of the destination are copied from the
/// corresponding elements in the first operand.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCVTSI2SS / CVTSI2SS </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float].
/// \param __b
/// A 32-bit signed integer operand containing the value to be converted.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] whose lower 32 bits contain the
/// converted value of the second operand. The upper 96 bits are copied from
/// the upper 96 bits of the first operand.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cvt_si2ss(__m128 __a, int __b)
return _mm_cvtsi32_ss(__a, __b);
#ifdef __x86_64__
/// \brief Converts a 64-bit signed integer value into a floating point value
/// and writes it to the lower 32 bits of the destination. The remaining
/// higher order elements of the destination are copied from the
/// corresponding elements in the first operand.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCVTSI2SS / CVTSI2SS </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float].
/// \param __b
/// A 64-bit signed integer operand containing the value to be converted.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] whose lower 32 bits contain the
/// converted value of the second operand. The upper 96 bits are copied from
/// the upper 96 bits of the first operand.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cvtsi64_ss(__m128 __a, long long __b)
__a[0] = __b;
return __a;
# 1522 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/xmmintrin.h" 3
/// \brief Converts two elements of a 64-bit vector of [2 x i32] into two
/// floating point values and writes them to the lower 64-bits of the
/// destination. The remaining higher order elements of the destination are
/// copied from the corresponding elements in the first operand.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> CVTPI2PS </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float].
/// \param __b
/// A 64-bit vector of [2 x i32]. The elements in this vector are converted
/// and written to the corresponding low-order elements in the destination.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] whose lower 64 bits contain the
/// converted value of the second operand. The upper 64 bits are copied from
/// the upper 64 bits of the first operand.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cvtpi32_ps(__m128 __a, __m64 __b)
return __builtin_ia32_cvtpi2ps((__v4sf)__a, (__v2si)__b);
/// \brief Converts two elements of a 64-bit vector of [2 x i32] into two
/// floating point values and writes them to the lower 64-bits of the
/// destination. The remaining higher order elements of the destination are
/// copied from the corresponding elements in the first operand.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> CVTPI2PS </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float].
/// \param __b
/// A 64-bit vector of [2 x i32]. The elements in this vector are converted
/// and written to the corresponding low-order elements in the destination.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] whose lower 64 bits contain the
/// converted value from the second operand. The upper 64 bits are copied
/// from the upper 64 bits of the first operand.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cvt_pi2ps(__m128 __a, __m64 __b)
return _mm_cvtpi32_ps(__a, __b);
/// \brief Extracts a float value contained in the lower 32 bits of a vector of
/// [4 x float].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VMOVSS / MOVSS </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float]. The lower 32 bits of this operand are
/// used in the extraction.
/// \returns A 32-bit float containing the extracted value.
static __inline__ float __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cvtss_f32(__m128 __a)
return __a[0];
/// \brief Loads two packed float values from the address \a __p into the
/// high-order bits of a 128-bit vector of [4 x float]. The low-order bits
/// are copied from the low-order bits of the first operand.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VMOVHPD / MOVHPD </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float]. Bits [63:0] are written to bits [63:0]
/// of the destination.
/// \param __p
/// A pointer to two packed float values. Bits [63:0] are written to bits
/// [127:64] of the destination.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the moved values.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_loadh_pi(__m128 __a, const __m64 *__p)
typedef float __mm_loadh_pi_v2f32 __attribute__((__vector_size__(8)));
struct __mm_loadh_pi_struct {
__mm_loadh_pi_v2f32 __u;
} __attribute__((__packed__, __may_alias__));
__mm_loadh_pi_v2f32 __b = ((struct __mm_loadh_pi_struct*)__p)->__u;
__m128 __bb = __builtin_shufflevector(__b, __b, 0, 1, 0, 1);
return __builtin_shufflevector(__a, __bb, 0, 1, 4, 5);
/// \brief Loads two packed float values from the address \a __p into the
/// low-order bits of a 128-bit vector of [4 x float]. The high-order bits
/// are copied from the high-order bits of the first operand.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VMOVLPD / MOVLPD </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float]. Bits [127:64] are written to bits
/// [127:64] of the destination.
/// \param __p
/// A pointer to two packed float values. Bits [63:0] are written to bits
/// [63:0] of the destination.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the moved values.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_loadl_pi(__m128 __a, const __m64 *__p)
typedef float __mm_loadl_pi_v2f32 __attribute__((__vector_size__(8)));
struct __mm_loadl_pi_struct {
__mm_loadl_pi_v2f32 __u;
} __attribute__((__packed__, __may_alias__));
__mm_loadl_pi_v2f32 __b = ((struct __mm_loadl_pi_struct*)__p)->__u;
__m128 __bb = __builtin_shufflevector(__b, __b, 0, 1, 0, 1);
return __builtin_shufflevector(__a, __bb, 4, 5, 2, 3);
/// \brief Constructs a 128-bit floating-point vector of [4 x float]. The lower
/// 32 bits of the vector are initialized with the single-precision
/// floating-point value loaded from a specified memory location. The upper
/// 96 bits are set to zero.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VMOVSS / MOVSS </c> instruction.
/// \param __p
/// A pointer to a 32-bit memory location containing a single-precision
/// floating-point value.
/// \returns An initialized 128-bit floating-point vector of [4 x float]. The
/// lower 32 bits contain the value loaded from the memory location. The
/// upper 96 bits are set to zero.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_load_ss(const float *__p)
struct __mm_load_ss_struct {
float __u;
} __attribute__((__packed__, __may_alias__));
float __u = ((struct __mm_load_ss_struct*)__p)->__u;
return (__m128){ __u, 0, 0, 0 };
/// \brief Loads a 32-bit float value and duplicates it to all four vector
/// elements of a 128-bit vector of [4 x float].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VMOVSS / MOVSS + shuffling </c>
/// instruction.
/// \param __p
/// A pointer to a float value to be loaded and duplicated.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the loaded and
/// duplicated values.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_load1_ps(const float *__p)
struct __mm_load1_ps_struct {
float __u;
} __attribute__((__packed__, __may_alias__));
float __u = ((struct __mm_load1_ps_struct*)__p)->__u;
return (__m128){ __u, __u, __u, __u };
#define _mm_load_ps1(p) _mm_load1_ps(p)
/// \brief Loads a 128-bit floating-point vector of [4 x float] from an aligned
/// memory location.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VMOVAPS / MOVAPS </c> instruction.
/// \param __p
/// A pointer to a 128-bit memory location. The address of the memory
/// location has to be 128-bit aligned.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the loaded valus.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_load_ps(const float *__p)
return *(__m128*)__p;
/// \brief Loads a 128-bit floating-point vector of [4 x float] from an
/// unaligned memory location.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VMOVUPS / MOVUPS </c> instruction.
/// \param __p
/// A pointer to a 128-bit memory location. The address of the memory
/// location does not have to be aligned.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the loaded values.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_loadu_ps(const float *__p)
struct __loadu_ps {
__m128 __v;
} __attribute__((__packed__, __may_alias__));
return ((struct __loadu_ps*)__p)->__v;
/// \brief Loads four packed float values, in reverse order, from an aligned
/// memory location to 32-bit elements in a 128-bit vector of [4 x float].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VMOVAPS / MOVAPS + shuffling </c>
/// instruction.
/// \param __p
/// A pointer to a 128-bit memory location. The address of the memory
/// location has to be 128-bit aligned.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the moved values, loaded
/// in reverse order.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_loadr_ps(const float *__p)
__m128 __a = _mm_load_ps(__p);
return __builtin_shufflevector((__v4sf)__a, (__v4sf)__a, 3, 2, 1, 0);
/// \brief Create a 128-bit vector of [4 x float] with undefined values.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic has no corresponding instruction.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing undefined values.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
return (__m128)__builtin_ia32_undef128();
/// \brief Constructs a 128-bit floating-point vector of [4 x float]. The lower
/// 32 bits of the vector are initialized with the specified single-precision
/// floating-point value. The upper 96 bits are set to zero.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VMOVSS / MOVSS </c> instruction.
/// \param __w
/// A single-precision floating-point value used to initialize the lower 32
/// bits of the result.
/// \returns An initialized 128-bit floating-point vector of [4 x float]. The
/// lower 32 bits contain the value provided in the source operand. The
/// upper 96 bits are set to zero.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_set_ss(float __w)
return (__m128){ __w, 0, 0, 0 };
/// \brief Constructs a 128-bit floating-point vector of [4 x float], with each
/// of the four single-precision floating-point vector elements set to the
/// specified single-precision floating-point value.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPERMILPS / PERMILPS </c> instruction.
/// \param __w
/// A single-precision floating-point value used to initialize each vector
/// element of the result.
/// \returns An initialized 128-bit floating-point vector of [4 x float].
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_set1_ps(float __w)
return (__m128){ __w, __w, __w, __w };
/* Microsoft specific. */
/// \brief Constructs a 128-bit floating-point vector of [4 x float], with each
/// of the four single-precision floating-point vector elements set to the
/// specified single-precision floating-point value.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPERMILPS / PERMILPS </c> instruction.
/// \param __w
/// A single-precision floating-point value used to initialize each vector
/// element of the result.
/// \returns An initialized 128-bit floating-point vector of [4 x float].
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_set_ps1(float __w)
return _mm_set1_ps(__w);
/// \brief Constructs a 128-bit floating-point vector of [4 x float]
/// initialized with the specified single-precision floating-point values.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic is a utility function and does not correspond to a specific
/// instruction.
/// \param __z
/// A single-precision floating-point value used to initialize bits [127:96]
/// of the result.
/// \param __y
/// A single-precision floating-point value used to initialize bits [95:64]
/// of the result.
/// \param __x
/// A single-precision floating-point value used to initialize bits [63:32]
/// of the result.
/// \param __w
/// A single-precision floating-point value used to initialize bits [31:0]
/// of the result.
/// \returns An initialized 128-bit floating-point vector of [4 x float].
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_set_ps(float __z, float __y, float __x, float __w)
return (__m128){ __w, __x, __y, __z };
/// \brief Constructs a 128-bit floating-point vector of [4 x float],
/// initialized in reverse order with the specified 32-bit single-precision
/// float-point values.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic is a utility function and does not correspond to a specific
/// instruction.
/// \param __z
/// A single-precision floating-point value used to initialize bits [31:0]
/// of the result.
/// \param __y
/// A single-precision floating-point value used to initialize bits [63:32]
/// of the result.
/// \param __x
/// A single-precision floating-point value used to initialize bits [95:64]
/// of the result.
/// \param __w
/// A single-precision floating-point value used to initialize bits [127:96]
/// of the result.
/// \returns An initialized 128-bit floating-point vector of [4 x float].
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_setr_ps(float __z, float __y, float __x, float __w)
return (__m128){ __z, __y, __x, __w };
/// \brief Constructs a 128-bit floating-point vector of [4 x float] initialized
/// to zero.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VXORPS / XORPS </c> instruction.
/// \returns An initialized 128-bit floating-point vector of [4 x float] with
/// all elements set to zero.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
return (__m128){ 0, 0, 0, 0 };
/// \brief Stores the upper 64 bits of a 128-bit vector of [4 x float] to a
/// memory location.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPEXTRQ / MOVQ </c> instruction.
/// \param __p
/// A pointer to a 64-bit memory location.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the values to be stored.
static __inline__ void __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_storeh_pi(__m64 *__p, __m128 __a)
__builtin_ia32_storehps((__v2si *)__p, (__v4sf)__a);
/// \brief Stores the lower 64 bits of a 128-bit vector of [4 x float] to a
/// memory location.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VMOVLPS / MOVLPS </c> instruction.
/// \param __p
/// A pointer to a memory location that will receive the float values.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the values to be stored.
static __inline__ void __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_storel_pi(__m64 *__p, __m128 __a)
__builtin_ia32_storelps((__v2si *)__p, (__v4sf)__a);
/// \brief Stores the lower 32 bits of a 128-bit vector of [4 x float] to a
/// memory location.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VMOVSS / MOVSS </c> instruction.
/// \param __p
/// A pointer to a 32-bit memory location.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the value to be stored.
static __inline__ void __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_store_ss(float *__p, __m128 __a)
struct __mm_store_ss_struct {
float __u;
} __attribute__((__packed__, __may_alias__));
((struct __mm_store_ss_struct*)__p)->__u = __a[0];
/// \brief Stores a 128-bit vector of [4 x float] to an unaligned memory
/// location.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VMOVUPS / MOVUPS </c> instruction.
/// \param __p
/// A pointer to a 128-bit memory location. The address of the memory
/// location does not have to be aligned.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the values to be stored.
static __inline__ void __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_storeu_ps(float *__p, __m128 __a)
struct __storeu_ps {
__m128 __v;
} __attribute__((__packed__, __may_alias__));
((struct __storeu_ps*)__p)->__v = __a;
/// \brief Stores a 128-bit vector of [4 x float] into an aligned memory
/// location.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VMOVAPS / MOVAPS </c> instruction.
/// \param __p
/// A pointer to a 128-bit memory location. The address of the memory
/// location has to be 16-byte aligned.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the values to be stored.
static __inline__ void __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_store_ps(float *__p, __m128 __a)
*(__m128*)__p = __a;
/// \brief Stores the lower 32 bits of a 128-bit vector of [4 x float] into
/// four contiguous elements in an aligned memory location.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to <c> VMOVAPS / MOVAPS + shuffling </c>
/// instruction.
/// \param __p
/// A pointer to a 128-bit memory location.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] whose lower 32 bits are stored to each
/// of the four contiguous elements pointed by \a __p.
static __inline__ void __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_store1_ps(float *__p, __m128 __a)
__a = __builtin_shufflevector((__v4sf)__a, (__v4sf)__a, 0, 0, 0, 0);
_mm_store_ps(__p, __a);
/// \brief Stores the lower 32 bits of a 128-bit vector of [4 x float] into
/// four contiguous elements in an aligned memory location.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to <c> VMOVAPS / MOVAPS + shuffling </c>
/// instruction.
/// \param __p
/// A pointer to a 128-bit memory location.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] whose lower 32 bits are stored to each
/// of the four contiguous elements pointed by \a __p.
static __inline__ void __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_store_ps1(float *__p, __m128 __a)
return _mm_store1_ps(__p, __a);
/// \brief Stores float values from a 128-bit vector of [4 x float] to an
/// aligned memory location in reverse order.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VMOVAPS / MOVAPS + shuffling </c>
/// instruction.
/// \param __p
/// A pointer to a 128-bit memory location. The address of the memory
/// location has to be 128-bit aligned.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the values to be stored.
static __inline__ void __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_storer_ps(float *__p, __m128 __a)
__a = __builtin_shufflevector((__v4sf)__a, (__v4sf)__a, 3, 2, 1, 0);
_mm_store_ps(__p, __a);
#define _MM_HINT_T0 3
#define _MM_HINT_T1 2
#define _MM_HINT_T2 1
#define _MM_HINT_NTA 0
#ifndef _MSC_VER
/* FIXME: We have to #define this because "sel" must be a constant integer, and
Sema doesn't do any form of constant propagation yet. */
/// \brief Loads one cache line of data from the specified address to a location
/// closer to the processor.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// \code
/// void _mm_prefetch(const void * a, const int sel);
/// \endcode
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> PREFETCHNTA </c> instruction.
/// \param a
/// A pointer to a memory location containing a cache line of data.
/// \param sel
/// A predefined integer constant specifying the type of prefetch
/// operation: \n
/// _MM_HINT_NTA: Move data using the non-temporal access (NTA) hint. The
/// PREFETCHNTA instruction will be generated. \n
/// _MM_HINT_T0: Move data using the T0 hint. The PREFETCHT0 instruction will
/// be generated. \n
/// _MM_HINT_T1: Move data using the T1 hint. The PREFETCHT1 instruction will
/// be generated. \n
/// _MM_HINT_T2: Move data using the T2 hint. The PREFETCHT2 instruction will
/// be generated.
#define _mm_prefetch(a, sel) (__builtin_prefetch((void *)(a), 0, (sel)))
# 2073 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/xmmintrin.h" 3
/// \brief Stores a 64-bit integer in the specified aligned memory location. To
/// minimize caching, the data is flagged as non-temporal (unlikely to be
/// used again soon).
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> MOVNTQ </c> instruction.
/// \param __p
/// A pointer to an aligned memory location used to store the register value.
/// \param __a
/// A 64-bit integer containing the value to be stored.
static __inline__ void __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_stream_pi(__m64 *__p, __m64 __a)
__builtin_ia32_movntq(__p, __a);
/// \brief Moves packed float values from a 128-bit vector of [4 x float] to a
/// 128-bit aligned memory location. To minimize caching, the data is flagged
/// as non-temporal (unlikely to be used again soon).
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VMOVNTPS / MOVNTPS </c> instruction.
/// \param __p
/// A pointer to a 128-bit aligned memory location that will receive the
/// single-precision floating-point values.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the values to be moved.
static __inline__ void __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_stream_ps(float *__p, __m128 __a)
__builtin_nontemporal_store((__v4sf)__a, (__v4sf*)__p);
#if defined(__cplusplus)
extern "C" {
# 2114 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/xmmintrin.h" 3
/// \brief Forces strong memory ordering (serialization) between store
/// instructions preceding this instruction and store instructions following
/// this instruction, ensuring the system completes all previous stores
/// before executing subsequent stores.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> SFENCE </c> instruction.
void _mm_sfence(void);
#if defined(__cplusplus)
} // extern "C"
# 2129 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/xmmintrin.h" 3
/// \brief Extracts 16-bit element from a 64-bit vector of [4 x i16] and
/// returns it, as specified by the immediate integer operand.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// \code
/// int _mm_extract_pi16(__m64 a, int n);
/// \endcode
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPEXTRW / PEXTRW </c> instruction.
/// \param a
/// A 64-bit vector of [4 x i16].
/// \param n
/// An immediate integer operand that determines which bits are extracted: \n
/// 0: Bits [15:0] are copied to the destination. \n
/// 1: Bits [31:16] are copied to the destination. \n
/// 2: Bits [47:32] are copied to the destination. \n
/// 3: Bits [63:48] are copied to the destination.
/// \returns A 16-bit integer containing the extracted 16 bits of packed data.
#define _mm_extract_pi16(a, n) __extension__ ({ \
(int)__builtin_ia32_vec_ext_v4hi((__m64)a, (int)n); })
/// \brief Copies data from the 64-bit vector of [4 x i16] to the destination,
/// and inserts the lower 16-bits of an integer operand at the 16-bit offset
/// specified by the immediate operand \a n.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// \code
/// __m64 _mm_insert_pi16(__m64 a, int d, int n);
/// \endcode
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPINSRW / PINSRW </c> instruction.
/// \param a
/// A 64-bit vector of [4 x i16].
/// \param d
/// An integer. The lower 16-bit value from this operand is written to the
/// destination at the offset specified by operand \a n.
/// \param n
/// An immediate integer operant that determines which the bits to be used
/// in the destination. \n
/// 0: Bits [15:0] are copied to the destination. \n
/// 1: Bits [31:16] are copied to the destination. \n
/// 2: Bits [47:32] are copied to the destination. \n
/// 3: Bits [63:48] are copied to the destination. \n
/// The remaining bits in the destination are copied from the corresponding
/// bits in operand \a a.
/// \returns A 64-bit integer vector containing the copied packed data from the
/// operands.
#define _mm_insert_pi16(a, d, n) __extension__ ({ \
(__m64)__builtin_ia32_vec_set_v4hi((__m64)a, (int)d, (int)n); })
/// \brief Compares each of the corresponding packed 16-bit integer values of
/// the 64-bit integer vectors, and writes the greater value to the
/// corresponding bits in the destination.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> PMAXSW </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 64-bit integer vector containing one of the source operands.
/// \param __b
/// A 64-bit integer vector containing one of the source operands.
/// \returns A 64-bit integer vector containing the comparison results.
static __inline__ __m64 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_max_pi16(__m64 __a, __m64 __b)
return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_pmaxsw((__v4hi)__a, (__v4hi)__b);
/// \brief Compares each of the corresponding packed 8-bit unsigned integer
/// values of the 64-bit integer vectors, and writes the greater value to the
/// corresponding bits in the destination.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> PMAXUB </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 64-bit integer vector containing one of the source operands.
/// \param __b
/// A 64-bit integer vector containing one of the source operands.
/// \returns A 64-bit integer vector containing the comparison results.
static __inline__ __m64 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_max_pu8(__m64 __a, __m64 __b)
return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_pmaxub((__v8qi)__a, (__v8qi)__b);
/// \brief Compares each of the corresponding packed 16-bit integer values of
/// the 64-bit integer vectors, and writes the lesser value to the
/// corresponding bits in the destination.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> PMINSW </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 64-bit integer vector containing one of the source operands.
/// \param __b
/// A 64-bit integer vector containing one of the source operands.
/// \returns A 64-bit integer vector containing the comparison results.
static __inline__ __m64 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_min_pi16(__m64 __a, __m64 __b)
return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_pminsw((__v4hi)__a, (__v4hi)__b);
/// \brief Compares each of the corresponding packed 8-bit unsigned integer
/// values of the 64-bit integer vectors, and writes the lesser value to the
/// corresponding bits in the destination.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> PMINUB </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 64-bit integer vector containing one of the source operands.
/// \param __b
/// A 64-bit integer vector containing one of the source operands.
/// \returns A 64-bit integer vector containing the comparison results.
static __inline__ __m64 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_min_pu8(__m64 __a, __m64 __b)
return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_pminub((__v8qi)__a, (__v8qi)__b);
/// \brief Takes the most significant bit from each 8-bit element in a 64-bit
/// integer vector to create a 16-bit mask value. Zero-extends the value to
/// 32-bit integer and writes it to the destination.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> PMOVMSKB </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 64-bit integer vector containing the values with bits to be extracted.
/// \returns The most significant bit from each 8-bit element in the operand,
/// written to bits [15:0].
static __inline__ int __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_movemask_pi8(__m64 __a)
return __builtin_ia32_pmovmskb((__v8qi)__a);
/// \brief Multiplies packed 16-bit unsigned integer values and writes the
/// high-order 16 bits of each 32-bit product to the corresponding bits in
/// the destination.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> PMULHUW </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 64-bit integer vector containing one of the source operands.
/// \param __b
/// A 64-bit integer vector containing one of the source operands.
/// \returns A 64-bit integer vector containing the products of both operands.
static __inline__ __m64 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_mulhi_pu16(__m64 __a, __m64 __b)
return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_pmulhuw((__v4hi)__a, (__v4hi)__b);
/// \brief Shuffles the 4 16-bit integers from a 64-bit integer vector to the
/// destination, as specified by the immediate value operand.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// \code
/// __m64 _mm_shuffle_pi16(__m64 a, const int n);
/// \endcode
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> PSHUFW </c> instruction.
/// \param a
/// A 64-bit integer vector containing the values to be shuffled.
/// \param n
/// An immediate value containing an 8-bit value specifying which elements to
/// copy from \a a. The destinations within the 64-bit destination are
/// assigned values as follows: \n
/// Bits [1:0] are used to assign values to bits [15:0] in the
/// destination. \n
/// Bits [3:2] are used to assign values to bits [31:16] in the
/// destination. \n
/// Bits [5:4] are used to assign values to bits [47:32] in the
/// destination. \n
/// Bits [7:6] are used to assign values to bits [63:48] in the
/// destination. \n
/// Bit value assignments: \n
/// 00: assigned from bits [15:0] of \a a. \n
/// 01: assigned from bits [31:16] of \a a. \n
/// 10: assigned from bits [47:32] of \a a. \n
/// 11: assigned from bits [63:48] of \a a.
/// \returns A 64-bit integer vector containing the shuffled values.
#define _mm_shuffle_pi16(a, n) __extension__ ({ \
(__m64)__builtin_ia32_pshufw((__v4hi)(__m64)(a), (n)); })
/// \brief Conditionally copies the values from each 8-bit element in the first
/// 64-bit integer vector operand to the specified memory location, as
/// specified by the most significant bit in the corresponding element in the
/// second 64-bit integer vector operand.
/// To minimize caching, the data is flagged as non-temporal
/// (unlikely to be used again soon).
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> MASKMOVQ </c> instruction.
/// \param __d
/// A 64-bit integer vector containing the values with elements to be copied.
/// \param __n
/// A 64-bit integer vector operand. The most significant bit from each 8-bit
/// element determines whether the corresponding element in operand \a __d
/// is copied. If the most significant bit of a given element is 1, the
/// corresponding element in operand \a __d is copied.
/// \param __p
/// A pointer to a 64-bit memory location that will receive the conditionally
/// copied integer values. The address of the memory location does not have
/// to be aligned.
static __inline__ void __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_maskmove_si64(__m64 __d, __m64 __n, char *__p)
__builtin_ia32_maskmovq((__v8qi)__d, (__v8qi)__n, __p);
/// \brief Computes the rounded averages of the packed unsigned 8-bit integer
/// values and writes the averages to the corresponding bits in the
/// destination.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> PAVGB </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 64-bit integer vector containing one of the source operands.
/// \param __b
/// A 64-bit integer vector containing one of the source operands.
/// \returns A 64-bit integer vector containing the averages of both operands.
static __inline__ __m64 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_avg_pu8(__m64 __a, __m64 __b)
return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_pavgb((__v8qi)__a, (__v8qi)__b);
/// \brief Computes the rounded averages of the packed unsigned 16-bit integer
/// values and writes the averages to the corresponding bits in the
/// destination.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> PAVGW </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 64-bit integer vector containing one of the source operands.
/// \param __b
/// A 64-bit integer vector containing one of the source operands.
/// \returns A 64-bit integer vector containing the averages of both operands.
static __inline__ __m64 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_avg_pu16(__m64 __a, __m64 __b)
return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_pavgw((__v4hi)__a, (__v4hi)__b);
/// \brief Subtracts the corresponding 8-bit unsigned integer values of the two
/// 64-bit vector operands and computes the absolute value for each of the
/// difference. Then sum of the 8 absolute differences is written to the
/// bits [15:0] of the destination; the remaining bits [63:16] are cleared.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> PSADBW </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 64-bit integer vector containing one of the source operands.
/// \param __b
/// A 64-bit integer vector containing one of the source operands.
/// \returns A 64-bit integer vector whose lower 16 bits contain the sums of the
/// sets of absolute differences between both operands. The upper bits are
/// cleared.
static __inline__ __m64 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_sad_pu8(__m64 __a, __m64 __b)
return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_psadbw((__v8qi)__a, (__v8qi)__b);
#if defined(__cplusplus)
extern "C" {
# 2423 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/xmmintrin.h" 3
/// \brief Returns the contents of the MXCSR register as a 32-bit unsigned
/// integer value.
/// There are several groups of macros associated with this
/// intrinsic, including:
/// <ul>
/// <li>
/// For checking exception states: _MM_EXCEPT_INVALID, _MM_EXCEPT_DIV_ZERO,
/// _MM_EXCEPT_INEXACT. There is a convenience wrapper
/// </li>
/// <li>
/// For checking exception masks: _MM_MASK_UNDERFLOW, _MM_MASK_OVERFLOW,
/// There is a convenience wrapper _MM_GET_EXCEPTION_MASK().
/// </li>
/// <li>
/// For checking rounding modes: _MM_ROUND_NEAREST, _MM_ROUND_DOWN,
/// _MM_ROUND_UP, _MM_ROUND_TOWARD_ZERO. There is a convenience wrapper
/// _MM_GET_ROUNDING_MODE(x) where x is one of these macros.
/// </li>
/// <li>
/// For checking flush-to-zero mode: _MM_FLUSH_ZERO_ON, _MM_FLUSH_ZERO_OFF.
/// There is a convenience wrapper _MM_GET_FLUSH_ZERO_MODE().
/// </li>
/// <li>
/// For checking denormals-are-zero mode: _MM_DENORMALS_ZERO_ON,
/// _MM_DENORMALS_ZERO_OFF. There is a convenience wrapper
/// </li>
/// </ul>
/// For example, the expression below checks if an overflow exception has
/// occurred:
/// ( _mm_getcsr() & _MM_EXCEPT_OVERFLOW )
/// The following example gets the current rounding mode:
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VSTMXCSR / STMXCSR </c> instruction.
/// \returns A 32-bit unsigned integer containing the contents of the MXCSR
/// register.
unsigned int _mm_getcsr(void);
/// \brief Sets the MXCSR register with the 32-bit unsigned integer value.
/// There are several groups of macros associated with this intrinsic,
/// including:
/// <ul>
/// <li>
/// For setting exception states: _MM_EXCEPT_INVALID, _MM_EXCEPT_DIV_ZERO,
/// _MM_EXCEPT_INEXACT. There is a convenience wrapper
/// _MM_SET_EXCEPTION_STATE(x) where x is one of these macros.
/// </li>
/// <li>
/// For setting exception masks: _MM_MASK_UNDERFLOW, _MM_MASK_OVERFLOW,
/// There is a convenience wrapper _MM_SET_EXCEPTION_MASK(x) where x is one
/// of these macros.
/// </li>
/// <li>
/// For setting rounding modes: _MM_ROUND_NEAREST, _MM_ROUND_DOWN,
/// _MM_ROUND_UP, _MM_ROUND_TOWARD_ZERO. There is a convenience wrapper
/// _MM_SET_ROUNDING_MODE(x) where x is one of these macros.
/// </li>
/// <li>
/// For setting flush-to-zero mode: _MM_FLUSH_ZERO_ON, _MM_FLUSH_ZERO_OFF.
/// There is a convenience wrapper _MM_SET_FLUSH_ZERO_MODE(x) where x is
/// one of these macros.
/// </li>
/// <li>
/// For setting denormals-are-zero mode: _MM_DENORMALS_ZERO_ON,
/// _MM_DENORMALS_ZERO_OFF. There is a convenience wrapper
/// _MM_SET_DENORMALS_ZERO_MODE(x) where x is one of these macros.
/// </li>
/// </ul>
/// For example, the following expression causes subsequent floating-point
/// operations to round up:
/// _mm_setcsr(_mm_getcsr() | _MM_ROUND_UP)
/// The following example sets the DAZ and FTZ flags:
/// void setFlags() {
/// }
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VLDMXCSR / LDMXCSR </c> instruction.
/// \param __i
/// A 32-bit unsigned integer value to be written to the MXCSR register.
void _mm_setcsr(unsigned int __i);
#if defined(__cplusplus)
} // extern "C"
# 2527 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/xmmintrin.h" 3
/// \brief Selects 4 float values from the 128-bit operands of [4 x float], as
/// specified by the immediate value operand.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// \code
/// __m128 _mm_shuffle_ps(__m128 a, __m128 b, const int mask);
/// \endcode
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VSHUFPS / SHUFPS </c> instruction.
/// \param a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float].
/// \param b
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float].
/// \param mask
/// An immediate value containing an 8-bit value specifying which elements to
/// copy from \a a and \a b. \n
/// Bits [3:0] specify the values copied from operand \a a. \n
/// Bits [7:4] specify the values copied from operand \a b. \n
/// The destinations within the 128-bit destination are assigned values as
/// follows: \n
/// Bits [1:0] are used to assign values to bits [31:0] in the
/// destination. \n
/// Bits [3:2] are used to assign values to bits [63:32] in the
/// destination. \n
/// Bits [5:4] are used to assign values to bits [95:64] in the
/// destination. \n
/// Bits [7:6] are used to assign values to bits [127:96] in the
/// destination. \n
/// Bit value assignments: \n
/// 00: Bits [31:0] copied from the specified operand. \n
/// 01: Bits [63:32] copied from the specified operand. \n
/// 10: Bits [95:64] copied from the specified operand. \n
/// 11: Bits [127:96] copied from the specified operand.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the shuffled values.
#define _mm_shuffle_ps(a, b, mask) __extension__ ({ \
(__m128)__builtin_shufflevector((__v4sf)(__m128)(a), (__v4sf)(__m128)(b), \
0 + (((mask) >> 0) & 0x3), \
0 + (((mask) >> 2) & 0x3), \
4 + (((mask) >> 4) & 0x3), \
4 + (((mask) >> 6) & 0x3)); })
/// \brief Unpacks the high-order (index 2,3) values from two 128-bit vectors of
/// [4 x float] and interleaves them into a 128-bit vector of [4 x float].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VUNPCKHPS / UNPCKHPS </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float]. \n
/// Bits [95:64] are written to bits [31:0] of the destination. \n
/// Bits [127:96] are written to bits [95:64] of the destination.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float].
/// Bits [95:64] are written to bits [63:32] of the destination. \n
/// Bits [127:96] are written to bits [127:96] of the destination.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the interleaved values.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_unpackhi_ps(__m128 __a, __m128 __b)
return __builtin_shufflevector((__v4sf)__a, (__v4sf)__b, 2, 6, 3, 7);
/// \brief Unpacks the low-order (index 0,1) values from two 128-bit vectors of
/// [4 x float] and interleaves them into a 128-bit vector of [4 x float].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VUNPCKLPS / UNPCKLPS </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float]. \n
/// Bits [31:0] are written to bits [31:0] of the destination. \n
/// Bits [63:32] are written to bits [95:64] of the destination.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float]. \n
/// Bits [31:0] are written to bits [63:32] of the destination. \n
/// Bits [63:32] are written to bits [127:96] of the destination.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the interleaved values.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_unpacklo_ps(__m128 __a, __m128 __b)
return __builtin_shufflevector((__v4sf)__a, (__v4sf)__b, 0, 4, 1, 5);
/// \brief Constructs a 128-bit floating-point vector of [4 x float]. The lower
/// 32 bits are set to the lower 32 bits of the second parameter. The upper
/// 96 bits are set to the upper 96 bits of the first parameter.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VMOVSS / MOVSS </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit floating-point vector of [4 x float]. The upper 96 bits are
/// written to the upper 96 bits of the result.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit floating-point vector of [4 x float]. The lower 32 bits are
/// written to the lower 32 bits of the result.
/// \returns A 128-bit floating-point vector of [4 x float].
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_move_ss(__m128 __a, __m128 __b)
return __builtin_shufflevector((__v4sf)__a, (__v4sf)__b, 4, 1, 2, 3);
/// \brief Constructs a 128-bit floating-point vector of [4 x float]. The lower
/// 64 bits are set to the upper 64 bits of the second parameter. The upper
/// 64 bits are set to the upper 64 bits of the first parameter.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VUNPCKHPD / UNPCKHPD </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit floating-point vector of [4 x float]. The upper 64 bits are
/// written to the upper 64 bits of the result.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit floating-point vector of [4 x float]. The upper 64 bits are
/// written to the lower 64 bits of the result.
/// \returns A 128-bit floating-point vector of [4 x float].
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_movehl_ps(__m128 __a, __m128 __b)
return __builtin_shufflevector((__v4sf)__a, (__v4sf)__b, 6, 7, 2, 3);
/// \brief Constructs a 128-bit floating-point vector of [4 x float]. The lower
/// 64 bits are set to the lower 64 bits of the first parameter. The upper
/// 64 bits are set to the lower 64 bits of the second parameter.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VUNPCKLPD / UNPCKLPD </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit floating-point vector of [4 x float]. The lower 64 bits are
/// written to the lower 64 bits of the result.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit floating-point vector of [4 x float]. The lower 64 bits are
/// written to the upper 64 bits of the result.
/// \returns A 128-bit floating-point vector of [4 x float].
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_movelh_ps(__m128 __a, __m128 __b)
return __builtin_shufflevector((__v4sf)__a, (__v4sf)__b, 0, 1, 4, 5);
/// \brief Converts a 64-bit vector of [4 x i16] into a 128-bit vector of [4 x
/// float].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> CVTPI2PS + COMPOSITE </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 64-bit vector of [4 x i16]. The elements of the destination are copied
/// from the corresponding elements in this operand.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the copied and converted
/// values from the operand.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cvtpi16_ps(__m64 __a)
__m64 __b, __c;
__m128 __r;
__b = _mm_setzero_si64();
__b = _mm_cmpgt_pi16(__b, __a);
__c = _mm_unpackhi_pi16(__a, __b);
__r = _mm_setzero_ps();
__r = _mm_cvtpi32_ps(__r, __c);
__r = _mm_movelh_ps(__r, __r);
__c = _mm_unpacklo_pi16(__a, __b);
__r = _mm_cvtpi32_ps(__r, __c);
return __r;
/// \brief Converts a 64-bit vector of 16-bit unsigned integer values into a
/// 128-bit vector of [4 x float].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> CVTPI2PS + COMPOSITE </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 64-bit vector of 16-bit unsigned integer values. The elements of the
/// destination are copied from the corresponding elements in this operand.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the copied and converted
/// values from the operand.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cvtpu16_ps(__m64 __a)
__m64 __b, __c;
__m128 __r;
__b = _mm_setzero_si64();
__c = _mm_unpackhi_pi16(__a, __b);
__r = _mm_setzero_ps();
__r = _mm_cvtpi32_ps(__r, __c);
__r = _mm_movelh_ps(__r, __r);
__c = _mm_unpacklo_pi16(__a, __b);
__r = _mm_cvtpi32_ps(__r, __c);
return __r;
/// \brief Converts the lower four 8-bit values from a 64-bit vector of [8 x i8]
/// into a 128-bit vector of [4 x float].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> CVTPI2PS + COMPOSITE </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 64-bit vector of [8 x i8]. The elements of the destination are copied
/// from the corresponding lower 4 elements in this operand.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the copied and converted
/// values from the operand.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cvtpi8_ps(__m64 __a)
__m64 __b;
__b = _mm_setzero_si64();
__b = _mm_cmpgt_pi8(__b, __a);
__b = _mm_unpacklo_pi8(__a, __b);
return _mm_cvtpi16_ps(__b);
/// \brief Converts the lower four unsigned 8-bit integer values from a 64-bit
/// vector of [8 x u8] into a 128-bit vector of [4 x float].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> CVTPI2PS + COMPOSITE </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 64-bit vector of unsigned 8-bit integer values. The elements of the
/// destination are copied from the corresponding lower 4 elements in this
/// operand.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the copied and converted
/// values from the source operand.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cvtpu8_ps(__m64 __a)
__m64 __b;
__b = _mm_setzero_si64();
__b = _mm_unpacklo_pi8(__a, __b);
return _mm_cvtpi16_ps(__b);
/// \brief Converts the two 32-bit signed integer values from each 64-bit vector
/// operand of [2 x i32] into a 128-bit vector of [4 x float].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> CVTPI2PS + COMPOSITE </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 64-bit vector of [2 x i32]. The lower elements of the destination are
/// copied from the elements in this operand.
/// \param __b
/// A 64-bit vector of [2 x i32]. The upper elements of the destination are
/// copied from the elements in this operand.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] whose lower 64 bits contain the
/// copied and converted values from the first operand. The upper 64 bits
/// contain the copied and converted values from the second operand.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cvtpi32x2_ps(__m64 __a, __m64 __b)
__m128 __c;
__c = _mm_setzero_ps();
__c = _mm_cvtpi32_ps(__c, __b);
__c = _mm_movelh_ps(__c, __c);
return _mm_cvtpi32_ps(__c, __a);
/// \brief Converts each single-precision floating-point element of a 128-bit
/// floating-point vector of [4 x float] into a 16-bit signed integer, and
/// packs the results into a 64-bit integer vector of [4 x i16].
/// If the floating-point element is NaN or infinity, or if the
/// floating-point element is greater than 0x7FFFFFFF or less than -0x8000,
/// it is converted to 0x8000. Otherwise if the floating-point element is
/// greater than 0x7FFF, it is converted to 0x7FFF.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> CVTPS2PI + COMPOSITE </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit floating-point vector of [4 x float].
/// \returns A 64-bit integer vector of [4 x i16] containing the converted
/// values.
static __inline__ __m64 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cvtps_pi16(__m128 __a)
__m64 __b, __c;
__b = _mm_cvtps_pi32(__a);
__a = _mm_movehl_ps(__a, __a);
__c = _mm_cvtps_pi32(__a);
return _mm_packs_pi32(__b, __c);
/// \brief Converts each single-precision floating-point element of a 128-bit
/// floating-point vector of [4 x float] into an 8-bit signed integer, and
/// packs the results into the lower 32 bits of a 64-bit integer vector of
/// [8 x i8]. The upper 32 bits of the vector are set to 0.
/// If the floating-point element is NaN or infinity, or if the
/// floating-point element is greater than 0x7FFFFFFF or less than -0x80, it
/// is converted to 0x80. Otherwise if the floating-point element is greater
/// than 0x7F, it is converted to 0x7F.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> CVTPS2PI + COMPOSITE </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// 128-bit floating-point vector of [4 x float].
/// \returns A 64-bit integer vector of [8 x i8]. The lower 32 bits contain the
/// converted values and the uppper 32 bits are set to zero.
static __inline__ __m64 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cvtps_pi8(__m128 __a)
__m64 __b, __c;
__b = _mm_cvtps_pi16(__a);
__c = _mm_setzero_si64();
return _mm_packs_pi16(__b, __c);
/// \brief Extracts the sign bits from each single-precision floating-point
/// element of a 128-bit floating-point vector of [4 x float] and returns the
/// sign bits in bits [0:3] of the result. Bits [31:4] of the result are set
/// to zero.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VMOVMSKPS / MOVMSKPS </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit floating-point vector of [4 x float].
/// \returns A 32-bit integer value. Bits [3:0] contain the sign bits from each
/// single-precision floating-point element of the parameter. Bits [31:4] are
/// set to zero.
static __inline__ int __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_movemask_ps(__m128 __a)
return __builtin_ia32_movmskps((__v4sf)__a);
#define _MM_ALIGN16 __attribute__((aligned(16)))
#define _MM_SHUFFLE(z, y, x, w) (((z) << 6) | ((y) << 4) | ((x) << 2) | (w))
#define _MM_EXCEPT_INVALID (0x0001)
#define _MM_EXCEPT_DENORM (0x0002)
#define _MM_EXCEPT_DIV_ZERO (0x0004)
#define _MM_EXCEPT_OVERFLOW (0x0008)
#define _MM_EXCEPT_UNDERFLOW (0x0010)
#define _MM_EXCEPT_INEXACT (0x0020)
#define _MM_EXCEPT_MASK (0x003f)
#define _MM_MASK_INVALID (0x0080)
#define _MM_MASK_DENORM (0x0100)
#define _MM_MASK_DIV_ZERO (0x0200)
#define _MM_MASK_OVERFLOW (0x0400)
#define _MM_MASK_UNDERFLOW (0x0800)
#define _MM_MASK_INEXACT (0x1000)
#define _MM_MASK_MASK (0x1f80)
#define _MM_ROUND_NEAREST (0x0000)
#define _MM_ROUND_DOWN (0x2000)
#define _MM_ROUND_UP (0x4000)
#define _MM_ROUND_TOWARD_ZERO (0x6000)
#define _MM_ROUND_MASK (0x6000)
#define _MM_FLUSH_ZERO_MASK (0x8000)
#define _MM_FLUSH_ZERO_ON (0x8000)
#define _MM_FLUSH_ZERO_OFF (0x0000)
#define _MM_GET_EXCEPTION_MASK() (_mm_getcsr() & _MM_MASK_MASK)
#define _MM_GET_EXCEPTION_STATE() (_mm_getcsr() & _MM_EXCEPT_MASK)
#define _MM_GET_FLUSH_ZERO_MODE() (_mm_getcsr() & _MM_FLUSH_ZERO_MASK)
#define _MM_GET_ROUNDING_MODE() (_mm_getcsr() & _MM_ROUND_MASK)
#define _MM_SET_EXCEPTION_MASK(x) (_mm_setcsr((_mm_getcsr() & ~_MM_MASK_MASK) | (x)))
#define _MM_SET_EXCEPTION_STATE(x) (_mm_setcsr((_mm_getcsr() & ~_MM_EXCEPT_MASK) | (x)))
#define _MM_SET_FLUSH_ZERO_MODE(x) (_mm_setcsr((_mm_getcsr() & ~_MM_FLUSH_ZERO_MASK) | (x)))
#define _MM_SET_ROUNDING_MODE(x) (_mm_setcsr((_mm_getcsr() & ~_MM_ROUND_MASK) | (x)))
#define _MM_TRANSPOSE4_PS(row0, row1, row2, row3) \
do { \
__m128 tmp3, tmp2, tmp1, tmp0; \
tmp0 = _mm_unpacklo_ps((row0), (row1)); \
tmp2 = _mm_unpacklo_ps((row2), (row3)); \
tmp1 = _mm_unpackhi_ps((row0), (row1)); \
tmp3 = _mm_unpackhi_ps((row2), (row3)); \
(row0) = _mm_movelh_ps(tmp0, tmp2); \
(row1) = _mm_movehl_ps(tmp2, tmp0); \
(row2) = _mm_movelh_ps(tmp1, tmp3); \
(row3) = _mm_movehl_ps(tmp3, tmp1); \
} while (0)
/* Aliases for compatibility. */
#define _m_pextrw _mm_extract_pi16
#define _m_pinsrw _mm_insert_pi16
#define _m_pmaxsw _mm_max_pi16
#define _m_pmaxub _mm_max_pu8
#define _m_pminsw _mm_min_pi16
#define _m_pminub _mm_min_pu8
#define _m_pmovmskb _mm_movemask_pi8
#define _m_pmulhuw _mm_mulhi_pu16
#define _m_pshufw _mm_shuffle_pi16
#define _m_maskmovq _mm_maskmove_si64
#define _m_pavgb _mm_avg_pu8
#define _m_pavgw _mm_avg_pu16
#define _m_psadbw _mm_sad_pu8
#define _m_ _mm_
#define _m_ _mm_
/* Ugly hack for backwards-compatibility (compatible with gcc) */
#if defined(__SSE2__) && !__building_module(_Builtin_intrinsics)
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <emmintrin.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 2966 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/xmmintrin.h" 3
# 1 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/emmintrin.h" 1 3
/*===---- emmintrin.h - SSE2 intrinsics ------------------------------------===
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
* of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
* in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
* to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
* copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
* furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
* all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
#ifndef __EMMINTRIN_H
#define __EMMINTRIN_H
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <xmmintrin.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 27 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/emmintrin.h" 3
# 1 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/xmmintrin.h" 1 3
/*===---- xmmintrin.h - SSE intrinsics -------------------------------------===
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
* of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
* in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
* to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
* copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
* furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
* all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
#ifndef __XMMINTRIN_H
#define __XMMINTRIN_H
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <mmintrin.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 27 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/xmmintrin.h" 3
# 28 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/xmmintrin.h" 3
typedef int __v4si __attribute__((__vector_size__(16)));
typedef float __v4sf __attribute__((__vector_size__(16)));
typedef float __m128 __attribute__((__vector_size__(16)));
/* Unsigned types */
typedef unsigned int __v4su __attribute__((__vector_size__(16)));
/* This header should only be included in a hosted environment as it depends on
* a standard library to provide allocation routines. */
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <mm_malloc.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 39 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/xmmintrin.h" 3
# 40 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/xmmintrin.h" 3
# 41 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/xmmintrin.h" 3
/* Define the default attributes for the functions in this file. */
#define __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS __attribute__((__always_inline__, __nodebug__, __target__("sse")))
/// \brief Adds the 32-bit float values in the low-order bits of the operands.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VADDSS / ADDSS </c> instructions.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing one of the source operands.
/// The lower 32 bits of this operand are used in the calculation.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing one of the source operands.
/// The lower 32 bits of this operand are used in the calculation.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] whose lower 32 bits contain the sum
/// of the lower 32 bits of both operands. The upper 96 bits are copied from
/// the upper 96 bits of the first source operand.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_add_ss(__m128 __a, __m128 __b)
__a[0] += __b[0];
return __a;
/// \brief Adds two 128-bit vectors of [4 x float], and returns the results of
/// the addition.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VADDPS / ADDPS </c> instructions.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing one of the source operands.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing one of the source operands.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the sums of both
/// operands.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_add_ps(__m128 __a, __m128 __b)
return (__m128)((__v4sf)__a + (__v4sf)__b);
/// \brief Subtracts the 32-bit float value in the low-order bits of the second
/// operand from the corresponding value in the first operand.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VSUBSS / SUBSS </c> instructions.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the minuend. The lower 32 bits
/// of this operand are used in the calculation.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the subtrahend. The lower 32
/// bits of this operand are used in the calculation.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] whose lower 32 bits contain the
/// difference of the lower 32 bits of both operands. The upper 96 bits are
/// copied from the upper 96 bits of the first source operand.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_sub_ss(__m128 __a, __m128 __b)
__a[0] -= __b[0];
return __a;
/// \brief Subtracts each of the values of the second operand from the first
/// operand, both of which are 128-bit vectors of [4 x float] and returns
/// the results of the subtraction.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VSUBPS / SUBPS </c> instructions.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the minuend.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the subtrahend.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the differences between
/// both operands.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_sub_ps(__m128 __a, __m128 __b)
return (__m128)((__v4sf)__a - (__v4sf)__b);
/// \brief Multiplies two 32-bit float values in the low-order bits of the
/// operands.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VMULSS / MULSS </c> instructions.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing one of the source operands.
/// The lower 32 bits of this operand are used in the calculation.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing one of the source operands.
/// The lower 32 bits of this operand are used in the calculation.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the product of the lower
/// 32 bits of both operands. The upper 96 bits are copied from the upper 96
/// bits of the first source operand.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_mul_ss(__m128 __a, __m128 __b)
__a[0] *= __b[0];
return __a;
/// \brief Multiplies two 128-bit vectors of [4 x float] and returns the
/// results of the multiplication.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VMULPS / MULPS </c> instructions.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing one of the source operands.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing one of the source operands.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the products of both
/// operands.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_mul_ps(__m128 __a, __m128 __b)
return (__m128)((__v4sf)__a * (__v4sf)__b);
/// \brief Divides the value in the low-order 32 bits of the first operand by
/// the corresponding value in the second operand.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VDIVSS / DIVSS </c> instructions.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the dividend. The lower 32
/// bits of this operand are used in the calculation.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the divisor. The lower 32 bits
/// of this operand are used in the calculation.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the quotients of the
/// lower 32 bits of both operands. The upper 96 bits are copied from the
/// upper 96 bits of the first source operand.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_div_ss(__m128 __a, __m128 __b)
__a[0] /= __b[0];
return __a;
/// \brief Divides two 128-bit vectors of [4 x float].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VDIVPS / DIVPS </c> instructions.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the dividend.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the divisor.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the quotients of both
/// operands.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_div_ps(__m128 __a, __m128 __b)
return (__m128)((__v4sf)__a / (__v4sf)__b);
/// \brief Calculates the square root of the value stored in the low-order bits
/// of a 128-bit vector of [4 x float].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VSQRTSS / SQRTSS </c> instructions.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float]. The lower 32 bits of this operand are
/// used in the calculation.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the square root of the
/// value in the low-order bits of the operand.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_sqrt_ss(__m128 __a)
__m128 __c = __builtin_ia32_sqrtss((__v4sf)__a);
return (__m128) { __c[0], __a[1], __a[2], __a[3] };
/// \brief Calculates the square roots of the values stored in a 128-bit vector
/// of [4 x float].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VSQRTPS / SQRTPS </c> instructions.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float].
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the square roots of the
/// values in the operand.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_sqrt_ps(__m128 __a)
return __builtin_ia32_sqrtps((__v4sf)__a);
/// \brief Calculates the approximate reciprocal of the value stored in the
/// low-order bits of a 128-bit vector of [4 x float].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VRCPSS / RCPSS </c> instructions.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float]. The lower 32 bits of this operand are
/// used in the calculation.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the approximate
/// reciprocal of the value in the low-order bits of the operand.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_rcp_ss(__m128 __a)
__m128 __c = __builtin_ia32_rcpss((__v4sf)__a);
return (__m128) { __c[0], __a[1], __a[2], __a[3] };
/// \brief Calculates the approximate reciprocals of the values stored in a
/// 128-bit vector of [4 x float].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VRCPPS / RCPPS </c> instructions.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float].
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the approximate
/// reciprocals of the values in the operand.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_rcp_ps(__m128 __a)
return __builtin_ia32_rcpps((__v4sf)__a);
/// \brief Calculates the approximate reciprocal of the square root of the value
/// stored in the low-order bits of a 128-bit vector of [4 x float].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VRSQRTSS / RSQRTSS </c> instructions.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float]. The lower 32 bits of this operand are
/// used in the calculation.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the approximate
/// reciprocal of the square root of the value in the low-order bits of the
/// operand.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_rsqrt_ss(__m128 __a)
__m128 __c = __builtin_ia32_rsqrtss((__v4sf)__a);
return (__m128) { __c[0], __a[1], __a[2], __a[3] };
/// \brief Calculates the approximate reciprocals of the square roots of the
/// values stored in a 128-bit vector of [4 x float].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VRSQRTPS / RSQRTPS </c> instructions.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float].
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the approximate
/// reciprocals of the square roots of the values in the operand.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_rsqrt_ps(__m128 __a)
return __builtin_ia32_rsqrtps((__v4sf)__a);
/// \brief Compares two 32-bit float values in the low-order bits of both
/// operands and returns the lesser value in the low-order bits of the
/// vector of [4 x float].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VMINSS / MINSS </c> instructions.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing one of the operands. The lower
/// 32 bits of this operand are used in the comparison.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing one of the operands. The lower
/// 32 bits of this operand are used in the comparison.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] whose lower 32 bits contain the
/// minimum value between both operands. The upper 96 bits are copied from
/// the upper 96 bits of the first source operand.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_min_ss(__m128 __a, __m128 __b)
return __builtin_ia32_minss((__v4sf)__a, (__v4sf)__b);
/// \brief Compares two 128-bit vectors of [4 x float] and returns the lesser
/// of each pair of values.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VMINPS / MINPS </c> instructions.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing one of the operands.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing one of the operands.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the minimum values
/// between both operands.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_min_ps(__m128 __a, __m128 __b)
return __builtin_ia32_minps((__v4sf)__a, (__v4sf)__b);
/// \brief Compares two 32-bit float values in the low-order bits of both
/// operands and returns the greater value in the low-order bits of a 128-bit
/// vector of [4 x float].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VMAXSS / MAXSS </c> instructions.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing one of the operands. The lower
/// 32 bits of this operand are used in the comparison.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing one of the operands. The lower
/// 32 bits of this operand are used in the comparison.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] whose lower 32 bits contain the
/// maximum value between both operands. The upper 96 bits are copied from
/// the upper 96 bits of the first source operand.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_max_ss(__m128 __a, __m128 __b)
return __builtin_ia32_maxss((__v4sf)__a, (__v4sf)__b);
/// \brief Compares two 128-bit vectors of [4 x float] and returns the greater
/// of each pair of values.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VMAXPS / MAXPS </c> instructions.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing one of the operands.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing one of the operands.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the maximum values
/// between both operands.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_max_ps(__m128 __a, __m128 __b)
return __builtin_ia32_maxps((__v4sf)__a, (__v4sf)__b);
/// \brief Performs a bitwise AND of two 128-bit vectors of [4 x float].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VANDPS / ANDPS </c> instructions.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector containing one of the source operands.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector containing one of the source operands.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the bitwise AND of the
/// values between both operands.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_and_ps(__m128 __a, __m128 __b)
return (__m128)((__v4su)__a & (__v4su)__b);
/// \brief Performs a bitwise AND of two 128-bit vectors of [4 x float], using
/// the one's complement of the values contained in the first source
/// operand.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VANDNPS / ANDNPS </c> instructions.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the first source operand. The
/// one's complement of this value is used in the bitwise AND.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the second source operand.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the bitwise AND of the
/// one's complement of the first operand and the values in the second
/// operand.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_andnot_ps(__m128 __a, __m128 __b)
return (__m128)(~(__v4su)__a & (__v4su)__b);
/// \brief Performs a bitwise OR of two 128-bit vectors of [4 x float].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VORPS / ORPS </c> instructions.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing one of the source operands.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing one of the source operands.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the bitwise OR of the
/// values between both operands.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_or_ps(__m128 __a, __m128 __b)
return (__m128)((__v4su)__a | (__v4su)__b);
/// \brief Performs a bitwise exclusive OR of two 128-bit vectors of
/// [4 x float].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VXORPS / XORPS </c> instructions.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing one of the source operands.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing one of the source operands.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the bitwise exclusive OR
/// of the values between both operands.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_xor_ps(__m128 __a, __m128 __b)
return (__m128)((__v4su)__a ^ (__v4su)__b);
/// \brief Compares two 32-bit float values in the low-order bits of both
/// operands for equality and returns the result of the comparison in the
/// low-order bits of a vector [4 x float].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCMPEQSS / CMPEQSS </c> instructions.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing one of the operands. The lower
/// 32 bits of this operand are used in the comparison.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing one of the operands. The lower
/// 32 bits of this operand are used in the comparison.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the comparison results
/// in the low-order bits.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cmpeq_ss(__m128 __a, __m128 __b)
return (__m128)__builtin_ia32_cmpeqss((__v4sf)__a, (__v4sf)__b);
/// \brief Compares each of the corresponding 32-bit float values of the
/// 128-bit vectors of [4 x float] for equality.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCMPEQPS / CMPEQPS </c> instructions.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float].
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float].
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the comparison results.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cmpeq_ps(__m128 __a, __m128 __b)
return (__m128)__builtin_ia32_cmpeqps((__v4sf)__a, (__v4sf)__b);
/// \brief Compares two 32-bit float values in the low-order bits of both
/// operands to determine if the value in the first operand is less than the
/// corresponding value in the second operand and returns the result of the
/// comparison in the low-order bits of a vector of [4 x float].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCMPLTSS / CMPLTSS </c> instructions.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing one of the operands. The lower
/// 32 bits of this operand are used in the comparison.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing one of the operands. The lower
/// 32 bits of this operand are used in the comparison.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the comparison results
/// in the low-order bits.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cmplt_ss(__m128 __a, __m128 __b)
return (__m128)__builtin_ia32_cmpltss((__v4sf)__a, (__v4sf)__b);
/// \brief Compares each of the corresponding 32-bit float values of the
/// 128-bit vectors of [4 x float] to determine if the values in the first
/// operand are less than those in the second operand.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCMPLTPS / CMPLTPS </c> instructions.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float].
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float].
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the comparison results.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cmplt_ps(__m128 __a, __m128 __b)
return (__m128)__builtin_ia32_cmpltps((__v4sf)__a, (__v4sf)__b);
/// \brief Compares two 32-bit float values in the low-order bits of both
/// operands to determine if the value in the first operand is less than or
/// equal to the corresponding value in the second operand and returns the
/// result of the comparison in the low-order bits of a vector of
/// [4 x float].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCMPLESS / CMPLESS </c> instructions.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing one of the operands. The lower
/// 32 bits of this operand are used in the comparison.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing one of the operands. The lower
/// 32 bits of this operand are used in the comparison.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the comparison results
/// in the low-order bits.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cmple_ss(__m128 __a, __m128 __b)
return (__m128)__builtin_ia32_cmpless((__v4sf)__a, (__v4sf)__b);
/// \brief Compares each of the corresponding 32-bit float values of the
/// 128-bit vectors of [4 x float] to determine if the values in the first
/// operand are less than or equal to those in the second operand.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCMPLEPS / CMPLEPS </c> instructions.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float].
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float].
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the comparison results.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cmple_ps(__m128 __a, __m128 __b)
return (__m128)__builtin_ia32_cmpleps((__v4sf)__a, (__v4sf)__b);
/// \brief Compares two 32-bit float values in the low-order bits of both
/// operands to determine if the value in the first operand is greater than
/// the corresponding value in the second operand and returns the result of
/// the comparison in the low-order bits of a vector of [4 x float].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCMPLTSS / CMPLTSS </c> instructions.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing one of the operands. The lower
/// 32 bits of this operand are used in the comparison.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing one of the operands. The lower
/// 32 bits of this operand are used in the comparison.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the comparison results
/// in the low-order bits.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cmpgt_ss(__m128 __a, __m128 __b)
return (__m128)__builtin_shufflevector((__v4sf)__a,
(__v4sf)__builtin_ia32_cmpltss((__v4sf)__b, (__v4sf)__a),
4, 1, 2, 3);
/// \brief Compares each of the corresponding 32-bit float values of the
/// 128-bit vectors of [4 x float] to determine if the values in the first
/// operand are greater than those in the second operand.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCMPLTPS / CMPLTPS </c> instructions.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float].
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float].
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the comparison results.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cmpgt_ps(__m128 __a, __m128 __b)
return (__m128)__builtin_ia32_cmpltps((__v4sf)__b, (__v4sf)__a);
/// \brief Compares two 32-bit float values in the low-order bits of both
/// operands to determine if the value in the first operand is greater than
/// or equal to the corresponding value in the second operand and returns
/// the result of the comparison in the low-order bits of a vector of
/// [4 x float].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCMPLESS / CMPLESS </c> instructions.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing one of the operands. The lower
/// 32 bits of this operand are used in the comparison.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing one of the operands. The lower
/// 32 bits of this operand are used in the comparison.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the comparison results
/// in the low-order bits.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cmpge_ss(__m128 __a, __m128 __b)
return (__m128)__builtin_shufflevector((__v4sf)__a,
(__v4sf)__builtin_ia32_cmpless((__v4sf)__b, (__v4sf)__a),
4, 1, 2, 3);
/// \brief Compares each of the corresponding 32-bit float values of the
/// 128-bit vectors of [4 x float] to determine if the values in the first
/// operand are greater than or equal to those in the second operand.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCMPLEPS / CMPLEPS </c> instructions.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float].
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float].
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the comparison results.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cmpge_ps(__m128 __a, __m128 __b)
return (__m128)__builtin_ia32_cmpleps((__v4sf)__b, (__v4sf)__a);
/// \brief Compares two 32-bit float values in the low-order bits of both
/// operands for inequality and returns the result of the comparison in the
/// low-order bits of a vector of [4 x float].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCMPNEQSS / CMPNEQSS </c>
/// instructions.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing one of the operands. The lower
/// 32 bits of this operand are used in the comparison.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing one of the operands. The lower
/// 32 bits of this operand are used in the comparison.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the comparison results
/// in the low-order bits.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cmpneq_ss(__m128 __a, __m128 __b)
return (__m128)__builtin_ia32_cmpneqss((__v4sf)__a, (__v4sf)__b);
/// \brief Compares each of the corresponding 32-bit float values of the
/// 128-bit vectors of [4 x float] for inequality.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCMPNEQPS / CMPNEQPS </c>
/// instructions.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float].
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float].
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the comparison results.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cmpneq_ps(__m128 __a, __m128 __b)
return (__m128)__builtin_ia32_cmpneqps((__v4sf)__a, (__v4sf)__b);
/// \brief Compares two 32-bit float values in the low-order bits of both
/// operands to determine if the value in the first operand is not less than
/// the corresponding value in the second operand and returns the result of
/// the comparison in the low-order bits of a vector of [4 x float].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCMPNLTSS / CMPNLTSS </c>
/// instructions.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing one of the operands. The lower
/// 32 bits of this operand are used in the comparison.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing one of the operands. The lower
/// 32 bits of this operand are used in the comparison.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the comparison results
/// in the low-order bits.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cmpnlt_ss(__m128 __a, __m128 __b)
return (__m128)__builtin_ia32_cmpnltss((__v4sf)__a, (__v4sf)__b);
/// \brief Compares each of the corresponding 32-bit float values of the
/// 128-bit vectors of [4 x float] to determine if the values in the first
/// operand are not less than those in the second operand.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCMPNLTPS / CMPNLTPS </c>
/// instructions.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float].
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float].
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the comparison results.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cmpnlt_ps(__m128 __a, __m128 __b)
return (__m128)__builtin_ia32_cmpnltps((__v4sf)__a, (__v4sf)__b);
/// \brief Compares two 32-bit float values in the low-order bits of both
/// operands to determine if the value in the first operand is not less than
/// or equal to the corresponding value in the second operand and returns
/// the result of the comparison in the low-order bits of a vector of
/// [4 x float].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCMPNLESS / CMPNLESS </c>
/// instructions.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing one of the operands. The lower
/// 32 bits of this operand are used in the comparison.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing one of the operands. The lower
/// 32 bits of this operand are used in the comparison.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the comparison results
/// in the low-order bits.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cmpnle_ss(__m128 __a, __m128 __b)
return (__m128)__builtin_ia32_cmpnless((__v4sf)__a, (__v4sf)__b);
/// \brief Compares each of the corresponding 32-bit float values of the
/// 128-bit vectors of [4 x float] to determine if the values in the first
/// operand are not less than or equal to those in the second operand.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCMPNLEPS / CMPNLEPS </c>
/// instructions.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float].
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float].
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the comparison results.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cmpnle_ps(__m128 __a, __m128 __b)
return (__m128)__builtin_ia32_cmpnleps((__v4sf)__a, (__v4sf)__b);
/// \brief Compares two 32-bit float values in the low-order bits of both
/// operands to determine if the value in the first operand is not greater
/// than the corresponding value in the second operand and returns the
/// result of the comparison in the low-order bits of a vector of
/// [4 x float].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCMPNLTSS / CMPNLTSS </c>
/// instructions.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing one of the operands. The lower
/// 32 bits of this operand are used in the comparison.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing one of the operands. The lower
/// 32 bits of this operand are used in the comparison.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the comparison results
/// in the low-order bits.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cmpngt_ss(__m128 __a, __m128 __b)
return (__m128)__builtin_shufflevector((__v4sf)__a,
(__v4sf)__builtin_ia32_cmpnltss((__v4sf)__b, (__v4sf)__a),
4, 1, 2, 3);
/// \brief Compares each of the corresponding 32-bit float values of the
/// 128-bit vectors of [4 x float] to determine if the values in the first
/// operand are not greater than those in the second operand.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCMPNLTPS / CMPNLTPS </c>
/// instructions.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float].
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float].
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the comparison results.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cmpngt_ps(__m128 __a, __m128 __b)
return (__m128)__builtin_ia32_cmpnltps((__v4sf)__b, (__v4sf)__a);
/// \brief Compares two 32-bit float values in the low-order bits of both
/// operands to determine if the value in the first operand is not greater
/// than or equal to the corresponding value in the second operand and
/// returns the result of the comparison in the low-order bits of a vector
/// of [4 x float].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCMPNLESS / CMPNLESS </c>
/// instructions.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing one of the operands. The lower
/// 32 bits of this operand are used in the comparison.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing one of the operands. The lower
/// 32 bits of this operand are used in the comparison.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the comparison results
/// in the low-order bits.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cmpnge_ss(__m128 __a, __m128 __b)
return (__m128)__builtin_shufflevector((__v4sf)__a,
(__v4sf)__builtin_ia32_cmpnless((__v4sf)__b, (__v4sf)__a),
4, 1, 2, 3);
/// \brief Compares each of the corresponding 32-bit float values of the
/// 128-bit vectors of [4 x float] to determine if the values in the first
/// operand are not greater than or equal to those in the second operand.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCMPNLEPS / CMPNLEPS </c>
/// instructions.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float].
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float].
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the comparison results.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cmpnge_ps(__m128 __a, __m128 __b)
return (__m128)__builtin_ia32_cmpnleps((__v4sf)__b, (__v4sf)__a);
/// \brief Compares two 32-bit float values in the low-order bits of both
/// operands to determine if the value in the first operand is ordered with
/// respect to the corresponding value in the second operand and returns the
/// result of the comparison in the low-order bits of a vector of
/// [4 x float].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCMPORDSS / CMPORDSS </c>
/// instructions.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing one of the operands. The lower
/// 32 bits of this operand are used in the comparison.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing one of the operands. The lower
/// 32 bits of this operand are used in the comparison.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the comparison results
/// in the low-order bits.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cmpord_ss(__m128 __a, __m128 __b)
return (__m128)__builtin_ia32_cmpordss((__v4sf)__a, (__v4sf)__b);
/// \brief Compares each of the corresponding 32-bit float values of the
/// 128-bit vectors of [4 x float] to determine if the values in the first
/// operand are ordered with respect to those in the second operand.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCMPORDPS / CMPORDPS </c>
/// instructions.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float].
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float].
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the comparison results.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cmpord_ps(__m128 __a, __m128 __b)
return (__m128)__builtin_ia32_cmpordps((__v4sf)__a, (__v4sf)__b);
/// \brief Compares two 32-bit float values in the low-order bits of both
/// operands to determine if the value in the first operand is unordered
/// with respect to the corresponding value in the second operand and
/// returns the result of the comparison in the low-order bits of a vector
/// of [4 x float].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCMPUNORDSS / CMPUNORDSS </c>
/// instructions.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing one of the operands. The lower
/// 32 bits of this operand are used in the comparison.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing one of the operands. The lower
/// 32 bits of this operand are used in the comparison.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the comparison results
/// in the low-order bits.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cmpunord_ss(__m128 __a, __m128 __b)
return (__m128)__builtin_ia32_cmpunordss((__v4sf)__a, (__v4sf)__b);
/// \brief Compares each of the corresponding 32-bit float values of the
/// 128-bit vectors of [4 x float] to determine if the values in the first
/// operand are unordered with respect to those in the second operand.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCMPUNORDPS / CMPUNORDPS </c>
/// instructions.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float].
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float].
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the comparison results.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cmpunord_ps(__m128 __a, __m128 __b)
return (__m128)__builtin_ia32_cmpunordps((__v4sf)__a, (__v4sf)__b);
/// \brief Compares two 32-bit float values in the low-order bits of both
/// operands for equality and returns the result of the comparison.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCOMISS / COMISS </c>
/// instructions.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float]. The lower 32 bits of this operand are
/// used in the comparison.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float]. The lower 32 bits of this operand are
/// used in the comparison.
/// \returns An integer containing the comparison results.
static __inline__ int __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_comieq_ss(__m128 __a, __m128 __b)
return __builtin_ia32_comieq((__v4sf)__a, (__v4sf)__b);
/// \brief Compares two 32-bit float values in the low-order bits of both
/// operands to determine if the first operand is less than the second
/// operand and returns the result of the comparison.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCOMISS / COMISS </c>
/// instructions.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float]. The lower 32 bits of this operand are
/// used in the comparison.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float]. The lower 32 bits of this operand are
/// used in the comparison.
/// \returns An integer containing the comparison results.
static __inline__ int __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_comilt_ss(__m128 __a, __m128 __b)
return __builtin_ia32_comilt((__v4sf)__a, (__v4sf)__b);
/// \brief Compares two 32-bit float values in the low-order bits of both
/// operands to determine if the first operand is less than or equal to the
/// second operand and returns the result of the comparison.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCOMISS / COMISS </c> instructions.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float]. The lower 32 bits of this operand are
/// used in the comparison.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float]. The lower 32 bits of this operand are
/// used in the comparison.
/// \returns An integer containing the comparison results.
static __inline__ int __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_comile_ss(__m128 __a, __m128 __b)
return __builtin_ia32_comile((__v4sf)__a, (__v4sf)__b);
/// \brief Compares two 32-bit float values in the low-order bits of both
/// operands to determine if the first operand is greater than the second
/// operand and returns the result of the comparison.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCOMISS / COMISS </c> instructions.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float]. The lower 32 bits of this operand are
/// used in the comparison.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float]. The lower 32 bits of this operand are
/// used in the comparison.
/// \returns An integer containing the comparison results.
static __inline__ int __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_comigt_ss(__m128 __a, __m128 __b)
return __builtin_ia32_comigt((__v4sf)__a, (__v4sf)__b);
/// \brief Compares two 32-bit float values in the low-order bits of both
/// operands to determine if the first operand is greater than or equal to
/// the second operand and returns the result of the comparison.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCOMISS / COMISS </c> instructions.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float]. The lower 32 bits of this operand are
/// used in the comparison.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float]. The lower 32 bits of this operand are
/// used in the comparison.
/// \returns An integer containing the comparison results.
static __inline__ int __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_comige_ss(__m128 __a, __m128 __b)
return __builtin_ia32_comige((__v4sf)__a, (__v4sf)__b);
/// \brief Compares two 32-bit float values in the low-order bits of both
/// operands to determine if the first operand is not equal to the second
/// operand and returns the result of the comparison.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCOMISS / COMISS </c> instructions.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float]. The lower 32 bits of this operand are
/// used in the comparison.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float]. The lower 32 bits of this operand are
/// used in the comparison.
/// \returns An integer containing the comparison results.
static __inline__ int __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_comineq_ss(__m128 __a, __m128 __b)
return __builtin_ia32_comineq((__v4sf)__a, (__v4sf)__b);
/// \brief Performs an unordered comparison of two 32-bit float values using
/// the low-order bits of both operands to determine equality and returns
/// the result of the comparison.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VUCOMISS / UCOMISS </c> instructions.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float]. The lower 32 bits of this operand are
/// used in the comparison.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float]. The lower 32 bits of this operand are
/// used in the comparison.
/// \returns An integer containing the comparison results.
static __inline__ int __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_ucomieq_ss(__m128 __a, __m128 __b)
return __builtin_ia32_ucomieq((__v4sf)__a, (__v4sf)__b);
/// \brief Performs an unordered comparison of two 32-bit float values using
/// the low-order bits of both operands to determine if the first operand is
/// less than the second operand and returns the result of the comparison.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VUCOMISS / UCOMISS </c> instructions.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float]. The lower 32 bits of this operand are
/// used in the comparison.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float]. The lower 32 bits of this operand are
/// used in the comparison.
/// \returns An integer containing the comparison results.
static __inline__ int __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_ucomilt_ss(__m128 __a, __m128 __b)
return __builtin_ia32_ucomilt((__v4sf)__a, (__v4sf)__b);
/// \brief Performs an unordered comparison of two 32-bit float values using
/// the low-order bits of both operands to determine if the first operand is
/// less than or equal to the second operand and returns the result of the
/// comparison.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VUCOMISS / UCOMISS </c> instructions.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float]. The lower 32 bits of this operand are
/// used in the comparison.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float]. The lower 32 bits of this operand are
/// used in the comparison.
/// \returns An integer containing the comparison results.
static __inline__ int __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_ucomile_ss(__m128 __a, __m128 __b)
return __builtin_ia32_ucomile((__v4sf)__a, (__v4sf)__b);
/// \brief Performs an unordered comparison of two 32-bit float values using
/// the low-order bits of both operands to determine if the first operand is
/// greater than the second operand and returns the result of the
/// comparison.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VUCOMISS / UCOMISS </c> instructions.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float]. The lower 32 bits of this operand are
/// used in the comparison.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float]. The lower 32 bits of this operand are
/// used in the comparison.
/// \returns An integer containing the comparison results.
static __inline__ int __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_ucomigt_ss(__m128 __a, __m128 __b)
return __builtin_ia32_ucomigt((__v4sf)__a, (__v4sf)__b);
/// \brief Performs an unordered comparison of two 32-bit float values using
/// the low-order bits of both operands to determine if the first operand is
/// greater than or equal to the second operand and returns the result of
/// the comparison.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VUCOMISS / UCOMISS </c> instructions.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float]. The lower 32 bits of this operand are
/// used in the comparison.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float]. The lower 32 bits of this operand are
/// used in the comparison.
/// \returns An integer containing the comparison results.
static __inline__ int __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_ucomige_ss(__m128 __a, __m128 __b)
return __builtin_ia32_ucomige((__v4sf)__a, (__v4sf)__b);
/// \brief Performs an unordered comparison of two 32-bit float values using
/// the low-order bits of both operands to determine inequality and returns
/// the result of the comparison.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VUCOMISS / UCOMISS </c> instructions.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float]. The lower 32 bits of this operand are
/// used in the comparison.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float]. The lower 32 bits of this operand are
/// used in the comparison.
/// \returns An integer containing the comparison results.
static __inline__ int __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_ucomineq_ss(__m128 __a, __m128 __b)
return __builtin_ia32_ucomineq((__v4sf)__a, (__v4sf)__b);
/// \brief Converts a float value contained in the lower 32 bits of a vector of
/// [4 x float] into a 32-bit integer.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCVTSS2SI / CVTSS2SI </c>
/// instructions.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float]. The lower 32 bits of this operand are
/// used in the conversion.
/// \returns A 32-bit integer containing the converted value.
static __inline__ int __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cvtss_si32(__m128 __a)
return __builtin_ia32_cvtss2si((__v4sf)__a);
/// \brief Converts a float value contained in the lower 32 bits of a vector of
/// [4 x float] into a 32-bit integer.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCVTSS2SI / CVTSS2SI </c>
/// instructions.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float]. The lower 32 bits of this operand are
/// used in the conversion.
/// \returns A 32-bit integer containing the converted value.
static __inline__ int __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cvt_ss2si(__m128 __a)
return _mm_cvtss_si32(__a);
#ifdef __x86_64__
/// \brief Converts a float value contained in the lower 32 bits of a vector of
/// [4 x float] into a 64-bit integer.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCVTSS2SI / CVTSS2SI </c>
/// instructions.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float]. The lower 32 bits of this operand are
/// used in the conversion.
/// \returns A 64-bit integer containing the converted value.
static __inline__ long long __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cvtss_si64(__m128 __a)
return __builtin_ia32_cvtss2si64((__v4sf)__a);
# 1324 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/xmmintrin.h" 3
/// \brief Converts two low-order float values in a 128-bit vector of
/// [4 x float] into a 64-bit vector of [2 x i32].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> CVTPS2PI </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float].
/// \returns A 64-bit integer vector containing the converted values.
static __inline__ __m64 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cvtps_pi32(__m128 __a)
return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_cvtps2pi((__v4sf)__a);
/// \brief Converts two low-order float values in a 128-bit vector of
/// [4 x float] into a 64-bit vector of [2 x i32].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> CVTPS2PI </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float].
/// \returns A 64-bit integer vector containing the converted values.
static __inline__ __m64 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cvt_ps2pi(__m128 __a)
return _mm_cvtps_pi32(__a);
/// \brief Converts a float value contained in the lower 32 bits of a vector of
/// [4 x float] into a 32-bit integer, truncating the result when it is
/// inexact.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCVTTSS2SI / CVTTSS2SI </c>
/// instructions.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float]. The lower 32 bits of this operand are
/// used in the conversion.
/// \returns A 32-bit integer containing the converted value.
static __inline__ int __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cvttss_si32(__m128 __a)
return __builtin_ia32_cvttss2si((__v4sf)__a);
/// \brief Converts a float value contained in the lower 32 bits of a vector of
/// [4 x float] into a 32-bit integer, truncating the result when it is
/// inexact.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCVTTSS2SI / CVTTSS2SI </c>
/// instructions.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float]. The lower 32 bits of this operand are
/// used in the conversion.
/// \returns A 32-bit integer containing the converted value.
static __inline__ int __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cvtt_ss2si(__m128 __a)
return _mm_cvttss_si32(__a);
#ifdef __x86_64__
/// \brief Converts a float value contained in the lower 32 bits of a vector of
/// [4 x float] into a 64-bit integer, truncating the result when it is
/// inexact.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCVTTSS2SI / CVTTSS2SI </c>
/// instructions.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float]. The lower 32 bits of this operand are
/// used in the conversion.
/// \returns A 64-bit integer containing the converted value.
static __inline__ long long __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cvttss_si64(__m128 __a)
return __builtin_ia32_cvttss2si64((__v4sf)__a);
# 1415 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/xmmintrin.h" 3
/// \brief Converts two low-order float values in a 128-bit vector of
/// [4 x float] into a 64-bit vector of [2 x i32], truncating the result
/// when it is inexact.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> CVTTPS2PI / VTTPS2PI </c>
/// instructions.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float].
/// \returns A 64-bit integer vector containing the converted values.
static __inline__ __m64 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cvttps_pi32(__m128 __a)
return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_cvttps2pi((__v4sf)__a);
/// \brief Converts two low-order float values in a 128-bit vector of [4 x
/// float] into a 64-bit vector of [2 x i32], truncating the result when it
/// is inexact.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> CVTTPS2PI </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float].
/// \returns A 64-bit integer vector containing the converted values.
static __inline__ __m64 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cvtt_ps2pi(__m128 __a)
return _mm_cvttps_pi32(__a);
/// \brief Converts a 32-bit signed integer value into a floating point value
/// and writes it to the lower 32 bits of the destination. The remaining
/// higher order elements of the destination vector are copied from the
/// corresponding elements in the first operand.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCVTSI2SS / CVTSI2SS </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float].
/// \param __b
/// A 32-bit signed integer operand containing the value to be converted.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] whose lower 32 bits contain the
/// converted value of the second operand. The upper 96 bits are copied from
/// the upper 96 bits of the first operand.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cvtsi32_ss(__m128 __a, int __b)
__a[0] = __b;
return __a;
/// \brief Converts a 32-bit signed integer value into a floating point value
/// and writes it to the lower 32 bits of the destination. The remaining
/// higher order elements of the destination are copied from the
/// corresponding elements in the first operand.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCVTSI2SS / CVTSI2SS </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float].
/// \param __b
/// A 32-bit signed integer operand containing the value to be converted.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] whose lower 32 bits contain the
/// converted value of the second operand. The upper 96 bits are copied from
/// the upper 96 bits of the first operand.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cvt_si2ss(__m128 __a, int __b)
return _mm_cvtsi32_ss(__a, __b);
#ifdef __x86_64__
/// \brief Converts a 64-bit signed integer value into a floating point value
/// and writes it to the lower 32 bits of the destination. The remaining
/// higher order elements of the destination are copied from the
/// corresponding elements in the first operand.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCVTSI2SS / CVTSI2SS </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float].
/// \param __b
/// A 64-bit signed integer operand containing the value to be converted.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] whose lower 32 bits contain the
/// converted value of the second operand. The upper 96 bits are copied from
/// the upper 96 bits of the first operand.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cvtsi64_ss(__m128 __a, long long __b)
__a[0] = __b;
return __a;
# 1522 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/xmmintrin.h" 3
/// \brief Converts two elements of a 64-bit vector of [2 x i32] into two
/// floating point values and writes them to the lower 64-bits of the
/// destination. The remaining higher order elements of the destination are
/// copied from the corresponding elements in the first operand.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> CVTPI2PS </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float].
/// \param __b
/// A 64-bit vector of [2 x i32]. The elements in this vector are converted
/// and written to the corresponding low-order elements in the destination.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] whose lower 64 bits contain the
/// converted value of the second operand. The upper 64 bits are copied from
/// the upper 64 bits of the first operand.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cvtpi32_ps(__m128 __a, __m64 __b)
return __builtin_ia32_cvtpi2ps((__v4sf)__a, (__v2si)__b);
/// \brief Converts two elements of a 64-bit vector of [2 x i32] into two
/// floating point values and writes them to the lower 64-bits of the
/// destination. The remaining higher order elements of the destination are
/// copied from the corresponding elements in the first operand.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> CVTPI2PS </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float].
/// \param __b
/// A 64-bit vector of [2 x i32]. The elements in this vector are converted
/// and written to the corresponding low-order elements in the destination.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] whose lower 64 bits contain the
/// converted value from the second operand. The upper 64 bits are copied
/// from the upper 64 bits of the first operand.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cvt_pi2ps(__m128 __a, __m64 __b)
return _mm_cvtpi32_ps(__a, __b);
/// \brief Extracts a float value contained in the lower 32 bits of a vector of
/// [4 x float].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VMOVSS / MOVSS </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float]. The lower 32 bits of this operand are
/// used in the extraction.
/// \returns A 32-bit float containing the extracted value.
static __inline__ float __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cvtss_f32(__m128 __a)
return __a[0];
/// \brief Loads two packed float values from the address \a __p into the
/// high-order bits of a 128-bit vector of [4 x float]. The low-order bits
/// are copied from the low-order bits of the first operand.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VMOVHPD / MOVHPD </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float]. Bits [63:0] are written to bits [63:0]
/// of the destination.
/// \param __p
/// A pointer to two packed float values. Bits [63:0] are written to bits
/// [127:64] of the destination.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the moved values.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_loadh_pi(__m128 __a, const __m64 *__p)
typedef float __mm_loadh_pi_v2f32 __attribute__((__vector_size__(8)));
struct __mm_loadh_pi_struct {
__mm_loadh_pi_v2f32 __u;
} __attribute__((__packed__, __may_alias__));
__mm_loadh_pi_v2f32 __b = ((struct __mm_loadh_pi_struct*)__p)->__u;
__m128 __bb = __builtin_shufflevector(__b, __b, 0, 1, 0, 1);
return __builtin_shufflevector(__a, __bb, 0, 1, 4, 5);
/// \brief Loads two packed float values from the address \a __p into the
/// low-order bits of a 128-bit vector of [4 x float]. The high-order bits
/// are copied from the high-order bits of the first operand.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VMOVLPD / MOVLPD </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float]. Bits [127:64] are written to bits
/// [127:64] of the destination.
/// \param __p
/// A pointer to two packed float values. Bits [63:0] are written to bits
/// [63:0] of the destination.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the moved values.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_loadl_pi(__m128 __a, const __m64 *__p)
typedef float __mm_loadl_pi_v2f32 __attribute__((__vector_size__(8)));
struct __mm_loadl_pi_struct {
__mm_loadl_pi_v2f32 __u;
} __attribute__((__packed__, __may_alias__));
__mm_loadl_pi_v2f32 __b = ((struct __mm_loadl_pi_struct*)__p)->__u;
__m128 __bb = __builtin_shufflevector(__b, __b, 0, 1, 0, 1);
return __builtin_shufflevector(__a, __bb, 4, 5, 2, 3);
/// \brief Constructs a 128-bit floating-point vector of [4 x float]. The lower
/// 32 bits of the vector are initialized with the single-precision
/// floating-point value loaded from a specified memory location. The upper
/// 96 bits are set to zero.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VMOVSS / MOVSS </c> instruction.
/// \param __p
/// A pointer to a 32-bit memory location containing a single-precision
/// floating-point value.
/// \returns An initialized 128-bit floating-point vector of [4 x float]. The
/// lower 32 bits contain the value loaded from the memory location. The
/// upper 96 bits are set to zero.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_load_ss(const float *__p)
struct __mm_load_ss_struct {
float __u;
} __attribute__((__packed__, __may_alias__));
float __u = ((struct __mm_load_ss_struct*)__p)->__u;
return (__m128){ __u, 0, 0, 0 };
/// \brief Loads a 32-bit float value and duplicates it to all four vector
/// elements of a 128-bit vector of [4 x float].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VMOVSS / MOVSS + shuffling </c>
/// instruction.
/// \param __p
/// A pointer to a float value to be loaded and duplicated.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the loaded and
/// duplicated values.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_load1_ps(const float *__p)
struct __mm_load1_ps_struct {
float __u;
} __attribute__((__packed__, __may_alias__));
float __u = ((struct __mm_load1_ps_struct*)__p)->__u;
return (__m128){ __u, __u, __u, __u };
#define _mm_load_ps1(p) _mm_load1_ps(p)
/// \brief Loads a 128-bit floating-point vector of [4 x float] from an aligned
/// memory location.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VMOVAPS / MOVAPS </c> instruction.
/// \param __p
/// A pointer to a 128-bit memory location. The address of the memory
/// location has to be 128-bit aligned.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the loaded valus.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_load_ps(const float *__p)
return *(__m128*)__p;
/// \brief Loads a 128-bit floating-point vector of [4 x float] from an
/// unaligned memory location.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VMOVUPS / MOVUPS </c> instruction.
/// \param __p
/// A pointer to a 128-bit memory location. The address of the memory
/// location does not have to be aligned.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the loaded values.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_loadu_ps(const float *__p)
struct __loadu_ps {
__m128 __v;
} __attribute__((__packed__, __may_alias__));
return ((struct __loadu_ps*)__p)->__v;
/// \brief Loads four packed float values, in reverse order, from an aligned
/// memory location to 32-bit elements in a 128-bit vector of [4 x float].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VMOVAPS / MOVAPS + shuffling </c>
/// instruction.
/// \param __p
/// A pointer to a 128-bit memory location. The address of the memory
/// location has to be 128-bit aligned.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the moved values, loaded
/// in reverse order.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_loadr_ps(const float *__p)
__m128 __a = _mm_load_ps(__p);
return __builtin_shufflevector((__v4sf)__a, (__v4sf)__a, 3, 2, 1, 0);
/// \brief Create a 128-bit vector of [4 x float] with undefined values.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic has no corresponding instruction.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing undefined values.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
return (__m128)__builtin_ia32_undef128();
/// \brief Constructs a 128-bit floating-point vector of [4 x float]. The lower
/// 32 bits of the vector are initialized with the specified single-precision
/// floating-point value. The upper 96 bits are set to zero.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VMOVSS / MOVSS </c> instruction.
/// \param __w
/// A single-precision floating-point value used to initialize the lower 32
/// bits of the result.
/// \returns An initialized 128-bit floating-point vector of [4 x float]. The
/// lower 32 bits contain the value provided in the source operand. The
/// upper 96 bits are set to zero.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_set_ss(float __w)
return (__m128){ __w, 0, 0, 0 };
/// \brief Constructs a 128-bit floating-point vector of [4 x float], with each
/// of the four single-precision floating-point vector elements set to the
/// specified single-precision floating-point value.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPERMILPS / PERMILPS </c> instruction.
/// \param __w
/// A single-precision floating-point value used to initialize each vector
/// element of the result.
/// \returns An initialized 128-bit floating-point vector of [4 x float].
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_set1_ps(float __w)
return (__m128){ __w, __w, __w, __w };
/* Microsoft specific. */
/// \brief Constructs a 128-bit floating-point vector of [4 x float], with each
/// of the four single-precision floating-point vector elements set to the
/// specified single-precision floating-point value.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPERMILPS / PERMILPS </c> instruction.
/// \param __w
/// A single-precision floating-point value used to initialize each vector
/// element of the result.
/// \returns An initialized 128-bit floating-point vector of [4 x float].
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_set_ps1(float __w)
return _mm_set1_ps(__w);
/// \brief Constructs a 128-bit floating-point vector of [4 x float]
/// initialized with the specified single-precision floating-point values.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic is a utility function and does not correspond to a specific
/// instruction.
/// \param __z
/// A single-precision floating-point value used to initialize bits [127:96]
/// of the result.
/// \param __y
/// A single-precision floating-point value used to initialize bits [95:64]
/// of the result.
/// \param __x
/// A single-precision floating-point value used to initialize bits [63:32]
/// of the result.
/// \param __w
/// A single-precision floating-point value used to initialize bits [31:0]
/// of the result.
/// \returns An initialized 128-bit floating-point vector of [4 x float].
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_set_ps(float __z, float __y, float __x, float __w)
return (__m128){ __w, __x, __y, __z };
/// \brief Constructs a 128-bit floating-point vector of [4 x float],
/// initialized in reverse order with the specified 32-bit single-precision
/// float-point values.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic is a utility function and does not correspond to a specific
/// instruction.
/// \param __z
/// A single-precision floating-point value used to initialize bits [31:0]
/// of the result.
/// \param __y
/// A single-precision floating-point value used to initialize bits [63:32]
/// of the result.
/// \param __x
/// A single-precision floating-point value used to initialize bits [95:64]
/// of the result.
/// \param __w
/// A single-precision floating-point value used to initialize bits [127:96]
/// of the result.
/// \returns An initialized 128-bit floating-point vector of [4 x float].
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_setr_ps(float __z, float __y, float __x, float __w)
return (__m128){ __z, __y, __x, __w };
/// \brief Constructs a 128-bit floating-point vector of [4 x float] initialized
/// to zero.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VXORPS / XORPS </c> instruction.
/// \returns An initialized 128-bit floating-point vector of [4 x float] with
/// all elements set to zero.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
return (__m128){ 0, 0, 0, 0 };
/// \brief Stores the upper 64 bits of a 128-bit vector of [4 x float] to a
/// memory location.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPEXTRQ / MOVQ </c> instruction.
/// \param __p
/// A pointer to a 64-bit memory location.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the values to be stored.
static __inline__ void __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_storeh_pi(__m64 *__p, __m128 __a)
__builtin_ia32_storehps((__v2si *)__p, (__v4sf)__a);
/// \brief Stores the lower 64 bits of a 128-bit vector of [4 x float] to a
/// memory location.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VMOVLPS / MOVLPS </c> instruction.
/// \param __p
/// A pointer to a memory location that will receive the float values.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the values to be stored.
static __inline__ void __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_storel_pi(__m64 *__p, __m128 __a)
__builtin_ia32_storelps((__v2si *)__p, (__v4sf)__a);
/// \brief Stores the lower 32 bits of a 128-bit vector of [4 x float] to a
/// memory location.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VMOVSS / MOVSS </c> instruction.
/// \param __p
/// A pointer to a 32-bit memory location.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the value to be stored.
static __inline__ void __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_store_ss(float *__p, __m128 __a)
struct __mm_store_ss_struct {
float __u;
} __attribute__((__packed__, __may_alias__));
((struct __mm_store_ss_struct*)__p)->__u = __a[0];
/// \brief Stores a 128-bit vector of [4 x float] to an unaligned memory
/// location.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VMOVUPS / MOVUPS </c> instruction.
/// \param __p
/// A pointer to a 128-bit memory location. The address of the memory
/// location does not have to be aligned.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the values to be stored.
static __inline__ void __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_storeu_ps(float *__p, __m128 __a)
struct __storeu_ps {
__m128 __v;
} __attribute__((__packed__, __may_alias__));
((struct __storeu_ps*)__p)->__v = __a;
/// \brief Stores a 128-bit vector of [4 x float] into an aligned memory
/// location.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VMOVAPS / MOVAPS </c> instruction.
/// \param __p
/// A pointer to a 128-bit memory location. The address of the memory
/// location has to be 16-byte aligned.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the values to be stored.
static __inline__ void __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_store_ps(float *__p, __m128 __a)
*(__m128*)__p = __a;
/// \brief Stores the lower 32 bits of a 128-bit vector of [4 x float] into
/// four contiguous elements in an aligned memory location.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to <c> VMOVAPS / MOVAPS + shuffling </c>
/// instruction.
/// \param __p
/// A pointer to a 128-bit memory location.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] whose lower 32 bits are stored to each
/// of the four contiguous elements pointed by \a __p.
static __inline__ void __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_store1_ps(float *__p, __m128 __a)
__a = __builtin_shufflevector((__v4sf)__a, (__v4sf)__a, 0, 0, 0, 0);
_mm_store_ps(__p, __a);
/// \brief Stores the lower 32 bits of a 128-bit vector of [4 x float] into
/// four contiguous elements in an aligned memory location.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to <c> VMOVAPS / MOVAPS + shuffling </c>
/// instruction.
/// \param __p
/// A pointer to a 128-bit memory location.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] whose lower 32 bits are stored to each
/// of the four contiguous elements pointed by \a __p.
static __inline__ void __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_store_ps1(float *__p, __m128 __a)
return _mm_store1_ps(__p, __a);
/// \brief Stores float values from a 128-bit vector of [4 x float] to an
/// aligned memory location in reverse order.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VMOVAPS / MOVAPS + shuffling </c>
/// instruction.
/// \param __p
/// A pointer to a 128-bit memory location. The address of the memory
/// location has to be 128-bit aligned.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the values to be stored.
static __inline__ void __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_storer_ps(float *__p, __m128 __a)
__a = __builtin_shufflevector((__v4sf)__a, (__v4sf)__a, 3, 2, 1, 0);
_mm_store_ps(__p, __a);
#define _MM_HINT_T0 3
#define _MM_HINT_T1 2
#define _MM_HINT_T2 1
#define _MM_HINT_NTA 0
#ifndef _MSC_VER
/* FIXME: We have to #define this because "sel" must be a constant integer, and
Sema doesn't do any form of constant propagation yet. */
/// \brief Loads one cache line of data from the specified address to a location
/// closer to the processor.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// \code
/// void _mm_prefetch(const void * a, const int sel);
/// \endcode
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> PREFETCHNTA </c> instruction.
/// \param a
/// A pointer to a memory location containing a cache line of data.
/// \param sel
/// A predefined integer constant specifying the type of prefetch
/// operation: \n
/// _MM_HINT_NTA: Move data using the non-temporal access (NTA) hint. The
/// PREFETCHNTA instruction will be generated. \n
/// _MM_HINT_T0: Move data using the T0 hint. The PREFETCHT0 instruction will
/// be generated. \n
/// _MM_HINT_T1: Move data using the T1 hint. The PREFETCHT1 instruction will
/// be generated. \n
/// _MM_HINT_T2: Move data using the T2 hint. The PREFETCHT2 instruction will
/// be generated.
#define _mm_prefetch(a, sel) (__builtin_prefetch((void *)(a), 0, (sel)))
# 2073 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/xmmintrin.h" 3
/// \brief Stores a 64-bit integer in the specified aligned memory location. To
/// minimize caching, the data is flagged as non-temporal (unlikely to be
/// used again soon).
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> MOVNTQ </c> instruction.
/// \param __p
/// A pointer to an aligned memory location used to store the register value.
/// \param __a
/// A 64-bit integer containing the value to be stored.
static __inline__ void __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_stream_pi(__m64 *__p, __m64 __a)
__builtin_ia32_movntq(__p, __a);
/// \brief Moves packed float values from a 128-bit vector of [4 x float] to a
/// 128-bit aligned memory location. To minimize caching, the data is flagged
/// as non-temporal (unlikely to be used again soon).
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VMOVNTPS / MOVNTPS </c> instruction.
/// \param __p
/// A pointer to a 128-bit aligned memory location that will receive the
/// single-precision floating-point values.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the values to be moved.
static __inline__ void __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_stream_ps(float *__p, __m128 __a)
__builtin_nontemporal_store((__v4sf)__a, (__v4sf*)__p);
#if defined(__cplusplus)
extern "C" {
# 2114 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/xmmintrin.h" 3
/// \brief Forces strong memory ordering (serialization) between store
/// instructions preceding this instruction and store instructions following
/// this instruction, ensuring the system completes all previous stores
/// before executing subsequent stores.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> SFENCE </c> instruction.
void _mm_sfence(void);
#if defined(__cplusplus)
} // extern "C"
# 2129 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/xmmintrin.h" 3
/// \brief Extracts 16-bit element from a 64-bit vector of [4 x i16] and
/// returns it, as specified by the immediate integer operand.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// \code
/// int _mm_extract_pi16(__m64 a, int n);
/// \endcode
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPEXTRW / PEXTRW </c> instruction.
/// \param a
/// A 64-bit vector of [4 x i16].
/// \param n
/// An immediate integer operand that determines which bits are extracted: \n
/// 0: Bits [15:0] are copied to the destination. \n
/// 1: Bits [31:16] are copied to the destination. \n
/// 2: Bits [47:32] are copied to the destination. \n
/// 3: Bits [63:48] are copied to the destination.
/// \returns A 16-bit integer containing the extracted 16 bits of packed data.
#define _mm_extract_pi16(a, n) __extension__ ({ \
(int)__builtin_ia32_vec_ext_v4hi((__m64)a, (int)n); })
/// \brief Copies data from the 64-bit vector of [4 x i16] to the destination,
/// and inserts the lower 16-bits of an integer operand at the 16-bit offset
/// specified by the immediate operand \a n.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// \code
/// __m64 _mm_insert_pi16(__m64 a, int d, int n);
/// \endcode
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPINSRW / PINSRW </c> instruction.
/// \param a
/// A 64-bit vector of [4 x i16].
/// \param d
/// An integer. The lower 16-bit value from this operand is written to the
/// destination at the offset specified by operand \a n.
/// \param n
/// An immediate integer operant that determines which the bits to be used
/// in the destination. \n
/// 0: Bits [15:0] are copied to the destination. \n
/// 1: Bits [31:16] are copied to the destination. \n
/// 2: Bits [47:32] are copied to the destination. \n
/// 3: Bits [63:48] are copied to the destination. \n
/// The remaining bits in the destination are copied from the corresponding
/// bits in operand \a a.
/// \returns A 64-bit integer vector containing the copied packed data from the
/// operands.
#define _mm_insert_pi16(a, d, n) __extension__ ({ \
(__m64)__builtin_ia32_vec_set_v4hi((__m64)a, (int)d, (int)n); })
/// \brief Compares each of the corresponding packed 16-bit integer values of
/// the 64-bit integer vectors, and writes the greater value to the
/// corresponding bits in the destination.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> PMAXSW </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 64-bit integer vector containing one of the source operands.
/// \param __b
/// A 64-bit integer vector containing one of the source operands.
/// \returns A 64-bit integer vector containing the comparison results.
static __inline__ __m64 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_max_pi16(__m64 __a, __m64 __b)
return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_pmaxsw((__v4hi)__a, (__v4hi)__b);
/// \brief Compares each of the corresponding packed 8-bit unsigned integer
/// values of the 64-bit integer vectors, and writes the greater value to the
/// corresponding bits in the destination.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> PMAXUB </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 64-bit integer vector containing one of the source operands.
/// \param __b
/// A 64-bit integer vector containing one of the source operands.
/// \returns A 64-bit integer vector containing the comparison results.
static __inline__ __m64 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_max_pu8(__m64 __a, __m64 __b)
return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_pmaxub((__v8qi)__a, (__v8qi)__b);
/// \brief Compares each of the corresponding packed 16-bit integer values of
/// the 64-bit integer vectors, and writes the lesser value to the
/// corresponding bits in the destination.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> PMINSW </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 64-bit integer vector containing one of the source operands.
/// \param __b
/// A 64-bit integer vector containing one of the source operands.
/// \returns A 64-bit integer vector containing the comparison results.
static __inline__ __m64 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_min_pi16(__m64 __a, __m64 __b)
return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_pminsw((__v4hi)__a, (__v4hi)__b);
/// \brief Compares each of the corresponding packed 8-bit unsigned integer
/// values of the 64-bit integer vectors, and writes the lesser value to the
/// corresponding bits in the destination.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> PMINUB </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 64-bit integer vector containing one of the source operands.
/// \param __b
/// A 64-bit integer vector containing one of the source operands.
/// \returns A 64-bit integer vector containing the comparison results.
static __inline__ __m64 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_min_pu8(__m64 __a, __m64 __b)
return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_pminub((__v8qi)__a, (__v8qi)__b);
/// \brief Takes the most significant bit from each 8-bit element in a 64-bit
/// integer vector to create a 16-bit mask value. Zero-extends the value to
/// 32-bit integer and writes it to the destination.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> PMOVMSKB </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 64-bit integer vector containing the values with bits to be extracted.
/// \returns The most significant bit from each 8-bit element in the operand,
/// written to bits [15:0].
static __inline__ int __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_movemask_pi8(__m64 __a)
return __builtin_ia32_pmovmskb((__v8qi)__a);
/// \brief Multiplies packed 16-bit unsigned integer values and writes the
/// high-order 16 bits of each 32-bit product to the corresponding bits in
/// the destination.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> PMULHUW </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 64-bit integer vector containing one of the source operands.
/// \param __b
/// A 64-bit integer vector containing one of the source operands.
/// \returns A 64-bit integer vector containing the products of both operands.
static __inline__ __m64 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_mulhi_pu16(__m64 __a, __m64 __b)
return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_pmulhuw((__v4hi)__a, (__v4hi)__b);
/// \brief Shuffles the 4 16-bit integers from a 64-bit integer vector to the
/// destination, as specified by the immediate value operand.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// \code
/// __m64 _mm_shuffle_pi16(__m64 a, const int n);
/// \endcode
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> PSHUFW </c> instruction.
/// \param a
/// A 64-bit integer vector containing the values to be shuffled.
/// \param n
/// An immediate value containing an 8-bit value specifying which elements to
/// copy from \a a. The destinations within the 64-bit destination are
/// assigned values as follows: \n
/// Bits [1:0] are used to assign values to bits [15:0] in the
/// destination. \n
/// Bits [3:2] are used to assign values to bits [31:16] in the
/// destination. \n
/// Bits [5:4] are used to assign values to bits [47:32] in the
/// destination. \n
/// Bits [7:6] are used to assign values to bits [63:48] in the
/// destination. \n
/// Bit value assignments: \n
/// 00: assigned from bits [15:0] of \a a. \n
/// 01: assigned from bits [31:16] of \a a. \n
/// 10: assigned from bits [47:32] of \a a. \n
/// 11: assigned from bits [63:48] of \a a.
/// \returns A 64-bit integer vector containing the shuffled values.
#define _mm_shuffle_pi16(a, n) __extension__ ({ \
(__m64)__builtin_ia32_pshufw((__v4hi)(__m64)(a), (n)); })
/// \brief Conditionally copies the values from each 8-bit element in the first
/// 64-bit integer vector operand to the specified memory location, as
/// specified by the most significant bit in the corresponding element in the
/// second 64-bit integer vector operand.
/// To minimize caching, the data is flagged as non-temporal
/// (unlikely to be used again soon).
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> MASKMOVQ </c> instruction.
/// \param __d
/// A 64-bit integer vector containing the values with elements to be copied.
/// \param __n
/// A 64-bit integer vector operand. The most significant bit from each 8-bit
/// element determines whether the corresponding element in operand \a __d
/// is copied. If the most significant bit of a given element is 1, the
/// corresponding element in operand \a __d is copied.
/// \param __p
/// A pointer to a 64-bit memory location that will receive the conditionally
/// copied integer values. The address of the memory location does not have
/// to be aligned.
static __inline__ void __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_maskmove_si64(__m64 __d, __m64 __n, char *__p)
__builtin_ia32_maskmovq((__v8qi)__d, (__v8qi)__n, __p);
/// \brief Computes the rounded averages of the packed unsigned 8-bit integer
/// values and writes the averages to the corresponding bits in the
/// destination.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> PAVGB </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 64-bit integer vector containing one of the source operands.
/// \param __b
/// A 64-bit integer vector containing one of the source operands.
/// \returns A 64-bit integer vector containing the averages of both operands.
static __inline__ __m64 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_avg_pu8(__m64 __a, __m64 __b)
return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_pavgb((__v8qi)__a, (__v8qi)__b);
/// \brief Computes the rounded averages of the packed unsigned 16-bit integer
/// values and writes the averages to the corresponding bits in the
/// destination.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> PAVGW </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 64-bit integer vector containing one of the source operands.
/// \param __b
/// A 64-bit integer vector containing one of the source operands.
/// \returns A 64-bit integer vector containing the averages of both operands.
static __inline__ __m64 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_avg_pu16(__m64 __a, __m64 __b)
return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_pavgw((__v4hi)__a, (__v4hi)__b);
/// \brief Subtracts the corresponding 8-bit unsigned integer values of the two
/// 64-bit vector operands and computes the absolute value for each of the
/// difference. Then sum of the 8 absolute differences is written to the
/// bits [15:0] of the destination; the remaining bits [63:16] are cleared.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> PSADBW </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 64-bit integer vector containing one of the source operands.
/// \param __b
/// A 64-bit integer vector containing one of the source operands.
/// \returns A 64-bit integer vector whose lower 16 bits contain the sums of the
/// sets of absolute differences between both operands. The upper bits are
/// cleared.
static __inline__ __m64 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_sad_pu8(__m64 __a, __m64 __b)
return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_psadbw((__v8qi)__a, (__v8qi)__b);
#if defined(__cplusplus)
extern "C" {
# 2423 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/xmmintrin.h" 3
/// \brief Returns the contents of the MXCSR register as a 32-bit unsigned
/// integer value.
/// There are several groups of macros associated with this
/// intrinsic, including:
/// <ul>
/// <li>
/// For checking exception states: _MM_EXCEPT_INVALID, _MM_EXCEPT_DIV_ZERO,
/// _MM_EXCEPT_INEXACT. There is a convenience wrapper
/// </li>
/// <li>
/// For checking exception masks: _MM_MASK_UNDERFLOW, _MM_MASK_OVERFLOW,
/// There is a convenience wrapper _MM_GET_EXCEPTION_MASK().
/// </li>
/// <li>
/// For checking rounding modes: _MM_ROUND_NEAREST, _MM_ROUND_DOWN,
/// _MM_ROUND_UP, _MM_ROUND_TOWARD_ZERO. There is a convenience wrapper
/// _MM_GET_ROUNDING_MODE(x) where x is one of these macros.
/// </li>
/// <li>
/// For checking flush-to-zero mode: _MM_FLUSH_ZERO_ON, _MM_FLUSH_ZERO_OFF.
/// There is a convenience wrapper _MM_GET_FLUSH_ZERO_MODE().
/// </li>
/// <li>
/// For checking denormals-are-zero mode: _MM_DENORMALS_ZERO_ON,
/// _MM_DENORMALS_ZERO_OFF. There is a convenience wrapper
/// </li>
/// </ul>
/// For example, the expression below checks if an overflow exception has
/// occurred:
/// ( _mm_getcsr() & _MM_EXCEPT_OVERFLOW )
/// The following example gets the current rounding mode:
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VSTMXCSR / STMXCSR </c> instruction.
/// \returns A 32-bit unsigned integer containing the contents of the MXCSR
/// register.
unsigned int _mm_getcsr(void);
/// \brief Sets the MXCSR register with the 32-bit unsigned integer value.
/// There are several groups of macros associated with this intrinsic,
/// including:
/// <ul>
/// <li>
/// For setting exception states: _MM_EXCEPT_INVALID, _MM_EXCEPT_DIV_ZERO,
/// _MM_EXCEPT_INEXACT. There is a convenience wrapper
/// _MM_SET_EXCEPTION_STATE(x) where x is one of these macros.
/// </li>
/// <li>
/// For setting exception masks: _MM_MASK_UNDERFLOW, _MM_MASK_OVERFLOW,
/// There is a convenience wrapper _MM_SET_EXCEPTION_MASK(x) where x is one
/// of these macros.
/// </li>
/// <li>
/// For setting rounding modes: _MM_ROUND_NEAREST, _MM_ROUND_DOWN,
/// _MM_ROUND_UP, _MM_ROUND_TOWARD_ZERO. There is a convenience wrapper
/// _MM_SET_ROUNDING_MODE(x) where x is one of these macros.
/// </li>
/// <li>
/// For setting flush-to-zero mode: _MM_FLUSH_ZERO_ON, _MM_FLUSH_ZERO_OFF.
/// There is a convenience wrapper _MM_SET_FLUSH_ZERO_MODE(x) where x is
/// one of these macros.
/// </li>
/// <li>
/// For setting denormals-are-zero mode: _MM_DENORMALS_ZERO_ON,
/// _MM_DENORMALS_ZERO_OFF. There is a convenience wrapper
/// _MM_SET_DENORMALS_ZERO_MODE(x) where x is one of these macros.
/// </li>
/// </ul>
/// For example, the following expression causes subsequent floating-point
/// operations to round up:
/// _mm_setcsr(_mm_getcsr() | _MM_ROUND_UP)
/// The following example sets the DAZ and FTZ flags:
/// void setFlags() {
/// }
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VLDMXCSR / LDMXCSR </c> instruction.
/// \param __i
/// A 32-bit unsigned integer value to be written to the MXCSR register.
void _mm_setcsr(unsigned int __i);
#if defined(__cplusplus)
} // extern "C"
# 2527 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/xmmintrin.h" 3
/// \brief Selects 4 float values from the 128-bit operands of [4 x float], as
/// specified by the immediate value operand.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// \code
/// __m128 _mm_shuffle_ps(__m128 a, __m128 b, const int mask);
/// \endcode
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VSHUFPS / SHUFPS </c> instruction.
/// \param a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float].
/// \param b
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float].
/// \param mask
/// An immediate value containing an 8-bit value specifying which elements to
/// copy from \a a and \a b. \n
/// Bits [3:0] specify the values copied from operand \a a. \n
/// Bits [7:4] specify the values copied from operand \a b. \n
/// The destinations within the 128-bit destination are assigned values as
/// follows: \n
/// Bits [1:0] are used to assign values to bits [31:0] in the
/// destination. \n
/// Bits [3:2] are used to assign values to bits [63:32] in the
/// destination. \n
/// Bits [5:4] are used to assign values to bits [95:64] in the
/// destination. \n
/// Bits [7:6] are used to assign values to bits [127:96] in the
/// destination. \n
/// Bit value assignments: \n
/// 00: Bits [31:0] copied from the specified operand. \n
/// 01: Bits [63:32] copied from the specified operand. \n
/// 10: Bits [95:64] copied from the specified operand. \n
/// 11: Bits [127:96] copied from the specified operand.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the shuffled values.
#define _mm_shuffle_ps(a, b, mask) __extension__ ({ \
(__m128)__builtin_shufflevector((__v4sf)(__m128)(a), (__v4sf)(__m128)(b), \
0 + (((mask) >> 0) & 0x3), \
0 + (((mask) >> 2) & 0x3), \
4 + (((mask) >> 4) & 0x3), \
4 + (((mask) >> 6) & 0x3)); })
/// \brief Unpacks the high-order (index 2,3) values from two 128-bit vectors of
/// [4 x float] and interleaves them into a 128-bit vector of [4 x float].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VUNPCKHPS / UNPCKHPS </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float]. \n
/// Bits [95:64] are written to bits [31:0] of the destination. \n
/// Bits [127:96] are written to bits [95:64] of the destination.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float].
/// Bits [95:64] are written to bits [63:32] of the destination. \n
/// Bits [127:96] are written to bits [127:96] of the destination.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the interleaved values.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_unpackhi_ps(__m128 __a, __m128 __b)
return __builtin_shufflevector((__v4sf)__a, (__v4sf)__b, 2, 6, 3, 7);
/// \brief Unpacks the low-order (index 0,1) values from two 128-bit vectors of
/// [4 x float] and interleaves them into a 128-bit vector of [4 x float].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VUNPCKLPS / UNPCKLPS </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float]. \n
/// Bits [31:0] are written to bits [31:0] of the destination. \n
/// Bits [63:32] are written to bits [95:64] of the destination.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float]. \n
/// Bits [31:0] are written to bits [63:32] of the destination. \n
/// Bits [63:32] are written to bits [127:96] of the destination.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the interleaved values.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_unpacklo_ps(__m128 __a, __m128 __b)
return __builtin_shufflevector((__v4sf)__a, (__v4sf)__b, 0, 4, 1, 5);
/// \brief Constructs a 128-bit floating-point vector of [4 x float]. The lower
/// 32 bits are set to the lower 32 bits of the second parameter. The upper
/// 96 bits are set to the upper 96 bits of the first parameter.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VMOVSS / MOVSS </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit floating-point vector of [4 x float]. The upper 96 bits are
/// written to the upper 96 bits of the result.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit floating-point vector of [4 x float]. The lower 32 bits are
/// written to the lower 32 bits of the result.
/// \returns A 128-bit floating-point vector of [4 x float].
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_move_ss(__m128 __a, __m128 __b)
return __builtin_shufflevector((__v4sf)__a, (__v4sf)__b, 4, 1, 2, 3);
/// \brief Constructs a 128-bit floating-point vector of [4 x float]. The lower
/// 64 bits are set to the upper 64 bits of the second parameter. The upper
/// 64 bits are set to the upper 64 bits of the first parameter.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VUNPCKHPD / UNPCKHPD </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit floating-point vector of [4 x float]. The upper 64 bits are
/// written to the upper 64 bits of the result.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit floating-point vector of [4 x float]. The upper 64 bits are
/// written to the lower 64 bits of the result.
/// \returns A 128-bit floating-point vector of [4 x float].
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_movehl_ps(__m128 __a, __m128 __b)
return __builtin_shufflevector((__v4sf)__a, (__v4sf)__b, 6, 7, 2, 3);
/// \brief Constructs a 128-bit floating-point vector of [4 x float]. The lower
/// 64 bits are set to the lower 64 bits of the first parameter. The upper
/// 64 bits are set to the lower 64 bits of the second parameter.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VUNPCKLPD / UNPCKLPD </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit floating-point vector of [4 x float]. The lower 64 bits are
/// written to the lower 64 bits of the result.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit floating-point vector of [4 x float]. The lower 64 bits are
/// written to the upper 64 bits of the result.
/// \returns A 128-bit floating-point vector of [4 x float].
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_movelh_ps(__m128 __a, __m128 __b)
return __builtin_shufflevector((__v4sf)__a, (__v4sf)__b, 0, 1, 4, 5);
/// \brief Converts a 64-bit vector of [4 x i16] into a 128-bit vector of [4 x
/// float].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> CVTPI2PS + COMPOSITE </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 64-bit vector of [4 x i16]. The elements of the destination are copied
/// from the corresponding elements in this operand.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the copied and converted
/// values from the operand.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cvtpi16_ps(__m64 __a)
__m64 __b, __c;
__m128 __r;
__b = _mm_setzero_si64();
__b = _mm_cmpgt_pi16(__b, __a);
__c = _mm_unpackhi_pi16(__a, __b);
__r = _mm_setzero_ps();
__r = _mm_cvtpi32_ps(__r, __c);
__r = _mm_movelh_ps(__r, __r);
__c = _mm_unpacklo_pi16(__a, __b);
__r = _mm_cvtpi32_ps(__r, __c);
return __r;
/// \brief Converts a 64-bit vector of 16-bit unsigned integer values into a
/// 128-bit vector of [4 x float].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> CVTPI2PS + COMPOSITE </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 64-bit vector of 16-bit unsigned integer values. The elements of the
/// destination are copied from the corresponding elements in this operand.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the copied and converted
/// values from the operand.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cvtpu16_ps(__m64 __a)
__m64 __b, __c;
__m128 __r;
__b = _mm_setzero_si64();
__c = _mm_unpackhi_pi16(__a, __b);
__r = _mm_setzero_ps();
__r = _mm_cvtpi32_ps(__r, __c);
__r = _mm_movelh_ps(__r, __r);
__c = _mm_unpacklo_pi16(__a, __b);
__r = _mm_cvtpi32_ps(__r, __c);
return __r;
/// \brief Converts the lower four 8-bit values from a 64-bit vector of [8 x i8]
/// into a 128-bit vector of [4 x float].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> CVTPI2PS + COMPOSITE </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 64-bit vector of [8 x i8]. The elements of the destination are copied
/// from the corresponding lower 4 elements in this operand.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the copied and converted
/// values from the operand.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cvtpi8_ps(__m64 __a)
__m64 __b;
__b = _mm_setzero_si64();
__b = _mm_cmpgt_pi8(__b, __a);
__b = _mm_unpacklo_pi8(__a, __b);
return _mm_cvtpi16_ps(__b);
/// \brief Converts the lower four unsigned 8-bit integer values from a 64-bit
/// vector of [8 x u8] into a 128-bit vector of [4 x float].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> CVTPI2PS + COMPOSITE </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 64-bit vector of unsigned 8-bit integer values. The elements of the
/// destination are copied from the corresponding lower 4 elements in this
/// operand.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the copied and converted
/// values from the source operand.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cvtpu8_ps(__m64 __a)
__m64 __b;
__b = _mm_setzero_si64();
__b = _mm_unpacklo_pi8(__a, __b);
return _mm_cvtpi16_ps(__b);
/// \brief Converts the two 32-bit signed integer values from each 64-bit vector
/// operand of [2 x i32] into a 128-bit vector of [4 x float].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> CVTPI2PS + COMPOSITE </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 64-bit vector of [2 x i32]. The lower elements of the destination are
/// copied from the elements in this operand.
/// \param __b
/// A 64-bit vector of [2 x i32]. The upper elements of the destination are
/// copied from the elements in this operand.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] whose lower 64 bits contain the
/// copied and converted values from the first operand. The upper 64 bits
/// contain the copied and converted values from the second operand.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cvtpi32x2_ps(__m64 __a, __m64 __b)
__m128 __c;
__c = _mm_setzero_ps();
__c = _mm_cvtpi32_ps(__c, __b);
__c = _mm_movelh_ps(__c, __c);
return _mm_cvtpi32_ps(__c, __a);
/// \brief Converts each single-precision floating-point element of a 128-bit
/// floating-point vector of [4 x float] into a 16-bit signed integer, and
/// packs the results into a 64-bit integer vector of [4 x i16].
/// If the floating-point element is NaN or infinity, or if the
/// floating-point element is greater than 0x7FFFFFFF or less than -0x8000,
/// it is converted to 0x8000. Otherwise if the floating-point element is
/// greater than 0x7FFF, it is converted to 0x7FFF.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> CVTPS2PI + COMPOSITE </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit floating-point vector of [4 x float].
/// \returns A 64-bit integer vector of [4 x i16] containing the converted
/// values.
static __inline__ __m64 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cvtps_pi16(__m128 __a)
__m64 __b, __c;
__b = _mm_cvtps_pi32(__a);
__a = _mm_movehl_ps(__a, __a);
__c = _mm_cvtps_pi32(__a);
return _mm_packs_pi32(__b, __c);
/// \brief Converts each single-precision floating-point element of a 128-bit
/// floating-point vector of [4 x float] into an 8-bit signed integer, and
/// packs the results into the lower 32 bits of a 64-bit integer vector of
/// [8 x i8]. The upper 32 bits of the vector are set to 0.
/// If the floating-point element is NaN or infinity, or if the
/// floating-point element is greater than 0x7FFFFFFF or less than -0x80, it
/// is converted to 0x80. Otherwise if the floating-point element is greater
/// than 0x7F, it is converted to 0x7F.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> CVTPS2PI + COMPOSITE </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// 128-bit floating-point vector of [4 x float].
/// \returns A 64-bit integer vector of [8 x i8]. The lower 32 bits contain the
/// converted values and the uppper 32 bits are set to zero.
static __inline__ __m64 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cvtps_pi8(__m128 __a)
__m64 __b, __c;
__b = _mm_cvtps_pi16(__a);
__c = _mm_setzero_si64();
return _mm_packs_pi16(__b, __c);
/// \brief Extracts the sign bits from each single-precision floating-point
/// element of a 128-bit floating-point vector of [4 x float] and returns the
/// sign bits in bits [0:3] of the result. Bits [31:4] of the result are set
/// to zero.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VMOVMSKPS / MOVMSKPS </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit floating-point vector of [4 x float].
/// \returns A 32-bit integer value. Bits [3:0] contain the sign bits from each
/// single-precision floating-point element of the parameter. Bits [31:4] are
/// set to zero.
static __inline__ int __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_movemask_ps(__m128 __a)
return __builtin_ia32_movmskps((__v4sf)__a);
#define _MM_ALIGN16 __attribute__((aligned(16)))
#define _MM_SHUFFLE(z, y, x, w) (((z) << 6) | ((y) << 4) | ((x) << 2) | (w))
#define _MM_EXCEPT_INVALID (0x0001)
#define _MM_EXCEPT_DENORM (0x0002)
#define _MM_EXCEPT_DIV_ZERO (0x0004)
#define _MM_EXCEPT_OVERFLOW (0x0008)
#define _MM_EXCEPT_UNDERFLOW (0x0010)
#define _MM_EXCEPT_INEXACT (0x0020)
#define _MM_EXCEPT_MASK (0x003f)
#define _MM_MASK_INVALID (0x0080)
#define _MM_MASK_DENORM (0x0100)
#define _MM_MASK_DIV_ZERO (0x0200)
#define _MM_MASK_OVERFLOW (0x0400)
#define _MM_MASK_UNDERFLOW (0x0800)
#define _MM_MASK_INEXACT (0x1000)
#define _MM_MASK_MASK (0x1f80)
#define _MM_ROUND_NEAREST (0x0000)
#define _MM_ROUND_DOWN (0x2000)
#define _MM_ROUND_UP (0x4000)
#define _MM_ROUND_TOWARD_ZERO (0x6000)
#define _MM_ROUND_MASK (0x6000)
#define _MM_FLUSH_ZERO_MASK (0x8000)
#define _MM_FLUSH_ZERO_ON (0x8000)
#define _MM_FLUSH_ZERO_OFF (0x0000)
#define _MM_GET_EXCEPTION_MASK() (_mm_getcsr() & _MM_MASK_MASK)
#define _MM_GET_EXCEPTION_STATE() (_mm_getcsr() & _MM_EXCEPT_MASK)
#define _MM_GET_FLUSH_ZERO_MODE() (_mm_getcsr() & _MM_FLUSH_ZERO_MASK)
#define _MM_GET_ROUNDING_MODE() (_mm_getcsr() & _MM_ROUND_MASK)
#define _MM_SET_EXCEPTION_MASK(x) (_mm_setcsr((_mm_getcsr() & ~_MM_MASK_MASK) | (x)))
#define _MM_SET_EXCEPTION_STATE(x) (_mm_setcsr((_mm_getcsr() & ~_MM_EXCEPT_MASK) | (x)))
#define _MM_SET_FLUSH_ZERO_MODE(x) (_mm_setcsr((_mm_getcsr() & ~_MM_FLUSH_ZERO_MASK) | (x)))
#define _MM_SET_ROUNDING_MODE(x) (_mm_setcsr((_mm_getcsr() & ~_MM_ROUND_MASK) | (x)))
#define _MM_TRANSPOSE4_PS(row0, row1, row2, row3) \
do { \
__m128 tmp3, tmp2, tmp1, tmp0; \
tmp0 = _mm_unpacklo_ps((row0), (row1)); \
tmp2 = _mm_unpacklo_ps((row2), (row3)); \
tmp1 = _mm_unpackhi_ps((row0), (row1)); \
tmp3 = _mm_unpackhi_ps((row2), (row3)); \
(row0) = _mm_movelh_ps(tmp0, tmp2); \
(row1) = _mm_movehl_ps(tmp2, tmp0); \
(row2) = _mm_movelh_ps(tmp1, tmp3); \
(row3) = _mm_movehl_ps(tmp3, tmp1); \
} while (0)
/* Aliases for compatibility. */
#define _m_pextrw _mm_extract_pi16
#define _m_pinsrw _mm_insert_pi16
#define _m_pmaxsw _mm_max_pi16
#define _m_pmaxub _mm_max_pu8
#define _m_pminsw _mm_min_pi16
#define _m_pminub _mm_min_pu8
#define _m_pmovmskb _mm_movemask_pi8
#define _m_pmulhuw _mm_mulhi_pu16
#define _m_pshufw _mm_shuffle_pi16
#define _m_maskmovq _mm_maskmove_si64
#define _m_pavgb _mm_avg_pu8
#define _m_pavgw _mm_avg_pu16
#define _m_psadbw _mm_sad_pu8
#define _m_ _mm_
#define _m_ _mm_
/* Ugly hack for backwards-compatibility (compatible with gcc) */
#if defined(__SSE2__) && !__building_module(_Builtin_intrinsics)
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <emmintrin.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 2966 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/xmmintrin.h" 3
# 2967 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/xmmintrin.h" 3
# 2968 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/xmmintrin.h" 3
#endif /* __XMMINTRIN_H */
# 2970 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/xmmintrin.h" 3
# 28 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/emmintrin.h" 2 3
typedef double __m128d __attribute__((__vector_size__(16)));
typedef long long __m128i __attribute__((__vector_size__(16)));
/* Type defines. */
typedef double __v2df __attribute__ ((__vector_size__ (16)));
typedef long long __v2di __attribute__ ((__vector_size__ (16)));
typedef short __v8hi __attribute__((__vector_size__(16)));
typedef char __v16qi __attribute__((__vector_size__(16)));
/* Unsigned types */
typedef unsigned long long __v2du __attribute__ ((__vector_size__ (16)));
typedef unsigned short __v8hu __attribute__((__vector_size__(16)));
typedef unsigned char __v16qu __attribute__((__vector_size__(16)));
/* We need an explicitly signed variant for char. Note that this shouldn't
* appear in the interface though. */
typedef signed char __v16qs __attribute__((__vector_size__(16)));
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <f16cintrin.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 47 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/emmintrin.h" 3
# 1 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/f16cintrin.h" 1 3
/*===---- f16cintrin.h - F16C intrinsics -----------------------------------===
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
* of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
* in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
* to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
* copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
* furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
* all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
#if !defined __X86INTRIN_H && !defined __EMMINTRIN_H && !defined __IMMINTRIN_H
#error "Never use <f16cintrin.h> directly; include <emmintrin.h> instead."
# 27 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/f16cintrin.h" 3
#ifndef __F16CINTRIN_H
#define __F16CINTRIN_H
/* Define the default attributes for the functions in this file. */
#define __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS \
__attribute__((__always_inline__, __nodebug__, __target__("f16c")))
/// \brief Converts a 16-bit half-precision float value into a 32-bit float
/// value.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCVTPH2PS </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 16-bit half-precision float value.
/// \returns The converted 32-bit float value.
static __inline float __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_cvtsh_ss(unsigned short __a)
__v8hi v = {(short)__a, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
__v4sf r = __builtin_ia32_vcvtph2ps(v);
return r[0];
/// \brief Converts a 32-bit single-precision float value to a 16-bit
/// half-precision float value.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// \code
/// unsigned short _cvtss_sh(float a, const int imm);
/// \endcode
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCVTPS2PH </c> instruction.
/// \param a
/// A 32-bit single-precision float value to be converted to a 16-bit
/// half-precision float value.
/// \param imm
/// An immediate value controlling rounding using bits [2:0]: \n
/// 000: Nearest \n
/// 001: Down \n
/// 010: Up \n
/// 011: Truncate \n
/// 1XX: Use MXCSR.RC for rounding
/// \returns The converted 16-bit half-precision float value.
#define _cvtss_sh(a, imm) __extension__ ({ \
(unsigned short)(((__v8hi)__builtin_ia32_vcvtps2ph((__v4sf){a, 0, 0, 0}, \
(imm)))[0]); })
/// \brief Converts a 128-bit vector containing 32-bit float values into a
/// 128-bit vector containing 16-bit half-precision float values.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// \code
/// __m128i _mm_cvtps_ph(__m128 a, const int imm);
/// \endcode
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCVTPS2PH </c> instruction.
/// \param a
/// A 128-bit vector containing 32-bit float values.
/// \param imm
/// An immediate value controlling rounding using bits [2:0]: \n
/// 000: Nearest \n
/// 001: Down \n
/// 010: Up \n
/// 011: Truncate \n
/// 1XX: Use MXCSR.RC for rounding
/// \returns A 128-bit vector containing converted 16-bit half-precision float
/// values. The lower 64 bits are used to store the converted 16-bit
/// half-precision floating-point values.
#define _mm_cvtps_ph(a, imm) __extension__ ({ \
(__m128i)__builtin_ia32_vcvtps2ph((__v4sf)(__m128)(a), (imm)); })
/// \brief Converts a 128-bit vector containing 16-bit half-precision float
/// values into a 128-bit vector containing 32-bit float values.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCVTPH2PS </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector containing 16-bit half-precision float values. The lower
/// 64 bits are used in the conversion.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing converted float values.
static __inline __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cvtph_ps(__m128i __a)
return (__m128)__builtin_ia32_vcvtph2ps((__v8hi)__a);
#endif /* __F16CINTRIN_H */
# 125 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/f16cintrin.h" 3
# 48 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/emmintrin.h" 2 3
/* Define the default attributes for the functions in this file. */
#define __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS __attribute__((__always_inline__, __nodebug__, __target__("sse2")))
/// \brief Adds lower double-precision values in both operands and returns the
/// sum in the lower 64 bits of the result. The upper 64 bits of the result
/// are copied from the upper double-precision value of the first operand.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VADDSD / ADDSD </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double] containing one of the source operands.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double] containing one of the source operands.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [2 x double] whose lower 64 bits contain the
/// sum of the lower 64 bits of both operands. The upper 64 bits are copied
/// from the upper 64 bits of the first source operand.
static __inline__ __m128d __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_add_sd(__m128d __a, __m128d __b)
__a[0] += __b[0];
return __a;
/// \brief Adds two 128-bit vectors of [2 x double].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VADDPD / ADDPD </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double] containing one of the source operands.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double] containing one of the source operands.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [2 x double] containing the sums of both
/// operands.
static __inline__ __m128d __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_add_pd(__m128d __a, __m128d __b)
return (__m128d)((__v2df)__a + (__v2df)__b);
/// \brief Subtracts the lower double-precision value of the second operand
/// from the lower double-precision value of the first operand and returns
/// the difference in the lower 64 bits of the result. The upper 64 bits of
/// the result are copied from the upper double-precision value of the first
/// operand.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VSUBSD / SUBSD </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double] containing the minuend.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double] containing the subtrahend.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [2 x double] whose lower 64 bits contain the
/// difference of the lower 64 bits of both operands. The upper 64 bits are
/// copied from the upper 64 bits of the first source operand.
static __inline__ __m128d __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_sub_sd(__m128d __a, __m128d __b)
__a[0] -= __b[0];
return __a;
/// \brief Subtracts two 128-bit vectors of [2 x double].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VSUBPD / SUBPD </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double] containing the minuend.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double] containing the subtrahend.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [2 x double] containing the differences between
/// both operands.
static __inline__ __m128d __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_sub_pd(__m128d __a, __m128d __b)
return (__m128d)((__v2df)__a - (__v2df)__b);
/// \brief Multiplies lower double-precision values in both operands and returns
/// the product in the lower 64 bits of the result. The upper 64 bits of the
/// result are copied from the upper double-precision value of the first
/// operand.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VMULSD / MULSD </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double] containing one of the source operands.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double] containing one of the source operands.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [2 x double] whose lower 64 bits contain the
/// product of the lower 64 bits of both operands. The upper 64 bits are
/// copied from the upper 64 bits of the first source operand.
static __inline__ __m128d __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_mul_sd(__m128d __a, __m128d __b)
__a[0] *= __b[0];
return __a;
/// \brief Multiplies two 128-bit vectors of [2 x double].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VMULPD / MULPD </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double] containing one of the operands.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double] containing one of the operands.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [2 x double] containing the products of both
/// operands.
static __inline__ __m128d __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_mul_pd(__m128d __a, __m128d __b)
return (__m128d)((__v2df)__a * (__v2df)__b);
/// \brief Divides the lower double-precision value of the first operand by the
/// lower double-precision value of the second operand and returns the
/// quotient in the lower 64 bits of the result. The upper 64 bits of the
/// result are copied from the upper double-precision value of the first
/// operand.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VDIVSD / DIVSD </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double] containing the dividend.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double] containing divisor.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [2 x double] whose lower 64 bits contain the
/// quotient of the lower 64 bits of both operands. The upper 64 bits are
/// copied from the upper 64 bits of the first source operand.
static __inline__ __m128d __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_div_sd(__m128d __a, __m128d __b)
__a[0] /= __b[0];
return __a;
/// \brief Performs an element-by-element division of two 128-bit vectors of
/// [2 x double].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VDIVPD / DIVPD </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double] containing the dividend.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double] containing the divisor.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [2 x double] containing the quotients of both
/// operands.
static __inline__ __m128d __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_div_pd(__m128d __a, __m128d __b)
return (__m128d)((__v2df)__a / (__v2df)__b);
/// \brief Calculates the square root of the lower double-precision value of
/// the second operand and returns it in the lower 64 bits of the result.
/// The upper 64 bits of the result are copied from the upper double-
/// precision value of the first operand.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VSQRTSD / SQRTSD </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double] containing one of the operands. The
/// upper 64 bits of this operand are copied to the upper 64 bits of the
/// result.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double] containing one of the operands. The
/// square root is calculated using the lower 64 bits of this operand.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [2 x double] whose lower 64 bits contain the
/// square root of the lower 64 bits of operand \a __b, and whose upper 64
/// bits are copied from the upper 64 bits of operand \a __a.
static __inline__ __m128d __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_sqrt_sd(__m128d __a, __m128d __b)
__m128d __c = __builtin_ia32_sqrtsd((__v2df)__b);
return (__m128d) { __c[0], __a[1] };
/// \brief Calculates the square root of the each of two values stored in a
/// 128-bit vector of [2 x double].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VSQRTPD / SQRTPD </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double].
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [2 x double] containing the square roots of the
/// values in the operand.
static __inline__ __m128d __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_sqrt_pd(__m128d __a)
return __builtin_ia32_sqrtpd((__v2df)__a);
/// \brief Compares lower 64-bit double-precision values of both operands, and
/// returns the lesser of the pair of values in the lower 64-bits of the
/// result. The upper 64 bits of the result are copied from the upper double-
/// precision value of the first operand.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VMINSD / MINSD </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double] containing one of the operands. The
/// lower 64 bits of this operand are used in the comparison.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double] containing one of the operands. The
/// lower 64 bits of this operand are used in the comparison.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [2 x double] whose lower 64 bits contain the
/// minimum value between both operands. The upper 64 bits are copied from
/// the upper 64 bits of the first source operand.
static __inline__ __m128d __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_min_sd(__m128d __a, __m128d __b)
return __builtin_ia32_minsd((__v2df)__a, (__v2df)__b);
/// \brief Performs element-by-element comparison of the two 128-bit vectors of
/// [2 x double] and returns the vector containing the lesser of each pair of
/// values.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VMINPD / MINPD </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double] containing one of the operands.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double] containing one of the operands.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [2 x double] containing the minimum values
/// between both operands.
static __inline__ __m128d __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_min_pd(__m128d __a, __m128d __b)
return __builtin_ia32_minpd((__v2df)__a, (__v2df)__b);
/// \brief Compares lower 64-bit double-precision values of both operands, and
/// returns the greater of the pair of values in the lower 64-bits of the
/// result. The upper 64 bits of the result are copied from the upper double-
/// precision value of the first operand.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VMAXSD / MAXSD </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double] containing one of the operands. The
/// lower 64 bits of this operand are used in the comparison.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double] containing one of the operands. The
/// lower 64 bits of this operand are used in the comparison.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [2 x double] whose lower 64 bits contain the
/// maximum value between both operands. The upper 64 bits are copied from
/// the upper 64 bits of the first source operand.
static __inline__ __m128d __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_max_sd(__m128d __a, __m128d __b)
return __builtin_ia32_maxsd((__v2df)__a, (__v2df)__b);
/// \brief Performs element-by-element comparison of the two 128-bit vectors of
/// [2 x double] and returns the vector containing the greater of each pair
/// of values.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VMAXPD / MAXPD </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double] containing one of the operands.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double] containing one of the operands.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [2 x double] containing the maximum values
/// between both operands.
static __inline__ __m128d __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_max_pd(__m128d __a, __m128d __b)
return __builtin_ia32_maxpd((__v2df)__a, (__v2df)__b);
/// \brief Performs a bitwise AND of two 128-bit vectors of [2 x double].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPAND / PAND </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double] containing one of the source operands.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double] containing one of the source operands.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [2 x double] containing the bitwise AND of the
/// values between both operands.
static __inline__ __m128d __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_and_pd(__m128d __a, __m128d __b)
return (__m128d)((__v2du)__a & (__v2du)__b);
/// \brief Performs a bitwise AND of two 128-bit vectors of [2 x double], using
/// the one's complement of the values contained in the first source operand.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPANDN / PANDN </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double] containing the left source operand. The
/// one's complement of this value is used in the bitwise AND.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double] containing the right source operand.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [2 x double] containing the bitwise AND of the
/// values in the second operand and the one's complement of the first
/// operand.
static __inline__ __m128d __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_andnot_pd(__m128d __a, __m128d __b)
return (__m128d)(~(__v2du)__a & (__v2du)__b);
/// \brief Performs a bitwise OR of two 128-bit vectors of [2 x double].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPOR / POR </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double] containing one of the source operands.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double] containing one of the source operands.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [2 x double] containing the bitwise OR of the
/// values between both operands.
static __inline__ __m128d __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_or_pd(__m128d __a, __m128d __b)
return (__m128d)((__v2du)__a | (__v2du)__b);
/// \brief Performs a bitwise XOR of two 128-bit vectors of [2 x double].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPXOR / PXOR </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double] containing one of the source operands.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double] containing one of the source operands.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [2 x double] containing the bitwise XOR of the
/// values between both operands.
static __inline__ __m128d __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_xor_pd(__m128d __a, __m128d __b)
return (__m128d)((__v2du)__a ^ (__v2du)__b);
/// \brief Compares each of the corresponding double-precision values of the
/// 128-bit vectors of [2 x double] for equality. Each comparison yields 0h
/// for false, FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh for true.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCMPEQPD / CMPEQPD </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double].
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double].
/// \returns A 128-bit vector containing the comparison results.
static __inline__ __m128d __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cmpeq_pd(__m128d __a, __m128d __b)
return (__m128d)__builtin_ia32_cmpeqpd((__v2df)__a, (__v2df)__b);
/// \brief Compares each of the corresponding double-precision values of the
/// 128-bit vectors of [2 x double] to determine if the values in the first
/// operand are less than those in the second operand. Each comparison
/// yields 0h for false, FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh for true.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCMPLTPD / CMPLTPD </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double].
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double].
/// \returns A 128-bit vector containing the comparison results.
static __inline__ __m128d __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cmplt_pd(__m128d __a, __m128d __b)
return (__m128d)__builtin_ia32_cmpltpd((__v2df)__a, (__v2df)__b);
/// \brief Compares each of the corresponding double-precision values of the
/// 128-bit vectors of [2 x double] to determine if the values in the first
/// operand are less than or equal to those in the second operand.
/// Each comparison yields 0h for false, FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh for true.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCMPLEPD / CMPLEPD </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double].
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double].
/// \returns A 128-bit vector containing the comparison results.
static __inline__ __m128d __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cmple_pd(__m128d __a, __m128d __b)
return (__m128d)__builtin_ia32_cmplepd((__v2df)__a, (__v2df)__b);
/// \brief Compares each of the corresponding double-precision values of the
/// 128-bit vectors of [2 x double] to determine if the values in the first
/// operand are greater than those in the second operand.
/// Each comparison yields 0h for false, FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh for true.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCMPLTPD / CMPLTPD </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double].
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double].
/// \returns A 128-bit vector containing the comparison results.
static __inline__ __m128d __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cmpgt_pd(__m128d __a, __m128d __b)
return (__m128d)__builtin_ia32_cmpltpd((__v2df)__b, (__v2df)__a);
/// \brief Compares each of the corresponding double-precision values of the
/// 128-bit vectors of [2 x double] to determine if the values in the first
/// operand are greater than or equal to those in the second operand.
/// Each comparison yields 0h for false, FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh for true.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCMPLEPD / CMPLEPD </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double].
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double].
/// \returns A 128-bit vector containing the comparison results.
static __inline__ __m128d __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cmpge_pd(__m128d __a, __m128d __b)
return (__m128d)__builtin_ia32_cmplepd((__v2df)__b, (__v2df)__a);
/// \brief Compares each of the corresponding double-precision values of the
/// 128-bit vectors of [2 x double] to determine if the values in the first
/// operand are ordered with respect to those in the second operand.
/// A pair of double-precision values are "ordered" with respect to each
/// other if neither value is a NaN. Each comparison yields 0h for false,
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCMPORDPD / CMPORDPD </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double].
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double].
/// \returns A 128-bit vector containing the comparison results.
static __inline__ __m128d __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cmpord_pd(__m128d __a, __m128d __b)
return (__m128d)__builtin_ia32_cmpordpd((__v2df)__a, (__v2df)__b);
/// \brief Compares each of the corresponding double-precision values of the
/// 128-bit vectors of [2 x double] to determine if the values in the first
/// operand are unordered with respect to those in the second operand.
/// A pair of double-precision values are "unordered" with respect to each
/// other if one or both values are NaN. Each comparison yields 0h for false,
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCMPUNORDPD / CMPUNORDPD </c>
/// instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double].
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double].
/// \returns A 128-bit vector containing the comparison results.
static __inline__ __m128d __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cmpunord_pd(__m128d __a, __m128d __b)
return (__m128d)__builtin_ia32_cmpunordpd((__v2df)__a, (__v2df)__b);
/// \brief Compares each of the corresponding double-precision values of the
/// 128-bit vectors of [2 x double] to determine if the values in the first
/// operand are unequal to those in the second operand.
/// Each comparison yields 0h for false, FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh for true.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCMPNEQPD / CMPNEQPD </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double].
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double].
/// \returns A 128-bit vector containing the comparison results.
static __inline__ __m128d __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cmpneq_pd(__m128d __a, __m128d __b)
return (__m128d)__builtin_ia32_cmpneqpd((__v2df)__a, (__v2df)__b);
/// \brief Compares each of the corresponding double-precision values of the
/// 128-bit vectors of [2 x double] to determine if the values in the first
/// operand are not less than those in the second operand.
/// Each comparison yields 0h for false, FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh for true.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCMPNLTPD / CMPNLTPD </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double].
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double].
/// \returns A 128-bit vector containing the comparison results.
static __inline__ __m128d __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cmpnlt_pd(__m128d __a, __m128d __b)
return (__m128d)__builtin_ia32_cmpnltpd((__v2df)__a, (__v2df)__b);
/// \brief Compares each of the corresponding double-precision values of the
/// 128-bit vectors of [2 x double] to determine if the values in the first
/// operand are not less than or equal to those in the second operand.
/// Each comparison yields 0h for false, FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh for true.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCMPNLEPD / CMPNLEPD </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double].
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double].
/// \returns A 128-bit vector containing the comparison results.
static __inline__ __m128d __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cmpnle_pd(__m128d __a, __m128d __b)
return (__m128d)__builtin_ia32_cmpnlepd((__v2df)__a, (__v2df)__b);
/// \brief Compares each of the corresponding double-precision values of the
/// 128-bit vectors of [2 x double] to determine if the values in the first
/// operand are not greater than those in the second operand.
/// Each comparison yields 0h for false, FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh for true.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCMPNLTPD / CMPNLTPD </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double].
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double].
/// \returns A 128-bit vector containing the comparison results.
static __inline__ __m128d __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cmpngt_pd(__m128d __a, __m128d __b)
return (__m128d)__builtin_ia32_cmpnltpd((__v2df)__b, (__v2df)__a);
/// \brief Compares each of the corresponding double-precision values of the
/// 128-bit vectors of [2 x double] to determine if the values in the first
/// operand are not greater than or equal to those in the second operand.
/// Each comparison yields 0h for false, FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh for true.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCMPNLEPD / CMPNLEPD </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double].
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double].
/// \returns A 128-bit vector containing the comparison results.
static __inline__ __m128d __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cmpnge_pd(__m128d __a, __m128d __b)
return (__m128d)__builtin_ia32_cmpnlepd((__v2df)__b, (__v2df)__a);
/// \brief Compares the lower double-precision floating-point values in each of
/// the two 128-bit floating-point vectors of [2 x double] for equality.
/// The comparison yields 0h for false, FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh for true.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCMPEQSD / CMPEQSD </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double]. The lower double-precision value is
/// compared to the lower double-precision value of \a __b.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double]. The lower double-precision value is
/// compared to the lower double-precision value of \a __a.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector. The lower 64 bits contains the comparison
/// results. The upper 64 bits are copied from the upper 64 bits of \a __a.
static __inline__ __m128d __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cmpeq_sd(__m128d __a, __m128d __b)
return (__m128d)__builtin_ia32_cmpeqsd((__v2df)__a, (__v2df)__b);
/// \brief Compares the lower double-precision floating-point values in each of
/// the two 128-bit floating-point vectors of [2 x double] to determine if
/// the value in the first parameter is less than the corresponding value in
/// the second parameter.
/// The comparison yields 0h for false, FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh for true.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCMPLTSD / CMPLTSD </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double]. The lower double-precision value is
/// compared to the lower double-precision value of \a __b.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double]. The lower double-precision value is
/// compared to the lower double-precision value of \a __a.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector. The lower 64 bits contains the comparison
/// results. The upper 64 bits are copied from the upper 64 bits of \a __a.
static __inline__ __m128d __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cmplt_sd(__m128d __a, __m128d __b)
return (__m128d)__builtin_ia32_cmpltsd((__v2df)__a, (__v2df)__b);
/// \brief Compares the lower double-precision floating-point values in each of
/// the two 128-bit floating-point vectors of [2 x double] to determine if
/// the value in the first parameter is less than or equal to the
/// corresponding value in the second parameter.
/// The comparison yields 0h for false, FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh for true.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCMPLESD / CMPLESD </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double]. The lower double-precision value is
/// compared to the lower double-precision value of \a __b.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double]. The lower double-precision value is
/// compared to the lower double-precision value of \a __a.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector. The lower 64 bits contains the comparison
/// results. The upper 64 bits are copied from the upper 64 bits of \a __a.
static __inline__ __m128d __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cmple_sd(__m128d __a, __m128d __b)
return (__m128d)__builtin_ia32_cmplesd((__v2df)__a, (__v2df)__b);
/// \brief Compares the lower double-precision floating-point values in each of
/// the two 128-bit floating-point vectors of [2 x double] to determine if
/// the value in the first parameter is greater than the corresponding value
/// in the second parameter.
/// The comparison yields 0h for false, FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh for true.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCMPLTSD / CMPLTSD </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double]. The lower double-precision value is
/// compared to the lower double-precision value of \a __b.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double]. The lower double-precision value is
/// compared to the lower double-precision value of \a __a.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector. The lower 64 bits contains the comparison
/// results. The upper 64 bits are copied from the upper 64 bits of \a __a.
static __inline__ __m128d __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cmpgt_sd(__m128d __a, __m128d __b)
__m128d __c = __builtin_ia32_cmpltsd((__v2df)__b, (__v2df)__a);
return (__m128d) { __c[0], __a[1] };
/// \brief Compares the lower double-precision floating-point values in each of
/// the two 128-bit floating-point vectors of [2 x double] to determine if
/// the value in the first parameter is greater than or equal to the
/// corresponding value in the second parameter.
/// The comparison yields 0h for false, FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh for true.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCMPLESD / CMPLESD </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double]. The lower double-precision value is
/// compared to the lower double-precision value of \a __b.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double]. The lower double-precision value is
/// compared to the lower double-precision value of \a __a.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector. The lower 64 bits contains the comparison
/// results. The upper 64 bits are copied from the upper 64 bits of \a __a.
static __inline__ __m128d __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cmpge_sd(__m128d __a, __m128d __b)
__m128d __c = __builtin_ia32_cmplesd((__v2df)__b, (__v2df)__a);
return (__m128d) { __c[0], __a[1] };
/// \brief Compares the lower double-precision floating-point values in each of
/// the two 128-bit floating-point vectors of [2 x double] to determine if
/// the value in the first parameter is "ordered" with respect to the
/// corresponding value in the second parameter.
/// The comparison yields 0h for false, FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh for true. A pair of
/// double-precision values are "ordered" with respect to each other if
/// neither value is a NaN.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCMPORDSD / CMPORDSD </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double]. The lower double-precision value is
/// compared to the lower double-precision value of \a __b.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double]. The lower double-precision value is
/// compared to the lower double-precision value of \a __a.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector. The lower 64 bits contains the comparison
/// results. The upper 64 bits are copied from the upper 64 bits of \a __a.
static __inline__ __m128d __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cmpord_sd(__m128d __a, __m128d __b)
return (__m128d)__builtin_ia32_cmpordsd((__v2df)__a, (__v2df)__b);
/// \brief Compares the lower double-precision floating-point values in each of
/// the two 128-bit floating-point vectors of [2 x double] to determine if
/// the value in the first parameter is "unordered" with respect to the
/// corresponding value in the second parameter.
/// The comparison yields 0h for false, FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh for true. A pair of
/// double-precision values are "unordered" with respect to each other if one
/// or both values are NaN.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCMPUNORDSD / CMPUNORDSD </c>
/// instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double]. The lower double-precision value is
/// compared to the lower double-precision value of \a __b.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double]. The lower double-precision value is
/// compared to the lower double-precision value of \a __a.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector. The lower 64 bits contains the comparison
/// results. The upper 64 bits are copied from the upper 64 bits of \a __a.
static __inline__ __m128d __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cmpunord_sd(__m128d __a, __m128d __b)
return (__m128d)__builtin_ia32_cmpunordsd((__v2df)__a, (__v2df)__b);
/// \brief Compares the lower double-precision floating-point values in each of
/// the two 128-bit floating-point vectors of [2 x double] to determine if
/// the value in the first parameter is unequal to the corresponding value in
/// the second parameter.
/// The comparison yields 0h for false, FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh for true.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCMPNEQSD / CMPNEQSD </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double]. The lower double-precision value is
/// compared to the lower double-precision value of \a __b.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double]. The lower double-precision value is
/// compared to the lower double-precision value of \a __a.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector. The lower 64 bits contains the comparison
/// results. The upper 64 bits are copied from the upper 64 bits of \a __a.
static __inline__ __m128d __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cmpneq_sd(__m128d __a, __m128d __b)
return (__m128d)__builtin_ia32_cmpneqsd((__v2df)__a, (__v2df)__b);
/// \brief Compares the lower double-precision floating-point values in each of
/// the two 128-bit floating-point vectors of [2 x double] to determine if
/// the value in the first parameter is not less than the corresponding
/// value in the second parameter.
/// The comparison yields 0h for false, FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh for true.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCMPNLTSD / CMPNLTSD </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double]. The lower double-precision value is
/// compared to the lower double-precision value of \a __b.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double]. The lower double-precision value is
/// compared to the lower double-precision value of \a __a.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector. The lower 64 bits contains the comparison
/// results. The upper 64 bits are copied from the upper 64 bits of \a __a.
static __inline__ __m128d __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cmpnlt_sd(__m128d __a, __m128d __b)
return (__m128d)__builtin_ia32_cmpnltsd((__v2df)__a, (__v2df)__b);
/// \brief Compares the lower double-precision floating-point values in each of
/// the two 128-bit floating-point vectors of [2 x double] to determine if
/// the value in the first parameter is not less than or equal to the
/// corresponding value in the second parameter.
/// The comparison yields 0h for false, FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh for true.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCMPNLESD / CMPNLESD </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double]. The lower double-precision value is
/// compared to the lower double-precision value of \a __b.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double]. The lower double-precision value is
/// compared to the lower double-precision value of \a __a.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector. The lower 64 bits contains the comparison
/// results. The upper 64 bits are copied from the upper 64 bits of \a __a.
static __inline__ __m128d __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cmpnle_sd(__m128d __a, __m128d __b)
return (__m128d)__builtin_ia32_cmpnlesd((__v2df)__a, (__v2df)__b);
/// \brief Compares the lower double-precision floating-point values in each of
/// the two 128-bit floating-point vectors of [2 x double] to determine if
/// the value in the first parameter is not greater than the corresponding
/// value in the second parameter.
/// The comparison yields 0h for false, FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh for true.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCMPNLTSD / CMPNLTSD </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double]. The lower double-precision value is
/// compared to the lower double-precision value of \a __b.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double]. The lower double-precision value is
/// compared to the lower double-precision value of \a __a.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector. The lower 64 bits contains the comparison
/// results. The upper 64 bits are copied from the upper 64 bits of \a __a.
static __inline__ __m128d __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cmpngt_sd(__m128d __a, __m128d __b)
__m128d __c = __builtin_ia32_cmpnltsd((__v2df)__b, (__v2df)__a);
return (__m128d) { __c[0], __a[1] };
/// \brief Compares the lower double-precision floating-point values in each of
/// the two 128-bit floating-point vectors of [2 x double] to determine if
/// the value in the first parameter is not greater than or equal to the
/// corresponding value in the second parameter.
/// The comparison yields 0h for false, FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFh for true.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCMPNLESD / CMPNLESD </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double]. The lower double-precision value is
/// compared to the lower double-precision value of \a __b.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double]. The lower double-precision value is
/// compared to the lower double-precision value of \a __a.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector. The lower 64 bits contains the comparison
/// results. The upper 64 bits are copied from the upper 64 bits of \a __a.
static __inline__ __m128d __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cmpnge_sd(__m128d __a, __m128d __b)
__m128d __c = __builtin_ia32_cmpnlesd((__v2df)__b, (__v2df)__a);
return (__m128d) { __c[0], __a[1] };
/// \brief Compares the lower double-precision floating-point values in each of
/// the two 128-bit floating-point vectors of [2 x double] for equality. The
/// comparison yields 0 for false, 1 for true.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCOMISD / COMISD </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double]. The lower double-precision value is
/// compared to the lower double-precision value of \a __b.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double]. The lower double-precision value is
/// compared to the lower double-precision value of \a __a.
/// \returns An integer containing the comparison results.
static __inline__ int __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_comieq_sd(__m128d __a, __m128d __b)
return __builtin_ia32_comisdeq((__v2df)__a, (__v2df)__b);
/// \brief Compares the lower double-precision floating-point values in each of
/// the two 128-bit floating-point vectors of [2 x double] to determine if
/// the value in the first parameter is less than the corresponding value in
/// the second parameter.
/// The comparison yields 0 for false, 1 for true.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCOMISD / COMISD </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double]. The lower double-precision value is
/// compared to the lower double-precision value of \a __b.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double]. The lower double-precision value is
/// compared to the lower double-precision value of \a __a.
/// \returns An integer containing the comparison results.
static __inline__ int __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_comilt_sd(__m128d __a, __m128d __b)
return __builtin_ia32_comisdlt((__v2df)__a, (__v2df)__b);
/// \brief Compares the lower double-precision floating-point values in each of
/// the two 128-bit floating-point vectors of [2 x double] to determine if
/// the value in the first parameter is less than or equal to the
/// corresponding value in the second parameter.
/// The comparison yields 0 for false, 1 for true.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCOMISD / COMISD </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double]. The lower double-precision value is
/// compared to the lower double-precision value of \a __b.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double]. The lower double-precision value is
/// compared to the lower double-precision value of \a __a.
/// \returns An integer containing the comparison results.
static __inline__ int __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_comile_sd(__m128d __a, __m128d __b)
return __builtin_ia32_comisdle((__v2df)__a, (__v2df)__b);
/// \brief Compares the lower double-precision floating-point values in each of
/// the two 128-bit floating-point vectors of [2 x double] to determine if
/// the value in the first parameter is greater than the corresponding value
/// in the second parameter.
/// The comparison yields 0 for false, 1 for true.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCOMISD / COMISD </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double]. The lower double-precision value is
/// compared to the lower double-precision value of \a __b.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double]. The lower double-precision value is
/// compared to the lower double-precision value of \a __a.
/// \returns An integer containing the comparison results.
static __inline__ int __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_comigt_sd(__m128d __a, __m128d __b)
return __builtin_ia32_comisdgt((__v2df)__a, (__v2df)__b);
/// \brief Compares the lower double-precision floating-point values in each of
/// the two 128-bit floating-point vectors of [2 x double] to determine if
/// the value in the first parameter is greater than or equal to the
/// corresponding value in the second parameter.
/// The comparison yields 0 for false, 1 for true.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCOMISD / COMISD </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double]. The lower double-precision value is
/// compared to the lower double-precision value of \a __b.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double]. The lower double-precision value is
/// compared to the lower double-precision value of \a __a.
/// \returns An integer containing the comparison results.
static __inline__ int __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_comige_sd(__m128d __a, __m128d __b)
return __builtin_ia32_comisdge((__v2df)__a, (__v2df)__b);
/// \brief Compares the lower double-precision floating-point values in each of
/// the two 128-bit floating-point vectors of [2 x double] to determine if
/// the value in the first parameter is unequal to the corresponding value in
/// the second parameter.
/// The comparison yields 0 for false, 1 for true.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCOMISD / COMISD </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double]. The lower double-precision value is
/// compared to the lower double-precision value of \a __b.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double]. The lower double-precision value is
/// compared to the lower double-precision value of \a __a.
/// \returns An integer containing the comparison results.
static __inline__ int __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_comineq_sd(__m128d __a, __m128d __b)
return __builtin_ia32_comisdneq((__v2df)__a, (__v2df)__b);
/// \brief Compares the lower double-precision floating-point values in each of
/// the two 128-bit floating-point vectors of [2 x double] for equality. The
/// comparison yields 0 for false, 1 for true.
/// If either of the two lower double-precision values is NaN, 1 is returned.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VUCOMISD / UCOMISD </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double]. The lower double-precision value is
/// compared to the lower double-precision value of \a __b.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double]. The lower double-precision value is
/// compared to the lower double-precision value of \a __a.
/// \returns An integer containing the comparison results. If either of the two
/// lower double-precision values is NaN, 1 is returned.
static __inline__ int __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_ucomieq_sd(__m128d __a, __m128d __b)
return __builtin_ia32_ucomisdeq((__v2df)__a, (__v2df)__b);
/// \brief Compares the lower double-precision floating-point values in each of
/// the two 128-bit floating-point vectors of [2 x double] to determine if
/// the value in the first parameter is less than the corresponding value in
/// the second parameter.
/// The comparison yields 0 for false, 1 for true. If either of the two lower
/// double-precision values is NaN, 1 is returned.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VUCOMISD / UCOMISD </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double]. The lower double-precision value is
/// compared to the lower double-precision value of \a __b.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double]. The lower double-precision value is
/// compared to the lower double-precision value of \a __a.
/// \returns An integer containing the comparison results. If either of the two
/// lower double-precision values is NaN, 1 is returned.
static __inline__ int __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_ucomilt_sd(__m128d __a, __m128d __b)
return __builtin_ia32_ucomisdlt((__v2df)__a, (__v2df)__b);
/// \brief Compares the lower double-precision floating-point values in each of
/// the two 128-bit floating-point vectors of [2 x double] to determine if
/// the value in the first parameter is less than or equal to the
/// corresponding value in the second parameter.
/// The comparison yields 0 for false, 1 for true. If either of the two lower
/// double-precision values is NaN, 1 is returned.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VUCOMISD / UCOMISD </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double]. The lower double-precision value is
/// compared to the lower double-precision value of \a __b.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double]. The lower double-precision value is
/// compared to the lower double-precision value of \a __a.
/// \returns An integer containing the comparison results. If either of the two
/// lower double-precision values is NaN, 1 is returned.
static __inline__ int __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_ucomile_sd(__m128d __a, __m128d __b)
return __builtin_ia32_ucomisdle((__v2df)__a, (__v2df)__b);
/// \brief Compares the lower double-precision floating-point values in each of
/// the two 128-bit floating-point vectors of [2 x double] to determine if
/// the value in the first parameter is greater than the corresponding value
/// in the second parameter.
/// The comparison yields 0 for false, 1 for true. If either of the two lower
/// double-precision values is NaN, 0 is returned.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VUCOMISD / UCOMISD </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double]. The lower double-precision value is
/// compared to the lower double-precision value of \a __b.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double]. The lower double-precision value is
/// compared to the lower double-precision value of \a __a.
/// \returns An integer containing the comparison results. If either of the two
/// lower double-precision values is NaN, 0 is returned.
static __inline__ int __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_ucomigt_sd(__m128d __a, __m128d __b)
return __builtin_ia32_ucomisdgt((__v2df)__a, (__v2df)__b);
/// \brief Compares the lower double-precision floating-point values in each of
/// the two 128-bit floating-point vectors of [2 x double] to determine if
/// the value in the first parameter is greater than or equal to the
/// corresponding value in the second parameter.
/// The comparison yields 0 for false, 1 for true. If either of the two
/// lower double-precision values is NaN, 0 is returned.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VUCOMISD / UCOMISD </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double]. The lower double-precision value is
/// compared to the lower double-precision value of \a __b.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double]. The lower double-precision value is
/// compared to the lower double-precision value of \a __a.
/// \returns An integer containing the comparison results. If either of the two
/// lower double-precision values is NaN, 0 is returned.
static __inline__ int __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_ucomige_sd(__m128d __a, __m128d __b)
return __builtin_ia32_ucomisdge((__v2df)__a, (__v2df)__b);
/// \brief Compares the lower double-precision floating-point values in each of
/// the two 128-bit floating-point vectors of [2 x double] to determine if
/// the value in the first parameter is unequal to the corresponding value in
/// the second parameter.
/// The comparison yields 0 for false, 1 for true. If either of the two lower
/// double-precision values is NaN, 0 is returned.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VUCOMISD / UCOMISD </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double]. The lower double-precision value is
/// compared to the lower double-precision value of \a __b.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double]. The lower double-precision value is
/// compared to the lower double-precision value of \a __a.
/// \returns An integer containing the comparison result. If either of the two
/// lower double-precision values is NaN, 0 is returned.
static __inline__ int __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_ucomineq_sd(__m128d __a, __m128d __b)
return __builtin_ia32_ucomisdneq((__v2df)__a, (__v2df)__b);
/// \brief Converts the two double-precision floating-point elements of a
/// 128-bit vector of [2 x double] into two single-precision floating-point
/// values, returned in the lower 64 bits of a 128-bit vector of [4 x float].
/// The upper 64 bits of the result vector are set to zero.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCVTPD2PS / CVTPD2PS </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double].
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] whose lower 64 bits contain the
/// converted values. The upper 64 bits are set to zero.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cvtpd_ps(__m128d __a)
return __builtin_ia32_cvtpd2ps((__v2df)__a);
/// \brief Converts the lower two single-precision floating-point elements of a
/// 128-bit vector of [4 x float] into two double-precision floating-point
/// values, returned in a 128-bit vector of [2 x double]. The upper two
/// elements of the input vector are unused.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCVTPS2PD / CVTPS2PD </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float]. The lower two single-precision
/// floating-point elements are converted to double-precision values. The
/// upper two elements are unused.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [2 x double] containing the converted values.
static __inline__ __m128d __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cvtps_pd(__m128 __a)
return (__m128d) __builtin_convertvector(
__builtin_shufflevector((__v4sf)__a, (__v4sf)__a, 0, 1), __v2df);
/// \brief Converts the lower two integer elements of a 128-bit vector of
/// [4 x i32] into two double-precision floating-point values, returned in a
/// 128-bit vector of [2 x double].
/// The upper two elements of the input vector are unused.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCVTDQ2PD / CVTDQ2PD </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit integer vector of [4 x i32]. The lower two integer elements are
/// converted to double-precision values.
/// The upper two elements are unused.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [2 x double] containing the converted values.
static __inline__ __m128d __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cvtepi32_pd(__m128i __a)
return (__m128d) __builtin_convertvector(
__builtin_shufflevector((__v4si)__a, (__v4si)__a, 0, 1), __v2df);
/// \brief Converts the two double-precision floating-point elements of a
/// 128-bit vector of [2 x double] into two signed 32-bit integer values,
/// returned in the lower 64 bits of a 128-bit vector of [4 x i32]. The upper
/// 64 bits of the result vector are set to zero.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCVTPD2DQ / CVTPD2DQ </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double].
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x i32] whose lower 64 bits contain the
/// converted values. The upper 64 bits are set to zero.
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cvtpd_epi32(__m128d __a)
return __builtin_ia32_cvtpd2dq((__v2df)__a);
/// \brief Converts the low-order element of a 128-bit vector of [2 x double]
/// into a 32-bit signed integer value.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCVTSD2SI / CVTSD2SI </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double]. The lower 64 bits are used in the
/// conversion.
/// \returns A 32-bit signed integer containing the converted value.
static __inline__ int __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cvtsd_si32(__m128d __a)
return __builtin_ia32_cvtsd2si((__v2df)__a);
/// \brief Converts the lower double-precision floating-point element of a
/// 128-bit vector of [2 x double], in the second parameter, into a
/// single-precision floating-point value, returned in the lower 32 bits of a
/// 128-bit vector of [4 x float]. The upper 96 bits of the result vector are
/// copied from the upper 96 bits of the first parameter.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCVTSD2SS / CVTSD2SS </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float]. The upper 96 bits of this parameter are
/// copied to the upper 96 bits of the result.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double]. The lower double-precision
/// floating-point element is used in the conversion.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float]. The lower 32 bits contain the
/// converted value from the second parameter. The upper 96 bits are copied
/// from the upper 96 bits of the first parameter.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cvtsd_ss(__m128 __a, __m128d __b)
return (__m128)__builtin_ia32_cvtsd2ss((__v4sf)__a, (__v2df)__b);
/// \brief Converts a 32-bit signed integer value, in the second parameter, into
/// a double-precision floating-point value, returned in the lower 64 bits of
/// a 128-bit vector of [2 x double]. The upper 64 bits of the result vector
/// are copied from the upper 64 bits of the first parameter.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCVTSI2SD / CVTSI2SD </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double]. The upper 64 bits of this parameter are
/// copied to the upper 64 bits of the result.
/// \param __b
/// A 32-bit signed integer containing the value to be converted.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [2 x double]. The lower 64 bits contain the
/// converted value from the second parameter. The upper 64 bits are copied
/// from the upper 64 bits of the first parameter.
static __inline__ __m128d __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cvtsi32_sd(__m128d __a, int __b)
__a[0] = __b;
return __a;
/// \brief Converts the lower single-precision floating-point element of a
/// 128-bit vector of [4 x float], in the second parameter, into a
/// double-precision floating-point value, returned in the lower 64 bits of
/// a 128-bit vector of [2 x double]. The upper 64 bits of the result vector
/// are copied from the upper 64 bits of the first parameter.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCVTSS2SD / CVTSS2SD </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double]. The upper 64 bits of this parameter are
/// copied to the upper 64 bits of the result.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float]. The lower single-precision
/// floating-point element is used in the conversion.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [2 x double]. The lower 64 bits contain the
/// converted value from the second parameter. The upper 64 bits are copied
/// from the upper 64 bits of the first parameter.
static __inline__ __m128d __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cvtss_sd(__m128d __a, __m128 __b)
__a[0] = __b[0];
return __a;
/// \brief Converts the two double-precision floating-point elements of a
/// 128-bit vector of [2 x double] into two signed 32-bit integer values,
/// returned in the lower 64 bits of a 128-bit vector of [4 x i32].
/// If the result of either conversion is inexact, the result is truncated
/// (rounded towards zero) regardless of the current MXCSR setting. The upper
/// 64 bits of the result vector are set to zero.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCVTTPD2DQ / CVTTPD2DQ </c>
/// instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double].
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x i32] whose lower 64 bits contain the
/// converted values. The upper 64 bits are set to zero.
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cvttpd_epi32(__m128d __a)
return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_cvttpd2dq((__v2df)__a);
/// \brief Converts the low-order element of a [2 x double] vector into a 32-bit
/// signed integer value, truncating the result when it is inexact.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCVTTSD2SI / CVTTSD2SI </c>
/// instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double]. The lower 64 bits are used in the
/// conversion.
/// \returns A 32-bit signed integer containing the converted value.
static __inline__ int __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cvttsd_si32(__m128d __a)
return __builtin_ia32_cvttsd2si((__v2df)__a);
/// \brief Converts the two double-precision floating-point elements of a
/// 128-bit vector of [2 x double] into two signed 32-bit integer values,
/// returned in a 64-bit vector of [2 x i32].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> CVTPD2PI </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double].
/// \returns A 64-bit vector of [2 x i32] containing the converted values.
static __inline__ __m64 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cvtpd_pi32(__m128d __a)
return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_cvtpd2pi((__v2df)__a);
/// \brief Converts the two double-precision floating-point elements of a
/// 128-bit vector of [2 x double] into two signed 32-bit integer values,
/// returned in a 64-bit vector of [2 x i32].
/// If the result of either conversion is inexact, the result is truncated
/// (rounded towards zero) regardless of the current MXCSR setting.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> CVTTPD2PI </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double].
/// \returns A 64-bit vector of [2 x i32] containing the converted values.
static __inline__ __m64 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cvttpd_pi32(__m128d __a)
return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_cvttpd2pi((__v2df)__a);
/// \brief Converts the two signed 32-bit integer elements of a 64-bit vector of
/// [2 x i32] into two double-precision floating-point values, returned in a
/// 128-bit vector of [2 x double].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> CVTPI2PD </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 64-bit vector of [2 x i32].
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [2 x double] containing the converted values.
static __inline__ __m128d __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cvtpi32_pd(__m64 __a)
return __builtin_ia32_cvtpi2pd((__v2si)__a);
/// \brief Returns the low-order element of a 128-bit vector of [2 x double] as
/// a double-precision floating-point value.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic has no corresponding instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double]. The lower 64 bits are returned.
/// \returns A double-precision floating-point value copied from the lower 64
/// bits of \a __a.
static __inline__ double __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cvtsd_f64(__m128d __a)
return __a[0];
/// \brief Loads a 128-bit floating-point vector of [2 x double] from an aligned
/// memory location.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VMOVAPD / MOVAPD </c> instruction.
/// \param __dp
/// A pointer to a 128-bit memory location. The address of the memory
/// location has to be 16-byte aligned.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [2 x double] containing the loaded values.
static __inline__ __m128d __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_load_pd(double const *__dp)
return *(__m128d*)__dp;
/// \brief Loads a double-precision floating-point value from a specified memory
/// location and duplicates it to both vector elements of a 128-bit vector of
/// [2 x double].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VMOVDDUP / MOVDDUP </c> instruction.
/// \param __dp
/// A pointer to a memory location containing a double-precision value.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [2 x double] containing the loaded and
/// duplicated values.
static __inline__ __m128d __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_load1_pd(double const *__dp)
struct __mm_load1_pd_struct {
double __u;
} __attribute__((__packed__, __may_alias__));
double __u = ((struct __mm_load1_pd_struct*)__dp)->__u;
return (__m128d){ __u, __u };
#define _mm_load_pd1(dp) _mm_load1_pd(dp)
/// \brief Loads two double-precision values, in reverse order, from an aligned
/// memory location into a 128-bit vector of [2 x double].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VMOVAPD / MOVAPD </c> instruction +
/// needed shuffling instructions. In AVX mode, the shuffling may be combined
/// with the \c VMOVAPD, resulting in only a \c VPERMILPD instruction.
/// \param __dp
/// A 16-byte aligned pointer to an array of double-precision values to be
/// loaded in reverse order.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [2 x double] containing the reversed loaded
/// values.
static __inline__ __m128d __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_loadr_pd(double const *__dp)
__m128d __u = *(__m128d*)__dp;
return __builtin_shufflevector((__v2df)__u, (__v2df)__u, 1, 0);
/// \brief Loads a 128-bit floating-point vector of [2 x double] from an
/// unaligned memory location.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VMOVUPD / MOVUPD </c> instruction.
/// \param __dp
/// A pointer to a 128-bit memory location. The address of the memory
/// location does not have to be aligned.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [2 x double] containing the loaded values.
static __inline__ __m128d __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_loadu_pd(double const *__dp)
struct __loadu_pd {
__m128d __v;
} __attribute__((__packed__, __may_alias__));
return ((struct __loadu_pd*)__dp)->__v;
/// \brief Loads a 64-bit integer value to the low element of a 128-bit integer
/// vector and clears the upper element.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VMOVQ / MOVQ </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A pointer to a 64-bit memory location. The address of the memory
/// location does not have to be aligned.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [2 x i64] containing the loaded value.
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_loadu_si64(void const *__a)
struct __loadu_si64 {
long long __v;
} __attribute__((__packed__, __may_alias__));
long long __u = ((struct __loadu_si64*)__a)->__v;
return (__m128i){__u, 0L};
/// \brief Loads a 64-bit double-precision value to the low element of a
/// 128-bit integer vector and clears the upper element.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VMOVSD / MOVSD </c> instruction.
/// \param __dp
/// A pointer to a memory location containing a double-precision value.
/// The address of the memory location does not have to be aligned.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [2 x double] containing the loaded value.
static __inline__ __m128d __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_load_sd(double const *__dp)
struct __mm_load_sd_struct {
double __u;
} __attribute__((__packed__, __may_alias__));
double __u = ((struct __mm_load_sd_struct*)__dp)->__u;
return (__m128d){ __u, 0 };
/// \brief Loads a double-precision value into the high-order bits of a 128-bit
/// vector of [2 x double]. The low-order bits are copied from the low-order
/// bits of the first operand.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VMOVHPD / MOVHPD </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double]. \n
/// Bits [63:0] are written to bits [63:0] of the result.
/// \param __dp
/// A pointer to a 64-bit memory location containing a double-precision
/// floating-point value that is loaded. The loaded value is written to bits
/// [127:64] of the result. The address of the memory location does not have
/// to be aligned.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [2 x double] containing the moved values.
static __inline__ __m128d __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_loadh_pd(__m128d __a, double const *__dp)
struct __mm_loadh_pd_struct {
double __u;
} __attribute__((__packed__, __may_alias__));
double __u = ((struct __mm_loadh_pd_struct*)__dp)->__u;
return (__m128d){ __a[0], __u };
/// \brief Loads a double-precision value into the low-order bits of a 128-bit
/// vector of [2 x double]. The high-order bits are copied from the
/// high-order bits of the first operand.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VMOVLPD / MOVLPD </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double]. \n
/// Bits [127:64] are written to bits [127:64] of the result.
/// \param __dp
/// A pointer to a 64-bit memory location containing a double-precision
/// floating-point value that is loaded. The loaded value is written to bits
/// [63:0] of the result. The address of the memory location does not have to
/// be aligned.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [2 x double] containing the moved values.
static __inline__ __m128d __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_loadl_pd(__m128d __a, double const *__dp)
struct __mm_loadl_pd_struct {
double __u;
} __attribute__((__packed__, __may_alias__));
double __u = ((struct __mm_loadl_pd_struct*)__dp)->__u;
return (__m128d){ __u, __a[1] };
/// \brief Constructs a 128-bit floating-point vector of [2 x double] with
/// unspecified content. This could be used as an argument to another
/// intrinsic function where the argument is required but the value is not
/// actually used.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic has no corresponding instruction.
/// \returns A 128-bit floating-point vector of [2 x double] with unspecified
/// content.
static __inline__ __m128d __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
return (__m128d)__builtin_ia32_undef128();
/// \brief Constructs a 128-bit floating-point vector of [2 x double]. The lower
/// 64 bits of the vector are initialized with the specified double-precision
/// floating-point value. The upper 64 bits are set to zero.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VMOVQ / MOVQ </c> instruction.
/// \param __w
/// A double-precision floating-point value used to initialize the lower 64
/// bits of the result.
/// \returns An initialized 128-bit floating-point vector of [2 x double]. The
/// lower 64 bits contain the value of the parameter. The upper 64 bits are
/// set to zero.
static __inline__ __m128d __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_set_sd(double __w)
return (__m128d){ __w, 0 };
/// \brief Constructs a 128-bit floating-point vector of [2 x double], with each
/// of the two double-precision floating-point vector elements set to the
/// specified double-precision floating-point value.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VMOVDDUP / MOVLHPS </c> instruction.
/// \param __w
/// A double-precision floating-point value used to initialize each vector
/// element of the result.
/// \returns An initialized 128-bit floating-point vector of [2 x double].
static __inline__ __m128d __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_set1_pd(double __w)
return (__m128d){ __w, __w };
/// \brief Constructs a 128-bit floating-point vector of [2 x double], with each
/// of the two double-precision floating-point vector elements set to the
/// specified double-precision floating-point value.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VMOVDDUP / MOVLHPS </c> instruction.
/// \param __w
/// A double-precision floating-point value used to initialize each vector
/// element of the result.
/// \returns An initialized 128-bit floating-point vector of [2 x double].
static __inline__ __m128d __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_set_pd1(double __w)
return _mm_set1_pd(__w);
/// \brief Constructs a 128-bit floating-point vector of [2 x double]
/// initialized with the specified double-precision floating-point values.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VUNPCKLPD / UNPCKLPD </c> instruction.
/// \param __w
/// A double-precision floating-point value used to initialize the upper 64
/// bits of the result.
/// \param __x
/// A double-precision floating-point value used to initialize the lower 64
/// bits of the result.
/// \returns An initialized 128-bit floating-point vector of [2 x double].
static __inline__ __m128d __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_set_pd(double __w, double __x)
return (__m128d){ __x, __w };
/// \brief Constructs a 128-bit floating-point vector of [2 x double],
/// initialized in reverse order with the specified double-precision
/// floating-point values.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VUNPCKLPD / UNPCKLPD </c> instruction.
/// \param __w
/// A double-precision floating-point value used to initialize the lower 64
/// bits of the result.
/// \param __x
/// A double-precision floating-point value used to initialize the upper 64
/// bits of the result.
/// \returns An initialized 128-bit floating-point vector of [2 x double].
static __inline__ __m128d __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_setr_pd(double __w, double __x)
return (__m128d){ __w, __x };
/// \brief Constructs a 128-bit floating-point vector of [2 x double]
/// initialized to zero.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VXORPS / XORPS </c> instruction.
/// \returns An initialized 128-bit floating-point vector of [2 x double] with
/// all elements set to zero.
static __inline__ __m128d __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
return (__m128d){ 0, 0 };
/// \brief Constructs a 128-bit floating-point vector of [2 x double]. The lower
/// 64 bits are set to the lower 64 bits of the second parameter. The upper
/// 64 bits are set to the upper 64 bits of the first parameter.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VBLENDPD / BLENDPD </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double]. The upper 64 bits are written to the
/// upper 64 bits of the result.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double]. The lower 64 bits are written to the
/// lower 64 bits of the result.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [2 x double] containing the moved values.
static __inline__ __m128d __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_move_sd(__m128d __a, __m128d __b)
return (__m128d){ __b[0], __a[1] };
/// \brief Stores the lower 64 bits of a 128-bit vector of [2 x double] to a
/// memory location.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VMOVSD / MOVSD </c> instruction.
/// \param __dp
/// A pointer to a 64-bit memory location.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double] containing the value to be stored.
static __inline__ void __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_store_sd(double *__dp, __m128d __a)
struct __mm_store_sd_struct {
double __u;
} __attribute__((__packed__, __may_alias__));
((struct __mm_store_sd_struct*)__dp)->__u = __a[0];
/// \brief Moves packed double-precision values from a 128-bit vector of
/// [2 x double] to a memory location.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c>VMOVAPD / MOVAPS</c> instruction.
/// \param __dp
/// A pointer to an aligned memory location that can store two
/// double-precision values.
/// \param __a
/// A packed 128-bit vector of [2 x double] containing the values to be
/// moved.
static __inline__ void __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_store_pd(double *__dp, __m128d __a)
*(__m128d*)__dp = __a;
/// \brief Moves the lower 64 bits of a 128-bit vector of [2 x double] twice to
/// the upper and lower 64 bits of a memory location.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c>VMOVDDUP + VMOVAPD / MOVLHPS + MOVAPS </c> instruction.
/// \param __dp
/// A pointer to a memory location that can store two double-precision
/// values.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double] whose lower 64 bits are copied to each
/// of the values in \a dp.
static __inline__ void __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_store1_pd(double *__dp, __m128d __a)
__a = __builtin_shufflevector((__v2df)__a, (__v2df)__a, 0, 0);
_mm_store_pd(__dp, __a);
/// \brief Stores a 128-bit vector of [2 x double] into an aligned memory
/// location.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VMOVAPD / MOVAPD </c> instruction.
/// \param __dp
/// A pointer to a 128-bit memory location. The address of the memory
/// location has to be 16-byte aligned.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double] containing the values to be stored.
static __inline__ void __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_store_pd1(double *__dp, __m128d __a)
return _mm_store1_pd(__dp, __a);
/// \brief Stores a 128-bit vector of [2 x double] into an unaligned memory
/// location.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VMOVUPD / MOVUPD </c> instruction.
/// \param __dp
/// A pointer to a 128-bit memory location. The address of the memory
/// location does not have to be aligned.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double] containing the values to be stored.
static __inline__ void __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_storeu_pd(double *__dp, __m128d __a)
struct __storeu_pd {
__m128d __v;
} __attribute__((__packed__, __may_alias__));
((struct __storeu_pd*)__dp)->__v = __a;
/// \brief Stores two double-precision values, in reverse order, from a 128-bit
/// vector of [2 x double] to a 16-byte aligned memory location.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to a shuffling instruction followed by a
/// <c> VMOVAPD / MOVAPD </c> instruction.
/// \param __dp
/// A pointer to a 16-byte aligned memory location that can store two
/// double-precision values.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double] containing the values to be reversed and
/// stored.
static __inline__ void __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_storer_pd(double *__dp, __m128d __a)
__a = __builtin_shufflevector((__v2df)__a, (__v2df)__a, 1, 0);
*(__m128d *)__dp = __a;
/// \brief Stores the upper 64 bits of a 128-bit vector of [2 x double] to a
/// memory location.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VMOVHPD / MOVHPD </c> instruction.
/// \param __dp
/// A pointer to a 64-bit memory location.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double] containing the value to be stored.
static __inline__ void __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_storeh_pd(double *__dp, __m128d __a)
struct __mm_storeh_pd_struct {
double __u;
} __attribute__((__packed__, __may_alias__));
((struct __mm_storeh_pd_struct*)__dp)->__u = __a[1];
/// \brief Stores the lower 64 bits of a 128-bit vector of [2 x double] to a
/// memory location.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VMOVLPD / MOVLPD </c> instruction.
/// \param __dp
/// A pointer to a 64-bit memory location.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double] containing the value to be stored.
static __inline__ void __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_storel_pd(double *__dp, __m128d __a)
struct __mm_storeh_pd_struct {
double __u;
} __attribute__((__packed__, __may_alias__));
((struct __mm_storeh_pd_struct*)__dp)->__u = __a[0];
/// \brief Adds the corresponding elements of two 128-bit vectors of [16 x i8],
/// saving the lower 8 bits of each sum in the corresponding element of a
/// 128-bit result vector of [16 x i8].
/// The integer elements of both parameters can be either signed or unsigned.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPADDB / PADDB </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [16 x i8].
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [16 x i8].
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [16 x i8] containing the sums of both
/// parameters.
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_add_epi8(__m128i __a, __m128i __b)
return (__m128i)((__v16qu)__a + (__v16qu)__b);
/// \brief Adds the corresponding elements of two 128-bit vectors of [8 x i16],
/// saving the lower 16 bits of each sum in the corresponding element of a
/// 128-bit result vector of [8 x i16].
/// The integer elements of both parameters can be either signed or unsigned.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPADDW / PADDW </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [8 x i16].
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [8 x i16].
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [8 x i16] containing the sums of both
/// parameters.
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_add_epi16(__m128i __a, __m128i __b)
return (__m128i)((__v8hu)__a + (__v8hu)__b);
/// \brief Adds the corresponding elements of two 128-bit vectors of [4 x i32],
/// saving the lower 32 bits of each sum in the corresponding element of a
/// 128-bit result vector of [4 x i32].
/// The integer elements of both parameters can be either signed or unsigned.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPADDD / PADDD </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x i32].
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x i32].
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x i32] containing the sums of both
/// parameters.
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_add_epi32(__m128i __a, __m128i __b)
return (__m128i)((__v4su)__a + (__v4su)__b);
/// \brief Adds two signed or unsigned 64-bit integer values, returning the
/// lower 64 bits of the sum.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> PADDQ </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 64-bit integer.
/// \param __b
/// A 64-bit integer.
/// \returns A 64-bit integer containing the sum of both parameters.
static __inline__ __m64 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_add_si64(__m64 __a, __m64 __b)
return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_paddq((__v1di)__a, (__v1di)__b);
/// \brief Adds the corresponding elements of two 128-bit vectors of [2 x i64],
/// saving the lower 64 bits of each sum in the corresponding element of a
/// 128-bit result vector of [2 x i64].
/// The integer elements of both parameters can be either signed or unsigned.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPADDQ / PADDQ </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x i64].
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x i64].
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [2 x i64] containing the sums of both
/// parameters.
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_add_epi64(__m128i __a, __m128i __b)
return (__m128i)((__v2du)__a + (__v2du)__b);
/// \brief Adds, with saturation, the corresponding elements of two 128-bit
/// signed [16 x i8] vectors, saving each sum in the corresponding element of
/// a 128-bit result vector of [16 x i8]. Positive sums greater than 7Fh are
/// saturated to 7Fh. Negative sums less than 80h are saturated to 80h.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPADDSB / PADDSB </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit signed [16 x i8] vector.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit signed [16 x i8] vector.
/// \returns A 128-bit signed [16 x i8] vector containing the saturated sums of
/// both parameters.
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_adds_epi8(__m128i __a, __m128i __b)
return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_paddsb128((__v16qi)__a, (__v16qi)__b);
/// \brief Adds, with saturation, the corresponding elements of two 128-bit
/// signed [8 x i16] vectors, saving each sum in the corresponding element of
/// a 128-bit result vector of [8 x i16]. Positive sums greater than 7FFFh
/// are saturated to 7FFFh. Negative sums less than 8000h are saturated to
/// 8000h.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPADDSW / PADDSW </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit signed [8 x i16] vector.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit signed [8 x i16] vector.
/// \returns A 128-bit signed [8 x i16] vector containing the saturated sums of
/// both parameters.
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_adds_epi16(__m128i __a, __m128i __b)
return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_paddsw128((__v8hi)__a, (__v8hi)__b);
/// \brief Adds, with saturation, the corresponding elements of two 128-bit
/// unsigned [16 x i8] vectors, saving each sum in the corresponding element
/// of a 128-bit result vector of [16 x i8]. Positive sums greater than FFh
/// are saturated to FFh. Negative sums are saturated to 00h.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPADDUSB / PADDUSB </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit unsigned [16 x i8] vector.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit unsigned [16 x i8] vector.
/// \returns A 128-bit unsigned [16 x i8] vector containing the saturated sums
/// of both parameters.
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_adds_epu8(__m128i __a, __m128i __b)
return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_paddusb128((__v16qi)__a, (__v16qi)__b);
/// \brief Adds, with saturation, the corresponding elements of two 128-bit
/// unsigned [8 x i16] vectors, saving each sum in the corresponding element
/// of a 128-bit result vector of [8 x i16]. Positive sums greater than FFFFh
/// are saturated to FFFFh. Negative sums are saturated to 0000h.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPADDUSB / PADDUSB </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit unsigned [8 x i16] vector.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit unsigned [8 x i16] vector.
/// \returns A 128-bit unsigned [8 x i16] vector containing the saturated sums
/// of both parameters.
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_adds_epu16(__m128i __a, __m128i __b)
return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_paddusw128((__v8hi)__a, (__v8hi)__b);
/// \brief Computes the rounded avarages of corresponding elements of two
/// 128-bit unsigned [16 x i8] vectors, saving each result in the
/// corresponding element of a 128-bit result vector of [16 x i8].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPAVGB / PAVGB </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit unsigned [16 x i8] vector.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit unsigned [16 x i8] vector.
/// \returns A 128-bit unsigned [16 x i8] vector containing the rounded
/// averages of both parameters.
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_avg_epu8(__m128i __a, __m128i __b)
return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_pavgb128((__v16qi)__a, (__v16qi)__b);
/// \brief Computes the rounded avarages of corresponding elements of two
/// 128-bit unsigned [8 x i16] vectors, saving each result in the
/// corresponding element of a 128-bit result vector of [8 x i16].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPAVGW / PAVGW </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit unsigned [8 x i16] vector.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit unsigned [8 x i16] vector.
/// \returns A 128-bit unsigned [8 x i16] vector containing the rounded
/// averages of both parameters.
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_avg_epu16(__m128i __a, __m128i __b)
return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_pavgw128((__v8hi)__a, (__v8hi)__b);
/// \brief Multiplies the corresponding elements of two 128-bit signed [8 x i16]
/// vectors, producing eight intermediate 32-bit signed integer products, and
/// adds the consecutive pairs of 32-bit products to form a 128-bit signed
/// [4 x i32] vector.
/// For example, bits [15:0] of both parameters are multiplied producing a
/// 32-bit product, bits [31:16] of both parameters are multiplied producing
/// a 32-bit product, and the sum of those two products becomes bits [31:0]
/// of the result.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPMADDWD / PMADDWD </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit signed [8 x i16] vector.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit signed [8 x i16] vector.
/// \returns A 128-bit signed [4 x i32] vector containing the sums of products
/// of both parameters.
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_madd_epi16(__m128i __a, __m128i __b)
return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_pmaddwd128((__v8hi)__a, (__v8hi)__b);
/// \brief Compares corresponding elements of two 128-bit signed [8 x i16]
/// vectors, saving the greater value from each comparison in the
/// corresponding element of a 128-bit result vector of [8 x i16].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPMAXSW / PMAXSW </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit signed [8 x i16] vector.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit signed [8 x i16] vector.
/// \returns A 128-bit signed [8 x i16] vector containing the greater value of
/// each comparison.
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_max_epi16(__m128i __a, __m128i __b)
return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_pmaxsw128((__v8hi)__a, (__v8hi)__b);
/// \brief Compares corresponding elements of two 128-bit unsigned [16 x i8]
/// vectors, saving the greater value from each comparison in the
/// corresponding element of a 128-bit result vector of [16 x i8].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPMAXUB / PMAXUB </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit unsigned [16 x i8] vector.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit unsigned [16 x i8] vector.
/// \returns A 128-bit unsigned [16 x i8] vector containing the greater value of
/// each comparison.
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_max_epu8(__m128i __a, __m128i __b)
return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_pmaxub128((__v16qi)__a, (__v16qi)__b);
/// \brief Compares corresponding elements of two 128-bit signed [8 x i16]
/// vectors, saving the smaller value from each comparison in the
/// corresponding element of a 128-bit result vector of [8 x i16].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPMINSW / PMINSW </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit signed [8 x i16] vector.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit signed [8 x i16] vector.
/// \returns A 128-bit signed [8 x i16] vector containing the smaller value of
/// each comparison.
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_min_epi16(__m128i __a, __m128i __b)
return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_pminsw128((__v8hi)__a, (__v8hi)__b);
/// \brief Compares corresponding elements of two 128-bit unsigned [16 x i8]
/// vectors, saving the smaller value from each comparison in the
/// corresponding element of a 128-bit result vector of [16 x i8].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPMINUB / PMINUB </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit unsigned [16 x i8] vector.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit unsigned [16 x i8] vector.
/// \returns A 128-bit unsigned [16 x i8] vector containing the smaller value of
/// each comparison.
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_min_epu8(__m128i __a, __m128i __b)
return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_pminub128((__v16qi)__a, (__v16qi)__b);
/// \brief Multiplies the corresponding elements of two signed [8 x i16]
/// vectors, saving the upper 16 bits of each 32-bit product in the
/// corresponding element of a 128-bit signed [8 x i16] result vector.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPMULHW / PMULHW </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit signed [8 x i16] vector.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit signed [8 x i16] vector.
/// \returns A 128-bit signed [8 x i16] vector containing the upper 16 bits of
/// each of the eight 32-bit products.
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_mulhi_epi16(__m128i __a, __m128i __b)
return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_pmulhw128((__v8hi)__a, (__v8hi)__b);
/// \brief Multiplies the corresponding elements of two unsigned [8 x i16]
/// vectors, saving the upper 16 bits of each 32-bit product in the
/// corresponding element of a 128-bit unsigned [8 x i16] result vector.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPMULHUW / PMULHUW </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit unsigned [8 x i16] vector.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit unsigned [8 x i16] vector.
/// \returns A 128-bit unsigned [8 x i16] vector containing the upper 16 bits
/// of each of the eight 32-bit products.
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_mulhi_epu16(__m128i __a, __m128i __b)
return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_pmulhuw128((__v8hi)__a, (__v8hi)__b);
/// \brief Multiplies the corresponding elements of two signed [8 x i16]
/// vectors, saving the lower 16 bits of each 32-bit product in the
/// corresponding element of a 128-bit signed [8 x i16] result vector.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPMULLW / PMULLW </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit signed [8 x i16] vector.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit signed [8 x i16] vector.
/// \returns A 128-bit signed [8 x i16] vector containing the lower 16 bits of
/// each of the eight 32-bit products.
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_mullo_epi16(__m128i __a, __m128i __b)
return (__m128i)((__v8hu)__a * (__v8hu)__b);
/// \brief Multiplies 32-bit unsigned integer values contained in the lower bits
/// of the two 64-bit integer vectors and returns the 64-bit unsigned
/// product.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> PMULUDQ </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 64-bit integer containing one of the source operands.
/// \param __b
/// A 64-bit integer containing one of the source operands.
/// \returns A 64-bit integer vector containing the product of both operands.
static __inline__ __m64 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_mul_su32(__m64 __a, __m64 __b)
return __builtin_ia32_pmuludq((__v2si)__a, (__v2si)__b);
/// \brief Multiplies 32-bit unsigned integer values contained in the lower
/// bits of the corresponding elements of two [2 x i64] vectors, and returns
/// the 64-bit products in the corresponding elements of a [2 x i64] vector.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPMULUDQ / PMULUDQ </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A [2 x i64] vector containing one of the source operands.
/// \param __b
/// A [2 x i64] vector containing one of the source operands.
/// \returns A [2 x i64] vector containing the product of both operands.
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_mul_epu32(__m128i __a, __m128i __b)
return __builtin_ia32_pmuludq128((__v4si)__a, (__v4si)__b);
/// \brief Computes the absolute differences of corresponding 8-bit integer
/// values in two 128-bit vectors. Sums the first 8 absolute differences, and
/// separately sums the second 8 absolute differences. Packs these two
/// unsigned 16-bit integer sums into the upper and lower elements of a
/// [2 x i64] vector.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPSADBW / PSADBW </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit integer vector containing one of the source operands.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit integer vector containing one of the source operands.
/// \returns A [2 x i64] vector containing the sums of the sets of absolute
/// differences between both operands.
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_sad_epu8(__m128i __a, __m128i __b)
return __builtin_ia32_psadbw128((__v16qi)__a, (__v16qi)__b);
/// \brief Subtracts the corresponding 8-bit integer values in the operands.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPSUBB / PSUBB </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit integer vector containing the minuends.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit integer vector containing the subtrahends.
/// \returns A 128-bit integer vector containing the differences of the values
/// in the operands.
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_sub_epi8(__m128i __a, __m128i __b)
return (__m128i)((__v16qu)__a - (__v16qu)__b);
/// \brief Subtracts the corresponding 16-bit integer values in the operands.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPSUBW / PSUBW </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit integer vector containing the minuends.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit integer vector containing the subtrahends.
/// \returns A 128-bit integer vector containing the differences of the values
/// in the operands.
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_sub_epi16(__m128i __a, __m128i __b)
return (__m128i)((__v8hu)__a - (__v8hu)__b);
/// \brief Subtracts the corresponding 32-bit integer values in the operands.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPSUBD / PSUBD </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit integer vector containing the minuends.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit integer vector containing the subtrahends.
/// \returns A 128-bit integer vector containing the differences of the values
/// in the operands.
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_sub_epi32(__m128i __a, __m128i __b)
return (__m128i)((__v4su)__a - (__v4su)__b);
/// \brief Subtracts signed or unsigned 64-bit integer values and writes the
/// difference to the corresponding bits in the destination.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> PSUBQ </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 64-bit integer vector containing the minuend.
/// \param __b
/// A 64-bit integer vector containing the subtrahend.
/// \returns A 64-bit integer vector containing the difference of the values in
/// the operands.
static __inline__ __m64 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_sub_si64(__m64 __a, __m64 __b)
return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_psubq((__v1di)__a, (__v1di)__b);
/// \brief Subtracts the corresponding elements of two [2 x i64] vectors.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPSUBQ / PSUBQ </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit integer vector containing the minuends.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit integer vector containing the subtrahends.
/// \returns A 128-bit integer vector containing the differences of the values
/// in the operands.
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_sub_epi64(__m128i __a, __m128i __b)
return (__m128i)((__v2du)__a - (__v2du)__b);
/// \brief Subtracts corresponding 8-bit signed integer values in the input and
/// returns the differences in the corresponding bytes in the destination.
/// Differences greater than 7Fh are saturated to 7Fh, and differences less
/// than 80h are saturated to 80h.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPSUBSB / PSUBSB </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit integer vector containing the minuends.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit integer vector containing the subtrahends.
/// \returns A 128-bit integer vector containing the differences of the values
/// in the operands.
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_subs_epi8(__m128i __a, __m128i __b)
return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_psubsb128((__v16qi)__a, (__v16qi)__b);
/// \brief Subtracts corresponding 16-bit signed integer values in the input and
/// returns the differences in the corresponding bytes in the destination.
/// Differences greater than 7FFFh are saturated to 7FFFh, and values less
/// than 8000h are saturated to 8000h.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPSUBSW / PSUBSW </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit integer vector containing the minuends.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit integer vector containing the subtrahends.
/// \returns A 128-bit integer vector containing the differences of the values
/// in the operands.
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_subs_epi16(__m128i __a, __m128i __b)
return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_psubsw128((__v8hi)__a, (__v8hi)__b);
/// \brief Subtracts corresponding 8-bit unsigned integer values in the input
/// and returns the differences in the corresponding bytes in the
/// destination. Differences less than 00h are saturated to 00h.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPSUBUSB / PSUBUSB </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit integer vector containing the minuends.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit integer vector containing the subtrahends.
/// \returns A 128-bit integer vector containing the unsigned integer
/// differences of the values in the operands.
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_subs_epu8(__m128i __a, __m128i __b)
return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_psubusb128((__v16qi)__a, (__v16qi)__b);
/// \brief Subtracts corresponding 16-bit unsigned integer values in the input
/// and returns the differences in the corresponding bytes in the
/// destination. Differences less than 0000h are saturated to 0000h.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPSUBUSW / PSUBUSW </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit integer vector containing the minuends.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit integer vector containing the subtrahends.
/// \returns A 128-bit integer vector containing the unsigned integer
/// differences of the values in the operands.
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_subs_epu16(__m128i __a, __m128i __b)
return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_psubusw128((__v8hi)__a, (__v8hi)__b);
/// \brief Performs a bitwise AND of two 128-bit integer vectors.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPAND / PAND </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit integer vector containing one of the source operands.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit integer vector containing one of the source operands.
/// \returns A 128-bit integer vector containing the bitwise AND of the values
/// in both operands.
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_and_si128(__m128i __a, __m128i __b)
return (__m128i)((__v2du)__a & (__v2du)__b);
/// \brief Performs a bitwise AND of two 128-bit integer vectors, using the
/// one's complement of the values contained in the first source operand.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPANDN / PANDN </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector containing the left source operand. The one's complement
/// of this value is used in the bitwise AND.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector containing the right source operand.
/// \returns A 128-bit integer vector containing the bitwise AND of the one's
/// complement of the first operand and the values in the second operand.
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_andnot_si128(__m128i __a, __m128i __b)
return (__m128i)(~(__v2du)__a & (__v2du)__b);
/// \brief Performs a bitwise OR of two 128-bit integer vectors.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPOR / POR </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit integer vector containing one of the source operands.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit integer vector containing one of the source operands.
/// \returns A 128-bit integer vector containing the bitwise OR of the values
/// in both operands.
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_or_si128(__m128i __a, __m128i __b)
return (__m128i)((__v2du)__a | (__v2du)__b);
/// \brief Performs a bitwise exclusive OR of two 128-bit integer vectors.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPXOR / PXOR </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit integer vector containing one of the source operands.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit integer vector containing one of the source operands.
/// \returns A 128-bit integer vector containing the bitwise exclusive OR of the
/// values in both operands.
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_xor_si128(__m128i __a, __m128i __b)
return (__m128i)((__v2du)__a ^ (__v2du)__b);
/// \brief Left-shifts the 128-bit integer vector operand by the specified
/// number of bytes. Low-order bits are cleared.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// \code
/// __m128i _mm_slli_si128(__m128i a, const int imm);
/// \endcode
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPSLLDQ / PSLLDQ </c> instruction.
/// \param a
/// A 128-bit integer vector containing the source operand.
/// \param imm
/// An immediate value specifying the number of bytes to left-shift operand
/// \a a.
/// \returns A 128-bit integer vector containing the left-shifted value.
#define _mm_slli_si128(a, imm) __extension__ ({ \
(__m128i)__builtin_shufflevector( \
(__v16qi)_mm_setzero_si128(), \
(__v16qi)(__m128i)(a), \
((char)(imm)&0xF0) ? 0 : 16 - (char)(imm), \
((char)(imm)&0xF0) ? 1 : 17 - (char)(imm), \
((char)(imm)&0xF0) ? 2 : 18 - (char)(imm), \
((char)(imm)&0xF0) ? 3 : 19 - (char)(imm), \
((char)(imm)&0xF0) ? 4 : 20 - (char)(imm), \
((char)(imm)&0xF0) ? 5 : 21 - (char)(imm), \
((char)(imm)&0xF0) ? 6 : 22 - (char)(imm), \
((char)(imm)&0xF0) ? 7 : 23 - (char)(imm), \
((char)(imm)&0xF0) ? 8 : 24 - (char)(imm), \
((char)(imm)&0xF0) ? 9 : 25 - (char)(imm), \
((char)(imm)&0xF0) ? 10 : 26 - (char)(imm), \
((char)(imm)&0xF0) ? 11 : 27 - (char)(imm), \
((char)(imm)&0xF0) ? 12 : 28 - (char)(imm), \
((char)(imm)&0xF0) ? 13 : 29 - (char)(imm), \
((char)(imm)&0xF0) ? 14 : 30 - (char)(imm), \
((char)(imm)&0xF0) ? 15 : 31 - (char)(imm)); })
#define _mm_bslli_si128(a, imm) \
_mm_slli_si128((a), (imm))
/// \brief Left-shifts each 16-bit value in the 128-bit integer vector operand
/// by the specified number of bits. Low-order bits are cleared.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPSLLW / PSLLW </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit integer vector containing the source operand.
/// \param __count
/// An integer value specifying the number of bits to left-shift each value
/// in operand \a __a.
/// \returns A 128-bit integer vector containing the left-shifted values.
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_slli_epi16(__m128i __a, int __count)
return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_psllwi128((__v8hi)__a, __count);
/// \brief Left-shifts each 16-bit value in the 128-bit integer vector operand
/// by the specified number of bits. Low-order bits are cleared.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPSLLW / PSLLW </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit integer vector containing the source operand.
/// \param __count
/// A 128-bit integer vector in which bits [63:0] specify the number of bits
/// to left-shift each value in operand \a __a.
/// \returns A 128-bit integer vector containing the left-shifted values.
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_sll_epi16(__m128i __a, __m128i __count)
return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_psllw128((__v8hi)__a, (__v8hi)__count);
/// \brief Left-shifts each 32-bit value in the 128-bit integer vector operand
/// by the specified number of bits. Low-order bits are cleared.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPSLLD / PSLLD </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit integer vector containing the source operand.
/// \param __count
/// An integer value specifying the number of bits to left-shift each value
/// in operand \a __a.
/// \returns A 128-bit integer vector containing the left-shifted values.
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_slli_epi32(__m128i __a, int __count)
return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_pslldi128((__v4si)__a, __count);
/// \brief Left-shifts each 32-bit value in the 128-bit integer vector operand
/// by the specified number of bits. Low-order bits are cleared.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPSLLD / PSLLD </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit integer vector containing the source operand.
/// \param __count
/// A 128-bit integer vector in which bits [63:0] specify the number of bits
/// to left-shift each value in operand \a __a.
/// \returns A 128-bit integer vector containing the left-shifted values.
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_sll_epi32(__m128i __a, __m128i __count)
return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_pslld128((__v4si)__a, (__v4si)__count);
/// \brief Left-shifts each 64-bit value in the 128-bit integer vector operand
/// by the specified number of bits. Low-order bits are cleared.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPSLLQ / PSLLQ </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit integer vector containing the source operand.
/// \param __count
/// An integer value specifying the number of bits to left-shift each value
/// in operand \a __a.
/// \returns A 128-bit integer vector containing the left-shifted values.
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_slli_epi64(__m128i __a, int __count)
return __builtin_ia32_psllqi128((__v2di)__a, __count);
/// \brief Left-shifts each 64-bit value in the 128-bit integer vector operand
/// by the specified number of bits. Low-order bits are cleared.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPSLLQ / PSLLQ </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit integer vector containing the source operand.
/// \param __count
/// A 128-bit integer vector in which bits [63:0] specify the number of bits
/// to left-shift each value in operand \a __a.
/// \returns A 128-bit integer vector containing the left-shifted values.
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_sll_epi64(__m128i __a, __m128i __count)
return __builtin_ia32_psllq128((__v2di)__a, (__v2di)__count);
/// \brief Right-shifts each 16-bit value in the 128-bit integer vector operand
/// by the specified number of bits. High-order bits are filled with the sign
/// bit of the initial value.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPSRAW / PSRAW </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit integer vector containing the source operand.
/// \param __count
/// An integer value specifying the number of bits to right-shift each value
/// in operand \a __a.
/// \returns A 128-bit integer vector containing the right-shifted values.
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_srai_epi16(__m128i __a, int __count)
return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_psrawi128((__v8hi)__a, __count);
/// \brief Right-shifts each 16-bit value in the 128-bit integer vector operand
/// by the specified number of bits. High-order bits are filled with the sign
/// bit of the initial value.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPSRAW / PSRAW </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit integer vector containing the source operand.
/// \param __count
/// A 128-bit integer vector in which bits [63:0] specify the number of bits
/// to right-shift each value in operand \a __a.
/// \returns A 128-bit integer vector containing the right-shifted values.
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_sra_epi16(__m128i __a, __m128i __count)
return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_psraw128((__v8hi)__a, (__v8hi)__count);
/// \brief Right-shifts each 32-bit value in the 128-bit integer vector operand
/// by the specified number of bits. High-order bits are filled with the sign
/// bit of the initial value.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPSRAD / PSRAD </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit integer vector containing the source operand.
/// \param __count
/// An integer value specifying the number of bits to right-shift each value
/// in operand \a __a.
/// \returns A 128-bit integer vector containing the right-shifted values.
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_srai_epi32(__m128i __a, int __count)
return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_psradi128((__v4si)__a, __count);
/// \brief Right-shifts each 32-bit value in the 128-bit integer vector operand
/// by the specified number of bits. High-order bits are filled with the sign
/// bit of the initial value.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPSRAD / PSRAD </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit integer vector containing the source operand.
/// \param __count
/// A 128-bit integer vector in which bits [63:0] specify the number of bits
/// to right-shift each value in operand \a __a.
/// \returns A 128-bit integer vector containing the right-shifted values.
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_sra_epi32(__m128i __a, __m128i __count)
return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_psrad128((__v4si)__a, (__v4si)__count);
/// \brief Right-shifts the 128-bit integer vector operand by the specified
/// number of bytes. High-order bits are cleared.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// \code
/// __m128i _mm_srli_si128(__m128i a, const int imm);
/// \endcode
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPSRLDQ / PSRLDQ </c> instruction.
/// \param a
/// A 128-bit integer vector containing the source operand.
/// \param imm
/// An immediate value specifying the number of bytes to right-shift operand
/// \a a.
/// \returns A 128-bit integer vector containing the right-shifted value.
#define _mm_srli_si128(a, imm) __extension__ ({ \
(__m128i)__builtin_shufflevector( \
(__v16qi)(__m128i)(a), \
(__v16qi)_mm_setzero_si128(), \
((char)(imm)&0xF0) ? 16 : (char)(imm) + 0, \
((char)(imm)&0xF0) ? 17 : (char)(imm) + 1, \
((char)(imm)&0xF0) ? 18 : (char)(imm) + 2, \
((char)(imm)&0xF0) ? 19 : (char)(imm) + 3, \
((char)(imm)&0xF0) ? 20 : (char)(imm) + 4, \
((char)(imm)&0xF0) ? 21 : (char)(imm) + 5, \
((char)(imm)&0xF0) ? 22 : (char)(imm) + 6, \
((char)(imm)&0xF0) ? 23 : (char)(imm) + 7, \
((char)(imm)&0xF0) ? 24 : (char)(imm) + 8, \
((char)(imm)&0xF0) ? 25 : (char)(imm) + 9, \
((char)(imm)&0xF0) ? 26 : (char)(imm) + 10, \
((char)(imm)&0xF0) ? 27 : (char)(imm) + 11, \
((char)(imm)&0xF0) ? 28 : (char)(imm) + 12, \
((char)(imm)&0xF0) ? 29 : (char)(imm) + 13, \
((char)(imm)&0xF0) ? 30 : (char)(imm) + 14, \
((char)(imm)&0xF0) ? 31 : (char)(imm) + 15); })
#define _mm_bsrli_si128(a, imm) \
_mm_srli_si128((a), (imm))
/// \brief Right-shifts each of 16-bit values in the 128-bit integer vector
/// operand by the specified number of bits. High-order bits are cleared.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPSRLW / PSRLW </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit integer vector containing the source operand.
/// \param __count
/// An integer value specifying the number of bits to right-shift each value
/// in operand \a __a.
/// \returns A 128-bit integer vector containing the right-shifted values.
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_srli_epi16(__m128i __a, int __count)
return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_psrlwi128((__v8hi)__a, __count);
/// \brief Right-shifts each of 16-bit values in the 128-bit integer vector
/// operand by the specified number of bits. High-order bits are cleared.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPSRLW / PSRLW </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit integer vector containing the source operand.
/// \param __count
/// A 128-bit integer vector in which bits [63:0] specify the number of bits
/// to right-shift each value in operand \a __a.
/// \returns A 128-bit integer vector containing the right-shifted values.
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_srl_epi16(__m128i __a, __m128i __count)
return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_psrlw128((__v8hi)__a, (__v8hi)__count);
/// \brief Right-shifts each of 32-bit values in the 128-bit integer vector
/// operand by the specified number of bits. High-order bits are cleared.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPSRLD / PSRLD </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit integer vector containing the source operand.
/// \param __count
/// An integer value specifying the number of bits to right-shift each value
/// in operand \a __a.
/// \returns A 128-bit integer vector containing the right-shifted values.
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_srli_epi32(__m128i __a, int __count)
return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_psrldi128((__v4si)__a, __count);
/// \brief Right-shifts each of 32-bit values in the 128-bit integer vector
/// operand by the specified number of bits. High-order bits are cleared.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPSRLD / PSRLD </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit integer vector containing the source operand.
/// \param __count
/// A 128-bit integer vector in which bits [63:0] specify the number of bits
/// to right-shift each value in operand \a __a.
/// \returns A 128-bit integer vector containing the right-shifted values.
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_srl_epi32(__m128i __a, __m128i __count)
return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_psrld128((__v4si)__a, (__v4si)__count);
/// \brief Right-shifts each of 64-bit values in the 128-bit integer vector
/// operand by the specified number of bits. High-order bits are cleared.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPSRLQ / PSRLQ </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit integer vector containing the source operand.
/// \param __count
/// An integer value specifying the number of bits to right-shift each value
/// in operand \a __a.
/// \returns A 128-bit integer vector containing the right-shifted values.
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_srli_epi64(__m128i __a, int __count)
return __builtin_ia32_psrlqi128((__v2di)__a, __count);
/// \brief Right-shifts each of 64-bit values in the 128-bit integer vector
/// operand by the specified number of bits. High-order bits are cleared.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPSRLQ / PSRLQ </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit integer vector containing the source operand.
/// \param __count
/// A 128-bit integer vector in which bits [63:0] specify the number of bits
/// to right-shift each value in operand \a __a.
/// \returns A 128-bit integer vector containing the right-shifted values.
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_srl_epi64(__m128i __a, __m128i __count)
return __builtin_ia32_psrlq128((__v2di)__a, (__v2di)__count);
/// \brief Compares each of the corresponding 8-bit values of the 128-bit
/// integer vectors for equality. Each comparison yields 0h for false, FFh
/// for true.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPCMPEQB / PCMPEQB </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit integer vector.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit integer vector.
/// \returns A 128-bit integer vector containing the comparison results.
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cmpeq_epi8(__m128i __a, __m128i __b)
return (__m128i)((__v16qi)__a == (__v16qi)__b);
/// \brief Compares each of the corresponding 16-bit values of the 128-bit
/// integer vectors for equality. Each comparison yields 0h for false, FFFFh
/// for true.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPCMPEQW / PCMPEQW </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit integer vector.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit integer vector.
/// \returns A 128-bit integer vector containing the comparison results.
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cmpeq_epi16(__m128i __a, __m128i __b)
return (__m128i)((__v8hi)__a == (__v8hi)__b);
/// \brief Compares each of the corresponding 32-bit values of the 128-bit
/// integer vectors for equality. Each comparison yields 0h for false,
/// FFFFFFFFh for true.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPCMPEQD / PCMPEQD </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit integer vector.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit integer vector.
/// \returns A 128-bit integer vector containing the comparison results.
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cmpeq_epi32(__m128i __a, __m128i __b)
return (__m128i)((__v4si)__a == (__v4si)__b);
/// \brief Compares each of the corresponding signed 8-bit values of the 128-bit
/// integer vectors to determine if the values in the first operand are
/// greater than those in the second operand. Each comparison yields 0h for
/// false, FFh for true.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPCMPGTB / PCMPGTB </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit integer vector.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit integer vector.
/// \returns A 128-bit integer vector containing the comparison results.
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cmpgt_epi8(__m128i __a, __m128i __b)
/* This function always performs a signed comparison, but __v16qi is a char
which may be signed or unsigned, so use __v16qs. */
return (__m128i)((__v16qs)__a > (__v16qs)__b);
/// \brief Compares each of the corresponding signed 16-bit values of the
/// 128-bit integer vectors to determine if the values in the first operand
/// are greater than those in the second operand.
/// Each comparison yields 0h for false, FFFFh for true.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPCMPGTW / PCMPGTW </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit integer vector.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit integer vector.
/// \returns A 128-bit integer vector containing the comparison results.
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cmpgt_epi16(__m128i __a, __m128i __b)
return (__m128i)((__v8hi)__a > (__v8hi)__b);
/// \brief Compares each of the corresponding signed 32-bit values of the
/// 128-bit integer vectors to determine if the values in the first operand
/// are greater than those in the second operand.
/// Each comparison yields 0h for false, FFFFFFFFh for true.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPCMPGTD / PCMPGTD </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit integer vector.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit integer vector.
/// \returns A 128-bit integer vector containing the comparison results.
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cmpgt_epi32(__m128i __a, __m128i __b)
return (__m128i)((__v4si)__a > (__v4si)__b);
/// \brief Compares each of the corresponding signed 8-bit values of the 128-bit
/// integer vectors to determine if the values in the first operand are less
/// than those in the second operand.
/// Each comparison yields 0h for false, FFh for true.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPCMPGTB / PCMPGTB </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit integer vector.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit integer vector.
/// \returns A 128-bit integer vector containing the comparison results.
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cmplt_epi8(__m128i __a, __m128i __b)
return _mm_cmpgt_epi8(__b, __a);
/// \brief Compares each of the corresponding signed 16-bit values of the
/// 128-bit integer vectors to determine if the values in the first operand
/// are less than those in the second operand.
/// Each comparison yields 0h for false, FFFFh for true.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPCMPGTW / PCMPGTW </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit integer vector.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit integer vector.
/// \returns A 128-bit integer vector containing the comparison results.
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cmplt_epi16(__m128i __a, __m128i __b)
return _mm_cmpgt_epi16(__b, __a);
/// \brief Compares each of the corresponding signed 32-bit values of the
/// 128-bit integer vectors to determine if the values in the first operand
/// are less than those in the second operand.
/// Each comparison yields 0h for false, FFFFFFFFh for true.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPCMPGTD / PCMPGTD </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit integer vector.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit integer vector.
/// \returns A 128-bit integer vector containing the comparison results.
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cmplt_epi32(__m128i __a, __m128i __b)
return _mm_cmpgt_epi32(__b, __a);
#ifdef __x86_64__
/// \brief Converts a 64-bit signed integer value from the second operand into a
/// double-precision value and returns it in the lower element of a [2 x
/// double] vector; the upper element of the returned vector is copied from
/// the upper element of the first operand.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCVTSI2SD / CVTSI2SD </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double]. The upper 64 bits of this operand are
/// copied to the upper 64 bits of the destination.
/// \param __b
/// A 64-bit signed integer operand containing the value to be converted.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [2 x double] whose lower 64 bits contain the
/// converted value of the second operand. The upper 64 bits are copied from
/// the upper 64 bits of the first operand.
static __inline__ __m128d __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cvtsi64_sd(__m128d __a, long long __b)
__a[0] = __b;
return __a;
/// \brief Converts the first (lower) element of a vector of [2 x double] into a
/// 64-bit signed integer value, according to the current rounding mode.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCVTSD2SI / CVTSD2SI </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double]. The lower 64 bits are used in the
/// conversion.
/// \returns A 64-bit signed integer containing the converted value.
static __inline__ long long __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cvtsd_si64(__m128d __a)
return __builtin_ia32_cvtsd2si64((__v2df)__a);
/// \brief Converts the first (lower) element of a vector of [2 x double] into a
/// 64-bit signed integer value, truncating the result when it is inexact.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCVTTSD2SI / CVTTSD2SI </c>
/// instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double]. The lower 64 bits are used in the
/// conversion.
/// \returns A 64-bit signed integer containing the converted value.
static __inline__ long long __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cvttsd_si64(__m128d __a)
return __builtin_ia32_cvttsd2si64((__v2df)__a);
# 3390 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/emmintrin.h" 3
/// \brief Converts a vector of [4 x i32] into a vector of [4 x float].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCVTDQ2PS / CVTDQ2PS </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit integer vector.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the converted values.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cvtepi32_ps(__m128i __a)
return __builtin_ia32_cvtdq2ps((__v4si)__a);
/// \brief Converts a vector of [4 x float] into a vector of [4 x i32].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCVTPS2DQ / CVTPS2DQ </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float].
/// \returns A 128-bit integer vector of [4 x i32] containing the converted
/// values.
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cvtps_epi32(__m128 __a)
return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_cvtps2dq((__v4sf)__a);
/// \brief Converts a vector of [4 x float] into a vector of [4 x i32],
/// truncating the result when it is inexact.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VCVTTPS2DQ / CVTTPS2DQ </c>
/// instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float].
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x i32] containing the converted values.
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cvttps_epi32(__m128 __a)
return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_cvttps2dq((__v4sf)__a);
/// \brief Returns a vector of [4 x i32] where the lowest element is the input
/// operand and the remaining elements are zero.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VMOVD / MOVD </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 32-bit signed integer operand.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x i32].
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cvtsi32_si128(int __a)
return (__m128i)(__v4si){ __a, 0, 0, 0 };
#ifdef __x86_64__
/// \brief Returns a vector of [2 x i64] where the lower element is the input
/// operand and the upper element is zero.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VMOVQ / MOVQ </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 64-bit signed integer operand containing the value to be converted.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [2 x i64] containing the converted value.
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cvtsi64_si128(long long __a)
return (__m128i){ __a, 0 };
# 3472 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/emmintrin.h" 3
/// \brief Moves the least significant 32 bits of a vector of [4 x i32] to a
/// 32-bit signed integer value.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VMOVD / MOVD </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A vector of [4 x i32]. The least significant 32 bits are moved to the
/// destination.
/// \returns A 32-bit signed integer containing the moved value.
static __inline__ int __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cvtsi128_si32(__m128i __a)
__v4si __b = (__v4si)__a;
return __b[0];
#ifdef __x86_64__
/// \brief Moves the least significant 64 bits of a vector of [2 x i64] to a
/// 64-bit signed integer value.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VMOVQ / MOVQ </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A vector of [2 x i64]. The least significant 64 bits are moved to the
/// destination.
/// \returns A 64-bit signed integer containing the moved value.
static __inline__ long long __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cvtsi128_si64(__m128i __a)
return __a[0];
# 3509 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/emmintrin.h" 3
/// \brief Moves packed integer values from an aligned 128-bit memory location
/// to elements in a 128-bit integer vector.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VMOVDQA / MOVDQA </c> instruction.
/// \param __p
/// An aligned pointer to a memory location containing integer values.
/// \returns A 128-bit integer vector containing the moved values.
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_load_si128(__m128i const *__p)
return *__p;
/// \brief Moves packed integer values from an unaligned 128-bit memory location
/// to elements in a 128-bit integer vector.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VMOVDQU / MOVDQU </c> instruction.
/// \param __p
/// A pointer to a memory location containing integer values.
/// \returns A 128-bit integer vector containing the moved values.
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_loadu_si128(__m128i const *__p)
struct __loadu_si128 {
__m128i __v;
} __attribute__((__packed__, __may_alias__));
return ((struct __loadu_si128*)__p)->__v;
/// \brief Returns a vector of [2 x i64] where the lower element is taken from
/// the lower element of the operand, and the upper element is zero.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VMOVQ / MOVQ </c> instruction.
/// \param __p
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x i64]. Bits [63:0] are written to bits [63:0] of
/// the destination.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [2 x i64]. The lower order bits contain the
/// moved value. The higher order bits are cleared.
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_loadl_epi64(__m128i const *__p)
struct __mm_loadl_epi64_struct {
long long __u;
} __attribute__((__packed__, __may_alias__));
return (__m128i) { ((struct __mm_loadl_epi64_struct*)__p)->__u, 0};
/// \brief Generates a 128-bit vector of [4 x i32] with unspecified content.
/// This could be used as an argument to another intrinsic function where the
/// argument is required but the value is not actually used.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic has no corresponding instruction.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x i32] with unspecified content.
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_undef128();
/// \brief Initializes both 64-bit values in a 128-bit vector of [2 x i64] with
/// the specified 64-bit integer values.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic is a utility function and does not correspond to a specific
/// instruction.
/// \param __q1
/// A 64-bit integer value used to initialize the upper 64 bits of the
/// destination vector of [2 x i64].
/// \param __q0
/// A 64-bit integer value used to initialize the lower 64 bits of the
/// destination vector of [2 x i64].
/// \returns An initialized 128-bit vector of [2 x i64] containing the values
/// provided in the operands.
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_set_epi64x(long long __q1, long long __q0)
return (__m128i){ __q0, __q1 };
/// \brief Initializes both 64-bit values in a 128-bit vector of [2 x i64] with
/// the specified 64-bit integer values.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic is a utility function and does not correspond to a specific
/// instruction.
/// \param __q1
/// A 64-bit integer value used to initialize the upper 64 bits of the
/// destination vector of [2 x i64].
/// \param __q0
/// A 64-bit integer value used to initialize the lower 64 bits of the
/// destination vector of [2 x i64].
/// \returns An initialized 128-bit vector of [2 x i64] containing the values
/// provided in the operands.
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_set_epi64(__m64 __q1, __m64 __q0)
return (__m128i){ (long long)__q0, (long long)__q1 };
/// \brief Initializes the 32-bit values in a 128-bit vector of [4 x i32] with
/// the specified 32-bit integer values.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic is a utility function and does not correspond to a specific
/// instruction.
/// \param __i3
/// A 32-bit integer value used to initialize bits [127:96] of the
/// destination vector.
/// \param __i2
/// A 32-bit integer value used to initialize bits [95:64] of the destination
/// vector.
/// \param __i1
/// A 32-bit integer value used to initialize bits [63:32] of the destination
/// vector.
/// \param __i0
/// A 32-bit integer value used to initialize bits [31:0] of the destination
/// vector.
/// \returns An initialized 128-bit vector of [4 x i32] containing the values
/// provided in the operands.
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_set_epi32(int __i3, int __i2, int __i1, int __i0)
return (__m128i)(__v4si){ __i0, __i1, __i2, __i3};
/// \brief Initializes the 16-bit values in a 128-bit vector of [8 x i16] with
/// the specified 16-bit integer values.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic is a utility function and does not correspond to a specific
/// instruction.
/// \param __w7
/// A 16-bit integer value used to initialize bits [127:112] of the
/// destination vector.
/// \param __w6
/// A 16-bit integer value used to initialize bits [111:96] of the
/// destination vector.
/// \param __w5
/// A 16-bit integer value used to initialize bits [95:80] of the destination
/// vector.
/// \param __w4
/// A 16-bit integer value used to initialize bits [79:64] of the destination
/// vector.
/// \param __w3
/// A 16-bit integer value used to initialize bits [63:48] of the destination
/// vector.
/// \param __w2
/// A 16-bit integer value used to initialize bits [47:32] of the destination
/// vector.
/// \param __w1
/// A 16-bit integer value used to initialize bits [31:16] of the destination
/// vector.
/// \param __w0
/// A 16-bit integer value used to initialize bits [15:0] of the destination
/// vector.
/// \returns An initialized 128-bit vector of [8 x i16] containing the values
/// provided in the operands.
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_set_epi16(short __w7, short __w6, short __w5, short __w4, short __w3, short __w2, short __w1, short __w0)
return (__m128i)(__v8hi){ __w0, __w1, __w2, __w3, __w4, __w5, __w6, __w7 };
/// \brief Initializes the 8-bit values in a 128-bit vector of [16 x i8] with
/// the specified 8-bit integer values.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic is a utility function and does not correspond to a specific
/// instruction.
/// \param __b15
/// Initializes bits [127:120] of the destination vector.
/// \param __b14
/// Initializes bits [119:112] of the destination vector.
/// \param __b13
/// Initializes bits [111:104] of the destination vector.
/// \param __b12
/// Initializes bits [103:96] of the destination vector.
/// \param __b11
/// Initializes bits [95:88] of the destination vector.
/// \param __b10
/// Initializes bits [87:80] of the destination vector.
/// \param __b9
/// Initializes bits [79:72] of the destination vector.
/// \param __b8
/// Initializes bits [71:64] of the destination vector.
/// \param __b7
/// Initializes bits [63:56] of the destination vector.
/// \param __b6
/// Initializes bits [55:48] of the destination vector.
/// \param __b5
/// Initializes bits [47:40] of the destination vector.
/// \param __b4
/// Initializes bits [39:32] of the destination vector.
/// \param __b3
/// Initializes bits [31:24] of the destination vector.
/// \param __b2
/// Initializes bits [23:16] of the destination vector.
/// \param __b1
/// Initializes bits [15:8] of the destination vector.
/// \param __b0
/// Initializes bits [7:0] of the destination vector.
/// \returns An initialized 128-bit vector of [16 x i8] containing the values
/// provided in the operands.
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_set_epi8(char __b15, char __b14, char __b13, char __b12, char __b11, char __b10, char __b9, char __b8, char __b7, char __b6, char __b5, char __b4, char __b3, char __b2, char __b1, char __b0)
return (__m128i)(__v16qi){ __b0, __b1, __b2, __b3, __b4, __b5, __b6, __b7, __b8, __b9, __b10, __b11, __b12, __b13, __b14, __b15 };
/// \brief Initializes both values in a 128-bit integer vector with the
/// specified 64-bit integer value.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic is a utility function and does not correspond to a specific
/// instruction.
/// \param __q
/// Integer value used to initialize the elements of the destination integer
/// vector.
/// \returns An initialized 128-bit integer vector of [2 x i64] with both
/// elements containing the value provided in the operand.
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_set1_epi64x(long long __q)
return (__m128i){ __q, __q };
/// \brief Initializes both values in a 128-bit vector of [2 x i64] with the
/// specified 64-bit value.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic is a utility function and does not correspond to a specific
/// instruction.
/// \param __q
/// A 64-bit value used to initialize the elements of the destination integer
/// vector.
/// \returns An initialized 128-bit vector of [2 x i64] with all elements
/// containing the value provided in the operand.
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_set1_epi64(__m64 __q)
return (__m128i){ (long long)__q, (long long)__q };
/// \brief Initializes all values in a 128-bit vector of [4 x i32] with the
/// specified 32-bit value.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic is a utility function and does not correspond to a specific
/// instruction.
/// \param __i
/// A 32-bit value used to initialize the elements of the destination integer
/// vector.
/// \returns An initialized 128-bit vector of [4 x i32] with all elements
/// containing the value provided in the operand.
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_set1_epi32(int __i)
return (__m128i)(__v4si){ __i, __i, __i, __i };
/// \brief Initializes all values in a 128-bit vector of [8 x i16] with the
/// specified 16-bit value.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic is a utility function and does not correspond to a specific
/// instruction.
/// \param __w
/// A 16-bit value used to initialize the elements of the destination integer
/// vector.
/// \returns An initialized 128-bit vector of [8 x i16] with all elements
/// containing the value provided in the operand.
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_set1_epi16(short __w)
return (__m128i)(__v8hi){ __w, __w, __w, __w, __w, __w, __w, __w };
/// \brief Initializes all values in a 128-bit vector of [16 x i8] with the
/// specified 8-bit value.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic is a utility function and does not correspond to a specific
/// instruction.
/// \param __b
/// An 8-bit value used to initialize the elements of the destination integer
/// vector.
/// \returns An initialized 128-bit vector of [16 x i8] with all elements
/// containing the value provided in the operand.
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_set1_epi8(char __b)
return (__m128i)(__v16qi){ __b, __b, __b, __b, __b, __b, __b, __b, __b, __b, __b, __b, __b, __b, __b, __b };
/// \brief Constructs a 128-bit integer vector, initialized in reverse order
/// with the specified 64-bit integral values.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPUNPCKLQDQ / PUNPCKLQDQ </c>
/// instruction.
/// \param __q0
/// A 64-bit integral value used to initialize the lower 64 bits of the
/// result.
/// \param __q1
/// A 64-bit integral value used to initialize the upper 64 bits of the
/// result.
/// \returns An initialized 128-bit integer vector.
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_setr_epi64(__m64 __q0, __m64 __q1)
return (__m128i){ (long long)__q0, (long long)__q1 };
/// \brief Constructs a 128-bit integer vector, initialized in reverse order
/// with the specified 32-bit integral values.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic is a utility function and does not correspond to a specific
/// instruction.
/// \param __i0
/// A 32-bit integral value used to initialize bits [31:0] of the result.
/// \param __i1
/// A 32-bit integral value used to initialize bits [63:32] of the result.
/// \param __i2
/// A 32-bit integral value used to initialize bits [95:64] of the result.
/// \param __i3
/// A 32-bit integral value used to initialize bits [127:96] of the result.
/// \returns An initialized 128-bit integer vector.
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_setr_epi32(int __i0, int __i1, int __i2, int __i3)
return (__m128i)(__v4si){ __i0, __i1, __i2, __i3};
/// \brief Constructs a 128-bit integer vector, initialized in reverse order
/// with the specified 16-bit integral values.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic is a utility function and does not correspond to a specific
/// instruction.
/// \param __w0
/// A 16-bit integral value used to initialize bits [15:0] of the result.
/// \param __w1
/// A 16-bit integral value used to initialize bits [31:16] of the result.
/// \param __w2
/// A 16-bit integral value used to initialize bits [47:32] of the result.
/// \param __w3
/// A 16-bit integral value used to initialize bits [63:48] of the result.
/// \param __w4
/// A 16-bit integral value used to initialize bits [79:64] of the result.
/// \param __w5
/// A 16-bit integral value used to initialize bits [95:80] of the result.
/// \param __w6
/// A 16-bit integral value used to initialize bits [111:96] of the result.
/// \param __w7
/// A 16-bit integral value used to initialize bits [127:112] of the result.
/// \returns An initialized 128-bit integer vector.
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_setr_epi16(short __w0, short __w1, short __w2, short __w3, short __w4, short __w5, short __w6, short __w7)
return (__m128i)(__v8hi){ __w0, __w1, __w2, __w3, __w4, __w5, __w6, __w7 };
/// \brief Constructs a 128-bit integer vector, initialized in reverse order
/// with the specified 8-bit integral values.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic is a utility function and does not correspond to a specific
/// instruction.
/// \param __b0
/// An 8-bit integral value used to initialize bits [7:0] of the result.
/// \param __b1
/// An 8-bit integral value used to initialize bits [15:8] of the result.
/// \param __b2
/// An 8-bit integral value used to initialize bits [23:16] of the result.
/// \param __b3
/// An 8-bit integral value used to initialize bits [31:24] of the result.
/// \param __b4
/// An 8-bit integral value used to initialize bits [39:32] of the result.
/// \param __b5
/// An 8-bit integral value used to initialize bits [47:40] of the result.
/// \param __b6
/// An 8-bit integral value used to initialize bits [55:48] of the result.
/// \param __b7
/// An 8-bit integral value used to initialize bits [63:56] of the result.
/// \param __b8
/// An 8-bit integral value used to initialize bits [71:64] of the result.
/// \param __b9
/// An 8-bit integral value used to initialize bits [79:72] of the result.
/// \param __b10
/// An 8-bit integral value used to initialize bits [87:80] of the result.
/// \param __b11
/// An 8-bit integral value used to initialize bits [95:88] of the result.
/// \param __b12
/// An 8-bit integral value used to initialize bits [103:96] of the result.
/// \param __b13
/// An 8-bit integral value used to initialize bits [111:104] of the result.
/// \param __b14
/// An 8-bit integral value used to initialize bits [119:112] of the result.
/// \param __b15
/// An 8-bit integral value used to initialize bits [127:120] of the result.
/// \returns An initialized 128-bit integer vector.
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_setr_epi8(char __b0, char __b1, char __b2, char __b3, char __b4, char __b5, char __b6, char __b7, char __b8, char __b9, char __b10, char __b11, char __b12, char __b13, char __b14, char __b15)
return (__m128i)(__v16qi){ __b0, __b1, __b2, __b3, __b4, __b5, __b6, __b7, __b8, __b9, __b10, __b11, __b12, __b13, __b14, __b15 };
/// \brief Creates a 128-bit integer vector initialized to zero.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VXORPS / XORPS </c> instruction.
/// \returns An initialized 128-bit integer vector with all elements set to
/// zero.
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
return (__m128i){ 0LL, 0LL };
/// \brief Stores a 128-bit integer vector to a memory location aligned on a
/// 128-bit boundary.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VMOVAPS / MOVAPS </c> instruction.
/// \param __p
/// A pointer to an aligned memory location that will receive the integer
/// values.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit integer vector containing the values to be moved.
static __inline__ void __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_store_si128(__m128i *__p, __m128i __b)
*__p = __b;
/// \brief Stores a 128-bit integer vector to an unaligned memory location.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VMOVUPS / MOVUPS </c> instruction.
/// \param __p
/// A pointer to a memory location that will receive the integer values.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit integer vector containing the values to be moved.
static __inline__ void __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_storeu_si128(__m128i *__p, __m128i __b)
struct __storeu_si128 {
__m128i __v;
} __attribute__((__packed__, __may_alias__));
((struct __storeu_si128*)__p)->__v = __b;
/// \brief Moves bytes selected by the mask from the first operand to the
/// specified unaligned memory location. When a mask bit is 1, the
/// corresponding byte is written, otherwise it is not written.
/// To minimize caching, the date is flagged as non-temporal (unlikely to be
/// used again soon). Exception and trap behavior for elements not selected
/// for storage to memory are implementation dependent.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VMASKMOVDQU / MASKMOVDQU </c>
/// instruction.
/// \param __d
/// A 128-bit integer vector containing the values to be moved.
/// \param __n
/// A 128-bit integer vector containing the mask. The most significant bit of
/// each byte represents the mask bits.
/// \param __p
/// A pointer to an unaligned 128-bit memory location where the specified
/// values are moved.
static __inline__ void __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_maskmoveu_si128(__m128i __d, __m128i __n, char *__p)
__builtin_ia32_maskmovdqu((__v16qi)__d, (__v16qi)__n, __p);
/// \brief Stores the lower 64 bits of a 128-bit integer vector of [2 x i64] to
/// a memory location.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VMOVLPS / MOVLPS </c> instruction.
/// \param __p
/// A pointer to a 64-bit memory location that will receive the lower 64 bits
/// of the integer vector parameter.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit integer vector of [2 x i64]. The lower 64 bits contain the
/// value to be stored.
static __inline__ void __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_storel_epi64(__m128i *__p, __m128i __a)
struct __mm_storel_epi64_struct {
long long __u;
} __attribute__((__packed__, __may_alias__));
((struct __mm_storel_epi64_struct*)__p)->__u = __a[0];
/// \brief Stores a 128-bit floating point vector of [2 x double] to a 128-bit
/// aligned memory location.
/// To minimize caching, the data is flagged as non-temporal (unlikely to be
/// used again soon).
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VMOVNTPS / MOVNTPS </c> instruction.
/// \param __p
/// A pointer to the 128-bit aligned memory location used to store the value.
/// \param __a
/// A vector of [2 x double] containing the 64-bit values to be stored.
static __inline__ void __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_stream_pd(double *__p, __m128d __a)
__builtin_nontemporal_store((__v2df)__a, (__v2df*)__p);
/// \brief Stores a 128-bit integer vector to a 128-bit aligned memory location.
/// To minimize caching, the data is flagged as non-temporal (unlikely to be
/// used again soon).
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VMOVNTPS / MOVNTPS </c> instruction.
/// \param __p
/// A pointer to the 128-bit aligned memory location used to store the value.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit integer vector containing the values to be stored.
static __inline__ void __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_stream_si128(__m128i *__p, __m128i __a)
__builtin_nontemporal_store((__v2di)__a, (__v2di*)__p);
/// \brief Stores a 32-bit integer value in the specified memory location.
/// To minimize caching, the data is flagged as non-temporal (unlikely to be
/// used again soon).
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> MOVNTI </c> instruction.
/// \param __p
/// A pointer to the 32-bit memory location used to store the value.
/// \param __a
/// A 32-bit integer containing the value to be stored.
static __inline__ void __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_stream_si32(int *__p, int __a)
__builtin_ia32_movnti(__p, __a);
#ifdef __x86_64__
/// \brief Stores a 64-bit integer value in the specified memory location.
/// To minimize caching, the data is flagged as non-temporal (unlikely to be
/// used again soon).
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> MOVNTIQ </c> instruction.
/// \param __p
/// A pointer to the 64-bit memory location used to store the value.
/// \param __a
/// A 64-bit integer containing the value to be stored.
static __inline__ void __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_stream_si64(long long *__p, long long __a)
__builtin_ia32_movnti64(__p, __a);
# 4136 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/emmintrin.h" 3
#if defined(__cplusplus)
extern "C" {
# 4140 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/emmintrin.h" 3
/// \brief The cache line containing \a __p is flushed and invalidated from all
/// caches in the coherency domain.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> CLFLUSH </c> instruction.
/// \param __p
/// A pointer to the memory location used to identify the cache line to be
/// flushed.
void _mm_clflush(void const * __p);
/// \brief Forces strong memory ordering (serialization) between load
/// instructions preceding this instruction and load instructions following
/// this instruction, ensuring the system completes all previous loads before
/// executing subsequent loads.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> LFENCE </c> instruction.
void _mm_lfence(void);
/// \brief Forces strong memory ordering (serialization) between load and store
/// instructions preceding this instruction and load and store instructions
/// following this instruction, ensuring that the system completes all
/// previous memory accesses before executing subsequent memory accesses.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> MFENCE </c> instruction.
void _mm_mfence(void);
#if defined(__cplusplus)
} // extern "C"
# 4178 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/emmintrin.h" 3
/// \brief Converts 16-bit signed integers from both 128-bit integer vector
/// operands into 8-bit signed integers, and packs the results into the
/// destination. Positive values greater than 0x7F are saturated to 0x7F.
/// Negative values less than 0x80 are saturated to 0x80.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPACKSSWB / PACKSSWB </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit integer vector of [8 x i16]. Each 16-bit element is treated as
/// a signed integer and is converted to a 8-bit signed integer with
/// saturation. Values greater than 0x7F are saturated to 0x7F. Values less
/// than 0x80 are saturated to 0x80. The converted [8 x i8] values are
/// written to the lower 64 bits of the result.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit integer vector of [8 x i16]. Each 16-bit element is treated as
/// a signed integer and is converted to a 8-bit signed integer with
/// saturation. Values greater than 0x7F are saturated to 0x7F. Values less
/// than 0x80 are saturated to 0x80. The converted [8 x i8] values are
/// written to the higher 64 bits of the result.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [16 x i8] containing the converted values.
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_packs_epi16(__m128i __a, __m128i __b)
return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_packsswb128((__v8hi)__a, (__v8hi)__b);
/// \brief Converts 32-bit signed integers from both 128-bit integer vector
/// operands into 16-bit signed integers, and packs the results into the
/// destination. Positive values greater than 0x7FFF are saturated to 0x7FFF.
/// Negative values less than 0x8000 are saturated to 0x8000.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPACKSSDW / PACKSSDW </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit integer vector of [4 x i32]. Each 32-bit element is treated as
/// a signed integer and is converted to a 16-bit signed integer with
/// saturation. Values greater than 0x7FFF are saturated to 0x7FFF. Values
/// less than 0x8000 are saturated to 0x8000. The converted [4 x i16] values
/// are written to the lower 64 bits of the result.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit integer vector of [4 x i32]. Each 32-bit element is treated as
/// a signed integer and is converted to a 16-bit signed integer with
/// saturation. Values greater than 0x7FFF are saturated to 0x7FFF. Values
/// less than 0x8000 are saturated to 0x8000. The converted [4 x i16] values
/// are written to the higher 64 bits of the result.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [8 x i16] containing the converted values.
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_packs_epi32(__m128i __a, __m128i __b)
return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_packssdw128((__v4si)__a, (__v4si)__b);
/// \brief Converts 16-bit signed integers from both 128-bit integer vector
/// operands into 8-bit unsigned integers, and packs the results into the
/// destination. Values greater than 0xFF are saturated to 0xFF. Values less
/// than 0x00 are saturated to 0x00.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPACKUSWB / PACKUSWB </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit integer vector of [8 x i16]. Each 16-bit element is treated as
/// a signed integer and is converted to an 8-bit unsigned integer with
/// saturation. Values greater than 0xFF are saturated to 0xFF. Values less
/// than 0x00 are saturated to 0x00. The converted [8 x i8] values are
/// written to the lower 64 bits of the result.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit integer vector of [8 x i16]. Each 16-bit element is treated as
/// a signed integer and is converted to an 8-bit unsigned integer with
/// saturation. Values greater than 0xFF are saturated to 0xFF. Values less
/// than 0x00 are saturated to 0x00. The converted [8 x i8] values are
/// written to the higher 64 bits of the result.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [16 x i8] containing the converted values.
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_packus_epi16(__m128i __a, __m128i __b)
return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_packuswb128((__v8hi)__a, (__v8hi)__b);
/// \brief Extracts 16 bits from a 128-bit integer vector of [8 x i16], using
/// the immediate-value parameter as a selector.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPEXTRW / PEXTRW </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit integer vector.
/// \param __imm
/// An immediate value. Bits [2:0] selects values from \a __a to be assigned
/// to bits[15:0] of the result. \n
/// 000: assign values from bits [15:0] of \a __a. \n
/// 001: assign values from bits [31:16] of \a __a. \n
/// 010: assign values from bits [47:32] of \a __a. \n
/// 011: assign values from bits [63:48] of \a __a. \n
/// 100: assign values from bits [79:64] of \a __a. \n
/// 101: assign values from bits [95:80] of \a __a. \n
/// 110: assign values from bits [111:96] of \a __a. \n
/// 111: assign values from bits [127:112] of \a __a.
/// \returns An integer, whose lower 16 bits are selected from the 128-bit
/// integer vector parameter and the remaining bits are assigned zeros.
static __inline__ int __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_extract_epi16(__m128i __a, int __imm)
__v8hi __b = (__v8hi)__a;
return (unsigned short)__b[__imm & 7];
/// \brief Constructs a 128-bit integer vector by first making a copy of the
/// 128-bit integer vector parameter, and then inserting the lower 16 bits
/// of an integer parameter into an offset specified by the immediate-value
/// parameter.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPINSRW / PINSRW </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit integer vector of [8 x i16]. This vector is copied to the
/// result and then one of the eight elements in the result is replaced by
/// the lower 16 bits of \a __b.
/// \param __b
/// An integer. The lower 16 bits of this parameter are written to the
/// result beginning at an offset specified by \a __imm.
/// \param __imm
/// An immediate value specifying the bit offset in the result at which the
/// lower 16 bits of \a __b are written.
/// \returns A 128-bit integer vector containing the constructed values.
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_insert_epi16(__m128i __a, int __b, int __imm)
__v8hi __c = (__v8hi)__a;
__c[__imm & 7] = __b;
return (__m128i)__c;
/// \brief Copies the values of the most significant bits from each 8-bit
/// element in a 128-bit integer vector of [16 x i8] to create a 16-bit mask
/// value, zero-extends the value, and writes it to the destination.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPMOVMSKB / PMOVMSKB </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit integer vector containing the values with bits to be extracted.
/// \returns The most significant bits from each 8-bit element in \a __a,
/// written to bits [15:0]. The other bits are assigned zeros.
static __inline__ int __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_movemask_epi8(__m128i __a)
return __builtin_ia32_pmovmskb128((__v16qi)__a);
/// \brief Constructs a 128-bit integer vector by shuffling four 32-bit
/// elements of a 128-bit integer vector parameter, using the immediate-value
/// parameter as a specifier.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// \code
/// __m128i _mm_shuffle_epi32(__m128i a, const int imm);
/// \endcode
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPSHUFD / PSHUFD </c> instruction.
/// \param a
/// A 128-bit integer vector containing the values to be copied.
/// \param imm
/// An immediate value containing an 8-bit value specifying which elements to
/// copy from a. The destinations within the 128-bit destination are assigned
/// values as follows: \n
/// Bits [1:0] are used to assign values to bits [31:0] of the result. \n
/// Bits [3:2] are used to assign values to bits [63:32] of the result. \n
/// Bits [5:4] are used to assign values to bits [95:64] of the result. \n
/// Bits [7:6] are used to assign values to bits [127:96] of the result. \n
/// Bit value assignments: \n
/// 00: assign values from bits [31:0] of \a a. \n
/// 01: assign values from bits [63:32] of \a a. \n
/// 10: assign values from bits [95:64] of \a a. \n
/// 11: assign values from bits [127:96] of \a a.
/// \returns A 128-bit integer vector containing the shuffled values.
#define _mm_shuffle_epi32(a, imm) __extension__ ({ \
(__m128i)__builtin_shufflevector((__v4si)(__m128i)(a), \
(__v4si)_mm_undefined_si128(), \
((imm) >> 0) & 0x3, ((imm) >> 2) & 0x3, \
((imm) >> 4) & 0x3, ((imm) >> 6) & 0x3); })
/// \brief Constructs a 128-bit integer vector by shuffling four lower 16-bit
/// elements of a 128-bit integer vector of [8 x i16], using the immediate
/// value parameter as a specifier.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// \code
/// __m128i _mm_shufflelo_epi16(__m128i a, const int imm);
/// \endcode
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPSHUFLW / PSHUFLW </c> instruction.
/// \param a
/// A 128-bit integer vector of [8 x i16]. Bits [127:64] are copied to bits
/// [127:64] of the result.
/// \param imm
/// An 8-bit immediate value specifying which elements to copy from \a a. \n
/// Bits[1:0] are used to assign values to bits [15:0] of the result. \n
/// Bits[3:2] are used to assign values to bits [31:16] of the result. \n
/// Bits[5:4] are used to assign values to bits [47:32] of the result. \n
/// Bits[7:6] are used to assign values to bits [63:48] of the result. \n
/// Bit value assignments: \n
/// 00: assign values from bits [15:0] of \a a. \n
/// 01: assign values from bits [31:16] of \a a. \n
/// 10: assign values from bits [47:32] of \a a. \n
/// 11: assign values from bits [63:48] of \a a. \n
/// \returns A 128-bit integer vector containing the shuffled values.
#define _mm_shufflelo_epi16(a, imm) __extension__ ({ \
(__m128i)__builtin_shufflevector((__v8hi)(__m128i)(a), \
(__v8hi)_mm_undefined_si128(), \
((imm) >> 0) & 0x3, ((imm) >> 2) & 0x3, \
((imm) >> 4) & 0x3, ((imm) >> 6) & 0x3, \
4, 5, 6, 7); })
/// \brief Constructs a 128-bit integer vector by shuffling four upper 16-bit
/// elements of a 128-bit integer vector of [8 x i16], using the immediate
/// value parameter as a specifier.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// \code
/// __m128i _mm_shufflehi_epi16(__m128i a, const int imm);
/// \endcode
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPSHUFHW / PSHUFHW </c> instruction.
/// \param a
/// A 128-bit integer vector of [8 x i16]. Bits [63:0] are copied to bits
/// [63:0] of the result.
/// \param imm
/// An 8-bit immediate value specifying which elements to copy from \a a. \n
/// Bits[1:0] are used to assign values to bits [79:64] of the result. \n
/// Bits[3:2] are used to assign values to bits [95:80] of the result. \n
/// Bits[5:4] are used to assign values to bits [111:96] of the result. \n
/// Bits[7:6] are used to assign values to bits [127:112] of the result. \n
/// Bit value assignments: \n
/// 00: assign values from bits [79:64] of \a a. \n
/// 01: assign values from bits [95:80] of \a a. \n
/// 10: assign values from bits [111:96] of \a a. \n
/// 11: assign values from bits [127:112] of \a a. \n
/// \returns A 128-bit integer vector containing the shuffled values.
#define _mm_shufflehi_epi16(a, imm) __extension__ ({ \
(__m128i)__builtin_shufflevector((__v8hi)(__m128i)(a), \
(__v8hi)_mm_undefined_si128(), \
0, 1, 2, 3, \
4 + (((imm) >> 0) & 0x3), \
4 + (((imm) >> 2) & 0x3), \
4 + (((imm) >> 4) & 0x3), \
4 + (((imm) >> 6) & 0x3)); })
/// \brief Unpacks the high-order (index 8-15) values from two 128-bit vectors
/// of [16 x i8] and interleaves them into a 128-bit vector of [16 x i8].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPUNPCKHBW / PUNPCKHBW </c>
/// instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [16 x i8].
/// Bits [71:64] are written to bits [7:0] of the result. \n
/// Bits [79:72] are written to bits [23:16] of the result. \n
/// Bits [87:80] are written to bits [39:32] of the result. \n
/// Bits [95:88] are written to bits [55:48] of the result. \n
/// Bits [103:96] are written to bits [71:64] of the result. \n
/// Bits [111:104] are written to bits [87:80] of the result. \n
/// Bits [119:112] are written to bits [103:96] of the result. \n
/// Bits [127:120] are written to bits [119:112] of the result.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [16 x i8]. \n
/// Bits [71:64] are written to bits [15:8] of the result. \n
/// Bits [79:72] are written to bits [31:24] of the result. \n
/// Bits [87:80] are written to bits [47:40] of the result. \n
/// Bits [95:88] are written to bits [63:56] of the result. \n
/// Bits [103:96] are written to bits [79:72] of the result. \n
/// Bits [111:104] are written to bits [95:88] of the result. \n
/// Bits [119:112] are written to bits [111:104] of the result. \n
/// Bits [127:120] are written to bits [127:120] of the result.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [16 x i8] containing the interleaved values.
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_unpackhi_epi8(__m128i __a, __m128i __b)
return (__m128i)__builtin_shufflevector((__v16qi)__a, (__v16qi)__b, 8, 16+8, 9, 16+9, 10, 16+10, 11, 16+11, 12, 16+12, 13, 16+13, 14, 16+14, 15, 16+15);
/// \brief Unpacks the high-order (index 4-7) values from two 128-bit vectors of
/// [8 x i16] and interleaves them into a 128-bit vector of [8 x i16].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPUNPCKHWD / PUNPCKHWD </c>
/// instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [8 x i16].
/// Bits [79:64] are written to bits [15:0] of the result. \n
/// Bits [95:80] are written to bits [47:32] of the result. \n
/// Bits [111:96] are written to bits [79:64] of the result. \n
/// Bits [127:112] are written to bits [111:96] of the result.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [8 x i16].
/// Bits [79:64] are written to bits [31:16] of the result. \n
/// Bits [95:80] are written to bits [63:48] of the result. \n
/// Bits [111:96] are written to bits [95:80] of the result. \n
/// Bits [127:112] are written to bits [127:112] of the result.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [8 x i16] containing the interleaved values.
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_unpackhi_epi16(__m128i __a, __m128i __b)
return (__m128i)__builtin_shufflevector((__v8hi)__a, (__v8hi)__b, 4, 8+4, 5, 8+5, 6, 8+6, 7, 8+7);
/// \brief Unpacks the high-order (index 2,3) values from two 128-bit vectors of
/// [4 x i32] and interleaves them into a 128-bit vector of [4 x i32].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPUNPCKHDQ / PUNPCKHDQ </c>
/// instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x i32]. \n
/// Bits [95:64] are written to bits [31:0] of the destination. \n
/// Bits [127:96] are written to bits [95:64] of the destination.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x i32]. \n
/// Bits [95:64] are written to bits [64:32] of the destination. \n
/// Bits [127:96] are written to bits [127:96] of the destination.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x i32] containing the interleaved values.
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_unpackhi_epi32(__m128i __a, __m128i __b)
return (__m128i)__builtin_shufflevector((__v4si)__a, (__v4si)__b, 2, 4+2, 3, 4+3);
/// \brief Unpacks the high-order (odd-indexed) values from two 128-bit vectors
/// of [2 x i64] and interleaves them into a 128-bit vector of [2 x i64].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPUNPCKHQDQ / PUNPCKHQDQ </c>
/// instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x i64]. \n
/// Bits [127:64] are written to bits [63:0] of the destination.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x i64]. \n
/// Bits [127:64] are written to bits [127:64] of the destination.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [2 x i64] containing the interleaved values.
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_unpackhi_epi64(__m128i __a, __m128i __b)
return (__m128i)__builtin_shufflevector((__v2di)__a, (__v2di)__b, 1, 2+1);
/// \brief Unpacks the low-order (index 0-7) values from two 128-bit vectors of
/// [16 x i8] and interleaves them into a 128-bit vector of [16 x i8].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPUNPCKLBW / PUNPCKLBW </c>
/// instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [16 x i8]. \n
/// Bits [7:0] are written to bits [7:0] of the result. \n
/// Bits [15:8] are written to bits [23:16] of the result. \n
/// Bits [23:16] are written to bits [39:32] of the result. \n
/// Bits [31:24] are written to bits [55:48] of the result. \n
/// Bits [39:32] are written to bits [71:64] of the result. \n
/// Bits [47:40] are written to bits [87:80] of the result. \n
/// Bits [55:48] are written to bits [103:96] of the result. \n
/// Bits [63:56] are written to bits [119:112] of the result.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [16 x i8].
/// Bits [7:0] are written to bits [15:8] of the result. \n
/// Bits [15:8] are written to bits [31:24] of the result. \n
/// Bits [23:16] are written to bits [47:40] of the result. \n
/// Bits [31:24] are written to bits [63:56] of the result. \n
/// Bits [39:32] are written to bits [79:72] of the result. \n
/// Bits [47:40] are written to bits [95:88] of the result. \n
/// Bits [55:48] are written to bits [111:104] of the result. \n
/// Bits [63:56] are written to bits [127:120] of the result.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [16 x i8] containing the interleaved values.
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_unpacklo_epi8(__m128i __a, __m128i __b)
return (__m128i)__builtin_shufflevector((__v16qi)__a, (__v16qi)__b, 0, 16+0, 1, 16+1, 2, 16+2, 3, 16+3, 4, 16+4, 5, 16+5, 6, 16+6, 7, 16+7);
/// \brief Unpacks the low-order (index 0-3) values from each of the two 128-bit
/// vectors of [8 x i16] and interleaves them into a 128-bit vector of
/// [8 x i16].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPUNPCKLWD / PUNPCKLWD </c>
/// instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [8 x i16].
/// Bits [15:0] are written to bits [15:0] of the result. \n
/// Bits [31:16] are written to bits [47:32] of the result. \n
/// Bits [47:32] are written to bits [79:64] of the result. \n
/// Bits [63:48] are written to bits [111:96] of the result.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [8 x i16].
/// Bits [15:0] are written to bits [31:16] of the result. \n
/// Bits [31:16] are written to bits [63:48] of the result. \n
/// Bits [47:32] are written to bits [95:80] of the result. \n
/// Bits [63:48] are written to bits [127:112] of the result.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [8 x i16] containing the interleaved values.
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_unpacklo_epi16(__m128i __a, __m128i __b)
return (__m128i)__builtin_shufflevector((__v8hi)__a, (__v8hi)__b, 0, 8+0, 1, 8+1, 2, 8+2, 3, 8+3);
/// \brief Unpacks the low-order (index 0,1) values from two 128-bit vectors of
/// [4 x i32] and interleaves them into a 128-bit vector of [4 x i32].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPUNPCKLDQ / PUNPCKLDQ </c>
/// instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x i32]. \n
/// Bits [31:0] are written to bits [31:0] of the destination. \n
/// Bits [63:32] are written to bits [95:64] of the destination.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x i32]. \n
/// Bits [31:0] are written to bits [64:32] of the destination. \n
/// Bits [63:32] are written to bits [127:96] of the destination.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x i32] containing the interleaved values.
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_unpacklo_epi32(__m128i __a, __m128i __b)
return (__m128i)__builtin_shufflevector((__v4si)__a, (__v4si)__b, 0, 4+0, 1, 4+1);
/// \brief Unpacks the low-order 64-bit elements from two 128-bit vectors of
/// [2 x i64] and interleaves them into a 128-bit vector of [2 x i64].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPUNPCKLQDQ / PUNPCKLQDQ </c>
/// instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x i64]. \n
/// Bits [63:0] are written to bits [63:0] of the destination. \n
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x i64]. \n
/// Bits [63:0] are written to bits [127:64] of the destination. \n
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [2 x i64] containing the interleaved values.
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_unpacklo_epi64(__m128i __a, __m128i __b)
return (__m128i)__builtin_shufflevector((__v2di)__a, (__v2di)__b, 0, 2+0);
/// \brief Returns the lower 64 bits of a 128-bit integer vector as a 64-bit
/// integer.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic has no corresponding instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit integer vector operand. The lower 64 bits are moved to the
/// destination.
/// \returns A 64-bit integer containing the lower 64 bits of the parameter.
static __inline__ __m64 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_movepi64_pi64(__m128i __a)
return (__m64)__a[0];
/// \brief Moves the 64-bit operand to a 128-bit integer vector, zeroing the
/// upper bits.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VMOVQ / MOVQ / MOVD </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 64-bit value.
/// \returns A 128-bit integer vector. The lower 64 bits contain the value from
/// the operand. The upper 64 bits are assigned zeros.
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_movpi64_epi64(__m64 __a)
return (__m128i){ (long long)__a, 0 };
/// \brief Moves the lower 64 bits of a 128-bit integer vector to a 128-bit
/// integer vector, zeroing the upper bits.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VMOVQ / MOVQ </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit integer vector operand. The lower 64 bits are moved to the
/// destination.
/// \returns A 128-bit integer vector. The lower 64 bits contain the value from
/// the operand. The upper 64 bits are assigned zeros.
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_move_epi64(__m128i __a)
return __builtin_shufflevector((__v2di)__a, (__m128i){ 0 }, 0, 2);
/// \brief Unpacks the high-order (odd-indexed) values from two 128-bit vectors
/// of [2 x double] and interleaves them into a 128-bit vector of [2 x
/// double].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VUNPCKHPD / UNPCKHPD </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double]. \n
/// Bits [127:64] are written to bits [63:0] of the destination.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double]. \n
/// Bits [127:64] are written to bits [127:64] of the destination.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [2 x double] containing the interleaved values.
static __inline__ __m128d __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_unpackhi_pd(__m128d __a, __m128d __b)
return __builtin_shufflevector((__v2df)__a, (__v2df)__b, 1, 2+1);
/// \brief Unpacks the low-order (even-indexed) values from two 128-bit vectors
/// of [2 x double] and interleaves them into a 128-bit vector of [2 x
/// double].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VUNPCKLPD / UNPCKLPD </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double]. \n
/// Bits [63:0] are written to bits [63:0] of the destination.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double]. \n
/// Bits [63:0] are written to bits [127:64] of the destination.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [2 x double] containing the interleaved values.
static __inline__ __m128d __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_unpacklo_pd(__m128d __a, __m128d __b)
return __builtin_shufflevector((__v2df)__a, (__v2df)__b, 0, 2+0);
/// \brief Extracts the sign bits of the double-precision values in the 128-bit
/// vector of [2 x double], zero-extends the value, and writes it to the
/// low-order bits of the destination.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VMOVMSKPD / MOVMSKPD </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double] containing the values with sign bits to
/// be extracted.
/// \returns The sign bits from each of the double-precision elements in \a __a,
/// written to bits [1:0]. The remaining bits are assigned values of zero.
static __inline__ int __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_movemask_pd(__m128d __a)
return __builtin_ia32_movmskpd((__v2df)__a);
/// \brief Constructs a 128-bit floating-point vector of [2 x double] from two
/// 128-bit vector parameters of [2 x double], using the immediate-value
/// parameter as a specifier.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// \code
/// __m128d _mm_shuffle_pd(__m128d a, __m128d b, const int i);
/// \endcode
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VSHUFPD / SHUFPD </c> instruction.
/// \param a
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double].
/// \param b
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double].
/// \param i
/// An 8-bit immediate value. The least significant two bits specify which
/// elements to copy from a and b: \n
/// Bit[0] = 0: lower element of a copied to lower element of result. \n
/// Bit[0] = 1: upper element of a copied to lower element of result. \n
/// Bit[1] = 0: lower element of \a b copied to upper element of result. \n
/// Bit[1] = 1: upper element of \a b copied to upper element of result. \n
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [2 x double] containing the shuffled values.
#define _mm_shuffle_pd(a, b, i) __extension__ ({ \
(__m128d)__builtin_shufflevector((__v2df)(__m128d)(a), (__v2df)(__m128d)(b), \
0 + (((i) >> 0) & 0x1), \
2 + (((i) >> 1) & 0x1)); })
/// \brief Casts a 128-bit floating-point vector of [2 x double] into a 128-bit
/// floating-point vector of [4 x float].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic has no corresponding instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit floating-point vector of [2 x double].
/// \returns A 128-bit floating-point vector of [4 x float] containing the same
/// bitwise pattern as the parameter.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_castpd_ps(__m128d __a)
return (__m128)__a;
/// \brief Casts a 128-bit floating-point vector of [2 x double] into a 128-bit
/// integer vector.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic has no corresponding instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit floating-point vector of [2 x double].
/// \returns A 128-bit integer vector containing the same bitwise pattern as the
/// parameter.
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_castpd_si128(__m128d __a)
return (__m128i)__a;
/// \brief Casts a 128-bit floating-point vector of [4 x float] into a 128-bit
/// floating-point vector of [2 x double].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic has no corresponding instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit floating-point vector of [4 x float].
/// \returns A 128-bit floating-point vector of [2 x double] containing the same
/// bitwise pattern as the parameter.
static __inline__ __m128d __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_castps_pd(__m128 __a)
return (__m128d)__a;
/// \brief Casts a 128-bit floating-point vector of [4 x float] into a 128-bit
/// integer vector.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic has no corresponding instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit floating-point vector of [4 x float].
/// \returns A 128-bit integer vector containing the same bitwise pattern as the
/// parameter.
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_castps_si128(__m128 __a)
return (__m128i)__a;
/// \brief Casts a 128-bit integer vector into a 128-bit floating-point vector
/// of [4 x float].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic has no corresponding instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit integer vector.
/// \returns A 128-bit floating-point vector of [4 x float] containing the same
/// bitwise pattern as the parameter.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_castsi128_ps(__m128i __a)
return (__m128)__a;
/// \brief Casts a 128-bit integer vector into a 128-bit floating-point vector
/// of [2 x double].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic has no corresponding instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit integer vector.
/// \returns A 128-bit floating-point vector of [2 x double] containing the same
/// bitwise pattern as the parameter.
static __inline__ __m128d __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_castsi128_pd(__m128i __a)
return (__m128d)__a;
#if defined(__cplusplus)
extern "C" {
# 4903 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/emmintrin.h" 3
/// \brief Indicates that a spin loop is being executed for the purposes of
/// optimizing power consumption during the loop.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> PAUSE </c> instruction.
void _mm_pause(void);
#if defined(__cplusplus)
} // extern "C"
# 4916 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/emmintrin.h" 3
#define _MM_SHUFFLE2(x, y) (((x) << 1) | (y))
#define _MM_DENORMALS_ZERO_ON (0x0040)
#define _MM_DENORMALS_ZERO_OFF (0x0000)
#define _MM_DENORMALS_ZERO_MASK (0x0040)
#define _MM_SET_DENORMALS_ZERO_MODE(x) (_mm_setcsr((_mm_getcsr() & ~_MM_DENORMALS_ZERO_MASK) | (x)))
#endif /* __EMMINTRIN_H */
# 4929 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/emmintrin.h" 3
# 2967 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/xmmintrin.h" 2 3
# 2968 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/xmmintrin.h" 3
#endif /* __XMMINTRIN_H */
# 2970 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/xmmintrin.h" 3
# 33 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/immintrin.h" 2 3
# 34 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/immintrin.h" 3
#if !defined(_MSC_VER) || __has_feature(modules) || defined(__SSE2__)
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <emmintrin.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 36 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/immintrin.h" 3
# 37 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/immintrin.h" 3
# 38 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/immintrin.h" 3
#if !defined(_MSC_VER) || __has_feature(modules) || defined(__SSE3__)
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <pmmintrin.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 40 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/immintrin.h" 3
# 1 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/pmmintrin.h" 1 3
/*===---- pmmintrin.h - SSE3 intrinsics ------------------------------------===
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
* of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
* in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
* to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
* copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
* furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
* all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
#ifndef __PMMINTRIN_H
#define __PMMINTRIN_H
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <emmintrin.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 27 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/pmmintrin.h" 3
# 28 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/pmmintrin.h" 3
/* Define the default attributes for the functions in this file. */
#define __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS \
__attribute__((__always_inline__, __nodebug__, __target__("sse3")))
/// \brief Loads data from an unaligned memory location to elements in a 128-bit
/// vector.
/// If the address of the data is not 16-byte aligned, the instruction may
/// read two adjacent aligned blocks of memory to retrieve the requested
/// data.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VLDDQU </c> instruction.
/// \param __p
/// A pointer to a 128-bit integer vector containing integer values.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector containing the moved values.
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_lddqu_si128(__m128i const *__p)
return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_lddqu((char const *)__p);
/// \brief Adds the even-indexed values and subtracts the odd-indexed values of
/// two 128-bit vectors of [4 x float].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VADDSUBPS </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the left source operand.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the right source operand.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the alternating sums and
/// differences of both operands.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_addsub_ps(__m128 __a, __m128 __b)
return __builtin_ia32_addsubps((__v4sf)__a, (__v4sf)__b);
/// \brief Horizontally adds the adjacent pairs of values contained in two
/// 128-bit vectors of [4 x float].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VHADDPS </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing one of the source operands.
/// The horizontal sums of the values are stored in the lower bits of the
/// destination.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing one of the source operands.
/// The horizontal sums of the values are stored in the upper bits of the
/// destination.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the horizontal sums of
/// both operands.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_hadd_ps(__m128 __a, __m128 __b)
return __builtin_ia32_haddps((__v4sf)__a, (__v4sf)__b);
/// \brief Horizontally subtracts the adjacent pairs of values contained in two
/// 128-bit vectors of [4 x float].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VHSUBPS </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing one of the source operands.
/// The horizontal differences between the values are stored in the lower
/// bits of the destination.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing one of the source operands.
/// The horizontal differences between the values are stored in the upper
/// bits of the destination.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the horizontal
/// differences of both operands.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_hsub_ps(__m128 __a, __m128 __b)
return __builtin_ia32_hsubps((__v4sf)__a, (__v4sf)__b);
/// \brief Moves and duplicates high-order (odd-indexed) values from a 128-bit
/// vector of [4 x float] to float values stored in a 128-bit vector of
/// [4 x float].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VMOVSHDUP </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float]. \n
/// Bits [127:96] of the source are written to bits [127:96] and [95:64] of
/// the destination. \n
/// Bits [63:32] of the source are written to bits [63:32] and [31:0] of the
/// destination.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the moved and duplicated
/// values.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_movehdup_ps(__m128 __a)
return __builtin_shufflevector((__v4sf)__a, (__v4sf)__a, 1, 1, 3, 3);
/// \brief Duplicates low-order (even-indexed) values from a 128-bit vector of
/// [4 x float] to float values stored in a 128-bit vector of [4 x float].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VMOVSLDUP </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] \n
/// Bits [95:64] of the source are written to bits [127:96] and [95:64] of
/// the destination. \n
/// Bits [31:0] of the source are written to bits [63:32] and [31:0] of the
/// destination.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the moved and duplicated
/// values.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_moveldup_ps(__m128 __a)
return __builtin_shufflevector((__v4sf)__a, (__v4sf)__a, 0, 0, 2, 2);
/// \brief Adds the even-indexed values and subtracts the odd-indexed values of
/// two 128-bit vectors of [2 x double].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VADDSUBPD </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double] containing the left source operand.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double] containing the right source operand.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [2 x double] containing the alternating sums
/// and differences of both operands.
static __inline__ __m128d __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_addsub_pd(__m128d __a, __m128d __b)
return __builtin_ia32_addsubpd((__v2df)__a, (__v2df)__b);
/// \brief Horizontally adds the pairs of values contained in two 128-bit
/// vectors of [2 x double].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VHADDPD </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double] containing one of the source operands.
/// The horizontal sum of the values is stored in the lower bits of the
/// destination.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double] containing one of the source operands.
/// The horizontal sum of the values is stored in the upper bits of the
/// destination.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [2 x double] containing the horizontal sums of
/// both operands.
static __inline__ __m128d __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_hadd_pd(__m128d __a, __m128d __b)
return __builtin_ia32_haddpd((__v2df)__a, (__v2df)__b);
/// \brief Horizontally subtracts the pairs of values contained in two 128-bit
/// vectors of [2 x double].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VHSUBPD </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double] containing one of the source operands.
/// The horizontal difference of the values is stored in the lower bits of
/// the destination.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double] containing one of the source operands.
/// The horizontal difference of the values is stored in the upper bits of
/// the destination.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [2 x double] containing the horizontal
/// differences of both operands.
static __inline__ __m128d __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_hsub_pd(__m128d __a, __m128d __b)
return __builtin_ia32_hsubpd((__v2df)__a, (__v2df)__b);
/// \brief Moves and duplicates one double-precision value to double-precision
/// values stored in a 128-bit vector of [2 x double].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// \code
/// __m128d _mm_loaddup_pd(double const * dp);
/// \endcode
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VMOVDDUP </c> instruction.
/// \param dp
/// A pointer to a double-precision value to be moved and duplicated.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [2 x double] containing the moved and
/// duplicated values.
#define _mm_loaddup_pd(dp) _mm_load1_pd(dp)
/// \brief Moves and duplicates the double-precision value in the lower bits of
/// a 128-bit vector of [2 x double] to double-precision values stored in a
/// 128-bit vector of [2 x double].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VMOVDDUP </c> instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double]. Bits [63:0] are written to bits
/// [127:64] and [63:0] of the destination.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [2 x double] containing the moved and
/// duplicated values.
static __inline__ __m128d __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_movedup_pd(__m128d __a)
return __builtin_shufflevector((__v2df)__a, (__v2df)__a, 0, 0);
/// \brief Establishes a linear address memory range to be monitored and puts
/// the processor in the monitor event pending state. Data stored in the
/// monitored address range causes the processor to exit the pending state.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> MONITOR </c> instruction.
/// \param __p
/// The memory range to be monitored. The size of the range is determined by
/// CPUID function 0000_0005h.
/// \param __extensions
/// Optional extensions for the monitoring state.
/// \param __hints
/// Optional hints for the monitoring state.
static __inline__ void __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_monitor(void const *__p, unsigned __extensions, unsigned __hints)
__builtin_ia32_monitor((void *)__p, __extensions, __hints);
/// \brief Used with the MONITOR instruction to wait while the processor is in
/// the monitor event pending state. Data stored in the monitored address
/// range causes the processor to exit the pending state.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> MWAIT </c> instruction.
/// \param __extensions
/// Optional extensions for the monitoring state, which may vary by
/// processor.
/// \param __hints
/// Optional hints for the monitoring state, which may vary by processor.
static __inline__ void __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_mwait(unsigned __extensions, unsigned __hints)
__builtin_ia32_mwait(__extensions, __hints);
#endif /* __PMMINTRIN_H */
# 305 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/pmmintrin.h" 3
# 41 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/immintrin.h" 2 3
# 42 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/immintrin.h" 3
#if !defined(_MSC_VER) || __has_feature(modules) || defined(__SSSE3__)
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <tmmintrin.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 44 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/immintrin.h" 3
# 1 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/tmmintrin.h" 1 3
/*===---- tmmintrin.h - SSSE3 intrinsics -----------------------------------===
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
* of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
* in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
* to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
* copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
* furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
* all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
#ifndef __TMMINTRIN_H
#define __TMMINTRIN_H
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <pmmintrin.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 27 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/tmmintrin.h" 3
# 28 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/tmmintrin.h" 3
/* Define the default attributes for the functions in this file. */
#define __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS __attribute__((__always_inline__, __nodebug__, __target__("ssse3")))
/// \brief Computes the absolute value of each of the packed 8-bit signed
/// integers in the source operand and stores the 8-bit unsigned integer
/// results in the destination.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the \c PABSB instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 64-bit vector of [8 x i8].
/// \returns A 64-bit integer vector containing the absolute values of the
/// elements in the operand.
static __inline__ __m64 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_abs_pi8(__m64 __a)
return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_pabsb((__v8qi)__a);
/// \brief Computes the absolute value of each of the packed 8-bit signed
/// integers in the source operand and stores the 8-bit unsigned integer
/// results in the destination.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the \c VPABSB instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [16 x i8].
/// \returns A 128-bit integer vector containing the absolute values of the
/// elements in the operand.
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_abs_epi8(__m128i __a)
return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_pabsb128((__v16qi)__a);
/// \brief Computes the absolute value of each of the packed 16-bit signed
/// integers in the source operand and stores the 16-bit unsigned integer
/// results in the destination.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the \c PABSW instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 64-bit vector of [4 x i16].
/// \returns A 64-bit integer vector containing the absolute values of the
/// elements in the operand.
static __inline__ __m64 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_abs_pi16(__m64 __a)
return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_pabsw((__v4hi)__a);
/// \brief Computes the absolute value of each of the packed 16-bit signed
/// integers in the source operand and stores the 16-bit unsigned integer
/// results in the destination.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the \c VPABSW instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [8 x i16].
/// \returns A 128-bit integer vector containing the absolute values of the
/// elements in the operand.
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_abs_epi16(__m128i __a)
return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_pabsw128((__v8hi)__a);
/// \brief Computes the absolute value of each of the packed 32-bit signed
/// integers in the source operand and stores the 32-bit unsigned integer
/// results in the destination.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the \c PABSD instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 64-bit vector of [2 x i32].
/// \returns A 64-bit integer vector containing the absolute values of the
/// elements in the operand.
static __inline__ __m64 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_abs_pi32(__m64 __a)
return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_pabsd((__v2si)__a);
/// \brief Computes the absolute value of each of the packed 32-bit signed
/// integers in the source operand and stores the 32-bit unsigned integer
/// results in the destination.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the \c VPABSD instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x i32].
/// \returns A 128-bit integer vector containing the absolute values of the
/// elements in the operand.
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_abs_epi32(__m128i __a)
return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_pabsd128((__v4si)__a);
/// \brief Concatenates the two 128-bit integer vector operands, and
/// right-shifts the result by the number of bytes specified in the immediate
/// operand.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// \code
/// __m128i _mm_alignr_epi8(__m128i a, __m128i b, const int n);
/// \endcode
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the \c PALIGNR instruction.
/// \param a
/// A 128-bit vector of [16 x i8] containing one of the source operands.
/// \param b
/// A 128-bit vector of [16 x i8] containing one of the source operands.
/// \param n
/// An immediate operand specifying how many bytes to right-shift the result.
/// \returns A 128-bit integer vector containing the concatenated right-shifted
/// value.
#define _mm_alignr_epi8(a, b, n) __extension__ ({ \
(__m128i)__builtin_ia32_palignr128((__v16qi)(__m128i)(a), \
(__v16qi)(__m128i)(b), (n)); })
/// \brief Concatenates the two 64-bit integer vector operands, and right-shifts
/// the result by the number of bytes specified in the immediate operand.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// \code
/// __m64 _mm_alignr_pi8(__m64 a, __m64 b, const int n);
/// \endcode
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the \c PALIGNR instruction.
/// \param a
/// A 64-bit vector of [8 x i8] containing one of the source operands.
/// \param b
/// A 64-bit vector of [8 x i8] containing one of the source operands.
/// \param n
/// An immediate operand specifying how many bytes to right-shift the result.
/// \returns A 64-bit integer vector containing the concatenated right-shifted
/// value.
#define _mm_alignr_pi8(a, b, n) __extension__ ({ \
(__m64)__builtin_ia32_palignr((__v8qi)(__m64)(a), (__v8qi)(__m64)(b), (n)); })
/// \brief Horizontally adds the adjacent pairs of values contained in 2 packed
/// 128-bit vectors of [8 x i16].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the \c VPHADDW instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [8 x i16] containing one of the source operands. The
/// horizontal sums of the values are stored in the lower bits of the
/// destination.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [8 x i16] containing one of the source operands. The
/// horizontal sums of the values are stored in the upper bits of the
/// destination.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [8 x i16] containing the horizontal sums of
/// both operands.
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_hadd_epi16(__m128i __a, __m128i __b)
return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_phaddw128((__v8hi)__a, (__v8hi)__b);
/// \brief Horizontally adds the adjacent pairs of values contained in 2 packed
/// 128-bit vectors of [4 x i32].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the \c VPHADDD instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x i32] containing one of the source operands. The
/// horizontal sums of the values are stored in the lower bits of the
/// destination.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x i32] containing one of the source operands. The
/// horizontal sums of the values are stored in the upper bits of the
/// destination.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x i32] containing the horizontal sums of
/// both operands.
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_hadd_epi32(__m128i __a, __m128i __b)
return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_phaddd128((__v4si)__a, (__v4si)__b);
/// \brief Horizontally adds the adjacent pairs of values contained in 2 packed
/// 64-bit vectors of [4 x i16].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the \c PHADDW instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 64-bit vector of [4 x i16] containing one of the source operands. The
/// horizontal sums of the values are stored in the lower bits of the
/// destination.
/// \param __b
/// A 64-bit vector of [4 x i16] containing one of the source operands. The
/// horizontal sums of the values are stored in the upper bits of the
/// destination.
/// \returns A 64-bit vector of [4 x i16] containing the horizontal sums of both
/// operands.
static __inline__ __m64 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_hadd_pi16(__m64 __a, __m64 __b)
return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_phaddw((__v4hi)__a, (__v4hi)__b);
/// \brief Horizontally adds the adjacent pairs of values contained in 2 packed
/// 64-bit vectors of [2 x i32].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the \c PHADDD instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 64-bit vector of [2 x i32] containing one of the source operands. The
/// horizontal sums of the values are stored in the lower bits of the
/// destination.
/// \param __b
/// A 64-bit vector of [2 x i32] containing one of the source operands. The
/// horizontal sums of the values are stored in the upper bits of the
/// destination.
/// \returns A 64-bit vector of [2 x i32] containing the horizontal sums of both
/// operands.
static __inline__ __m64 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_hadd_pi32(__m64 __a, __m64 __b)
return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_phaddd((__v2si)__a, (__v2si)__b);
/// \brief Horizontally adds the adjacent pairs of values contained in 2 packed
/// 128-bit vectors of [8 x i16]. Positive sums greater than 7FFFh are
/// saturated to 7FFFh. Negative sums less than 8000h are saturated to 8000h.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the \c VPHADDSW instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [8 x i16] containing one of the source operands. The
/// horizontal sums of the values are stored in the lower bits of the
/// destination.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [8 x i16] containing one of the source operands. The
/// horizontal sums of the values are stored in the upper bits of the
/// destination.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [8 x i16] containing the horizontal saturated
/// sums of both operands.
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_hadds_epi16(__m128i __a, __m128i __b)
return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_phaddsw128((__v8hi)__a, (__v8hi)__b);
/// \brief Horizontally adds the adjacent pairs of values contained in 2 packed
/// 64-bit vectors of [4 x i16]. Positive sums greater than 7FFFh are
/// saturated to 7FFFh. Negative sums less than 8000h are saturated to 8000h.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the \c PHADDSW instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 64-bit vector of [4 x i16] containing one of the source operands. The
/// horizontal sums of the values are stored in the lower bits of the
/// destination.
/// \param __b
/// A 64-bit vector of [4 x i16] containing one of the source operands. The
/// horizontal sums of the values are stored in the upper bits of the
/// destination.
/// \returns A 64-bit vector of [4 x i16] containing the horizontal saturated
/// sums of both operands.
static __inline__ __m64 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_hadds_pi16(__m64 __a, __m64 __b)
return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_phaddsw((__v4hi)__a, (__v4hi)__b);
/// \brief Horizontally subtracts the adjacent pairs of values contained in 2
/// packed 128-bit vectors of [8 x i16].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the \c VPHSUBW instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [8 x i16] containing one of the source operands. The
/// horizontal differences between the values are stored in the lower bits of
/// the destination.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [8 x i16] containing one of the source operands. The
/// horizontal differences between the values are stored in the upper bits of
/// the destination.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [8 x i16] containing the horizontal differences
/// of both operands.
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_hsub_epi16(__m128i __a, __m128i __b)
return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_phsubw128((__v8hi)__a, (__v8hi)__b);
/// \brief Horizontally subtracts the adjacent pairs of values contained in 2
/// packed 128-bit vectors of [4 x i32].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the \c VPHSUBD instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x i32] containing one of the source operands. The
/// horizontal differences between the values are stored in the lower bits of
/// the destination.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x i32] containing one of the source operands. The
/// horizontal differences between the values are stored in the upper bits of
/// the destination.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x i32] containing the horizontal differences
/// of both operands.
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_hsub_epi32(__m128i __a, __m128i __b)
return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_phsubd128((__v4si)__a, (__v4si)__b);
/// \brief Horizontally subtracts the adjacent pairs of values contained in 2
/// packed 64-bit vectors of [4 x i16].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the \c PHSUBW instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 64-bit vector of [4 x i16] containing one of the source operands. The
/// horizontal differences between the values are stored in the lower bits of
/// the destination.
/// \param __b
/// A 64-bit vector of [4 x i16] containing one of the source operands. The
/// horizontal differences between the values are stored in the upper bits of
/// the destination.
/// \returns A 64-bit vector of [4 x i16] containing the horizontal differences
/// of both operands.
static __inline__ __m64 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_hsub_pi16(__m64 __a, __m64 __b)
return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_phsubw((__v4hi)__a, (__v4hi)__b);
/// \brief Horizontally subtracts the adjacent pairs of values contained in 2
/// packed 64-bit vectors of [2 x i32].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the \c PHSUBD instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 64-bit vector of [2 x i32] containing one of the source operands. The
/// horizontal differences between the values are stored in the lower bits of
/// the destination.
/// \param __b
/// A 64-bit vector of [2 x i32] containing one of the source operands. The
/// horizontal differences between the values are stored in the upper bits of
/// the destination.
/// \returns A 64-bit vector of [2 x i32] containing the horizontal differences
/// of both operands.
static __inline__ __m64 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_hsub_pi32(__m64 __a, __m64 __b)
return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_phsubd((__v2si)__a, (__v2si)__b);
/// \brief Horizontally subtracts the adjacent pairs of values contained in 2
/// packed 128-bit vectors of [8 x i16]. Positive differences greater than
/// 7FFFh are saturated to 7FFFh. Negative differences less than 8000h are
/// saturated to 8000h.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the \c VPHSUBSW instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [8 x i16] containing one of the source operands. The
/// horizontal differences between the values are stored in the lower bits of
/// the destination.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [8 x i16] containing one of the source operands. The
/// horizontal differences between the values are stored in the upper bits of
/// the destination.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [8 x i16] containing the horizontal saturated
/// differences of both operands.
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_hsubs_epi16(__m128i __a, __m128i __b)
return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_phsubsw128((__v8hi)__a, (__v8hi)__b);
/// \brief Horizontally subtracts the adjacent pairs of values contained in 2
/// packed 64-bit vectors of [4 x i16]. Positive differences greater than
/// 7FFFh are saturated to 7FFFh. Negative differences less than 8000h are
/// saturated to 8000h.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the \c PHSUBSW instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 64-bit vector of [4 x i16] containing one of the source operands. The
/// horizontal differences between the values are stored in the lower bits of
/// the destination.
/// \param __b
/// A 64-bit vector of [4 x i16] containing one of the source operands. The
/// horizontal differences between the values are stored in the upper bits of
/// the destination.
/// \returns A 64-bit vector of [4 x i16] containing the horizontal saturated
/// differences of both operands.
static __inline__ __m64 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_hsubs_pi16(__m64 __a, __m64 __b)
return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_phsubsw((__v4hi)__a, (__v4hi)__b);
/// \brief Multiplies corresponding pairs of packed 8-bit unsigned integer
/// values contained in the first source operand and packed 8-bit signed
/// integer values contained in the second source operand, adds pairs of
/// contiguous products with signed saturation, and writes the 16-bit sums to
/// the corresponding bits in the destination.
/// For example, bits [7:0] of both operands are multiplied, bits [15:8] of
/// both operands are multiplied, and the sum of both results is written to
/// bits [15:0] of the destination.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the \c VPMADDUBSW instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit integer vector containing the first source operand.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit integer vector containing the second source operand.
/// \returns A 128-bit integer vector containing the sums of products of both
/// operands: \n
/// \a R0 := (\a __a0 * \a __b0) + (\a __a1 * \a __b1) \n
/// \a R1 := (\a __a2 * \a __b2) + (\a __a3 * \a __b3) \n
/// \a R2 := (\a __a4 * \a __b4) + (\a __a5 * \a __b5) \n
/// \a R3 := (\a __a6 * \a __b6) + (\a __a7 * \a __b7) \n
/// \a R4 := (\a __a8 * \a __b8) + (\a __a9 * \a __b9) \n
/// \a R5 := (\a __a10 * \a __b10) + (\a __a11 * \a __b11) \n
/// \a R6 := (\a __a12 * \a __b12) + (\a __a13 * \a __b13) \n
/// \a R7 := (\a __a14 * \a __b14) + (\a __a15 * \a __b15)
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_maddubs_epi16(__m128i __a, __m128i __b)
return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_pmaddubsw128((__v16qi)__a, (__v16qi)__b);
/// \brief Multiplies corresponding pairs of packed 8-bit unsigned integer
/// values contained in the first source operand and packed 8-bit signed
/// integer values contained in the second source operand, adds pairs of
/// contiguous products with signed saturation, and writes the 16-bit sums to
/// the corresponding bits in the destination.
/// For example, bits [7:0] of both operands are multiplied, bits [15:8] of
/// both operands are multiplied, and the sum of both results is written to
/// bits [15:0] of the destination.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the \c PMADDUBSW instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 64-bit integer vector containing the first source operand.
/// \param __b
/// A 64-bit integer vector containing the second source operand.
/// \returns A 64-bit integer vector containing the sums of products of both
/// operands: \n
/// \a R0 := (\a __a0 * \a __b0) + (\a __a1 * \a __b1) \n
/// \a R1 := (\a __a2 * \a __b2) + (\a __a3 * \a __b3) \n
/// \a R2 := (\a __a4 * \a __b4) + (\a __a5 * \a __b5) \n
/// \a R3 := (\a __a6 * \a __b6) + (\a __a7 * \a __b7)
static __inline__ __m64 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_maddubs_pi16(__m64 __a, __m64 __b)
return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_pmaddubsw((__v8qi)__a, (__v8qi)__b);
/// \brief Multiplies packed 16-bit signed integer values, truncates the 32-bit
/// products to the 18 most significant bits by right-shifting, rounds the
/// truncated value by adding 1, and writes bits [16:1] to the destination.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the \c VPMULHRSW instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit vector of [8 x i16] containing one of the source operands.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit vector of [8 x i16] containing one of the source operands.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [8 x i16] containing the rounded and scaled
/// products of both operands.
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_mulhrs_epi16(__m128i __a, __m128i __b)
return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_pmulhrsw128((__v8hi)__a, (__v8hi)__b);
/// \brief Multiplies packed 16-bit signed integer values, truncates the 32-bit
/// products to the 18 most significant bits by right-shifting, rounds the
/// truncated value by adding 1, and writes bits [16:1] to the destination.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the \c PMULHRSW instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 64-bit vector of [4 x i16] containing one of the source operands.
/// \param __b
/// A 64-bit vector of [4 x i16] containing one of the source operands.
/// \returns A 64-bit vector of [4 x i16] containing the rounded and scaled
/// products of both operands.
static __inline__ __m64 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_mulhrs_pi16(__m64 __a, __m64 __b)
return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_pmulhrsw((__v4hi)__a, (__v4hi)__b);
/// \brief Copies the 8-bit integers from a 128-bit integer vector to the
/// destination or clears 8-bit values in the destination, as specified by
/// the second source operand.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the \c VPSHUFB instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit integer vector containing the values to be copied.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit integer vector containing control bytes corresponding to
/// positions in the destination:
/// Bit 7: \n
/// 1: Clear the corresponding byte in the destination. \n
/// 0: Copy the selected source byte to the corresponding byte in the
/// destination. \n
/// Bits [6:4] Reserved. \n
/// Bits [3:0] select the source byte to be copied.
/// \returns A 128-bit integer vector containing the copied or cleared values.
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_shuffle_epi8(__m128i __a, __m128i __b)
return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_pshufb128((__v16qi)__a, (__v16qi)__b);
/// \brief Copies the 8-bit integers from a 64-bit integer vector to the
/// destination or clears 8-bit values in the destination, as specified by
/// the second source operand.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the \c PSHUFB instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 64-bit integer vector containing the values to be copied.
/// \param __b
/// A 64-bit integer vector containing control bytes corresponding to
/// positions in the destination:
/// Bit 7: \n
/// 1: Clear the corresponding byte in the destination. \n
/// 0: Copy the selected source byte to the corresponding byte in the
/// destination. \n
/// Bits [3:0] select the source byte to be copied.
/// \returns A 64-bit integer vector containing the copied or cleared values.
static __inline__ __m64 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_shuffle_pi8(__m64 __a, __m64 __b)
return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_pshufb((__v8qi)__a, (__v8qi)__b);
/// \brief For each 8-bit integer in the first source operand, perform one of
/// the following actions as specified by the second source operand.
/// If the byte in the second source is negative, calculate the two's
/// complement of the corresponding byte in the first source, and write that
/// value to the destination. If the byte in the second source is positive,
/// copy the corresponding byte from the first source to the destination. If
/// the byte in the second source is zero, clear the corresponding byte in
/// the destination.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the \c VPSIGNB instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit integer vector containing the values to be copied.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit integer vector containing control bytes corresponding to
/// positions in the destination.
/// \returns A 128-bit integer vector containing the resultant values.
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_sign_epi8(__m128i __a, __m128i __b)
return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_psignb128((__v16qi)__a, (__v16qi)__b);
/// \brief For each 16-bit integer in the first source operand, perform one of
/// the following actions as specified by the second source operand.
/// If the word in the second source is negative, calculate the two's
/// complement of the corresponding word in the first source, and write that
/// value to the destination. If the word in the second source is positive,
/// copy the corresponding word from the first source to the destination. If
/// the word in the second source is zero, clear the corresponding word in
/// the destination.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the \c VPSIGNW instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit integer vector containing the values to be copied.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit integer vector containing control words corresponding to
/// positions in the destination.
/// \returns A 128-bit integer vector containing the resultant values.
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_sign_epi16(__m128i __a, __m128i __b)
return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_psignw128((__v8hi)__a, (__v8hi)__b);
/// \brief For each 32-bit integer in the first source operand, perform one of
/// the following actions as specified by the second source operand.
/// If the doubleword in the second source is negative, calculate the two's
/// complement of the corresponding word in the first source, and write that
/// value to the destination. If the doubleword in the second source is
/// positive, copy the corresponding word from the first source to the
/// destination. If the doubleword in the second source is zero, clear the
/// corresponding word in the destination.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the \c VPSIGND instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 128-bit integer vector containing the values to be copied.
/// \param __b
/// A 128-bit integer vector containing control doublewords corresponding to
/// positions in the destination.
/// \returns A 128-bit integer vector containing the resultant values.
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_sign_epi32(__m128i __a, __m128i __b)
return (__m128i)__builtin_ia32_psignd128((__v4si)__a, (__v4si)__b);
/// \brief For each 8-bit integer in the first source operand, perform one of
/// the following actions as specified by the second source operand.
/// If the byte in the second source is negative, calculate the two's
/// complement of the corresponding byte in the first source, and write that
/// value to the destination. If the byte in the second source is positive,
/// copy the corresponding byte from the first source to the destination. If
/// the byte in the second source is zero, clear the corresponding byte in
/// the destination.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the \c PSIGNB instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 64-bit integer vector containing the values to be copied.
/// \param __b
/// A 64-bit integer vector containing control bytes corresponding to
/// positions in the destination.
/// \returns A 64-bit integer vector containing the resultant values.
static __inline__ __m64 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_sign_pi8(__m64 __a, __m64 __b)
return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_psignb((__v8qi)__a, (__v8qi)__b);
/// \brief For each 16-bit integer in the first source operand, perform one of
/// the following actions as specified by the second source operand.
/// If the word in the second source is negative, calculate the two's
/// complement of the corresponding word in the first source, and write that
/// value to the destination. If the word in the second source is positive,
/// copy the corresponding word from the first source to the destination. If
/// the word in the second source is zero, clear the corresponding word in
/// the destination.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the \c PSIGNW instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 64-bit integer vector containing the values to be copied.
/// \param __b
/// A 64-bit integer vector containing control words corresponding to
/// positions in the destination.
/// \returns A 64-bit integer vector containing the resultant values.
static __inline__ __m64 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_sign_pi16(__m64 __a, __m64 __b)
return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_psignw((__v4hi)__a, (__v4hi)__b);
/// \brief For each 32-bit integer in the first source operand, perform one of
/// the following actions as specified by the second source operand.
/// If the doubleword in the second source is negative, calculate the two's
/// complement of the corresponding doubleword in the first source, and
/// write that value to the destination. If the doubleword in the second
/// source is positive, copy the corresponding doubleword from the first
/// source to the destination. If the doubleword in the second source is
/// zero, clear the corresponding doubleword in the destination.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the \c PSIGND instruction.
/// \param __a
/// A 64-bit integer vector containing the values to be copied.
/// \param __b
/// A 64-bit integer vector containing two control doublewords corresponding
/// to positions in the destination.
/// \returns A 64-bit integer vector containing the resultant values.
static __inline__ __m64 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_sign_pi32(__m64 __a, __m64 __b)
return (__m64)__builtin_ia32_psignd((__v2si)__a, (__v2si)__b);
#endif /* __TMMINTRIN_H */
# 782 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/tmmintrin.h" 3
# 45 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/immintrin.h" 2 3
# 46 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/immintrin.h" 3
#if !defined(_MSC_VER) || __has_feature(modules) || \
(defined(__SSE4_2__) || defined(__SSE4_1__))
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <smmintrin.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 49 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/immintrin.h" 3
# 1 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/smmintrin.h" 1 3
/*===---- smmintrin.h - SSE4 intrinsics ------------------------------------===
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
* of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
* in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
* to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
* copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
* furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
* all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
#ifndef _SMMINTRIN_H
#define _SMMINTRIN_H
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <tmmintrin.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 27 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/smmintrin.h" 3
# 28 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/smmintrin.h" 3
/* Define the default attributes for the functions in this file. */
#define __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS __attribute__((__always_inline__, __nodebug__, __target__("sse4.1")))
/* SSE4 Rounding macros. */
#define _MM_FROUND_TO_NEG_INF 0x01
#define _MM_FROUND_TO_POS_INF 0x02
#define _MM_FROUND_TO_ZERO 0x03
#define _MM_FROUND_RAISE_EXC 0x00
#define _MM_FROUND_NO_EXC 0x08
/// \brief Rounds up each element of the 128-bit vector of [4 x float] to an
/// integer and returns the rounded values in a 128-bit vector of
/// [4 x float].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// \code
/// __m128 _mm_ceil_ps(__m128 X);
/// \endcode
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VROUNDPS / ROUNDPS </c> instruction.
/// \param X
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] values to be rounded up.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the rounded values.
#define _mm_ceil_ps(X) _mm_round_ps((X), _MM_FROUND_CEIL)
/// \brief Rounds up each element of the 128-bit vector of [2 x double] to an
/// integer and returns the rounded values in a 128-bit vector of
/// [2 x double].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// \code
/// __m128d _mm_ceil_pd(__m128d X);
/// \endcode
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VROUNDPD / ROUNDPD </c> instruction.
/// \param X
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double] values to be rounded up.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [2 x double] containing the rounded values.
#define _mm_ceil_pd(X) _mm_round_pd((X), _MM_FROUND_CEIL)
/// \brief Copies three upper elements of the first 128-bit vector operand to
/// the corresponding three upper elements of the 128-bit result vector of
/// [4 x float]. Rounds up the lowest element of the second 128-bit vector
/// operand to an integer and copies it to the lowest element of the 128-bit
/// result vector of [4 x float].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// \code
/// __m128 _mm_ceil_ss(__m128 X, __m128 Y);
/// \endcode
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VROUNDSS / ROUNDSS </c> instruction.
/// \param X
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float]. The values stored in bits [127:32] are
/// copied to the corresponding bits of the result.
/// \param Y
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float]. The value stored in bits [31:0] is
/// rounded up to the nearest integer and copied to the corresponding bits
/// of the result.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the copied and rounded
/// values.
#define _mm_ceil_ss(X, Y) _mm_round_ss((X), (Y), _MM_FROUND_CEIL)
/// \brief Copies the upper element of the first 128-bit vector operand to the
/// corresponding upper element of the 128-bit result vector of [2 x double].
/// Rounds up the lower element of the second 128-bit vector operand to an
/// integer and copies it to the lower element of the 128-bit result vector
/// of [2 x double].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// \code
/// __m128d _mm_ceil_sd(__m128d X, __m128d Y);
/// \endcode
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VROUNDSD / ROUNDSD </c> instruction.
/// \param X
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double]. The value stored in bits [127:64] is
/// copied to the corresponding bits of the result.
/// \param Y
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double]. The value stored in bits [63:0] is
/// rounded up to the nearest integer and copied to the corresponding bits
/// of the result.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [2 x double] containing the copied and rounded
/// values.
#define _mm_ceil_sd(X, Y) _mm_round_sd((X), (Y), _MM_FROUND_CEIL)
/// \brief Rounds down each element of the 128-bit vector of [4 x float] to an
/// an integer and returns the rounded values in a 128-bit vector of
/// [4 x float].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// \code
/// __m128 _mm_floor_ps(__m128 X);
/// \endcode
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VROUNDPS / ROUNDPS </c> instruction.
/// \param X
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] values to be rounded down.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the rounded values.
#define _mm_floor_ps(X) _mm_round_ps((X), _MM_FROUND_FLOOR)
/// \brief Rounds down each element of the 128-bit vector of [2 x double] to an
/// integer and returns the rounded values in a 128-bit vector of
/// [2 x double].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// \code
/// __m128d _mm_floor_pd(__m128d X);
/// \endcode
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VROUNDPD / ROUNDPD </c> instruction.
/// \param X
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double].
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [2 x double] containing the rounded values.
#define _mm_floor_pd(X) _mm_round_pd((X), _MM_FROUND_FLOOR)
/// \brief Copies three upper elements of the first 128-bit vector operand to
/// the corresponding three upper elements of the 128-bit result vector of
/// [4 x float]. Rounds down the lowest element of the second 128-bit vector
/// operand to an integer and copies it to the lowest element of the 128-bit
/// result vector of [4 x float].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// \code
/// __m128 _mm_floor_ss(__m128 X, __m128 Y);
/// \endcode
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VROUNDSS / ROUNDSS </c> instruction.
/// \param X
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float]. The values stored in bits [127:32] are
/// copied to the corresponding bits of the result.
/// \param Y
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float]. The value stored in bits [31:0] is
/// rounded down to the nearest integer and copied to the corresponding bits
/// of the result.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the copied and rounded
/// values.
#define _mm_floor_ss(X, Y) _mm_round_ss((X), (Y), _MM_FROUND_FLOOR)
/// \brief Copies the upper element of the first 128-bit vector operand to the
/// corresponding upper element of the 128-bit result vector of [2 x double].
/// Rounds down the lower element of the second 128-bit vector operand to an
/// integer and copies it to the lower element of the 128-bit result vector
/// of [2 x double].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// \code
/// __m128d _mm_floor_sd(__m128d X, __m128d Y);
/// \endcode
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VROUNDSD / ROUNDSD </c> instruction.
/// \param X
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double]. The value stored in bits [127:64] is
/// copied to the corresponding bits of the result.
/// \param Y
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double]. The value stored in bits [63:0] is
/// rounded down to the nearest integer and copied to the corresponding bits
/// of the result.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [2 x double] containing the copied and rounded
/// values.
#define _mm_floor_sd(X, Y) _mm_round_sd((X), (Y), _MM_FROUND_FLOOR)
/// \brief Rounds each element of the 128-bit vector of [4 x float] to an
/// integer value according to the rounding control specified by the second
/// argument and returns the rounded values in a 128-bit vector of
/// [4 x float].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// \code
/// __m128 _mm_round_ps(__m128 X, const int M);
/// \endcode
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VROUNDPS / ROUNDPS </c> instruction.
/// \param X
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float].
/// \param M
/// An integer value that specifies the rounding operation. \n
/// Bits [7:4] are reserved. \n
/// Bit [3] is a precision exception value: \n
/// 0: A normal PE exception is used \n
/// 1: The PE field is not updated \n
/// Bit [2] is the rounding control source: \n
/// 0: Use bits [1:0] of \a M \n
/// 1: Use the current MXCSR setting \n
/// Bits [1:0] contain the rounding control definition: \n
/// 00: Nearest \n
/// 01: Downward (toward negative infinity) \n
/// 10: Upward (toward positive infinity) \n
/// 11: Truncated
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the rounded values.
#define _mm_round_ps(X, M) __extension__ ({ \
(__m128)__builtin_ia32_roundps((__v4sf)(__m128)(X), (M)); })
/// \brief Copies three upper elements of the first 128-bit vector operand to
/// the corresponding three upper elements of the 128-bit result vector of
/// [4 x float]. Rounds the lowest element of the second 128-bit vector
/// operand to an integer value according to the rounding control specified
/// by the third argument and copies it to the lowest element of the 128-bit
/// result vector of [4 x float].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// \code
/// __m128 _mm_round_ss(__m128 X, __m128 Y, const int M);
/// \endcode
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VROUNDSS / ROUNDSS </c> instruction.
/// \param X
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float]. The values stored in bits [127:32] are
/// copied to the corresponding bits of the result.
/// \param Y
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float]. The value stored in bits [31:0] is
/// rounded to the nearest integer using the specified rounding control and
/// copied to the corresponding bits of the result.
/// \param M
/// An integer value that specifies the rounding operation. \n
/// Bits [7:4] are reserved. \n
/// Bit [3] is a precision exception value: \n
/// 0: A normal PE exception is used \n
/// 1: The PE field is not updated \n
/// Bit [2] is the rounding control source: \n
/// 0: Use bits [1:0] of \a M \n
/// 1: Use the current MXCSR setting \n
/// Bits [1:0] contain the rounding control definition: \n
/// 00: Nearest \n
/// 01: Downward (toward negative infinity) \n
/// 10: Upward (toward positive infinity) \n
/// 11: Truncated
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the copied and rounded
/// values.
#define _mm_round_ss(X, Y, M) __extension__ ({ \
(__m128)__builtin_ia32_roundss((__v4sf)(__m128)(X), \
(__v4sf)(__m128)(Y), (M)); })
/// \brief Rounds each element of the 128-bit vector of [2 x double] to an
/// integer value according to the rounding control specified by the second
/// argument and returns the rounded values in a 128-bit vector of
/// [2 x double].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// \code
/// __m128d _mm_round_pd(__m128d X, const int M);
/// \endcode
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VROUNDPD / ROUNDPD </c> instruction.
/// \param X
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double].
/// \param M
/// An integer value that specifies the rounding operation. \n
/// Bits [7:4] are reserved. \n
/// Bit [3] is a precision exception value: \n
/// 0: A normal PE exception is used \n
/// 1: The PE field is not updated \n
/// Bit [2] is the rounding control source: \n
/// 0: Use bits [1:0] of \a M \n
/// 1: Use the current MXCSR setting \n
/// Bits [1:0] contain the rounding control definition: \n
/// 00: Nearest \n
/// 01: Downward (toward negative infinity) \n
/// 10: Upward (toward positive infinity) \n
/// 11: Truncated
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [2 x double] containing the rounded values.
#define _mm_round_pd(X, M) __extension__ ({ \
(__m128d)__builtin_ia32_roundpd((__v2df)(__m128d)(X), (M)); })
/// \brief Copies the upper element of the first 128-bit vector operand to the
/// corresponding upper element of the 128-bit result vector of [2 x double].
/// Rounds the lower element of the second 128-bit vector operand to an
/// integer value according to the rounding control specified by the third
/// argument and copies it to the lower element of the 128-bit result vector
/// of [2 x double].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// \code
/// __m128d _mm_round_sd(__m128d X, __m128d Y, const int M);
/// \endcode
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VROUNDSD / ROUNDSD </c> instruction.
/// \param X
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double]. The value stored in bits [127:64] is
/// copied to the corresponding bits of the result.
/// \param Y
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double]. The value stored in bits [63:0] is
/// rounded to the nearest integer using the specified rounding control and
/// copied to the corresponding bits of the result.
/// \param M
/// An integer value that specifies the rounding operation. \n
/// Bits [7:4] are reserved. \n
/// Bit [3] is a precision exception value: \n
/// 0: A normal PE exception is used \n
/// 1: The PE field is not updated \n
/// Bit [2] is the rounding control source: \n
/// 0: Use bits [1:0] of \a M \n
/// 1: Use the current MXCSR setting \n
/// Bits [1:0] contain the rounding control definition: \n
/// 00: Nearest \n
/// 01: Downward (toward negative infinity) \n
/// 10: Upward (toward positive infinity) \n
/// 11: Truncated
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [2 x double] containing the copied and rounded
/// values.
#define _mm_round_sd(X, Y, M) __extension__ ({ \
(__m128d)__builtin_ia32_roundsd((__v2df)(__m128d)(X), \
(__v2df)(__m128d)(Y), (M)); })
/* SSE4 Packed Blending Intrinsics. */
/// \brief Returns a 128-bit vector of [2 x double] where the values are
/// selected from either the first or second operand as specified by the
/// third operand, the control mask.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// \code
/// __m128d _mm_blend_pd(__m128d V1, __m128d V2, const int M);
/// \endcode
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VBLENDPD / BLENDPD </c> instruction.
/// \param V1
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double].
/// \param V2
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double].
/// \param M
/// An immediate integer operand, with mask bits [1:0] specifying how the
/// values are to be copied. The position of the mask bit corresponds to the
/// index of a copied value. When a mask bit is 0, the corresponding 64-bit
/// element in operand \a V1 is copied to the same position in the result.
/// When a mask bit is 1, the corresponding 64-bit element in operand \a V2
/// is copied to the same position in the result.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [2 x double] containing the copied values.
#define _mm_blend_pd(V1, V2, M) __extension__ ({ \
(__m128d)__builtin_shufflevector((__v2df)(__m128d)(V1), \
(__v2df)(__m128d)(V2), \
(((M) & 0x01) ? 2 : 0), \
(((M) & 0x02) ? 3 : 1)); })
/// \brief Returns a 128-bit vector of [4 x float] where the values are selected
/// from either the first or second operand as specified by the third
/// operand, the control mask.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// \code
/// __m128 _mm_blend_ps(__m128 V1, __m128 V2, const int M);
/// \endcode
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VBLENDPS / BLENDPS </c> instruction.
/// \param V1
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float].
/// \param V2
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float].
/// \param M
/// An immediate integer operand, with mask bits [3:0] specifying how the
/// values are to be copied. The position of the mask bit corresponds to the
/// index of a copied value. When a mask bit is 0, the corresponding 32-bit
/// element in operand \a V1 is copied to the same position in the result.
/// When a mask bit is 1, the corresponding 32-bit element in operand \a V2
/// is copied to the same position in the result.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the copied values.
#define _mm_blend_ps(V1, V2, M) __extension__ ({ \
(__m128)__builtin_shufflevector((__v4sf)(__m128)(V1), (__v4sf)(__m128)(V2), \
(((M) & 0x01) ? 4 : 0), \
(((M) & 0x02) ? 5 : 1), \
(((M) & 0x04) ? 6 : 2), \
(((M) & 0x08) ? 7 : 3)); })
/// \brief Returns a 128-bit vector of [2 x double] where the values are
/// selected from either the first or second operand as specified by the
/// third operand, the control mask.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VBLENDVPD / BLENDVPD </c> instruction.
/// \param __V1
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double].
/// \param __V2
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double].
/// \param __M
/// A 128-bit vector operand, with mask bits 127 and 63 specifying how the
/// values are to be copied. The position of the mask bit corresponds to the
/// most significant bit of a copied value. When a mask bit is 0, the
/// corresponding 64-bit element in operand \a __V1 is copied to the same
/// position in the result. When a mask bit is 1, the corresponding 64-bit
/// element in operand \a __V2 is copied to the same position in the result.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [2 x double] containing the copied values.
static __inline__ __m128d __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_blendv_pd (__m128d __V1, __m128d __V2, __m128d __M)
return (__m128d) __builtin_ia32_blendvpd ((__v2df)__V1, (__v2df)__V2,
/// \brief Returns a 128-bit vector of [4 x float] where the values are
/// selected from either the first or second operand as specified by the
/// third operand, the control mask.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VBLENDVPS / BLENDVPS </c> instruction.
/// \param __V1
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float].
/// \param __V2
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float].
/// \param __M
/// A 128-bit vector operand, with mask bits 127, 95, 63, and 31 specifying
/// how the values are to be copied. The position of the mask bit corresponds
/// to the most significant bit of a copied value. When a mask bit is 0, the
/// corresponding 32-bit element in operand \a __V1 is copied to the same
/// position in the result. When a mask bit is 1, the corresponding 32-bit
/// element in operand \a __V2 is copied to the same position in the result.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the copied values.
static __inline__ __m128 __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_blendv_ps (__m128 __V1, __m128 __V2, __m128 __M)
return (__m128) __builtin_ia32_blendvps ((__v4sf)__V1, (__v4sf)__V2,
/// \brief Returns a 128-bit vector of [16 x i8] where the values are selected
/// from either of the first or second operand as specified by the third
/// operand, the control mask.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPBLENDVB / PBLENDVB </c> instruction.
/// \param __V1
/// A 128-bit vector of [16 x i8].
/// \param __V2
/// A 128-bit vector of [16 x i8].
/// \param __M
/// A 128-bit vector operand, with mask bits 127, 119, 111 ... 7 specifying
/// how the values are to be copied. The position of the mask bit corresponds
/// to the most significant bit of a copied value. When a mask bit is 0, the
/// corresponding 8-bit element in operand \a __V1 is copied to the same
/// position in the result. When a mask bit is 1, the corresponding 8-bit
/// element in operand \a __V2 is copied to the same position in the result.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [16 x i8] containing the copied values.
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_blendv_epi8 (__m128i __V1, __m128i __V2, __m128i __M)
return (__m128i) __builtin_ia32_pblendvb128 ((__v16qi)__V1, (__v16qi)__V2,
/// \brief Returns a 128-bit vector of [8 x i16] where the values are selected
/// from either of the first or second operand as specified by the third
/// operand, the control mask.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// \code
/// __m128i _mm_blend_epi16(__m128i V1, __m128i V2, const int M);
/// \endcode
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPBLENDW / PBLENDW </c> instruction.
/// \param V1
/// A 128-bit vector of [8 x i16].
/// \param V2
/// A 128-bit vector of [8 x i16].
/// \param M
/// An immediate integer operand, with mask bits [7:0] specifying how the
/// values are to be copied. The position of the mask bit corresponds to the
/// index of a copied value. When a mask bit is 0, the corresponding 16-bit
/// element in operand \a V1 is copied to the same position in the result.
/// When a mask bit is 1, the corresponding 16-bit element in operand \a V2
/// is copied to the same position in the result.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [8 x i16] containing the copied values.
#define _mm_blend_epi16(V1, V2, M) __extension__ ({ \
(__m128i)__builtin_shufflevector((__v8hi)(__m128i)(V1), \
(__v8hi)(__m128i)(V2), \
(((M) & 0x01) ? 8 : 0), \
(((M) & 0x02) ? 9 : 1), \
(((M) & 0x04) ? 10 : 2), \
(((M) & 0x08) ? 11 : 3), \
(((M) & 0x10) ? 12 : 4), \
(((M) & 0x20) ? 13 : 5), \
(((M) & 0x40) ? 14 : 6), \
(((M) & 0x80) ? 15 : 7)); })
/* SSE4 Dword Multiply Instructions. */
/// \brief Multiples corresponding elements of two 128-bit vectors of [4 x i32]
/// and returns the lower 32 bits of the each product in a 128-bit vector of
/// [4 x i32].
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPMULLD / PMULLD </c> instruction.
/// \param __V1
/// A 128-bit integer vector.
/// \param __V2
/// A 128-bit integer vector.
/// \returns A 128-bit integer vector containing the products of both operands.
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_mullo_epi32 (__m128i __V1, __m128i __V2)
return (__m128i) ((__v4su)__V1 * (__v4su)__V2);
/// \brief Multiplies corresponding even-indexed elements of two 128-bit
/// vectors of [4 x i32] and returns a 128-bit vector of [2 x i64]
/// containing the products.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPMULDQ / PMULDQ </c> instruction.
/// \param __V1
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x i32].
/// \param __V2
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x i32].
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [2 x i64] containing the products of both
/// operands.
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_mul_epi32 (__m128i __V1, __m128i __V2)
return (__m128i) __builtin_ia32_pmuldq128 ((__v4si)__V1, (__v4si)__V2);
/* SSE4 Floating Point Dot Product Instructions. */
/// \brief Computes the dot product of the two 128-bit vectors of [4 x float]
/// and returns it in the elements of the 128-bit result vector of
/// [4 x float].
/// The immediate integer operand controls which input elements
/// will contribute to the dot product, and where the final results are
/// returned.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// \code
/// __m128 _mm_dp_ps(__m128 X, __m128 Y, const int M);
/// \endcode
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VDPPS / DPPS </c> instruction.
/// \param X
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float].
/// \param Y
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float].
/// \param M
/// An immediate integer operand. Mask bits [7:4] determine which elements
/// of the input vectors are used, with bit [4] corresponding to the lowest
/// element and bit [7] corresponding to the highest element of each [4 x
/// float] vector. If a bit is set, the corresponding elements from the two
/// input vectors are used as an input for dot product; otherwise that input
/// is treated as zero. Bits [3:0] determine which elements of the result
/// will receive a copy of the final dot product, with bit [0] corresponding
/// to the lowest element and bit [3] corresponding to the highest element of
/// each [4 x float] subvector. If a bit is set, the dot product is returned
/// in the corresponding element; otherwise that element is set to zero.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the dot product.
#define _mm_dp_ps(X, Y, M) __extension__ ({ \
(__m128) __builtin_ia32_dpps((__v4sf)(__m128)(X), \
(__v4sf)(__m128)(Y), (M)); })
/// \brief Computes the dot product of the two 128-bit vectors of [2 x double]
/// and returns it in the elements of the 128-bit result vector of
/// [2 x double].
/// The immediate integer operand controls which input
/// elements will contribute to the dot product, and where the final results
/// are returned.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// \code
/// __m128d _mm_dp_pd(__m128d X, __m128d Y, const int M);
/// \endcode
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VDPPD / DPPD </c> instruction.
/// \param X
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double].
/// \param Y
/// A 128-bit vector of [2 x double].
/// \param M
/// An immediate integer operand. Mask bits [5:4] determine which elements
/// of the input vectors are used, with bit [4] corresponding to the lowest
/// element and bit [5] corresponding to the highest element of each of [2 x
/// double] vector. If a bit is set, the corresponding elements from the two
/// input vectors are used as an input for dot product; otherwise that input
/// is treated as zero. Bits [1:0] determine which elements of the result
/// will receive a copy of the final dot product, with bit [0] corresponding
/// to the lowest element and bit [3] corresponding to the highest element of
/// each [2 x double] vector. If a bit is set, the dot product is returned in
/// the corresponding element; otherwise that element is set to zero.
#define _mm_dp_pd(X, Y, M) __extension__ ({\
(__m128d) __builtin_ia32_dppd((__v2df)(__m128d)(X), \
(__v2df)(__m128d)(Y), (M)); })
/* SSE4 Streaming Load Hint Instruction. */
/// \brief Loads integer values from a 128-bit aligned memory location to a
/// 128-bit integer vector.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VMOVNTDQA / MOVNTDQA </c> instruction.
/// \param __V
/// A pointer to a 128-bit aligned memory location that contains the integer
/// values.
/// \returns A 128-bit integer vector containing the data stored at the
/// specified memory location.
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_stream_load_si128 (__m128i const *__V)
return (__m128i) __builtin_nontemporal_load ((const __v2di *) __V);
/* SSE4 Packed Integer Min/Max Instructions. */
/// \brief Compares the corresponding elements of two 128-bit vectors of
/// [16 x i8] and returns a 128-bit vector of [16 x i8] containing the lesser
/// of the two values.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPMINSB / PMINSB </c> instruction.
/// \param __V1
/// A 128-bit vector of [16 x i8].
/// \param __V2
/// A 128-bit vector of [16 x i8]
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [16 x i8] containing the lesser values.
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_min_epi8 (__m128i __V1, __m128i __V2)
return (__m128i) __builtin_ia32_pminsb128 ((__v16qi) __V1, (__v16qi) __V2);
/// \brief Compares the corresponding elements of two 128-bit vectors of
/// [16 x i8] and returns a 128-bit vector of [16 x i8] containing the
/// greater value of the two.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPMAXSB / PMAXSB </c> instruction.
/// \param __V1
/// A 128-bit vector of [16 x i8].
/// \param __V2
/// A 128-bit vector of [16 x i8].
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [16 x i8] containing the greater values.
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_max_epi8 (__m128i __V1, __m128i __V2)
return (__m128i) __builtin_ia32_pmaxsb128 ((__v16qi) __V1, (__v16qi) __V2);
/// \brief Compares the corresponding elements of two 128-bit vectors of
/// [8 x u16] and returns a 128-bit vector of [8 x u16] containing the lesser
/// value of the two.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPMINUW / PMINUW </c> instruction.
/// \param __V1
/// A 128-bit vector of [8 x u16].
/// \param __V2
/// A 128-bit vector of [8 x u16].
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [8 x u16] containing the lesser values.
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_min_epu16 (__m128i __V1, __m128i __V2)
return (__m128i) __builtin_ia32_pminuw128 ((__v8hi) __V1, (__v8hi) __V2);
/// \brief Compares the corresponding elements of two 128-bit vectors of
/// [8 x u16] and returns a 128-bit vector of [8 x u16] containing the
/// greater value of the two.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPMAXUW / PMAXUW </c> instruction.
/// \param __V1
/// A 128-bit vector of [8 x u16].
/// \param __V2
/// A 128-bit vector of [8 x u16].
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [8 x u16] containing the greater values.
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_max_epu16 (__m128i __V1, __m128i __V2)
return (__m128i) __builtin_ia32_pmaxuw128 ((__v8hi) __V1, (__v8hi) __V2);
/// \brief Compares the corresponding elements of two 128-bit vectors of
/// [4 x i32] and returns a 128-bit vector of [4 x i32] containing the lesser
/// value of the two.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPMINSD / PMINSD </c> instruction.
/// \param __V1
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x i32].
/// \param __V2
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x i32].
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x i32] containing the lesser values.
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_min_epi32 (__m128i __V1, __m128i __V2)
return (__m128i) __builtin_ia32_pminsd128 ((__v4si) __V1, (__v4si) __V2);
/// \brief Compares the corresponding elements of two 128-bit vectors of
/// [4 x i32] and returns a 128-bit vector of [4 x i32] containing the
/// greater value of the two.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPMAXSD / PMAXSD </c> instruction.
/// \param __V1
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x i32].
/// \param __V2
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x i32].
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x i32] containing the greater values.
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_max_epi32 (__m128i __V1, __m128i __V2)
return (__m128i) __builtin_ia32_pmaxsd128 ((__v4si) __V1, (__v4si) __V2);
/// \brief Compares the corresponding elements of two 128-bit vectors of
/// [4 x u32] and returns a 128-bit vector of [4 x u32] containing the lesser
/// value of the two.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPMINUD / PMINUD </c> instruction.
/// \param __V1
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x u32].
/// \param __V2
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x u32].
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x u32] containing the lesser values.
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_min_epu32 (__m128i __V1, __m128i __V2)
return (__m128i) __builtin_ia32_pminud128((__v4si) __V1, (__v4si) __V2);
/// \brief Compares the corresponding elements of two 128-bit vectors of
/// [4 x u32] and returns a 128-bit vector of [4 x u32] containing the
/// greater value of the two.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPMAXUD / PMAXUD </c> instruction.
/// \param __V1
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x u32].
/// \param __V2
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x u32].
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x u32] containing the greater values.
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_max_epu32 (__m128i __V1, __m128i __V2)
return (__m128i) __builtin_ia32_pmaxud128((__v4si) __V1, (__v4si) __V2);
/* SSE4 Insertion and Extraction from XMM Register Instructions. */
/// \brief Takes the first argument \a X and inserts an element from the second
/// argument \a Y as selected by the third argument \a N. That result then
/// has elements zeroed out also as selected by the third argument \a N. The
/// resulting 128-bit vector of [4 x float] is then returned.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// \code
/// __m128 _mm_insert_ps(__m128 X, __m128 Y, const int N);
/// \endcode
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VINSERTPS </c> instruction.
/// \param X
/// A 128-bit vector source operand of [4 x float]. With the exception of
/// those bits in the result copied from parameter \a Y and zeroed by bits
/// [3:0] of \a N, all bits from this parameter are copied to the result.
/// \param Y
/// A 128-bit vector source operand of [4 x float]. One single-precision
/// floating-point element from this source, as determined by the immediate
/// parameter, is copied to the result.
/// \param N
/// Specifies which bits from operand \a Y will be copied, which bits in the
/// result they will be be copied to, and which bits in the result will be
/// cleared. The following assignments are made: \n
/// Bits [7:6] specify the bits to copy from operand \a Y: \n
/// 00: Selects bits [31:0] from operand \a Y. \n
/// 01: Selects bits [63:32] from operand \a Y. \n
/// 10: Selects bits [95:64] from operand \a Y. \n
/// 11: Selects bits [127:96] from operand \a Y. \n
/// Bits [5:4] specify the bits in the result to which the selected bits
/// from operand \a Y are copied: \n
/// 00: Copies the selected bits from \a Y to result bits [31:0]. \n
/// 01: Copies the selected bits from \a Y to result bits [63:32]. \n
/// 10: Copies the selected bits from \a Y to result bits [95:64]. \n
/// 11: Copies the selected bits from \a Y to result bits [127:96]. \n
/// Bits[3:0]: If any of these bits are set, the corresponding result
/// element is cleared.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x float] containing the copied single-
/// precision floating point elements from the operands.
#define _mm_insert_ps(X, Y, N) __builtin_ia32_insertps128((X), (Y), (N))
/// \brief Extracts a 32-bit integer from a 128-bit vector of [4 x float] and
/// returns it, using the immediate value parameter \a N as a selector.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// \code
/// int _mm_extract_ps(__m128 X, const int N);
/// \endcode
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VEXTRACTPS / EXTRACTPS </c>
/// instruction.
/// \param X
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x float].
/// \param N
/// An immediate value. Bits [1:0] determines which bits from the argument
/// \a X are extracted and returned: \n
/// 00: Bits [31:0] of parameter \a X are returned. \n
/// 01: Bits [63:32] of parameter \a X are returned. \n
/// 10: Bits [95:64] of parameter \a X are returned. \n
/// 11: Bits [127:96] of parameter \a X are returned.
/// \returns A 32-bit integer containing the extracted 32 bits of float data.
#define _mm_extract_ps(X, N) (__extension__ \
({ union { int __i; float __f; } __t; \
__v4sf __a = (__v4sf)(__m128)(X); \
__t.__f = __a[(N) & 3]; \
/* Miscellaneous insert and extract macros. */
/* Extract a single-precision float from X at index N into D. */
#define _MM_EXTRACT_FLOAT(D, X, N) (__extension__ ({ __v4sf __a = (__v4sf)(X); \
(D) = __a[N]; }))
/* Or together 2 sets of indexes (X and Y) with the zeroing bits (Z) to create
an index suitable for _mm_insert_ps. */
#define _MM_MK_INSERTPS_NDX(X, Y, Z) (((X) << 6) | ((Y) << 4) | (Z))
/* Extract a float from X at index N into the first index of the return. */
#define _MM_PICK_OUT_PS(X, N) _mm_insert_ps (_mm_setzero_ps(), (X), \
_MM_MK_INSERTPS_NDX((N), 0, 0x0e))
/* Insert int into packed integer array at index. */
/// \brief Constructs a 128-bit vector of [16 x i8] by first making a copy of
/// the 128-bit integer vector parameter, and then inserting the lower 8 bits
/// of an integer parameter \a I into an offset specified by the immediate
/// value parameter \a N.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// \code
/// __m128i _mm_insert_epi8(__m128i X, int I, const int N);
/// \endcode
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPINSRB / PINSRB </c> instruction.
/// \param X
/// A 128-bit integer vector of [16 x i8]. This vector is copied to the
/// result and then one of the sixteen elements in the result vector is
/// replaced by the lower 8 bits of \a I.
/// \param I
/// An integer. The lower 8 bits of this operand are written to the result
/// beginning at the offset specified by \a N.
/// \param N
/// An immediate value. Bits [3:0] specify the bit offset in the result at
/// which the lower 8 bits of \a I are written. \n
/// 0000: Bits [7:0] of the result are used for insertion. \n
/// 0001: Bits [15:8] of the result are used for insertion. \n
/// 0010: Bits [23:16] of the result are used for insertion. \n
/// 0011: Bits [31:24] of the result are used for insertion. \n
/// 0100: Bits [39:32] of the result are used for insertion. \n
/// 0101: Bits [47:40] of the result are used for insertion. \n
/// 0110: Bits [55:48] of the result are used for insertion. \n
/// 0111: Bits [63:56] of the result are used for insertion. \n
/// 1000: Bits [71:64] of the result are used for insertion. \n
/// 1001: Bits [79:72] of the result are used for insertion. \n
/// 1010: Bits [87:80] of the result are used for insertion. \n
/// 1011: Bits [95:88] of the result are used for insertion. \n
/// 1100: Bits [103:96] of the result are used for insertion. \n
/// 1101: Bits [111:104] of the result are used for insertion. \n
/// 1110: Bits [119:112] of the result are used for insertion. \n
/// 1111: Bits [127:120] of the result are used for insertion.
/// \returns A 128-bit integer vector containing the constructed values.
#define _mm_insert_epi8(X, I, N) (__extension__ \
({ __v16qi __a = (__v16qi)(__m128i)(X); \
__a[(N) & 15] = (I); \
/// \brief Constructs a 128-bit vector of [4 x i32] by first making a copy of
/// the 128-bit integer vector parameter, and then inserting the 32-bit
/// integer parameter \a I at the offset specified by the immediate value
/// parameter \a N.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// \code
/// __m128i _mm_insert_epi32(__m128i X, int I, const int N);
/// \endcode
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPINSRD / PINSRD </c> instruction.
/// \param X
/// A 128-bit integer vector of [4 x i32]. This vector is copied to the
/// result and then one of the four elements in the result vector is
/// replaced by \a I.
/// \param I
/// A 32-bit integer that is written to the result beginning at the offset
/// specified by \a N.
/// \param N
/// An immediate value. Bits [1:0] specify the bit offset in the result at
/// which the integer \a I is written. \n
/// 00: Bits [31:0] of the result are used for insertion. \n
/// 01: Bits [63:32] of the result are used for insertion. \n
/// 10: Bits [95:64] of the result are used for insertion. \n
/// 11: Bits [127:96] of the result are used for insertion.
/// \returns A 128-bit integer vector containing the constructed values.
#define _mm_insert_epi32(X, I, N) (__extension__ \
({ __v4si __a = (__v4si)(__m128i)(X); \
__a[(N) & 3] = (I); \
#ifdef __x86_64__
/// \brief Constructs a 128-bit vector of [2 x i64] by first making a copy of
/// the 128-bit integer vector parameter, and then inserting the 64-bit
/// integer parameter \a I, using the immediate value parameter \a N as an
/// insertion location selector.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// \code
/// __m128i _mm_insert_epi64(__m128i X, long long I, const int N);
/// \endcode
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPINSRQ / PINSRQ </c> instruction.
/// \param X
/// A 128-bit integer vector of [2 x i64]. This vector is copied to the
/// result and then one of the two elements in the result vector is replaced
/// by \a I.
/// \param I
/// A 64-bit integer that is written to the result beginning at the offset
/// specified by \a N.
/// \param N
/// An immediate value. Bit [0] specifies the bit offset in the result at
/// which the integer \a I is written. \n
/// 0: Bits [63:0] of the result are used for insertion. \n
/// 1: Bits [127:64] of the result are used for insertion. \n
/// \returns A 128-bit integer vector containing the constructed values.
#define _mm_insert_epi64(X, I, N) (__extension__ \
({ __v2di __a = (__v2di)(__m128i)(X); \
__a[(N) & 1] = (I); \
#endif /* __x86_64__ */
# 1025 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/smmintrin.h" 3
/* Extract int from packed integer array at index. This returns the element
* as a zero extended value, so it is unsigned.
/// \brief Extracts an 8-bit element from the 128-bit integer vector of
/// [16 x i8], using the immediate value parameter \a N as a selector.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// \code
/// int _mm_extract_epi8(__m128i X, const int N);
/// \endcode
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPEXTRB / PEXTRB </c> instruction.
/// \param X
/// A 128-bit integer vector.
/// \param N
/// An immediate value. Bits [3:0] specify which 8-bit vector element from
/// the argument \a X to extract and copy to the result. \n
/// 0000: Bits [7:0] of parameter \a X are extracted. \n
/// 0001: Bits [15:8] of the parameter \a X are extracted. \n
/// 0010: Bits [23:16] of the parameter \a X are extracted. \n
/// 0011: Bits [31:24] of the parameter \a X are extracted. \n
/// 0100: Bits [39:32] of the parameter \a X are extracted. \n
/// 0101: Bits [47:40] of the parameter \a X are extracted. \n
/// 0110: Bits [55:48] of the parameter \a X are extracted. \n
/// 0111: Bits [63:56] of the parameter \a X are extracted. \n
/// 1000: Bits [71:64] of the parameter \a X are extracted. \n
/// 1001: Bits [79:72] of the parameter \a X are extracted. \n
/// 1010: Bits [87:80] of the parameter \a X are extracted. \n
/// 1011: Bits [95:88] of the parameter \a X are extracted. \n
/// 1100: Bits [103:96] of the parameter \a X are extracted. \n
/// 1101: Bits [111:104] of the parameter \a X are extracted. \n
/// 1110: Bits [119:112] of the parameter \a X are extracted. \n
/// 1111: Bits [127:120] of the parameter \a X are extracted.
/// \returns An unsigned integer, whose lower 8 bits are selected from the
/// 128-bit integer vector parameter and the remaining bits are assigned
/// zeros.
#define _mm_extract_epi8(X, N) (__extension__ \
({ __v16qi __a = (__v16qi)(__m128i)(X); \
(int)(unsigned char) __a[(N) & 15];}))
/// \brief Extracts a 32-bit element from the 128-bit integer vector of
/// [4 x i32], using the immediate value parameter \a N as a selector.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// \code
/// int _mm_extract_epi32(__m128i X, const int N);
/// \endcode
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPEXTRD / PEXTRD </c> instruction.
/// \param X
/// A 128-bit integer vector.
/// \param N
/// An immediate value. Bits [1:0] specify which 32-bit vector element from
/// the argument \a X to extract and copy to the result. \n
/// 00: Bits [31:0] of the parameter \a X are extracted. \n
/// 01: Bits [63:32] of the parameter \a X are extracted. \n
/// 10: Bits [95:64] of the parameter \a X are extracted. \n
/// 11: Bits [127:96] of the parameter \a X are exracted.
/// \returns An integer, whose lower 32 bits are selected from the 128-bit
/// integer vector parameter and the remaining bits are assigned zeros.
#define _mm_extract_epi32(X, N) (__extension__ \
({ __v4si __a = (__v4si)(__m128i)(X); \
(int)__a[(N) & 3];}))
#ifdef __x86_64__
/// \brief Extracts a 64-bit element from the 128-bit integer vector of
/// [2 x i64], using the immediate value parameter \a N as a selector.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// \code
/// long long _mm_extract_epi64(__m128i X, const int N);
/// \endcode
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPEXTRQ / PEXTRQ </c> instruction.
/// \param X
/// A 128-bit integer vector.
/// \param N
/// An immediate value. Bit [0] specifies which 64-bit vector element from
/// the argument \a X to return. \n
/// 0: Bits [63:0] are returned. \n
/// 1: Bits [127:64] are returned. \n
/// \returns A 64-bit integer.
#define _mm_extract_epi64(X, N) (__extension__ \
({ __v2di __a = (__v2di)(__m128i)(X); \
(long long)__a[(N) & 1];}))
#endif /* __x86_64 */
# 1118 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/smmintrin.h" 3
/* SSE4 128-bit Packed Integer Comparisons. */
/// \brief Tests whether the specified bits in a 128-bit integer vector are all
/// zeros.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPTEST / PTEST </c> instruction.
/// \param __M
/// A 128-bit integer vector containing the bits to be tested.
/// \param __V
/// A 128-bit integer vector selecting which bits to test in operand \a __M.
/// \returns TRUE if the specified bits are all zeros; FALSE otherwise.
static __inline__ int __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_testz_si128(__m128i __M, __m128i __V)
return __builtin_ia32_ptestz128((__v2di)__M, (__v2di)__V);
/// \brief Tests whether the specified bits in a 128-bit integer vector are all
/// ones.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPTEST / PTEST </c> instruction.
/// \param __M
/// A 128-bit integer vector containing the bits to be tested.
/// \param __V
/// A 128-bit integer vector selecting which bits to test in operand \a __M.
/// \returns TRUE if the specified bits are all ones; FALSE otherwise.
static __inline__ int __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_testc_si128(__m128i __M, __m128i __V)
return __builtin_ia32_ptestc128((__v2di)__M, (__v2di)__V);
/// \brief Tests whether the specified bits in a 128-bit integer vector are
/// neither all zeros nor all ones.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPTEST / PTEST </c> instruction.
/// \param __M
/// A 128-bit integer vector containing the bits to be tested.
/// \param __V
/// A 128-bit integer vector selecting which bits to test in operand \a __M.
/// \returns TRUE if the specified bits are neither all zeros nor all ones;
/// FALSE otherwise.
static __inline__ int __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_testnzc_si128(__m128i __M, __m128i __V)
return __builtin_ia32_ptestnzc128((__v2di)__M, (__v2di)__V);
/// \brief Tests whether the specified bits in a 128-bit integer vector are all
/// ones.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// \code
/// int _mm_test_all_ones(__m128i V);
/// \endcode
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPTEST / PTEST </c> instruction.
/// \param V
/// A 128-bit integer vector containing the bits to be tested.
/// \returns TRUE if the bits specified in the operand are all set to 1; FALSE
/// otherwise.
#define _mm_test_all_ones(V) _mm_testc_si128((V), _mm_cmpeq_epi32((V), (V)))
/// \brief Tests whether the specified bits in a 128-bit integer vector are
/// neither all zeros nor all ones.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// \code
/// int _mm_test_mix_ones_zeros(__m128i M, __m128i V);
/// \endcode
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPTEST / PTEST </c> instruction.
/// \param M
/// A 128-bit integer vector containing the bits to be tested.
/// \param V
/// A 128-bit integer vector selecting which bits to test in operand \a M.
/// \returns TRUE if the specified bits are neither all zeros nor all ones;
/// FALSE otherwise.
#define _mm_test_mix_ones_zeros(M, V) _mm_testnzc_si128((M), (V))
/// \brief Tests whether the specified bits in a 128-bit integer vector are all
/// zeros.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// \code
/// int _mm_test_all_zeros(__m128i M, __m128i V);
/// \endcode
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPTEST / PTEST </c> instruction.
/// \param M
/// A 128-bit integer vector containing the bits to be tested.
/// \param V
/// A 128-bit integer vector selecting which bits to test in operand \a M.
/// \returns TRUE if the specified bits are all zeros; FALSE otherwise.
#define _mm_test_all_zeros(M, V) _mm_testz_si128 ((M), (V))
/* SSE4 64-bit Packed Integer Comparisons. */
/// \brief Compares each of the corresponding 64-bit values of the 128-bit
/// integer vectors for equality.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPCMPEQQ / PCMPEQQ </c> instruction.
/// \param __V1
/// A 128-bit integer vector.
/// \param __V2
/// A 128-bit integer vector.
/// \returns A 128-bit integer vector containing the comparison results.
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cmpeq_epi64(__m128i __V1, __m128i __V2)
return (__m128i)((__v2di)__V1 == (__v2di)__V2);
/* SSE4 Packed Integer Sign-Extension. */
/// \brief Sign-extends each of the lower eight 8-bit integer elements of a
/// 128-bit vector of [16 x i8] to 16-bit values and returns them in a
/// 128-bit vector of [8 x i16]. The upper eight elements of the input vector
/// are unused.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPMOVSXBW / PMOVSXBW </c> instruction.
/// \param __V
/// A 128-bit vector of [16 x i8]. The lower eight 8-bit elements are sign-
/// extended to 16-bit values.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [8 x i16] containing the sign-extended values.
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cvtepi8_epi16(__m128i __V)
/* This function always performs a signed extension, but __v16qi is a char
which may be signed or unsigned, so use __v16qs. */
return (__m128i)__builtin_convertvector(__builtin_shufflevector((__v16qs)__V, (__v16qs)__V, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7), __v8hi);
/// \brief Sign-extends each of the lower four 8-bit integer elements of a
/// 128-bit vector of [16 x i8] to 32-bit values and returns them in a
/// 128-bit vector of [4 x i32]. The upper twelve elements of the input
/// vector are unused.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPMOVSXBD / PMOVSXBD </c> instruction.
/// \param __V
/// A 128-bit vector of [16 x i8]. The lower four 8-bit elements are sign-
/// extended to 32-bit values.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x i32] containing the sign-extended values.
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cvtepi8_epi32(__m128i __V)
/* This function always performs a signed extension, but __v16qi is a char
which may be signed or unsigned, so use __v16qs. */
return (__m128i)__builtin_convertvector(__builtin_shufflevector((__v16qs)__V, (__v16qs)__V, 0, 1, 2, 3), __v4si);
/// \brief Sign-extends each of the lower two 8-bit integer elements of a
/// 128-bit integer vector of [16 x i8] to 64-bit values and returns them in
/// a 128-bit vector of [2 x i64]. The upper fourteen elements of the input
/// vector are unused.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPMOVSXBQ / PMOVSXBQ </c> instruction.
/// \param __V
/// A 128-bit vector of [16 x i8]. The lower two 8-bit elements are sign-
/// extended to 64-bit values.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [2 x i64] containing the sign-extended values.
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cvtepi8_epi64(__m128i __V)
/* This function always performs a signed extension, but __v16qi is a char
which may be signed or unsigned, so use __v16qs. */
return (__m128i)__builtin_convertvector(__builtin_shufflevector((__v16qs)__V, (__v16qs)__V, 0, 1), __v2di);
/// \brief Sign-extends each of the lower four 16-bit integer elements of a
/// 128-bit integer vector of [8 x i16] to 32-bit values and returns them in
/// a 128-bit vector of [4 x i32]. The upper four elements of the input
/// vector are unused.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPMOVSXWD / PMOVSXWD </c> instruction.
/// \param __V
/// A 128-bit vector of [8 x i16]. The lower four 16-bit elements are sign-
/// extended to 32-bit values.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x i32] containing the sign-extended values.
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cvtepi16_epi32(__m128i __V)
return (__m128i)__builtin_convertvector(__builtin_shufflevector((__v8hi)__V, (__v8hi)__V, 0, 1, 2, 3), __v4si);
/// \brief Sign-extends each of the lower two 16-bit integer elements of a
/// 128-bit integer vector of [8 x i16] to 64-bit values and returns them in
/// a 128-bit vector of [2 x i64]. The upper six elements of the input
/// vector are unused.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPMOVSXWQ / PMOVSXWQ </c> instruction.
/// \param __V
/// A 128-bit vector of [8 x i16]. The lower two 16-bit elements are sign-
/// extended to 64-bit values.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [2 x i64] containing the sign-extended values.
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cvtepi16_epi64(__m128i __V)
return (__m128i)__builtin_convertvector(__builtin_shufflevector((__v8hi)__V, (__v8hi)__V, 0, 1), __v2di);
/// \brief Sign-extends each of the lower two 32-bit integer elements of a
/// 128-bit integer vector of [4 x i32] to 64-bit values and returns them in
/// a 128-bit vector of [2 x i64]. The upper two elements of the input vector
/// are unused.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPMOVSXDQ / PMOVSXDQ </c> instruction.
/// \param __V
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x i32]. The lower two 32-bit elements are sign-
/// extended to 64-bit values.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [2 x i64] containing the sign-extended values.
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cvtepi32_epi64(__m128i __V)
return (__m128i)__builtin_convertvector(__builtin_shufflevector((__v4si)__V, (__v4si)__V, 0, 1), __v2di);
/* SSE4 Packed Integer Zero-Extension. */
/// \brief Zero-extends each of the lower eight 8-bit integer elements of a
/// 128-bit vector of [16 x i8] to 16-bit values and returns them in a
/// 128-bit vector of [8 x i16]. The upper eight elements of the input vector
/// are unused.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPMOVZXBW / PMOVZXBW </c> instruction.
/// \param __V
/// A 128-bit vector of [16 x i8]. The lower eight 8-bit elements are zero-
/// extended to 16-bit values.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [8 x i16] containing the zero-extended values.
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cvtepu8_epi16(__m128i __V)
return (__m128i)__builtin_convertvector(__builtin_shufflevector((__v16qu)__V, (__v16qu)__V, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7), __v8hi);
/// \brief Zero-extends each of the lower four 8-bit integer elements of a
/// 128-bit vector of [16 x i8] to 32-bit values and returns them in a
/// 128-bit vector of [4 x i32]. The upper twelve elements of the input
/// vector are unused.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPMOVZXBD / PMOVZXBD </c> instruction.
/// \param __V
/// A 128-bit vector of [16 x i8]. The lower four 8-bit elements are zero-
/// extended to 32-bit values.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x i32] containing the zero-extended values.
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cvtepu8_epi32(__m128i __V)
return (__m128i)__builtin_convertvector(__builtin_shufflevector((__v16qu)__V, (__v16qu)__V, 0, 1, 2, 3), __v4si);
/// \brief Zero-extends each of the lower two 8-bit integer elements of a
/// 128-bit integer vector of [16 x i8] to 64-bit values and returns them in
/// a 128-bit vector of [2 x i64]. The upper fourteen elements of the input
/// vector are unused.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPMOVZXBQ / PMOVZXBQ </c> instruction.
/// \param __V
/// A 128-bit vector of [16 x i8]. The lower two 8-bit elements are zero-
/// extended to 64-bit values.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [2 x i64] containing the zero-extended values.
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cvtepu8_epi64(__m128i __V)
return (__m128i)__builtin_convertvector(__builtin_shufflevector((__v16qu)__V, (__v16qu)__V, 0, 1), __v2di);
/// \brief Zero-extends each of the lower four 16-bit integer elements of a
/// 128-bit integer vector of [8 x i16] to 32-bit values and returns them in
/// a 128-bit vector of [4 x i32]. The upper four elements of the input
/// vector are unused.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPMOVZXWD / PMOVZXWD </c> instruction.
/// \param __V
/// A 128-bit vector of [8 x i16]. The lower four 16-bit elements are zero-
/// extended to 32-bit values.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [4 x i32] containing the zero-extended values.
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cvtepu16_epi32(__m128i __V)
return (__m128i)__builtin_convertvector(__builtin_shufflevector((__v8hu)__V, (__v8hu)__V, 0, 1, 2, 3), __v4si);
/// \brief Zero-extends each of the lower two 16-bit integer elements of a
/// 128-bit integer vector of [8 x i16] to 64-bit values and returns them in
/// a 128-bit vector of [2 x i64]. The upper six elements of the input vector
/// are unused.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPMOVZXWQ / PMOVZXWQ </c> instruction.
/// \param __V
/// A 128-bit vector of [8 x i16]. The lower two 16-bit elements are zero-
/// extended to 64-bit values.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [2 x i64] containing the zero-extended values.
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cvtepu16_epi64(__m128i __V)
return (__m128i)__builtin_convertvector(__builtin_shufflevector((__v8hu)__V, (__v8hu)__V, 0, 1), __v2di);
/// \brief Zero-extends each of the lower two 32-bit integer elements of a
/// 128-bit integer vector of [4 x i32] to 64-bit values and returns them in
/// a 128-bit vector of [2 x i64]. The upper two elements of the input vector
/// are unused.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPMOVZXDQ / PMOVZXDQ </c> instruction.
/// \param __V
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x i32]. The lower two 32-bit elements are zero-
/// extended to 64-bit values.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [2 x i64] containing the zero-extended values.
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cvtepu32_epi64(__m128i __V)
return (__m128i)__builtin_convertvector(__builtin_shufflevector((__v4su)__V, (__v4su)__V, 0, 1), __v2di);
/* SSE4 Pack with Unsigned Saturation. */
/// \brief Converts 32-bit signed integers from both 128-bit integer vector
/// operands into 16-bit unsigned integers, and returns the packed result.
/// Values greater than 0xFFFF are saturated to 0xFFFF. Values less than
/// 0x0000 are saturated to 0x0000.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPACKUSDW / PACKUSDW </c> instruction.
/// \param __V1
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x i32]. Each 32-bit element is treated as a
/// signed integer and is converted to a 16-bit unsigned integer with
/// saturation. Values greater than 0xFFFF are saturated to 0xFFFF. Values
/// less than 0x0000 are saturated to 0x0000. The converted [4 x i16] values
/// are written to the lower 64 bits of the result.
/// \param __V2
/// A 128-bit vector of [4 x i32]. Each 32-bit element is treated as a
/// signed integer and is converted to a 16-bit unsigned integer with
/// saturation. Values greater than 0xFFFF are saturated to 0xFFFF. Values
/// less than 0x0000 are saturated to 0x0000. The converted [4 x i16] values
/// are written to the higher 64 bits of the result.
/// \returns A 128-bit vector of [8 x i16] containing the converted values.
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_packus_epi32(__m128i __V1, __m128i __V2)
return (__m128i) __builtin_ia32_packusdw128((__v4si)__V1, (__v4si)__V2);
/* SSE4 Multiple Packed Sums of Absolute Difference. */
/// \brief Subtracts 8-bit unsigned integer values and computes the absolute
/// values of the differences to the corresponding bits in the destination.
/// Then sums of the absolute differences are returned according to the bit
/// fields in the immediate operand.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// \code
/// __m128i _mm_mpsadbw_epu8(__m128i X, __m128i Y, const int M);
/// \endcode
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VMPSADBW / MPSADBW </c> instruction.
/// \param X
/// A 128-bit vector of [16 x i8].
/// \param Y
/// A 128-bit vector of [16 x i8].
/// \param M
/// An 8-bit immediate operand specifying how the absolute differences are to
/// be calculated, according to the following algorithm:
/// \code
/// // M2 represents bit 2 of the immediate operand
/// // M10 represents bits [1:0] of the immediate operand
/// i = M2 * 4
/// j = M10 * 4
/// for (k = 0; k < 8; k = k + 1) {
/// d0 = abs(X[i + k + 0] - Y[j + 0])
/// d1 = abs(X[i + k + 1] - Y[j + 1])
/// d2 = abs(X[i + k + 2] - Y[j + 2])
/// d3 = abs(X[i + k + 3] - Y[j + 3])
/// r[k] = d0 + d1 + d2 + d3
/// }
/// \endcode
/// \returns A 128-bit integer vector containing the sums of the sets of
/// absolute differences between both operands.
#define _mm_mpsadbw_epu8(X, Y, M) __extension__ ({ \
(__m128i) __builtin_ia32_mpsadbw128((__v16qi)(__m128i)(X), \
(__v16qi)(__m128i)(Y), (M)); })
/// \brief Finds the minimum unsigned 16-bit element in the input 128-bit
/// vector of [8 x u16] and returns it and along with its index.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPHMINPOSUW / PHMINPOSUW </c>
/// instruction.
/// \param __V
/// A 128-bit vector of [8 x u16].
/// \returns A 128-bit value where bits [15:0] contain the minimum value found
/// in parameter \a __V, bits [18:16] contain the index of the minimum value
/// and the remaining bits are set to 0.
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_minpos_epu16(__m128i __V)
return (__m128i) __builtin_ia32_phminposuw128((__v8hi)__V);
/* Handle the sse4.2 definitions here. */
/* These definitions are normally in nmmintrin.h, but gcc puts them in here
so we'll do the same. */
#define __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS __attribute__((__always_inline__, __nodebug__, __target__("sse4.2")))
/* These specify the type of data that we're comparing. */
#define _SIDD_UBYTE_OPS 0x00
#define _SIDD_UWORD_OPS 0x01
#define _SIDD_SBYTE_OPS 0x02
#define _SIDD_SWORD_OPS 0x03
/* These specify the type of comparison operation. */
#define _SIDD_CMP_EQUAL_ANY 0x00
#define _SIDD_CMP_RANGES 0x04
#define _SIDD_CMP_EQUAL_EACH 0x08
/* These macros specify the polarity of the operation. */
/* These macros are used in _mm_cmpXstri() to specify the return. */
/* These macros are used in _mm_cmpXstri() to specify the return. */
#define _SIDD_BIT_MASK 0x00
#define _SIDD_UNIT_MASK 0x40
/* SSE4.2 Packed Comparison Intrinsics. */
/// \brief Uses the immediate operand \a M to perform a comparison of string
/// data with implicitly defined lengths that is contained in source operands
/// \a A and \a B. Returns a 128-bit integer vector representing the result
/// mask of the comparison.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// \code
/// __m128i _mm_cmpistrm(__m128i A, __m128i B, const int M);
/// \endcode
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPCMPISTRM / PCMPISTRM </c>
/// instruction.
/// \param A
/// A 128-bit integer vector containing one of the source operands to be
/// compared.
/// \param B
/// A 128-bit integer vector containing one of the source operands to be
/// compared.
/// \param M
/// An 8-bit immediate operand specifying whether the characters are bytes or
/// words, the type of comparison to perform, and the format of the return
/// value. \n
/// Bits [1:0]: Determine source data format. \n
/// 00: 16 unsigned bytes \n
/// 01: 8 unsigned words \n
/// 10: 16 signed bytes \n
/// 11: 8 signed words \n
/// Bits [3:2]: Determine comparison type and aggregation method. \n
/// 00: Subset: Each character in \a B is compared for equality with all
/// the characters in \a A. \n
/// 01: Ranges: Each character in \a B is compared to \a A. The comparison
/// basis is greater than or equal for even-indexed elements in \a A,
/// and less than or equal for odd-indexed elements in \a A. \n
/// 10: Match: Compare each pair of corresponding characters in \a A and
/// \a B for equality. \n
/// 11: Substring: Search \a B for substring matches of \a A. \n
/// Bits [5:4]: Determine whether to perform a one's complement on the bit
/// mask of the comparison results. \n
/// 00: No effect. \n
/// 01: Negate the bit mask. \n
/// 10: No effect. \n
/// 11: Negate the bit mask only for bits with an index less than or equal
/// to the size of \a A or \a B. \n
/// Bit [6]: Determines whether the result is zero-extended or expanded to 16
/// bytes. \n
/// 0: The result is zero-extended to 16 bytes. \n
/// 1: The result is expanded to 16 bytes (this expansion is performed by
/// repeating each bit 8 or 16 times).
/// \returns Returns a 128-bit integer vector representing the result mask of
/// the comparison.
#define _mm_cmpistrm(A, B, M) \
(__m128i)__builtin_ia32_pcmpistrm128((__v16qi)(__m128i)(A), \
(__v16qi)(__m128i)(B), (int)(M))
/// \brief Uses the immediate operand \a M to perform a comparison of string
/// data with implicitly defined lengths that is contained in source operands
/// \a A and \a B. Returns an integer representing the result index of the
/// comparison.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// \code
/// int _mm_cmpistri(__m128i A, __m128i B, const int M);
/// \endcode
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPCMPISTRI / PCMPISTRI </c>
/// instruction.
/// \param A
/// A 128-bit integer vector containing one of the source operands to be
/// compared.
/// \param B
/// A 128-bit integer vector containing one of the source operands to be
/// compared.
/// \param M
/// An 8-bit immediate operand specifying whether the characters are bytes or
/// words, the type of comparison to perform, and the format of the return
/// value. \n
/// Bits [1:0]: Determine source data format. \n
/// 00: 16 unsigned bytes \n
/// 01: 8 unsigned words \n
/// 10: 16 signed bytes \n
/// 11: 8 signed words \n
/// Bits [3:2]: Determine comparison type and aggregation method. \n
/// 00: Subset: Each character in \a B is compared for equality with all
/// the characters in \a A. \n
/// 01: Ranges: Each character in \a B is compared to \a A. The comparison
/// basis is greater than or equal for even-indexed elements in \a A,
/// and less than or equal for odd-indexed elements in \a A. \n
/// 10: Match: Compare each pair of corresponding characters in \a A and
/// \a B for equality. \n
/// 11: Substring: Search B for substring matches of \a A. \n
/// Bits [5:4]: Determine whether to perform a one's complement on the bit
/// mask of the comparison results. \n
/// 00: No effect. \n
/// 01: Negate the bit mask. \n
/// 10: No effect. \n
/// 11: Negate the bit mask only for bits with an index less than or equal
/// to the size of \a A or \a B. \n
/// Bit [6]: Determines whether the index of the lowest set bit or the
/// highest set bit is returned. \n
/// 0: The index of the least significant set bit. \n
/// 1: The index of the most significant set bit. \n
/// \returns Returns an integer representing the result index of the comparison.
#define _mm_cmpistri(A, B, M) \
(int)__builtin_ia32_pcmpistri128((__v16qi)(__m128i)(A), \
(__v16qi)(__m128i)(B), (int)(M))
/// \brief Uses the immediate operand \a M to perform a comparison of string
/// data with explicitly defined lengths that is contained in source operands
/// \a A and \a B. Returns a 128-bit integer vector representing the result
/// mask of the comparison.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// \code
/// __m128i _mm_cmpestrm(__m128i A, int LA, __m128i B, int LB, const int M);
/// \endcode
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPCMPESTRM / PCMPESTRM </c>
/// instruction.
/// \param A
/// A 128-bit integer vector containing one of the source operands to be
/// compared.
/// \param LA
/// An integer that specifies the length of the string in \a A.
/// \param B
/// A 128-bit integer vector containing one of the source operands to be
/// compared.
/// \param LB
/// An integer that specifies the length of the string in \a B.
/// \param M
/// An 8-bit immediate operand specifying whether the characters are bytes or
/// words, the type of comparison to perform, and the format of the return
/// value. \n
/// Bits [1:0]: Determine source data format. \n
/// 00: 16 unsigned bytes \n
/// 01: 8 unsigned words \n
/// 10: 16 signed bytes \n
/// 11: 8 signed words \n
/// Bits [3:2]: Determine comparison type and aggregation method. \n
/// 00: Subset: Each character in \a B is compared for equality with all
/// the characters in \a A. \n
/// 01: Ranges: Each character in \a B is compared to \a A. The comparison
/// basis is greater than or equal for even-indexed elements in \a A,
/// and less than or equal for odd-indexed elements in \a A. \n
/// 10: Match: Compare each pair of corresponding characters in \a A and
/// \a B for equality. \n
/// 11: Substring: Search \a B for substring matches of \a A. \n
/// Bits [5:4]: Determine whether to perform a one's complement on the bit
/// mask of the comparison results. \n
/// 00: No effect. \n
/// 01: Negate the bit mask. \n
/// 10: No effect. \n
/// 11: Negate the bit mask only for bits with an index less than or equal
/// to the size of \a A or \a B. \n
/// Bit [6]: Determines whether the result is zero-extended or expanded to 16
/// bytes. \n
/// 0: The result is zero-extended to 16 bytes. \n
/// 1: The result is expanded to 16 bytes (this expansion is performed by
/// repeating each bit 8 or 16 times). \n
/// \returns Returns a 128-bit integer vector representing the result mask of
/// the comparison.
#define _mm_cmpestrm(A, LA, B, LB, M) \
(__m128i)__builtin_ia32_pcmpestrm128((__v16qi)(__m128i)(A), (int)(LA), \
(__v16qi)(__m128i)(B), (int)(LB), \
/// \brief Uses the immediate operand \a M to perform a comparison of string
/// data with explicitly defined lengths that is contained in source operands
/// \a A and \a B. Returns an integer representing the result index of the
/// comparison.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// \code
/// int _mm_cmpestri(__m128i A, int LA, __m128i B, int LB, const int M);
/// \endcode
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPCMPESTRI / PCMPESTRI </c>
/// instruction.
/// \param A
/// A 128-bit integer vector containing one of the source operands to be
/// compared.
/// \param LA
/// An integer that specifies the length of the string in \a A.
/// \param B
/// A 128-bit integer vector containing one of the source operands to be
/// compared.
/// \param LB
/// An integer that specifies the length of the string in \a B.
/// \param M
/// An 8-bit immediate operand specifying whether the characters are bytes or
/// words, the type of comparison to perform, and the format of the return
/// value. \n
/// Bits [1:0]: Determine source data format. \n
/// 00: 16 unsigned bytes \n
/// 01: 8 unsigned words \n
/// 10: 16 signed bytes \n
/// 11: 8 signed words \n
/// Bits [3:2]: Determine comparison type and aggregation method. \n
/// 00: Subset: Each character in \a B is compared for equality with all
/// the characters in \a A. \n
/// 01: Ranges: Each character in \a B is compared to \a A. The comparison
/// basis is greater than or equal for even-indexed elements in \a A,
/// and less than or equal for odd-indexed elements in \a A. \n
/// 10: Match: Compare each pair of corresponding characters in \a A and
/// \a B for equality. \n
/// 11: Substring: Search B for substring matches of \a A. \n
/// Bits [5:4]: Determine whether to perform a one's complement on the bit
/// mask of the comparison results. \n
/// 00: No effect. \n
/// 01: Negate the bit mask. \n
/// 10: No effect. \n
/// 11: Negate the bit mask only for bits with an index less than or equal
/// to the size of \a A or \a B. \n
/// Bit [6]: Determines whether the index of the lowest set bit or the
/// highest set bit is returned. \n
/// 0: The index of the least significant set bit. \n
/// 1: The index of the most significant set bit. \n
/// \returns Returns an integer representing the result index of the comparison.
#define _mm_cmpestri(A, LA, B, LB, M) \
(int)__builtin_ia32_pcmpestri128((__v16qi)(__m128i)(A), (int)(LA), \
(__v16qi)(__m128i)(B), (int)(LB), \
/* SSE4.2 Packed Comparison Intrinsics and EFlag Reading. */
/// \brief Uses the immediate operand \a M to perform a comparison of string
/// data with implicitly defined lengths that is contained in source operands
/// \a A and \a B. Returns 1 if the bit mask is zero and the length of the
/// string in \a B is the maximum, otherwise, returns 0.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// \code
/// int _mm_cmpistra(__m128i A, __m128i B, const int M);
/// \endcode
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPCMPISTRI / PCMPISTRI </c>
/// instruction.
/// \param A
/// A 128-bit integer vector containing one of the source operands to be
/// compared.
/// \param B
/// A 128-bit integer vector containing one of the source operands to be
/// compared.
/// \param M
/// An 8-bit immediate operand specifying whether the characters are bytes or
/// words and the type of comparison to perform. \n
/// Bits [1:0]: Determine source data format. \n
/// 00: 16 unsigned bytes \n
/// 01: 8 unsigned words \n
/// 10: 16 signed bytes \n
/// 11: 8 signed words \n
/// Bits [3:2]: Determine comparison type and aggregation method. \n
/// 00: Subset: Each character in \a B is compared for equality with all
/// the characters in \a A. \n
/// 01: Ranges: Each character in \a B is compared to \a A. The comparison
/// basis is greater than or equal for even-indexed elements in \a A,
/// and less than or equal for odd-indexed elements in \a A. \n
/// 10: Match: Compare each pair of corresponding characters in \a A and
/// \a B for equality. \n
/// 11: Substring: Search \a B for substring matches of \a A. \n
/// Bits [5:4]: Determine whether to perform a one's complement on the bit
/// mask of the comparison results. \n
/// 00: No effect. \n
/// 01: Negate the bit mask. \n
/// 10: No effect. \n
/// 11: Negate the bit mask only for bits with an index less than or equal
/// to the size of \a A or \a B. \n
/// \returns Returns 1 if the bit mask is zero and the length of the string in
/// \a B is the maximum; otherwise, returns 0.
#define _mm_cmpistra(A, B, M) \
(int)__builtin_ia32_pcmpistria128((__v16qi)(__m128i)(A), \
(__v16qi)(__m128i)(B), (int)(M))
/// \brief Uses the immediate operand \a M to perform a comparison of string
/// data with implicitly defined lengths that is contained in source operands
/// \a A and \a B. Returns 1 if the bit mask is non-zero, otherwise, returns
/// 0.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// \code
/// int _mm_cmpistrc(__m128i A, __m128i B, const int M);
/// \endcode
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPCMPISTRI / PCMPISTRI </c>
/// instruction.
/// \param A
/// A 128-bit integer vector containing one of the source operands to be
/// compared.
/// \param B
/// A 128-bit integer vector containing one of the source operands to be
/// compared.
/// \param M
/// An 8-bit immediate operand specifying whether the characters are bytes or
/// words and the type of comparison to perform. \n
/// Bits [1:0]: Determine source data format. \n
/// 00: 16 unsigned bytes \n
/// 01: 8 unsigned words \n
/// 10: 16 signed bytes \n
/// 11: 8 signed words \n
/// Bits [3:2]: Determine comparison type and aggregation method. \n
/// 00: Subset: Each character in \a B is compared for equality with all
/// the characters in \a A. \n
/// 01: Ranges: Each character in \a B is compared to \a A. The comparison
/// basis is greater than or equal for even-indexed elements in \a A,
/// and less than or equal for odd-indexed elements in \a A. \n
/// 10: Match: Compare each pair of corresponding characters in \a A and
/// \a B for equality. \n
/// 11: Substring: Search B for substring matches of \a A. \n
/// Bits [5:4]: Determine whether to perform a one's complement on the bit
/// mask of the comparison results. \n
/// 00: No effect. \n
/// 01: Negate the bit mask. \n
/// 10: No effect. \n
/// 11: Negate the bit mask only for bits with an index less than or equal
/// to the size of \a A or \a B.
/// \returns Returns 1 if the bit mask is non-zero, otherwise, returns 0.
#define _mm_cmpistrc(A, B, M) \
(int)__builtin_ia32_pcmpistric128((__v16qi)(__m128i)(A), \
(__v16qi)(__m128i)(B), (int)(M))
/// \brief Uses the immediate operand \a M to perform a comparison of string
/// data with implicitly defined lengths that is contained in source operands
/// \a A and \a B. Returns bit 0 of the resulting bit mask.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// \code
/// int _mm_cmpistro(__m128i A, __m128i B, const int M);
/// \endcode
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPCMPISTRI / PCMPISTRI </c>
/// instruction.
/// \param A
/// A 128-bit integer vector containing one of the source operands to be
/// compared.
/// \param B
/// A 128-bit integer vector containing one of the source operands to be
/// compared.
/// \param M
/// An 8-bit immediate operand specifying whether the characters are bytes or
/// words and the type of comparison to perform. \n
/// Bits [1:0]: Determine source data format. \n
/// 00: 16 unsigned bytes \n
/// 01: 8 unsigned words \n
/// 10: 16 signed bytes \n
/// 11: 8 signed words \n
/// Bits [3:2]: Determine comparison type and aggregation method. \n
/// 00: Subset: Each character in \a B is compared for equality with all
/// the characters in \a A. \n
/// 01: Ranges: Each character in \a B is compared to \a A. The comparison
/// basis is greater than or equal for even-indexed elements in \a A,
/// and less than or equal for odd-indexed elements in \a A. \n
/// 10: Match: Compare each pair of corresponding characters in \a A and
/// \a B for equality. \n
/// 11: Substring: Search B for substring matches of \a A. \n
/// Bits [5:4]: Determine whether to perform a one's complement on the bit
/// mask of the comparison results. \n
/// 00: No effect. \n
/// 01: Negate the bit mask. \n
/// 10: No effect. \n
/// 11: Negate the bit mask only for bits with an index less than or equal
/// to the size of \a A or \a B. \n
/// \returns Returns bit 0 of the resulting bit mask.
#define _mm_cmpistro(A, B, M) \
(int)__builtin_ia32_pcmpistrio128((__v16qi)(__m128i)(A), \
(__v16qi)(__m128i)(B), (int)(M))
/// \brief Uses the immediate operand \a M to perform a comparison of string
/// data with implicitly defined lengths that is contained in source operands
/// \a A and \a B. Returns 1 if the length of the string in \a A is less than
/// the maximum, otherwise, returns 0.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// \code
/// int _mm_cmpistrs(__m128i A, __m128i B, const int M);
/// \endcode
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPCMPISTRI / PCMPISTRI </c>
/// instruction.
/// \param A
/// A 128-bit integer vector containing one of the source operands to be
/// compared.
/// \param B
/// A 128-bit integer vector containing one of the source operands to be
/// compared.
/// \param M
/// An 8-bit immediate operand specifying whether the characters are bytes or
/// words and the type of comparison to perform. \n
/// Bits [1:0]: Determine source data format. \n
/// 00: 16 unsigned bytes \n
/// 01: 8 unsigned words \n
/// 10: 16 signed bytes \n
/// 11: 8 signed words \n
/// Bits [3:2]: Determine comparison type and aggregation method. \n
/// 00: Subset: Each character in \a B is compared for equality with all
/// the characters in \a A. \n
/// 01: Ranges: Each character in \a B is compared to \a A. The comparison
/// basis is greater than or equal for even-indexed elements in \a A,
/// and less than or equal for odd-indexed elements in \a A. \n
/// 10: Match: Compare each pair of corresponding characters in \a A and
/// \a B for equality. \n
/// 11: Substring: Search \a B for substring matches of \a A. \n
/// Bits [5:4]: Determine whether to perform a one's complement on the bit
/// mask of the comparison results. \n
/// 00: No effect. \n
/// 01: Negate the bit mask. \n
/// 10: No effect. \n
/// 11: Negate the bit mask only for bits with an index less than or equal
/// to the size of \a A or \a B. \n
/// \returns Returns 1 if the length of the string in \a A is less than the
/// maximum, otherwise, returns 0.
#define _mm_cmpistrs(A, B, M) \
(int)__builtin_ia32_pcmpistris128((__v16qi)(__m128i)(A), \
(__v16qi)(__m128i)(B), (int)(M))
/// \brief Uses the immediate operand \a M to perform a comparison of string
/// data with implicitly defined lengths that is contained in source operands
/// \a A and \a B. Returns 1 if the length of the string in \a B is less than
/// the maximum, otherwise, returns 0.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// \code
/// int _mm_cmpistrz(__m128i A, __m128i B, const int M);
/// \endcode
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPCMPISTRI / PCMPISTRI </c>
/// instruction.
/// \param A
/// A 128-bit integer vector containing one of the source operands to be
/// compared.
/// \param B
/// A 128-bit integer vector containing one of the source operands to be
/// compared.
/// \param M
/// An 8-bit immediate operand specifying whether the characters are bytes or
/// words and the type of comparison to perform. \n
/// Bits [1:0]: Determine source data format. \n
/// 00: 16 unsigned bytes \n
/// 01: 8 unsigned words \n
/// 10: 16 signed bytes \n
/// 11: 8 signed words \n
/// Bits [3:2]: Determine comparison type and aggregation method. \n
/// 00: Subset: Each character in \a B is compared for equality with all
/// the characters in \a A. \n
/// 01: Ranges: Each character in \a B is compared to \a A. The comparison
/// basis is greater than or equal for even-indexed elements in \a A,
/// and less than or equal for odd-indexed elements in \a A. \n
/// 10: Match: Compare each pair of corresponding characters in \a A and
/// \a B for equality. \n
/// 11: Substring: Search \a B for substring matches of \a A. \n
/// Bits [5:4]: Determine whether to perform a one's complement on the bit
/// mask of the comparison results. \n
/// 00: No effect. \n
/// 01: Negate the bit mask. \n
/// 10: No effect. \n
/// 11: Negate the bit mask only for bits with an index less than or equal
/// to the size of \a A or \a B.
/// \returns Returns 1 if the length of the string in \a B is less than the
/// maximum, otherwise, returns 0.
#define _mm_cmpistrz(A, B, M) \
(int)__builtin_ia32_pcmpistriz128((__v16qi)(__m128i)(A), \
(__v16qi)(__m128i)(B), (int)(M))
/// \brief Uses the immediate operand \a M to perform a comparison of string
/// data with explicitly defined lengths that is contained in source operands
/// \a A and \a B. Returns 1 if the bit mask is zero and the length of the
/// string in \a B is the maximum, otherwise, returns 0.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// \code
/// int _mm_cmpestra(__m128i A, int LA, __m128i B, int LB, const int M);
/// \endcode
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPCMPESTRI / PCMPESTRI </c>
/// instruction.
/// \param A
/// A 128-bit integer vector containing one of the source operands to be
/// compared.
/// \param LA
/// An integer that specifies the length of the string in \a A.
/// \param B
/// A 128-bit integer vector containing one of the source operands to be
/// compared.
/// \param LB
/// An integer that specifies the length of the string in \a B.
/// \param M
/// An 8-bit immediate operand specifying whether the characters are bytes or
/// words and the type of comparison to perform. \n
/// Bits [1:0]: Determine source data format. \n
/// 00: 16 unsigned bytes \n
/// 01: 8 unsigned words \n
/// 10: 16 signed bytes \n
/// 11: 8 signed words \n
/// Bits [3:2]: Determine comparison type and aggregation method. \n
/// 00: Subset: Each character in \a B is compared for equality with all
/// the characters in \a A. \n
/// 01: Ranges: Each character in \a B is compared to \a A. The comparison
/// basis is greater than or equal for even-indexed elements in \a A,
/// and less than or equal for odd-indexed elements in \a A. \n
/// 10: Match: Compare each pair of corresponding characters in \a A and
/// \a B for equality. \n
/// 11: Substring: Search \a B for substring matches of \a A. \n
/// Bits [5:4]: Determine whether to perform a one's complement on the bit
/// mask of the comparison results. \n
/// 00: No effect. \n
/// 01: Negate the bit mask. \n
/// 10: No effect. \n
/// 11: Negate the bit mask only for bits with an index less than or equal
/// to the size of \a A or \a B.
/// \returns Returns 1 if the bit mask is zero and the length of the string in
/// \a B is the maximum, otherwise, returns 0.
#define _mm_cmpestra(A, LA, B, LB, M) \
(int)__builtin_ia32_pcmpestria128((__v16qi)(__m128i)(A), (int)(LA), \
(__v16qi)(__m128i)(B), (int)(LB), \
/// \brief Uses the immediate operand \a M to perform a comparison of string
/// data with explicitly defined lengths that is contained in source operands
/// \a A and \a B. Returns 1 if the resulting mask is non-zero, otherwise,
/// returns 0.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// \code
/// int _mm_cmpestrc(__m128i A, int LA, __m128i B, int LB, const int M);
/// \endcode
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPCMPESTRI / PCMPESTRI </c>
/// instruction.
/// \param A
/// A 128-bit integer vector containing one of the source operands to be
/// compared.
/// \param LA
/// An integer that specifies the length of the string in \a A.
/// \param B
/// A 128-bit integer vector containing one of the source operands to be
/// compared.
/// \param LB
/// An integer that specifies the length of the string in \a B.
/// \param M
/// An 8-bit immediate operand specifying whether the characters are bytes or
/// words and the type of comparison to perform. \n
/// Bits [1:0]: Determine source data format. \n
/// 00: 16 unsigned bytes \n
/// 01: 8 unsigned words \n
/// 10: 16 signed bytes \n
/// 11: 8 signed words \n
/// Bits [3:2]: Determine comparison type and aggregation method. \n
/// 00: Subset: Each character in \a B is compared for equality with all
/// the characters in \a A. \n
/// 01: Ranges: Each character in \a B is compared to \a A. The comparison
/// basis is greater than or equal for even-indexed elements in \a A,
/// and less than or equal for odd-indexed elements in \a A. \n
/// 10: Match: Compare each pair of corresponding characters in \a A and
/// \a B for equality. \n
/// 11: Substring: Search \a B for substring matches of \a A. \n
/// Bits [5:4]: Determine whether to perform a one's complement on the bit
/// mask of the comparison results. \n
/// 00: No effect. \n
/// 01: Negate the bit mask. \n
/// 10: No effect. \n
/// 11: Negate the bit mask only for bits with an index less than or equal
/// to the size of \a A or \a B. \n
/// \returns Returns 1 if the resulting mask is non-zero, otherwise, returns 0.
#define _mm_cmpestrc(A, LA, B, LB, M) \
(int)__builtin_ia32_pcmpestric128((__v16qi)(__m128i)(A), (int)(LA), \
(__v16qi)(__m128i)(B), (int)(LB), \
/// \brief Uses the immediate operand \a M to perform a comparison of string
/// data with explicitly defined lengths that is contained in source operands
/// \a A and \a B. Returns bit 0 of the resulting bit mask.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// \code
/// int _mm_cmpestro(__m128i A, int LA, __m128i B, int LB, const int M);
/// \endcode
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPCMPESTRI / PCMPESTRI </c>
/// instruction.
/// \param A
/// A 128-bit integer vector containing one of the source operands to be
/// compared.
/// \param LA
/// An integer that specifies the length of the string in \a A.
/// \param B
/// A 128-bit integer vector containing one of the source operands to be
/// compared.
/// \param LB
/// An integer that specifies the length of the string in \a B.
/// \param M
/// An 8-bit immediate operand specifying whether the characters are bytes or
/// words and the type of comparison to perform. \n
/// Bits [1:0]: Determine source data format. \n
/// 00: 16 unsigned bytes \n
/// 01: 8 unsigned words \n
/// 10: 16 signed bytes \n
/// 11: 8 signed words \n
/// Bits [3:2]: Determine comparison type and aggregation method. \n
/// 00: Subset: Each character in \a B is compared for equality with all
/// the characters in \a A. \n
/// 01: Ranges: Each character in \a B is compared to \a A. The comparison
/// basis is greater than or equal for even-indexed elements in \a A,
/// and less than or equal for odd-indexed elements in \a A. \n
/// 10: Match: Compare each pair of corresponding characters in \a A and
/// \a B for equality. \n
/// 11: Substring: Search \a B for substring matches of \a A. \n
/// Bits [5:4]: Determine whether to perform a one's complement on the bit
/// mask of the comparison results. \n
/// 00: No effect. \n
/// 01: Negate the bit mask. \n
/// 10: No effect. \n
/// 11: Negate the bit mask only for bits with an index less than or equal
/// to the size of \a A or \a B.
/// \returns Returns bit 0 of the resulting bit mask.
#define _mm_cmpestro(A, LA, B, LB, M) \
(int)__builtin_ia32_pcmpestrio128((__v16qi)(__m128i)(A), (int)(LA), \
(__v16qi)(__m128i)(B), (int)(LB), \
/// \brief Uses the immediate operand \a M to perform a comparison of string
/// data with explicitly defined lengths that is contained in source operands
/// \a A and \a B. Returns 1 if the length of the string in \a A is less than
/// the maximum, otherwise, returns 0.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// \code
/// int _mm_cmpestrs(__m128i A, int LA, __m128i B, int LB, const int M);
/// \endcode
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPCMPESTRI / PCMPESTRI </c>
/// instruction.
/// \param A
/// A 128-bit integer vector containing one of the source operands to be
/// compared.
/// \param LA
/// An integer that specifies the length of the string in \a A.
/// \param B
/// A 128-bit integer vector containing one of the source operands to be
/// compared.
/// \param LB
/// An integer that specifies the length of the string in \a B.
/// \param M
/// An 8-bit immediate operand specifying whether the characters are bytes or
/// words and the type of comparison to perform. \n
/// Bits [1:0]: Determine source data format. \n
/// 00: 16 unsigned bytes \n
/// 01: 8 unsigned words \n
/// 10: 16 signed bytes \n
/// 11: 8 signed words \n
/// Bits [3:2]: Determine comparison type and aggregation method. \n
/// 00: Subset: Each character in \a B is compared for equality with all
/// the characters in \a A. \n
/// 01: Ranges: Each character in \a B is compared to \a A. The comparison
/// basis is greater than or equal for even-indexed elements in \a A,
/// and less than or equal for odd-indexed elements in \a A. \n
/// 10: Match: Compare each pair of corresponding characters in \a A and
/// \a B for equality. \n
/// 11: Substring: Search \a B for substring matches of \a A. \n
/// Bits [5:4]: Determine whether to perform a one's complement in the bit
/// mask of the comparison results. \n
/// 00: No effect. \n
/// 01: Negate the bit mask. \n
/// 10: No effect. \n
/// 11: Negate the bit mask only for bits with an index less than or equal
/// to the size of \a A or \a B. \n
/// \returns Returns 1 if the length of the string in \a A is less than the
/// maximum, otherwise, returns 0.
#define _mm_cmpestrs(A, LA, B, LB, M) \
(int)__builtin_ia32_pcmpestris128((__v16qi)(__m128i)(A), (int)(LA), \
(__v16qi)(__m128i)(B), (int)(LB), \
/// \brief Uses the immediate operand \a M to perform a comparison of string
/// data with explicitly defined lengths that is contained in source operands
/// \a A and \a B. Returns 1 if the length of the string in \a B is less than
/// the maximum, otherwise, returns 0.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// \code
/// int _mm_cmpestrz(__m128i A, int LA, __m128i B, int LB, const int M);
/// \endcode
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPCMPESTRI </c> instruction.
/// \param A
/// A 128-bit integer vector containing one of the source operands to be
/// compared.
/// \param LA
/// An integer that specifies the length of the string in \a A.
/// \param B
/// A 128-bit integer vector containing one of the source operands to be
/// compared.
/// \param LB
/// An integer that specifies the length of the string in \a B.
/// \param M
/// An 8-bit immediate operand specifying whether the characters are bytes or
/// words and the type of comparison to perform. \n
/// Bits [1:0]: Determine source data format. \n
/// 00: 16 unsigned bytes \n
/// 01: 8 unsigned words \n
/// 10: 16 signed bytes \n
/// 11: 8 signed words \n
/// Bits [3:2]: Determine comparison type and aggregation method. \n
/// 00: Subset: Each character in \a B is compared for equality with all
/// the characters in \a A. \n
/// 01: Ranges: Each character in \a B is compared to \a A. The comparison
/// basis is greater than or equal for even-indexed elements in \a A,
/// and less than or equal for odd-indexed elements in \a A. \n
/// 10: Match: Compare each pair of corresponding characters in \a A and
/// \a B for equality. \n
/// 11: Substring: Search \a B for substring matches of \a A. \n
/// Bits [5:4]: Determine whether to perform a one's complement on the bit
/// mask of the comparison results. \n
/// 00: No effect. \n
/// 01: Negate the bit mask. \n
/// 10: No effect. \n
/// 11: Negate the bit mask only for bits with an index less than or equal
/// to the size of \a A or \a B.
/// \returns Returns 1 if the length of the string in \a B is less than the
/// maximum, otherwise, returns 0.
#define _mm_cmpestrz(A, LA, B, LB, M) \
(int)__builtin_ia32_pcmpestriz128((__v16qi)(__m128i)(A), (int)(LA), \
(__v16qi)(__m128i)(B), (int)(LB), \
/* SSE4.2 Compare Packed Data -- Greater Than. */
/// \brief Compares each of the corresponding 64-bit values of the 128-bit
/// integer vectors to determine if the values in the first operand are
/// greater than those in the second operand.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> VPCMPGTQ / PCMPGTQ </c> instruction.
/// \param __V1
/// A 128-bit integer vector.
/// \param __V2
/// A 128-bit integer vector.
/// \returns A 128-bit integer vector containing the comparison results.
static __inline__ __m128i __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_cmpgt_epi64(__m128i __V1, __m128i __V2)
return (__m128i)((__v2di)__V1 > (__v2di)__V2);
/* SSE4.2 Accumulate CRC32. */
/// \brief Adds the unsigned integer operand to the CRC-32C checksum of the
/// unsigned char operand.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> CRC32B </c> instruction.
/// \param __C
/// An unsigned integer operand to add to the CRC-32C checksum of operand
/// \a __D.
/// \param __D
/// An unsigned 8-bit integer operand used to compute the CRC-32C checksum.
/// \returns The result of adding operand \a __C to the CRC-32C checksum of
/// operand \a __D.
static __inline__ unsigned int __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_crc32_u8(unsigned int __C, unsigned char __D)
return __builtin_ia32_crc32qi(__C, __D);
/// \brief Adds the unsigned integer operand to the CRC-32C checksum of the
/// unsigned short operand.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> CRC32W </c> instruction.
/// \param __C
/// An unsigned integer operand to add to the CRC-32C checksum of operand
/// \a __D.
/// \param __D
/// An unsigned 16-bit integer operand used to compute the CRC-32C checksum.
/// \returns The result of adding operand \a __C to the CRC-32C checksum of
/// operand \a __D.
static __inline__ unsigned int __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_crc32_u16(unsigned int __C, unsigned short __D)
return __builtin_ia32_crc32hi(__C, __D);
/// \brief Adds the first unsigned integer operand to the CRC-32C checksum of
/// the second unsigned integer operand.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> CRC32L </c> instruction.
/// \param __C
/// An unsigned integer operand to add to the CRC-32C checksum of operand
/// \a __D.
/// \param __D
/// An unsigned 32-bit integer operand used to compute the CRC-32C checksum.
/// \returns The result of adding operand \a __C to the CRC-32C checksum of
/// operand \a __D.
static __inline__ unsigned int __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_crc32_u32(unsigned int __C, unsigned int __D)
return __builtin_ia32_crc32si(__C, __D);
#ifdef __x86_64__
/// \brief Adds the unsigned integer operand to the CRC-32C checksum of the
/// unsigned 64-bit integer operand.
/// \headerfile <x86intrin.h>
/// This intrinsic corresponds to the <c> CRC32Q </c> instruction.
/// \param __C
/// An unsigned integer operand to add to the CRC-32C checksum of operand
/// \a __D.
/// \param __D
/// An unsigned 64-bit integer operand used to compute the CRC-32C checksum.
/// \returns The result of adding operand \a __C to the CRC-32C checksum of
/// operand \a __D.
static __inline__ unsigned long long __DEFAULT_FN_ATTRS
_mm_crc32_u64(unsigned long long __C, unsigned long long __D)
return __builtin_ia32_crc32di(__C, __D);
#endif /* __x86_64__ */
# 2458 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/smmintrin.h" 3
#ifdef __POPCNT__
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <popcntintrin.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 2462 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/smmintrin.h" 3
# 2463 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/smmintrin.h" 3
# 2464 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/smmintrin.h" 3
#endif /* _SMMINTRIN_H */
# 2466 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/smmintrin.h" 3
# 50 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/immintrin.h" 2 3
# 51 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/immintrin.h" 3
#if !defined(_MSC_VER) || __has_feature(modules) || \
(defined(__AES__) || defined(__PCLMUL__))
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <wmmintrin.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 54 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/immintrin.h" 3
# 1 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/wmmintrin.h" 1 3
/*===---- wmmintrin.h - AES intrinsics ------------------------------------===
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
* of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
* in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
* to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
* copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
* furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
* all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
#ifndef _WMMINTRIN_H
#define _WMMINTRIN_H
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <emmintrin.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 27 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/wmmintrin.h" 3
# 28 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/wmmintrin.h" 3
#if 0 /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
#include <__wmmintrin_aes.h>
#endif /* expanded by -frewrite-includes */
# 29 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/wmmintrin.h" 3
# 1 "/usr/lib/clang/6.0.0/include/__wmmintrin_aes.h" 1 3
/*===---- __wmmintrin_aes.h - AES intrinsics -------------------------------===
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
* of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
* in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
* to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
* copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
* furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
* all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
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(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)

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(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)

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