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Last active August 29, 2015 14:23
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(ns respond-ajax
(:require [io.pedestal.interceptor :as interceptor]
[cheshire.core :as json])
(defn base-response [content-type status]
{:status (or status 200)
:headers {"Content-type" content-type}})
(defmulti generate-response :content-type)
(defmethod generate-response "application/edn" [{:keys [obj status content-type]}]
(assoc (base-response content-type 200) :body (pr-str obj)))
(defmethod generate-response "application/json" [{:keys [obj status content-type]}]
(assoc (base-response content-type (or status 200))
:body (json/generate-string obj)))
(defmethod generate-response :default [{:keys [obj status]}]
(assoc (base-response "text/plain" (or status 200)) :body (pr-str obj)))
(defn respond-ajax [result-fn]
"Creates an interceptor that generates a response based upon the content-type in the request"
{::name ::respond-ajax
:enter (fn [{:keys [request] :as context}]
(let [obj (result-fn request)]
(assoc context :response (generate-response (-> request
(merge {:obj obj :status 200}))))))}))
;; Example usage
;; some function that returns data
;; needs to take a request map for passage of
;; request params
(defn return-db-results [req]
(let [params (-> req :edn-params)]
(query-db params)))
;; in your defroutes
(defroutes routes
[[["/get-db-results" {:any [:db#get-results (respond-ajax return-db-results)]}]]])
;; curl http://localhost:8080/get-db-results -H "Content-type: application/edn" -d "{:some-param-to-data :param}"
;; curl http://localhost:8080/get-db-results -H "Content-type: application/json" -d "{:some-param-to-data :param}"
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