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Created February 27, 2020 19:09
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Notes from 2020-02-27 Lunch n Learn

Ansible and you

Configuration management

Definition: the systems engineering practice of handling changes systematically so that a system maintains its integrity over time.

In software, this generally means ensuring the consistency of the environment in which our applications run:

  • the operating system
  • versions of interpreters, libraries, packages, and other services on which our stuff depends
  • configuration settings and other variables that influence the behavior of our stuff and all the rest

The goal is to define the state a server should be in precisely, and put the server into that state in a deterministic way

  • Historically, by hand (ideally with careful documentation)
  • Ad-hoc scripting
  • Infrastructure as code

I should note here that Ansible can also be used for deployment, orchestration, and provisioning , but was developed first and foremost as a CM tool, which is how we're using it at BenchPrep, and what I'll be covering here.

Ansible features

  • Ansible is an open-source CM tool, comparable to Chef, Puppet, or Salt
  • Sponsored by RedHat
  • It uses SSH to connect to servers and run tasks
  • No agent to install on the target machines, and no designated server
  • Push-based
  • Tasks are idempotent
  • The DSL is declarative, not procedural
  • Easy to learn (familiar tasks, human-readable config format)


brew update; brew install ansible

Fancy installation for Pythonistas:

Don't: sudo pip install ansible

pip install --user pipx
pipx install ansible

Ansible concepts

  • Inventory
  • Modules
  • Tasks
  • Playbooks
  • Roles


  • List of hosts to manage, in a text file.
  • By IP address or DNS names
  • Create groups with .ini-style square-bracket names example
  • Ansible will look for hosts file in $PWD and /etc/ansible/
  • Can also pass inventory specifically with -i argument
  • -i allows for dynamic inventory: you can pass a script that outputs a list of hosts


  • A unit of code for Ansible to execute
  • Designed for some particular use: adding users, copying files, running system commands, etc
  • Can be written in any language
    • Idempotent
    • Conforming to Ansible module API
      • JSON inputs for state config
      • JSON output reporting status
  • There are lots already available


  • The execution of a module, with args and variables set
  • Loops over inventory, or a specific host, group, or pattern
  • Can be executed ad hoc with ansible at the command line
  • Or combined into Playbooks, which execute a series of tasks sequentially


  • The configuration language of Ansible
  • Describe a set of tasks to execute sequentially
  • Written in YAML
  • Tasks are grouped into "plays"
  • Handlers allow tasks to be run on notification of other tasks
  • Playbooks can import or include other playbooks
  • Variables
    • defined at different levels
    • used as config values
    • inserted into templates

[Demo - install postgres on local vagrant box]


  • Package management for configuration
  • Break up config into repeatable chunks
  • Encapsulate and organize tasks
  • DRYs out vars, templates, etc
  • Directory structure convention
  • Roles can be called from playbooks
  • Shared via Ansible Galaxy

Ansible + Terraform

over to Josh

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