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Created March 17, 2016 20:49
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Example of an animated geometric figure
<svg width="600" height="600" vertion="1.1"
id="svg" xmlns="">
<clipPath id="angleClip">
<polygon id="atriangle" />
var radius = 91
var cx = 100
var cy = 100
function xOfRads(a) {
return cx + radius * Math.cos(a)
function yOfRads(a) {
return cy - radius * Math.sin(a)
function ptOfAngleInRadians(a) {
return xOfRads(a) + ' ' + yOfRads(a)
// This expects an array of radians as input.
// The output is formatted for use as a 'points' value in a polygon elt.
function polyPoints(arr) {
var s = []
for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
return s.join(', ')
function dist(x1, y1, x2, y2) {
var d1 = x1 - x2
var d2 = y1 - y2
return Math.sqrt(d1 * d1 + d2 * d2)
function addAttributes(elt, attr) {
for (var key in attr) {
elt.setAttribute(key, attr[key])
return elt
function add(eltName, attr) {
var elt = document.createElementNS(svgNS, eltName)
if (attr) addAttributes(elt, attr)
return elt
function addDot() {
var dotStyle = {stroke: 'transparent', fill: '#444', r: 3}
return add('circle', dotStyle)
// Begin instance-specific code.
var svg = document.getElementById('svg')
var svgNS = svg.namespaceURI
var lightStyle = {stroke: '#ddd', fill: 'transparent', 'stroke-width': 3}
var darkStyle = {stroke: '#666', fill: 'transparent', 'stroke-width': 3}
// Circle.
var circle = add('circle', lightStyle)
addAttributes(circle, {cx: cx, cy: cy, r: radius, stroke: '#f0f0f0'})
// Set up some angles we'll use in a few places.
var rads = [1.0, 2.3, 4.6]
var pi = Math.PI
// Add the triangle; we'll use a function to position it, so just add the
// elements for now.
var triSides = []
var triPoints = []
var colors = ['#D98162', '#4586A5', '#CC6969']
var shadedArea = add('polygon', {stroke: 'transparent', fill: '#e2e2e2'})
for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
triSides[i] = add('line', darkStyle)
addAttributes(triSides[i], {stroke: colors[i]})
for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) triPoints[i] = addDot()
// Add side length indicators and labels for them.
var sideLens = []
var sideLabels = []
var labels = ['a', 'b', 'c']
var labelStyle = {'font-family': 'Charter',
'font-size': 19,
'font-style': 'italic'}
for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
sideLens[i] = add('line', darkStyle)
addAttributes(sideLens[i], {stroke: colors[i]})
sideLabels[i] = add('text', labelStyle)
sideLabels[i].innerHTML = labels[i]
var xOfLabels = 203
var xOfValues = xOfLabels + 17
// Add labels for abc/4 and area.
var eqnLabels = []
var eqnLabelStrings = ['abc/4', 'area']
var eqnValues = []
var valueStyle = {'font-family': 'Courier New', 'font-size': 19}
for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
eqnLabels[i] = add('text', labelStyle)
eqnLabels[i].innerHTML = eqnLabelStrings[i]
addAttributes(eqnLabels[i], {x: xOfLabels, y: 117 + 50 * i})
eqnValues[i] = add('text', valueStyle)
addAttributes(eqnValues[i], {x: xOfValues, y: 140 + 50 * i})
addAttributes(eqnValues[i], {fill: '#999'})
var a, b, c // Mathematical side lengths (for a unit circle).
function updateABC() {
var x = [], y = []
var lens = []
for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
x[i] = Math.cos(rads[i])
y[i] = Math.sin(rads[i])
for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
var dx = x[i] - x[(i + 1) % 3]
var dy = y[i] - y[(i + 1) % 3]
lens[i] = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy)
a = lens[0], b = lens[1], c = lens[2]
function abcOverFour() {
return a * b * c / 4
function heronsFormula() {
var s = (a + b + c) / 2
return Math.sqrt(s * (s - a) * (s - b) * (s - c))
function moveTriangle(rads) {
for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
var r1 = rads[i]
var r2 = rads[(i + 1) % 3]
var x1 = xOfRads(r1), y1 = yOfRads(r1)
var x2 = xOfRads(r2), y2 = yOfRads(r2)
addAttributes(triSides[i], {x1: x1, y1: y1, x2: x2, y2: y2,
'stroke-width': 4})
addAttributes(triPoints[i], {cx: xOfRads(r1), cy: yOfRads(r1)})
var dx = x1 - x2, dy = y1 - y2
var len = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy) / (2 * radius) * 70
var y = 23 + i * 28
addAttributes(sideLens[i], {x1: xOfValues, y1: y,
x2: xOfValues + len, y2: y})
addAttributes(sideLabels[i], {x: xOfLabels, y: y + 5})
addAttributes(shadedArea, {points: polyPoints(rads)})
// Update the area-oriented values.
var area0 = abcOverFour()
eqnValues[0].innerHTML = area0.toFixed(3) + '..'
var area1 = heronsFormula()
eqnValues[1].innerHTML = area1.toFixed(3) + '..'
// Animation code.
var lastTimestamp = null
var baseRadiansPerMilliSec = 0.0007
function step(timestamp) {
if (lastTimestamp !== null) {
var milliSecDelta = timestamp - lastTimestamp
var radiansDelta = baseRadiansPerMilliSec * milliSecDelta
var factors = [1, 2, -1]
for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
rads[i] += radiansDelta * factors[i]
lastTimestamp = timestamp
// Initialize the animation.
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