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Created March 25, 2013 20:02
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View Class for a MineSweeper Implementation.
class Game
constructor: (@size, @mines) ->
@size ?= 8
@mines ?= 10
@boom = false
@squares = (new Square(true) for num in [1..@mines])
for num in [@mines..(@size*@size)-1]
@squares.push(new Square(false))
click: (i) ->
@squares[i].clicked = true
if @squares[i].isMine
@boom = true
shuffle: () ->
i = @squares.length - 1
while i
j = Math.floor(Math.random() * i)
x = @squares[i]
@squares[i] = @squares[j]
@squares[j] = x
return null
minesRemaining: () ->
mines = @mines - @getMarkedSquares().length
if mines < 10
return "0" + mines.toString()
return mines
setAdjacentMinesCount: () ->
for i in [0..@squares.length-1]
@squares[i].adjacentMines = @getAdjacentMines(i)
getPositionById: (i) ->
[i % @size, Math.floor(i/@size)]
getIdByPosition: (x, y) ->
if x > -1 and y > -1 and x < @size and y < @size
y * @size + x
getMarkedSquares: () ->
@squares.filter((x) -> return true if x.marked)
validate: () ->
if @getMarkedSquares().length == @mines
for square in @getMarkedSquares()
if !square.isMine
@boom = true
return true
@win = true
return true
return false
clear: (baseId) ->
@squares[baseId].cleared = true
for id in @getAdjacentSquares(baseId)
square = @squares[id]
unless square.clicked or square.marked
if square.adjacentMines == 0
getAdjacentSquares: (baseId) ->
position = @getPositionById(baseId)
squares = []
for x in [position[0]-1..position[0]+1]
for y in [position[1]-1..position[1]+1]
id = @getIdByPosition(x,y)
if id != null and id != baseId
squares.push id
getAdjacentMines: (baseId) ->
mines = 0
for id in @getAdjacentSquares(baseId)
mines++ if @squares[id].isMine
return mines
toJSON: () ->
data =
size: @size
mines: @mines
squares: ({
clicked: square.clicked
mine: square.isMine
adjacentMines: square.adjacentMines
marked: square.marked
cleared: square.cleared
} for square in @squares)
toggleMarking: (id) ->
@squares[id].marked = !@squares[id].marked
Game.fromJSON = (data) ->
game = new Game()
game.size = data.size
game.mines = data.mines
game.squares = []
for square_data in data.squares
new Square(square_data.mine, square_data.clicked, square_data.adjacentMines, square_data.marked, square_data.cleared)
return game
class Square
constructor: (@isMine, @clicked, @adjacentMines, @marked, @cleared) ->
@clicked ?= false
window.MineSweeper =
Game: Game
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