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Last active March 26, 2018 09:19
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A function to encrypt a credential object with a static key to allow for easy retrieval. It's recommended to lock down the credential folder with appropriate NTFS permissions, as the password file can be read back using the key stored in the script.
Function script:Invoke-Credentials {
[Parameter(HelpMessage="Specify the username for the stored credential")]
[string]$Script_Username = "svc.username", #Username goes here
[Parameter(HelpMessage="Specify the path to store the credential")]
[string]$Script_CredFolder = "C:\Automate\",
[Parameter(HelpMessage="Use this if the plaintext password is needed")]
[Parameter(HelpMessage="Specify the encryption key so other users can decrypt the stored credential")]
[string]$KeyPhrase = "dGhpc2lzMTkyYml0c2FuZGF3ZXNvbWUh"
#NOTE: This credential file can be read from any account as long as the $KeyPhrase parameter used to encrypt the password is also used to decrypt the password.
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
$Key = [Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes($KeyPhrase) #Read ASCII characters from the KeyPhrase
$ValidKeyLengths = 16, 24, 32
Write-Verbose "Key length $($Key.Length) bytes"
If ($Key.Length -notin $ValidKeyLengths) {
Write-Error "Key length must be 128, 192 or 256 bits."
Else {
$Script_CredPath = $Script_CredFolder + $Script_Username + ".pwd"
If ((Test-Path -Path $Script_CredFolder) -eq $False) { #Check if the $Script_CredFolder folder exists. If not, create it.
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $Script_CredFolder | Out-Null
If ((Test-Path -Path $Script_CredPath) -eq $False) { #If the password file does not exist, create it -- the first run of the script must be done manually to set this!
Write-Verbose "Credential not found, prompting for new credential"
(Get-Credential -Username $Script_Username -Message "Enter credentials for WebUtils DB (Check SecretServer)").Password | ConvertFrom-SecureString -Key $Key | Out-File $Script_CredPath
ElseIf ((Get-ChildItem $Script_CredPath | Select Length).Length -gt 0) {
Write-Verbose "$Script_CredPath found; using stored credentials"
Else {
Write-Error "0kb size file found at $Script_CredPath; please delete and retry"
$Script_Password = Get-Content $Script_CredPath | ConvertTo-SecureString -Key $Key #Read the password using the encryption key
$Script_Cred = New-Object -Typename System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList $Script_Username, $Script_Password #Create the PSCredential Object
If ($Plaintext) {
$PlainTextPassword = $Script_Cred.GetNetworkCredential().Password #Use this if a plaintext password is needed
Return $PlainTextPassword #Delete this when implementing in a script!
} #End Invoke-Credentials
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