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tylernchls / gist:dfbb473fbb006030ed78fb8a2c72b8ff
Created December 9, 2016 19:02 — forked from jaywon/gist:c76abc57dc33e1679c02
Circular String Brain Bender

###Good Morning Agents

Your challenge this morning is to create a function that implements an algorithm using the concepts we've covered this week.


  1. Write an algorithm that takes in 2 strings as parameters (source, find).
  2. Your function should return true if the string passed in as the find parameter is found in the source parameter if source were circular in nature. Meaning there is no end to the source string.
  3. Important: A match would be true if the word to find is partially at the end of the word and at the beginning in sequence.


tylernchls / clickEvent.html
Created December 16, 2016 19:11
Example click events using 'this'
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>Event Listeners</title>
<div id="btnBox"></div>
tylernchls /
Created December 16, 2016 19:29 — forked from jaywon/
Better Buttons

###The Ask Good morning team! We have been asked to implement a better button for our marketing landing pages in the hopes it leads to more conversions. We currently do one off landing pages for inbound marketing to lead customers to our main brand site. The CEO is demanding that we increase our number of conversions this year and we want something a little more enticing to get users to click.

###Your Challenge Please mock up a simple app with a nice big blue button that when a user hovers over the button grows by 5px in all directions and changes from the dark blue we have on the site to...idk something..."warmer". We also are not sure of the color or sizes we will end up deciding on so the implementation needs to be flexible. Please mock up a prototype for us so we can sell more widgets!!

Any other styling is ok too since you guys are the web masters so impress us.

Thaaaannnks :D

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am tylernchls on github.
  • I am tylernchls ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASCBGlqgUbDPcz2voZnyUVhPbDWqsUns1EkZCRzuBITlKgo

To claim this, I am signing this object:

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am tylernchls on github.
  • I am tylernchls464 ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASCafJZR1g6wJQawtDsz41-Fuj-9ZIZnqQOUANgO2yrQuAo

To claim this, I am signing this object:

tylernchls /
Last active September 22, 2017 02:28
Windows cmd prompt

dir - list all directories in current directory mkdir - create new directory cls - clear screen cd .. - jump back one directory :\c - navigate back to c drive nul filename create new file start notepad filename - launch and edit file with notepad move filename newLocation - move a file to new directory rename filename newName - rename file del - delete file

Create Bucket

aws s3api create-bucket --bucket website-bucket-name --region us-west-2 --acl public-read --create-bucket-configuration LocationConstraint=us-west- 2

Make Bucket A Static Website

aws s3 website s3://website-bucket-name/ --index-document index.html --error-document error.html

Sync Local Project Directory to Static Website Bucket

Test function locally

sls invoke local -f "function name"

Deploy function only

sls deploy -f "function name

Deploy everything

sls deploy

Function logs

tylernchls /
Last active July 30, 2019 02:14
Network Survival Kit

Networking Survival Kit


You are a security professional that has been hired to carry out an investigation into a recent security breach of Arch industries. Upon initial scan of equipment, you have determined their system is severly outdated and contains none of the standard network cli tools and applications you normally have to perform your duties. Guess you will have to build your own!!!!!!

Your Task:

You are to use your knowledge of networking and scripting to build basic networking tools in order to complete your job. Below are your details if you choose to accept.

Required Tooling/Specs

tylernchls /
Last active December 19, 2017 08:01
Short recap from 5/17 - 12/17

Brief overview of accomplishments, achievments, and goals

  • Below is a quick rundown of what I have learned and think have accomplished since my onboarding. There is way more to add to this list but cant remember everthing :).

Baby Steps

  • Made it through training... :)
  • Started working academy hours teaching fundementals of web dev.
  • Learned MIT Scratch for the purpose of integrating into new curriculum for Waipahu Elementary.
  • Integrated Scratch into curriculum as new approach to teach basics of web development to kids. Made use of logic, critical thinking, problem solving, architecture, conditionals, loops, and collaboration.
  • Conditionals