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Last active March 18, 2020 04:28
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<h1 class="font-weight-light" style="display: inline-block; color: orange; padding-left:10px; vertical-align: 50%">Find</h1><h1 style="display: inline-block; color: orange; vertical-align: 50%"><strong>Me</strong></h1>
<p class="lead text-white pt-4 pb-3" id="loc" style="padding-left:0px">請按「定位」顯示座標資訊。您需要允許偵測位置資訊的權限才能夠讀取您的位置資訊。</p>
<p class="lead" id="msg" style="padding-left:0px; color: red"></p>
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<button class="btn" onclick="getLocation()" style="background-color: orange">
<img src="img/loc.svg" height="19px">定位
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<h4 class="pt-3">停下來。尋求援助!</h4>
<p>透過本網站的服務,您可以定位並取得目前所在位置的座標,介面上提供有複製、傳送簡訊、及 Google Maps 顯示等功能,請妥善利用。</p>
<p>如果知道自己的手機使用哪種品牌跟型號,也可以一併提供給救援單位。有些手機內建有更精準的定位 app 或機制,或許能夠加速搜救人員確認您的位置。</p>
<div class="col-lg-4 col-md-6 p-4 bg-dark text-light">
<h4 class="pt-3">座標已發送,然後呢?</h4>
<p>很重要的一點,就是一但將座標發送出去,<strong><mark style="background-color: yellow">千萬不要再亂跑</mark></strong>或嘗試自行尋找出路(除非有不得已、危及生命的情況必須離開原地)。過去有很多案例,都是原本無生命危急的迷途事件,卻因為迷途者報案後仍繼續移動尋找出路,導致最後很晚才被尋獲,甚至喪失性命。</p>
<p>如因不可抗力因素需移動,切記要<strong><mark style="background-color: yellow">製造大量人為痕跡</mark></strong>,如折斷樹枝、綑綁芒草箭竹、排列石頭等可供搜救人員辨識移動方位的跡象。</p>
<div class="col-lg-4 col-md-6 p-4">
<h4 class="pt-3">3333 生存守則</h4>
<p>大部分山難罹難者,如非疾病或創傷因素,大多都是<strong><mark style="background-color: yellow">因為失溫</mark></strong>而失去生命。因此假如迷途了,首先要確保環境跟自身的安全,尋找能擋風遮雨、保持體溫的地點避難,而不是擔心食物跟飲水。</p>
<p>如果人仍在明顯路徑或步道上,則建議在無生命危險的前提下,避免偏離原步道,以免造成搜救困難,延宕被救援的時間。此外,台灣山區地形多有極大落差,如非必要,<strong><mark style="background-color: yellow">不要下切溪谷</mark></strong>,除了可能導致受困溪谷外,大多數搜救行動會先從明顯路徑開始尋找,而後才是溪谷及危險地形。</p>
<div class="col-lg-4 col-md-6 p-4 bg-dark text-light">
<h4 class="pt-3">等待救援時該有的認知</h4>
<div class="col-lg-4 col-md-6 p-4">
<h4 class="pt-3">各縣市簡訊報案專線</h4>
<p>以下報案專線為<strong><mark style="background-color: yellow">簡訊專用</mark></strong>,請以案發當地消防局專線報案。如需語音服務,請直接<strong><mark style="background-color: yellow">撥打 119 或 110</mark></strong>。</p>
<table class="table table-sm table-dark small">
<th scope="col" class="pl-3 pr-3">單位</th>
<th scope="col">簡訊號碼</th>
<th class="pl-3 pr-3">基隆市消防局</th>
<td class="pr-3">0911-511-901</td>
<th class="pl-3 pr-3">臺北市政府消防局</th>
<td class="pr-3">0932-299-702</td>
<th class="pl-3 pr-3">新北市政府消防局</th>
<td class="pr-3">0911-510-495</td>
<th class="pl-3 pr-3">桃園縣政府消防局</th>
<td class="pr-3">0911-511-904</td>
<th class="pl-3 pr-3">新竹市消防局</th>
<td class="pr-3">0911-511-905</td>
<th class="pl-3 pr-3">新竹縣政府消防局</th>
<td class="pr-3">0911-511-906</td>
<th class="pl-3 pr-3">苗栗縣政府消防局</th>
<td class="pr-3">0911-511-907</td>
<th class="pl-3 pr-3">臺中市政府消防局</th>
<td class="pr-3">0911-511-908</td>
<th class="pl-3 pr-3">彰化縣消防局</th>
<td class="pr-3">0911-511-910</td>
<th class="pl-3 pr-3">南投縣政府消防局</th>
<td class="pr-3">0911-511-911</td>
<th class="pl-3 pr-3">雲林縣消防局</th>
<td class="pr-3">0911-511-912</td>
<th class="pl-3 pr-3">嘉義市政府消防局</th>
<td class="pr-3">0911-511-913</td>
<th class="pl-3 pr-3">嘉義縣消防局</th>
<td class="pr-3">0911-511-914</td>
<th class="pl-3 pr-3">臺南市政府消防局</th>
<td class="pr-3">0911-511-915</td>
<th class="pl-3 pr-3">高雄市政府消防局</th>
<td class="pr-3">0911-511-917</td>
<th class="pl-3 pr-3">屏東縣政府消防局</th>
<td class="pr-3">0911-511-919</td>
<th class="pl-3 pr-3">宜蘭縣政府消防局</th>
<td class="pr-3">0911-511-920</td>
<th class="pl-3 pr-3">花蓮縣消防局</th>
<td class="pr-3">0911-511-921</td>
<th class="pl-3 pr-3">臺東縣消防局</th>
<td class="pr-3">0911-511-922</td>
<th class="pl-3 pr-3">澎湖縣政府消防局</th>
<td class="pr-3">0911-511-923</td>
<th class="pl-3 pr-3">金門縣消防局</th>
<td class="pr-3">0911-511-924</td>
<th class="pl-3 pr-3">連江縣消防局</th>
<td class="pr-3">0919-919-995</td>
<div class="col-lg-4 col-md-6 p-4 bg-dark text-muted">
<h4 class="pt-3">關於本服務</h4>
<p>本站主要是透過標準 HTML GeoLocation Web API 所建置的免費定位服務,行動裝置之瀏覽器需能支援相關語法並內建有定位模組才能提供較精準座標資訊,但仍無法取代獨立定位及導航 app。</p>
<p>已知問題:部分手機內建瀏覽器因為版本較舊,可能會造成顯示或執行上的問題。請使用 Google Chrome、Firefox、Safari 等新版瀏覽器。</p>
<p class="text-right">Edwin Wang<br><a href="" class="text-muted"></a></p>
<table class="table table-sm table-dark small text-muted">
<th scope="col" class="pl-3 pr-3">Version</th>
<th scope="col">Changes</th>
<th class="pl-3 pr-3">V1.0</th>
<td class="pr-3">First release</td>
<th class="pl-3 pr-3">V1.1</th>
<td class="pr-3">Improved UI, bug fixes</td>
<th class="pl-3 pr-3">V1.2</th>
<td class="pr-3">Added reference info, bug fixes</td>
<th class="pl-3 pr-3">V1.3</th>
<td class="pr-3">UI tweaks, limited retries, bug fixes</td>
<th class="pl-3 pr-3">V1.4</th>
<td class="pr-3">Added PWA support</td>
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var x = document.getElementById("loc"); //shows location data
var y = document.getElementById("msg"); //shows info messages
var z = document.getElementById("actions"); //shows actions
var countdownBar = document.getElementById("countdown"); //countdown progress bar
var retryTimer;
const posAccuracy = 50; //minimum accuracy required
var count = 0;
var tries = 0;
var firstTime = true;
var options = {
enableHighAccuracy: true,
timeout: 10000,
maximumAge: 0
function formatFloat(num, pos) {
var size = Math.pow(10, pos);
return Math.round(num * size) / size;
function retry() {
y.innerHTML = "誤差偏高,重新定位中(" + tries + ")"; = 'block'; = count + "%";
if (count++ == 100) {
count = 0;
y.innerHTML = ""; = "none";
navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(showPosition, showError, options);
} = "inline-flex";
function getLocation() {
count = 0;
tries = 0;
clearInterval(retryTimer); = "none";
y.innerHTML = "";
if (navigator.geolocation) {
x.innerHTML = "定位中...";
navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(showPosition, showError, options);
} else {
x.innerHTML = "您的瀏覽器不支援定位服務。";
function showPosition(position) {
var latVal = formatFloat(position.coords.latitude, 6);
var lonVal = formatFloat(position.coords.longitude, 6);
var altiVal = position.coords.altitude;
var accuVal = Math.round(position.coords.accuracy);
if (firstTime) {
firstTime = false;
x.innerHTML = "初始定位中..."
var timeOut = setTimeout(getLocation, 5000);
} else {
if (altiVal == null) {
altiVal = "無法讀取";
} else {
altiVal = Math.round(altiVal) + "M";
x.innerHTML = "緯度: " + latVal +
"<BR>經度: " + lonVal +
"<BR>海拔: " + altiVal +
"<BR>誤差: " + accuVal + "M";
if (accuVal > posAccuracy && tries++ < 3) {
retryTimer = setInterval(retry, 100);
} else if (accuVal > posAccuracy && tries == 4) {
y.innerHTML = "無法取得較精確座標,請至空曠地點重新定位!"
tries = 0;
document.getElementById("SMS").href = "sms:?body=" +
"緯度:" + latVal +
"%0a經度:" + lonVal +
"%0a海拔:" + altiVal +
"%0a誤差:" + accuVal +
document.getElementById("map").href = "" +
latVal + "," + lonVal;
link.replaceAll(); = "inline-flex";
function showError(error) {
switch(error.code) {
x.innerHTML = "使用者拒絕位置權限,請允許定位權限。";
x.innerHTML = "無法取得位置資訊,請重新定位。";
case error.TIMEOUT:
x.innerHTML = "位置資訊取得逾時,請重新定位。";
case error.UNKNOWN_ERROR:
x.innerHTML = "不明錯誤!";
<script src="vendor/sms-link.min.js"></script>
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', (function () {
link = new;
}), false);
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var clipboard = new Clipboard('.btn');
clipboard.on('success', function(e) {
clipboard.on('error', function(e) {
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