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Last active August 29, 2015 14:18
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Save typhonius/c183b31c3f30be0cddf0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Basic BehatTask.php class for Phing.
* A Phing task to run Behat commands.
require_once 'phing/Task.php';
* A Behat task. Runs behavior-driven development tests against a codebase.
* @author Adam Malone <>
class BehatTask extends Task
protected $file; // the source file (from xml attribute)
protected $filesets = array(); // all fileset objects assigned to this task
* Path the the Behat executable.
* @var string
protected $executable = 'behat';
* Optional path(s) to execute.
* @var null
protected $path = null;
* Specify config file to use.
* @var null
protected $config = null;
* Only executeCall the feature elements which match part
* of the given name or regex.
* @var null
protected $name = null;
* Only executeCall the features or scenarios with tags
* matching tag filter expression.
* @var null
protected $tags = null;
* Only executeCall the features with actor role matching
* a wildcard.
* @var null
protected $role = null;
* Specify config profile to use.
* @var null
protected $profile = null;
* Only execute a specific suite.
* @var null
protected $suite = null;
* Passes only if all tests are explicitly passing.
* @var bool
protected $strict = false;
* Increase verbosity of exceptions.
* @var bool
protected $verbose = false;
* Force ANSI color in the output.
* @var bool
protected $colors = true;
* Invokes formatters without executing the tests and hooks.
* @var bool
protected $dryRun = false;
* Stop processing on first failed scenario.
* @var bool
protected $haltonerror = false;
* The output logs to be returned.
* @var null
protected $output_property = null;
* The return value.
* @var null
protected $return_property = null;
* All Behat options to be used to create the command.
* @var array
protected $options = array();
* Set the path to the Behat executable.
* @param string $str The executable
* @return void
public function setExecutable($str)
$this->executable = $str;
* Set the path to features to test.
* @param string $path The path to features.
* @return void
public function setPath($path)
$this->path = $path;
* Sets the Behat config file to use.
* @param string $config The config file
* @return void
public function setConfig($config)
$this->config = $config;
* Sets the name of tests to run.
* @param string $name The feature name to match
* @return void
public function setName($name)
$this->name = $name;
* Sets the test tags to use.
* @param string $tags The tag(s) to use
* @return void
public function setTags($tags)
$this->tags = $tags;
* Sets the role able to run tests.
* @param string $role The actor role to match.
* @return void
public function setRole($role)
$this->role = $role;
* Set the profile to use for tests.
* @param string $profile The profile to use.
* @return void
public function setProfile($profile)
$this->profile = $profile;
* Set the test suite to use.
* @param string $suite The suite to use.
* @return void
public function setSuite($suite)
$this->suite = $suite;
* Sets the flag if strict testing should be enabled.
* @param bool $strict Behat strict mode.
* @return void
public function setStrict($strict)
$this->strict = StringHelper::booleanValue($strict);
* Sets the flag if a verbose output should be used.
* @param bool $verbose Use verbose output.
* @return void
public function setVerbose($verbose)
$this->verbose = StringHelper::booleanValue($verbose);
* Either force ANSI colors on or off.
* @param bool $colors Use ANSI colors.
* @return void
public function setColors($colors)
$this->colors = StringHelper::booleanValue($colors);
* Invokes test formatters without running tests against a site.
* @param bool $dryrun Run without testing.
* @return void
public function setDryRun($dryrun)
$this->dryRun = StringHelper::booleanValue($dryrun);
* Sets the flag if test execution should stop in the event of a failure.
* @param bool $stop If all tests should stop on failure.
* @return void
public function setHaltonerror($stop)
$this->haltonerror = StringHelper::booleanValue($stop);
* The Phing property output should be assigned to.
* @param string $str The Phing property.
* @return void
public function setOutputProperty($str)
$this->output_property = $str;
* The Phing property the return code should be assigned to.
* @param string $str The Phing property.
* @return void
public function setReturnProperty($str)
$this->return_property = $str;
* Rejigs the options array into a meaningful string of
* command line arguments.
* @param mixed $name The option name
* @param string $value The option value
* @return string
protected function createOption($name, $value)
if (is_numeric($name)) {
return '--'.$value;
return '--'.$name.'='.$value;
* Checks if the Behat executable exists.
* @param string $executable The path to Behat
* @return bool
protected function behatExists($executable)
// First check if the executable path is a file.
if (is_file($executable)) {
return true;
// Now check to see if the executable has a path.
$return = shell_exec('type '.escapeshellarg($executable));
return (empty($return) ? false : true);
* The main entry point method.
* @throws BuildException
* @return bool $return
public function main()
$command = array();
if (!$this->behatExists($this->executable)) {
throw new BuildException(
'ERROR: the Behat executable "'.$this->executable.'" does not exist.',
$command[] = $this->executable;
if ($this->path) {
if (!file_exists($this->path)) {
throw new BuildException(
'ERROR: the "'.$this->path.'" path does not exist.',
$command[] = !empty($this->path) ? $this->path : '';
if ($this->config) {
if (!file_exists($this->config)) {
throw new BuildException(
'ERROR: the "'.$this->config.'" config file does not exist.',
$this->options['config'] = $this->config;
if ($this->name) {
$this->options['name'] = $this->name;
if ($this->tags) {
$this->options['tags'] = $this->tags;
if ($this->role) {
$this->options['role'] = $this->role;
if ($this->profile) {
$this->options['profile'] = $this->profile;
if ($this->suite) {
$this->options['suite'] = $this->suite;
if ($this->strict) {
$this->options[] = 'strict';
if ($this->verbose) {
$this->options[] = 'verbose';
if (!$this->colors) {
$this->options[] = 'no-colors';
if ($this->dryRun) {
$this->options[] = 'dry-run';
if ($this->haltonerror) {
$this->options[] = 'stop-on-failure';
// Contract all options into the form Behat expects.
foreach ($this->options as $name => $value) {
$command[] = $this->createOption($name, $value);
$command = implode(' ', $command);
$this->log("Running '$command'");
// Run Behat.
$output = array();
exec($command, $output, $return);
// Collect Behat output for display through the Phing log.
foreach ($output as $line) {
// Return the output into a Phing property if specified.
if (!empty($this->output_property)) {
->setProperty($this->output_property, implode("\n", $output));
// Return the Behat exit value to a Phing property if specified.
if (!empty($this->return_property)) {
->setProperty($this->return_property, $return);
// Throw an exception if Behat fails.
if ($this->haltonerror && $return != 0) {
throw new BuildException("Behat exited with code $return");
return $return != 0;
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