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Created February 5, 2022 19:26
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Chutes and Ladders in Julia
wait_for_key(prompt) = (print(stdout, prompt); read(stdin, 1); nothing)
user_input(prompt) = (print(prompt); p = readline(); p)
function spin()
wait_for_key("Press enter to spin\n")
spun = rand(1:6)
println("You spun a ",spun)
return spun
function chute_or_ladder!(position::Int64)
if in(position,[1 4 9 21 28 36 51 71 80])
println("You climbed up a ladder!\n")
wait_for_key("Press enter to continue\n")
if position == 1 ; position = 38 ; end
if position == 4 ; position = 14 ; end
if position == 9 ; position = 31 ; end
if position == 21; position = 42 ; end
if position == 28; position = 84 ; end
if position == 36; position = 44 ; end
if position == 51; position = 67 ; end
if position == 71; position = 91 ; end
if position == 80; position = 100; end
if in(position,[16 48 49 56 62 64 87 93 95 98])
println("You slid down a chute!\n")
wait_for_key("Press enter to continue\n")
if position == 16; position = 6 ; end
if position == 48; position = 26; end
if position == 49; position = 11; end
if position == 56; position = 53; end
if position == 62; position = 19; end
if position == 64; position = 60; end
if position == 87; position = 24; end
if position == 93; position = 73; end
if position == 95; position = 75; end
if position == 98; position = 78; end
return position
function update_pos(pos::Int64)
spun = spin()
pos += spun
pos = chute_or_ladder!(pos)
return pos
function game_setup()
np = user_input("How many players will there be?\n")
np = parse(Int, np)
names = String[]
for p = 1:np
tn = user_input("What is Player "*string(p)*"'s name?\n")
names = vcat(names,tn)
return names,np
function game()
names,nplayers = game_setup()
pos = zeros(Int64,nplayers)
while maximum(pos) < 100
for p = 1:nplayers
println(names[p],"'s turn")
println("You are currently on number ",pos[p])
pos[p] = update_pos(pos[p])
println("You are now on number ",pos[p])
@show pos
println(names[argmax(pos)]," wins!")
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