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Last active March 22, 2019 05:51
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Kotlin Red Black Tree. For a programming challenge. Instead of a key-value store, it returns the number of items added, whose value is greater than than the given key.
class GreaterThanBST {
private var root : Node? = null
fun add(key : Int) {
root = put(root, key)
operator fun get(key : Int) : Int = get(root, key)
companion object {
private fun get(node: Node?, key: Int) : Int {
var value = 0
var n = node
while (n != null) {
when {
key < n.key -> {
value += (n.gtNode?.value ?: 0) + n.instances
n = n.ltNode
key > n.key -> {
n = n.gtNode
else -> return (n.gtNode?.value ?: 0) + value
return 0
private fun put(node: Node?, key: Int) : Node {
return node?.let {
when {
key < node.key ->
node.copy(ltNode = put(node.ltNode, key), value = node.value + 1)
key > node.key ->
node.copy(gtNode = put(node.gtNode, key), value = node.value + 1)
else -> node.addInstance()
}.run {
if (rightBlackLeftRed) rotateLeft()
else this
}.run {
if (consecutiveLeftRed) rotateRight()
else this
}.run {
if (bothChildrenRed) flipColors()
else this
} ?: Node(key)
private enum class Color {
Red, Black;
fun other() = if (this == Red) Black else Red
private data class Node(val key : Int,
val value: Int = 1,
val instances: Int = 1,
val size: Int = 1,
val gtNode: Node? = null,
val ltNode: Node? = null,
val color: Color = Color.Red) {
fun rotateRight() = ltNode!!.copy(
gtNode = this.becomeGtNodeInRightRotation(ltNode.gtNode),
color = this.color,
size = this.size,
value = this.value
private fun becomeGtNodeInRightRotation( newLtNode : Node? ) = copy(
color = Color.Red,
ltNode = newLtNode,
size = 1 + sizeOf(newLtNode) + sizeOf(gtNode),
value = instances + valueOf(newLtNode) + valueOf(gtNode)
fun rotateLeft() = gtNode!!.copy(
ltNode = this.becomeLtNodeInLeftRotation(newGtNode = gtNode.ltNode),
color = this.color,
size = this.size,
value = this.value
private fun becomeLtNodeInLeftRotation(newGtNode : Node?) = copy(
color = Color.Red,
gtNode = newGtNode,
value = instances + valueOf(newGtNode) + valueOf(ltNode),
size = 1 + sizeOf(newGtNode) + sizeOf(ltNode)
fun flipColors() = copy(color = color.other(),
ltNode = ltNode!!.copy(color = ltNode.color.other()),
gtNode = gtNode!!.copy(color = gtNode.color.other()))
val rightBlackLeftRed get() = red(gtNode) && black(ltNode)
val consecutiveLeftRed get() = red(ltNode) && red(ltNode?.ltNode)
val bothChildrenRed get() = red(ltNode) && red(gtNode)
fun addInstance() = copy(instances = instances + 1, value = value + 1)
private fun sizeOf(node : Node?) = node?.size ?: 0
companion object {
fun valueOf(node : Node?) = node?.value ?: 0
fun instancesOf(node : Node?) = node?.instances ?: 0
fun red(node : Node?) = (node?.color ?: Color.Black) == Color.Red
fun black(node : Node?) = (node?.color ?: Color.Black) == Color.Black
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