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Last active August 29, 2015 13:58
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A Python3 script to help exercise your memory.
import datetime
import json
import os
import random
import time
num_words = 10
num_seconds = 10
scores = None
one_day = datetime.timedelta(days=1)
def clear_screen():
# I have not actually tested this beyond mac os x.
os.system('cls' if == 'nt' else 'clear')
def save_score(score):
global scores
score_file = 'scores.json'
scores = []
if os.path.exists(score_file):
with open(score_file) as f:
scores = json.load(f)
scores.append([time.time(), score])
with open(score_file, 'w') as f:
json.dump(scores, f, indent=2)
# Returns the average score and score count for the given time period, or (None, 0)
# if no scores are in that time. Returns values for all time if the input is None.
def average_and_count(day = None):
global scores
s = scores # s is the subset of scores to average.
if day is not None:
day_start = time.mktime(day.timetuple())
day_end = time.mktime((day + one_day).timetuple())
s = list(filter(lambda x: day_start <= x[0] < day_end, scores))
if len(s) == 0: return (None, 0)
return (sum([x[1] for x in s]) / len(s), len(s))
# Assumes the global scores list has been populated.
def show_averages():
print(' Average Count')
fmt = '%-13s %4.1f %9d'
today =
print(fmt % (('Today',) + average_and_count(today)))
yesterday = today - one_day
avg, count = average_and_count(yesterday)
if avg is not None: print(fmt % ('Yesterday', avg, count))
print(fmt % (('All time',) + average_and_count()))
# Load data and choose the words.
f = open('words')
all_words ='\n')[:-1]
correct_words = set(random.sample(all_words, num_words))
# Display the words for a few seconds.
for w in correct_words: print(w)
print('\nTime left:')
time_left = num_seconds
while time_left:
print('\r%2d second%s ' % (time_left, 's' if time_left > 1 else ' '), end='')
time_left -= 1
# Accept words from the user.
print('Type in the words you remember, one per line.')
print('Hit enter twice when you\'re done.')
user_words = set()
while True:
new_word = input().strip()
if len(new_word) == 0: break
# Let the user know how they did.
num_errors = len(correct_words ^ user_words)
report = ['Perfect!',
'Only 1 mistake - not bad!',
'You made %d mistakes.' % num_errors]
print(report[min(num_errors, 2)])
missed = correct_words - user_words
if len(missed):
print('\nMissed words:')
for w in missed: print(w)
incorrect = user_words - correct_words
if len(incorrect):
print('\nIncorrect words:')
for w in incorrect: print(w)
score = len(correct_words & user_words)
# Pad the strings so they form nice columns with the averages.
print('\n%-13s %2d\n' % ('Score', score))
print('\nThank you come again.')
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This script presents a random list of words and gives you 10 seconds to memorize those words. The screen is then cleared and you type in as many of them as you can remember - the order is not important.

This script keeps track of your scores over time in a file called scores.json. It reports your averages scores from today, yesterday (if you played), and your overall average. These metrics will let you see how you're improving over time.

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