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Last active January 15, 2025 21:11
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script for reducing faces programmatically with Meshlab's api
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
import os
import subprocess
# Script taken from doing the needed operation
# (Filters > Remeshing, Simplification and Reconstruction >
# Quadric Edge Collapse Decimation, with parameters:
# 0.9 percentage reduction (10%), 0.3 Quality threshold (70%)
# Target number of faces is ignored with those parameters
# conserving face normals, planar simplification and
# post-simplimfication cleaning)
# And going to Filter > Show current filter script
filter_script_mlx = """<!DOCTYPE FilterScript>
<filter name="Simplification: Quadric Edge Collapse Decimation (with texture)">
<Param type="RichInt" value="60000" name="TargetFaceNum"/>
<Param type="RichFloat" value="0" name="TargetPerc"/>
<Param type="RichFloat" value="1" name="QualityThr"/>
<Param type="RichBool" value="true" name="PreserveBoundary"/>
<Param type="RichFloat" value="1" name="BoundaryWeight"/>
<Param type="RichBool" value="true" name="OptimalPlacement"/>
<Param type="RichBool" value="true" name="PreserveNormal"/>
<Param type="RichBool" value="true" name="PlanarSimplification"/>
cwd = os.getcwd()
def create_tmp_filter_file(filename='filter_file_tmp.mlx'):
with open(cwd + '\\tmp\\' + filename, 'w') as f:
return cwd + '\\tmp\\' + filename
def reduce_faces(in_file, out_file,
# Add input mesh
command = "meshlabserver -i " + in_file
# Add the filter script
command += " -s " + filter_script_path
# Add the output filename and output flags
command += " -o " + out_file
# Execute command
print("Going to execute: " + command)
output =, shell=True)
last_line = output
print(in_file + " > " + out_file + ": " + str(last_line))
if __name__ == '__main__':
if len(sys.argv) < 3:
print(sys.argv[0] + " /path/to/input_mesh num_iterations")
print("For example, reduce 10 times:")
print(sys.argv[0] + " /home/myuser/mymesh.dae 10")
in_mesh = sys.argv[1]
filename = in_mesh.split('\\')[-1]
num_iterations = int(sys.argv[2])
folder_name = filename.replace('.', '_')
tmp_folder_name = cwd + '\\tmp\\' + folder_name + '_meshes\\'
print("Input mesh: " + in_mesh + " (filename: " + filename + ")")
print("Num iterations: " + str(num_iterations))
print("Output folder: " + tmp_folder_name)
except OSError as e:
print(sys.stderr, "Exception creating folder for meshes: " + str(e))
for it in range(num_iterations):
if num_iterations == 1:
out_mesh = tmp_folder_name + folder_name + "_it" + str(it) + ".obj"
reduce_faces(in_mesh, out_mesh)
out_mesh = tmp_folder_name + folder_name + "_it" + str(it) + ".obj"
reduce_faces(last_out_mesh, out_mesh)
last_out_mesh = out_mesh
print("Done reducing, find the files at: " + tmp_folder_name)
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Where do you define last_out_mesh?
And where is the code line that saves the meshes?

Sorry, I haven't used this in a very long time.

it looks like I copied this from someone else and put it in here so I wouldn't lose it.

last_out_mesh is defined on the first iteration and is updated on each iteration thereafter.

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