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Last active July 31, 2023 20:48
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Red Black Tree written in Rust
extern crate rand;
use std::cmp::Ord;
use std::cmp::Ordering;
use std::fmt::Debug;
use std::iter::Iterator;
use std::iter::IntoIterator;
use rand::Rng;
struct Node<K, V> {
value : V,
key : K,
left : Option<usize>,
right : Option<usize>,
size : usize,
color : Color,
parent : Option<usize>
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
struct Color {
color : bool
impl Color {
const RED : bool = true;
const BLACK : bool = false;
fn red() -> Color { Color{color : Color::RED} }
fn black() -> Color { Color{color : Color::BLACK} }
fn is_red(self) -> bool { self.color == Color::RED }
fn flip(&mut self) { self.color = !self.color; }
impl<K, V> Debug for Node<K, V> where K : Debug, V : Debug {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result {
let left = if self.left.is_some() { format!("{}", self.left.unwrap()) }
else { "_".to_string() };
let right = if self.right.is_some() { format!("{}", self.right.unwrap()) }
else { "_".to_string() };
let paren = if self.parent.is_some() { format!("{}", self.parent.unwrap()) }
else { "_".to_string() };
write!(f, "Node {:?} parent {} left: {} right: {} k: {:?} v: {:?}, s: {}", self.color, paren, left, right, self.key, self.value, self.size)
impl Debug for Color {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result {
if self.is_red() {
write!(f, "RED")
} else {
write!(f, "BLACK")
struct RBTree<K, V> where K : Ord {
root : Option<usize>,
nodes : Vec<Node<K, V>>
struct DeleteResult {
child : Option<usize>,
moved_node : usize,
moved_node_new_id : usize
impl DeleteResult {
fn translate(&self, id : usize) -> usize {
if self.moved_node == id { self.moved_node_new_id }
else { id }
fn set_child(mut self, id : usize) -> DeleteResult {
self.child = Some(self.translate(id));
/// A Red-Black BST Implementation, using a Vec for storing the actual node data.
/// Rather than linking directly from one node to another, each node's `left` and `right`
/// fields contain an `Option<usize>`, where `Some(id)` refers to an index within the `nodes` Vec.
/// Inspiration for this approach taken from various examples using a vector-based _arena_.
/// The design goals here were to keep the tree data exclusively inside of the vector in order to
/// take advantage of performance optimizations resulting from use of contiguous blocks of memory.
/// It remains to be seen if this actually speeds things up, pending some benchmarking.
/// The trick with all recursive data structures I've seen so far, is in satisfying the borrow checker.
/// This was solved by making it so that all node manipulations are done by moving only `Copy` values,
/// so as to circumvent the _cannot move from borrowed value_ error.
/// The algorithm itself is Robert Sedgewick's algorithm as [written in java](
/// While I found some discussion online describing O(1) fixups, the implementations seem
/// overly complex, and I'm satisfied with O(log(N)) fixups.
impl<K, V> RBTree<K, V> where K : Ord + Debug, V : Debug {
pub fn new() -> RBTree<K, V> {
pub fn random(&self) -> Option<(&K, &V)> {
if self.is_empty() {
} else {
let rank = rand::thread_rng().gen_range(0, self.len());
let node = &self.nodes[self.select_from_node(rank, self.root.unwrap())];
Some((&node.key, &node.value))
pub fn get(&self, key : &K) -> Option<&V> {
let mut maybe_id = self.root;
while let Some(id) = maybe_id {
let node = &self.nodes[id];
match key.cmp(&node.key) {
Ordering::Equal => return Some(&node.value),
Ordering::Less => maybe_id = node.left,
Ordering::Greater => maybe_id = node.right
pub fn insert(&mut self, key : K, value : V) {
self.root = Self::put(self.root, None, key, value, &mut self.nodes);
self.nodes[self.root.unwrap()].color = Color::black();
// assert!(self.check());
pub fn len(&self) -> usize {
Self::size(self.root, &self.nodes)
pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
* It returns true if the left and right heights differ by one or zero.
pub fn is_balanced(&self) -> bool {
let mut black = 0;
let mut node = self.root;
while node.is_some() {
if !Self::is_red(node, &self.nodes) { black += 1; }
node = self.nodes[node.unwrap()].left;
self.node_balanced(self.root, black)
fn node_balanced(&self, maybe_id : Option<usize>, black : i32) -> bool {
if let Some(id) = maybe_id {
let diff = if self.nodes[id].color.is_red() { 0 } else { -1 };
self.node_balanced(self.nodes[id].left, black + diff) &&
self.node_balanced(self.nodes[id].right, black + diff)
} else { black == 0 }
pub fn contains(&self, key : &K) -> bool {
pub fn delete(&mut self, key : &K) {
if !self.contains(key) {
// if both children of root are black, set root to red
let root = self.root.unwrap();
if Self::is_red(self.nodes[root].left, &self.nodes) &&
Self::is_red(self.nodes[root].right, &self.nodes) {
self.nodes[root].color = Color::red();
let DeleteResult{ child : root, .. } = Self::delete_node(self.root.unwrap(), key, &mut self.nodes);
self.root = root;
if !self.is_empty() {
self.nodes[self.root.unwrap()].color = Color::black();
// assert!(self.check());
pub fn print(&self) {
Self::print_node(self.root, 0, &self.nodes);
fn print_node(maybe_id : Option<usize>, depth : usize, nodes : &[Node<K, V>]) {
let indent = " ".repeat(depth);
if let Some(id) = maybe_id {
println!("{} {:?}", indent, nodes[id]);
Self::print_node(nodes[id].left, depth + 1, nodes);
Self::print_node(nodes[id].right, depth + 1, nodes);
} else {
println!("{} None", indent);
fn swap_delete_min(mut child : usize, parent : usize, nodes: &mut Vec<Node<K, V>>) -> DeleteResult {
if let Some(left) = nodes[child].left {
if Self::two_left_black(child, nodes) {
child = Self::move_red_left(child, nodes);
let result = Self::swap_delete_min(left, parent, nodes);
child = result.translate(child);
nodes[child].left = result.child;
child = Self::balance(child, nodes);
} else {
nodes[child].parent = nodes[parent].parent;
nodes[child].color = nodes[parent].color;
nodes[child].left = nodes[parent].left;
nodes[child].right = nodes[parent].right;
nodes[child].size = nodes[parent].size;
nodes.swap(child, parent);
Self::remove(parent, nodes)
fn two_left_black(id : usize, nodes : &[Node<K, V>]) -> bool {
let left = nodes[id].left;
!Self::is_red(left, nodes) && !Self::is_red(nodes[left.unwrap()].left, nodes)
fn delete_node(mut id : usize, key : &K, nodes : &mut Vec<Node<K, V>>) -> DeleteResult {
let result : DeleteResult;
if key < &nodes[id].key {
if Self::two_left_black(id, nodes) {
id = Self::move_red_left(id, nodes);
result = Self::delete_node(nodes[id].left.unwrap(), key, nodes);
id = result.translate(id);
nodes[id].left = result.child;
} else {
if Self::is_red(nodes[id].left, nodes) {
id = Self::rotate_right(id, nodes);
if key.cmp(&nodes[id].key) == Ordering::Equal && nodes[id].right.is_none() {
// TODO: Remove from vector!
// nodes.remove(id);
return Self::remove(id, nodes);
// By now we've already proven that Node(id).right is Some.
// Therefore we are safe to unwrap Node(id).right.
let right = nodes[id].right;
if !Self::is_red(right, nodes) && !Self::is_red(nodes[right.unwrap()].left, nodes) {
id = Self::move_red_right(id, nodes);
// This is the node to remove.
// We'll replace its values with those from the minimum
// key to the right (the next greatest key from this one).
if key.cmp(&nodes[id].key) == Ordering::Equal {
result = Self::swap_delete_min(nodes[id].right.unwrap(), id, nodes);
} else {
result = Self::delete_node(nodes[id].right.unwrap(), key, nodes);
id = result.translate(id);
nodes[id].right = result.child;
result.set_child(Self::balance(id, nodes))
fn balance(mut id : usize, nodes : &mut Vec<Node<K, V>>) -> usize {
if Self::is_red(nodes[id].right, nodes) { id = Self::rotate_left(id, nodes); }
let left = nodes[id].left;
if Self::is_red(left, nodes) && Self::is_red(nodes[left.unwrap()].left, nodes) {
id = Self::rotate_right(id, nodes);
nodes[id].size = 1 + Self::size(nodes[id].left, nodes) + Self::size(nodes[id].right, nodes);
Self::maybe_flip(id, nodes);
fn maybe_flip(id : usize, nodes : &mut Vec<Node<K, V>>) {
if let Some(left) = nodes[id].left {
if let Some(right) = nodes[id].right {
if nodes[left].color.is_red() && nodes[right].color.is_red() {
Self::flip_colors(id, left, right, nodes);
/// This only happens when node `id` has two consecutive black left children.
/// Black color only happens on the left when the right is present.
/// I don't quite understand why we can assume that node `id` is red.
fn move_red_left(mut id : usize, nodes : &mut Vec<Node<K, V>>) -> usize {
Self::flip_colors(id, nodes[id].left.unwrap(), nodes[id].right.unwrap(), nodes);
if Self::is_red(nodes[nodes[id].right.unwrap()].left, nodes) {
nodes[id].right = Some(Self::rotate_right(nodes[id].right.unwrap(), nodes));
id = Self::rotate_left(id, nodes);
Self::flip_colors(id, nodes[id].left.unwrap(), nodes[id].right.unwrap(), nodes);
fn move_red_right(mut id : usize, nodes : &mut Vec<Node<K, V>>) -> usize {
let left = nodes[id].left.unwrap();
Self::flip_colors(id, left, nodes[id].right.unwrap(), nodes);
if Self::is_red(nodes[left].left, nodes) {
id = Self::rotate_right(id, nodes);
Self::flip_colors(id, nodes[id].left.unwrap(), nodes[id].right.unwrap(), nodes);
fn is_red(maybe_id : Option<usize>, nodes : &[Node<K, V>]) -> bool {
maybe_id.is_some() && nodes[maybe_id.unwrap()].color.is_red()
fn min(mut id : usize, nodes : &[Node<K, V>]) -> usize {
while let Some(left) = nodes[id].left {
id = left;
fn put(maybe_id : Option<usize>, parent : Option<usize>, key: K, value : V, nodes : &mut Vec<Node<K, V>>) -> Option<usize> {
if let Some(mut id) = maybe_id {
let cmp = key.cmp(&nodes[id].key);
match cmp {
Ordering :: Less => {
nodes[id].left = Self::put(nodes[id].left, Some(id), key, value, nodes);
Ordering :: Greater => {
nodes[id].right = Self::put(nodes[id].right, Some(id), key, value, nodes);
Ordering :: Equal => {
nodes[id].value = value;
nodes[id].size = Self::size(nodes[id].left, nodes) + Self::size(nodes[id].right, nodes) + 1;
if Self::is_red(nodes[id].right, nodes) && !Self::is_red(nodes[id].left, nodes) {
id = Self::rotate_left(id, nodes);
if Self::is_red(nodes[id].left, nodes) && Self::is_red(nodes[nodes[id].left.unwrap()].left, nodes) {
id = Self::rotate_right(id, nodes);
if Self::is_red(nodes[id].left, nodes) && Self::is_red(nodes[id].right, nodes) {
Self::flip_colors(id, nodes[id].left.unwrap(), nodes[id].right.unwrap(), nodes);
} else {
let the_id = nodes.len();
nodes.push(Node{key, value, parent, size : 1, left : None, right : None, color : Color::red()});
fn flip_colors(base : usize, left : usize, right : usize, nodes : &mut Vec<Node<K, V>>) {
fn rotate_left(h : usize, nodes : &mut Vec<Node<K, V>>) -> usize {
let x = nodes[h].right.unwrap();
nodes[h].right = nodes[x].left;
nodes[x].left = Some(h);
nodes[x].color = nodes[h].color;
nodes[h].color = Color::red();
// fix parents
nodes[x].parent = nodes[h].parent;
nodes[h].parent = Some(x);
if let Some(right) = nodes[h].right { nodes[right].parent = Some(h); }
// fix size
nodes[x].size = nodes[h].size;
nodes[h].size = Self::size(nodes[h].left, nodes) + Self::size(nodes[h].right, nodes) + 1;
fn remove(id : usize, nodes : &mut Vec<Node<K, V>>) -> DeleteResult {
let other = nodes.len() - 1;
nodes.swap(id, other);
if let Some(parent) = nodes[id].parent {
let mut parent_node = nodes.get_mut(parent).unwrap();
if parent_node.left.is_some() && parent_node.left.unwrap() == other {
parent_node.left = Some(id);
} else {
parent_node.right = Some(id);
DeleteResult { child : None, moved_node : other, moved_node_new_id : id }
fn rotate_right(h : usize, nodes : &mut Vec<Node<K, V>>) -> usize {
let x = nodes[h].left.unwrap();
nodes[h].left = nodes[x].right;
nodes[x].right = Some(h);
nodes[x].color = nodes[h].color;
nodes[h].color = Color::red();
// fix parents
nodes[x].parent = nodes[h].parent;
nodes[h].parent = Some(x);
if let Some(left) = nodes[h].left { nodes[left].parent = Some(h); }
// fix size
nodes[x].size = nodes[h].size;
nodes[h].size = Self::size(nodes[h].left, nodes) + Self::size(nodes[h].right, nodes) + 1;
fn size(maybe_id : Option<usize>, nodes : &[Node<K, V>]) -> usize {
if let Some(id) = maybe_id {
} else {
* Debug Functions
pub fn check(&self) -> bool {
let mut good = self.is_bst();
if !good {
println!("Not in symmetric order");
if !self.is_size_consistent() {
println!("Subtree counts not consistent");
good = false;
if !self.is_rank_consistent() {
println!("Ranks not consistent");
good = false;
if !self.is_23() {
println!("Not a 2-3 tree");
good = false;
if !self.is_balanced() {
println!("Not balanced");
good = false;
pub fn is_rank_consistent(&self) -> bool {
for i in 0..self.len() {
if i != self.rank( {
println!("Rank {} expected key {:?} but got {}", i,, self.rank(;
return false;
for key in self.keys().iter() {
if *key !=*key)) {
println!("Key {:?} has rank {} which evaluates to key {:?}", *key, self.rank(*key),*key)));
return false;
pub fn keys(&self) -> Vec<&K> {
self.nodes.iter().map(|node| &node.key).collect::<Vec<&K>>()
pub fn is_23(&self) -> bool {
fn is_node_23(&self, maybe_id : Option<usize>) -> bool {
if let Some(id) = maybe_id {
if Self::is_red(self.nodes[id].right, &self.nodes) { return false; }
if id != self.root.unwrap() && self.nodes[id].color.is_red() && Self::is_red(self.nodes[id].left, &self.nodes) {
return false;
self.is_node_23(self.nodes[id].left) && self.is_node_23(self.nodes[id].right)
} else { true }
pub fn rank(&self, key : &K) -> usize {
self.rank_in_subtree(key, self.root)
fn rank_in_subtree(&self, key : &K, maybe_id : Option<usize>) -> usize {
if let Some(id) = maybe_id {
match key.cmp(&self.nodes[id].key) {
Ordering::Less => self.rank_in_subtree(key, self.nodes[id].left),
Ordering::Greater => 1 + Self::size(self.nodes[id].left, &self.nodes) + self.rank_in_subtree(key, self.nodes[id].right),
Ordering::Equal => Self::size(self.nodes[id].left, &self.nodes)
} else { 0 }
pub fn select(&self, rank : usize) -> &K {
if rank >= self.len() {
panic!("Asked for rank greater than size of tree");
&self.nodes[self.select_from_node(rank, self.root.unwrap())].key
fn select_from_node(&self, rank : usize, id : usize) -> usize {
let t = Self::size(self.nodes[id].left, &self.nodes);
match t.cmp(&rank) {
Ordering::Greater => self.select_from_node(rank, self.nodes[id].left.unwrap()),
Ordering::Less => self.select_from_node(rank - t - 1, self.nodes[id].right.unwrap()),
Ordering::Equal => id
pub fn is_size_consistent(&self) -> bool {
fn is_node_size_consistent(&self, maybe_id : Option<usize>) -> bool {
if let Some(id) = maybe_id {
let node = &self.nodes[id];
if node.size != 1 + Self::size(node.left, &self.nodes) + Self::size(node.right, &self.nodes) {
return false;
self.is_node_size_consistent(node.left) && self.is_node_size_consistent(node.right)
} else { true }
pub fn is_bst(&self) -> bool {
self.is_node_bst(self.root, None, None)
fn is_node_bst(&self, maybe_id : Option<usize>, maybe_min : Option<&K>, maybe_max : Option<&K>) -> bool {
if let Some(id) = maybe_id {
let key = &self.nodes[id].key;
if let Some(min) = maybe_min { if key <= min { return false; } }
if let Some(max) = maybe_max { if key >= max { return false; } }
self.is_node_bst(self.nodes[id].left, maybe_min, Some(key)) &&
self.is_node_bst(self.nodes[id].right, Some(key), maybe_max)
} else {
fn find_next(&self, mut from : usize) -> Option<usize> {
// If there's a right from here, find the min value from there.
// Don't care about current left.
// Go to parent.
// While parent key is less than my key,
// that means that I was on the right and I should go up again.
// If there is a right from here, that means greater than the current
// key but not necessarily greater than the _from_ key.
// Only traverse up the right branch if right key < mine.
let the_key = &self.nodes[from].key;
if let Some(right) = self.nodes[from].right {
from = Self::min(right, &self.nodes);
} else {
while *the_key >= self.nodes[from].key {
if let Some(parent) = self.nodes[from].parent {
from = parent;
} else {
return None;
if let Some(right) = self.nodes[from].right {
if self.nodes[right].key < *the_key {
from = Self::min(right, &self.nodes);
impl<K, V> Default for RBTree<K, V> where K : Ord + Debug, V : Debug {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
root : None,
nodes : vec![]
struct TreeIterator<'a, K, V> where K : Ord {
next_node : Option<usize>,
tree : &'a RBTree<K, V>
impl<'a, K, V> IntoIterator for &'a RBTree<K, V> where K : Ord + Debug, V : Debug {
type Item = (&'a K, &'a V);
type IntoIter = TreeIterator<'a, K, V>;
fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter {
let next_node = if self.is_empty() {
} else {
Some(RBTree::min(self.root.unwrap(), &self.nodes))
TreeIterator {
tree : self
impl<'a, K, V> Iterator for TreeIterator<'a, K, V> where K : Ord + Debug, V : Debug {
type Item = (&'a K, &'a V);
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
if let Some(current_id) = self.next_node {
// find next
self.next_node = self.tree.find_next(current_id);
let node = &self.tree.nodes[current_id];
Some(( &node.key, &node.value ))
} else {
mod test {
use super::RBTree;
fn test_tree_1() {
let mut tree = RBTree::new();
tree.insert(12, 32);
tree.insert(32, 44);
tree.insert(123, 321);
tree.insert(123, 321);
tree.insert(1, 2);
tree.insert(14, 32);
tree.insert(20, 41);
tree.insert(6, 64);
tree.insert(41, 22);
tree.insert(122, 14);
tree.insert(41, 99);
assert_eq!(tree.len(), tree.into_iter().count());
let mut k = 0;
for (key, value) in tree.into_iter() {
println!("{:?} -> {:?}", key, value);
assert!(*key > k);
k = *key;
assert_eq!(99, *tree.get(&41).unwrap());
assert_eq!(9, tree.len());
assert_rm(41, &mut tree, 8);
assert_rm(122, &mut tree, 7);
assert_rm(6, &mut tree, 6);
assert_rm(20, &mut tree, 5);
assert_rm(14, &mut tree, 4);
assert_rm(1, &mut tree, 3);
assert_rm(123, &mut tree, 2);
assert_rm(32, &mut tree, 1);
assert_rm(12, &mut tree, 0);
fn assert_rm(val : u32, tree : &mut RBTree<u32, u32>, size : usize) {
if !tree.is_balanced() {
println!("Not balanced!");
assert_eq!(size, tree.len());
fn test_tree_strings() {
let mut tree = RBTree::new();
tree.insert(12, "value: V");
tree.insert(32, "44");
tree.insert(123, "321");
tree.insert(123, "321");
tree.insert(1, "2");
tree.insert(14, "32");
tree.insert(20, "41");
tree.insert(6, "64");
tree.insert(41, "22");
tree.insert(122, "14");
tree.insert(41, "99");
assert_eq!("99", *tree.get(&41).unwrap());
assert_eq!(9, tree.len());
fn test_tree_string_keys() {
let mut tree = RBTree::new();
tree.insert("12", "value: V");
tree.insert("32", "44");
tree.insert("123", "321");
tree.insert("123", "321");
tree.insert("1", "2");
tree.insert("14", "32");
tree.insert("20", "41");
tree.insert("6", "64");
tree.insert("41", "22");
tree.insert("122", "14");
tree.insert("41", "99");
assert_eq!("99", *tree.get(&"41").unwrap());
assert_eq!(9, tree.len());
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