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Created June 17, 2021 23:15
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Python script for parsing GCP flow log json from BigQuery and outputting DOT format for Graphviz
import json
import os
import sys
def parse(input_file_name, output_file_name):
with open(input_file_name) as f:
data = json.load(f)
vpcs = {}
# Create flow data structures
for flow in data:
vpc = _get_or_create_vpc(vpcs, flow['src_vpc'])
subnet = _get_or_create_subnet(vpc, flow['src_subnet'], flow['src_zone'])
vms = subnet['vms']
vms[flow['src_vm']] = flow['src_ip']
vpc = _get_or_create_vpc(vpcs, flow['dest_vpc'])
subnet = _get_or_create_subnet(vpc, flow['dest_subnet'], flow['dest_zone'])
vms = subnet['vms']
vms[flow['dest_vm']] = flow['dest_ip']
# Output graph in dot format
with open(output_file_name, 'w') as f:
f.write('digraph G {\n')
for name, vpc in vpcs.items():
f.write(' subgraph cluster_' + name.replace('-', '_') + ' {\n')
f.write(' label = "vpc ' + name + '";\n')
for subnet_name, subnet in vpc.items():
f.write(' subgraph cluster_' + subnet_name.replace('-', '_') + ' {\n')
f.write(' label = <subnet ' + subnet_name + '<BR /><FONT POINT-SIZE="10">' + subnet['zone'] + '</FONT>>;\n')
for vm, ip in subnet['vms'].items():
f.write(' "' + vm + '" [label = <' + vm + '<BR /><FONT POINT-SIZE="10">' + ip + '</FONT>>];\n')
f.write(' }\n')
f.write(' }\n')
for flow in data:
f.write(' "' + flow['src_vm'] + '" -> "' + flow['dest_vm'] + '" [label = "' + str(int(int(flow['bytes_sent'])/1024)) + ' kb"];\n')
def _get_or_create_vpc(vpcs, vpc_name):
vpc = vpcs.get(vpc_name)
if not vpc:
vpc = {}
vpcs[vpc_name] = vpc
return vpc
def _get_or_create_subnet(vpc, subnet_name, zone):
subnet = vpc.get(subnet_name)
if not subnet:
subnet = {'zone': zone, 'vms': {}}
vpc[subnet_name] = subnet
return subnet
# Arguments: flow log json file and dot output file
if __name__ == '__main__':
parse(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2])
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