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Last active August 29, 2015 14:04
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App.PaginationMixin = Ember.Mixin.create({
// Define a property called "paginate" that returns the collection to paginate.
currentPage: 0,
perPage: 15,
collectionSize: Ember.computed.alias('paginate.length'),
actions: {
setPage: function(pageNumber) {
this.set('currentPage', pageNumber);
paginatedCollection: function() {
var props = this.getProperties('paginate', 'paginationStart', 'paginationStop');
return props.paginate.slice(props.paginationStart, props.paginationStop);
}.property('paginate', 'paginationStart', 'paginationStop'),
needsPagiationLinks:'numberOfPages', 1),
paginationStart: function() {
var props = this.getProperties('perPage', 'currentPage');
return props.perPage * props.currentPage;
}.property('perPage', 'currentPage'),
paginationStop: function() {
var props = this.getProperties('paginationStart', 'perPage');
return props.paginationStart + props.perPage;
}.property('paginationStart', 'perPage'),
numberOfPages: function() {
var props = this.getProperties('collectionSize', 'perPage');
return Math.ceil(props.collectionSize / props.perPage);
}.property('collectionSize', 'perPage'),
paginationLinks: function() {
var props = this.getProperties('numberOfPages', 'currentPage');
var links = [];
if ( props.currentPage > 0 ) {
links = links.concat([
this.buildPaginationLink(0, 'pagination.first', false),
this.buildPaginationLink(props.currentPage - 1, 'pagination.previous', false)
for (var i = 0; i < props.numberOfPages; i++) {
this.buildPaginationLink(i, i + 1, props.currentPage === i)
if ( props.currentPage < props.numberOfPages - 1) {
links = links.concat([
this.buildPaginationLink(props.currentPage + 1, '', false),
this.buildPaginationLink(props.numberOfPages - 1, 'pagination.last', false)
return links;
}.property('numberOfPages', 'currentPage'),
buildPaginationLink: function(page, label, active) {
var translation = I18n.t("" + label);
if ( /missing/.test(translation) ) translation = label;
return { page: page, label: translation, active: active };
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