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Last active September 26, 2017 18:47
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  • Save tylerlindell/e6614e7b7c510c0978651deb0bf08236 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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* Optimizer is responsible the training sessions (starting, stopping, and evaluating)
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using SharpNeat.Phenomes;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using SharpNeat.EvolutionAlgorithms;
using SharpNeat.Genomes.Neat;
using System;
using System.Xml;
using System.IO;
public class Optimizer : MonoBehaviour {
//set the number of inputs we are going to use in this Neural Net
const int NUM_INPUTS = 3;
//set the number of outputs we plan to use
const int NUM_OUTPUTS = 5;
public int Trials;//number of trials for each generation
public float TrialDuration;//how long a trial lasts
public float StoppingFitness;//at what fitness should we max out at
bool EARunning;//are we training right now?
string popFileSavePath, champFileSavePath;
private bool isSaved = false;//saved flag
Dictionary<IBlackBox, UnitController> ControllerMap = new Dictionary<IBlackBox, UnitController>();
private DateTime startTime;//start time of training
private float timeLeft;//amount of time remaining in this training session
private float accum;//number of frames accumulated
private int frames;//frame count
private float updateInterval = 12;//how often we want to update the frame rate
private uint Generation;
private double Fitness;
SimpleExperiment experiment;
static NeatEvolutionAlgorithm<NeatGenome> _ea;
public GameObject Target;//the target we want our bobbers chasing
public GameObject Unit;//the smart object
public float distaceTargetAllowed = 1;//the closest we can get to target until we stop travelling towards it
public bool doTrain = true;//toggle the start and stop training buttons
public bool canThrottleFPS = false;//toggle whether or not the system can adjust the FPS to get more than the fpsMin frames at a lower timescale
public float fpsMin = 10;//set the number of minimum frames per second allowed before throttling
public bool showDebugger = false;//toggle debug logger
public float timeScale;//used for setting or monitoring the current timescale
public string trainedObjectName = "bob";//name of file to use / create
// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
accum = 0;
Utility.DebugLog = showDebugger;
experiment = new SimpleExperiment();
XmlDocument xmlConfig = new XmlDocument();
TextAsset textAsset = (TextAsset)Resources.Load("experiment.config");
experiment.Initialize(trainedObjectName + " Experiment", xmlConfig.DocumentElement, NUM_INPUTS, NUM_OUTPUTS);
champFileSavePath = Application.dataPath + string.Format("/{0}/{1}.champ.xml", "AIAgents", trainedObjectName);
popFileSavePath = Application.dataPath + string.Format("/{0}/{1}.pop.xml", "AIAgents", trainedObjectName);
if (Utility.DebugLog)
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
Utility.DebugLog = showDebugger;
if (Time.timeScale != timeScale)
Time.timeScale = timeScale;
if (canThrottleFPS && EARunning)
timeLeft -= Time.deltaTime;
accum += (Time.timeScale / Time.smoothDeltaTime) * 1.75f; //this provides a much more accurate number with the 1.75 multiplier
if (timeLeft <= 0.0)
var fps = accum / frames;
timeLeft = updateInterval;
accum = 0.0f;
frames = 0;
if (Utility.DebugLog)
if (fps < fpsMin)//update the time scale to maximize FPS
timeScale = timeScale - 1;
Time.timeScale = timeScale;
if (Utility.DebugLog)
Utility.Log("Lowering time scale to " + Time.timeScale);
//make sure we don't save more than once if the frames are still running and our generation has not updated yet
if(isSaved && ((Generation - 1) % 50 == 0))
isSaved = false;
if (EARunning && (Generation % 50 == 0) && !isSaved)
isSaved = true;
public void StartEA()
//update the location of the Target
Target.transform.position = new Vector3(UnityEngine.Random.Range(-distaceTargetAllowed, distaceTargetAllowed), Target.transform.position.y, UnityEngine.Random.Range(-distaceTargetAllowed, distaceTargetAllowed));
if (Utility.DebugLog)
Utility.Log("Starting PhotoTaxis experiment");
// Utility.Log("Loading: " + popFileLoadPath);
_ea = experiment.CreateEvolutionAlgorithm(popFileSavePath);
startTime = DateTime.Now;
_ea.UpdateEvent += new EventHandler(ea_UpdateEvent);
_ea.PausedEvent += new EventHandler(ea_PauseEvent);
Generation = _ea.CurrentGeneration;
var evoSpeed = timeScale;
// Time.fixedDeltaTime = 0.045f;
Time.timeScale = evoSpeed;
EARunning = true;
void ea_UpdateEvent(object sender, EventArgs e)
//update the location of the Target
Target.transform.position = new Vector3(UnityEngine.Random.Range(-distaceTargetAllowed, distaceTargetAllowed), Target.transform.position.y, UnityEngine.Random.Range(-distaceTargetAllowed, distaceTargetAllowed));
if (Utility.DebugLog)
Utility.Log(string.Format("gen={0:N0} bestFitness={1:N6}",
_ea.CurrentGeneration, _ea.Statistics._maxFitness));
Fitness = _ea.Statistics._maxFitness;
Generation = _ea.CurrentGeneration;
if (Utility.DebugLog)
// Utility.Log(string.Format("Moving average: {0}, N: {1}", _ea.Statistics._bestFitnessMA.Mean, _ea.Statistics._bestFitnessMA.Length));
void ea_PauseEvent(object sender, EventArgs e)
timeScale = 1;
if (Utility.DebugLog)
Utility.Log("Done ea'ing (and neat'ing)");
DateTime endTime = DateTime.Now;
if (Utility.DebugLog)
Utility.Log("Total time elapsed: " + (endTime - startTime));
System.IO.StreamReader stream = new System.IO.StreamReader(popFileSavePath);
EARunning = false;
public void StopEA()
if (_ea != null && _ea.RunState == SharpNeat.Core.RunState.Running)
/// <summary>
/// save changes
/// </summary>
private void Save()
XmlWriterSettings _xwSettings = new XmlWriterSettings();
_xwSettings.Indent = true;
// Save genomes to xml file.
DirectoryInfo dirInf = new DirectoryInfo(Application.dataPath);
if (!dirInf.Exists)
if (Utility.DebugLog)
Debug.Log("Creating subdirectory");
using (XmlWriter xw = XmlWriter.Create(popFileSavePath, _xwSettings))
experiment.SavePopulation(xw, _ea.GenomeList);
// Also save the best genome
using (XmlWriter xw = XmlWriter.Create(champFileSavePath, _xwSettings))
experiment.SavePopulation(xw, new NeatGenome[] { _ea.CurrentChampGenome });
public void Evaluate(IBlackBox box)
GameObject obj = Instantiate(Unit, Unit.transform.position, Unit.transform.rotation) as GameObject;
UnitController controller = obj.GetComponent<UnitController>();
ControllerMap.Add(box, controller);
public void StopEvaluation(IBlackBox box)
UnitController ct = ControllerMap[box];
public void RunBest()
timeScale = 1;
NeatGenome genome = null;
// Try to load the genome from the XML document.
using (XmlReader xr = XmlReader.Create(champFileSavePath))
genome = NeatGenomeXmlIO.ReadCompleteGenomeList(xr, false, (NeatGenomeFactory)experiment.CreateGenomeFactory())[0];
catch (Exception e1)
Debug.LogError(" Error loading genome from file!\nLoading aborted.\n" + e1.Message + "\nin: " + champFileSavePath);
// Get a genome decoder that can convert genomes to phenomes.
var genomeDecoder = experiment.CreateGenomeDecoder();
// Decode the genome into a phenome (neural network).
var phenome = genomeDecoder.Decode(genome);
GameObject obj = Instantiate(Unit, Unit.transform.position, Unit.transform.rotation) as GameObject;
UnitController controller = obj.GetComponent<UnitController>();
ControllerMap.Add(phenome, controller);
public float GetFitness(IBlackBox box)
//update the location of the Target
Target.transform.position = new Vector3(UnityEngine.Random.Range(-distaceTargetAllowed, distaceTargetAllowed), Target.transform.position.y, UnityEngine.Random.Range(-distaceTargetAllowed, distaceTargetAllowed));
if (ControllerMap.ContainsKey(box))
return ControllerMap[box].GetFitness();
return 0;
void OnGUI()
if (doTrain)
if (GUI.Button(new Rect(10, 10, 100, 40), "Start EA"))
if (GUI.Button(new Rect(10, 60, 100, 40), "Stop EA"))
if (GUI.Button(new Rect(10, 110, 100, 40), "Run best"))
GUI.Button(new Rect(10, Screen.height - 70, 125, 60), string.Format("Generation: {0}\nFitness: {1:0.00}", Generation, Fitness));
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