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Last active July 2, 2023 12:30
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Checklist for converting LaTeX PDF to Microsoft Word for *Journal of Human Resources* publication process

Make following formatting changes in LaTeX before importing the resulting PDF into Word

  • Sections and subsections numbered like "II.A.1" (add following to end of preamble)
    • \renewcommand{\thesection}{\Roman{section}}
    • \renewcommand{\thesubsection}{\thesection.\Alph{subsection}}
    • \renewcommand{\thesubsubsection}{\thesubsection.\arabic{subsubsection}}
  • roman numeraled endnotes instead of footnotes (add following to preamble)
    • \usepackage{endnotes}
    • \let\footnote=\endnote
    • \renewcommand{\theendnote}{\roman{endnote}}
    • put "\theendnotes" just before the online appendix
  • use Times New Roman 12 point font (\usepackage{mathptmx})
  • use the jhr.bst BibTeX style file as your bibliography style (i.e. put this .bst file in your TeX path and then issue \bibliographystyle{jhr} directly before \bibliography{my-bib-file})
  • put figure captions below figures
  • change textual references: "Appendix A" --> "Online Appendix A" (and same for Tables and Figures)
  • take care of frontmatter formatting according to journal guidelines
    • Author bios
    • Data Availability Statement (see here for complete details)
    • Disclosure Statement
  • Add a cite to your data/replication files in the body of the manuscript: include this as an item in the list of references.

Make the following formatting changes in Word after importing your compiled PDF (e.g. using Adobe Acrobat)

  • show formatting symbols (makes it easier to figure out what's going on in problematic sections of the document)
  • re-type equations (I recommend following this advice for converting equations)
  • fix hyphenation breaks
  • manually insert endnotes
  • check tables and figures
  • change subfigure panel titles: “(a)” —> “Panel A” etc.
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