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Created September 20, 2023 16:19
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/* Find all unfinished tasks */
tasks, prop("Tasks").filter(current.prop("Status") != "Done"),
/* Find all the people assigned to those tasks */
* Because Assignee is a Person property, it's a list,
* so we have to flatten this list of lists, make it unique, and sort.
/* Finally we build a list of "assignments" */
* For each person, we're going to find any related unfinished tasks assigned to them.
* We need to set an alias called "person" because we'll need to use nested "current"s here
let(person, current,
/* Output the person's name and concat a string... */
person + " is working on\n" +
/* Find all their tasks, sort them... */
/* Then for each of them return the name of the task with a tab character in front of it */
.map("\t" + current)
/* Join all the tasks together with a newline */
/* Add double newlines between users */
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