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Last active August 29, 2015 13:55
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Craft CMS: Full default config
* General Configuration
* All of your system's general configuration settings go in here.
* You can see a list of the default settings in craft/app/etc/config/defaults/general.php
* Current as of Craft 1.3.2473
return array(
'actionTrigger' => 'action',
'activeAccountFailurePath' => NULL,
'activateAccountSuccessPath' => NULL,
'allowedFileExtensions' => '7z, aiff, asf, avi, bmp, csv, doc, docx, fla, flv, gif, gz, gzip, htm, html, jpeg, jpg, mid, mov, mp3, mp4, m4a, m4v, mpc, mpeg, mpg, ods, odt, ogg, pdf, png, ppt, pptx, pxd, qt, ram, rar, rm, rmi, rmvb, rtf, sdc, sitd, svg, swf, sxc, sxw, tar, tgz, tif, tiff, txt, vsd, wav, webm, wma, wmv, xls, xlsx, zip',
'backupDbOnUpdate' => true,
'blowfishHashCost' => 13,
'cacheDuration' => 'P1D', // 1 day
'cooldownDuration' => 'PT5M', // 5 minutes
'cpTrigger' => 'admin',
'customAsciiCharMappings' => NULL,
'defaultFolderPermissions' => 0755,
'defaultImageQuality' => 75,
'defaultTemplateExtensions' => array('html', 'twig'),
'devMode' => false,
'environmentVariables' => array(),
'generateTransformsAfterPageLoad' => true,
'indexTemplateFilenames' => array('index'),
'invalidLoginWindowDuration' => 'PT1H', // 1 hour
'loginPath' => 'login',
'logoutPath' => 'logout',
'maxCachedCloudImageSize' => 2000,
'maxInvalidLogins' => 5,
'omitScriptNameInUrls' => 'auto', // true, false, 'auto'
'overridePhpSessionLocation' => 'auto', // true, false, 'auto'
'pageTrigger' => 'p',
'phpMaxMemoryLimit' => '256M',
'phpPass-iterationCount' => 8,
'rememberUsernameDuration' => 'P1Y', // 1 year
'rememberUserSessionDuration' => 'P2W', // 2 weeks
'requireMatchingUserAgentForSession' => true,
'requireUserAgentAndIpForSession' => true,
'resourceTrigger' => 'resources',
'restoreDbOnUpdateFailure' => true,
'searchIgnoreWords' => array('the', 'and'),
'setPasswordPath' => 'setpassword',
'setPasswordSuccessPath' => '',
'siteRoutesSource' => 'db', // 'db' or 'file'
'testToEmailAddress' => NULL,
'translationDebugOutput' => false,
'useCompressedJs' => true,
'usePathInfo' => 'auto', // true, false, 'auto'
'userSessionDuration' => false,
'useXSendFile' => false,
'verificationCodeDuration' => 'P1D', // 1 day
'writableFilePermissions' => 0777,
'writableFolderPermissions' => 0777,
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