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Last active February 25, 2024 18:22
Historical Map of India with 3D elevation
#Load QGIS georeference image (see
testindia = raster::stack("1870_southern-india_modified.tif")
#Set bounding box for final map (cut off edges without data, introduced via reprojection)
india_bb = raster::extent(c(68,92,1,20))
cropped_india = raster::crop(testindia, india_bb)
#Convert to RGB array
india_array = as.array(cropped_india)
#Load elevation data, sourced from GEBCO
raster1 = raster::raster("gebco_2020_n20.0_s1.0_w68.0_e92.0.tif")
#Reproject and crop elevation data to historical map coordinate system
reprojected_india = raster::projectRaster(raster1, crs=raster::crs(cropped_india))
cropped_reprojected_india = raster::crop(reprojected_india,india_bb)
#Reduce the size of the elevation data, for speed
small_india_matrix = resize_matrix(as.matrix(cropped_reprojected_india), scale = 0.2)
#Remove bathymetry data
water_india = small_india_matrix
water_india[] = 0
water_india[water_india < 0]=0
water_india = t(water_india)
#Compute shadows
ambient_layer = ambient_shade(water_india, zscale = 10, multicore = TRUE, maxsearch = 200)
ray_layer = ray_shade(water_india, zscale = 20, multicore = TRUE)
#Plot in 3D
(india_array/255) %>%
add_shadow(ray_layer,0.3) %>%
add_shadow(ambient_layer,0) %>%
#Render snapshot with depth of field
render_depth(focus=0.982,focallength = 4000)
#Plot in 2D
(india_array/255) %>%
add_shadow(ray_layer,0.3) %>%
add_shadow(ambient_layer,0) %>%
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