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Created September 6, 2017 23:39
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from urllib.request import urlopen
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
# add new modules
import textwrap
import texttable as tt
website = ''
page = urlopen(website)
soup = BeautifulSoup(page, 'html.parser')
results = soup.find('section', attrs={'class':'content-area clear portland'}).findAll('div', attrs={'class':'entry-title'})
flavors = []
for title in results:
count = len(flavors)
flavors_and_links = []
links = soup.find('section', attrs={'class':'content-area clear portland'}).findAll('a', href=True)
for i in range(count):
flavors_and_links.append({'Flavor': flavors[i], 'Link': links[i]['href']}) # new change
descs = []
for i in range(count):
link = flavors_and_links[i]['Link']
page = urlopen(link)
soup = BeautifulSoup(page, 'html.parser')
result = soup.find('span', attrs={'style':'font-weight: 400;'})
description = textwrap.wrap(result.text, width=40) # wrap the text
desc_val = ""
for j in description: # append each line to the description
desc_val += j + '\n'
descs.append(desc_val) # add the description
# new code below
tab = tt.Texttable()
headings = ['Flavor', 'Description'] # set the headers for the table
# Create and print the table
for row in zip(flavors, descs):
s = tab.draw()
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