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Simple Website Crawler (in python)

Simple Website Crawler

The following gist is an extract of the article Building a simple crawler. It allows crawling from a URL and for a given number of bounce.

Basic Usage

from crawler import Crawler
crawler = Crawler()
# displays the urls
print crawler.content[''].keys()

Advanced Usage

The following is using a cache (in sqlalchemy, crawler.db) and crawl to a depth of 3 from the home page. The no_cache parameter prevent '/' to be cached, enforcing new pull of the homepage each time the crawler is launched.

import re
from crawler import Crawler, CrawlerCache
crawler = Crawler(CrawlerCache('crawler.db'), depth=3)
crawler.crawl('', no_cache=re.compile('^/$').match)
# displays the urls
print crawler.content[''].keys()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# filename:
import sqlite3
import urllib2
from HTMLParser import HTMLParser
from urlparse import urlparse
class HREFParser(HTMLParser):
Parser that extracts hrefs
hrefs = set()
def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs):
if tag == 'a':
dict_attrs = dict(attrs)
if dict_attrs.get('href'):
def get_local_links(html, domain):
Read through HTML content and returns a tuple of links
internal to the given domain
hrefs = set()
parser = HREFParser()
for href in parser.hrefs:
u_parse = urlparse(href)
if href.startswith('/'):
# purposefully using path, no query, no hash
# only keep the local urls
if u_parse.netloc == domain:
return hrefs
class CrawlerCache(object):
Crawler data caching per relative URL and domain.
def __init__(self, db_file):
self.conn = sqlite3.connect(db_file)
c = self.conn.cursor()
c.execute('''CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS sites
(domain text, url text, content text)''')
self.cursor = self.conn.cursor()
def set(self, domain, url, data):
store the content for a given domain and relative url
self.cursor.execute("INSERT INTO sites VALUES (?,?,?)",
(domain, url, data))
def get(self, domain, url):
return the content for a given domain and relative url
self.cursor.execute("SELECT content FROM sites WHERE domain=? and url=?",
(domain, url))
row = self.cursor.fetchone()
if row:
return row[0]
def get_urls(self, domain):
return all the URLS within a domain
self.cursor.execute("SELECT url FROM sites WHERE domain=?", (domain,))
# could use fetchone and yield but I want to release
# my cursor after the call. I could have create a new cursor tho.
# ...Oh well
return [row[0] for row in self.cursor.fetchall()]
class Crawler(object):
def __init__(self, cache=None, depth=2):
depth: how many time it will bounce from page one (optional)
cache: a basic cache controller (optional)
self.depth = depth
self.content = {}
self.cache = cache
def crawl(self, url, no_cache=None):
url: where we start crawling, should be a complete URL like
no_cache: function returning True if the url should be refreshed
u_parse = urlparse(url)
self.domain = u_parse.netloc
self.content[self.domain] = {}
self.scheme = u_parse.scheme
self.no_cache = no_cache
self._crawl([u_parse.path], self.depth)
def set(self, url, html):
self.content[self.domain][url] = html
if self.is_cacheable(url):
self.cache.set(self.domain, url, html)
def get(self, url):
page = None
if self.is_cacheable(url):
page = self.cache.get(self.domain, url)
if page is None:
page = self.curl(url)
print "cached url... [%s] %s" % (self.domain, url)
return page
def is_cacheable(self, url):
return self.cache and self.no_cache \
and not self.no_cache(url)
def _crawl(self, urls, max_depth):
n_urls = set()
if max_depth:
for url in urls:
# do not crawl twice the same page
if url not in self.content:
html = self.get(url)
self.set(url, html)
n_urls = n_urls.union(get_local_links(html, self.domain))
self._crawl(n_urls, max_depth-1)
def curl(self, url):
return content at url.
return empty string if response raise an HTTPError (not found, 500...)
print "retrieving url... [%s] %s" % (self.domain, url)
req = urllib2.Request('%s://%s%s' % (self.scheme, self.domain, url))
response = urllib2.urlopen(req)
return'ascii', 'ignore')
except urllib2.HTTPError, e:
print "error [%s] %s: %s" % (self.domain, url, e)
return ''
# filename:
import re
from crawler import Crawler, CrawlerCache
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Using SQLite as a cache to avoid pulling twice
crawler = Crawler(CrawlerCache('crawler.db'))
root_re = re.compile('^/$').match
crawler.crawl('', no_cache=root_re)
crawler.crawl('', no_cache=root_re)
crawler.crawl('', no_cache=root_re)
crawler.crawl('', no_cache=root_re)
crawler.crawl('', no_cache=root_re)
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Sorry for disturbing you. I just started to learn programming crawler by python and imitated your code to practice. Can you give me some tips about how to output html content of captured URL or store them in doc? Thanks sooooo much~

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elythi0n commented Mar 8, 2017


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How to run the program at the command prompt Can you help me
Can I show it in interface !?

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vasug30 commented Jul 27, 2017

i am getting the below as an error.Could you please help me through it.

[vgupta@localhost ~]$ python
retrieving url... [] /
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 7, in
File "/home/vgupta/", line 60, in crawl
File "/home/vgupta/", line 83, in _crawl
n_urls = n_urls.union(get_local_links(html,self.domain))
NameError: global name 'get_local_links' is not defined

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I'm getting the following error plz help
and thanks in advance : )

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Python27\lib\", line 62, in
import os
File "C:\Python27\lib\", line 400, in
import UserDict
File "C:\Python27\lib\", line 116, in
import _abcoll
File "C:\Python27\", line 11, in
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
File "C:\Users\electronicpeople\PycharmProjects\Sample\", line 2, in
from crawler import Crawler, CrawlerCache
ImportError: No module named crawler

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Anyone plz help with the following error it is very much urgent....

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Python27\lib\", line 62, in
import os
File "C:\Python27\lib\", line 400, in
import UserDict
File "C:\Python27\lib\", line 116, in
import _abcoll
File "C:\Python27\", line 11, in
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
File "C:\Users\electronicpeople\PycharmProjects\Sample\", line 2, in
from crawler import Crawler, CrawlerCache
ImportError: No module named crawler

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