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Created September 28, 2017 16:06
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Initial Oscar Schema
var express = require('express');
var graphqlHTTP = require('express-graphql');
// var GraphQLJSON = require('graphql-type-json');
var { buildSchema } = require('graphql');
var schema = buildSchema(`
# Temporary placeholder type for development.
scalar TBD
# A JSON Web Token string.
scalar JWT
# A SHA256 hash value.
scalar Hashcode
# Social Security Number with hyphens.
scalar SSN
# Phone number like "(XXX) XXX-XXXX"
scalar PhoneNumber
scalar URL
# DL or other ID Number.
scalar DLID
# An email address.
scalar EmailAddress
# IPv4 address.
scalar IP
# UTC timestamp formatted per ISO 8601: 2017-09-28T12:17:05Z
scalar DateTime
# ISO 8601 date, e.g. 2017-12-06. See
scalar Date
scalar Cursor
# Indicates DMV legacy backends are used under the hood.
interface DMVLegacyBackend {
# List of DMV backends used.
backends: [String!]!
enum VoterRegistrationSource {
type VoterCountiesFields {
former: String
current: String
type NameFields {
first: String!
middle: String
last: String
suffix: String
input InputNameFields {
first: String!
middle: String
last: String
suffix: String
type Address {
street: String
state: String
city: String
zip: String
type VoterAddressFields {
formerResidence: Address
currentResidence: Address
formerMailing: Address
currentMailing: Address
type VoterLanguageFields {
electionMaterial: String
application: String
# Useful for detecting breaks in the chain of voter registration events.
interface ImmutableBlockchain {
chainId: Hashcode!
prevBlock: Hashcode!
thisBlock: Hashcode!
createdAt: DateTime!
type VoterRegistration implements ImmutableBlockchain {
id: ID!
# Base64-encoded value of id used for paging.
cursor: ID!
chainId: Hashcode!
prevBlock: Hashcode!
thisBlock: Hashcode!
createdAt: DateTime!
source: VoterRegistrationSource!
customerFormId: ID
receivedOn: Date!
effectiveAt: DateTime!
idNumber: DLID!
name: NameFields!
dateOfBirth: Date!
email: String
deleteEmail: Boolean!
phone: String
deletePhone: Boolean!
addresses: VoterAddressFields!
counties: VoterCountiesFields
coaOptOut: Boolean!
languages: VoterLanguageFields!
registrationOptOut: Boolean!
votingByMail: Boolean!
party: String
otherParty: String
input IdentificationLookup {
number: ID!
state: String!
name: InputNameFields!
address: String!
ssn: SSN!
dob: Date!
# DMV's customer record
type CustomerRecord implements DMVLegacyBackend {
id: ID!
# Whether a renewal must be processed in-person at a DMV field office.
officeVisitRequired: Boolean!
backends: [String!]!
type CustomerProblem {
# Instructions displayable to the customer.
customerInstructions: [String!]!
# Instructions helpful to DMV technicians.
technicianInstructions: [String!]!
# e.g. CDLIS, PDPS
source: String!
type OfficeAddress {
street: String
state: String
city: String
zip: String
type OfficeLocation {
id: ID!
name: String!
address: OfficeAddress
phone: PhoneNumber!
url: URL!
type AdverseAction {
# (Some forms ask for a complete date.)
date: Date!
# (Some forms do not ask for a complete date.)
year: Int!
reason: String!
type CustomerProblemsPayload {
unableToContinue: Boolean!
problemCount: Int!
problems: [CustomerProblem]
type CustomerFormAddressFields {
changeOfAddress: Boolean!
updateVoterRegistration: Boolean!
formerResidence: Address
currentResidence: Address
formerMailing: Address
currentMailing: Address
sameAsResidential: Boolean!
# Base64-encoded image data,
# e.g. "..."
scalar DataURI
interface Signature {
# Base64-encoded image data
signatureImage: DataURI!
dated: DateTime!
type SignatureFields implements Signature {
signatureImage: DataURI!
dated: DateTime!
phone: PhoneNumber!
type ParentGuardianSignatureFields implements Signature {
acceptanceOfLiability: Boolean!
signatureImage: DataURI!
acceptedBy: NameFields!
dated: DateTime!
phone: PhoneNumber!
address: Address!
type VeteranStatementsFields {
militaryService: Boolean!
requestVAInfo: Boolean!
displayOnCard: Boolean!
type OrganDonationFields {
# Adds/keeps or removes customer from organ and tissue donor registry.
register: Boolean!
# Would you like to make a voluntary $2 donation?
monetaryDonation: Boolean!
interface DriverLicense {
# Driver license number.
idNumber: DLID!
# State or country of issuance.
issuedBy: String!
name: NameFields!
# Prior driver license issued by another state or country. Fields based on DL939.
type OtherDriverLicense implements DriverLicense {
idNumber: DLID!
# State or country of issuance.
issuedBy: String!
# Social security number.
ssn: SSN!
# Date the identification card expires.
dateOfBirth: Date!
name: NameFields!
sex: String!
# Has the customer had any medical conditions in the last three years that
# affected their ability to drive?
type MedicalConditionFields {
drivingAffected: Boolean!
explanation: String
type Identification {
# Driver license or ID card number.
number: DLID!
# State or country of issuance.
issuedBy: String!
# Date the identification card expires.
expirationDate: Date!
enum CustomerIntentions {
# Senior ID card, Name Change, Ambulance Certificate, Housecar, etc.
type Intention {
type: CustomerIntentions!
description: String!
type VoterFormQuestions {
# Citizenship (5a)
citizen: Boolean
# Eligibility (5b)
eligible: Boolean
# Opt-out (5c)
optOut: Boolean
# Vote by mail
votingByMail: Boolean!
# Language preference for election materials.
electionMaterialLanguage: String!
# Party preference.
party: String
# Write-in party preference.
otherParty: String
# No party affiliation.
noParty: Boolean
email: String
deleteEmail: Boolean!
phone: String
deletePhone: Boolean!
coaCounties: VoterCountiesFields
coaOptOut: Boolean!
type FederalRegulationCertificationFields {
nonExceptedInterstate: Boolean!
nonExceptedIntrastate: Boolean!
exceptedInterstate: Boolean!
exceptedIntrastate: Boolean!
type CustomerFormVehicle {
# CA Plate/CF/Placard number
number: String
# Last 17 positions of Vehicle or Vessel ID
vID: String
registeredOutsideCA: Boolean
leased: Boolean
leasingCompany: String
# Location of Trailer Coach or Vessel
location: Address
oldAddress: Address
type RenewalByMailEligibility {
lastTwoByMail: Boolean
expiredOneYearPlus: Boolean
expires60PlusDays: Boolean
drivingProbation: Boolean
nameChangeOrCorrection: Boolean
healthOrVisionProblems: Boolean
movingViolations: Boolean
failureToAppear: Boolean
suspendedBecausePAS: Boolean
atFaultCollisions: Boolean
multipleDriverLicenses: Boolean
union CustomerFormCertification = SignatureFields | ParentGuardianSignatureFields
type CustomerForm {
id: ID!
# What are they applying for? What is the purpose of their visit?
intentions: [Intention!]
renewalByMailEligibility: RenewalByMailEligibility
name: NameFields
dateOfBirth: Date
ssn: SSN
identification: Identification
addresses: CustomerFormAddressFields
voterRegistration: VoterFormQuestions
formLanguage: String!
sex: String
hairColor: String
eyeColor: String
# Height in inches.
height: Int
# Weight in pounds.
weight: Int
# Has their driver license ever been revoked, suspended, or canceled?
adverseActions: [AdverseAction!]
federalCertifications: FederalRegulationCertificationFields
medicalConditions: MedicalConditionFields
veteranStatements: VeteranStatementsFields
organDonation: OrganDonationFields
# Includes names provided in conjunction with prior license information.
priorNames: [String!]
priorLicenses: [OtherDriverLicense!]
certification: CustomerFormCertification
vehicles: [CustomerFormVehicle!]
createdAt: DateTime!
modifiedAt: DateTime!
yieldedAt: DateTime
finalizedAt: DateTime
type Query {
# Fetch information collected from the customer.
customerForm(id: ID): CustomerForm
# Reserved for use by Secretary of State
voterRegistrations(after: Cursor, before: Cursor, limit: Int): [VoterRegistration]
# Requests DMV records for a given customer.
customerRecord(lookup: IdentificationLookup!): CustomerRecord
# Identifies any problems that prevent the customer from obtaining
# a license or identification card.
customerProblems(lookup: IdentificationLookup!): CustomerProblemsPayload
# Information about the current user.
me: Token
# Guess field office location of user based on IP address.
presumeUserLocation(ip: IP!): OfficeLocation
# Compare the time of this host, the client, and a government time server.
now(myTime: DateTime): [DateTime!]!
officeLocation(id: ID, name: String): OfficeLocation
officeLocations(before: ID, after: ID, limit: Int = 200): [OfficeLocation]
type Token {
token: JWT!
alg: String!
iss: String!
exp: DateTime!
sub: String
aud: String
scopes: String
enum AuthService {
input Credentials {
username: String!
password: String!
service: AuthService!
type Acknowledgement {
result: String!
type Failure {
result: String!
union DMVResponse = Acknowledgement | Failure
union ReplyToDMV = Acknowledgement | Failure
union Result = Acknowledgement | Failure
type Mutation {
# Login
createToken(credentials: Credentials!, locationName: String!, context: String!): Token
# Used to stage customer data for use in EASE.
yield(id: ID!): DMVResponse
# Triggered by DMV upon receiving customer payment.
finalize(id: ID!): ReplyToDMV
# Remember that we need to be able to send transactional emails on behalf of DMV.
sendEmail(recipient: EmailAddress!, event: ID!): Result
// Maps id to User object
var fakeDatabase = {
'a': {
id: 'a',
name: 'alice',
'b': {
id: 'b',
name: 'bob',
var root = {
user: function ({id}) {
return fakeDatabase[id];
var app = express();
app.use('/graphql', graphqlHTTP({
schema: schema,
rootValue: root,
graphiql: true,
console.log('GraphQL API server running at localhost:4000/graphql');
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