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Created April 28, 2011 00:46
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NLP script
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import sys
import json
import nltk
# Load in textual data from wherever you've saved it
BUZZ_DATA = sys.argv[1]
buzz_data = json.loads(open(BUZZ_DATA).read())
all_posts = [post['content'].lower().split() for post in buzz_data]
# Provides tf/idf/tf_idf abstractions for scoring
tc = nltk.TextCollection(all_posts)
# Compute a term-document matrix such that td_matrix[doc_title][term]
# returns a tf-idf score for the term in the document
td_matrix = {}
for idx in range(len(all_posts)):
post = all_posts[idx]
fdist = nltk.FreqDist(post)
doc_title = buzz_data[idx]['content']
# link = buzz_data[idx]['link']
td_matrix[(doc_title)] = {}
for term in fdist.iterkeys():
td_matrix[(doc_title)][term] = tc.tf_idf(term, post)
# Build vectors such that term scores are in the same positions...
distances = {}
for (title1) in td_matrix.keys():
distances[(title1)] = {}
(max_score, most_similar) = (0.0, (None, None))
for (title2) in td_matrix.keys():
# Take care not to mutate the original data structures
# since we're in a loop and need the originals multiple times
terms1 = td_matrix[(title1)].copy()
terms2 = td_matrix[(title2)].copy()
# Fill in "gaps" in each map so vectors of the same length can be computed
for term1 in terms1:
if term1 not in terms2:
terms2[term1] = 0
for term2 in terms2:
if term2 not in terms1:
terms1[term2] = 0
# Create vectors from term maps
v1 = [score for (term, score) in sorted(terms1.items())]
v2 = [score for (term, score) in sorted(terms2.items())]
# Compute similarity among documents
distances[(title1)][(title2)] = \
nltk.cluster.util.cosine_distance(v1, v2)
if distances[(title1)][(title2)] > max_score:
(max_score, most_similar) = (distances[(title1)][(title2)], (title2))
print title1
print most_similar
print max_score
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