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Last active July 28, 2016 17:11
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Optimize the elevator controller
Elevator Exercise.
Edit the ElevatorController implementation, focusing on
the method.
Run the elevator script try to increase your score.
> score: 51
class Elevator(object):
"""Represent an elevator."""
def __init__(self, name, floor=0):
"""Initialize the elvator.""" = name
self.floor = floor
self.passengers = []
self.destinations = []
self.points = 0
def direction(self):
"""Return the current direction of the elevator."""
if self.destinations:
if self.destinations[0] > self.floor:
return 'up'
elif self.destinations[0] < self.floor:
return 'down'
return 'still'
def add_destination(self, destination):
"""Add a new destination to the destination queue."""
if self.direction == 'up':
def distance(self, destination):
"""Return the current distance from a given floor."""
return abs(self.floor - destination)
def load(self, passenger):
"""A paslsenger enters the elevator and presses the destination."""
print '{}: Loading passenger at floor {} going to {}'.format(,
self.points += 1
def drop(self, passenger):
"""Drop a passenger."""
print '{}: Droping passenger at floor {}'.format(, self.floor)
self.points += 1
def tick(self):
"""Rendering cycle."""
# Elevator arrive at one of its destinations
if self.destinations and self.floor == self.destinations[0]:
# check and dorp any passenger who arrived at its destination
for passenger in self.passengers:
if passenger.has_arrived(self.floor):
# If the direction is up, move the elevator up
if self.direction == 'up':
self.floor += 1
# If the direction is down, move the elevator down
elif self.direction == 'down':
self.floor -= 1
class Passenger(object):
"""An elevator Passenger."""
def __init__(self, floor, destination):
"""Initialize a new passenger at a given floor and destination."""
self.floor = floor
self.destination = destination
def direction(self):
"""Return the direction the passenger wants to go."""
if self.destination > self.floor:
return 'up'
return 'down'
def has_arrived(self, floor):
"""Return True if the passenger has arrived to its destination."""
return floor == self.destination
class ElevatorController(object):
"""Central controller unit for elevator."""
def __init__(self, elevators):
"""Initialize the controller."""
self.elevators = elevators
self.passengers = []
def tick(self):
"""Rendering cycle for all the elevators."""
for elevator in self.elevators:
for passenger in self.passengers:
if passenger.floor == elevator.floor and \
elevator.direction in [passenger.direction, 'still']:
def score(self):
"""Return the sum of points each elevators collected."""
return sum(e.points for e in self.elevators)
def call(self, passenger):
Someone called an elevator.
Elevator methods:
elevator.floor: The floor where the elevator is
elevator.destinations: an array containing the list of destinations
for the elevator
elevator.direction: Can either be 'up', 'down' or 'still'
elevator.add_destination(int): Add a new destination to the
destination queue.
elevator.distance(int): return the distance from the elevator
from a given floor
elevator.load(Passenger): Load a passenger.
elevator_controller = ElevatorController([Elevator('A'), Elevator('B')])
requests = [
(3, 34), (28, 75), (90, 86), (10, 13), (27, 37), (98, 53), (38, 65),
(80, 39), (5, 38), (52, 15), (99, 85), (18, 76), (81, 71), (88, 3),
(78, 96), (34, 77), (99, 46), (85, 57), (65, 26), (97, 35), (88, 26),
(48, 30), (44, 28), (35, 14), (48, 89), (3, 2), (96, 13), (80, 13),
(2, 29), (55, 33), (17, 50), (38, 37), (95, 89), (80, 4), (49, 97),
(98, 66), (40, 71), (59, 27), (32, 35), (84, 62), (35, 88), (70, 32),
(56, 19), (63, 52), (23, 73), (22, 51), (62, 41), (82, 84), (26, 91),
(64, 34), (56, 37), (49, 8), (76, 96), (77, 38), (78, 29), (47, 84),
(79, 58), (43, 61), (20, 34), (28, 78), (8, 53), (87, 13), (98, 95),
(36, 41), (100, 50), (96, 49), (44, 61), (40, 33), (28, 83), (18, 85),
(46, 69), (2, 85), (77, 13), (96, 83), (49, 16), (64, 31), (50, 62),
(68, 79), (63, 61), (55, 5), (1, 29), (64, 16), (75, 56), (57, 75),
(16, 51), (23, 92), (60, 33), (18, 0), (2, 23), (30, 33), (93, 75),
(23, 22), (15, 80), (20, 64), (79, 88), (8, 50), (67, 28), (100, 35),
(13, 20), (87, 23)
for i in range(500):
if i % 4 == 0 and requests:
passenger = Passenger(*requests.pop())
print 'score:', elevator_controller.score
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