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Created September 26, 2017 03:02
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using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using SharpNeat.Phenomes;
using UnityEngine;
public class LocomotionController : UnitController
private Rigidbody rBody;
private bool IsRunning;
private IBlackBox box;
private bool toggleTargetTracking = true;//this is set through the TargetController component on the Target GameObject
public float fitness;
public GameObject target;
public float force = 5f;
//control the values of our velocity toward the target
public float toVelocity = 2.5f;
public float maxVelocity = 15.0f;
public float maxForce = 40.0f;
public float gain = 5f;
// Use this for initialization
void Start()
rBody = GetComponent<Rigidbody>();
//we get this value each time a new bobber is instantiated
target = GameObject.Find("Target");
//find out if we want to gravitate toward the target or not
toggleTargetTracking = target.GetComponent<TargetController>().isTracked;
// FixedUpdate called every fixed framerate frame, if the MonoBehaviour is enabled.
//FixedUpdate should be used instead of Update when dealing with Rigidbody.
void FixedUpdate()
//verify we are running
if (IsRunning)
//determin our heading
Vector3 heading = target.transform.position - transform.position;
//get our distace from our target
float distance = heading.magnitude;
//if we are interested in moving in direction of the target we can turn this on
if (toggleTargetTracking)
// calc a target vel proportional to distance (clamped to maxVel)
Vector3 tgtVelocity = Vector3.ClampMagnitude(toVelocity * heading, maxVelocity);
// calculate the velocity error
Vector3 error = tgtVelocity - rBody.velocity;
// calc a force proportional to the error (clamped to maxForce)
Vector3 lateralForce = Vector3.ClampMagnitude(gain * error, maxForce);
// initialize input and output signal arrays
ISignalArray inputArr = box.InputSignalArray;
ISignalArray outputArr = box.OutputSignalArray;
//use vertical position as input
//this is so the Neural Net (NN) knows where the cube is in vertical space
//it can use this value to judge when a thrust should be triggered
inputArr[0] = transform.position.y;
//apply force as long as the cube is within a certain distance from a given value
//the given value is decided on by the Neural Net (NN) based on input values
if (transform.position.y < (float)outputArr[0])
//inform the NN that a force is being applied to the cube
inputArr[1] = 1;
//allow the NN to decide on how much force is going to be applied with the value from `outputArr[1]`
rBody.AddForce(Vector3.up * (float)outputArr[1] * force, ForceMode.Impulse);
//allow the NN to decide on which direction angular velocity is going to be
//applied with the values from `outputArr[2]` through `outputArr[4]`
rBody.angularVelocity = new Vector3((float)outputArr[2], (float)outputArr[3], (float)outputArr[4]);
//inform the NN that zero force is being applied to the cube
inputArr[1] = 0;
//send the fitness of each cube to the NN so it always has a gauge of how its doing at all times
//not just at the end of a training session
inputArr[2] = fitness;
//send a fraction with distance in the denominator
//this is so we have a value that increases while our distance gets smaller
//(eg. if distance is 100, our fraction is 1/100)
//(eg. if distance is 1, our fraction is 1/1 or just a value of 1)
if(distance > 0){//cannot divide by zero and cannot be closer to something than 0
AddFitness(Mathf.Abs(1 / distance));
public override void Activate(IBlackBox box)
{ = box;
this.IsRunning = true;
public override float GetFitness()
var fit = fitness;//cache the fitness value
fitness = 0;//reset fitness value each time we start a new training cycle
if (fit < 0)
fit = 0;
return fit;
public override void Stop()
this.IsRunning = false;
void AddFitness(float fit)
//increment our fitness score on every frame by the fit value
fitness += fit;
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